Qin [Chin] Dynasty, 221- 206 B.C.E. Established Chinas first empire Shi Huangdi (221-206 B.C.E) ...

Post on 19-Jan-2018

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Shi Huangdi’s Terra Cotta Army


Qin [Chin] Dynasty, B.C.E. Established Chinas first empire Shi Huangdi ( B.C.E) Legalist rule Bureaucratic administration Centralized control Military expansion Book burnings targeted Confucianists Buried protestors alive! Built large section of the Great Wall Shi Huangdis Terra Cotta Army Shi Huangdis Terra Cotta Soldiers & Cavalrymen Cavalry Individual Soldiers The Details of an Individual Soldier Individual Tombs The Great Wall with Towers The Eastern terminus of the Great Wall, Shanhai Pass Han Dynasty, 206 B.C.E.-220 C.E. People of the Han original Chinese Paper invented [105 B.C.E.] Silk Road trade develops; improves life for many Buddhism introduced into China Expanded into Central Asia Han Roman Empire Connection Chang an The Han Capital Liu Sheng Tomb (d. 113 BCE) His jade suit has 2498 pieces! Emperor Wudi, B.C.E. Started public schools. Colonized Manchuria, Korea, & Vietnam. Civil service system bureaucrats Confucian scholar-gentry Revival of Chinese landscape painting. Han Artifacts Imperial Seal Han Ceramic House Ceramics, Later Han Period Trade Routes of the Ancient World Multi-Cultural Faces -- People Along the Silk Road Ruins of Jiaohe, Turphan depression. Han dynasty outpost in Central Asia Sui Dynasty, C.E. Land Equalization System land redistribution. Unified coinage. Grand Canal constructed. Established an army of professional soldiers. People were overworked and overtaxed! The Grand Canal The Grand Canal Today Tang Dynasty, C.E. Confucian imperial examination system perfected. Initially Liberal attitude towards all religions. Spread of Buddhism in China Golden Age of foreign relations with other countries. Japan, Korea, Persia Mahayana Buddhism Popular in China Fostered belief in bodhisattvas- What are these? This allowed for the adoption of local gods and customs (what is the name for this?) Began translating Buddhist scripture to local languages and practices not based on written texts. Why? Religion and Politics As the influence of Buddhism grew, princes and nobles sought to align themselves with influential monasteries. Buddhist leaders would then support princes or nobles in exchange for tax exemptions and land. Have we seen other examples like this? Tang Government Organization Tang Government becomes de- centralized. Gentry, local nobles and religious officials exercise local power. Tributary System Political relationship between Chinese Empire and smaller independent territories. Smaller countries sent emissaries with money to Changan as a symbol of Chinas political superiority. Changan Capital city of Tang Empire Cosmopolitan Many cultures visited this city from all parts of Asia. Center of a continent wide system of communication. Trade and exchange of ideas from Japan, Korea, India etc. What other cities are like this? Tang Dynasty, C.E. New technologies: Printing moveable print Porcelain Gunpowder Mechanical clocks More cosmopolitan culture. Reestablished the safety of the Silk Road. Tea comes into China from Southeast Asia. Empress Wu Zetian, The only female Empress in Chinas history who ruled alone. Construction of new irrigation systems. Buddhism was the favored state religion. Financed the building of many Buddhist temples. Tang elites had come to see Buddhism as contrary to Confucian values of filial piety. Elites claimed Buddhism led to a woman with political control. Foot-Binding in Tang China Broken toes by 3 years of age. Size 5 shoe on the right Foot-Binding in Tang China Mothers bound their daughters feet. Foot-Binding in Tang China For upper-class girls, it became a new custom. The Results of Foot- Binding Military Power In Tang Dynasty Turkic Influences- Horsemen using Iron Stirrups (again!)Turkic Influences- Horsemen using Iron Stirrups (again!) Combined with Chinese weapons like the crossbowCombined with Chinese weapons like the crossbow Resulted in powerful military.Resulted in powerful military. Song [Sung] Dynasty, C.E. Creation of an urban, merchant, middle class. Increased emphasis on education & cheaper availability of printed books. Magnetic compass makes China a great sea power! Song Peasant Family Rice Cultivation Began Under the Song Song Rice Cultivation Mongolian Steppes Xinjiang Region Typical Uygher [Mongol] Yurt Mongol Invasions Mongol Warriors Mongol Archer Gold Saddle Arch Mongols, 13c Gold Saddle, Front View Mongols, 13c The MONGOLS [Golden Horde] Temujin --> Genghis Khan [Universal Ruler] from the steppe [dry, grass-covered plains of Central Asia] The MONGOLS [Golden Horde] Genghis Khans Tax Laws: If you do not pay homage, we will take your prosperity. If you do not have prosperity, we will take your children. If you do not have children, we will take your wife. If you do not have a wife, we will take your head. Used cruelty as a weapon some areas never recovered from Mongol destruction! Mongol Nobleman, late 13c Robe of a Mongol Nobleman, early 14c Yuan Golden Bowl, 13c The Extent of the Mongol Empire Yuan (Mongol) Dynasty, C.E. Kublai Khan [r ] Pax Mongolica [Mongol Peace] Tolerated Chinese culture but lived apart from them. No Chinese in top govt. posts. Believed foreigner were more trustworthy. Encouraged foreign trade & foreign merchants to live and work in China. Marco Polo Marco Polo ( ) A Venetian merchant. Traveled through Yuan China: Black Stones [coal] Gunpowder. Noodles. Marco Polos Travels Yuan Porcelains & Ceramics Yuan Dynasty, C.E. The Black Plague was spread by the Mongols in the mid-14c. Sent fleets against Japan. 1281 150,000 warriors Defeated by kamikazi [winds of the gods] Kublai Khan experienced several humiliating defeats in Southeast Asia late in his life. Qin!! BCE Han!!! 206BCE-220CE Sui!!! Tang!!!! CE -Song!!!!! Yuan!!!! Chinas last native imperial dynasty! Ming!!! Ming Dynasty -By 1368 Ming Leaders have kicked out Mongol Rule - Create a strong centralized state based on Confucian principals: China is back! -What will they use to determine who participates in political bureaucracy? Revived the Civil Service Exam The Forbidden City: Chinas New Capital -Chinese Imperial Palace In Beijing China. -Traditional Chinese Architecture buildings! 720,000 square meters soccer fields! The Tribute System Ming Silver Market Spanish Silver Convoys Triangle route: Philippines to China to Japan. Silver floods Chinese Market: Causes devaluation of currency & recession Adds to reasons for Chinese immigration overseas. Reduces price of Chinese goods in Europe Increases interest in Chinese culture & ideas in Europe. Helps fund conquest of New World Encourages Europeans in conquest & trade. Ming Cultural Revolution Printing & Literacy Cheap, popular books: woodblock printing. cheap paper. Examination system. Leads to explosion in literacy. Leads to further popularization of the commercial market. Culture & Art Increased literacy leads to increased interest in cultural expressions, ideas, and things: Literature. Painting. Ceramics. Opera. Ming Dynasty, C.E. Golden Age of Chinese Art Moderation Softness Gracefulness Three different schools of painting developed. Hundreds of thousands of workers constructed the Forbidden City. Ming Scroll Painting Travellers in Autumn Mountains Ming Painting Birds and Flowers, 16c Ming Painting and Calligraphy, early 16c Ming Painting Taoist Scholar -Have we seen other examples of states/institutions promoting the arts during this period? ( ) -Why would states support the arts? State Sponsored Art Monarchs, Emperors, Religious orders sponsored arts to assert legitimacy and supremacy Admiral Zheng He (Cheng Ho) Ming Treasure Fleet Each ship 400 long & 160 wide Admiral Zheng He (Cheng Ho) Chinas Columbus? Admiral Zheng Hes Voyages First Voyage: [62 ships; 27,800 men]. Second Voyage: [Ho didnt go on this trip]. Third Voyage: [48 ships; 30,000 men]. Fourth Voyage: [63 ships; 28,500 men]. Fifth Voyage: Sixth Voyage: Emperor Zhu Gaozhi cancelled future trips and ordered ship builders and sailors to stop work. Seventh Voyage: Emperor Zhu Zhanji resumed the voyages in 1430 to restore peaceful relations with Malacca & Siam 100 ships and 27,500 men; Cheng Ho died on the return trip. > Da Gama reached Calcutta, Chinas favorite port. Ming Porcelain / Ceramics, 17c18c -International market for porcelain created high demand. -Ming manufacturing techniques created an assembly line style of production. Vast amounts of porcelain came from Ming China -In Europe China became synonymous with porcelain. Ming Vases, 18c Ming Carved Lacquer Dish 15c Decline of Ming Little Ice Age in the seventeenth centruy, the world experienced a drop in temperature temperatures reached a low point Low temperatures created agricultural nightmare. Famine and disease resulted in population uprising against the government. Fall of the Ming Mongols gain power to the north. United by devotion to Dali Lama. Manchu, people based north of Korea grew stronger. Riots and uprisings by Chinese living in the southwest. Protesting overcrowded cities. Japanese attempt an invasion (Hideyoshi) Manchu takes over 1644 With increasing problems, Ming forces turn to the Manchu for help. Manchu not only help expel the invading Japanese, they claim China for their own! Qing Empire -A Manchu family now headed the Chinese government. Manchu generals head the military. -Manchu compose a small percentage of the population. Most government officials are ethnic Chinese. -Have we seen other examples of this in ( )? Qing Empire -Emperor Kagnxi- Although ethnically Manchu, becomes fluent in Chinese and memorizes Confucian classics. -Doubles the size of China: Taiwan, inner Mongolia and Tibet. Qing Empire -Foreign Trade is now encouraged. Central Asian horses brought in. Vietnam, Burma and Nepal pay tribute to trade with Chinese. -Civil-service exam: Increased importance, low classes can participate. Gentry Individuals with the rank of a political official Cultural Exchange Unlike Japan, Emperor Kangxi welcomes Jesuit missionaries. o Begins a cultural exchange: Jesuits inform Qing on European science, medicine and anatomy. o Exchange promotes trade between Europe and Asia. Wallpaper- becomes a commodity in Europe. Tea from China spreads all over Europe - Despite increased trade- Canton remains sole port for Europeans. This is frustrating for Europeans growing markets. Qing Decline New World crops like potatoes and corn, prove easy to grow and very nutritional. -Leads to a population explosion. Chinas population triples from 1500 to Environmental problems persist. Deforestation, soil erosion. -Qing government is not up to controlling its enormous population. Decline begins, ending in 1914 Imperial Chinas Impact on History Political? Religious? Economic? Technological? Social?