Qualitative research in conversion optimization

Post on 12-Apr-2017

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Qualitative Research in Conversion


Hello!I am Andra Baragan

Passionate optimizer

Head of CRO at Marketizator

‘’Nothing important has ever been discovered without proper exploration.

What we will talk about

Qualitative Research

How you can apply it to your business

Case studies

Average Ecommerce Conversion Rate



Youwill gain clarity to get the most out of those



Buyer persona

Qualitative research



Micro conversions


Session recordings, etc

A/B testing for each relevant segment / page

Quantitative research(Analytics, segmentation,

traffic analysis, etc)


Wasted traffic

Conversion research

Buyer persona

Qualitative research



Micro conversionsSession recordings,


A/B testing for each relevant segment / page

Quantitative research(Analytics, segmentation, trafic

analysis, etc)


Wasted traffic

Conversion research


The power of asking the right questions

How would you call a doctor that treats your broken bone without an X-Ray?

Qualitative Research

Is one of the best X-rays you can do on your website

Qualitative Research

Find out where it hurts and apply the treatment


1. Find out who your customers are


2. What they want


3. How they feel about your products


4. What is driving their decisions

Before the visit

Purchase intention

Reasons to buy

Barriers to buy

During the visit

Real needs

Choice reduction

Barriers to buy


After the purchase

Satisfaction level


Customer Feedback

When can you do surveys?

On-site Surveys

> Find out why they came to the site

> Have they found what they were after?

> Which barriers are stopping them?

What made you abandon the purchase?

Case Study 1

Marketview Liquor is one of the most recognized companies in the wine and liquor industry from the US, an offline and online shop based in New York.

Optimization Goal

Drive more traffic to the product pages and improve conversion rates

On-Site Surveys

Pain Points Revealed

Developed Testing Hypotheses

Through the help of

On-site Surveys

A/B Testing Web Personalization

On-site Surveys

Web Personalization



+18,2%Add to cart Rate

99,9%Statistical significance

+ 39,9% Average Order Value

Case Study 2

Avon, the world's largest direct seller in the beauty industry, with over $10 billion in annual revenue.

Avon wanted to increase the performance of the

make-up category.

Step 1:

Why this category is not performing so well?

After deep diving in Google Analytics

We’ve found out that the main micro

conversion for this category was the

usage of the “eyes color” filter.

After running surveys with Marketizator...

The visitors weren’t

sure enough that the products will

match their eye colour.

Step 2: Web Personalization

So, we’ve added the help of an expert to get visitors down the funnel

On-Site Surveys + Web Analytics

Anxiety over eye color + eye shadow color

Bring in an expert & narrow down choice

Added an expert through on-site survey

Added an expert through on-site survey

Asked their eye color + personalized recommendations

Asked their eye color + personalized recommendations

Re-engaged the visitors through on-exit intent overlayers & increase the email list

We’ve stayed consistent on the cart page by showing info on their eye color

Web Personaliz


A/B Testing

Through the help of

On-site Surveys

Web Analytics

Engagement results

+111% more page views

+292% more page views

+73% more page views

+43,60%Add to cart Rate

100%Statistical significance!

+98,2% Conversion Rate

Next steps

▣ Extend campaign on other categories▣ Deliver personalized experiences on

remarketing ads

The magic about conversion rates

+6%Monthly incremental increase in

conversion rate


More conversions in a yearWithout paying anything extra for traffic

Samsung is one of the biggest electronic equipment producers in the world, generates more than $ 300 billion annually from the sale of their products.

Case study: https://www.marketizator.com/case-study-samsung

Deutsche Telekom is one of the world's leading integrated telecommunications companies, with +143 million mobile customers

Case study: https://www.marketizator.com/telekom-casestudy

>8000 websites >3,5 BN visits / month

Find out why Behavior insight surveys + analytics

Test different messages &

layoutsA/B testing editor

Segment the traffic to be relevant

Web personalization

Marketizator:World’s first integrated CRO platform:

‘’Now it’s your turn.

Thanks!Any questions?
