Queen Elizabeth's wardrobe unlocked ROYALPORTRAITS.

Post on 13-Jan-2016

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Queen Elizabeth's wardrobe Queen Elizabeth's wardrobe unlockedunlocked


Were her portaits reliable??She was the first monarch to understand the importance of public relations and she carefully prepared her image for public consumption: portraits were distributed throughout the land and some peolple never had the chance to see her in person.Idea of ageless QueenMask of youthNo smile

She wanted to look like a strong regal personality, and ONLY with regards to her ruling stile and personality, they are really spon on

How really was the Queen?? Elizabeth was short about 5'3 or 5'5 with

brown eyes and red curly hair and freakles She had a nose hooked in the middle and

rather thin lips and prounounced cheek bones She had a bad temper and would throw things

or threaten to send courtiers to the Tower if they upset her.

Elizabeth's teeth were black with tooth decay. Her speech was sometimes difficult to

understand because of missing teeth. Elizabeth was very superstitious and was

afraid of black magic. She only bathed once every few weeks

The ermine The ermine portraitportrait

1585 By Nicholas Hilliard

ERMINE whit gold crown: royalty, majesty and purity.

DARK BACKGROND: gravity and authority.

SWORD of state: justice on the first place.

OLIVE BRANCH: biblical sign for peace.

The Phoenix The Phoenix portrait portrait

1575 By Nicholas Hilliard

PHOENIX: -eternal nature of kingship -sacrifice and rebirth -Christ’s resurrection and a promise of eternal life -chastity

PEARLS AROUND HER WAIST: purity and virginity

THE CROWN: aureole.

THE FIVE PETALS RED ROSE: -love, beauty, secrecy, christian martyrdom and Virgin Mary -the five wounds of Christ

Coronation Coronation portrait portrait


HAND ON A GLOBE: power and authority.

LOOSE HAIR: -unmarried state -color strikes to white skin

The Pelican The Pelican portrait portrait

1575 By Nicholas Hilliard

PELICAN: -Christ’s sacrifice to save mankind -like redemption and charity -self sacrifice -mother of protenstant nation

TUDOR ROSE: unity and order.

FLEUR-DE-LYS: dinastic claim to France.

The Sieve The Sieve portrait portrait

1583 By Quentin Metsys

SIEVE:attribute of chastity of the roman vestal virgin Tucia, who after being accused of imputiry, used the sieve to carry water from river Tiber to Vesta’s temple. As not a drop fell, she was able to prove her chastity. Engraved on the sieve: A TERRA IL BEN / MAL DIMORA IN SELLA, that means that the Queen can understand between good and evil.

SHIPS cross West on globe: Powerful nation, conquest of New World. TVTTO VEDO, MULTO MANCHA in inscribed in the globe.

THE FIGURE: It could be her courtier Sir Christopher Hatton, who commissionated the portait.

ROUDELS: story of Aeneas and Dido , with the Queen compared to Aeneas: they had faced temptation and now they lead powerful nations.

The portrait itself is inscribed: STANCHO RIPOSO & RIPOSATO AFFANNO

The Ditchley The Ditchley portrait portrait

1592 By Marcus Gheeraerts

ON HENRY LEE’S LAND IN OXFORDSHIRE: power over Lee. She’s standing on world and the Ditcheley estate.

The prince of light, the Sonne by whom thin(gs)Of heaven the glorie, and of earthe the (grace?)Hath no such glorie as ( . . .) grace to go ( . . . )Where Correspondencie May have no plac(e)

Thunder the Image of that power dev(ine)Which all to nothinge with a word c(. . . )Is to the earthe when it doth ayre r( . . . )Of power the Scepter, not of wr( . . . )

This ile of such both grace ( . . . ) powerThe boundless ocean ( . . .) em( . . .)P( . . .) p(rince?) ( . . . ) the ( . . )ll ( . . .)Rivers of thankes retourne for Springes ( . . )

Rivers of thankes still to that oc(ean) ( . . .)Where grace is grace above, power po(wer)

POEMS:divine power

PEARLS: virginity

JEWELED CELESTIAL SPHERE hang from an ear: command over nature itself

THE EMBROIDERED GOW: : wildflowers to pose the Queen in the guise of Astraea, the virginal heroine of classical literature

THUNDEROUS CLOUDS BEHIND HER, SHE IS BECOMING THE SUNSHINE IN:powerful and triumphant figure with no anxiety

The Rainbow The Rainbow portrait portrait

1600 Marcus Gheeraerts

THE EMBROIDERED GOW: : wildflowers to pose the Queen in the guise of Astraea, the virginal heroine of classical literature

PEARLS: virginity

EYES AND EARS ON THE CLOAK: she sees and hears all

JEWELED SERPENT holding a heart-shaped ruby: Queen’s heart captured and controlled by wisdom


CRESCENT-SHAPED JEWEL: Cynthia, the goddes of the Moon

RAINBOW: peace

NON SINE SOLE IRIS: Queen’s wisdom ensures peace and prosperity