Post on 09-Aug-2015

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SUBMITTED BY:Poonam MulchandaniAparna JindalKalyani A.

INTRODUCTION TO BENCHMARKING FOR BEST PRACTICESBenchmarking is a systematic process used for identifying and implementing best or better practices.

Best practices are “those practices that have been shown to produce superior results, selected by a systematic process


It produces superior resultsIt is clearly a new or innovative use of manpower or technology.It has received an external award for this practice.It is recognized by their customers or suppliers.It is recognized by an industry expert.It leads to exceptional performance


Respect for people.Adding value to organization by developing people.Focus on quality improvement.Long term philosophy.Right process will produce right results

PIZZA HUTIntegrity , ethics and open communication.Diversification of products.Offer value to their customers.Consumer driven strategies.Target the right customer with the products and offers at the right times.

The value of discipline in day to day lifeThat practicing “Unity In Diversity” isn’t a big deal at all.To strive for a well rounded personality.The determination to achieve your goals.How to be selfless.To believe in your team and in your organizationTo always have a positive attitude



Ants are well organized.Unselfish unitySpirit of sharing.Ants are great planners.Amazing sense of discipline.Action in time.Ants are tireless, persistent.


PIZZA HUT :Consumer driven strategies. Pizza hut shifted to more personalized customer interactions by segmenting its customer base into 6000+ groups based on characteristics, purchase tendency and behavioral indicators.

Focus on quality improvement. Toyota was able to understand the critical link between quality and profit through high customer satisfaction.


. Young officers in army while training are encouraged to choose from a whole host of activities like sailing, boxing, polo, astronomy, music and many others. The point is to turn them into well rounded individuals with a wide range of interests and hobbies.

INDIAN ARMYTo strive for a well rounded personality.

ANTS : 1. Great planners. Ants are better planners than individuals. In winters they store enough food in their colony, when winters become unbearable, they never lack food. 2. Amazing sense of discipline.Without any mistake, ants march one after another in a line. Without any dispute or accident they move about in a order.

Innovative Practices Recommended For College

Pizza Hut: Consumer Driven StrategyInnovative way : INDUSTRY DRIVEN STRATEGY Education curriculum should be designed in

such a way that it minimizes the gap between industry’s requirement and students skills..

Toyota: Focus On Quality ImprovementInnovative way : FOCUS ON QUALITY

EDUCATIONStaff should be trained properly in order to

provide quality education to the students..

Indian Army: Overall DevelopmentInnovative way : FIVE-FOLD EDUCATION Institutions should provide five fold

education for their overall development . It includes moral , physical, practical, aesthetic and intellectual.

Ants : Great Planners Innovative way : PRO-ACTIVE APPROACH Institutions should modify their students

according to changing business environment.

Ants : Amazing sense of discipline Innovative approach : Incorporating

discipline and moral values. Institutions should incorporate moral values

and discipline in students in such a way that they are ready for the competitive world which is politically influenced.

LESSONS LEARNED BY TEAMWe learned how to benchmark the best practices and recognize them.We learned how to work in a team and cooperate with them.We learned many lessons from ants, toyota , pizza hut ,and indian army.We also learned how to impement those practices in our college and what are benefits of those practices.