Q epilobium canum

Post on 11-Jul-2015

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California Fuschia – Epilobium canum (formerly Zauschneria californica) (Ep-i-LOBE-ee-um CAN (or KANE)-um)

Family: Onagraceae (Evening Primrose Family)

Native to: Western U.S. from Wyoming to Baja CA. In S. CA, away from immediate coast in dryer parts

of Coastal Sage Scrub, Chaparral. Dry areas, rocky slopes & cliffs.

Growth characteristics: perennial herb/sub-shrub mature height: 1-3 ft mature width: to 4 ft.

Mounding sub-shrub with many semi-woody stems. Drought-deciduous. Rapid growing, spreading by

underground stems. Extremely variable growth patterns; more bush-like and silvery in full sun & more ‘ground-cover-like’ in partial shade.

Blooms/fruits: Bright red-orange fuschia-type flowers from fall into winter. Pollinated by hummingbirds.

Extremely showy as there are many flowers – and at a time when few other plants are blooming! May

bloom for several months.

Uses in the garden: as a ground cover on sunny dry slopes or semi-shaded areas. For the mid- to back-

bed area in mixed beds and borders. Provides welcome fall color. Tolerates some foot traffic once established. ‘Catalina’ cultivar is robust, with white-green leaves, very large, showy flowers.

Sensible substitute for: non-native fuschias; other shrubby ground-covers.

Attracts: hummingbirds; plants provide some cover for birds.


Element Requirement

Sun Full sun to partial shade

Soil Any, from sand to clay; any pH

Water Little to moderate when established; drought tolerant (loses leaves); can tolerate flooding

Fertilizer None needed

Other Quite pest-free

Management: Can be invasive – spreading by both seedlings and rhizomes. Cut back to ground in late

winter for fuller growth. You can pinch terminal buds to promote branching (like any fuschia).

Propagation: from seed: yes from cuttings: fairly easy from hardwood cuttings in fall.

Plant/seed sources (see list for source numbers): 1-3, 8, 9, 12-14, 19, 20, 24 11/28/10

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Epilobium canum California fuschia