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Queensland Government Statistician’s Office


Crime report, Queensland, 2017–18

Crime report, Queensland, 2017–18 ii

Queensland Government Statistician’s Office

Queensland Treasury


© The State of Queensland (Queensland Treasury) 2019

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Content from this report should be attributed to:

Queensland Government Statistician’s Office, Queensland Treasury, Crime report, Queensland, 2017–18.


All data and information in this report are believed to be accurate and have come from sources believed to be reliable. However, Queensland Treasury does not guarantee or represent that the data and the information are accurate, up to date or complete, and disclaims liability for all claims, losses, damages or costs of whatever nature and howsoever occurring, arising as a result of relying on the data and information, regardless of the form of action, whether in contract, tort (including negligence), breach of statutory duty or otherwise.

Queensland Government Statistician’s Office

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1.0 Introduction ...................................................................................................... 1

2.0 Reported crime, Queensland, 2017–18 ........................................................... 3

3.0 Reported and cleared offences ....................................................................... 5

3.1. Reported offences ................................................................................................................................................... 6

3.2. Cleared offences ..................................................................................................................................................... 9

4.0 Crime by region (SA4) – counts and rates ................................................... 12

4.1. Offences against the person.................................................................................................................................. 14

4.2. Offences against property ..................................................................................................................................... 24

4.3. Other offences ....................................................................................................................................................... 30

5.0 Crime trends – 10–year time series .............................................................. 34

5.1. Offences against the person.................................................................................................................................. 35

5.2. Offences against property ..................................................................................................................................... 45

5.3. Other offences ....................................................................................................................................................... 51

6.0 Crime locations .............................................................................................. 54

6.1. Offences against the person.................................................................................................................................. 55

6.2. Offences against property ..................................................................................................................................... 57

6.3. Other offences ....................................................................................................................................................... 59

7.0 Offenders ........................................................................................................ 61

7.1. Age and sex ........................................................................................................................................................... 62

7.1.1. Sex of offender ...................................................................................................................................................... 65

7.1.2. Age distribution ...................................................................................................................................................... 65

7.2. Indigenous status .................................................................................................................................................. 66

7.2.1. Police action by Indigenous status of offender ...................................................................................................... 67

7.2.2. Distribution by age, sex and Indigenous status ..................................................................................................... 73

7.3. Offence category and type .................................................................................................................................... 74

7.4. Child offenders ...................................................................................................................................................... 77

7.4.1. Age, sex and Indigenous status ............................................................................................................................ 77

7.4.2. Offence type .......................................................................................................................................................... 78

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7.5. Unique offenders ................................................................................................................................................... 80

7.5.1. Age, sex and Indigenous status ............................................................................................................................ 81

7.5.2. Age distribution ...................................................................................................................................................... 82

8.0 Victims of offences against the person ........................................................ 83

8.1. Reported victims .................................................................................................................................................... 84

8.1.1. Age and sex ........................................................................................................................................................... 84

8.1.2. Offence type .......................................................................................................................................................... 86

8.1.3. Age and sex, for selected offences ....................................................................................................................... 88

8.1.4. Reported victimisation rate .................................................................................................................................... 89

8.1.5. Relationship of offender to victim .......................................................................................................................... 90

8.1.6. Reported victimisation rate of DFV–related offences by Indigenous status .......................................................... 93

8.2. Unique victims ....................................................................................................................................................... 94

8.2.1. Indigenous status .................................................................................................................................................. 94

8.2.2. Age and sex ........................................................................................................................................................... 95

9.0 Explanatory notes and glossary ................................................................... 96

Appendix – Crime report, Queensland Police Service administrative regions, 2017–18 ............................... 99

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Tables and figures – excluding Appendix

Table 1 Count and rate of reported offences against the person............................................................................... 6

Table 2 Count and rate of reported offences against property .................................................................................. 7

Table 3 Count and rate of reported other offences .................................................................................................... 8

Table 4 Count and rate of cleared offences against the person ................................................................................ 9

Table 5 Count and rate of cleared offences against property .................................................................................. 10

Table 6 Count and rate of cleared other offences .................................................................................................... 11

Table 7 Count and rate of reported offences by region – all offence types ............................................................. 13

Table 8 Offences against the person – all offence types ......................................................................................... 14

Table 9 Homicide (murder) ....................................................................................................................................... 15

Table 10 Other homicide ............................................................................................................................................ 15

Table 11 Assault – all ................................................................................................................................................. 16

Table 12 Grievous assault .......................................................................................................................................... 16

Table 13 Serious assault ............................................................................................................................................ 17

Table 14 Serious assault (other) ................................................................................................................................ 17

Table 15 Common assault ......................................................................................................................................... 18

Table 16 Sexual offences – all ................................................................................................................................... 18

Table 17 Rape and attempted rape ........................................................................................................................... 19

Table 18 Other sexual offences ................................................................................................................................. 19

Table 19 Robbery – all ............................................................................................................................................... 20

Table 20 Armed robbery ............................................................................................................................................. 20

Table 21 Unarmed robbery ........................................................................................................................................ 21

Table 22 Other offences against the person .............................................................................................................. 21

Table 23 Kidnapping and abduction etc. .................................................................................................................... 22

Table 24 Extortion ...................................................................................................................................................... 22

Table 25 Stalking ........................................................................................................................................................ 23

Table 26 Life endangering acts .................................................................................................................................. 23

Table 27 Offences against property – all offence types ............................................................................................. 24

Table 28 Unlawful entry – all ...................................................................................................................................... 25

Table 29 Unlawful entry with intent – Dwelling ........................................................................................................... 25

Table 30 Unlawful entry with intent – Shop ................................................................................................................ 26

Table 31 Unlawful entry with intent – Other ............................................................................................................... 26

Table 32 Arson ........................................................................................................................................................... 27

Table 33 Other property damage ............................................................................................................................... 27

Table 34 Unlawful use of a motor vehicle .................................................................................................................. 28

Table 35 Other theft (excl. unlawful entry) ................................................................................................................. 28

Table 36 Fraud ........................................................................................................................................................... 29

Table 37 Handling stolen goods ................................................................................................................................. 29

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Table 38 Other offences – all offence types ............................................................................................................... 30

Table 39 Drug offences .............................................................................................................................................. 31

Table 40 Breach domestic violence protection order ................................................................................................. 31

Table 41 Weapons Act offences ................................................................................................................................ 32

Table 42 Good order offences.................................................................................................................................... 32

Table 43 Traffic and related offences ......................................................................................................................... 33

Table 44 Offences against the person, by crime location, 2017–18 .......................................................................... 55

Table 45 Offences against property, by crime location, 2017–18 .............................................................................. 57

Table 46 Other offences, by crime location, 2017–18 ............................................................................................... 59

Table 47 Offenders by age and sex, offences against the person, 2017–18 ............................................................ 62

Table 48 Offenders by age and sex, offences against property, 2017–18 ................................................................ 63

Table 49 Offenders by age and sex, other offences, 2017–18 .................................................................................. 64

Table 50 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander offenders by type of police action, offences against the person, 2017–18 ...................................................................................................................................................... 67

Table 51 Non-Indigenous offenders by type of police action, offences against the person, 2017–18 ...................... 68

Table 52 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander offenders by type of police action, offences against property, 2017–18 ...................................................................................................................................................... 69

Table 53 Non-Indigenous offenders by type of police action, offences against property, 2017–18 .......................... 70

Table 54 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander offenders by type of police action, other offences, 2017–18............ 71

Table 55 Non-Indigenous offenders by type of police action, other offences, 2017–18 ............................................ 72

Table 56 Offenders by offence category and type ..................................................................................................... 74

Table 57 Reported victims of offences against the person, 2017–18 ........................................................................ 85

Table 58 Reported victims of offences against the person, 2017–18 ........................................................................ 86

Table 59 Reported victims of assault and sexual offences ........................................................................................ 87

Table 60 Victims of offences against the person by sex and offender’s relationship to victim, 2017–18 .................. 91

Figure 1 Offences against the person – all offences ................................................................................................. 35

Figure 2 Homicide (murder) ....................................................................................................................................... 35

Figure 3 Other homicide offences ............................................................................................................................. 36

Figure 4 Assault – all ................................................................................................................................................. 36

Figure 5 Grievous assault .......................................................................................................................................... 37

Figure 6 Serious assault ............................................................................................................................................ 37

Figure 7 Serious assault (other) ................................................................................................................................ 38

Figure 8 Common assault ......................................................................................................................................... 38

Figure 9 Sexual offences – all ................................................................................................................................... 39

Figure 10 Rape and attempted rape ........................................................................................................................... 39

Figure 11 Other sexual offences ................................................................................................................................. 40

Figure 12 Robbery – all ............................................................................................................................................... 40

Figure 13 Armed robbery ............................................................................................................................................. 41

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Figure 14 Unarmed robbery ........................................................................................................................................ 41

Figure 15 Other offences against the person – all ...................................................................................................... 42

Figure 16 Kidnapping and abduction etc. .................................................................................................................... 42

Figure 17 Extortion ...................................................................................................................................................... 43

Figure 18 Stalking ........................................................................................................................................................ 43

Figure 19 Life endangering acts .................................................................................................................................. 44

Figure 20 Offences against property – all offences ..................................................................................................... 45

Figure 21 Unlawful entry – all ...................................................................................................................................... 45

Figure 22 Unlawful entry with intent – dwelling ........................................................................................................... 46

Figure 23 Unlawful entry with intent – shop ................................................................................................................ 46

Figure 24 Unlawful entry with intent – other ................................................................................................................ 47

Figure 25 Arson ........................................................................................................................................................... 47

Figure 26 Other property damage ............................................................................................................................... 48

Figure 27 Unlawful use of motor vehicle ..................................................................................................................... 48

Figure 28 Other theft (excl. unlawful entry) ................................................................................................................. 49

Figure 29 Fraud ........................................................................................................................................................... 49

Figure 30 Handling stolen goods ................................................................................................................................. 50

Figure 31 Other offences – all offences ...................................................................................................................... 51

Figure 32 Drug offences .............................................................................................................................................. 51

Figure 33 Breach domestic violence protection order ................................................................................................. 52

Figure 34 Weapons Act offences ................................................................................................................................ 52

Figure 35 Good order offences.................................................................................................................................... 53

Figure 36 Traffic and related offences ......................................................................................................................... 53

Figure 37 Offenders by sex ......................................................................................................................................... 65

Figure 38 Offenders by age group .............................................................................................................................. 65

Figure 39 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander offenders .......................................................................................... 66

Figure 40 Non-Indigenous offenders by age group and sex, 2017–18 ....................................................................... 73

Figure 41 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander offenders by age group and sex, 2017–18 ...................................... 73

Figure 42 Offenders by age and offence category, 2017–18 ...................................................................................... 75

Figure 43 Offenders by age and selected Other offences, 2017–18 .......................................................................... 75

Figure 44 Age distribution of offenders for selected offences, 2017–18 ..................................................................... 76

Figure 45 Child offenders by Indigenous status and sex ............................................................................................ 77

Figure 46 Distribution of offences by child offenders, by offence type ........................................................................ 78

Figure 47 Change in child offending, for selected offences, 2008–09 to 2017–18 ..................................................... 78

Figure 48 Child offenders as proportion of all offenders, selected offences, 2017–18 ............................................... 79

Figure 49 Count and rate of unique offenders by Indigenous status .......................................................................... 80

Figure 50 Non–Indigenous unique offenders by age and sex, 2017–18 .................................................................... 81

Figure 51 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander unique offenders by age and sex, 2017–18 ..................................... 81

Figure 52 Unique offenders by age group ................................................................................................................... 82

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Figure 53 Unique offender rate, children and adults ................................................................................................... 82

Figure 54 Count and rate of reported victims of offences against the person ............................................................ 84

Figure 55 Reported victims of assault and sexual offences ........................................................................................ 87

Figure 56 Reported victims of assault, 2017–18 ......................................................................................................... 88

Figure 57 Reported victims of sexual offences, 2017–18 ........................................................................................... 89

Figure 58 Age–standardised victimisation rate, selected offences, 2017–18 ............................................................. 90

Figure 59 Relationship of offender to victim, by Indigenous status and sex of victim, selected offences, 2017–18 .. 92

Figure 60 Reported victimisation rate of DFV–related offences against the person, 2017–18 ................................... 93

Figure 61 Count and rate of unique victims, offences against the person .................................................................. 94

Figure 62 Unique victims, offences against the person, 2017–18 .............................................................................. 95

Queensland Government Statistician’s Office

Crime report, Queensland, 2017–18 1

1.0 Introduction The implementation of the Crime Statistics and Research Unit within the Queensland Government Statistician’s Office (QGSO) delivers on an election commitment by the Queensland Government to establish an independent crime statistical body to publish crime statistics for the state.

The Crime report, Queensland, 2017–18 provides an overview of the volume and nature of crime in Queensland, as reported to (by victims, witnesses or other persons) or detected by the Queensland Police Service (QPS) and incorporates crime data published previously in the QPS Annual Statistical Review. The Crime report is a companion to the Justice report, Queensland, 2017–18 (also produced by QGSO), which provides an overview of the volume of criminal justice matters in Queensland, and includes statistics relating to criminal courts, youth justice, and adult corrective services.

For the purposes of this report, the reference period is the 2017–18 financial year, from 1 July 2017 to 30 June 2018. Monthly crime trend graphs for the ten years from 2008–09 to 2017–18 are also included, for all offence types. Changes which have occurred over the time series are presented for 1 year (from the end of the year immediately preceding) and 9 years (from the end of the first year in the 10–year time series).

This 2017–18 edition is the first of what will be an annual report by Queensland Government Statistician’s Office (QGSO) on reported crime in the state. Detailed statistics relating to victims of offences against the person and alleged offenders in all offence categories are featured in this report, as well as statistics for reported and cleared offences.

Tables containing person-based variables and demographic information have been subject to confidentialisation, to ensure the anonymity of individuals is protected where numbers are small (1 – 3) and there is a reasonable likelihood that a person may be identified from the data published.

Statistics in this report are presented as both counts and rates. Using counts to gauge the level of crime is problematic, as areas with larger populations will presumably have higher numbers of offences than areas with smaller populations. Calculation of rates per 100,000 population allows direct comparisons of crime to be made across different geographical areas and across time, since the size of the population is taken into account in the calculation.

Data which form the basis of this report are derived from official crime reports recorded in Queensland Police Records and Information Management Exchange (QPRIME). Only offences with a status of solved, withdrawn, lapsed or unsolved are counted in this report. Cancelled, not substantiated, or unfounded crime reports have been excluded.

This report presents crime for the state and the 19 statistical areas level 4 (SA4), as defined by the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) in the Australian Statistical Geography Standard (ABS 1270.0.55.001). Also presented in the Appendix are crime statistics by police administrative regions. This report uses the same counting rules and offence classification as used by the Queensland Police Service.

This report (and QGSO) does not seek to explain what influence police operations and policy may have on crime statistics.

The information presented in this report may vary from data published elsewhere by QGSO and others, due to differences in the dates data were extracted and frequency of revision, or in counting rules or statistical standards applied. Readers are therefore urged to exercise caution when making comparison between publications.

The statistics presented in this report should also be read in conjunction with the Explanatory notes and glossary at the end of the report, where counting methodologies and other supporting information are provided to aid in the interpretation of rates and numbers presented.

Queensland Government Statistician’s Office

Crime report, Queensland, 2017–18 2

Terms used in this report (see Glossary for more.)

Offence: Any act or omission by a person(s) for which a penalty could be imposed by the Australian legal system.

Offender: in this report, a person aged 10 years or over who, through the clearance of an offence, is alleged to be responsible for committing that offence. A person may be recorded as an offender multiple times, if they were proceeded against by police for multiple offence types within the same incident or multiple times within the reference period. Unless otherwise specified, offender data presented in this report do not represent a count of individual (unique) offenders.

Child offender: in this report, is an alleged offender aged 10 to 17 years on the date police action commenced against them. This definition has been applied to the latest reference period and across the 10–year time series.

Unique offender: provides an estimate of the actual number of offenders and therefore is lower than the total number of offenders. Each person is counted once only in the reference period, regardless of how many times they have been proceeded against by police in the period.

Victim: Victim statistics in this report relate only to victims of offences against the person, reported to or detected by police within the reporting period. For most offences against the person ‘the victim’ is an individual person. Offences where the victim was an organisation have not been included in this report.

These data show one victim for each counted offence. However, a person may be counted multiple times if they were the victim of multiple offences belonging to different offence types within a single incident, or reported multiple times during the reference period. They would be counted once for each most serious offence per offence type. Unless otherwise specified, victim data presented in this report do not represent a count of individual (unique) victims.

Unique victim: provides an estimate of the actual number of reported victims and therefore is lower than the total number of reported victims. Each person is counted once only in the reference period, regardless of how many times they have been reported as a victim of an offence.

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Crime report, Queensland, 2017–18 3

2.0 Reported crime, Queensland, 2017–18

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Crime report, Queensland, 2017–18 4

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3.0 Reported and cleared offences This section presents statistics for Queensland for the 2016–17 and 2017–18 financial years, for reported and cleared offences in three categories: offences against the person, against property, and other offences.

Reported offences are those which have been reported to or detected by police within the reference period, and includes those where no offender, or victim in some cases, has been identified. These are presented as both numbers and rates, and a percentage change indicator. Rate is calculated as reported offences per 100,000 persons, using the estimated resident population (ERP) published by the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS), as at 30 June. Average ERP for the financial year is used to derive rate for the respective financial year (e.g. average of ERP as at 30 June 2016 and as at 30 June 2017 for the 2016–17 financial year). ERP for as at 30 June 2018 have been derived by linear extrapolation of population change.

Cleared offences are presented as a count of offences ‘Reported and cleared in period’ and ‘Cleared in period, reported previously’. The ‘percentage cleared’ figures refer only to those offences reported and cleared in the same financial year. (See Glossary for definition of ‘cleared’.)

Clearance rates for selected offences, reported and cleared in 2017–18

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Crime report, Queensland, 2017–18 6

3.1. Reported offences

Table 1 Count and rate of reported offences against the person

Offences against the person

Offences reported Offences reported per 100,000 persons

2016–17 2017–18 Percentage

change 2016–17 2017–18

Percentage change(a)

Offence – number – % – rate – %

Homicide (Murder) 41 38 –7.3 0.8 0.8 –8.9

Other homicide 109 59 –45.9 2.2 1.2 –46.8

Attempted murder 75 35 –53.3 1.5 0.7 –54.1

Conspiracy to murder - 1 .. - - ..

Manslaughter (excl. by driving and striking)

7 3 –57.1 0.1 0.1 –57.9

Manslaughter – unlawful striking causing death

5 - –100.0 0.1 - –100.0

Driving causing death 22 20 –9.1 0.5 0.4 –10.6

Assault 22,247 23,463 5.5 455.2 472.0 3.7

Grievous assault 881 916 4.0 18.0 18.4 2.2

Serious assault 10,802 11,313 4.7 221.0 227.6 3.0

Serious assault (other) 3,265 3,060 –6.3 66.8 61.6 –7.9

Common assault 7,299 8,174 12.0 149.4 164.4 10.1

Sexual offences 6,163 6,300 2.2 126.1 126.7 0.5

Rape / attempted rape 1,929 2,099 8.8 39.5 42.2 7.0

Other sexual offences 4,234 4,201 –0.8 86.6 84.5 –2.5

Robbery 1,747 2,111 20.8 35.7 42.5 18.8

Armed robbery 881 1,017 15.4 18.0 20.5 13.5

Unarmed robbery 866 1,094 26.3 17.7 22.0 24.2

Other offences against the person

4,278 4,522 5.7 87.5 91.0 3.9

Kidnapping, abduction etc. 343 301 –12.2 7.0 6.1 –13.7

Extortion 85 89 4.7 1.7 1.8 2.9

Stalking 654 676 3.4 13.4 13.6 1.6

Life endangering acts 3,196 3,456 8.1 65.4 69.5 6.3

Total 34,585 36,493 5.5 707.7 734.1 3.7

(a) Although offence rate has been rounded to one decimal place, the actual rate was used to calculate the percentage rate change between the two periods.

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Table 2 Count and rate of reported offences against property

Offences against property

Offences reported Offences reported per 100,000 persons

2016–17 2017–18 Percentage

change 2016–17 2017–18

Percentage change(a)

Offence – number – % – rate – %

Unlawful entry 36,788 38,015 3.3 752.7 764.7 1.6

Unlawful entry with intent – dwelling

23,461 23,338 –0.5 480.1 469.5 –2.2

Without violence 22,752 22,644 –0.5 465.5 455.5 –2.2

With violence 709 694 –2.1 14.5 14.0 –3.8

Unlawful entry with intent – shop

1,814 1,978 9.0 37.1 39.8 7.2

Unlawful entry with intent – other

11,513 12,699 10.3 235.6 255.5 8.4

Arson 1,198 1,289 7.6 24.5 25.9 5.8

Other property damage 36,652 36,755 0.3 750.0 739.4 –1.4

Unlawful use of motor vehicle 11,945 13,112 9.8 244.4 263.8 7.9

Other theft (excl. unlawful entry)

110,625 122,234 10.5 2,263.6 2,458.9 8.6

Stealing from dwellings 8,607 8,543 –0.7 176.1 171.9 –2.4

Shop stealing 21,311 22,830 7.1 436.1 459.2 5.3

Vehicles (steal from / enter with intent)

27,331 30,333 11.0 559.2 610.2 9.1

Other stealing 53,376 60,528 13.4 1,092.2 1,217.6 11.5

Fraud 28,826 27,390 –5.0 589.8 551.0 –6.6

Fraud by computer 439 581 32.3 9.0 11.7 30.1

Fraud by cheque 246 113 –54.1 5.0 2.3 –54.8

Fraud by credit card 13,775 13,622 –1.1 281.9 274.0 –2.8

Identity fraud 1,201 1,765 47.0 24.6 35.5 44.5

Other fraud 13,165 11,309 –14.1 269.4 227.5 –15.5

Handling stolen goods 5,652 5,956 5.4 115.7 119.8 3.6

Possess property suspected stolen

2,402 2,595 8.0 49.1 52.2 6.2

Receiving stolen property 465 390 –16.1 9.5 7.8 –17.5

Possess etc. tainted property 2,724 2,899 6.4 55.7 58.3 4.6

Other handling stolen goods 61 72 18.0 1.2 1.4 16.0

Total 231,686 244,751 5.6 4,740.7 4,923.4 3.9

(a) Although offence rate has been rounded to one decimal place, the actual rate was used to calculate the percentage rate change between the two periods.

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Table 3 Count and rate of reported other offences

Other offences

Offences reported Offences reported per 100,000 persons

2016–17 2017–18 Percentage

change 2016–17 2017–18

Percentage change(a)

Offence – number – % – rate – %

Drug offences 84,905 79,882 –5.9 1,737.3 1,606.9 –7.5

Trafficking drugs 629 578 –8.1 12.9 11.6 –9.7

Possess drugs 36,395 33,558 –7.8 744.7 675.1 –9.4

Produce drugs 1,747 1,575 –9.8 35.7 31.7 –11.4

Sell supply drugs 7,168 8,580 19.7 146.7 172.6 17.7

Other drug offences 38,966 35,591 –8.7 797.3 716.0 –10.2

Prostitution offences 97 77 –20.6 2.0 1.5 –22.0

Liquor offences (excl. drunkenness)

4,800 4,628 –3.6 98.2 93.1 –5.2

Gaming, racing & betting offences

3 1 –66.7 0.1 - –67.2

Breach domestic violence protection order

25,774 26,317 2.1 527.4 529.4 0.4

Trespassing and vagrancy 5,985 6,136 2.5 122.5 123.4 0.8

Weapons Act offences 6,762 6,566 –2.9 138.4 132.1 –4.5

Unlawful possession of concealed firearm

160 139 –13.1 3.3 2.8 –14.6

Unlawful possession of firearm – other

824 638 –22.6 16.9 12.8 –23.9

Bomb possession and/or use of

27 31 14.8 0.6 0.6 12.9

Possession and/or use other weapons; restricted items

2,055 2,005 –2.4 42.0 40.3 –4.1

Weapons Act offences – other

3,696 3,753 1.5 75.6 75.5 –0.2

Good order offences 59,616 54,226 –9.0 1,219.9 1,090.8 –10.6

Disobey move-on direction 828 819 –1.1 16.9 16.5 –2.8

Resist, incite, hinder, obstruct

27,015 24,330 –9.9 552.8 489.4 –11.5

Fare evasion 6,023 5,392 –10.5 123.2 108.5 –12.0

Public nuisance 25,750 23,685 –8.0 526.9 476.4 –9.6

Stock related offences 225 65 –71.1 4.6 1.3 –71.6

Traffic and related offences 42,291 41,048 –2.9 865.4 825.7 –4.6

Dangerous operation of a vehicle

2,108 2,031 –3.7 43.1 40.9 –5.3

Drink driving 28,638 29,184 1.9 586.0 587.1 0.2

Disqualified driving 11,524 9,811 –14.9 235.8 197.4 –16.3

Interfere with mechanism of motor vehicle

21 22 4.8 0.4 0.4 3.0

Miscellaneous offences 4,407 3,530 –19.9 90.2 71.0 –21.3

Total 234,865 222,476 –5.3 4,805.8 4,475.3 –6.9

(a) Although offence rate has been rounded to one decimal place, the actual rate was used to calculate the percentage rate change between the two periods.

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3.2. Cleared offences

Table 4 Count and rate of cleared offences against the person

Offences against the person

Reported and cleared in period Cleared in period,

reported previously

Offences reported Offences cleared Percentage cleared Offences cleared

2016–17 2017–18 2016–17 2017–18 2016–17 2017–18 2016–17 2017–18

Offence – number – – number – — % — – number –

Homicide (Murder) 41 38 34 32 82.9 84.2 11 6

Other homicide 109 59 96 55 88.1 93.2 17 13

Attempted murder 75 35 74 31 98.7 88.6 2 0

Conspiracy to murder 0 1 0 1 . . 100.0 1 0

Manslaughter (excl. by driving and striking)

7 3 5 3 71.4 100.0 5 2

Manslaughter – unlawful striking causing death

5 0 5 0 100.0 . . 0 0

Driving causing death 22 20 12 20 54.5 100.0 9 11

Assault 22,247 23,463 17,767 16,937 79.9 72.2 1,613 1,862

Grievous assault 881 916 729 715 82.7 78.1 64 80

Serious assault 10,802 11,313 8,372 8,012 77.5 70.8 911 1,018

Serious assault (other) 3,265 3,060 2,807 2,397 86.0 78.3 140 177

Common assault 7,299 8,174 5,859 5,813 80.3 71.1 498 587

Sexual offences 6,163 6,300 4,245 4,312 68.9 68.4 1,321 1,418

Rape / attempted rape 1,929 2,099 1,354 1,444 70.2 68.8 321 426

Other sexual offences 4,234 4,201 2,891 2,868 68.3 68.3 1,000 992

Robbery 1,747 2,111 1,262 1,510 72.2 71.5 103 86

Armed robbery 881 1,017 617 733 70.0 72.1 44 41

Unarmed robbery 866 1,094 645 777 74.5 71.0 59 45

Other offences against the person

4,278 4,522 3,194 2,870 74.7 63.5 364 328

Kidnapping, abduction etc.

343 301 297 243 86.6 80.7 29 23

Extortion 85 89 56 58 65.9 65.2 10 10

Stalking 654 676 459 432 70.2 63.9 101 97

Life endangering acts 3,196 3,456 2,382 2,137 74.5 61.8 224 198

Total 34,585 36,493 26,598 25,716 76.9 70.5 3,429 3,713

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Table 5 Count and rate of cleared offences against property

Offences against property

Reported and cleared in period Cleared in period,

reported previously

Offences reported Offences cleared Offences cleared Offences cleared

2016–17 2016–17 2016–17 2017–18 2016–17 2017–18 2016–17 2017–18

Offence – number – – number – – % – – number –

Unlawful entry 36,788 38,015 9,876 9,438 26.8 24.8 1,243 1,257

Unlawful entry with intent – dwelling

23,461 23,338 6,298 5,628 26.8 24.1 710 668

Without violence 22,752 22,644 5,744 5,142 25.2 22.7 671 638

With violence 709 694 554 486 78.1 70.0 39 30

Unlawful entry with intent – shop

1,814 1,978 607 688 33.5 34.8 65 83

Unlawful entry with intent – other

11,513 12,699 2,971 3,122 25.8 24.6 468 506

Arson 1,198 1,289 296 283 24.7 22.0 38 25

Other property damage 36,652 36,755 13,297 12,047 36.3 32.8 1,364 1,423

Unlawful use of motor vehicle

11,945 13,112 5,913 6,101 49.5 46.5 634 609

Other theft (excl. unlawful entry)

110,625 122,234 42,039 44,516 38.0 36.4 5,007 4,929

Stealing from dwellings 8,607 8,543 2,328 2,098 27.0 24.6 449 454

Shop stealing 21,311 22,830 14,152 13,992 66.4 61.3 961 1,038

Vehicles (steal from / enter with intent)

27,331 30,333 4,983 4,938 18.2 16.3 692 499

Other stealing 53,376 60,528 20,576 23,488 38.5 38.8 2,905 2,938

Fraud 28,826 27,390 17,802 15,403 61.8 56.2 3,866 3,937

Fraud by computer 439 581 122 107 27.8 18.4 70 67

Fraud by cheque 246 113 113 56 45.9 49.6 78 55

Fraud by credit card 13,775 13,622 9,138 8,565 66.3 62.9 1,075 1,328

Identity fraud 1,201 1,765 481 842 40.0 47.7 129 178

Other fraud 13,165 11,309 7,948 5,833 60.4 51.6 2,514 2,309

Handling stolen goods 5,652 5,956 5,044 5,221 89.2 87.7 333 237

Possess property suspected stolen

2,402 2,595 2,136 2,229 88.9 85.9 143 78

Receiving stolen property 465 390 440 379 94.6 97.2 7 18

Possess etc. tainted property

2,724 2,899 2,434 2,570 89.4 88.7 179 136

Other handling stolen goods

61 72 34 43 55.7 59.7 4 5

Total 231,686 244,751 94,267 93,009 40.7 38.0 12,485 12,417

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Table 6 Count and rate of cleared other offences

Other offences

Reported and cleared in period Cleared in period,

reported previously

Offences reported Offences cleared Percentage cleared Offences cleared

2016–17 2017–18 2016–17 2017–18 2016–17 2017–18 2016–17 2017–18

Offence – number – – number – — % — – number –

Drug offences 84,905 79,882 80,849 75,816 95.2 94.9 1,955 1,425

Trafficking drugs 629 578 578 541 91.9 93.6 38 23

Possess drugs 36,395 33,558 34,482 31,552 94.7 94.0 609 510

Produce drugs 1,747 1,575 1,573 1,454 90.0 92.3 72 80

Sell supply drugs 7,168 8,580 6,677 8,086 93.2 94.2 438 282

Other drug offences 38,966 35,591 37,539 34,183 96.3 96.0 798 530

Prostitution offences 97 77 93 68 95.9 88.3 1 1

Liquor offences (excl. drunkenness)

4,800 4,628 4,679 4,485 97.5 96.9 44 41

Gaming, racing & betting offences

3 1 3 0 100.0 0.0 0 0

Breach domestic violence protection order

25,774 26,317 23,030 18,358 89.4 69.8 1,237 1,182

Trespassing and vagrancy 5,985 6,136 4,905 5,086 82.0 82.9 234 239

Weapons Act offences 6,762 6,566 6,235 6,073 92.2 92.5 151 147

Unlawful possession of concealed firearm

160 139 135 118 84.4 84.9 7 6

Unlawful possession of firearm – other

824 638 728 565 88.3 88.6 37 30

Bomb possession and/or use of

27 31 20 26 74.1 83.9 0 1

Possession and/or use other weapons; restricted items

2,055 2,005 1,945 1,901 94.6 94.8 28 42

Weapons Act offences – other

3,696 3,753 3,407 3,463 92.2 92.3 79 68

Good order offences 59,616 54,226 52,948 47,252 88.8 87.1 2,029 1,642

Disobey move-on direction 828 819 826 816 99.8 99.6 1 1

Resist, incite, hinder, obstruct

27,015 24,330 22,508 19,547 83.3 80.3 1,441 1,158

Fare evasion 6,023 5,392 4,686 4,070 77.8 75.5 190 151

Public nuisance 25,750 23,685 24,928 22,819 96.8 96.3 397 332

Stock related offences 225 65 217 65 96.4 100.0 7 4

Traffic and related offences 42,291 41,048 41,140 39,962 97.3 97.4 615 559

Dangerous operation of a vehicle

2,108 2,031 1,522 1,429 72.2 70.4 113 102

Drink driving 28,638 29,184 28,233 28,822 98.6 98.8 377 370

Disqualified driving 11,524 9,811 11,374 9,697 98.7 98.8 124 85

Interfere with mechanism of motor vehicle

21 22 11 14 52.4 63.6 1 2

Miscellaneous offences 4,407 3,530 3,776 2,976 85.7 84.3 627 401

Total 234,865 222,476 217,875 200,141 92.8 90.0 6,900 5,641

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4.0 Crime by region (SA4) – counts and rates The tables in this section display the number of reported offences and the offence rate per 100,000 estimated resident population (ERP), for 2008–09, 2016–17 and 2017–18, for Queensland and the state’s 19 statistical areas level 4 (SA4).

Population growth can lead to a rise in numbers of offences, and therefore simple counts cannot and should not be used to gauge the true level of crime in a region. However, it is important to note that transient population groups such as tourists are not factored into the ERP. This would have particular impact on high tourism areas where crime rates may be overestimated.

Please note: The tables in this section include some offences where the SA4 in which the offence occurred cannot be identified. This may occur for one of two reasons:

(1) The offence was detected as part of a covert operation, and the location of the offence has not been recorded, to maintain security.

(2) The accuracy of the address had not been verified at the time the data were extracted for inclusion in this publication.

In such cases, the offences have been included in the Queensland total only. Therefore, SA4 statistics may not always sum to Queensland totals.

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Crime report, Queensland, 2017–18 13

Please note the following:

• Rates are presented per 100,000 estimated resident population.

• This table may include some offences where the statistical area level 4 (SA4) in which the offence occurred cannot be identified. Such offences have been included in the Queensland total only, and therefore SA4 statistics may not always sum to Queensland total.

Table 7 Count and rate of reported offences by region – all offence types

Reported offences – All offence types

2008–09 2016–17 2017–18 Change in rate

1 year 9 years

Statistical area level 4 number rate number rate number rate — % (a) — % (a)

Brisbane – East 12,572 6,000.8 13,769 5,909.0 14,779 6,255.8 5.9 4.2

Brisbane – North 15,493 8,171.5 17,497 8,076.4 17,733 8,045.9 –0.4 –1.5

Brisbane – South 21,122 6,709.1 25,645 7,116.0 27,630 7,516.5 5.6 12.0

Brisbane – West 8,239 4,743.8 7,806 4,144.9 7,829 4,105.8 –0.9 –13.4

Brisbane Inner City 36,467 16,055.6 38,324 14,225.4 36,814 13,227.5 –7 –17.6

Cairns 29,306 13,068.8 34,451 13,879.5 33,437 13,306.9 –4.1 1.8

Central Queensland 22,353 10,681.2 26,551 11,777.1 25,322 11,242.2 –4.5 5.3

Darling Downs – Maranoa 9,787 8,071.0 13,861 10,778.4 13,861 10,745.3 –0.3 33.1

Gold Coast 48,827 9,729.1 59,548 9,956.0 58,886 9,583.2 –3.7 –1.5

Ipswich 25,870 9,557.5 37,431 11,070.5 39,487 11,381.4 2.8 19.1

Logan – Beaudesert 26,405 9,232.0 37,998 11,448.5 39,594 11,703.8 2.2 26.8

Mackay – Isaac – Whitsunday 13,883 8,487.4 18,044 10,433.5 17,971 10,434.2 0.0 22.9

Moreton Bay – North 18,036 8,632.0 29,436 11,997.5 28,621 11,469.8 –4.4 32.9

Moreton Bay – South 8,399 5,250.4 12,539 6,119.1 12,801 6,071.3 –0.8 15.6

Queensland – Outback 16,123 19,157.7 18,642 22,628.0 18,714 22,818.8 0.8 19.1

Sunshine Coast 23,770 7,809.3 25,765 7,131.2 27,537 7,434.9 4.3 –4.8

Toowoomba 12,139 8,690.7 19,085 12,404.7 19,161 12,295.8 –0.9 41.5

Townsville 25,681 11,956.1 33,226 14,138.9 32,434 13,721.7 –3 14.8

Wide Bay 24,253 8,963.8 29,585 10,089.1 27,592 9,337.5 –7.4 4.2

Queensland 400,741 9,375.9 501,136 10,254.2 503,720 10,132.9 –1.2 8.1

(a) Although offence rate has been rounded to one decimal place, the actual rate was used to calculate the percentage rate change between the two periods.

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Crime report, Queensland, 2017–18 14

4.1. Offences against the person

Please note the following:

• Rates are presented per 100,000 estimated resident population.

• Any of the tables in this section may include some offences where the statistical area level 4 (SA4) in which the offence occurred cannot be identified. Such offences have been included in the Queensland totals only, and therefore SA4 statistics may not always sum to Queensland totals

Table 8 Offences against the person – all offence types

Offences against the person – All offence types

2008–09 2016–17 2017–18 Change in rate

1 year 9 years

Statistical area level 4 number rate number rate number rate — % (a) — % (a)

Brisbane – East 863 411.9 783 336.0 932 394.5 17.4 –4.2

Brisbane – North 943 497.4 877 404.8 906 411.1 1.5 –17.4

Brisbane – South 1,402 445.3 1,277 354.3 1,537 418.1 18.0 –6.1

Brisbane – West 575 331.1 364 193.3 459 240.7 24.5 –27.3

Brisbane Inner City 2,369 1,043.0 2,290 850.0 2,345 842.6 –0.9 –19.2

Cairns 2,702 1,204.9 2,583 1,040.6 2,627 1,045.5 0.5 –13.2

Central Queensland 1,833 875.9 1,970 873.8 2,127 944.3 8.1 7.8

Darling Downs – Maranoa 883 728.2 932 724.7 938 727.2 0.3 –0.1

Gold Coast 3,116 620.9 4,322 722.6 4,319 702.9 –2.7 13.2

Ipswich 2,211 816.8 2,618 774.3 2,749 792.4 2.3 –3.0

Logan – Beaudesert 2,269 793.3 2,501 753.5 2,710 801.1 6.3 1.0

Mackay – Isaac – Whitsunday 923 564.3 1,087 628.5 1,160 673.5 7.2 19.4

Moreton Bay – North 1,168 559.0 2,012 820.0 2,069 829.2 1.1 48.3

Moreton Bay – South 610 381.3 817 398.7 787 373.3 –6.4 –2.1

Queensland – Outback 2,053 2,439.4 2,433 2,953.2 2,499 3,047.1 3.2 24.9

Sunshine Coast 1,236 406.1 1,463 404.9 1,530 413.1 2.0 1.7

Toowoomba 1,029 736.7 984 639.6 1,133 727.1 13.7 –1.3

Townsville 2,146 999.1 2,838 1,207.7 3,169 1,340.7 11.0 34.2

Wide Bay 2,074 766.5 2,308 787.1 2,307 780.7 –0.8 1.8

Queensland 30,576 715.4 34,585 707.7 36,493 734.1 3.7 2.6

(b) Although offence rate has been rounded to one decimal place, the actual rate was used to calculate the percentage rate change between the two periods.

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Table 9 Homicide (murder)

Homicide (murder) 2008–09 2016–17 2017–18 Change in rate

1 year 9 years

Statistical area level 4 number rate number rate number rate — %(a) — rate(a)

Brisbane – East 1 0.5 3 1.3 3 1.3 –1.4 166.0

Brisbane – North 1 0.5 3 1.4 0 0 –100.0 –100.0

Brisbane – South 0 0 3 0.8 2 0.5 –34.6 . .

Brisbane – West 0 0 1 0.5 1 0.5 –1.2 . .

Brisbane Inner City 4 1.8 1 0.4 1 0.4 –3.2 –79.6

Cairns 4 1.8 4 1.6 6 2.4 48.2 33.9

Central Queensland 4 1.9 1 0.4 4 1.8 300.4 –7.1

Darling Downs – Maranoa 0 0 1 0.8 0 0 –100.0 . .

Gold Coast 7 1.4 5 0.8 7 1.1 36.3 –18.3

Ipswich 2 0.7 2 0.6 1 0.3 –51.3 –61.0

Logan – Beaudesert 8 2.8 4 1.2 1 0.3 –75.5 –89.4

Mackay – Isaac – Whitsunday 2 1.2 1 0.6 0 0 –100.0 –100.0

Moreton Bay – North 2 1.0 1 0.4 0 0 –100.0 –100.0

Moreton Bay – South 0 0 0 0 1 0.5 . . . .

Queensland – Outback 1 1.2 2 2.4 5 6.1 151.1 413.1

Sunshine Coast 2 0.7 0 0 0 0 . . –100.0

Toowoomba 2 1.4 1 0.6 1 0.6 –1.3 –55.2

Townsville 3 1.4 5 2.1 2 0.8 –60.2 –39.4

Wide Bay 3 1.1 3 1.0 2 0.7 –33.8 –39.0

Queensland 46 1.1 41 0.8 38 0.8 –8.9 –29.0

(a) Although offence rate has been rounded to one decimal place, the actual rate was used to calculate the percentage rate change between the two periods.

Table 10 Other homicide(a)

Other homicide offences 2008–09 2016–17 2017–18 Change in rate

1 year 9 years

Statistical area level 4 number rate number rate number rate — %(b) — rate(a)

Brisbane – East 4 1.9 0 0.0 0 0.0 . . –100.0

Brisbane – North 9 4.7 2 0.9 2 0.9 –1.7 –80.9

Brisbane – South 4 1.3 20 5.5 9 2.4 –55.9 92.7

Brisbane – West 7 4.0 2 1.1 2 1.0 –1.2 –74.0

Brisbane Inner City 6 2.6 12 4.5 5 1.8 –59.7 –32.0

Cairns 13 5.8 3 1.2 3 1.2 –1.2 –79.4

Central Queensland 7 3.3 5 2.2 2 0.9 –60 –73.5

Darling Downs – Maranoa 3 2.5 4 3.1 1 0.8 –75.1 –68.7

Gold Coast 8 1.6 9 1.5 2 0.3 –78.4 –79.6

Ipswich 12 4.4 13 3.8 2 0.6 –85.0 –87.0

Logan – Beaudesert 5 1.7 12 3.6 3 0.9 –75.5 –49.3

Mackay – Isaac – Whitsunday 1 0.6 0 0.0 5 2.9 . . 374.9

Moreton Bay – North 7 3.4 4 1.6 5 2.0 22.9 –40.2

Moreton Bay – South 1 0.6 5 2.4 0 0.0 –100.0 –100.0

Queensland – Outback 7 8.3 0 0.0 2 2.4 . . –70.7

Sunshine Coast 7 2.3 7 1.9 6 1.6 –16.4 –29.6

Toowoomba 6 4.3 2 1.3 2 1.3 –1.3 –70.1

Townsville 9 4.2 5 2.1 1 0.4 –80.1 –89.9

Wide Bay 13 4.8 3 1.0 6 2.0 98.5 –57.7

Queensland 131 3.1 109 2.2 59 1.2 –46.8 –61.3

(a) Attempted murder; conspiracy to murder; manslaughter (incl. by driving or striking). (b) Although offence rate has been rounded to one decimal place, the actual rate was used to calculate the percentage rate change between

the two periods.

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Crime report, Queensland, 2017–18 16

Table 11 Assault – all

Assault – all 2008–09 2016–17 2017–18 Change in rate

1 year 9 years

Statistical area level 4 number rate number rate number rate — %(a) — rate(a)

Brisbane – East 522 249.2 488 209.4 550 232.8 11.2 –6.6

Brisbane – North 530 279.5 479 221.1 503 228.2 3.2 –18.4

Brisbane – South 704 223.6 732 203.1 885 240.8 18.5 7.7

Brisbane – West 280 161.2 184 97.7 251 131.6 34.7 –18.3

Brisbane Inner City 1,580 695.6 1,585 588.3 1,557 559.4 –4.9 –19.6

Cairns 1,838 819.6 1,754 706.6 1,793 713.6 1.0 –12.9

Central Queensland 1,264 604.0 1,379 611.7 1,389 616.7 0.8 2.1

Darling Downs – Maranoa 570 470.1 608 472.8 602 466.7 –1.3 –0.7

Gold Coast 1,973 393.1 2,991 500.1 2,900 472.0 –5.6 20.0

Ipswich 1,241 458.5 1,481 438.0 1,636 471.5 7.7 2.9

Logan – Beaudesert 1,206 421.7 1,417 426.9 1,540 455.2 6.6 8.0

Mackay – Isaac – Whitsunday 630 385.2 724 418.6 794 461.0 10.1 19.7

Moreton Bay – North 712 340.8 1,234 503.0 1,288 516.2 2.6 51.5

Moreton Bay – South 360 225.0 462 225.5 463 219.6 –2.6 –2.4

Queensland – Outback 1,514 1,799.0 1,909 2,317.2 1,914 2,333.8 0.7 29.7

Sunshine Coast 840 276.0 784 217.0 929 250.8 15.6 –9.1

Toowoomba 609 436.0 668 434.2 763 489.6 12.8 12.3

Townsville 1,537 715.6 1,906 811.1 2,186 924.8 14.0 29.2

Wide Bay 1,352 499.7 1,410 480.8 1,448 490.0 1.9 –1.9

Queensland 19,328 452.2 22,247 455.2 23,463 472.0 3.7 4.4

(a) Although offence rate has been rounded to one decimal place, the actual rate was used to calculate the percentage rate change between the two periods.

Table 12 Grievous assault(a)

Grievous assault 2008–09 2016–17 2017–18 Change in rate

1 year 9 years

Statistical area level 4 number rate number rate number rate — %(b) — rate(a)

Brisbane – East 31 14.8 15 6.4 19 8.0 24.9 –45.6

Brisbane – North 16 8.4 21 9.7 16 7.3 –25.1 –14.0

Brisbane – South 33 10.5 39 10.8 39 10.6 –2.0 1.2

Brisbane – West 8 4.6 8 4.2 8 4.2 –1.2 –8.9

Brisbane Inner City 71 31.3 51 18.9 73 26.2 38.6 –16.1

Cairns 99 44.1 72 29.0 56 22.3 –23.2 –49.5

Central Queensland 64 30.6 54 24.0 39 17.3 –27.7 –43.4

Darling Downs – Maranoa 19 15.7 15 11.7 19 14.7 26.3 –6.0

Gold Coast 156 31.1 105 17.6 98 15.9 –9.2 –48.7

Ipswich 54 20.0 61 18.0 84 24.2 34.2 21.4

Logan – Beaudesert 69 24.1 70 21.1 72 21.3 0.9 –11.8

Mackay – Isaac – Whitsunday 43 26.3 27 15.6 32 18.6 19.0 –29.3

Moreton Bay – North 35 16.8 45 18.3 48 19.2 4.9 14.8

Moreton Bay – South 22 13.8 18 8.8 11 5.2 –40.6 –62.1

Queensland – Outback 78 92.7 89 108.0 106 129.3 19.6 39.5

Sunshine Coast 41 13.5 32 8.9 39 10.5 18.9 –21.8

Toowoomba 29 20.8 14 9.1 19 12.2 34.0 –41.3

Townsville 86 40.0 80 34.0 77 32.6 –4.3 –18.6

Wide Bay 57 21.1 60 20.5 56 19.0 –7.4 –10.0

Queensland 1,014 23.7 881 18.0 916 18.4 2.2 –22.3

(a) Assault resulting in grievous bodily harm. (b) Although offence rate has been rounded to one decimal place, the actual rate was used to calculate the percentage rate change between

the two periods.

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Crime report, Queensland, 2017–18 17

Table 13 Serious assault(a)

Serious assault 2008–09 2016–17 2017–18 Change in rate

1 year 9 years

Statistical area level 4 number rate number rate number rate — %(b) — rate(a)

Brisbane – East 242 115.5 244 104.7 297 125.7 20.1 8.8

Brisbane – North 219 115.5 207 95.5 220 99.8 4.5 –13.6

Brisbane – South 294 93.4 329 91.3 441 120.0 31.4 28.5

Brisbane – West 126 72.5 80 42.5 109 57.2 34.6 –21.2

Brisbane Inner City 687 302.5 732 271.7 716 257.3 –5.3 –14.9

Cairns 824 367.5 834 336.0 802 319.2 –5.0 –13.1

Central Queensland 508 242.7 651 288.8 623 276.6 –4.2 13.9

Darling Downs – Maranoa 262 216.1 286 222.4 306 237.2 6.7 9.8

Gold Coast 928 184.9 1,472 246.1 1,406 228.8 –7.0 23.7

Ipswich 601 222.0 770 227.7 804 231.7 1.8 4.4

Logan – Beaudesert 542 189.5 734 221.1 807 238.5 7.9 25.9

Mackay – Isaac – Whitsunday 260 159.0 359 207.6 404 234.6 13.0 47.6

Moreton Bay – North 351 168.0 581 236.8 654 262.1 10.7 56.0

Moreton Bay – South 140 87.5 246 120.1 255 120.9 0.7 38.2

Queensland – Outback 656 779.5 887 1,076.7 819 998.6 –7.2 28.1

Sunshine Coast 407 133.7 409 113.2 498 134.5 18.8 0.6

Toowoomba 296 211.9 290 188.5 372 238.7 26.6 12.6

Townsville 706 328.7 979 416.6 1,029 435.3 4.5 32.4

Wide Bay 622 229.9 684 233.3 716 242.3 3.9 5.4

Queensland 8,700 203.5 10,802 221.0 11,313 227.6 3.0 11.8

(a) Assault resulting in injury (excluding grievous bodily harm). (b) Although offence rate has been rounded to one decimal place, the actual rate was used to calculate the percentage rate change between

the two periods.

Table 14 Serious assault (other)(a)

Serious assault (other) 2008–09 2016–17 2017–18 Change in rate

1 year 9 years

Statistical area level 4 number rate number rate number rate — %(b) — rate(a)

Brisbane – East 56 26.7 70 30.0 82 34.7 15.5 29.9

Brisbane – North 41 21.6 83 38.3 82 37.2 –2.9 72.0

Brisbane – South 80 25.4 126 35.0 145 39.4 12.8 55.2

Brisbane – West 23 13.2 31 16.5 36 18.9 14.7 42.6

Brisbane Inner City 126 55.5 211 78.3 193 69.3 –11.5 25.0

Cairns 120 53.5 248 99.9 244 97.1 –2.8 81.5

Central Queensland 143 68.3 207 91.8 180 79.9 –13.0 17.0

Darling Downs – Maranoa 45 37.1 89 69.2 73 56.6 –18.2 52.5

Gold Coast 184 36.7 354 59.2 324 52.7 –10.9 43.8

Ipswich 112 41.4 218 64.5 238 68.6 6.4 65.8

Logan – Beaudesert 86 30.1 201 60.6 185 54.7 –9.7 81.9

Mackay – Isaac – Whitsunday 44 26.9 88 50.9 82 47.6 –6.4 77.0

Moreton Bay – North 59 28.2 208 84.8 141 56.5 –33.3 100.1

Moreton Bay – South 37 23.1 48 23.4 62 29.4 25.5 27.1

Queensland – Outback 148 175.9 326 395.7 277 337.8 –14.6 92.1

Sunshine Coast 57 18.7 112 31.0 132 35.6 15.0 90.3

Toowoomba 39 27.9 84 54.6 80 51.3 –6.0 83.9

Townsville 123 57.3 334 142.1 293 124.0 –12.8 116.5

Wide Bay 112 41.4 222 75.7 198 67.0 –11.5 61.9

Queensland 1,638 38.3 3,265 66.8 3,060 61.6 –7.9 60.6

(a) Serious assault not resulting in injury. (b) Although offence rate has been rounded to one decimal place, the actual rate was used to calculate the percentage rate change between

the two periods.

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Crime report, Queensland, 2017–18 18

Table 15 Common assault

Common assault 2008–09 2016–17 2017–18 Change in rate

1 year 9 years

Statistical area level 4 number rate number rate number rate — %(a) — rate(a)

Brisbane – East 193 92.1 159 68.2 152 64.3 –5.7 –30.2

Brisbane – North 254 134.0 168 77.5 185 83.9 8.2 –37.3

Brisbane – South 297 94.3 238 66.0 260 70.7 7.1 –25.0

Brisbane – West 123 70.8 65 34.5 98 51.4 48.9 –27.4

Brisbane Inner City 696 306.4 591 219.4 575 206.6 –5.8 –32.6

Cairns 795 354.5 600 241.7 691 275.0 13.8 –22.4

Central Queensland 549 262.3 467 207.1 547 242.9 17.2 –7.4

Darling Downs – Maranoa 244 201.2 218 169.5 204 158.1 –6.7 –21.4

Gold Coast 705 140.5 1,060 177.2 1,072 174.5 –1.6 24.2

Ipswich 474 175.1 432 127.8 510 147.0 15.1 –16.1

Logan – Beaudesert 509 178.0 412 124.1 476 140.7 13.3 –20.9

Mackay – Isaac – Whitsunday 283 173.0 250 144.6 276 160.2 10.9 –7.4

Moreton Bay – North 267 127.8 400 163.0 445 178.3 9.4 39.6

Moreton Bay – South 161 100.6 150 73.2 135 64.0 –12.5 –36.4

Queensland – Outback 632 751.0 607 736.8 712 868.2 17.8 15.6

Sunshine Coast 335 110.1 231 63.9 260 70.2 9.8 –36.2

Toowoomba 245 175.4 280 182.0 292 187.4 3.0 6.8

Townsville 622 289.6 513 218.3 787 333.0 52.5 15.0

Wide Bay 561 207.3 444 151.4 478 161.8 6.8 –22.0

Queensland 7,976 186.6 7,299 149.4 8,174 164.4 10.1 –11.9

(a) Although offence rate has been rounded to one decimal place, the actual rate was used to calculate the percentage rate change between the two periods.

Table 16 Sexual offences – all

Sexual offences – all 2008–09 2016–17 2017–18 Change in rate

1 year 9 years

Statistical area level 4 number rate number rate number rate — %(a) — rate(a)

Brisbane – East 148 70.6 159 68.2 191 80.8 18.5 14.4

Brisbane – North 209 110.2 184 84.9 202 91.7 7.9 –16.9

Brisbane – South 283 89.9 211 58.5 226 61.5 5.0 –31.6

Brisbane – West 115 66.2 94 49.9 78 40.9 –18.0 –38.2

Brisbane Inner City 282 124.2 313 116.2 307 110.3 –5.1 –11.2

Cairns 477 212.7 485 195.4 538 214.1 9.6 0.7

Central Queensland 333 159.1 316 140.2 407 180.7 28.9 13.6

Darling Downs – Maranoa 185 152.6 167 129.9 192 148.8 14.6 –2.4

Gold Coast 417 83.1 470 78.6 582 94.7 20.5 14.0

Ipswich 516 190.6 583 172.4 550 158.5 –8.1 –16.8

Logan – Beaudesert 549 191.9 514 154.9 497 146.9 –5.1 –23.5

Mackay – Isaac – Whitsunday 159 97.2 164 94.8 171 99.3 4.7 2.1

Moreton Bay – North 263 125.9 430 175.3 423 169.5 –3.3 34.7

Moreton Bay – South 138 86.3 170 83.0 143 67.8 –18.2 –21.4

Queensland – Outback 274 325.6 240 291.3 283 345.1 18.5 6.0

Sunshine Coast 211 69.3 414 114.6 251 67.8 –40.9 –2.2

Toowoomba 224 160.4 143 92.9 198 127.1 36.7 –20.8

Townsville 328 152.7 521 221.7 509 215.3 –2.9 41.0

Wide Bay 409 151.2 551 187.9 499 168.9 –10.1 11.7

Queensland 5,586 130.7 6,163 126.1 6,300 126.7 0.5 –3.0

(a) Although offence rate has been rounded to one decimal place, the actual rate was used to calculate the percentage rate change between the two periods.

Queensland Government Statistician’s Office

Crime report, Queensland, 2017–18 19

Table 17 Rape and attempted rape

Rape and attempted rape 2008–09 2016–17 2017–18 Change in rate

1 year 9 years

Statistical area level 4 number rate number rate number rate — %(a) — rate(a)

Brisbane – East 38 18.1 42 18.0 72 30.5 69.1 68.0

Brisbane – North 42 22.2 69 31.8 64 29.0 –8.8 31.1

Brisbane – South 71 22.6 61 16.9 83 22.6 33.4 0.1

Brisbane – West 18 10.4 26 13.8 30 15.7 14.0 51.8

Brisbane Inner City 84 37.0 124 46.0 121 43.5 –5.5 17.6

Cairns 131 58.4 140 56.4 146 58.1 3.0 –0.5

Central Queensland 69 33.0 102 45.2 140 62.2 37.4 88.5

Darling Downs – Maranoa 44 36.3 38 29.5 67 51.9 75.8 43.1

Gold Coast 122 24.3 179 29.9 213 34.7 15.8 42.6

Ipswich 127 46.9 181 53.5 176 50.7 –5.2 8.1

Logan – Beaudesert 153 53.5 179 53.9 143 42.3 –21.6 –21.0

Mackay – Isaac – Whitsunday 54 33.0 53 30.6 69 40.1 30.7 21.4

Moreton Bay – North 87 41.6 114 46.5 139 55.7 19.9 33.8

Moreton Bay – South 16 10.0 54 26.4 41 19.4 –26.2 94.4

Queensland – Outback 69 82.0 70 85.0 84 102.4 20.5 24.9

Sunshine Coast 57 18.7 108 29.9 86 23.2 –22.3 24.0

Toowoomba 63 45.1 41 26.6 67 43.0 61.3 –4.7

Townsville 109 50.7 166 70.6 158 66.8 –5.4 31.7

Wide Bay 116 42.9 167 57.0 180 60.9 7.0 42.1

Queensland 1,489 34.8 1,929 39.5 2,099 42.2 7.0 21.2

(a) Although offence rate has been rounded to one decimal place, the actual rate was used to calculate the percentage rate change between the two periods.

Table 18 Other sexual offences(a)

Other sexual offences 2008–09 2016–17 2017–18 Change in rate

1 year 9 years

Statistical area level 4 number rate number rate number rate — %(b) — rate(a)

Brisbane – East 110 52.5 117 50.2 119 50.4 0.3 –4.1

Brisbane – North 167 88.1 115 53.1 138 62.6 18.0 –28.9

Brisbane – South 212 67.3 150 41.6 143 38.9 –6.5 –42.2

Brisbane – West 97 55.8 68 36.1 48 25.2 –30.3 –54.9

Brisbane Inner City 198 87.2 189 70.2 186 66.8 –4.7 –23.3

Cairns 346 154.3 345 139.0 392 156.0 12.2 1.1

Central Queensland 264 126.2 214 94.9 267 118.5 24.9 –6.0

Darling Downs – Maranoa 141 116.3 129 100.3 125 96.9 –3.4 –16.7

Gold Coast 295 58.8 291 48.7 369 60.1 23.4 2.2

Ipswich 389 143.7 402 118.9 374 107.8 –9.3 –25.0

Logan – Beaudesert 396 138.5 335 100.9 354 104.6 3.7 –24.4

Mackay – Isaac – Whitsunday 105 64.2 111 64.2 102 59.2 –7.7 –7.7

Moreton Bay – North 176 84.2 316 128.8 284 113.8 –11.6 35.1

Moreton Bay – South 122 76.3 116 56.6 102 48.4 –14.5 –36.6

Queensland – Outback 205 243.6 170 206.3 199 242.6 17.6 –0.4

Sunshine Coast 154 50.6 306 84.7 165 44.5 –47.4 –11.9

Toowoomba 161 115.3 102 66.3 131 84.1 26.8 –27.1

Townsville 219 102.0 355 151.1 351 148.5 –1.7 45.6

Wide Bay 293 108.3 384 131.0 319 108.0 –17.6 –0.3

Queensland 4,097 95.9 4,234 86.6 4,201 84.5 –2.5 –11.8

(a) Sexual offences other than rape/attempted rape. Includes indecent treatment of children; incest; indecent assault; bestiality; wilful obscene exposure; and other sexual offences.

(b) Although offence rate has been rounded to one decimal place, the actual rate was used to calculate the percentage rate change between the two periods.

Queensland Government Statistician’s Office

Crime report, Queensland, 2017–18 20

Table 19 Robbery – all

Robbery – all 2008–09 2016–17 2017–18 Change in rate

1 year 9 years

Statistical area level 4 number rate number rate number rate — %(a) — rate(a)

Brisbane – East 61 29.1 37 15.9 62 26.2 65.3 –9.9

Brisbane – North 81 42.7 81 37.4 80 36.3 –2.9 –15.0

Brisbane – South 202 64.2 133 36.9 201 54.7 48.2 –14.8

Brisbane – West 47 27.1 23 12.2 47 24.6 101.8 –8.9

Brisbane Inner City 245 107.9 162 60.1 214 76.9 27.9 –28.7

Cairns 118 52.6 89 35.9 72 28.7 –20.1 –45.5

Central Queensland 44 21.0 41 18.2 58 25.8 41.6 22.5

Darling Downs – Maranoa 11 9.1 20 15.6 15 11.6 –25.2 28.2

Gold Coast 321 64.0 241 40.3 262 42.6 5.8 –33.3

Ipswich 129 47.7 171 50.6 183 52.7 4.3 10.7

Logan – Beaudesert 221 77.3 252 75.9 322 95.2 25.4 23.2

Mackay – Isaac – Whitsunday 31 19.0 28 16.2 38 22.1 36.3 16.4

Moreton Bay – North 67 32.1 112 45.6 116 46.5 1.8 45.0

Moreton Bay – South 44 27.5 61 29.8 73 34.6 16.3 25.9

Queensland – Outback 8 9.5 9 10.9 27 32.9 201.4 246.3

Sunshine Coast 55 18.1 76 21.0 74 20.0 –5.0 10.6

Toowoomba 46 32.9 32 20.8 33 21.2 1.8 –35.7

Townsville 63 29.3 106 45.1 127 53.7 19.1 83.2

Wide Bay 58 21.4 56 19.1 81 27.4 43.5 27.9

Queensland 1,871 43.8 1,747 35.7 2,111 42.5 18.8 –3.0

(a) Although offence rate has been rounded to one decimal place, the actual rate was used to calculate the percentage rate change between the two periods.

Table 20 Armed robbery

Armed robbery 2008–09 2016–17 2017–18 Change in rate

1 year 9 years

Statistical area level 4 number rate number rate number rate — %(a) — rate(a) Brisbane – East 32 15.3 28 12.0 31 13.1 9.2 –14.1

Brisbane – North 32 16.9 63 29.1 36 16.3 –43.8 –3.2

Brisbane – South 104 33.0 73 20.3 115 31.3 54.4 –5.3

Brisbane – West 30 17.3 13 6.9 21 11.0 59.5 –36.2

Brisbane Inner City 100 44.0 53 19.7 76 27.3 38.8 –38.0

Cairns 44 19.6 27 10.9 29 11.5 6.1 –41.2

Central Queensland 28 13.4 17 7.5 21 9.3 23.6 –30.3

Darling Downs – Maranoa 5 4.1 10 7.8 8 6.2 –20.2 50.4

Gold Coast 172 34.3 108 18.1 121 19.7 9.1 –42.5

Ipswich 64 23.6 90 26.6 80 23.1 –13.4 –2.5

Logan – Beaudesert 130 45.5 129 38.9 183 54.1 39.2 19.0

Mackay – Isaac – Whitsunday 15 9.2 15 8.7 21 12.2 40.6 33.0

Moreton Bay – North 35 16.8 58 23.6 61 24.4 3.4 45.9

Moreton Bay – South 33 20.6 37 18.1 31 14.7 –18.6 –28.7

Queensland – Outback 5 5.9 5 6.1 15 18.3 201.4 207.9

Sunshine Coast 32 10.5 39 10.8 28 7.6 –30.0 –28.1

Toowoomba 17 12.2 24 15.6 17 10.9 –30.1 –10.4

Townsville 26 12.1 58 24.7 73 30.9 25.1 155.1

Wide Bay 24 8.9 28 9.5 41 13.9 45.3 56.4

Queensland 932 21.8 881 18.0 1,017 20.5 13.5 –6.2

(a) Although offence rate has been rounded to one decimal place, the actual rate was used to calculate the percentage rate change between the two periods.

Queensland Government Statistician’s Office

Crime report, Queensland, 2017–18 21

Table 21 Unarmed robbery

Unarmed robbery 2008–09 2016–17 2017–18 Change in rate

1 year 9 years

Statistical area level 4 number rate number rate number rate — %(a) — rate(a)

Brisbane – East 29 13.8 9 3.9 31 13.1 239.7 –5.2

Brisbane – North 49 25.8 18 8.3 44 20.0 140.3 –22.8

Brisbane – South 98 31.1 60 16.6 86 23.4 40.5 –24.8

Brisbane – West 17 9.8 10 5.3 26 13.6 156.8 39.3

Brisbane Inner City 145 63.8 109 40.5 138 49.6 22.6 –22.3

Cairns 74 33.0 62 25.0 43 17.1 –31.5 –48.1

Central Queensland 16 7.6 24 10.6 37 16.4 54.3 114.9

Darling Downs – Maranoa 6 4.9 10 7.8 7 5.4 –30.2 9.7

Gold Coast 149 29.7 133 22.2 141 22.9 3.2 –22.7

Ipswich 65 24.0 81 24.0 103 29.7 23.9 23.6

Logan – Beaudesert 91 31.8 123 37.1 139 41.1 10.9 29.1

Mackay – Isaac – Whitsunday 16 9.8 13 7.5 17 9.9 31.3 0.9

Moreton Bay – North 32 15.3 54 22.0 55 22.0 0.1 43.9

Moreton Bay – South 11 6.9 24 11.7 42 19.9 70.1 189.7

Queensland – Outback 3 3.6 4 4.9 12 14.6 201.4 310.5

Sunshine Coast 23 7.6 37 10.2 46 12.4 21.3 64.4

Toowoomba 29 20.8 8 5.2 16 10.3 97.5 –50.5

Townsville 37 17.2 48 20.4 54 22.8 11.8 32.6

Wide Bay 34 12.6 28 9.5 40 13.5 41.8 7.7

Queensland 939 22.0 866 17.7 1,094 22.0 24.2 0.2

(a) Although offence rate has been rounded to one decimal place, the actual rate was used to calculate the percentage rate change between the two periods.

Table 22 Other offences against the person(a)

Other offences against the person – all

2008–09 2016–17 2017–18 Change in rate

1 year 9 years

Statistical area level 4 number rate number rate number rate — %(b) — rate(a)

Brisbane – East 127 60.6 96 41.2 126 53.3 29.5 –12.0

Brisbane – North 113 59.6 128 59.1 119 54.0 –8.6 –9.4

Brisbane – South 209 66.4 178 49.4 214 58.2 17.9 –12.3

Brisbane – West 126 72.5 60 31.9 80 42.0 31.7 –42.2

Brisbane Inner City 252 111.0 217 80.5 261 93.8 16.4 –15.5

Cairns 252 112.4 248 99.9 215 85.6 –14.4 –23.9

Central Queensland 181 86.5 228 101.1 267 118.5 17.2 37.1

Darling Downs – Maranoa 114 94.0 132 102.6 128 99.2 –3.3 5.5

Gold Coast 390 77.7 606 101.3 566 92.1 –9.1 18.5

Ipswich 311 114.9 368 108.8 377 108.7 –0.2 –5.4

Logan – Beaudesert 280 97.9 302 91.0 347 102.6 12.7 4.8

Mackay – Isaac – Whitsunday 100 61.1 170 98.3 152 88.3 –10.2 44.4

Moreton Bay – North 117 56.0 231 94.2 237 95.0 0.9 69.6

Moreton Bay – South 67 41.9 119 58.1 107 50.7 –12.6 21.2

Queensland – Outback 249 295.9 273 331.4 268 326.8 –1.4 10.4

Sunshine Coast 121 39.8 182 50.4 270 72.9 44.7 83.4

Toowoomba 142 101.7 138 89.7 136 87.3 –2.7 –14.2

Townsville 206 95.9 295 125.5 344 145.5 15.9 51.7

Wide Bay 239 88.3 285 97.2 271 91.7 –5.6 3.8

Queensland 3,614 84.6 4,278 87.5 4,522 91.0 3.9 7.6

(a) Includes kidnapping and abduction; extortion; stalking; life endangering acts. (b) Although offence rate has been rounded to one decimal place, the actual rate was used to calculate the percentage rate change between

the two periods.

Queensland Government Statistician’s Office

Crime report, Queensland, 2017–18 22

Table 23 Kidnapping and abduction etc.

Kidnapping and abduction etc.

2008–09 2016–17 2017–18 Change in rate

1 year 9 years

Statistical area level 4 number rate number rate number rate — %(a) — rate(a)

Brisbane – East 6 2.9 6 2.6 11 4.7 80.8 62.6

Brisbane – North 8 4.2 9 4.2 11 5.0 20.1 18.3

Brisbane – South 17 5.4 16 4.4 31 8.4 90.0 56.2

Brisbane – West 6 3.5 4 2.1 9 4.7 122.2 36.6

Brisbane Inner City 13 5.7 17 6.3 12 4.3 –31.7 –24.7

Cairns 20 8.9 25 10.1 9 3.6 –64.4 –59.8

Central Queensland 16 7.6 15 6.7 8 3.6 –46.6 –53.5

Darling Downs – Maranoa 9 7.4 9 7.0 7 5.4 –22.5 –26.9

Gold Coast 25 5.0 54 9.0 41 6.7 –26.1 33.9

Ipswich 25 9.2 38 11.2 33 9.5 –15.4 3.0

Logan – Beaudesert 18 6.3 33 9.9 42 12.4 24.9 97.3

Mackay – Isaac – Whitsunday 10 6.1 12 6.9 8 4.6 –33.1 –24.0

Moreton Bay – North 7 3.4 21 8.6 9 3.6 –57.9 7.7

Moreton Bay – South 5 3.1 9 4.4 11 5.2 18.8 66.9

Queensland – Outback 8 9.5 10 12.1 19 23.2 90.9 143.7

Sunshine Coast 10 3.3 18 5.0 10 2.7 –45.8 –17.8

Toowoomba 10 7.2 9 5.8 9 5.8 –1.3 –19.3

Townsville 15 7.0 18 7.7 11 4.7 –39.2 –33.4

Wide Bay 11 4.1 19 6.5 9 3.0 –53.0 –25.1

Queensland 239 5.6 343 7.0 301 6.1 –13.7 8.3

(a) Although offence rate has been rounded to one decimal place, the actual rate was used to calculate the percentage rate change between the two periods.

Table 24 Extortion

Extortion 2008–09 2016–17 2017–18 Change in rate

1 year 9 years

Statistical area level 4 number rate number rate number rate — %(a) — rate(a)

Brisbane – East 3 1.4 2 0.9 0 0.0 –100.0 –100.0

Brisbane – North 2 1.1 2 0.9 1 0.5 –50.9 –57.0

Brisbane – South 6 1.9 6 1.7 14 3.8 128.8 99.8

Brisbane – West 4 2.3 2 1.1 2 1.0 –1.2 –54.5

Brisbane Inner City 8 3.5 8 3.0 5 1.8 –39.5 –49.0

Cairns 2 0.9 5 2.0 5 2.0 –1.2 123.1

Central Queensland 0 0.0 6 2.7 5 2.2 –16.6 . .

Darling Downs – Maranoa 0 0.0 3 2.3 1 0.8 –66.8 . .

Gold Coast 8 1.6 16 2.7 20 3.3 21.7 104.2

Ipswich 9 3.3 14 4.1 7 2.0 –51.3 –39.3

Logan – Beaudesert 3 1.0 5 1.5 10 3.0 96.2 181.8

Mackay – Isaac – Whitsunday 1 0.6 1 0.6 1 0.6 0.4 –5.0

Moreton Bay – North 2 1.0 2 0.8 1 0.4 –50.8 –58.1

Moreton Bay – South 1 0.6 3 1.5 2 0.9 –35.2 51.7

Queensland – Outback 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 . . . .

Sunshine Coast 0 0.0 3 0.8 4 1.1 30.1 . .

Toowoomba 1 0.7 2 1.3 1 0.6 –50.6 –10.4

Townsville 6 2.8 3 1.3 4 1.7 32.6 –39.4

Wide Bay 9 3.3 2 0.7 6 2.0 197.7 –39.0

Queensland 66 1.5 85 1.7 89 1.8 2.9 15.9

(a) Although offence rate has been rounded to one decimal place, the actual rate was used to calculate the percentage rate change between the two periods.

Queensland Government Statistician’s Office

Crime report, Queensland, 2017–18 23

Table 25 Stalking

Stalking 2008–09 2016–17 2017–18 Change in rate

1 year 9 years

Statistical area level 4 number rate number rate number rate — %(a) — rate(a)

Brisbane – East 33 15.8 20 8.6 29 12.3 43.0 –22.1

Brisbane – North 23 12.1 16 7.4 17 7.7 4.4 –36.4

Brisbane – South 42 13.3 37 10.3 36 9.8 –4.6 –26.6

Brisbane – West 29 16.7 17 9.0 21 11.0 22.0 –34.0

Brisbane Inner City 48 21.1 48 17.8 45 16.2 –9.3 –23.5

Cairns 44 19.6 37 14.9 45 17.9 20.1 –8.7

Central Queensland 35 16.7 36 16.0 40 17.8 11.2 6.2

Darling Downs – Maranoa 20 16.5 23 17.9 24 18.6 4.0 12.8

Gold Coast 69 13.7 92 15.4 85 13.8 –10.1 0.6

Ipswich 67 24.8 45 13.3 57 16.4 23.4 –33.6

Logan – Beaudesert 44 15.4 41 12.4 36 10.6 –13.9 –30.8

Mackay – Isaac – Whitsunday 30 18.3 17 9.8 23 13.4 35.9 –27.2

Moreton Bay – North 33 15.8 24 9.8 33 13.2 35.2 –16.3

Moreton Bay – South 17 10.6 24 11.7 33 15.7 33.6 47.3

Queensland – Outback 5 5.9 22 26.7 27 32.9 23.3 454.1

Sunshine Coast 23 7.6 44 12.2 36 9.7 –20.2 28.6

Toowoomba 27 19.3 21 13.6 15 9.6 –29.5 –50.2

Townsville 38 17.7 33 14.0 33 14.0 –0.6 –21.1

Wide Bay 33 12.2 49 16.7 30 10.2 –39.2 –16.8

Queensland 664 15.5 654 13.4 676 13.6 1.6 –12.5

(a) Although offence rate has been rounded to one decimal place, the actual rate was used to calculate the percentage rate change between the two periods.

Table 26 Life endangering acts(a)

Life endangering acts 2008–09 2016–17 2017–18 Change in rate

1 year 9 years

Statistical area level 4 number rate number rate number rate — %(a) — rate(a) Brisbane – East 85 40.6 68 29.2 86 36.4 24.7 –10.3

Brisbane – North 80 42.2 101 46.6 90 40.8 –12.4 –3.2

Brisbane – South 144 45.7 119 33.0 133 36.2 9.6 –20.9

Brisbane – West 87 50.1 37 19.6 48 25.2 28.1 –49.7

Brisbane Inner City 183 80.6 144 53.5 199 71.5 33.8 –11.3

Cairns 186 82.9 181 72.9 156 62.1 –14.9 –25.2

Central Queensland 130 62.1 171 75.8 214 95.0 25.3 52.9

Darling Downs – Maranoa 85 70.1 97 75.4 96 74.4 –1.3 6.2

Gold Coast 288 57.4 444 74.2 420 68.4 –7.9 19.1

Ipswich 210 77.6 271 80.2 280 80.7 0.7 4.0

Logan – Beaudesert 215 75.2 223 67.2 259 76.6 13.9 1.8

Mackay – Isaac – Whitsunday 59 36.1 140 81.0 120 69.7 –13.9 93.2

Moreton Bay – North 75 35.9 184 75.0 194 77.7 3.7 116.6

Moreton Bay – South 44 27.5 83 40.5 61 28.9 –28.6 5.2

Queensland – Outback 236 280.4 241 292.5 222 270.7 –7.5 –3.5

Sunshine Coast 88 28.9 117 32.4 220 59.4 83.4 105.5

Toowoomba 104 74.5 106 68.9 111 71.2 3.4 –4.3

Townsville 147 68.4 241 102.6 296 125.2 22.1 83.0

Wide Bay 186 68.7 215 73.3 226 76.5 4.3 11.3

Queensland 2,645 61.9 3,196 65.4 3,456 69.5 6.3 12.3

(a) Includes ill treatment of child; bomb threat; strangulation in a domestic setting; driving causing grievous bodily harm; endanger lives on transport; and other life endangering acts.

(b) Although offence rate has been rounded to one decimal place, the actual rate was used to calculate the percentage rate change between the two periods.

Queensland Government Statistician’s Office

Crime report, Queensland, 2017–18 24

4.2. Offences against property

Please note the following:

• Rates are presented per 100,000 estimated resident population.

• Any of the tables in this section may include some offences where the statistical area level 4 (SA4) in which the offence occurred cannot be identified. Such offences have been included in the Queensland totals only, and therefore SA4 statistics may not always sum to Queensland totals.

Table 27 Offences against property – all offence types

Offences against property – All offence types

2008–09 2016–17 2017–18 Change in rate

1 year 9 years

Statistical area level 4 number rate number rate number rate — %(a) — rate(a) Brisbane – East 6,709 3,202.3 6,388 2,741.4 7,720 3,267.8 19.2 2.0

Brisbane – North 9,625 5,076.6 10,352 4,778.4 11,066 5,020.9 5.1 –1.1

Brisbane – South 13,664 4,340.2 14,593 4,049.3 17,269 4,697.9 16.0 8.2

Brisbane – West 5,353 3,082.1 4,818 2,558.3 4,676 2,452.3 –4.1 –20.4

Brisbane Inner City 18,012 7,930.3 17,295 6,419.7 17,644 6,339.6 –1.2 –20.1

Cairns 12,257 5,465.9 15,585 6,278.8 15,267 6,075.8 –3.2 11.2

Central Queensland 9,626 4,599.7 10,756 4,771.0 10,290 4,568.5 –4.2 –0.7

Darling Downs – Maranoa 3,865 3,187.3 4,419 3,436.2 4,570 3,542.7 3.1 11.2

Gold Coast 28,082 5,595.5 31,682 5,297.0 33,226 5,407.3 2.1 –3.4

Ipswich 15,205 5,617.4 16,720 4,945.1 18,972 5,468.3 10.6 –2.7

Logan – Beaudesert 15,167 5,302.9 19,746 5,949.3 21,932 6,483.0 9.0 22.3

Mackay – Isaac – Whitsunday 6,026 3,684.0 7,856 4,542.5 7,704 4,473.1 –1.5 21.4

Moreton Bay – North 9,176 4,391.6 13,348 5,440.4 13,026 5,220.2 –4.0 18.9

Moreton Bay – South 4,979 3,112.5 7,065 3,447.8 7,381 3,500.7 1.5 12.5

Queensland – Outback 4,231 5,027.4 4,869 5,910.1 5,408 6,594.2 11.6 31.2

Sunshine Coast 11,765 3,865.2 11,914 3,297.5 13,290 3,588.2 8.8 –7.2

Toowoomba 6,317 4,522.5 7,490 4,868.3 7,790 4,998.9 2.7 10.5

Townsville 11,061 5,149.6 14,410 6,132.0 13,578 5,744.4 –6.3 11.6

Wide Bay 10,284 3,800.9 11,436 3,899.9 11,490 3,888.4 –0.3 2.3

Queensland 202,482 4,737.4 231,686 4,740.7 244,751 4,923.44,923.4

3.9 3.9

(a) Although offence rate has been rounded to one decimal place, the actual rate was used to calculate the percentage rate change between the two periods.

Queensland Government Statistician’s Office

Crime report, Queensland, 2017–18 25

Table 28 Unlawful entry – all

Unlawful entry 2008–09 2016–17 2017–18 Change in rate

1 year 9 years

Statistical area level 4 number rate number rate number rate — %(a) — rate(a)

Brisbane – East 1,455 694.5 925 397.0 909 384.8 –3.1 –44.6

Brisbane – North 1,893 998.4 1,443 666.1 1,467 665.6 –0.1 –33.3

Brisbane – South 3,567 1,133.0 2,953 819.4 3,583 974.7 19.0 –14.0

Brisbane – West 1,218 701.3 834 442.8 826 433.2 –2.2 –38.2

Brisbane Inner City 3,063 1,348.6 2,261 839.3 2,198 789.8 –5.9 –41.4

Cairns 2,655 1,184.0 3,081 1,241.3 3,191 1,269.9 2.3 7.3

Central Queensland 2,156 1,030.2 1,702 754.9 1,838 816.0 8.1 –20.8

Darling Downs – Maranoa 838 691.1 787 612.0 817 633.4 3.5 –8.4

Gold Coast 6,296 1,254.5 4,193 701.0 3,907 635.8 –9.3 –49.3

Ipswich 3,912 1,445.3 2,521 745.6 2,753 793.5 6.4 –45.1

Logan – Beaudesert 3,572 1,248.9 3,213 968.0 3,435 1,015.4 4.9 –18.7

Mackay – Isaac – Whitsunday 1,204 736.1 1,338 773.7 1,372 796.6 3.0 8.2

Moreton Bay – North 1,985 950.0 1,690 688.8 1,586 635.6 –7.7 –33.1

Moreton Bay – South 1,015 634.5 1,071 522.7 1,042 494.2 –5.4 –22.1

Queensland – Outback 1,004 1,193.0 1,076 1,306.1 1,259 1,535.2 17.5 28.7

Sunshine Coast 2,291 752.7 1,485 411.0 1,638 442.3 7.6 –41.2

Toowoomba 1,694 1,212.8 1,049 681.8 1,222 784.2 15.0 –35.3

Townsville 2,443 1,137.4 3,319 1,412.4 2,955 1,250.2 –11.5 9.9

Wide Bay 2,009 742.5 1,815 619.0 1,937 655.5 5.9 –11.7

Queensland 44,307 1,036.6 36,788 752.7 38,015 764.7 1.6 –26.2

(a) Although offence rate has been rounded to one decimal place, the actual rate was used to calculate the percentage rate change between the two periods.

Table 29 Unlawful entry with intent – Dwelling

Unlawful entry with intent – Dwelling

2008–09 2016–17 2017–18 Change in rate

1 year 9 years

Statistical area level 4 number rate number rate number rate — %(a) — rate(a)

Brisbane – East 804 383.8 657 282.0 609 257.8 –8.6 –32.8

Brisbane – North 1,160 611.8 1,003 463.0 986 447.4 –3.4 –26.9

Brisbane – South 2,453 779.2 2,165 600.7 2,574 700.2 16.6 –10.1

Brisbane – West 863 496.9 634 336.6 597 313.1 –7.0 –37.0

Brisbane Inner City 1,699 748.0 1,319 489.6 1,110 398.8 –18.5 –46.7

Cairns 1,542 687.6 2,198 885.5 2,228 886.7 0.1 28.9

Central Queensland 1,040 497.0 1,000 443.6 1,053 467.5 5.4 –5.9

Darling Downs – Maranoa 327 269.7 362 281.5 391 303.1 7.7 12.4

Gold Coast 3,810 759.2 2,417 404.1 2,258 367.5 –9.1 –51.6

Ipswich 2,271 839.0 1,577 466.4 1,664 479.6 2.8 –42.8

Logan – Beaudesert 2,034 711.2 2,106 634.5 2,219 655.9 3.4 –7.8

Mackay – Isaac – Whitsunday 603 368.6 734 424.4 723 419.8 –1.1 13.9

Moreton Bay – North 1,093 523.1 1,015 413.7 940 376.7 –8.9 –28.0

Moreton Bay – South 526 328.8 755 368.4 652 309.2 –16.1 –6.0

Queensland – Outback 400 475.3 539 654.2 649 791.4 21.0 66.5

Sunshine Coast 1,373 451.1 868 240.2 868 234.4 –2.5 –48.0

Toowoomba 1,025 733.8 646 419.9 772 495.4 18.0 –32.5

Townsville 1,393 648.5 2,448 1,041.7 2,022 855.4 –17.9 31.9

Wide Bay 1,027 379.6 1,005 342.7 990 335.0 –2.2 –11.7

Queensland 25,452 595.5 23,461 480.1 23,338 469.5 –2.2 –21.2

(a) Although offence rate has been rounded to one decimal place, the actual rate was used to calculate the percentage rate change between the two periods.

Queensland Government Statistician’s Office

Crime report, Queensland, 2017–18 26

Table 30 Unlawful entry with intent – Shop

Unlawful entry with intent – Shop

2008–09 2016–17 2017–18 Change in rate

1 year 9 years

Statistical area level 4 number rate number rate number rate — %(a) — rate(a)

Brisbane – East 181 86.4 33 14.2 41 17.4 22.5 –79.9

Brisbane – North 228 120.3 80 36.9 78 35.4 –4.2 –70.6

Brisbane – South 323 102.6 123 34.1 176 47.9 40.3 –53.3

Brisbane – West 100 57.6 22 11.7 30 15.7 34.7 –72.7

Brisbane Inner City 379 166.9 134 49.7 143 51.4 3.3 –69.2

Cairns 251 111.9 141 56.8 149 59.3 4.4 –47.0

Central Queensland 259 123.8 67 29.7 100 44.4 49.4 –64.1

Darling Downs – Maranoa 91 75.0 44 34.2 52 40.3 17.8 –46.3

Gold Coast 663 132.1 242 40.5 219 35.6 –11.9 –73.0

Ipswich 316 116.7 100 29.6 99 28.5 –3.5 –75.6

Logan – Beaudesert 391 136.7 171 51.5 148 43.7 –15.1 –68.0

Mackay – Isaac – Whitsunday 118 72.1 92 53.2 80 46.4 –12.7 –35.6

Moreton Bay – North 210 100.5 111 45.2 87 34.9 –22.9 –65.3

Moreton Bay – South 144 90.0 47 22.9 77 36.5 59.2 –59.4

Queensland – Outback 91 108.1 71 86.2 83 101.2 17.4 –6.4

Sunshine Coast 263 86.4 68 18.8 115 31.0 65.0 –64.1

Toowoomba 159 113.8 46 29.9 33 21.2 –29.2 –81.4

Townsville 202 94.0 129 54.9 165 69.8 27.2 –25.8

Wide Bay 204 75.4 88 30.0 96 32.5 8.3 –56.9

Queensland 4,577 107.1 1,814 37.1 1,978 39.8 7.2 –62.8

(a) Although offence rate has been rounded to one decimal place, the actual rate was used to calculate the percentage rate change between the two periods.

Table 31 Unlawful entry with intent – Other

Unlawful entry with intent – Other

2008–09 2016–17 2017–18 Change in rate

1 year 9 years

Statistical area level 4 number rate number rate number rate — %(a) — rate(a)

Brisbane – East 470 224.3 235 100.9 259 109.6 8.7 –51.1

Brisbane – North 505 266.4 360 166.2 403 182.9 10.0 –31.4

Brisbane – South 791 251.2 665 184.5 833 226.6 22.8 –9.8

Brisbane – West 255 146.8 178 94.5 199 104.4 10.4 –28.9

Brisbane Inner City 985 433.7 808 299.9 945 339.5 13.2 –21.7

Cairns 862 384.4 742 298.9 814 323.9 8.4 –15.7

Central Queensland 857 409.5 635 281.7 685 304.1 8.0 –25.7

Darling Downs – Maranoa 420 346.4 381 296.3 374 289.9 –2.1 –16.3

Gold Coast 1,823 363.2 1,534 256.5 1,430 232.7 –9.3 –35.9

Ipswich 1,325 489.5 844 249.6 990 285.3 14.3 –41.7

Logan – Beaudesert 1,147 401.0 936 282.0 1,068 315.7 11.9 –21.3

Mackay – Isaac – Whitsunday 483 295.3 512 296.1 569 330.4 11.6 11.9

Moreton Bay – North 682 326.4 564 229.9 559 224.0 –2.5 –31.4

Moreton Bay – South 345 215.7 269 131.3 313 148.5 13.1 –31.2

Queensland – Outback 513 609.6 466 565.6 527 642.6 13.6 5.4

Sunshine Coast 655 215.2 549 152.0 655 176.8 16.4 –17.8

Toowoomba 510 365.1 357 232.0 417 267.6 15.3 –26.7

Townsville 848 394.8 742 315.7 768 324.9 2.9 –17.7

Wide Bay 778 287.5 722 246.2 851 288.0 17.0 0.2

Queensland 14,278 334.1 11,513 235.6 12,699 255.5 8.4 –23.5

(a) Although offence rate has been rounded to one decimal place, the actual rate was used to calculate the percentage rate change between the two periods.

Queensland Government Statistician’s Office

Crime report, Queensland, 2017–18 27

Table 32 Arson

Arson 2008–09 2016–17 2017–18 Change in rate

1 year 9 years

Statistical area level 4 number rate number rate number rate — %(a) — rate(a)

Brisbane – East 79 37.7 35 15.0 36 15.2 1.5 –59.6

Brisbane – North 35 18.5 35 16.2 30 13.6 –15.7 –26.3

Brisbane – South 80 25.4 54 15.0 63 17.1 14.4 –32.6

Brisbane – West 14 8.1 11 5.8 10 5.2 –10.2 –34.9

Brisbane Inner City 29 12.8 15 5.6 14 5.0 –9.7 –60.6

Cairns 54 24.1 46 18.5 59 23.5 26.7 –2.5

Central Queensland 53 25.3 66 29.3 74 32.9 12.2 29.7

Darling Downs – Maranoa 34 28.0 55 42.8 52 40.3 –5.7 43.8

Gold Coast 247 49.2 141 23.6 160 26.0 10.5 –47.1

Ipswich 148 54.7 113 33.4 120 34.6 3.5 –36.7

Logan – Beaudesert 201 70.3 129 38.9 160 47.3 21.7 –32.7

Mackay – Isaac – Whitsunday 43 26.3 38 22.0 69 40.1 82.3 52.4

Moreton Bay – North 80 38.3 112 45.6 110 44.1 –3.4 15.1

Moreton Bay – South 40 25.0 31 15.1 26 12.3 –18.5 –50.7

Queensland – Outback 29 34.5 40 48.6 52 63.4 30.6 84.0

Sunshine Coast 79 26.0 85 23.5 72 19.4 –17.4 –25.1

Toowoomba 41 29.4 45 29.2 42 27.0 –7.9 –8.2

Townsville 50 23.3 72 30.6 77 32.6 6.3 39.9

Wide Bay 88 32.5 73 24.9 58 19.6 –21.2 –39.7

Queensland 1,436 33.6 1,198 24.5 1,289 25.9 5.8 –22.8

(a) Although offence rate has been rounded to one decimal place, the actual rate was used to calculate the percentage rate change between the two periods.

Table 33 Other property damage(a)

Other property damage 2008–09 2016–17 2017–18 Change in rate

1 year 9 years

Statistical area level 4 number rate number rate number rate — %(b) — rate(a) Brisbane – East 1,661 792.8 1,096 470.4 1,103 466.9 –0.7 –41.1

Brisbane – North 2,400 1,265.8 1,126 519.7 1,258 570.8 9.8 –54.9

Brisbane – South 2,401 762.6 1,707 473.7 1,896 515.8 8.9 –32.4

Brisbane – West 1,209 696.1 631 335.1 602 315.7 –5.8 –54.6

Brisbane Inner City 3,076 1,354.3 2,233 828.9 2,023 726.9 –12.3 –46.3

Cairns 2,585 1,152.8 2,756 1,110.3 2,675 1,064.6 –4.1 –7.7

Central Queensland 2,371 1,133.0 2,018 895.1 2,023 898.2 0.3 –20.7

Darling Downs – Maranoa 967 797.5 844 656.3 895 693.8 5.7 –13.0

Gold Coast 4,415 879.7 4,217 705.1 4,059 660.6 –6.3 –24.9

Ipswich 3,273 1,209.2 2,786 824.0 2,896 834.7 1.3 –31.0

Logan – Beaudesert 3,068 1,072.7 3,156 950.9 3,041 898.9 –5.5 –16.2

Mackay – Isaac – Whitsunday 1,515 926.2 1,204 696.2 1,232 715.3 2.7 –22.8

Moreton Bay – North 2,149 1,028.5 2,197 895.4 2,187 876.4 –2.1 –14.8

Moreton Bay – South 1,191 744.5 1,090 531.9 1,106 524.6 –1.4 –29.5

Queensland – Outback 1,268 1,506.7 1,505 1,826.8 1,730 2,109.5 15.5 40.0

Sunshine Coast 2,486 816.7 1,956 541.4 2,064 557.3 2.9 –31.8

Toowoomba 1,356 970.8 1,161 754.6 1,193 765.6 1.4 –21.1

Townsville 2,567 1,195.1 2,454 1,044.3 2,502 1,058.5 1.4 –11.4

Wide Bay 2,604 962.4 2,468 841.6 2,195 742.8 –11.7 –22.8

Queensland 42,699 999.0 36,652 750.0 36,755 739.4 –1.4 –26.0

(a) Includes graffiti; unlawful damage to property; wilfully kill, maim, wound animals. (b) Although offence rate has been rounded to one decimal place, the actual rate was used to calculate the percentage rate change between

the two periods.

Queensland Government Statistician’s Office

Crime report, Queensland, 2017–18 28

Table 34 Unlawful use of a motor vehicle

Unlawful use of motor vehicle

2008–09 2016–17 2017–18 Change in rate

1 year 9 years

Statistical area level 4 number rate number rate number rate — %(a) — rate(a)

Brisbane – East 325 155.1 336 144.2 398 168.5 16.8 8.6

Brisbane – North 411 216.8 717 331.0 672 304.9 –7.9 40.7

Brisbane – South 706 224.3 803 222.8 973 264.7 18.8 18.0

Brisbane – West 157 90.4 179 95.0 182 95.4 0.4 5.6

Brisbane Inner City 651 286.6 759 281.7 694 249.4 –11.5 –13.0

Cairns 461 205.6 877 353.3 903 359.4 1.7 74.8

Central Queensland 314 150.0 338 149.9 348 154.5 3.1 3.0

Darling Downs – Maranoa 136 112.2 193 150.1 199 154.3 2.8 37.5

Gold Coast 1,919 382.4 1,913 319.8 2,178 354.5 10.8 –7.3

Ipswich 816 301.5 888 262.6 1,006 290.0 10.4 –3.8

Logan – Beaudesert 1,026 358.7 1,155 348.0 1,395 412.4 18.5 15.0

Mackay – Isaac – Whitsunday 238 145.5 343 198.3 496 288.0 45.2 97.9

Moreton Bay – North 458 219.2 625 254.7 635 254.5 –0.1 16.1

Moreton Bay – South 166 103.8 311 151.8 320 151.8 – 46.3

Queensland – Outback 231 274.5 185 224.6 235 286.5 27.6 4.4

Sunshine Coast 392 128.8 517 143.1 678 183.1 27.9 42.1

Toowoomba 261 186.9 339 220.3 377 241.9 9.8 29.5

Townsville 474 220.7 1,053 448.1 872 368.9 –17.7 67.2

Wide Bay 354 130.8 401 136.7 513 173.6 27.0 32.7

Queensland 9,513 222.6 11,945 244.4 13,112 263.8 7.9 18.5

(a) Although offence rate has been rounded to one decimal place, the actual rate was used to calculate the percentage rate change between the two periods.

Table 35 Other theft (excl. unlawful entry)

Other theft (excl. unlawful entry) 2008–09 2016–17 2017–18

Change in rate

1 year 9 years

Statistical area level 4 number rate number rate number rate — %(b) — rate(a) Brisbane – East 2,750 1,312.6 3,210 1,377.6 4,207 1,780.8 29.3 35.7

Brisbane – North 3,808 2,008.5 4,918 2,270.1 5,874 2,665.2 17.4 32.7

Brisbane – South 5,027 1,596.8 7,224 2,004.5 8,579 2,333.8 16.4 46.2

Brisbane – West 2,129 1,225.8 2,334 1,239.3 2,378 1,247.1 0.6 1.7

Brisbane Inner City 7,759 3,416.1 8,511 3,159.2 9,416 3,383.2 7.1 –1.0

Cairns 5,344 2,383.1 6,946 2,798.4 6,958 2,769.1 –1.0 16.2

Central Queensland 3,579 1,710.2 4,525 2,007.1 4,711 2,091.5 4.2 22.3

Darling Downs – Maranoa 1,361 1,122.4 1,910 1,485.2 1,945 1,507.8 1.5 34.3

Gold Coast 12,452 2,481.1 16,239 2,715.0 18,278 2,974.6 9.6 19.9

Ipswich 5,596 2,067.4 8,507 2,516.0 9,820 2,830.4 12.5 36.9

Logan – Beaudesert 5,534 1,934.9 9,382 2,826.7 11,170 3,301.8 16.8 70.6

Mackay – Isaac – Whitsunday 2,509 1,533.9 3,815 2,205.9 3,701 2,148.9 –2.6 40.1

Moreton Bay – North 3,790 1,813.9 6,479 2,640.7 6,923 2,774.4 5.1 53.0

Moreton Bay – South 1,874 1,171.5 3,541 1,728.0 4,014 1,903.8 10.2 62.5

Queensland – Outback 1,301 1,545.9 1,688 2,048.9 1,666 2,031.4 –0.9 31.4

Sunshine Coast 4,891 1,606.9 6,416 1,775.8 7,000 1,890.0 6.4 17.6

Toowoomba 2,267 1,623.0 3,510 2,281.4 3,668 2,353.8 3.2 45.0

Townsville 4,684 2,180.7 5,912 2,515.8 5,963 2,522.7 0.3 15.7

Wide Bay 4,352 1,608.5 4,992 1,702.4 5,413 1,831.8 7.6 13.9

Queensland 81,799 1,913.8 110,625 2,263.6 122,234 2,458.92,458.9

8.6 28.5

(a) Stealing from dwellings; shop stealing; vehicles (steal from / enter with intent); other stealing. (b) Although offence rate has been rounded to one decimal place, the actual rate was used to calculate the percentage rate change between

the two periods.

Queensland Government Statistician’s Office

Crime report, Queensland, 2017–18 29

Table 36 Fraud

Fraud 2008–09 2016–17 2017–18 Change in rate

1 year 9 years

Statistical area level 4 number rate number rate number rate — %(a) — rate(a)

Brisbane – East 292 139.4 618 265.2 878 371.6 40.1 166.6

Brisbane – North 863 455.2 1,927 889.5 1,543 700.1 –21.3 53.8

Brisbane – South 1,578 501.2 1,460 405.1 1,798 489.1 20.7 –2.4

Brisbane – West 510 293.6 717 380.7 572 300.0 –21.2 2.2

Brisbane Inner City 2,742 1,207.2 2,880 1,069.0 2,646 950.7 –11.1 –21.2

Cairns 809 360.8 1,496 602.7 1,092 434.6 –27.9 20.5

Central Queensland 878 419.5 1,894 840.1 1,055 468.4 –44.2 11.6

Darling Downs – Maranoa 449 370.3 492 382.6 547 424.0 10.8 14.5

Gold Coast 2,162 430.8 4,176 698.2 3,805 619.2 –11.3 43.7

Ipswich 1,129 417.1 1,464 433.0 1,909 550.2 27.1 31.9

Logan – Beaudesert 1,449 506.6 2,280 686.9 2,191 647.7 –5.7 27.8

Mackay – Isaac – Whitsunday 428 261.7 931 538.3 644 373.9 –30.5 42.9

Moreton Bay – North 520 248.9 1,970 802.9 1,287 515.8 –35.8 107.2

Moreton Bay – South 579 361.9 895 436.8 759 360.0 –17.6 –0.5

Queensland – Outback 297 352.9 266 322.9 305 371.9 15.2 5.4

Sunshine Coast 1,382 454.0 1,216 336.6 1,556 420.1 24.8 –7.5

Toowoomba 517 370.1 1,051 683.1 964 618.6 –9.4 67.1

Townsville 626 291.4 1,373 584.3 971 410.8 –29.7 41.0

Wide Bay 705 260.6 1,452 495.2 1,187 401.7 –18.9 54.2

Queensland 17,970 420.4 28,826 589.8 27,390 551.0 –6.6 31.0

(a) Although offence rate has been rounded to one decimal place, the actual rate was used to calculate the percentage rate change between the two periods.

Table 37 Handling stolen goods

Handling stolen goods 2008–09 2016–17 2017–18 Change in rate

1 year 9 years

Statistical area level 4 number rate number rate number rate — %(a) — rate(a) Brisbane – East 147 70.2 168 72.1 189 80.0 11.0 14.0

Brisbane – North 215 113.4 186 85.9 222 100.7 17.3 –11.2

Brisbane – South 305 96.9 392 108.8 377 102.6 –5.7 5.9

Brisbane – West 116 66.8 112 59.5 106 55.6 –6.5 –16.8

Brisbane Inner City 692 304.7 636 236.1 653 234.6 –0.6 –23.0

Cairns 349 155.6 383 154.3 389 154.8 0.3 –0.5

Central Queensland 275 131.4 213 94.5 241 107.0 13.2 –18.6

Darling Downs – Maranoa 80 66.0 138 107.3 115 89.1 –16.9 35.1

Gold Coast 591 117.8 803 134.3 839 136.5 1.7 15.9

Ipswich 331 122.3 441 130.4 468 134.9 3.4 10.3

Logan – Beaudesert 317 110.8 431 129.9 540 159.6 22.9 44.0

Mackay – Isaac – Whitsunday 89 54.4 187 108.1 190 110.3 2.0 102.7

Moreton Bay – North 194 92.8 275 112.1 298 119.4 6.5 28.6

Moreton Bay – South 114 71.3 126 61.5 114 54.1 –12.1 –24.1

Queensland – Outback 101 120.0 109 132.3 161 196.3 48.4 63.6

Sunshine Coast 244 80.2 239 66.1 282 76.1 15.1 –5.0

Toowoomba 181 129.6 335 217.7 324 207.9 –4.5 60.4

Townsville 217 101.0 227 96.6 238 100.7 4.2 –0.3

Wide Bay 172 63.6 235 80.1 187 63.3 –21.0 –0.5

Queensland 4,758 111.3 5,652 115.7 5,956 119.8 3.6 7.6

(a) Although offence rate has been rounded to one decimal place, the actual rate was used to calculate the percentage rate change between the two periods.

Queensland Government Statistician’s Office

Crime report, Queensland, 2017–18 30

4.3. Other offences

Please note the following:

• Rates are presented per 100,000 estimated resident population.

• Any of the tables in this section may include some offences where the statistical area level 4 (SA4) in which the offence occurred cannot be identified. Such offences have been included in the Queensland totals only, and therefore SA4 statistics may not always sum to Queensland totals.

Table 38 Other offences – all offence types

Other offences – All offence types

2008–09 2016–17 2017–18 Change in rate

1 year 9 years

Statistical area level 4 number rate number rate number rate — %(a) — rate(a)

Brisbane – East 5,000 2,386.6 6,598 2,831.5 6,127 2,593.5 –8.4 8.7

Brisbane – North 4,925 2,597.6 6,268 2,893.2 5,761 2,613.9 –9.7 0.6

Brisbane – South 6,056 1,923.6 9,775 2,712.4 8,824 2,400.5 –11.5 24.8

Brisbane – West 2,311 1,330.6 2,624 1,393.3 2,694 1,412.80

1.4 6.2

Brisbane Inner City 16,086 7,082.3 18,739 6,955.7 16,825 6,045.3 –13.1 –14.6

Cairns 14,347 6,397.9 16,283 6,560.1 15,543 6,185.6 –5.7 –3.3

Central Queensland 10,894 5,205.6 13,825 6,132.3 12,905 5,729.4 –6.6 10.1

Darling Downs – Maranoa 5,039 4,155.5 8,510 6,617.4 8,353 6,475.4 –2.1 55.8

Gold Coast 17,629 3,512.7 23,544 3,936.4 21,341 3,473.1 –11.8 –1.1

Ipswich 8,454 3,123.3 18,093 5,351.1 17,766 5,120.7 –4.3 64.0

Logan – Beaudesert 8,969 3,135.8 15,751 4,745.6 14,952 4,419.8 –6.9 40.9

Mackay – Isaac – Whitsunday 6,934 4,239.1 9,101 5,262.4 9,107 5,287.7 0.5 24.7

Moreton Bay – North 7,692 3,681.4 14,076 5,737.1 13,526 5,420.5 –5.5 47.2

Moreton Bay – South 2,810 1,756.6 4,657 2,272.7 4,633 2,197.4 –3.3 25.1

Queensland – Outback 9,839 11,690.9 11,340 13,764.7 10,807 13,177.4 –4.3 12.7

Sunshine Coast 10,769 3,538.0 12,388 3,428.7 12,717 3,433.5 0.1 –3.0

Toowoomba 4,793 3,431.5 10,611 6,896.9 10,238 6,569.8 –4.7 91.5

Townsville 12,474 5,807.4 15,978 6,799.3 15,687 6,636.6 –2.4 14.3

Wide Bay 11,895 4,396.3 15,841 5,402.1 13,795 4,668.4 –13.6 6.2

Queensland 167,683 3,923.2 234,865 4,805.8 222,476 4,475.34,475.3

–6.9 14.1

(a) Although offence rate has been rounded to one decimal place, the actual rate was used to calculate the percentage rate change between the two periods.

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Table 39 Drug offences

Drug offences 2008–09 2016–17 2017–18 Change in rate

1 year 9 years

Statistical area level 4 number rate number rate number rate — %(a) — rate(a)

Brisbane – East 1,718 820.0 2,785 1,195.2 2,528 1,070.11 –10.5 30.5

Brisbane – North 1,660 875.5 2,523 1,164.6 2,085 946.0 –18.8 8.0

Brisbane – South 1,982 629.6 3,764 1,044.4 3,251 884.4 –15.3 40.5

Brisbane – West 731 420.9 1,006 534.2 1,055 553.3 3.6 31.5

Brisbane Inner City 4,198 1,848.3 7,252 2,691.8 6,688 2,403.0 –10.7 30.0

Cairns 3,257 1,452.4 4,701 1,893.9 4,647 1,849.4 –2.4 27.3

Central Queensland 2,387 1,140.6 4,557 2,021.3 4,458 1,979.2 –2.1 73.5

Darling Downs – Maranoa 1,354 1,116.6 3,376 2,625.2 3,571 2,768.3 5.5 147.9

Gold Coast 4,775 951.4 9,008 1,506.1 7,657 1,246.1 –17.3 31.0

Ipswich 2,243 828.7 7,205 2,130.9 7,338 2,115.0 –0.7 155.2

Logan – Beaudesert 2,703 945.1 5,495 1,655.6 5,105 1,509.0 –8.9 59.7

Mackay – Isaac – Whitsunday 2,062 1,260.6 2,850 1,647.9 2,957 1,716.9 4.2 36.2

Moreton Bay – North 2,468 1,181.2 6,078 2,477.3 6,046 2,422.9 –2.2 105.1

Moreton Bay – South 896 560.1 1,742 850.1 1,776 842.3 –0.9 50.4

Queensland – Outback 1,407 1,671.8 2,054 2,493.2 1,936 2,360.6 –5.3 41.2

Sunshine Coast 3,707 1,217.9 4,634 1,282.6 4,544 1,226.9 –4.3 0.7

Toowoomba 1,186 849.1 4,243 2,757.8 3,727 2,391.7 –13.3 181.7

Townsville 2,554 1,189.0 5,370 2,285.1 5,328 2,254.1 –1.4 89.6

Wide Bay 3,517 1,299.9 5,811 1,981.7 4,734 1,602.0 –19.2 23.2

Queensland 45,098 1,055.1 84,905 1,737.3 79,882 1,606.9 –7.5 52.3

(a) Although offence rate has been rounded to one decimal place, the actual rate was used to calculate the percentage rate change between the two periods.

Table 40 Breach domestic violence protection order

Breach domestic violence protection order

2008–09 2016–17 2017–18 Change in rate

1 year 9 years

Statistical area level 4 number rate number rate number rate — %(a) — rate(a) Brisbane – East 336 160.4 717 307.7 654 276.8 –10.0 72.6

Brisbane – North 284 149.8 567 261.7 642 291.3 11.3 94.5

Brisbane – South 264 83.9 821 227.8 843 229.3 0.7 173.5

Brisbane – West 98 56.4 258 137.0 270 141.6 3.4 150.9

Brisbane Inner City 194 85.4 716 265.8 780 280.3 5.5 228.1

Cairns 905 403.6 2,039 821.5 1,955 778.0 –5.3 92.8

Central Queensland 710 339.3 1,992 883.6 2,366 1,050.4 18.9 209.6

Darling Downs – Maranoa 235 193.8 527 409.8 523 405.4 –1.1 109.2

Gold Coast 579 115.4 2,645 442.2 2,294 373.3 –15.6 223.6

Ipswich 554 204.7 1,873 554.0 1,850 533.2 –3.7 160.5

Logan – Beaudesert 472 165.0 2,134 643.0 2,315 684.3 6.4 314.7

Mackay – Isaac – Whitsunday 312 190.7 1,204 696.2 1,074 623.6 –10.4 226.9

Moreton Bay – North 383 183.3 1,722 701.9 1,714 686.9 –2.1 274.7

Moreton Bay – South 139 86.9 568 277.2 553 262.3 –5.4 201.8

Queensland – Outback 675 802.0 1,461 1,773.4 1,460 1,780.2 0.4 122.0

Sunshine Coast 421 138.3 1,230 340.4 1,114 300.8 –11.7 117.5

Toowoomba 264 189.0 690 448.5 800 513.4 14.5 171.6

Townsville 763 355.2 2,591 1,102.6 2,756 1,166.0 5.8 228.2

Wide Bay 814 300.8 1,992 679.3 2,319 784.8 15.5 160.9

Queensland 8,412 196.8 25,774 527.4 26,317 529.4 0.4 169.0

(a) Although offence rate has been rounded to one decimal place, the actual rate was used to calculate the percentage rate change between the two periods.

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Table 41 Weapons Act offences

Weapons Act offences 2008–09 2016–17 2017–18 Change in rate

1 year 9 years

Statistical area level 4 number rate number rate number rate — %(a) — rate(a)

Brisbane – East 122 58.2 175 75.1 165 69.8 –7.0 19.9

Brisbane – North 130 68.6 168 77.5 155 70.3 –9.3 2.6

Brisbane – South 140 44.5 280 77.7 271 73.7 –5.1 65.8

Brisbane – West 42 24.2 78 41.4 79 41.4 – 71.3

Brisbane Inner City 239 105.2 444 164.8 451 162.0 –1.7 54.0

Cairns 275 122.6 523 210.7 365 145.3 –31.1 18.4

Central Queensland 239 114.2 390 173.0 377 167.4 –3.2 46.6

Darling Downs – Maranoa 128 105.6 260 202.2 256 198.5 –1.8 88.0

Gold Coast 354 70.5 644 107.7 598 97.3 –9.6 38.0

Ipswich 179 66.1 527 155.9 487 140.4 –9.9 112.3

Logan – Beaudesert 215 75.2 528 159.1 565 167.0 5.0 122.2

Mackay – Isaac – Whitsunday 114 69.7 310 179.2 302 175.3 –2.2 151.6

Moreton Bay – North 166 79.4 480 195.6 487 195.2 –0.2 145.7

Moreton Bay – South 58 36.3 175 85.4 135 64.0 –25.0 76.6

Queensland – Outback 240 285.2 243 295.0 230 280.4 –4.9 –1.7

Sunshine Coast 180 59.1 264 73.1 386 104.2 42.6 76.2

Toowoomba 101 72.3 323 209.9 283 181.6 –13.5 151.2

Townsville 224 104.3 427 181.7 478 202.2 11.3 93.9

Wide Bay 286 105.7 520 177.3 484 163.8 –7.6 55.0

Queensland 3,460 81.0 6,762 138.4 6,566 132.1 –4.5 63.2

(a) Although offence rate has been rounded to one decimal place, the actual rate was used to calculate the percentage rate change between the two periods.

Table 42 Good order offences(a)

Good order offences 2008–09 2016–17 2017–18 Change in rate

1 year 9 years

Statistical area level 4 number rate number rate number rate — %(b) — rate(a) Brisbane – East 1,089 519.8 1,444 619.7 1,349 571.0 –7.9 9.9

Brisbane – North 1,160 611.8 1,458 673.0 1,297 588.5 –12.6 –3.8

Brisbane – South 1,213 385.3 2,234 619.9 2,096 570.2 –8.0 48.0

Brisbane – West 535 308.0 545 289.4 606 317.8 9.8 3.2

Brisbane Inner City 6,378 2,808.1 6,725 2,496.2 5,873 2,110.2 –15.5 –24.9

Cairns 4,639 2,068.7 4,274 1,721.9 4,058 1,615.0 –6.2 –21.9

Central Queensland 3,482 1,663.9 3,465 1,537.0 2,894 1,284.8 –16.4 –22.8

Darling Downs – Maranoa 1,419 1,170.2 1,783 1,386.5 1,612 1,249.6 –9.9 6.8

Gold Coast 5,766 1,148.9 5,430 907.9 5,159 839.6 –7.5 –26.9

Ipswich 2,321 857.5 4,318 1,277.1 3,977 1,146.3 –10.2 33.7

Logan – Beaudesert 2,749 961.1 4,061 1,223.5 3,386 1,000.9 –18.2 4.1

Mackay – Isaac – Whitsunday 1,807 1,104.7 2,527 1,461.2 2,443 1,418.4 –2.9 28.4

Moreton Bay – North 2,178 1,042.4 3,059 1,246.8 2,636 1,056.4 –15.3 1.3

Moreton Bay – South 615 384.4 1,063 518.8 1,028 487.6 –6.0 26.8

Queensland – Outback 3,418 4,061.3 3,696 4,486.3 3,393 4,137.2 –7.8 1.9

Sunshine Coast 2,736 898.9 2,730 755.6 2,777 749.8 –0.8 –16.6

Toowoomba 1,799 1,288.0 2,743 1,782.9 2,687 1,724.3 –3.3 33.9

Townsville 3,733 1,737.9 4,239 1,803.9 3,899 1,649.5 –8.6 –5.1

Wide Bay 3,552 1,312.8 3,619 1,234.1 2,856 966.5 –21.7 –26.4

Queensland 50,759 1,187.6 59,616 1,219.9 54,226 1,090.8 –10.6 –8.1

(a) Disobey move-on direction; resist, incite, hinder, obstruct; fare evasion; public nuisance. (b) Although offence rate has been rounded to one decimal place, the actual rate was used to calculate the percentage rate change between

the two periods.

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Table 43 Traffic and related offences(a)

Traffic and related offences 2008–09 2016–17 2017–18 Change in rate

1 year 9 years

Statistical area level 4 number rate number rate number rate — %(b) — rate(a)

Brisbane – East 1,455 694.5 1,149 493.1 1,084 458.8 –6.9 –33.9

Brisbane – North 1,282 676.2 1,277 589.4 1,354 614.3 4.2 –9.1

Brisbane – South 2,140 679.7 2,185 606.3 1,904 518.0 –14.6 –23.8

Brisbane – West 697 401.3 575 305.3 516 270.6 –11.4 –32.6

Brisbane Inner City 2,969 1,307.2 1,734 643.6 1,607 577.4 –10.3 –55.8

Cairns 3,406 1,518.9 3,512 1,414.9 3,395 1,351.1 –4.5 –11.0

Central Queensland 2,406 1,149.7 2,376 1,053.9 2,001 888.4 –15.7 –22.7

Darling Downs – Maranoa 1,343 1,107.5 2,106 1,637.6 1,863 1,444.2 –11.8 30.4

Gold Coast 5,107 1,017.6 4,847 810.4 4,663 758.9 –6.4 –25.4

Ipswich 2,444 902.9 3,433 1,015.3 3,389 976.8 –3.8 8.2

Logan – Beaudesert 2,415 844.4 3,032 913.5 3,006 888.6 –2.7 5.2

Mackay – Isaac – Whitsunday 2,172 1,327.9 1,684 973.7 1,870 1,085.8 11.5 –18.2

Moreton Bay – North 2,045 978.7 2,122 864.9 2,093 838.8 –3.0 –14.3

Moreton Bay – South 909 568.2 883 430.9 906 429.7 –0.3 –24.4

Queensland – Outback 1,988 2,362.2 1,754 2,129.0 1,702 2,075.3 –2.5 –12.1

Sunshine Coast 3,038 998.1 2,945 815.1 3,138 847.2 3.9 –15.1

Toowoomba 1,007 720.9 1,824 1,185.6 1,772 1,137.1 –4.1 57.7

Townsville 2,752 1,281.2 2,103 894.9 2,091 884.6 –1.1 –31.0

Wide Bay 2,531 935.4 2,646 902.3 2,601 880.2 –2.5 –5.9

Queensland 42,266 988.9 42,291 865.4 41,048 825.7 –4.6 –16.5

(a) Dangerous operation of a vehicle; drink driving; disqualified driving; interfere with mechanism of motor vehicle. (b) Rate per 100,000 estimated resident population. Although offence rate has been rounded to one decimal place, the actual rate was

used to calculate the absolute rate change between the two periods.

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Crime report, Queensland, 2017–18 34

5.0 Crime trends – 10–year time series This section presents a series of graphs with monthly data for selected offences for the ten–year time series from 2008–09 to 2017–18.

Crime trend data are expressed as rate per 100,000 estimated resident population (ERP) for each month.

Rates for each month are calculated as reported offences per 100,000 persons, using the ERP of the specified region, published by the Australian Bureau of Statistics, as at 30 June. Average ERP of a financial year is used to derive monthly rates for the respective financial year (e.g. average of ERP as at 30 June 2016 and as at 30 June 2017 is used for the 12 months in 2016–17). ERP as at 30 June 2018 have been derived by linear extrapolation of population change.

Calculation of rates allows comparisons of crime to be made across different geographical areas and across time, since the size of the population is taken into account in the calculation. However, transient population groups such as tourists are not factored into the ERP.

The trendline applied illustrates the general trend over the 10-year period, and is not sensitive to seasonal variations which may be apparent in the monthly data.

Crime trend data are expressed as rate per 100,000

estimated resident population. Transient population groups

such as tourists are not factored into the ERP.

When comparing rates in different figures,

please be aware that scales used

vary from graph to graph.

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Crime report, Queensland, 2017–18 35

5.1. Offences against the person

Figure 1 Offences against the person – all offences

Figure 2 Homicide (murder)

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Crime report, Queensland, 2017–18 36

Figure 3 Other homicide offences(a)

(a) Attempted murder; conspiracy to murder; manslaughter (incl. by driving or striking).

Figure 4 Assault – all

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Crime report, Queensland, 2017–18 37

Figure 5 Grievous assault(a)

(a) Assault resulting in grievous bodily harm.

Figure 6 Serious assault(a)

(a) Assault resulting in injury (excluding grievous bodily harm).

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Crime report, Queensland, 2017–18 38

Figure 7 Serious assault (other)(a)

(a) Serious assault not resulting in injury.

Figure 8 Common assault

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Figure 9 Sexual offences – all

Figure 10 Rape and attempted rape

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Figure 11 Other sexual offences(a)

(a) Sexual offences other than rape/attempted rape.

Figure 12 Robbery – all

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Crime report, Queensland, 2017–18 41

Figure 13 Armed robbery

Figure 14 Unarmed robbery

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Crime report, Queensland, 2017–18 42

Figure 15 Other offences against the person(a) – all

(a) Kidnapping and abduction; extortion; stalking; life endangering acts.

Figure 16 Kidnapping and abduction etc.

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Crime report, Queensland, 2017–18 43

Figure 17 Extortion

Figure 18 Stalking

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Figure 19 Life endangering acts(a)

(a) Includes ill treatment of child; bomb threat; strangulation in a domestic setting; driving causing grievous bodily harm; endanger lives on transport; and other life endangering acts.

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Crime report, Queensland, 2017–18 45

5.2. Offences against property

Figure 20 Offences against property – all offences

Figure 21 Unlawful entry – all

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Crime report, Queensland, 2017–18 46

Figure 22 Unlawful entry with intent – dwelling

Figure 23 Unlawful entry with intent – shop

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Figure 24 Unlawful entry with intent – other

Figure 25 Arson

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Figure 26 Other property damage(a)

(a) Includes graffiti; unlawful damage to property; wilfully kill, maim, wound animals.

Figure 27 Unlawful use of motor vehicle

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Figure 28 Other theft (excl. unlawful entry)

Figure 29 Fraud

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Figure 30 Handling stolen goods

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5.3. Other offences

Figure 31 Other offences – all offences

Figure 32 Drug offences

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Figure 33 Breach domestic violence protection order

Figure 34 Weapons Act offences

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Figure 35 Good order offences(a)

(a) Disobey move-on direction; resist, incite, hinder, obstruct; fare evasion; public nuisance.

Figure 36 Traffic and related offences(a)

(a) Dangerous operation of a vehicle; drink driving; disqualified driving; interfere with mechanism of motor vehicle

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6.0 Crime locations This section provides a breakdown of crime by the type of location in which the reported offence occurred. The location classifications are based on those used by the ABS in Recorded crime – Victims, Australia (ABS 4510.0).

A crime location is defined as the initial site where a criminal incident occurred, classified by the primary function of that site where the site has more than one function. This definition may encompass any surrounding land, yard or car parking area, together with any other structures existing at the location. (See glossary for further information.)

Where crime occurred in Queensland in 2017–18

n.e.c. = not elsewhere classified n.f.d. = not further disaggregated








Dwelling – residential (147,051)

Street or footpath (124,343)

Retail (97,715)

Outbuilding residential land (32,540)

Transport (19,859)

Admin. or professional (18,942)

Justice (13,710)

Recreational (10,416)

Unspecified location (9,432)

Educational (8,123)

Open space (8,035)

Health (4,829)

Other n.e.c. (2,544)

Community location n.e.c. (1,788)

Banking (1,254)

Agricultural (1,222)

Warehouse or storage (629)

Religious (533)

Other n.f.d. (452)

Manufacturing (256)

Wholesale (47)


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6.1. Offences against the person

Table 44 Offences against the person, by crime location, 2017–18

Offences against the person

Residential Community

Dwelling Outbuilding

residential land

Educational Health Justice Open space Religious Street or footpath

Transport Community

location n.e.c.

Offence — number — — number —

Homicide (Murder) 27 4 0 1 0 1 0 3 0 0

Other homicide 29 1 1 0 0 2 0 20 1 0

Attempted murder 26 1 1 0 0 1 0 4 1 0

Conspiracy to murder 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Manslaughter (excl. by driving and striking)

3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Manslaughter – unlawful striking causing death

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Driving causing death 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 16 0 0

Assault 10,090 596 930 533 827 609 13 4,712 918 96

Grievous assault 487 27 12 5 24 42 0 168 26 2

Serious assault 5,231 288 465 180 235 321 5 2,178 410 36

Serious assault (other) 1,075 101 61 188 239 50 2 690 132 11

Common assault 3,297 180 392 160 329 196 6 1,676 350 47

Sexual offences 4,180 82 381 62 86 252 16 259 105 25

Rape and attempted rape 1,579 33 26 17 33 85 2 80 28 8

Other sexual offences 2,601 49 355 45 53 167 14 179 77 17

Robbery 314 87 17 6 1 56 1 706 111 9

Armed robbery 209 39 13 3 0 19 0 267 25 6

Unarmed robbery 105 48 4 3 1 37 1 439 86 3

Other offences against the person 2,771 182 87 32 41 43 2 656 74 7

Kidnapping, abduction etc. 196 7 6 4 2 4 0 44 8 1

Extortion 55 4 3 2 1 1 0 2 1 1

Stalking 408 35 13 2 6 8 1 60 7 1

Life endangering acts 2,112 136 65 24 32 30 1 550 58 4

Total 17,411 952 1,416 634 955 963 32 6,356 1,209 137

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Offences against the person (cont.) Other locations

Unspecified location Admin. or

professional Agricultural Banking Manufacturing Recreational Retail

Warehouse or storage

Wholesale Other n.f.d. Other n.e.c.

Offence — number — number

Homicide (Murder) 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1

Other homicide 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 3

Attempted murder 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0

Conspiracy to murder 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1

Manslaughter (excl. by driving and striking)

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Manslaughter – unlawful striking causing death

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Driving causing death 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 2

Assault 502 41 5 5 882 2,384 16 0 27 43 234

Grievous assault 4 2 0 0 32 70 0 0 2 0 13

Serious assault 197 23 3 4 492 1,088 9 0 16 27 105

Serious assault (other) 104 9 1 0 68 293 3 0 0 5 28

Common assault 197 7 1 1 290 933 4 0 9 11 88

Sexual offences 96 21 0 0 294 269 2 0 7 5 158

Rape and attempted rape 12 4 0 0 74 65 1 0 2 1 49

Other sexual offences 84 17 0 0 220 204 1 0 5 4 109

Robbery 31 0 3 0 154 596 2 0 3 1 13

Armed robbery 19 0 2 0 49 357 2 0 2 0 5

Unarmed robbery 12 0 1 0 105 239 0 0 1 1 8

Other offences against the person 88 4 7 2 67 281 3 1 1 6 167

Kidnapping, abduction etc. 0 1 0 0 4 19 2 0 0 0 3

Extortion 5 0 2 0 1 9 0 0 0 0 2

Stalking 31 0 1 0 10 49 0 0 0 0 44

Life endangering acts 52 3 4 2 52 204 1 1 1 6 118

Total 717 66 15 7 1,397 3,532 23 1 38 56 576

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6.2. Offences against property

Table 45 Offences against property, by crime location, 2017–18

Offences against property

Residential Community

Dwelling Outbuilding

residential land

Educational Health Justice Open space Religious Street or footpath

Transport Community

location n.e.c.

Offence — number — — number —

Unlawful entry 25,425 1,890 1,128 179 13 45 146 117 205 288

Unlawful entry with intent – dwelling 22,581 260 2 3 8 12 3 77 25 6

Without violence 21,906 254 2 3 7 12 3 74 25 6

With violence 675 6 0 0 1 0 0 3 0 0

Unlawful entry with intent – shop 6 6 5 9 0 1 2 2 2 6

Unlawful entry with intent – other 2,838 1,624 1,121 167 5 32 141 38 178 276

Arson 231 60 17 4 7 267 3 404 58 16

Other property damage 11,938 5,499 1,546 340 637 503 128 6,062 1,603 357

Unlawful use of motor vehicle 4,263 3,193 52 33 5 83 11 2,654 564 14

Other theft (excl. unlawful entry) 14,023 18,418 1,861 692 165 2,127 122 11,669 3,655 368

Stealing from dwellings 7,670 532 7 0 9 6 0 45 26 6

Shop stealing 15 5 26 11 31 9 0 105 28 15

Vehicles (steal from / enter with intent)

2,921 11,531 212 128 36 479 37 8,291 1,988 81

Other stealing 3,417 6,350 1,616 553 89 1,633 85 3,228 1,613 266

Fraud 3,876 116 127 384 108 82 4 533 385 21

Fraud by computer 359 0 10 4 3 11 0 4 0 2

Fraud by cheque 20 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0

Fraud by credit card 354 6 44 14 4 22 0 283 147 1

Identity fraud 871 7 3 303 9 9 0 25 5 2

Other fraud 2,272 102 70 63 92 39 4 221 233 16

Handling stolen goods 1,899 119 32 12 169 131 2 1,822 358 11

Possess property suspected stolen 728 39 11 6 88 56 1 912 192 6

Receiving stolen property 155 11 10 0 7 11 0 78 13 0

Possess etc. tainted property 1,003 68 11 6 74 57 1 798 150 5

Other handling stolen goods 13 1 0 0 0 7 0 34 3 0

Total 61,655 29,295 4,763 1,644 1,104 3,238 416 23,261 6,828 1,075

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Offences against property (cont.) Other locations

Unspecified location Admin. or

professional Agricultural Banking Manufacturing Recreational Retail

Warehouse or storage

Wholesale Other n.f.d. Other n.e.c.

Offence — number — number

Unlawful entry 2,617 73 8 81 675 3,376 185 11 3 731 819

Unlawful entry with intent – dwelling 29 12 0 0 94 171 1 0 0 4 50

Without violence 29 12 0 0 89 167 1 0 0 4 50

With violence 0 0 0 0 5 4 0 0 0 0 0

Unlawful entry with intent – shop 311 1 0 3 18 1,568 16 4 1 4 13

Unlawful entry with intent – other 2,277 60 8 78 563 1,637 168 7 2 723 756

Arson 53 39 0 0 41 46 2 0 5 10 26

Other property damage 2,331 147 31 49 1,015 3,465 84 8 27 419 566

Unlawful use of motor vehicle 1,106 68 0 18 129 657 33 2 4 70 153

Other theft (excl. unlawful entry) 5,108 364 219 70 3,066 57,597 195 16 49 984 1,466

Stealing from dwellings 13 4 0 0 55 130 0 0 1 8 31

Shop stealing 1,192 2 0 1 35 21,273 38 4 0 0 40

Vehicles (steal from / enter with intent)

1,213 45 1 19 587 2,070 47 3 19 222 403

Other stealing 2,690 313 218 50 2,389 34,124 110 9 29 754 992

Fraud 3,559 21 954 20 229 15,342 15 3 0 22 1,589

Fraud by computer 45 0 1 0 1 7 0 0 0 1 133

Fraud by cheque 25 0 33 0 2 29 0 0 0 0 2

Fraud by credit card 781 0 88 0 87 11,249 1 3 0 0 538

Identity fraud 120 0 58 0 3 158 0 0 0 0 192

Other fraud 2,588 21 774 20 136 3,899 14 0 0 21 724

Handling stolen goods 186 13 7 0 67 923 12 1 4 10 178

Possess property suspected stolen 71 6 0 0 33 395 5 0 3 3 40

Receiving stolen property 16 3 0 0 7 53 3 0 0 1 22

Possess etc. tainted property 95 2 7 0 26 472 4 1 1 6 112

Other handling stolen goods 4 2 0 0 1 3 0 0 0 0 4

Total 14,960 725 1,219 238 5,222 81,406 526 41 92 2,246 4,797

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6.3. Other offences Table 46 Other offences, by crime location, 2017–18

Other offences Residential Community

Offence Dwelling Outbuilding

residential land

Educational Health Justice Open space Religious Street or footpath

Transport Community

location n.e.c.

Drug offences 37,604 579 821 291 2,063 1,572 14 25,741 4,027 150

Trafficking drugs 360 3 1 0 8 7 0 70 8 6

Possess drugs 13,574 249 425 206 1,134 786 6 12,179 1,975 62

Produce drugs 1,274 35 1 2 17 52 0 71 9 9

Sell supply drugs 3,763 8 127 3 144 53 0 2,871 79 25

Other drug offences 18,633 284 267 80 760 674 8 10,550 1,956 48

Prostitution offences 51 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0

Liquor offences (excl. drunkenness) 345 18 7 2 33 240 2 2,155 185 17

Gaming, racing & betting offences 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Breach DV protection order 20,623 334 130 101 500 208 10 2,362 268 65

Trespassing and vagrancy 2,132 541 495 26 56 62 14 373 283 30

Weapons Act offences 1,785 99 107 25 173 186 1 2,846 523 23

Unlawful possession of concealed firearm 79 0 3 2 1 4 0 32 5 0

Unlawful possession of firearm – other 426 24 0 0 9 20 1 91 7 5

Bomb possession and/or use of 18 3 0 0 0 0 0 5 2 0

Possession and/or use other weapons; restricted items

392 26 53 9 50 61 0 996 179 6

Weapons Act offences – other 870 46 51 14 113 101 0 1,722 330 12

Good order offences 3,327 568 248 2,073 8,001 1,249 39 23,117 5,551 260

Disobey move-on direction 7 0 3 10 12 35 3 486 35 5

Resist, incite, hinder, obstruct 2,328 241 55 1,661 7,615 274 17 8,873 584 153

Fare evasion 133 187 6 14 37 16 0 1,373 3,420 6

Public nuisance 859 140 184 388 337 924 19 12,385 1,512 96

Stock related offences 7 13 0 0 0 0 0 10 0 0

Traffic and related offences 319 121 22 26 352 279 1 37,904 956 28

Dangerous operation of a vehicle 58 34 4 4 11 21 0 1,729 72 2

Drink driving 168 49 13 21 276 220 0 27,264 630 22

Disqualified driving 92 31 5 1 64 37 1 8,904 252 4

Interfere with mechanism of motor vehicle 1 7 0 0 1 1 0 7 2 0

Miscellaneous offences 1,791 20 114 7 473 38 4 216 29 3

Total 67,985 2,293 1,944 2,551 11,651 3,834 85 94,726 11,822 576

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Other offences (cont.) Other locations Unspecified


Offence Admin. or

professional Agricultural Banking Manufacturing Recreational Retail

Warehouse or storage

Wholesale Other n.f.d. Other n.e.c.

Drug offences 697 219 3 3 1,145 2,475 47 0 207 73 2,151

Trafficking drugs 5 0 0 0 2 11 0 0 0 5 92

Possess drugs 380 72 3 3 631 1,365 24 0 106 29 349

Produce drugs 8 50 0 0 4 13 2 0 0 7 21

Sell supply drugs 41 2 0 0 28 83 3 0 1 4 1,345

Other drug offences 263 95 0 0 480 1,003 18 0 100 28 344

Prostitution offences 2 0 0 0 14 3 0 0 0 0 5

Liquor offences (excl. drunkenness) 29 0 0 0 278 1,247 0 0 9 0 61

Gaming, racing & betting offences 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Breach DV protection order 279 9 1 0 300 572 3 1 25 11 515

Trespassing and vagrancy 450 86 1 4 97 1,283 8 0 7 101 87

Weapons Act offences 105 66 0 3 102 387 10 1 12 4 108

Unlawful possession of concealed firearm 3 1 0 0 0 7 2 0 0 0 0

Unlawful possession of firearm – other 13 18 0 1 2 10 1 0 1 1 8

Bomb possession and/or use of 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1

Possession and/or use other weapons; restricted items

31 3 0 0 37 145 2 0 3 1 11

Weapons Act offences – other 58 43 0 2 63 225 4 1 8 2 88

Good order offences 1,514 15 15 1 1,477 6,140 10 2 41 44 534

Disobey move-on direction 15 0 0 0 54 146 0 0 1 0 7

Resist, incite, hinder, obstruct 925 14 2 1 266 1,049 9 1 10 20 232

Fare evasion 25 0 0 0 18 116 0 0 2 0 39

Public nuisance 549 1 13 0 1,139 4,829 1 1 28 24 256

Stock related offences 11 20 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 3

Traffic and related offences 98 14 0 0 85 526 1 0 21 6 289

Dangerous operation of a vehicle 10 6 0 0 11 37 0 0 0 5 27

Drink driving 44 4 0 0 54 198 1 0 16 1 203

Disqualified driving 44 4 0 0 19 290 0 0 5 0 58

Interfere with mechanism of motor vehicle 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 1

Miscellaneous offences 80 2 0 0 299 144 1 0 0 3 306

Total 3,265 431 20 11 3,797 12,777 80 5 322 242 4,059

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7.0 Offenders In this report, offender statistics do not represent a count of unique offenders, unless otherwise stated. Nor do they equate to the number of offences cleared. An individual may be recorded as an offender multiple times, if they were proceeded against for multiple offence types within the same incident or multiple times within the reference period.

The reference date used to generate statistics for the year under review is the date an action commenced against an alleged offender. As such, offenders proceeded against in the reference year, for matters reported in the same or in previous years, will be included in this report.

In 2017–18

Offenders proceeded against by police in period

2016–17 2017–18 % change

Total offenders 324,453 306,204 –5.6

Unique offenders 119,170 112,768 –5.4

Offenders by sex

Male 245,984 231,271 –6.0

Female 78,322 74,779 –4.5

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander offenders

Total offenders 73,662 71,339 –3.2

Unique offenders 20,237 19,737 –2.5

Child offenders (aged 10–17 years)

Total offenders 50,272 51,069 1.6

Unique offenders 13,021 12,568 –3.5

Trends 2008–09 to 2017–18

• Between 2008–09 and 2017–18, Drug offences showed the largest increase in offenders (from 39,772 to 69,520 offenders, or 74.8%), but has decreased by 9.0% in the year to 30 June 2018

• The number of female offenders increased by 47.4% between 2008–09 and 2017–18, compared with an increase of 18.9% in male offenders over the period. Female offenders decreased by 4.5%, and males by 6.0% in the year to 30 June 2018

Child offenders 2017–18

• Child offenders accounted for half (49.4%) of all offenders for Robbery, compared with 16.7% of all offenders for all offences

• Other theft (excl. unlawful entry) was the most prevalent offence among child offenders (10,677)

• Three-quarters of all offenders in 2017–18 were male

• Nearly one in four offenders identified as Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander

• Drug offences (22.7%) was the most prevalent offence among all offenders in 2017–18

All alleged offenders

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7.1. Age and sex

Table 47 Offenders by age and sex(a), offences against the person, 2017–18

Child offenders 10–17 yrs

18–24 yrs 25–29 yrs 30–39 yrs 40–49 yrs 50–59 yrs 60+ yrs

Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female

Offence — number —

Homicide (Murder) ≤ 3 ≤ 3 5 ≤ 3 7 6 9 4 ≤ 3 ≤ 3 4 ≤ 3 ≤ 3 0

Other homicide(b) ≤ 3 ≤ 3 13 ≤ 3 10 ≤ 3 17 ≤ 3 9 ≤ 3 ≤ 3 ≤ 3 4 ≤ 3

Assault 1,886 1,204 2,226 751 1,483 505 2,331 816 1,577 513 645 188 292 73

Grievous assault 72 22 156 38 109 22 148 41 70 25 36 7 9 5

Serious assault 824 539 1,214 316 823 225 1,223 331 785 207 301 52 120 18

Serious assault (other) 345 169 283 101 175 64 276 110 205 88 80 40 56 12

Common assault 645 474 573 296 376 194 684 334 517 193 228 89 107 38

Sexual offences 482 56 354 15 228 7 449 15 433 11 271 ≤ 3 333 4

Rape and attempted rape 115 7 112 0 75 0 144 ≤ 3 143 ≤ 3 59 0 78 0

Other sexual offences 367 49 242 15 153 7 305 13 290 9 212 ≤ 3 255 4

Robbery 683 228 369 51 175 45 171 26 56 20 16 4 ≤ 3 ≤ 3

Armed robbery 297 53 195 28 107 28 104 7 33 13 4 ≤ 3 ≤ 3 ≤ 3

Unarmed robbery 386 175 174 23 68 17 67 19 23 7 12 ≤ 3 0 0

Other offences against the person 247 61 435 82 353 59 635 126 382 66 122 26 54 10

Kidnapping, abduction etc. 23 ≤ 3 65 7 37 6 65 8 41 9 4 ≤ 3 ≤ 3 ≤ 3

Extortion 7 0 13 ≤ 3 11 ≤ 3 17 4 10 6 ≤ 3 ≤ 3 ≤ 3 0

Stalking 18 15 38 12 42 8 90 14 70 16 38 9 23 6

Life endangering acts 199 44 319 61 263 43 463 100 261 35 78 13 27 ≤ 3

Total 3,302 1,553 3,402 903 2,256 624 3,612 989 2,459 614 1,060 224 687 91

(a) Excludes 10 offenders whose sex was not identified. (b) Attempted murder; conspiracy to murder; manslaughter (incl. by driving and/or striking).

Offender’s age is reported as at date police action was commenced against them, not at date offence occurred. Be aware that, in some instances, the time difference may be considerable.

To protect the anonymity of individuals, offender tables have been subjected to confidentialisation where cell values range between 1 and 3. Cells with a value of zero remain unaltered. (See Explanatory notes for more detail.)

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Table 48 Offenders by age and sex(a), offences against property, 2017–18

Child offenders 10–17 yrs

18–24 yrs 25–29 yrs 30–39 yrs 40–49 yrs 50–59 yrs 60+ yrs

Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female

Offence — number —

Unlawful entry 5,836 963 2,033 305 1,047 231 2,048 376 758 135 228 28 21 9

Unlawful entry with intent – dwelling 2,961 440 1,351 209 567 172 1,053 234 403 76 62 20 8 7

Without violence 2,889 428 1,222 185 486 155 920 212 352 67 49 13 6 5

With violence 72 12 129 24 81 17 133 22 51 9 13 7 ≤ 3 ≤ 3

Unlawful entry with intent – shop 554 102 145 15 82 8 180 19 61 6 11 ≤ 3 0 0

Unlawful entry with intent – other 2,321 421 537 81 398 51 815 123 294 53 155 6 13 ≤ 3

Arson 120 31 44 7 26 ≤ 3 40 9 19 ≤ 3 6 5 ≤ 3 ≤ 3

Other property damage 3,792 1,041 2,338 385 1,091 191 1,545 314 783 200 221 62 86 13

Unlawful use of motor vehicle 2,597 593 1,416 376 782 207 1,014 246 283 61 64 5 13 ≤ 3

Other theft (excl. unlawful entry) 7,261 3,410 4,726 2,106 3,221 1,658 6,320 3,191 2,513 1,375 683 450 275 182

Stealing from dwellings 349 93 207 55 110 50 214 80 86 45 13 16 8 ≤ 3

Shop stealing 2,688 2,458 1,576 1,264 1,036 932 2,094 1,786 969 850 297 288 140 140

Vehicles (steal from/enter with intent) 1,961 226 1,056 189 595 99 946 171 283 64 61 11 11 ≤ 3

Other stealing 2,263 633 1,887 598 1,480 577 3,066 1,154 1,175 416 312 135 116 38

Fraud 1,197 543 1,700 673 1,457 587 2,320 1,234 1,047 518 363 222 79 43

Fraud by computer 12 ≤ 3 8 4 5 8 10 9 10 7 ≤ 3 ≤ 3 4 ≤ 3

Fraud by cheque ≤ 3 0 4 ≤ 3 10 5 5 9 16 7 14 7 ≤ 3 ≤ 3

Fraud by credit card 1,065 481 1,086 412 741 323 1,392 579 477 261 111 118 12 ≤ 3

Identity fraud 8 4 19 17 50 11 58 85 25 13 32 7 ≤ 3 ≤ 3

Other fraud 110 56 583 238 651 240 855 552 519 230 204 88 59 35

Handling stolen goods 894 294 646 252 502 221 1,131 459 537 161 118 33 38 15

Possess property suspected stolen 435 136 249 100 232 91 475 178 220 73 41 13 12 6

Receiving stolen property 76 28 45 28 31 16 87 41 28 4 10 ≤ 3 ≤ 3 0

Possess etc. tainted property 378 128 345 122 232 112 558 238 284 82 65 18 24 7

Other handling stolen goods 5 ≤ 3 7 ≤ 3 7 ≤ 3 11 ≤ 3 5 ≤ 3 ≤ 3 0 0 ≤ 3

Total 21,697 6,875 12,903 4,104 8,126 3,097 14,418 5,829 5,940 2,452 1,683 805 514 266

(a) Excludes 33 offenders whose sex was not identified.

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Table 49 Offenders by age and sex(a), other offences, 2017–18

Child offenders 10–17 yrs

18–24 yrs 25–29 yrs 30–39 yrs 40–49 yrs 50–59 yrs 60+ yrs

Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female

Offence — number —

Drug offences 5,012 1,496 13,407 4,563 8,011 3,294 13,492 5,455 7,594 2,949 2,657 761 661 135

Trafficking drugs 17 5 124 24 76 37 123 37 51 14 17 9 8 ≤ 3

Possess drugs 2,370 649 6,472 2,010 3,685 1,380 5,984 2,223 3,418 1,298 1,187 344 288 61

Produce drugs 41 14 203 35 144 31 339 70 251 64 198 29 81 6

Sell supply drugs 211 63 518 148 234 89 417 156 159 68 57 27 17 9

Other drug offences 2,373 765 6,090 2,346 3,872 1,757 6,629 2,969 3,715 1,505 1,198 352 267 57

Prostitution offences 0 0 0 6 0 6 6 12 ≤ 3 18 0 11 0 ≤ 3

Liquor offences (excl. drunkenness) 218 89 998 301 509 159 696 261 519 230 232 101 83 34

Gaming, racing & betting offences 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Breach domestic violence protection order

168 60 2,867 616 2,713 519 5,513 858 3,179 600 884 149 250 25

Trespassing and vagrancy 2,063 561 884 213 425 125 742 231 476 168 206 69 65 22

Weapons Act offences 601 108 1,029 205 888 172 1,494 270 720 104 253 31 169 15

Good order offences 4,096 1,850 11,940 2,954 5,621 1,752 8,032 2,886 4,455 1,607 1,454 551 490 88

Disobey move-on direction 60 15 261 28 117 4 136 39 74 28 25 12 12 4

Resist, incite, hinder, obstruct 1,522 535 4,376 1,324 2,368 925 3,627 1,488 1,910 779 504 199 132 28

Fare evasion 841 618 859 314 384 137 590 191 209 72 44 21 12 7

Public nuisance 1,673 682 6,444 1,288 2,752 686 3,679 1,168 2,262 728 881 319 334 49

Stock related offences ≤ 3 0 ≤ 3 0 ≤ 3 ≤ 3 6 ≤ 3 15 6 11 ≤ 3 22 ≤ 3

Traffic and related offences 525 87 7,199 1,874 5,554 1,691 9,000 2,875 5,704 1,821 2,299 637 974 211

Dangerous operation of a vehicle 188 14 414 56 238 37 289 57 101 31 47 6 25 6

Drink driving 267 60 4,891 1,208 3,826 1,135 6,467 2,077 4,371 1,467 1,872 534 811 181

Disqualified driving 68 11 1,890 610 1,486 519 2,244 741 1,230 323 380 97 136 24

Interfere with mechanism of motor vehicle

≤ 3 ≤ 3 4 0 4 0 0 0 ≤ 3 0 0 0 ≤ 3 0

Miscellaneous offences 424 263 357 21 265 24 438 49 288 32 166 36 190 40

Total 13,109 4,514 38,683 10,753 23,988 7,744 39,419 12,899 22,952 7,535 8,162 2,348 2,904 574

(a) Excludes 111 offenders whose sex was not identified.

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7.1.1. Sex of offender

In Queensland in 2017–18, police proceeded against 306,204 offenders in relation to offences reported during or in the year(s) prior to the period. This was a decrease of 18,980 offenders (–5.8%) since 2015–16, the peak in the 10–year time series (Figure 37).

Male offenders accounted for 75.6% of offenders in 2017–18, the lowest proportion recorded during the time series. The number of male offenders fell by 6.0% (–14,713) in 2017–18, to 231,271 offenders from 245,984 in 2016–17. This was the second consecutive year to record a decline.

Female offenders accounted for 24.4% of all offenders in 2017–18, the highest proportion recorded during the time series. Female offenders decreased by 4.5% (–3,543) in 2017–18, to 74,779 offenders from 78,322 in 2016–17.

Figure 37 Offenders by sex

(a) Total includes a small number of offenders whose sex was not stated.

7.1.2. Age distribution

The age distribution of offenders has shifted towards older age groups since 2008–09 (Figure 38). Offender numbers decreased for 15–19 and 20–24 year olds, while increasing for 10–14 year olds and all age groups 25 years and older.

The proportion of offenders aged less than 25 years in 2017–18 was the lowest in the time series, down from 49.6% of all offenders proceeded against by police in 2008–09 to 39.8% in 2017–18.

Figure 38 Offenders by age group

194,526 201,505184,721 198,750 205,709

222,081 231,413248,389 245,984 231,271

50,725 55,023

50,295 54,926 55,798

63,300 69,123

76,749 78,322 74,779









2008–09 2009–10 2010–11 2011–12 2012–13 2013–14 2014–15 2015–16 2016–17 2017–18


Total offenders(a)

Male Female

245,300 256,566 235,061 253,748 261,585 285,434 300,569 325,184 324,453 306,204









10–14 15–19 20–24 25–29 30–34 35–39 40–44 45–49 50–54 55–59 60+


Age group of offender

2008–09 2017–18

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7.2. Indigenous status

In 2017–18, police in Queensland proceeded against 71,339 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander offenders, a 3.2% decrease from the 73,662 offenders recorded in the previous year (Figure 39). Over the 10–year time series, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander offenders as a share of all offenders has increased slightly from 21.5% in 2008–09 to 23.5% in 2017–18.

Figure 39 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander(a) offenders

(a) Includes only those offenders who identified as Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander.




58,489 58,582 62,160 62,585

68,621 73,662











2008–09 2009–10 2010–11 2011–12 2012–13 2013–14 2014–15 2015–16 2016–17 2017–180










Number of Indigenous offenders (LHS) Indigenous offenders as % of all offenders (RHS)

Per cent

See Explanatory notes and glossary for details of

police action which can be taken against an alleged


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7.2.1. Police action by Indigenous status of offender

Table 50 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander(a) offenders by type of police action, offences against the person, 2017–18

Offences against the person

Arrest Caution Community conference

Notice to appear Summons Warrant Other

10–17 yrs

18+ yrs 10–17

yrs 18+ yrs

10–17 yrs

18+ yrs 10–17

yrs 18+ yrs

10–17 yrs

18+ yrs 10–17

yrs 18+ yrs

10–17 yrs

18+ yrs

Offence — number —

Homicide (Murder) ≤ 3 19 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Other homicide(b) ≤ 3 6 0 0 0 0 0 ≤ 3 0 0 0 0 0 0

Assault 644 2,342 337 7 51 4 259 712 0 ≤ 3 8 108 24 210

Grievous assault 35 181 7 0 0 0 ≤ 3 10 0 0 0 14 0 5

Serious assault 242 1,118 158 ≤ 3 27 ≤ 3 76 345 0 ≤ 3 4 57 13 100

Serious assault (other) 153 338 42 0 12 0 53 112 0 0 ≤ 3 14 ≤ 3 13

Common assault 214 705 130 5 12 ≤ 3 128 245 0 0 ≤ 3 23 9 92

Sexual offences 32 228 37 ≤ 3 9 0 4 30 0 ≤ 3 0 8 35 32

Rape and attempted rape 14 78 5 0 4 0 0 15 0 0 0 4 ≤ 3 ≤ 3

Other sexual offences 18 150 32 ≤ 3 5 0 4 15 0 ≤ 3 0 4 33 30

Robbery 300 221 17 0 16 0 12 18 0 0 19 34 0 0

Armed robbery 128 109 ≤ 3 0 ≤ 3 0 ≤ 3 7 0 0 8 18 0 0

Unarmed robbery 172 112 15 0 14 0 10 11 0 0 11 16 0 0

Other offences against the person 63 355 21 0 4 0 20 51 0 0 8 14 0 20

Kidnapping, abduction etc. ≤ 3 49 0 0 ≤ 3 0 ≤ 3 ≤ 3 0 0 0 ≤ 3 0 0

Extortion 0 4 ≤ 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Stalking 4 24 ≤ 3 0 0 0 ≤ 3 ≤ 3 0 0 0 0 0 ≤ 3

Life endangering acts 57 278 17 0 ≤ 3 0 16 47 0 0 8 12 0 18

Total 1,043 3,171 412 9 80 4 295 813 0 4 35 164 59 262

(a) Includes only those offenders who identified as Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander. (b) Attempted murder; conspiracy to murder; manslaughter (incl. by driving and/or striking).

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Table 51 Non-Indigenous(a) offenders by type of police action, offences against the person, 2017–18

Offences against the person

Arrest Caution Community conference

Notice to appear Summons Warrant Other

10–17 yrs

18+ yrs 10–17

yrs 18+ yrs

10–17 yrs

18+ yrs 10–17

yrs 18+ yrs

10–17 yrs

18+ yrs 10–17

yrs 18+ yrs

10–17 yrs

18+ yrs

Offence — number —

Homicide (Murder) ≤ 3 25 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ≤ 3

Other homicide(b) ≤ 3 33 0 0 0 0 0 23 0 ≤ 3 0 0 0 ≤ 3

Assault 655 4,245 559 31 116 6 309 2,329 0 4 22 239 80 1,029

Grievous assault 29 362 13 0 4 0 ≤ 3 47 0 0 ≤ 3 24 0 16

Serious assault 296 2,069 294 8 66 ≤ 3 108 1,207 0 ≤ 3 13 144 50 499

Serious assault (other) 121 635 45 4 15 ≤ 3 62 277 0 ≤ 3 ≤ 3 26 ≤ 3 57

Common assault 209 1,179 207 19 31 ≤ 3 137 798 0 0 5 45 28 457

Sexual offences 72 1,281 146 7 91 0 13 274 0 ≤ 3 4 44 86 153

Rape and attempted rape 35 411 8 0 37 0 ≤ 3 48 0 0 ≤ 3 20 12 23

Other sexual offences 37 870 138 7 54 0 11 226 0 ≤ 3 ≤ 3 24 74 130

Robbery 421 565 40 0 39 0 19 47 0 0 19 46 ≤ 3 ≤ 3

Armed robbery 171 340 14 0 6 0 ≤ 3 23 0 0 7 25 ≤ 3 0

Unarmed robbery 250 225 26 0 33 0 17 24 0 0 12 21 0 ≤ 3

Other offences against the person 71 1,353 75 12 14 0 28 342 0 0 ≤ 3 85 4 99

Kidnapping, abduction etc. 14 173 ≤ 3 0 4 0 ≤ 3 9 0 0 0 12 0 0

Extortion ≤ 3 45 4 0 0 0 ≤ 3 14 0 0 0 5 0 0

Stalking 10 242 10 ≤ 3 4 0 0 58 0 0 0 19 0 12

Life endangering acts 45 893 59 10 6 0 24 261 0 0 ≤ 3 49 4 87

Total 1,223 7,502 820 50 260 6 369 3,015 0 8 47 414 172 1,287

(a) Includes only those offenders who identified as non-Indigenous. Excludes 271 offenders where offender’s Indigenous status was unknown or not stated. (b) Attempted murder; conspiracy to murder; manslaughter (incl. by driving and/or striking).

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Table 52 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander(a) offenders by type of police action, offences against property, 2017–18

Offences against property

Arrest Caution Community conference

Notice to appear Summons Warrant Other

10–17 yrs

18+ yrs 10–17

yrs 18+ yrs

10–17 yrs

18+ yrs 10–17

yrs 18+ yrs

10–17 yrs

18+ yrs 10–17

yrs 18+ yrs

10–17 yrs

18+ yrs

Offence — number —

Unlawful entry 3,105 1,432 709 4 140 0 489 383 0 0 89 179 11 12

Unlawful entry with intent – dwelling 1,712 953 167 ≤ 3 25 0 227 223 0 0 54 118 9 6

Without violence 1,677 836 163 ≤ 3 25 0 225 210 0 0 52 104 9 6

With violence 35 117 4 0 0 0 ≤ 3 13 0 0 ≤ 3 14 0 0

Unlawful entry with intent – shop 352 125 81 0 7 0 49 36 0 0 7 11 0 ≤ 3

Unlawful entry with intent – other 1,041 354 461 ≤ 3 108 0 213 124 0 0 28 50 ≤ 3 4

Arson 31 25 19 0 13 0 ≤ 3 5 0 0 ≤ 3 ≤ 3 0 ≤ 3

Other property damage 1,130 1,257 525 5 112 4 607 585 0 0 20 61 22 30

Unlawful use of motor vehicle 1,488 860 163 ≤ 3 52 0 171 195 0 0 79 97 ≤ 3 10

Other theft (excl. unlawful entry) 2,567 2,467 767 6 128 0 1,180 2,180 ≤ 3 0 61 192 24 24

Stealing from dwellings 110 121 55 0 6 0 39 62 0 0 ≤ 3 12 ≤ 3 ≤ 3

Shop stealing 695 924 344 ≤ 3 26 0 695 1,177 ≤ 3 0 10 36 13 7

Vehicles (steal from / enter with intent)

915 481 161 ≤ 3 35 0 122 210 0 0 18 61 ≤ 3 4

Other stealing 847 941 207 ≤ 3 61 0 324 731 0 0 31 83 7 11

Fraud 316 740 80 ≤ 3 120 0 93 659 ≤ 3 0 23 153 0 8

Fraud by computer 0 ≤ 3 0 ≤ 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Fraud by cheque 0 ≤ 3 0 0 0 0 0 ≤ 3 0 0 0 ≤ 3 0 0

Fraud by credit card 305 603 75 0 118 0 81 454 ≤ 3 0 23 120 0 ≤ 3

Identity fraud 0 4 0 0 0 0 ≤ 3 8 0 0 0 ≤ 3 0 0

Other fraud 11 129 5 0 ≤ 3 0 10 195 0 0 0 29 0 6

Handling stolen goods 255 355 96 ≤ 3 9 0 201 304 0 0 4 20 4 4

Possess property suspected stolen 131 150 36 0 ≤ 3 0 109 156 0 0 ≤ 3 5 ≤ 3 4

Receiving stolen property 22 33 11 0 ≤ 3 0 15 24 0 0 0 ≤ 3 0 0

Possess etc. tainted property 102 170 49 ≤ 3 5 0 77 124 0 0 ≤ 3 11 ≤ 3 0

Other handling stolen goods 0 ≤ 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ≤ 3 0 0

Total 8,892 7,136 2,359 21 574 4 2,743 4,311 4 0 278 704 63 90

(a) Includes only those offenders who identified as Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander.

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Table 53 Non-Indigenous(a) offenders by type of police action, offences against property, 2017–18

Offences against property

Arrest Caution Community conference

Notice to appear Summons Warrant Other

10–17 yrs

18+ yrs 10–17

yrs 18+ yrs

10–17 yrs

18+ yrs 10–17

yrs 18+ yrs

10–17 yrs

18+ yrs 10–17

yrs 18+ yrs

10–17 yrs

18+ yrs

Offence — number —

Unlawful entry 1,177 3,441 540 8 95 ≤ 3 333 1,260 0 0 80 434 7 48

Unlawful entry with intent – dwelling 783 1,998 160 ≤ 3 17 ≤ 3 171 586 0 0 60 243 7 25

Without violence 752 1,699 156 ≤ 3 17 ≤ 3 169 559 0 0 58 224 7 25

With violence 31 299 4 0 0 0 ≤ 3 27 0 0 ≤ 3 19 0 0

Unlawful entry with intent – shop 83 239 48 0 ≤ 3 0 18 91 0 0 5 23 0 ≤ 3

Unlawful entry with intent – other 311 1,204 332 6 76 0 144 583 0 0 15 168 0 21

Arson 35 95 28 0 10 0 9 25 0 0 ≤ 3 7 0 4

Other property damage 763 2,864 762 18 172 ≤ 3 653 2,087 0 0 18 154 36 127

Unlawful use of motor vehicle 861 2,217 129 4 53 0 148 769 0 ≤ 3 34 268 ≤ 3 33

Other theft (excl. unlawful entry) 1,797 8,023 1,894 80 193 ≤ 3 1,956 12,528 0 12 57 914 25 181

Stealing from dwellings 80 299 80 ≤ 3 19 0 42 314 0 ≤ 3 5 56 ≤ 3 14

Shop stealing 636 2,529 1,277 48 80 0 1,340 6,337 0 5 9 231 11 33

Vehicles (steal from / enter with intent)

520 1,630 173 ≤ 3 35 ≤ 3 187 885 0 0 17 185 ≤ 3 19

Other stealing 561 3,565 364 28 59 0 387 4,992 0 5 26 442 10 115

Fraud 411 3,350 368 23 58 ≤ 3 225 4,302 0 ≤ 3 36 742 7 88

Fraud by computer ≤ 3 19 10 5 ≤ 3 0 ≤ 3 41 0 0 0 0 0 4

Fraud by cheque ≤ 3 28 0 0 0 0 0 39 0 0 0 7 0 ≤ 3

Fraud by credit card 367 1,951 306 4 42 0 184 1,976 0 0 36 360 5 7

Identity fraud ≤ 3 114 6 ≤ 3 0 0 ≤ 3 160 0 0 0 18 0 4

Other fraud 38 1,238 46 12 14 ≤ 3 37 2,086 0 ≤ 3 0 357 ≤ 3 71

Handling stolen goods 210 1,483 141 15 13 ≤ 3 240 1,822 4 ≤ 3 6 75 ≤ 3 20

Possess property suspected stolen 100 589 58 ≤ 3 5 0 119 749 ≤ 3 ≤ 3 ≤ 3 24 0 8

Receiving stolen property 14 114 21 0 0 0 17 110 0 0 0 7 0 ≤ 3

Possess etc. tainted property 92 758 62 11 6 ≤ 3 102 955 ≤ 3 0 4 39 ≤ 3 10

Other handling stolen goods 4 22 0 ≤ 3 ≤ 3 0 ≤ 3 8 0 0 0 5 0 0

Total 5,254 21,473 3,862 148 594 10 3,564 22,793 4 18 233 2,594 79 501

(a) Includes only those offenders who identified as non-Indigenous. Excludes 450 offenders whose Indigenous status was unknown or not stated.

Queensland Government Statistician’s Office

Crime report, Queensland, 2017–18 71

Table 54 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander(a) offenders by type of police action, other offences, 2017–18

Other offences

Arrest Caution Community conference

Notice to appear Summons Warrant Other

10–17 yrs

18+ yrs 10–17

yrs 18+ yrs

10–17 yrs

18+ yrs 10–17

yrs 18+ yrs

10–17 yrs

18+ yrs 10–17

yrs 18+ yrs

10–17 yrs

18+ yrs

Offence — number —

Drug offences 326 2,357 233 0 6 0 292 4,817 0 0 0 29 302 787

Trafficking drugs 0 33 0 0 0 0 0 10 0 0 0 ≤ 3 0 0

Possess drugs 142 1,038 109 0 ≤ 3 0 122 1,950 0 0 0 13 126 366

Produce drugs ≤ 3 24 ≤ 3 0 0 0 7 73 0 0 0 ≤ 3 0 ≤ 3

Sell supply drugs 9 99 16 0 ≤ 3 0 4 128 0 0 0 ≤ 3 0 8

Other drug offences 173 1,163 106 0 ≤ 3 0 159 2,656 0 0 0 10 176 411

Prostitution offences 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ≤ 3 0 0 0 0 0 0

Liquor offences (excl. drunkenness) 30 416 16 ≤ 3 ≤ 3 0 36 1,378 0 0 0 ≤ 3 16 377

Gaming, racing & betting offences 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Breach DV protection order 81 3,990 ≤ 3 ≤ 3 0 0 21 902 0 0 8 174 ≤ 3 115

Trespassing and vagrancy 587 483 236 ≤ 3 28 0 363 381 0 ≤ 3 ≤ 3 8 8 53

Weapons Act offences 96 330 46 ≤ 3 ≤ 3 0 50 367 0 0 0 8 ≤ 3 ≤ 3

Good order offences 1,118 5,414 276 9 20 ≤ 3 925 3,160 0 4 12 117 96 2,157

Disobey move-on direction 16 149 ≤ 3 0 0 0 7 30 0 0 0 0 ≤ 3 14

Resist, incite, hinder, obstruct 651 2,249 68 5 9 0 183 1,533 0 ≤ 3 10 101 14 202

Fare evasion 42 97 19 ≤ 3 5 0 409 573 0 ≤ 3 0 5 9 54

Public nuisance 409 2,919 187 ≤ 3 6 ≤ 3 326 1,024 0 0 ≤ 3 11 71 1,887

Stock related offences 0 0 ≤ 3 ≤ 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Traffic and related offences 98 820 8 0 ≤ 3 0 38 3,256 0 0 4 40 0 21

Dangerous operation of a vehicle 82 189 6 0 ≤ 3 0 6 34 0 0 ≤ 3 21 0 ≤ 3

Drink driving 6 397 ≤ 3 0 0 0 23 2,143 0 0 0 5 0 8

Disqualified driving 8 232 0 0 0 0 9 1,077 0 0 ≤ 3 14 0 11

Interfere with mechanism of motor vehicle ≤ 3 ≤ 3 0 0 0 0 0 ≤ 3 0 0 0 0 0 0

Miscellaneous offences 35 171 49 0 5 0 8 137 0 0 ≤ 3 23 4 13

Total 2,371 13,981 868 19 65 ≤ 3 1,733 14,400 0 6 28 401 430 3,525

(a) Includes only those offenders who identified as Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander.

Queensland Government Statistician’s Office

Crime report, Queensland, 2017–18 72

Table 55 Non-Indigenous(a) offenders by type of police action, other offences, 2017–18

Other offences

Arrest Caution Community conference

Notice to appear Summons Warrant Other

10–17 yrs

18+ yrs 10–17

yrs 18+ yrs

10–17 yrs

18+ yrs 10–17

yrs 18+ yrs

10–17 yrs

18+ yrs 10–17

yrs 18+ yrs

10–17 yrs

18+ yrs

Offence — number —

Drug offences 665 13,289 1,519 35 71 4 1,339 33,891 4 8 8 240 1,646 7,232

Trafficking drugs 11 384 5 0 4 0 0 77 0 0 0 12 ≤ 3 ≤ 3

Possess drugs 296 5,937 724 19 22 ≤ 3 610 15,054 ≤ 3 4 ≤ 3 93 814 3,738

Produce drugs 10 369 13 ≤ 3 0 0 18 923 0 ≤ 3 0 21 ≤ 3 17

Sell supply drugs 37 677 137 ≤ 3 14 0 42 919 0 0 0 31 ≤ 3 22

Other drug offences 311 5,922 640 12 31 ≤ 3 669 16,918 ≤ 3 ≤ 3 6 83 826 3,453

Prostitution offences 0 10 0 ≤ 3 0 0 0 32 0 0 0 ≤ 3 0 8

Liquor offences (excl. drunkenness) 46 904 50 8 ≤ 3 0 28 268 ≤ 3 9 0 ≤ 3 72 720

Gaming, racing & betting offences 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Breach DV protection order 70 7,796 4 13 ≤ 3 ≤ 3 29 4,003 0 7 ≤ 3 440 4 701

Trespassing and vagrancy 349 1,279 485 43 34 0 497 1,134 0 6 ≤ 3 20 16 205

Weapons Act offences 115 1,570 203 50 9 0 171 2,919 0 ≤ 3 ≤ 3 23 10 56

Good order offences 1,048 11,210 449 33 61 4 1,582 9,953 ≤ 3 9 15 378 322 8,783

Disobey move-on direction 26 329 ≤ 3 0 0 0 18 80 0 0 0 ≤ 3 ≤ 3 131

Resist, incite, hinder, obstruct 510 5,750 137 14 5 ≤ 3 390 6,458 0 7 13 343 60 919

Fare evasion 57 235 71 ≤ 3 23 0 804 1,740 ≤ 3 0 ≤ 3 8 14 123

Public nuisance 455 4,896 239 17 33 ≤ 3 370 1,675 0 ≤ 3 0 25 246 7,610

Stock related offences 0 0 0 54 0 0 0 ≤ 3 0 0 0 0 0 ≤ 3

Traffic and related offences 85 3,726 33 12 4 0 330 31,094 ≤ 3 6 ≤ 3 141 6 338

Dangerous operation of a vehicle 55 535 17 4 ≤ 3 0 27 426 0 ≤ 3 ≤ 3 52 ≤ 3 34

Drink driving 21 2,180 14 6 ≤ 3 0 252 23,647 0 ≤ 3 0 40 ≤ 3 69

Disqualified driving 7 1,009 ≤ 3 ≤ 3 0 0 51 7,016 ≤ 3 ≤ 3 0 49 ≤ 3 235

Interfere with mechanism of motor vehicle ≤ 3 ≤ 3 0 0 0 0 0 5 0 0 0 0 0 0

Miscellaneous offences 28 625 442 63 18 0 24 750 0 ≤ 3 0 33 45 55

Total 2,406 40,409 3,185 313 201 10 4,000 84,046 10 49 31 1,279 2,121 18,100

(a) Includes only those offenders who identified as non-Indigenous. Excludes 1,732 offenders whose Indigenous status was unknown or not stated.

Queensland Government Statistician’s Office

Crime report, Queensland, 2017–18 73

7.2.2. Distribution by age, sex and Indigenous status

The distribution of offenders proceeded against in 2017–18 by age, sex and Indigenous status of the offender shows different patterns for the offender cohorts. For non–Indigenous male offenders, the most common age group was 20–24 years. Meanwhile, for non–Indigenous female offenders, the peak at 20–24 years was not evident and the age groups 15–19 through to 30–34 years were roughly equally represented (Figure 40).

Figure 40 Non-Indigenous(a) offenders by age group and sex(b), 2017–18

(a) Excludes 2,453 offenders whose Indigenous status was unknown or not stated. (b) Excludes a further 132 non-Indigenous offenders whose sex was not stated.

By comparison, the proportion of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander offenders aged under 20 years was almost double that of non-Indigenous offenders in the same age category (40.1% and 33.5% respectively for Indigenous males and females compared with 18.9% and 20.6% for non–Indigenous male and female offenders) (Figure 41).

Figure 41 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander(a) offenders by age group and sex(b), 2017–18

(a) Includes only those offenders who identified as Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander. (b) Excludes 13 offenders whose sex was not stated.

Of all Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander offenders in 2017–18, the age group most highly represented, for both males and females, was 15–19 years, with 10–14 years the second–most represented age group for males (15.7%) and third-most for females (14.3%). By comparison, of all non-Indigenous offenders, only 4.0% were aged 10–14 years, and all age groups from 15–19 through to 45–49 years were far more prevalent offender age groups for both males and females.
























0 10,000 20,000 30,000




































0 5,000 10,000 15,000













Queensland Government Statistician’s Office

Crime report, Queensland, 2017–18 74

7.3. Offence category and type

Offences are classified into three broad categories: offences against the person (7.1% of offenders proceeded against by police in 2017–18), offences against property (29.0%) and other offences (63.9%), and then further disaggregated by offence type (Table 56).

The most prevalent offences for which police proceeded against an offender in 2017–18 were drug offences (22.7%), good order offences (15.6%), and traffic and related offences (13.2%). They have continued to be the three most common offences each year during the 10–year time series.

Table 56 Offenders by offence category and type

Average annual

change in offence numbers

2008–09 2016–17 2017–18 1 year 9 years

Offence category/offence type(a) number % of total number % of total number % of total %

Other offences 156,683 63.9 215,036 66.3 195,688 63.9 –9.0 2.5

Drug offences 39,772 16.2 76,599 23.6 69,520 22.7 –9.2 6.4

Good order offences 47,861 19.5 53,486 16.5 47,807 15.6 –10.6 0.0

Traffic and related offences 41,706 17.0 41,635 12.8 40,479 13.2 –2.8 –0.3

Breach domestic violence protection order

7,347 3.0 23,122 7.1 18,402 6.0 –20.4 10.7

Trespassing and vagrancy 4,665 1.9 6,024 1.9 6,252 2.0 3.8 3.3

Weapons Act offences 3,149 1.3 6,142 1.9 6,061 2.0 –1.3 7.5

Liquor (excl. drunkenness) 8,526 3.5 4,653 1.4 4,432 1.4 –4.7 –7.0

Miscellaneous offences 2,428 1.0 3,105 1.0 2,600 0.8 –16.3 0.8

Stock related offences 989 0.4 176 0.1 72 0.0 –59.1 –25.3

Prostitution offences 240 0.1 91 0.0 63 0.0 –30.8 –13.8

Gaming racing & betting offences 0 0.0 3 0.0 0 0.0 . . . .

Offences against property 70,138 28.6 87,741 27.0 88,735 29.0 1.1 2.6

Other theft (excl. unlawful entry) 26,125 10.7 35,843 11.0 37,384 12.2 4.3 4.1

Unlawful entry 14,728 6.0 14,253 4.4 14,023 4.6 –1.6 –0.5

Other property damage 13,247 5.4 12,651 3.9 12,069 3.9 –4.6 –1.0

Fraud 7,421 3.0 12,000 3.7 11,983 3.9 –0.1 5.5

Unlawful use of motor vehicle 3,880 1.6 7,418 2.3 7,661 2.5 3.3 7.9

Handling stolen goods 4,357 1.8 5,233 1.6 5,299 1.7 1.3 2.2

Arson 380 0.2 343 0.1 316 0.1 –7.9 –2.0

Offences against the person 18,479 7.5 21,676 6.7 21,781 7.1 0.5 1.8

Assault 12,706 5.2 14,732 4.5 14,498 4.7 –1.6 1.5

Sexual offences 2,383 1.0 2,438 0.8 2,660 0.9 9.1 1.2

Other offences against the person 1,856 0.8 2,887 0.9 2,658 0.9 –7.9 4.1

Robbery 1,354 0.6 1,470 0.5 1,844 0.6 25.4 3.5

Other homicide 108 0.0 96 0.0 70 0.0 –27.1 –4.7

Homicide (murder) 72 0.0 53 0.0 51 0.0 –3.8 –3.8

Total 245,300 100.0 324,453 100.0 306,204 100.0 –5.6 2.5

. . not applicable

(a) Ranked in order of offence category and offence types with greatest number of offenders proceeded against in 2017–18.

Queensland Government Statistician’s Office

Crime report, Queensland, 2017–18 75

Offenders in the year to 30 June 2018 for drug offences recorded the largest decrease in number since the previous year (down 7,079 offenders, or –9.2%, to 69,520 from 76,599 in 2016–17), while other theft (excl. unlawful entry) recorded the largest increase (up 1,541 offenders, or 4.3%, to 37,384 from 35,843 in 2016–17).

The distribution of offenders in each offence category varied according to the age of the offender. While the proportion of offences against the person remained fairly stable regardless of the age of offenders, younger offenders were substantially more likely to be proceeded against in relation to offences against property (64.3% in the case of 10–14 year old offenders). From 17 years of age, other offences becomes more prevalent than offences against property, with older offenders substantially more likely to be proceeded against for other offences (70.0% for offenders aged 20 years and over) (Figure 42).

Figure 42 Offenders by age and offence category, 2017–18

Within the category of Other offences, there was also an age pattern, although less pronounced (Figure 43). Good order offences accounted for 33.7% of child offenders (aged 10–17 years) with a steady decrease to 22.7% of offenders by 30 years of age. Drug offences became the predominant offence for offenders at 15 years, and continued to be so for all ages up to 60 years and over. Drug offences accounted for 35.9% of all offenders aged 15 years and over, while accounting for only 22.3% of offenders aged 10–14 years. Traffic and related offences accounted for 20.0% of offenders aged 20 years and remained around this level until rising again from 40 years (24.3%) to peak at 60 years and over (34.1%).

Figure 43 Offenders by age and selected Other offences, 2017–18

(a) Remainder includes: Prostitution offences; liquor offences (excl. drunkenness); gaming, racing and betting offences;

breach domestic violence protection order; trespassing and vagrancy; Weapons Act offences; stock-related offences; and miscellaneous offences.








10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60+


Age of offender

Offences against the person Offences against property Other offences










10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60+



ion o

f off


Age of offender

Good order offences Drug offences Traffic and related offences Remainder(a)

Queensland Government Statistician’s Office

Crime report, Queensland, 2017–18 76

The age distribution of offenders for selected person and property offences also shows an age pattern (Figure 44). While many offence types roughly follow the overall pattern of offending, offenders aged 10–19 years are substantially over-represented for unlawful entry offences, and older age groups are predominantly over-represented for sexual offences, especially those aged 60 years and over. It must be remembered, however, that the reference date for offender statistics is the date police commenced action against an offender, and some offences will have occurred in years prior to 2017–18. The proportion of offenders proceeded against for breach of domestic violence protection order offences becomes consistently higher than the proportion proceeded against for all offences between 25–49 years of age.

Figure 44 Age distribution of offenders for selected offences, 2017–18









10–14 15–19 20–24 25–29 30–34 35–39 40–44 45–49 50–54 55–59 60+



ion o

f off


, %

Age of offender

All offences Unlawful entry Sexual offences Breach domestic violence protection order

Offenders aged 10–19 years are substantially over-represented for

unlawful entry offences; those aged 60+ years for

sexual offences.

Queensland Government Statistician’s Office

Crime report, Queensland, 2017–18 77

7.4. Child offenders

7.4.1. Age, sex and Indigenous status

In 2017–18, police proceeded against 51,069 offenders aged 10–17 years in Queensland, a 12.5% increase from 45,400 in 2008–09.

Over the 10–year time series, the trend of offending varies between Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander and non–Indigenous child offenders, and between males and females (Figure 45). While the number of non–Indigenous male offenders dropped from 23,880 in 2008–09 to 20,815 in 2017–18 (down 12.8%), the number of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander male offenders has increased substantially from 10,187 to 17,067 (up 67.5%). Similarly, the number of non–Indigenous female offenders has dropped from 7,915 to 7,583 (down 4.2%) over the same period, while the number of Indigenous female offenders has increased from 2,995 to 5,255 (up 75.5%).

Figure 45 Child offenders by Indigenous status(a) and sex(a)

(a) Only those offenders whose Indigenous status and sex were identified were included.








2008–09 2009–10 2010–11 2011–12 2012–13 2013–14 2014–15 2015–16 2016–17 2017–18


Non-Indigenous male Non-Indigenous female Indigenous male Indigenous female

Child offenders are those aged 10 to 17 years

at time police action commenced against them,

for 2017–18 and across the time series

Queensland Government Statistician’s Office

Crime report, Queensland, 2017–18 78

7.4.2. Offence type

Over the ten–year time series from 2008–09 to 2017–18, five offences have consistently been the most prevalent among child offenders (Figure 46). These offences have collectively accounted for more than two-in-three of all offences by child offenders each year during the reporting period.

Figure 46 Distribution of offences by child offenders, by offence type

From 2008–09 to 2017–18, the largest increase in offences by child offenders was for drug offences (up 2,917 from 3,593 to 6,510 over the period). The proportion for this offence type grew considerably over the period, from 7.9% of the total in 2008–09 to 12.7% in 2017–18.

Over the same period, other property damage showed the largest decrease in the proportion of all offences by children, down 3.6 percentage points from 13.1% to 9.5% (this equated to a drop of 1,093 offenders).

Drug offences, unlawful use of motor vehicle and fraud showed the greatest increase in number of offences by children over the 10–year time series (Figure 47), while other property damage showed the largest decrease.

Figure 47 Change in child offending, for selected offences(a), 2008–09 to 2017–18

(a) Excludes offence types with less than 1,000 offenders in both 2008–09 and 2017–18.

29.2 31.9

13.1 9.5

12.7 11.6

7.9 12.7


24.1 20.9












2008–09 2017–18



ion o

f child



, %

Other theft (excl. unlawful entry)

Unlawful entry

Drug offences

Good order offences

Other property damage

All other offences

-2,000-1,000 0 1,000 2,000 3,000 4,000

Other property damage

Traffic and related offences

Other theft (excl. unlawful entry)

Handling stolen goods

Good order offences


Trespassing and vagrancy

Unlawful entry


Unlawful use of motor vehicle

Drug offences

Change in number of offenders

Drug offences accounted for the largest

increase and Other property damage the largest decrease in

offences by child offenders over the 10–year time series

Queensland Government Statistician’s Office

Crime report, Queensland, 2017–18 79

Figure 48 Child offenders as proportion of all offenders, selected offences(a), 2017–18

(a) Offence type where the share of child offenders was 40% or higher.


40.141.6 42.0

47.8 48.5 49.4








All offences OtherPropertyDamage

Unlawful Useof MotorVehicle



Arson UnlawfulEntry




ion o

f all



, %

Child offenders comprised half of all offenders

proceeded against for Robbery

in 2017–18

Queensland Government Statistician’s Office

Crime report, Queensland, 2017–18 80

7.5. Unique offenders

There were 112,768 unique offenders in Queensland in 2017–18, a decrease of 5.4% from 119,170 unique offenders in the previous year (Figure 49). This is the second successive yearly decrease.

The decreased count of unique offenders in 2017–18 has resulted in the Queensland unique offender rate decreasing from a time-series high of 3,137 offenders per 100,000 persons in 2009–10 to 2,612 offenders per 100,000 persons in 2017–18. The unique offender rate in 2017–18 is the lowest in the 10–year time series.

The decrease in unique offenders in 2017–18 occurred across both Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander and non-Indigenous offenders, with the numbers of unique offenders decreasing by 2.5% and 6.4% respectively.

Figure 49 Count and rate of unique offenders by Indigenous status

LHS = left hand side RHS = right hand side

(a) Unique offenders per 100,000 persons aged 10 years and over.

93,623 97,04788,649 90,608 91,988

100,145 102,121 103,022 97,353 91,109


16,870 17,534 17,804

19,170 19,480 20,31520,237


3,080 3,137

2,811 2,824 2,8092,987 3,000 2,996
























2008–09 2009–10 2010–11 2011–12 2012–13 2013–14 2014–15 2015–16 2016–17 2017–18


Non-Indigenous (LHS) Indigenous (LHS)

Indigenous status not stated (LHS) Unique offender rate (RHS)

113,985 118,582 108,119 110,609 112,113 121,114 123,290 124,807 119,170 112,768 Unique offenders

Unique offender rate in 2017–18 was

the lowest in the 10–year time series

Queensland Government Statistician’s Office

Crime report, Queensland, 2017–18 81

7.5.1. Age, sex and Indigenous status

The distribution of unique offenders in 2017–18 by the age, sex and Indigenous status of the offender displayed a similar pattern for both non-Indigenous offenders and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander offenders. For non–Indigenous male offenders, the most prevalent age group was 20–24 years, with numbers decreasing steadily through the older age groups. This age group was also the most prevalent among non–Indigenous female offenders (Figure 50).

Figure 50 Non–Indigenous(a) unique offenders by age and sex(b), 2017–18

(a) Excludes 1,922 unique offenders whose Indigenous status was unknown or not stated. (b) Excludes 90 unique offenders whose sex was not stated.

The 20–24 years age group was also the most-highly represented for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander male unique offenders, whereas for Indigenous female offenders it was the 15–19 years age group (Figure 51).

Figure 51 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander(a) unique offenders by age and sex(b), 2017–18

(a) Includes only unique offenders who identified as Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander. (b) Excludes 7 unique offenders whose sex was not stated.
























0 5,000 10,000 15,000




































0 1,000 2,000 3,000













Age of unique offender is reported as at

first date of police action against them in the

reference year.

Queensland Government Statistician’s Office

Crime report, Queensland, 2017–18 82

7.5.2. Age distribution

The age distribution of unique offenders has shifted towards older age groups since 2008–09 (Figure 52).

Figure 52 Unique offenders by age group

There were 12,568 unique child offenders in 2017–18, a 24.7% decrease from 16,687 in 2008–09. The unique child offender rate also declined to 2,478.1 per 100,000 persons aged 10–17 years, the lowest level recorded over the time series (Figure 53). In comparison, the number of unique adult offenders proceeded against by police has increased 3.0% from 97,298 in 2008–09 to 100,200 in 2017–18. The unique adult offender rate has been higher than the unique child offender rate in each of the past six years.

Figure 53 Unique offender rate, children(a) and adults(b)

(a) Unique child offenders (aged 10 to 17 years) per 100,000 persons aged 10 to 17 years. (b) Unique adult offenders (aged 18 years and over) per 100,000 persons aged 18 years and over.








10–14 15–19 20–24 25–29 30–34 35–39 40–44 45–49 50–54 55–59 60+


Age group of unique offenders

2008–09 2017–18

3,572 3,664


2,786 2,693 2,721 2,689 2,6272,478

3,009 3,062

2,748 2,794

2,8133,027 3,037 3,036












2008–09 2009–10 2010–11 2011–12 2012–13 2013–14 2014–15 2015–16 2016–17 2017–18


ue o

ffender ra


Unique child offender rate Unique adult offender rate

Queensland Government Statistician’s Office

Crime report, Queensland, 2017–18 83

Female victims • Females aged 10–19 years represented 42.8% of all victims of sexual offences

• Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander females were over six times as likely to be victims of serious assault as non-Indigenous females

• Indigenous females aged 20–29 years was the cohort most likely to be offended against by someone with whom they were in a family or domestic relationship (2,736 per 100,000 population)

• 58.5% of reported victims knew their offender

• 14.2% of reported victims identified as Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander

• The number of unique victims increased by 8.6% over the previous year to 29,582

All offences against the person

Assault accounted for 7 in 10 of all reported victims • 24.7% of assault victims were aged 20–29 years

• 60.7% of Indigenous female assault victims were in a family or domestic relationship with their offender, compared with 38.1% of non–Indigenous female victims

• Half of non–Indigenous male assault victims were assaulted by person(s) unknown to them, compared with a quarter of Indigenous male assault victims

8.0 Victims of offences against the person In this report, victim statistics do not represent a count of unique victims, unless otherwise stated. They are compiled on the basis of one victim per counted offence type within a single report to police.

Data are compiled on the basis of the date an offence was reported to/detected by police, regardless of when the offence occurred. In some instances, particularly with homicide and sexual offences, there may be a large time difference between when the offence occurred and the report/detection date.

All victims — offences against the person 2016–17 2017–18 % change

Number of reported victims 31,147 33,560 7.7

Number of unique victims 27,237 29,582 8.6

Reported victimisation rate per 100,000 persons 637 675 5.9

Non-Indigenous victims

Number of reported victims 24,635 26,711 8.4

Number of unique victims 21,515 23,489 9.2

Reported victimisation rate per 100,000 persons 554 591 6.8

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander victims

Number of reported victims 4,229 4,432 4.8

Number of unique victims 3,590 3,808 6.1

Reported victimisation rate per 100,000 persons 1,892 1,907 0.8

In 2017–18:

Queensland Government Statistician’s Office

Crime report, Queensland, 2017–18 84

8.1. Reported victims

In 2017–18, QPS recorded 33,560 victims of offences against the person, a 7.7% increase on the previous year (31,147 reported victims) (Figure 54).

The increased count of reported victims in 2017–18 has resulted in the Queensland reported victimisation rate increasing from a low of 534 victims per 100,000 persons in 2014–15 to 675 victims per 100,000 persons in 2017–18, continuing the recent upward trend in the rate. Despite this increase, the reported victimisation rate in 2009–10 (677 victims per 100,000 persons) remains the highest peak in the 10–year time series.

Figure 54 Count and rate of reported victims of offences against the person

LHS = left hand side RHS = right hand side

(a) Reported victims per 100,000 persons.

The increase in reported victims in 2017–18 was observed for both Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander victims and non-Indigenous victims, with increases of 4.8% and 8.4% respectively on the previous year.

8.1.1. Age and sex

22,973 24,009 22,654 22,574 21,746 20,914 20,13122,390

24,635 26,711


3,401 3,706 3,557 3,425 3,5043,964



1,764 2,260 2,6722,098 1,735



667 677

626 631 607564 534





















2008–09 2009–10 2010–11 2011–12 2012–13 2013–14 2014–15 2015–16 2016–17 2017–18


Non-Indigenous (LHS) Indigenous (LHS)

Indigenous status not stated (LHS) Reported victimisation rate (RHS)

28,519 29,544 27,819 28,540 27,975 26,437 25,370 28,351 31,147 33,560Total victims

Victim’s age is as at date offence was reported to or detected by police, not at date offence occurred.

Be aware that, in some instances, particularly homicide and sexual offences, the time difference may be considerable.

Queensland Government Statistician’s Office

Crime report, Queensland, 2017–18 85

Table 57 Reported victims(a) of offences against the person, 2017–18

0–14 yrs 15–19 yrs 20–24 yrs 25–29 yrs 30–39 yrs 40–49 yrs 50–59 yrs 60+ yrs

Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female

Offence — number —

Homicide (Murder) 0 0 0 0 5 0 ≤ 3 0 6 ≤ 3 8 ≤ 3 7 ≤ 3 ≤ 3 ≤ 3

Other homicide(b) 4 0 ≤ 3 ≤ 3 6 ≤ 3 6 ≤ 3 5 5 6 4 6 ≤ 3 4 4

Assault 1,706 1,367 1,201 1,495 1,420 1,385 1,608 1,387 2,511 2,113 2,147 1,706 1,318 857 802 431

Grievous assault 24 17 76 27 89 33 122 30 161 51 145 34 56 17 35 6

Serious assault 827 628 685 822 742 729 673 681 1,028 1,100 956 853 647 394 371 166

Serious assault (other) 77 46 75 65 158 119 280 150 446 220 332 184 194 97 384 242

Common assault 778 676 365 581 431 504 533 526 876 742 714 635 421 349 12 17

Sexual offences 415 1,571 124 1,153 46 460 31 316 74 415 73 275 37 122 17 62

Rape and attempted rape 84 309 25 483 14 245 13 151 33 227 28 137 9 63 5 22

Other sexual offences 331 1,262 99 670 32 215 18 165 41 188 45 138 28 59 12 40

Robbery 144 55 291 93 199 79 123 56 179 85 109 66 79 50 64 43

Armed robbery 39 10 109 33 109 28 59 25 87 41 57 31 46 20 32 13

Unarmed robbery 105 45 182 60 90 51 64 31 92 44 52 35 33 30 32 30

Other offences against the person 197 266 108 226 107 280 118 244 165 436 159 301 138 137 97 60

Kidnapping, abduction etc. 18 19 14 37 12 43 21 21 13 53 11 23 4 ≤ 3 4 ≤ 3

Extortion ≤ 3 ≤ 3 4 5 6 ≤ 3 7 ≤ 3 15 4 8 4 7 8 4 ≤ 3

Stalking 6 24 14 54 13 67 14 83 20 122 27 104 27 44 25 26

Life endangering acts 171 221 76 130 76 168 76 138 117 257 113 170 100 83 64 30

Total 2,466 3,259 1,726 2,969 1,783 2,206 1,888 2,005 2,940 3,056 2,502 2,354 1,585 1,170 986 602

(a) Excludes 61 victims whose age and/or sex were not identified. (b) Attempted murder; conspiracy to murder; manslaughter (incl. by driving and/or striking).

To protect the anonymity of individuals, victim tables have been subjected to confidentialisation where cell values range between 1 and 3. Cells with a value of zero remain unaltered.

Totals for certain variables, therefore, may vary slightly across tables within the report. (See Explanatory notes for more detail.)

Queensland Government Statistician’s Office

Crime report, Queensland, 2017–18 86

8.1.2. Offence type

Assault offences accounted for seven-in-ten (70.0% or 23,484) reported victims of offences against the person in Queensland in 2017–18 (Table 58). Assault is the direct (and immediate / confrontational) infliction of force, injury or violence upon a person or persons, or the direct (and immediate/confrontational) threat of force, injury or violence where there is an apprehension that the threat could be enacted. Assault accounted for a considerably greater proportion of male victims than female victims (80.0% compared with 60.9%).

This offence type is further disaggregated on the basis of whether or not the assault involved injury, or other aggravating circumstances. In 2017–18, serious assault and common assault were the most prevalent types of assault experienced by victims in Queensland.

While assault offences accounted for a greater proportion of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander victims than non-Indigenous victims (78.6% compared with 71.5%), the sex profile was also notably different between these victim cohorts. Females accounted for 65.5% of Indigenous assault victims, with more female victims recorded than male across all assault offence types, except for grievous assault. In comparison, females accounted for a much lower proportion (42.1%) of all non–Indigenous assault victims, with more male victims recorded than female across all assault offence types.

Sexual offences accounted for 15.5% of all reported victims in 2017–18. Females comprised over four-in-five (84.2% or 4,380) of all reported victims of sexual offences, a proportion which was consistent across both the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander and non–Indigenous victim cohorts. Under sexual offences, other sexual offences made up the majority of reported victims (64.4% compared with 35.6% for rape and attempted rape).

Homicide and robbery accounted for 0.3% and 5.1% respectively of all reported victims in 2017–18, with males comprising a higher number of reported victims across both offence types.

Table 58 Reported victims of offences against the person, 2017–18

Indigenous victims Non-Indigenous victims All victims(a)

Male Female Total(b) Male Female Total(b) Male Female Total(b)

Offence type — number —

Homicide (murder) 5 ≤ 3 7 16 ≤ 3 18 29 8 37

Other homicide(c) 5 ≤ 3 7 14 10 24 38 20 58

Assault 1,202 2,278 3,482 11,039 8,042 19,100 12,718 10,742 23,484

Grievous assault(d) 125 93 219 543 109 652 708 215 924

Serious assault(e) 572 1,301 1,874 5,172 3,881 9,061 5,930 5,373 11,314

Serious assault (other)(f) 25 156 281 1,727 913 2,640 1,946 1,123 3,069

Common assault 380 728 1,108 3,597 3,139 6,747 4,134 4,031 8,177

Sexual offences 110 488 599 632 3,579 4,215 821 4,380 5,207

Rape and attempted rape 31 184 215 173 1,362 1,537 211 1,640 1,854

Other sexual offences(g) 79 304 384 459 2,217 2,678 610 2,740 3,353

Robbery 38 24 62 955 410 1,365 1,189 527 1,716

Armed robbery 17 8 25 431 153 584 538 201 739

Unarmed robbery 21 16 37 524 257 781 651 326 977

Other offences against the person(h)

77 199 276 723 1,262 1,988 1,094 1,954 3,058

Total 1,437 2,993 4,433 13,379 13,305 26,710 15,889 17,631 33,560

(a) Includes reported victims whose Indigenous status was not stated. (b) Includes reported victims whose sex was unknown or not stated. (c) Attempted murder; conspiracy to murder; manslaughter (incl. by driving and/or striking). (d) Assault causing serious bodily injury, i.e. loss of a body part, serious disfigurement, endangerment of life, threat of permanent injury if untreated. (e) Serious assault resulting in injury (excluding grievous assault). (f) Serious assault not resulting in injury. (g) Includes indecent treatment of children; incest; indecent assault; bestiality; wilful obscene exposure. (h) Includes extortion; kidnapping and abduction; life-endangering acts; and stalking.

Assault accounted for

7 in 10 reported victims

in 2017–18

Queensland Government Statistician’s Office

Crime report, Queensland, 2017–18 87

Over the ten–year time series, assault has consistently accounted for the largest proportion of all victims of offences against the person (around 70%) (Figure 55) and, of these, serious assault consistently makes up the largest proportion.

Sexual offences have accounted for between 14.6% and 17.3% of reported victims over the series.

Figure 55 Reported victims of assault and sexual offences

Table 59 Reported victims of assault and sexual offences

2008–09 2009–10 2010–11 2011–12 2012–13 2013–14 2014–15 2015–16 2016–17 2017–18

Offence type — number —

Assault 19,341 20,227 19,195 19,990 19,486 18,327 17,751 20,008 22,279 23,484

Grievous assault(a) 1,010 1,014 913 912 868 886 792 905 887 924

Serious assault(b) 8,697 9,338 8,703 8,944 8,768 8,286 8,365 9,360 10,808 11,314

Serious assault (other)(c) 1,640 1,859 1,895 2,399 2,730 2,801 2,628 2,941 3,272 3,069

Common assault(d) 7,994 8,016 7,684 7,735 7,120 6,354 5,966 6,802 7,312 8,177

Sexual offences 4,639 4,665 4,249 4,181 4,308 4,367 4,395 4,808 4,748 5,207

Rape and attempted rape 1,285 1,199 1,208 1,159 1,141 1,242 1,329 1,394 1,627 1,854

Other sexual offences(e) 3,354 3,466 3,041 3,022 3,167 3,125 3,066 3,414 3,121 3,353

(a) An assault which causes serious bodily injury, i.e. loss of a body part, serious disfigurement, endangerment of life or threat of permanent injury, if it were untreated.

(b) Serious assault resulting in injury (excluding grievous assault).

(c) Serious assault not resulting in injury.

(d) An assault not involving any aggravating circumstances as defined above.

(e) Includes indecent treatment of child; incest; indecent assault; bestiality; wilful obscene exposure; and other sexual offences.










2008–09 2009–10 2010–11 2011–12 2012–13 2013–14 2014–15 2015–16 2016–17 2017–18



ge o

f all


ed v



Total assault Grievous assault Serious assault

Serious assault (other) Common assault Total sexual offences

Queensland Government Statistician’s Office

Crime report, Queensland, 2017–18 88

8.1.3. Age and sex, for selected offences

The age and sex profiles of reported victims can differ significantly depending on the offence type, as demonstrated below for the selected offence types of assault and sexual offences. Age data presented in this report refer to the victim’s age on the date the offence was reported/detected, rather than their age on the date the offence occurred.

Males aged 20–29 years represented the largest single cohort of all reported assault victims in 2017–18 (3,028 reported victims or 23.8% of all male victims) (Figure 56). This age group was also the largest cohort of all female victims in 2017–18 (2,772 reported victims or 25.8% of all female victims). While the number of both male and female assault victims steadily declined with each successive age group after 20–29 years, reported victims aged 50–59 years and 60 years and over were substantially more likely to be male than female (1.5 times and 1.9 times respectively).

In fact, males outnumbered females across all age categories for reported assault victims, with the exception of young people aged 10–19 years. Proportionally, both female and male victims of assault were most likely to be aged 20–29 years (25.8% of all female victims compared with 23.8% of all male victims).

Figure 56 Reported victims(a) of assault, 2017–18

(a) Chart excludes records for 22 reported assault victims whose sex was not stated.
















0 500 1,000 1,500 2,000 2,500 3,000









1 in 4 reported assault victims was aged

20–29 years

Queensland Government Statistician’s Office

Crime report, Queensland, 2017–18 89

Compared with assault victims, the age and sex profile of reported victims of sexual offences was considerably more disproportionate, with females outnumbering males in every age category (Figure 57), ranging from a ratio of 2.5 times (victims aged 0–9 years) to a ratio of 10.1 times (victims aged 20–29 years).

Although the most prevalent age group for both male and female victims of sexual offences was 10–19 years, the number of females in this age cohort significantly outnumbered males, resulting in the single largest group of reported victims in this offence type in 2017–18 (42.8% of all sexual offences victims).

Figure 57 Reported victims(a) of sexual offences, 2017–18

(a) Chart excludes records for five reported sexual offences victims whose sex was not stated.

8.1.4. Reported victimisation rate

Victimisation rates in 2017–18 varied markedly according to the Indigenous status and sex of the victim, as well as offence type. Figure 58 demonstrates this variability for sexual offences and the subcategories of assault offences.

Across each of the offences shown, both male and female Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander persons recorded higher victimisation rates than non-Indigenous persons.

The victimisation rates for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander persons were consistently higher for females than males across all offences shown, with the exception of grievous assault.

Comparatively, non-Indigenous victims were more likely to be male, with this cohort experiencing higher victimisation rates than non-Indigenous females, with the exception of sexual offences.
















0 500 1,000 1,500 2,000 2,500









Females aged 10–19 years

made up almost half of all victims of sexual offences

Age standardisation is a statistical method that adjusts crude

rates to account for differences between

the age profiles of the Aboriginal and Torres

Strait Islander and non-Indigenous


Queensland Government Statistician’s Office

Crime report, Queensland, 2017–18 90

Figure 58 Age–standardised victimisation rate(a), selected offences, 2017–18

(a) Only reported victims whose Indigenous status and sex were identified are included.

(b) Rate ratio is the age–standardised victimisation rate for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander population subgroup divided by the age–standardised victimisation rate for the equivalent non–Indigenous population subgroup. Rate ratios have been calculated on unrounded rates.

Across the offences shown, female Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander victims of serious assault recorded the highest victimisation rate in 2017–18, at a rate of 1,130 victims per 100,000 Indigenous female persons. This rate was equivalent to a rate ratio of over six and a half times the rate for non-Indigenous females.

However, the largest rate ratio in 2017–18 was observed for female victims of grievous assault, where Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander females were over 17 times more likely than non-Indigenous females to be a victim of this offence (at a victimisation rate of 85 victims per 100,000 Indigenous female persons compared with five per 100,000 non-Indigenous females).

8.1.5. Relationship of offender to victim

Data describing the relationship of offender to victim is used as one of the sources for identifying domestic and family violence (DFV)–related offences1. However, a proportion of offences against the person (for example, 7.1% in 2017–18) have no information recorded about the relationship between the offender and victim. Because of this, and the counting rules used to record assault incidents, DFV–related offences against the person data in this report may under-represent the number of these offences in Queensland.

1 Note that DFV-related offences here relate only to offences against the person, and do not take into account DFV-related offences that may occur for

offences against property or other offences.





















0 200 400 600 800 1,000 1,200 1,400

Rate (victims per 100,000 persons)


Rate ratio(b)


Grievous assault

Common assault












Non-Indigenous males

Non-Indigenous females

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander males

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander females

Queensland Government Statistician’s Office

Crime report, Queensland, 2017–18 91

Please note: This table counts number of victims, rather than offenders or relationships. Victims of all offences against the person are included, regardless of the cleared/solved status of the offence. Relationship is recorded at time offence was reported, and relationship classifications used are derived from those used by the ABS in Recorded crime – Victims, Australia (ABS 4510.0)

Table 60 Victims of offences against the person by sex(a) and offender’s relationship to victim, 2017–18

Offender is known to victim

Offender is not known to victim

Offender–victim relationship

unknown Not stated Total(a) Family or domestic

Non-family member Partner Ex-partner Parent

Other family member

Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female

Offence — number —

Homicide (Murder) 5 ≤ 3 0 0 0 0 4 ≤ 3 7 ≤ 3 ≤ 3 0 8 ≤ 3 4 ≤ 3 30 10

Other homicide(b) ≤ 3 ≤ 3 0 ≤ 3 ≤ 3 0 ≤ 3 ≤ 3 6 ≤ 3 5 7 19 7 ≤ 3 0 38 22

Assault 396 2,553 98 279 678 702 720 992 3,633 2,803 5,475 2,426 1,004 644 714 343 12,718 10,742

Grievous assault 73 77 5 4 5 9 53 21 200 55 205 22 145 25 22 ≤ 3 708 215

Serious assault 184 1,688 44 163 347 344 369 497 1,739 1,265 2,506 994 483 311 258 111 5,930 5,373

Serious assault (other) 32 87 5 17 26 27 71 111 565 336 964 396 137 77 146 72 1,946 1,123

Common assault 107 701 44 95 300 322 227 363 1,129 1,147 1,800 1,014 239 231 288 158 4,134 4,031

Sexual offences 15 303 0 43 83 528 144 621 345 1,591 107 791 67 362 59 141 820 4,380

Rape and attempted rape ≤ 3 200 0 33 16 154 51 209 92 641 31 246 11 126 7 31 210 1,640

Other sexual offences 13 103 0 10 67 374 93 412 253 950 76 545 56 236 52 110 610 2,740

Robbery ≤ 3 13 0 8 ≤ 3 ≤ 3 4 6 175 68 615 257 318 139 74 33 1,190 526

Armed robbery 0 ≤ 3 0 ≤ 3 0 0 ≤ 3 ≤ 3 77 26 284 103 149 57 25 8 537 200

Unarmed robbery ≤ 3 11 0 6 ≤ 3 ≤ 3 ≤ 3 4 98 42 331 154 169 82 49 25 653 326

Other offences against the person

7 359 9 103 117 144 36 43 234 307 185 166 145 191 362 640 1,095 1,953

Kidnapping, abduction etc. ≤ 3 69 0 15 ≤ 3 5 6 8 31 31 22 27 20 31 14 15 97 201

Extortion 0 0 0 0 0 0 ≤ 3 0 16 8 5 ≤ 3 7 9 25 13 55 32

Stalking 0 39 5 57 0 0 ≤ 3 ≤ 3 53 158 24 73 16 56 46 138 146 523

Life endangering acts 5 251 4 31 115 139 26 33 134 110 134 64 102 95 277 474 797 1,197

Total 427 3,232 107 435 882 1,376 910 1,666 4,400 4,773 6,389 3,647 1,561 1,345 1,215 1,159 15,891 17,633

(a) Excludes 40 victims whose sex was not identified. (b) Attempted murder; conspiracy to murder; manslaughter (incl. by driving and/or striking).

Queensland Government Statistician’s Office

Crime report, Queensland, 2017–18 92

Across all offences against the person in 2017–18 where relationship data were recorded2, 58.5% of reported victims in Queensland knew their offender. The nature of the relationship between the offender and the victim varied markedly according to the sex and Indigenous status of the victim, as well as the offence type. Figure 59 demonstrates this divergence for the selected offence types of assault and sexual offences.

Notably, more than four-in-five (84.1%) Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander female victims of assault knew their offender, with the majority (60.7%) in a family or domestic relationship with the offender. Comparatively, non–Indigenous female assault victims were less likely than their Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander counterparts to have known their offender (66.7%) and much less likely to have been in a family or domestic relationship with the offender (38.1%).

Non–Indigenous male victims of assault were more likely than other assault victims to have been offended against by person(s) unknown to them (48.6%), and the least likely to be in a family or domestic relationship with their offender (13.4%).

Across all sexual offence victims, around three-in-four victims knew their offender. Female victims were more likely than male victims to be in a family or domestic relationship with their offender, which is consistent for both Indigenous (44.1% compared with 43.7%) and non-Indigenous (34.3% compared with 30.1%) victims. Non–Indigenous female victims were the most likely group to have been offended against by person(s) unknown to them (19.9%).

Figure 59 Relationship of offender to victim(a), by Indigenous status(b) and sex(c) of victim, selected offences, 2017–18

(a) Records where offender–victim relationship was not stated have been excluded from calculations. (b) Only reported victims whose Indigenous status and sex were identified are included. (c) Total % known to victim have been calculated on unrounded figures.

2 Note the proportion of offences against the person where the relationship between the offender and victim was not recorded in 2017–18 varied by the

Indigenous status of the victim (2.8% for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander victims, 6.0% for non-Indigenous victims and 26.5% for victims whose Indigenous status was not stated), and also by sex of the victim (7.6% for male victims and 6.6% for female victims).


















Relationship not identified Unknown to victim

























0 20 40 60 80 100%

Known to victim (non-family) Known to victim (family/domestic)

Total % know nto victim(b)

Sexual offences










6 in 10 reported victims

knew their offender

Queensland Government Statistician’s Office

Crime report, Queensland, 2017–18 93

8.1.6. Reported victimisation rate of DFV–related offences3 by Indigenous status

Across all offences against the person in 2017–18, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander victims were twice as likely as non-Indigenous victims to be offended against by someone with whom they were in a family or domestic relationship (51.0% compared with 25.1%). In particular, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander victims were twice as likely as non-Indigenous victims to be offended against by a partner or ex-partner in 2017–18 (25.4% compared with 11.4%).

However, examination of victimisation rates for DFV-related offences by age and sex reveals the substantial variation in experiences within Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander and non–Indigenous reported victim cohorts. It must be remembered that, in this report, a victim’s age is based on the date the offence was reported to or detected by police, rather than their age on the date the offence occurred, and some offences will have occurred in years prior to 2017–18.

In 2017–18, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander female victimisation rates for DFV-related offences increased with age, peaking at 2,736 victims per 100,000 persons for females aged 20–29 years, before declining steadily with each successive age group (Figure 60). This was the highest age–specific victimisation rate for DFV-related offences across all victims of offences against the person.

In contrast, victimisation rates for non-Indigenous females peaked earlier at 10–17 years of age (480 victims per 100,000 persons). The victimisation rate then declined with each successive age group.

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander females aged between 0–17 years experienced victimisation rates for DFV-related offences between three and four times that of non-Indigenous females. This differential in rates was larger among adult female victims, with rates for those cohorts aged 18 years and over ranging between seven and eleven times those of non–Indigenous female victims. The largest rate ratio was for women aged 55–59 years, with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women 10.7 times more likely to be a victim of a DFV-related offence than non-Indigenous women in 2017–18.

Victimisation rates for DFV-related offences among non-Indigenous males peaked at 10–17 years of age, at 193 victims per 100,000 persons (Figure 60). In contrast, while the victimisation rate for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander males also peaked at 10–17 years of age (at 663 victims per 100,000 persons), it peaked again at 40–49 years of age (555 victims per 100,000 persons). The largest rate ratio of all age groups was in the 50–59 years age group, with Indigenous men victimised at 12.0 times the rate of non-Indigenous men.

Overall, females (both Indigenous and Non-Indigenous) experienced markedly higher DFV–related victimisation rates than males across all age groups.

Figure 60 Reported victimisation rate of DFV–related offences against the person(a), 2017–18

(a) Only victims whose Indigenous status and sex were identified are included. (b) Rate ratio is the victimisation rate for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander population subgroup divided by the victimisation rate for the

equivalent non–Indigenous population subgroup. Rate ratios have been calculated on unrounded rates.

3 Represented in this report as those offences against the person where reported victims indicated to police they were in a domestic or family

relationship with the offender.








480337 294 270 200









0–9 10–17 18–19 20–29 30–39 40–49 50–59 60+


te (v




r 1



0 p




Age group (years)

Indigenous females Non-Indigenous females

Rate ratio(b) 3.6 3.9 6.9 9.3 8.5 7.3 10.7 10.2









62 59 52 6032










0–9 10–17 18–19 20–29 30–39 40–49 50–59 60+


te (v




r 1



0 p




Age group (years)

Indigenous males Non-Indigenous males

Rate ratio(b) 3.5 3.4 2.9 5.8 7.9 9.2 12.0 6.4

Indigenous females aged 20–29 years

was the cohort most likely to be offended against by someone

in their family or domestic relationship

Queensland Government Statistician’s Office

Crime report, Queensland, 2017–18 94

8.2. Unique victims

In 2017–18, there were 29,582 unique victims of offences against the person recorded by QPS, an 8.6% increase on the previous year (27,237 unique victims) (Figure 61). This is the third successive yearly increase in the number of unique victims, and is the highest count in the ten–year time series.

The increased count of unique victims in 2017–18 has resulted in the Queensland unique victimisation rate increasing from a time-series low of 468 victims per 100,000 persons in 2014–15 to 595 victims per 100,000 persons in 2017–18, continuing the upward trend observed in the victimisation rate since that low. The unique victimisation rate in 2017–18 is higher than the previous peak rate recorded in 2009–10 (593 victims per 100,000 persons), and is the highest in the time series.

Figure 61 Count and rate of unique victims, offences against the person

LHS = left hand side RHS = right hand side

(b) Unique victims per 100,000 population.

8.2.1. Indigenous status

The increase in unique victims from 2016–17 to 2017–18 occurred across both Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander and non-Indigenous victims, with the number of unique victims increasing by 218 (6.1%) and 1,974 (9.2%) respectively (Figure 61).

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander persons represented 14.0% of all unique victims in 2017–18 (where Indigenous status was stated). This is disproportionate to the representation of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander persons in Queensland’s overall population (4.4% at 30 June 20174).

4 ABS 3238.0, Estimates and Projections, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Australians, 2001 to 2026, unpublished data

19,826 20,969 20,000 19,630 18,812 18,354 17,57519,486



2,922 3,1723,022 2,877 3,004




1,9331,683 2,184 2,526





579 593 554 552

528 496

468 515

557 595

















2008–09 2009–10 2010–11 2011–12 2012–13 2013–14 2014–15 2015–16 2016–17 2017–18

Rate (a)Persons

Non-Indigenous (LHS) Indigenous (LHS)

Indigenous status not stated (LHS) Unique victimisation rate (RHS)

Total 24,759 25,903 24,605 24,986 24,360 23,223 22,201 24,772 27,237 29,582victims

Number of unique victims

increased by 8.6% in year to June 2018

Queensland Government Statistician’s Office

Crime report, Queensland, 2017–18 95

8.2.2. Age and sex

In 2017–18, unique victims were more likely to be male than female across older age categories (aged 30+ years), while across younger age groups (aged 0–29 years), unique victims were more likely to be female (Figure 62).

Females aged 10–19 years represented the largest single group of unique victims in 2017–18 (14.6% of all victims), indicative of the large number of victims of sexual offences and (to a lesser degree) assault for this cohort. Persons aged 60 years and over comprised the smallest unique victim cohort overall.

Figure 62 Unique victims(a), offences against the person, 2017–18

(a) Only victims whose age and sex were identified are included.
















0 1,000 2,000 3,000 4,000 5,000









In 2017–18, victims aged 0–29 years were more likely to be female but victims aged 30+ years were

more likely to be male.

Queensland Government Statistician’s Office

Crime report, Queensland, 2017–18 96

9.0 Explanatory notes and glossaryAbbreviations and symbols

. . not applicable

ABS Australian Bureau of Statistics

ANCO Australian National Classification of Offences

ASGS Australian Statistical Geography Standard

ERP estimated resident population

MSO most serious offence

n.e.c. not elsewhere classified

n.f.d. not further disaggregated

QGSO Queensland Government Statistician’s Office

QPRIME Queensland Police Records and Information Management Exchange

QPS Queensland Police Service

SA4 statistical area level 4


Age standardisation: a statistical method that adjusts crude rates to account for differences in the age profiles of the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander and non-Indigenous populations.

Cleared offences: A offence is deemed to be cleared under, but not restricted to, one of the following circumstances:

• Police action* has been taken against an offender.

• The offender has died or been admitted to a psychiatric facility before police have proceeded with a charge.

• The offender has diplomatic immunity.

• The offender is serving a sentence and no useful purpose would be served by prosecution.

• The offender is a child and no further action will be taken in accordance with Youth Justice Act 1992.

• There is a bar to prosecution (e.g. defences and exculpations under the Criminal Code Act 1899, or other Queensland statutes).

• The offender is being dealt with by another agency apart from QPS (e.g. RSPCA or other Queensland Government department).

• There is sufficient evidence to determine that the offender committed the offence but will not be charged as it is not in the public interest.

• There is sufficient evidence to determine the offender committed the offence but none of the offences can be sufficiently particularised to commence a prosecution.

• The victim is too young to proceed without sufficient corroboration to support their testimony.

• There is sufficient evidence to determine that the offender committed the offence but will not be charged as the offence was committed against a child who has been interviewed but did not sufficiently disclose the abuse and without other evidence the case cannot proceed.

• The victim or essential witness has died prior to the offender being charged.

• The victim formally withdraws the complaint and no longer wishes to continue with the complaint.

The recovery of stolen or otherwise unlawfully obtained property does not in itself clear or solve an offence.

*Police action type: Police may proceed against an offender in any of the following ways:

Arrest: The taking into custody of an offender to compel that person’s appearance before a court.

Summons: A direction or command issued by a magistrate or justice to an offender to appear before a court with reference to a matter described therein, at a given time and place.

Notice to appear: A notice issued and personally served by a police officer upon an offender whom he/she reasonably suspects has committed / is committing an offence, to appear before a court, with reference to a matter described therein, at a stated time and place.

Warrant: An authority under the hand of a judge or justice to arrest an offender in order that the person may be dealt with according to the law.

Caution: An official caution administered to a child under the provisions of the Youth Justice Act, and includes the cautioning of persons over 65 years of age and intellectually disabled persons for minor criminal offences in accordance with official QPS policy. The term does not apply to any informal process where a child is spoken to by an officer where the officer is exercising discretion in relation to the child’s particular behaviour or actions.

Community conference: The referral of a child under the provisions of the Youth Justice Act to community conference by a police officer before the start of a proceeding for an offence, or by court after a finding of guilty is made against a child for the offence.

Other: The offender is known and sufficient evidence has been obtained but there is a bar to prosecution or other official process.

Confidentialisation: a change made to small-value cells (≤3) in aggregated person-related data (see Notes).

Crime location: Refers to the initial site where a criminal incident occurred, determined based on primary use or function. Surrounding land, yard or parking area connected to a building or other structure are assigned to the same category of use. If a location serves more than one function, they are classified per the primary function.

Administration or Professional includes business, government.

Dwelling includes boarding house, motel, unit, other dwelling.

Educational includes school, university, TAFE, library.

Health includes hospital, hospital grounds, medical.

Justice includes court, police station, correctional centre.

Open space includes beach, boat ramp, bushland, crown land, river, waterway.

Other n.e.c. includes construction site, mail, military area, rest area.

Recreational includes adult entertainment, brothel, caravan park, cinema, night club, gaming.

Retail includes chemist, food shop, garage, hotel, licensed premises, restaurant, Post Office, shopping centre.

Transport includes airport, carpark, railway, terminal, wharf, train, in transit.

Queensland Government Statistician’s Office

Crime report, Queensland, 2017–18 97

Offence: Any act or omission by a person or persons for which a penalty could be imposed by the Australian legal system.

Offences are presented under three broad categories: offences against the person, against property, and other offences. They are further disaggregated and grouped by offence type.

Offender: A person aged 10 years or over who, through the clearance of an offence, is alleged to be responsible for committing that offence.

Child offender: in this report, an alleged offender aged 10 to 17 years on the date police action commenced against them.

Population subgroup: In this report, this term is used where rates are calculated for each age group by Indigenous status and sex. It refers to the portion of the population to which a statistic pertains, e.g. non-Indigenous females aged 10–17 years.

Victim: For most offences against the person, ‘the victim’ is an individual person. In some cases, such as robbery and extortion, the victim may be an individual person or an organisation. Only person victims have been included in this report.


The information displayed in this report may vary from data published elsewhere by QGSO and others, due to differences in the dates data were extracted and frequency of revision, or in counting rules or statistical standards applied. Readers are urged to exercise caution when making comparison between publications.

Data in this report have not been tested to determine whether changes over time are statistically significant.

Source – QPRIME: All crime statistics presented in this report are derived from unpublished data recorded in official crime reports in QPRIME, supplied by QPS, and collated by QGSO. Data were current at the time of extraction, 17 July 2018, and are subject to change.


Victim age data presented in this report refer to the victim’s age on the date the offence was reported/detected, rather than their age on the date the offence occurred. Particular care should be exercised when interpreting age data for sexual assault victims.

Offender age data presented in this report refer to the offender’s age on the date the offence was cleared/actioned by police, rather than their age on the date the offence occurred or the offence was reported/detected.


Confidentialising data involves removing or altering information or collapsing detail (through application of statistical disclosure controls) to mitigate the risk that a person may be identified in the data (either directly or indirectly).

Victim and alleged offender tables contain person-based variables and include demographic information. Therefore, such tables in this report are subject to confidentialisation to ensure the anonymity of individuals is protected where numbers are small and there is a reasonable likelihood that a person may be identified from the data published. This process is applied to aggregated data only prior to release.

QGSO has confidentialised cells in offender and victim–related tables with values ranging from 1 to 3. This is denoted in the tables by the value “≤ 3” appearing in cells with small numbers. Cells with a value of zero remain unaltered.

For the purpose of calculating row and column totals, each cell from 1 to 3 is assigned a value of 2, regardless of the true number of that cell. This methodology allows for totals to be calculated in tables with small cells, but this does mean that totals for certain variables may not be the same across tables within the report.

Counting methodology: The ABS, in consultation with the National Crime Statistics Advisory Group, has developed a set of national counting rules for the publication of crime statistics relating to reported offences against the person, victims and offenders. The following counting rules have been applied in this publication.

Offences: For offences against the person, for each victim within a distinct criminal incident, the most serious offence (MSO) per offence type is counted. A single criminal incident may therefore result in several offences being recorded.

Sexual offences, which includes ‘Rape and attempted rape’ and ‘Other sexual offences’, is the exception to the national counting rule. The counting rule applied in respect of this group of offences is that, for each victim, the MSO per offence type is counted on the basis of time and place.

For offences against property and other offences, no national counting rules exist and, for such offences, each distinct criminal act per criminal incident is counted.

Offenders: Count of one for each unique reported offence type cleared or solved through police action against an individual offender within a single incident, for a specified geographic area and period. An individual offender is counted multiple times during the reference period, if they were proceeded against for multiple offence types within the same incident or multiple times within the reference period.

Unique offenders: An individual offender is counted only once during the reference period, irrespective of the number of offences committed within the same incident or the number of times they were dealt with by police.

Victims: For each reported victim within a distinct criminal incident, the MSO per offence type is counted. Where the same individual is subjected to multiple offences belonging to different offence types within a single incident, then, in accordance with the MSO counting rule, that victim is counted multiple times (once for each MSO per offence type).

Unique victims: An individual victim is counted once only in the reference period, regardless of how many times they have been reported as a victim of an offence.

Geography: In the main report, all data are presented at state (Queensland) level. Number and rate of offences are also presented in tables for Queensland’s 19 statistical areas level 4 (SA4) under the ASGS.

These tables include some offences where the SA4 in which the offence occurred cannot be identified. This may occur for one of two reasons:

The offence was detected as part of a covert operation, and the location of the offence has not been recorded, to maintain security; or

The accuracy of the address has not been determined at the time that the data were extracted for inclusion in this publication. That is, the address was not verified.

In these cases, the offences have been included in the Queensland total only. Therefore, SA4 statistics may not always sum to Queensland totals.

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Crime report, Queensland, 2017–18 98

In the Appendix, all data are presented at Queensland Police Service administrative regions.

In cases where the police region in which the offence occurred cannot be identified (for reasons outlined above), the offences have been included in the Queensland total only. Therefore, police region statistics may not always sum to Queensland totals.

Indigenous status: based on self-identification by the individual who comes into contact with police as one of the following four standard options:

Not Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander (non-Indigenous, in this report); Aboriginal; Torres Strait Islander; Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander.

In this publication, the term ‘Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander’ is used to refer to anyone who identifies as Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander.

Indigenous status of victim/offender has not been identified in a relatively small number of offences, and these are quantified in the table footnotes where applicable.

Offence classification: Offence codes and groupings presented in this publication are those used by QPS, and are based on the Australian National Classification of Offences (ANCO, 1985).

Interpreting rates: Rates are calculated per 100,000 persons, using the estimated resident population (ERP) of the specified region, published by the ABS, as at 30 June. Offence rate is calculated as:

number of offences ERP *100,000

using the average ERP for the reference year (e.g. average of ERP as at 30 June 2016 and as at 30 June 2017 for the 2016–17 reference year). ERP as at 30 June 2018 have been derived by linear extrapolation of population change.

Monthly crime trend data are expressed as rate per 100,000 ERP for each calendar month. Average ERP of a financial year is used to derive monthly rates for the respective financial year. The trend line is fitted based on the loess method, the most common method used to smoothen a volatile time series, including one displaying seasonal variation.

Unique offender rate: Expressed as the number of unique offenders per 100,000 of the estimated resident population (ERP) aged 10 years and over.

Unique victim rate: Expressed as the number of unique victims per 100,000 of the total estimated resident population (ERP).

Rates enable comparison of crime to be made over time and between geographical areas, since the size of the population is taken into account in the calculation. However, comparisons of crime rates should be interpreted with caution due to the many factors which differ from region to region, including: the composition of its population (age, sex, ethnicity and employment); climate and geographical features; the economic structure (including local industry and the level and distribution of income).

It should be noted also that transient population groups such as tourists are not factored into the ERP. This would have particular impact on high tourism areas where crime rates may be overestimated.

Reference date: The reference date for reported offences and victims is the date an offence is reported to or detected by police. For cleared offences, the reference date is the date the

offence was cleared by police. For offender statistics, the reference date is the date an action is commenced.

Reference year: Years quoted in this report are financial year (i.e. from 1 July to 30 June). Statistics produced on the basis of date reported may be affected over time by lags in completing and/or processing some crime reports. Where offences reported in the reference year are not processed for inclusion until the following year, revised data will be presented in subsequent publications. As such, time series data published in this publication may vary from data published previously by Queensland Police Service.

Time series data are presented from 2008–09 onwards, as data produced prior to this reference year are considered to be not strictly comparable.

Variables not stated

In 2017–18 there were:

• 2,417 reported victims for whom Indigenous status was not stated, 40 reported victims for whom sex was not stated, and 25 reported victims for whom age was not stated (note – some records had more than one variable not stated)

• 2,285 unique victims for whom Indigenous status was not stated, 39 unique victims for whom sex was not stated, and 23 unique victims for whom age was not stated (note – some records had more than one variable not stated).

• 2,553 reported offenders whose Indigenous status was not stated and 154 reported offenders whose sex was not stated (note – some records had more than one variable not stated)

• 1,922 unique offenders whose Indigenous status was not stated and 7 unique offenders whose sex was not stated (note – some records had more than one variable not stated).

It should be noted that these records have been excluded from any percentage and rate calculations in this report. All data comparisons presented by Indigenous status exclude records where Indigenous status was not stated.

Queensland Government Statistician’s Office


Appendix: Crime report, Queensland Police Service administrative regions, 2017–18

Queensland Government Statistician’s Office

Crime report, Queensland, 2017–18 – Appendix Aii

Contents – Appendix

1.0 Introduction ................................................................................................................................................ A1

2.0 Reported and cleared offences by police district .......................................................... A2

2.1. Offences reported in 2017–18 .............................................................................................................................. A3

2.2. Offences reported and cleared in 2017–18 ........................................................................................................ A18

2.3. Offences cleared in 2017–18, reported previously ............................................................................................. A33

3.0 Regional comparisons ..................................................................................................................... A48

3.1. Selected offences against the person ................................................................................................................ A49

3.2. Selected offences against property .................................................................................................................... A59

3.3. Selected other offences ...................................................................................................................................... A65

4.0 Offenders by age and sex, by police region .................................................................... A69

4.1. Offences against the person............................................................................................................................... A70

4.2. Offences against property .................................................................................................................................. A75

4.3. Other offences .................................................................................................................................................... A80

5.0 Victims of offences against the person, by police region ..................................... A85

5.1. Age and sex ........................................................................................................................................................ A86

5.2. Relationship of offender to victim ....................................................................................................................... A91

Queensland Government Statistician’s Office

Crime report, Queensland, 2017–18 – Appendix Aiii

Tables and figures – Appendix

Table A1 Count and rate of reported offences against the person, Brisbane Police Region, 2017–18 .................... A3

Table A2 Count and rate of reported offences against the person, Central Police Region, 2017–18 ...................... A4

Table A3 Count and rate of reported offences against the person, Northern Police Region, 2017–18 .................... A5

Table A4 Count and rate of reported offences against the person, South Eastern Police Region, 2017–18 ........... A6

Table A5 Count and rate of reported offences against the person, Southern Police Region, 2017–18 ................... A7

Table A6 Count and rate of reported offences against property, Brisbane Police Region, 2017–18 ........................ A8

Table A7 Count and rate of reported offences against property, Central Police Region, 2017–18 .......................... A9

Table A8 Count and rate of reported offences against property, Northern Police Region, 2017–18 ...................... A10

Table A9 Count and rate of reported offences against property, South Eastern Police Region, 2017–18 ............. A11

Table A10 Count and rate of reported offences against property, Southern Police Region, 2017–18 ..................... A12

Table A11 Count and rate of reported other offences, Brisbane Police Region, 2017–18 ....................................... A13

Table A12 Count and rate of reported other offences, Central Police Region, 2017–18 .......................................... A14

Table A13 Count and rate of reported other offences, Northern Police Region, 2017–18........................................ A15

Table A14 Count and rate of reported other offences, South Eastern Police Region, 2017–18 ............................... A16

Table A15 Count and rate of reported other offences, Southern Police Region, 2017–18 ....................................... A17

Table A16 Count of offences against the person, Brisbane Police Region, reported and cleared in 2017–18 ........ A18

Table A17 Count of offences against the person, Central Police Region, reported and cleared in 2017–18 ........... A19

Table A18 Count of offences against the person, Northern Police Region, reported and cleared in 2017–18 ........ A20

Table A19 Count of offences against the person, South Eastern Police Region, reported and cleared in 2017–18 A21

Table A20 Count of offences against the person, Southern Police Region, reported and cleared in 2017–18 ........ A22

Table A21 Count of offences against property, Brisbane Police Region, reported and cleared in 2017–18 ............ A23

Table A22 Count of offences against property, Central Police Region, reported and cleared in 2017–18 ............... A24

Table A23 Count of offences against property, Northern Police Region, reported and cleared in 2017–18 ............ A25

Table A24 Count of offences against property, South Eastern Police Region, reported and cleared in 2017–18 ... A26

Table A25 Count of offences against property, Southern Police Region, reported and cleared in 2017–18 ............ A27

Table A26 Count of other offences, Brisbane Police Region, reported and cleared in 2017–18 .............................. A28

Table A27 Count of other offences, Central Police Region, reported and cleared in 2017–18 ................................ A29

Table A28 Count of other offences, Northern Police Region, reported and cleared in 2017–18 .............................. A30

Table A29 Count of other offences, South Eastern Police Region, reported and cleared in 2017–18 ..................... A31

Table A30 Count of other offences, Southern Police Region, reported and cleared in 2017–18 ............................. A32

Table A31 Count of offences against the person, Brisbane Police Region, cleared in 2017–18, reported previously .................................................................................................................................................................. A33

Table A32 Count of offences against the person, Central Police Region, cleared in 2017–18, reported previously A34

Table A33 Count of offences against the person, Northern Police Region, cleared in 2017–18, reported previously .................................................................................................................................................................. A35

Table A34 Count of offences against the person, South Eastern Police Region, cleared in 2017–18, reported previously ................................................................................................................................................. A36

Table A35 Count of offences against the person, Southern Police Region, cleared in 2017–18, reported previously .................................................................................................................................................................. A37

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Crime report, Queensland, 2017–18 – Appendix Aiv

Table A36 Count of offences against property, Brisbane Police Region, cleared in 2017–18, reported previously . A38

Table A37 Count of offences against property, Central Police Region, cleared in 2017–18, reported previously ... A39

Table A38 Count of offences against property, Northern Police Region, cleared in 2017–18, reported previously . A40

Table A39 Count of offences against property, South Eastern Police Region, cleared in 2017–18, reported previously .................................................................................................................................................................. A41

Table A40 Count of offences against property, Southern Police Region, cleared in 2017–18, reported previously A42

Table A41 Count of other offences, Brisbane Police Region, cleared in 2017–18, reported previously ................... A43

Table A42 Count of other offences, Central Police Region, cleared in 2017–18, reported previously ..................... A44

Table A43 Count of other offences, Northern Police Region, cleared in 2017–18, reported previously ................... A45

Table A44 Count of other offences, South Eastern Police Region, cleared in 2017–18, reported previously .......... A46

Table A45 Count of other offences, Southern Police Region, cleared in 2017–18, reported previously .................. A47

Table A46 Offenders by age and sex(a), offences against the person, Brisbane Police Region, 2017–18 ............. A70

Table A47 Offenders by age and sex(a), offences against the person, Central Police Region, 2017–18 ................ A71

Table A48 Offenders by age and sex(a), offences against the person, Northern Police Region, 2017–18.............. A72

Table A49 Offenders by age and sex(a), offences against the person, South Eastern Police Region, 2017–18 ..... A73

Table A50 Offenders by age and sex(a), offences against the person, Southern Police Region, 2017–18 ............. A74

Table A51 Offenders by age and sex(a), offences against property, Brisbane Police Region, 2017–18 ................. A75

Table A52 Offenders by age and sex(a), offences against property, Central Police Region, 2017–18 .................... A76

Table A53 Offenders by age and sex(a), offences against property, Northern Police Region, 2017–18 ................. A77

Table A54 Offenders by age and sex(a), offences against property, South Eastern Police Region, 2017–18 ........ A78

Table A55 Offenders by age and sex(a), offences against property, Southern Police Region, 2017–18 ................. A79

Table A56 Offenders by age and sex(a), other offences, Brisbane Police Region, 2017–18 ................................... A80

Table A57 Offenders by age and sex(a), other offences, Central Police Region, 2017–18 ..................................... A81

Table A58 Offenders by age and sex(a), other offences, Northern Police Region, 2017–18 ................................... A82

Table A59 Offenders by age and sex(a), other offences, South Eastern Police Region, 2017–18 .......................... A83

Table A60 Offenders by age and sex(a), other offences, Southern Police Region, 2017–18 .................................. A84

Table A61 Reported victims(a) of offences against the person, Brisbane Police Region, 2017–18 ......................... A86

Table A62 Reported victims(a) of offences against the person, Central Police Region, 2017–18 ........................... A87

Table A63 Reported victims(a) of offences against the person, Northern Police Region, 2017–18 ......................... A88

Table A64 Reported victims(a) of offences against the person, South Eastern Police Region, 2017–18 ................ A89

Table A65 Reported victims(a) of offences against the person, Southern Police Region, 2017–18 ........................ A90

Table A66 Victims of offences against the person by sex and offender’s relationship to victim, Brisbane Police Region, 2017–18 ...................................................................................................................................... A91

Table A67 Victims of offences against the person by sex and offender’s relationship to victim, Central Police Region, 2017–18 ................................................................................................................................................... A92

Table A68 Victims of offences against the person by sex and offender’s relationship to victim, Northern Police Region, 2017–18 ...................................................................................................................................... A93

Table A69 Victims of offences against the person by sex and offender’s relationship to victim, South Eastern Police Region, 2017–18 ...................................................................................................................................... A94

Table A70 Victims of offences against the person by sex and offender’s relationship to victim, Southern Police Region, 2017–18 ...................................................................................................................................... A95

Queensland Government Statistician’s Office

Crime report, Queensland, 2017–18 – Appendix Av

Figure A1 Queensland Police Service regions, districts and divisions ....................................................................... A2

Figure A2 Offences against the person – all offences, by police region .................................................................. A49

Figure A3 Homicide (murder), by police region ........................................................................................................ A50

Figure A4 Other homicide offences, by police region ............................................................................................... A50

Figure A5 Assault – all, by police region ................................................................................................................... A51

Figure A6 Grievous assault, by police region ........................................................................................................... A51

Figure A7 Serious assault, by police region ............................................................................................................. A52

Figure A8 Serious assault (other), by police region .................................................................................................. A52

Figure A9 Common assault, by police region ........................................................................................................... A53

Figure A10 Sexual offences – all, by police region ..................................................................................................... A53

Figure A11 Rape and attempted rape, by police region ............................................................................................. A54

Figure A12 Other sexual offences, by police region ................................................................................................... A54

Figure A13 Robbery – all, by police region ................................................................................................................. A55

Figure A14 Armed robbery, by police region .............................................................................................................. A55

Figure A15 Unarmed robbery, by police region .......................................................................................................... A56

Figure A16 Other offences against the person – all, by police region ........................................................................ A56

Figure A17 Kidnapping and abduction etc., by police region ..................................................................................... A57

Figure A18 Extortion, by police region ........................................................................................................................ A57

Figure A19 Stalking, by police region ......................................................................................................................... A58

Figure A20 Life endangering acts, by police region.................................................................................................... A58

Figure A21 Offences against property – all offences, by police region ...................................................................... A59

Figure A22 Unlawful entry – all, by police region ........................................................................................................ A59

Figure A23 Unlawful entry with intent – dwelling, by police region ............................................................................. A60

Figure A24 Unlawful entry with intent – shop, by police region .................................................................................. A60

Figure A25 Unlawful entry with intent – other, by police region .................................................................................. A61

Figure A26 Arson, by police region ............................................................................................................................. A61

Figure A27 Other property damage, by police region ................................................................................................. A62

Figure A28 Unlawful use of motor vehicle, by police region ....................................................................................... A62

Figure A29 Other theft (excl. unlawful entry), by police region ................................................................................... A63

Figure A30 Fraud, by police region ............................................................................................................................. A63

Figure A31 Handling stolen goods, by police region .................................................................................................. A64

Figure A32 Other offences – all offences, by police region ........................................................................................ A65

Figure A33 Drug offences, by police region ................................................................................................................ A65

Figure A34 Liquor offences (excl. drunkenness), by police region ............................................................................. A66

Figure A35 Breach of domestic violence protection order, by police region .............................................................. A66

Figure A36 Trespassing and vagrancy, by police region ............................................................................................ A67

Figure A37 Weapons Act offences, by police region .................................................................................................. A67

Figure A38 Good order offences, by police region ..................................................................................................... A68

Figure A39 Traffic and related offences, by police region .......................................................................................... A68

Queensland Government Statistician’s Office

Crime report, Queensland, 2017–18 – Appendix A1

1.0 Introduction The Crime report, Queensland Police Service administrative regions, 2017–18 comprises a series of tables and graphs and is an appendix to the Crime report, Queensland 2017–18. Statistics relating to reported and cleared offences, victims of offences against the person and offenders in all offence categories are featured and are presented by police administrative regions (Figure A1).

Statistics in this supplementary report are also presented as both counts and rates. Using counts to gauge the level of crime is problematic, as areas with larger populations will presumably have higher numbers of offences than areas with smaller populations. Calculation of rates per 100,000 population allows direct comparisons of crime to be made across different geographical areas and across time, since the size of the population is taken into account in the calculation.

Data which form the basis of this report are derived from official crime reports recorded in Queensland Police Records and Information Management Exchange (QPRIME). Only offences with a status of solved, withdrawn, lapsed or unsolved are counted in this report. Cancelled, not substantiated, and unfounded crime reports have been excluded.

This report (and QGSO) does not seek to explain what influence police operations and policy may have on crime statistics.

The information presented in this report may vary from data published elsewhere by QGSO and others, due to differences in the dates data were extracted and frequency of revision, or in counting rules or statistical standards applied. Readers are therefore urged to exercise caution when making comparison between publications.

The statistics presented in this report should also be read in conjunction with the Explanatory notes and glossary on Page 94 of the main report, where counting methodologies and other supporting information are provided to aid in the interpretation of rates and numbers presented.

Terms used in this report

Offence: Any act or omission by a person(s) for which a penalty could be imposed by the Australian legal system.

Offender: A person aged 10 years or over who, through the clearance of an offence, is alleged to be responsible for committing that offence. A person may be recorded as an offender multiple times, if they were proceeded against by police for multiple offence types within the same incident or multiple times within the reference period. Unless otherwise specified, offender data presented in this report do not represent a count of individual (unique) offenders.

Child offender: an alleged offender aged 10 to 17 years on the date police action commenced against them. This definition has been applied to the latest reference period and across the 10–year time series.

Unique offender: provides an estimate of the actual number of offenders and therefore is lower than the total number of offenders. Each person is counted once only in the reference period, regardless of how many times they have been proceeded against by police in the period.

Victim: Victim statistics in this report relate only to victims of offences against the person, reported to or detected by police within the reporting period. For most offences against the person ‘the victim’ is an individual person. Offences where the victim was an organisation have not been included in this report.

These data show one victim for each counted offence. However, a person may be counted multiple times if they were the victim of multiple offences belonging to different offence types within a single incident, or reported multiple times during the reference period. They would be counted once for each most serious offence per offence type. Unless otherwise specified, victim data presented in this report do not represent a count of individual (unique) victims.

Unique victim: provides an estimate of the actual number of reported victims and therefore is lower than the total number of reported victims. Each person is counted once only in the reference period, regardless of how many times they have been reported as a victim of an offence.

Queensland Government Statistician’s Office

Crime report, Queensland, 2017–18 – Appendix A2

2.0 Reported and cleared offences by police district

In this section, detailed tables of the number and rate of reported and cleared offences are presented for the QPS regions (Brisbane, Central, Northern, South Eastern and Southern) and districts within them, for the 2017–18 financial year.

Please note: The tables in this section include some offences where the police district in which the offence occurred cannot be identified. This may occur for one of two reasons:

(1) The offence was detected as part of a covert operation, and the location of the offence has not been recorded, to maintain security.

(2) The accuracy of the address had not been verified at the time the data were extracted for inclusion in this publication.

In such cases, the offences have been included in the available geographical level only. Therefore, police region statistics may not always sum to Queensland totals.

Figure A1 Queensland Police Service regions, districts and divisions

Source: Queensland Police Service

Queensland Government Statistician’s Office

Crime report, Queensland, 2017–18 – Appendix A3

2.1. Offences reported in 2017–18

Table A1 Count and rate of reported offences against the person, Brisbane Police Region, 2017–18

Police Region/District Brisbane Region North Brisbane District South Brisbane District

Offence number rate per 100,000 persons

number rate per 100,000 persons

number rate per 100,000 persons

Homicide (Murder) 9 0.6 3 0.4 6 0.7

Other homicide 20 1.3 8 1.0 12 1.5

Attempted murder 16 1.0 6 0.8 10 1.2

Conspiracy to murder 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0

Manslaughter (excl. by driving and striking)

0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0

Manslaughter – unlawful striking causing death

0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0

Driving causing death 4 0.3 2 0.3 2 0.2

Assault 4,734 299.4 2,386 311.4 2,348 288.1

Grievous assault 198 12.5 85 11.1 113 13.9

Serious assault 2,265 143.2 1,136 148.3 1,129 138.5

Serious assault (other) 700 44.3 331 43.2 369 45.3

Common assault 1,571 99.3 834 108.8 737 90.4

Sexual offences 1,259 79.6 623 81.3 636 78.0

Rape / attempted rape 456 28.8 213 27.8 243 29.8

Other sexual offences 803 50.8 410 53.5 393 48.2

Robbery 759 48.0 317 41.4 442 54.2

Armed robbery 331 20.9 124 16.2 207 25.4

Unarmed robbery 428 27.1 193 25.2 235 28.8

Other offences against the person 972 61.5 495 64.6 477 58.5

Kidnapping, abduction etc. 92 5.8 38 5.0 54 6.6

Extortion 26 1.6 10 1.3 16 2.0

Stalking 195 12.3 103 13.4 92 11.3

Life endangering acts 659 41.7 344 44.9 315 38.6

Total 7,753 490.3 3,832 500.1 3,921 481.0

Queensland Government Statistician’s Office

Crime report, Queensland, 2017–18 – Appendix A4

Table A2 Count and rate of reported offences against the person, Central Police Region, 2017–18

Police Region/District Central Region Capricornia District Mackay District Sunshine Coast District Wide Bay Burnett District

Offence number rate per 100,000 persons

number rate per 100,000 persons

number rate per 100,000 persons

number rate per 100,000 persons

number rate per 100,000 persons

Homicide (Murder) 6 0.6 4 1.8 0 0.0 0 0.0 2 0.8

Other homicide 19 1.8 2 0.9 5 2.9 6 1.6 6 2.3

Attempted murder 7 0.7 0 0.0 2 1.2 2 0.5 3 1.1

Conspiracy to murder 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0

Manslaughter (excl. by driving and striking)

1 0.1 0 0.0 1 0.6 0 0.0 0 0.0

Manslaughter – unlawful striking causing death

0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0

Driving causing death 11 1.1 2 0.9 2 1.2 4 1.1 3 1.1

Assault 4,233 411.7 1,389 620.0 795 461.6 932 251.6 1,117 427.0

Grievous assault 153 14.9 39 17.4 32 18.6 40 10.8 42 16.1

Serious assault 2,096 203.8 624 278.5 404 234.6 499 134.7 569 217.5

Serious assault (other) 545 53.0 180 80.3 82 47.6 133 35.9 150 57.3

Common assault 1,439 139.9 546 243.7 277 160.8 260 70.2 356 136.1

Sexual offences 1,262 122.7 406 181.2 171 99.3 259 69.9 426 162.8

Rape / attempted rape 428 41.6 139 62.0 69 40.1 88 23.8 132 50.5

Other sexual offences 834 81.1 267 119.2 102 59.2 171 46.2 294 112.4

Robbery 243 23.6 60 26.8 38 22.1 75 20.2 70 26.8

Armed robbery 106 10.3 22 9.8 21 12.2 28 7.6 35 13.4

Unarmed robbery 137 13.3 38 17.0 17 9.9 47 12.7 35 13.4

Other offences against the person 909 88.4 267 119.2 152 88.3 272 73.4 218 83.3

Kidnapping, abduction etc. 34 3.3 8 3.6 8 4.6 10 2.7 8 3.1

Extortion 16 1.6 5 2.2 1 0.6 4 1.1 6 2.3

Stalking 120 11.7 40 17.9 23 13.4 36 9.7 21 8.0

Life endangering acts 739 71.9 214 95.5 120 69.7 222 59.9 183 70.0

Total 6,672 648.9 2,128 949.9 1,161 674.1 1,544 416.9 1,839 702.9

Queensland Government Statistician’s Office

Crime report, Queensland, 2017–18 – Appendix A5

Table A3 Count and rate of reported offences against the person, Northern Police Region, 2017–18

Police Region/District Northern Region Far North District Mount Isa District Townsville District

Offence number rate per 100,000 persons

number rate per 100,000 persons

number rate per 100,000 persons

number rate per 100,000 persons

Homicide (Murder) 14 2.5 11 3.9 1 3.5 2 0.8

Other homicide 6 1.1 4 1.4 1 3.5 1 0.4

Attempted murder 3 0.5 2 0.7 1 3.5 0 0.0

Conspiracy to murder 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0

Manslaughter (excl. by driving and striking)

0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0

Manslaughter – unlawful striking causing death

0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0

Driving causing death 3 0.5 2 0.7 0 0.0 1 0.4

Assault 5,747 1,039.3 2,554 894.1 990 3,459.2 2,203 923.0

Grievous assault 239 43.2 102 35.7 60 209.7 77 32.3

Serious assault 2,593 468.9 1,140 399.1 413 1,443.1 1,040 435.7

Serious assault (other) 804 145.4 370 129.5 141 492.7 293 122.8

Common assault 2,111 381.8 942 329.8 376 1,313.8 793 332.2

Sexual offences 1,271 229.9 658 230.3 96 335.4 517 216.6

Rape / attempted rape 375 67.8 181 63.4 33 115.3 161 67.5

Other sexual offences 896 162.0 477 167.0 63 220.1 356 149.2

Robbery 227 41.1 85 29.8 14 48.9 128 53.6

Armed robbery 117 21.2 39 13.7 5 17.5 73 30.6

Unarmed robbery 110 19.9 46 16.1 9 31.4 55 23.0

Other offences against the person 789 142.7 301 105.4 140 489.2 348 145.8

Kidnapping, abduction etc. 37 6.7 19 6.7 7 24.5 11 4.6

Extortion 9 1.6 5 1.8 0 0.0 4 1.7

Stalking 106 19.2 61 21.4 10 34.9 35 14.7

Life endangering acts 637 115.2 216 75.6 123 429.8 298 124.9

Total 8,054 1,456.5 3,613 1,264.8 1,242 4,339.8 3,199 1,340.3

Queensland Government Statistician’s Office

Crime report, Queensland, 2017–18 – Appendix A6

Table A4 Count and rate of reported offences against the person, South Eastern Police Region, 2017–18

Police Region/District South Eastern Region Gold Coast District Logan District

Offence number rate per 100,000 persons

number rate per 100,000 persons

number rate per 100,000 persons

Homicide (Murder) 8 0.8 7 1.2 1 0.3

Other homicide 6 0.6 3 0.5 3 0.8

Attempted murder 4 0.4 1 0.2 3 0.8

Conspiracy to murder 1 0.1 1 0.2 0 0.0

Manslaughter (excl. by driving and striking)

0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0

Manslaughter – unlawful striking causing death

0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0

Driving causing death 1 0.1 1 0.2 0 0.0

Assault 4,455 467.5 2,900 484.3 1,555 439.2

Grievous assault 172 18.1 99 16.5 73 20.6

Serious assault 2,220 233.0 1,408 235.1 812 229.3

Serious assault (other) 510 53.5 324 54.1 186 52.5

Common assault 1,553 163.0 1,069 178.5 484 136.7

Sexual offences 1,088 114.2 573 95.7 515 145.4

Rape / attempted rape 358 37.6 210 35.1 148 41.8

Other sexual offences 730 76.6 363 60.6 367 103.6

Robbery 597 62.7 270 45.1 327 92.3

Armed robbery 309 32.4 124 20.7 185 52.2

Unarmed robbery 288 30.2 146 24.4 142 40.1

Other offences against the person 924 97.0 566 94.5 358 101.1

Kidnapping, abduction etc. 84 8.8 42 7.0 42 11.9

Extortion 30 3.1 20 3.3 10 2.8

Stalking 122 12.8 83 13.9 39 11.0

Life endangering acts 688 72.2 421 70.3 267 75.4

Total 7,078 742.8 4,319 721.3 2,759 779.2

Queensland Government Statistician’s Office

Crime report, Queensland, 2017–18 – Appendix A7

Table A5 Count and rate of reported offences against the person, Southern Police Region, 2017–18

Police Region/District Southern Region Darling Downs District Ipswich District Moreton District South West District

Offence number rate per 100,000 persons

number rate per 100,000 persons

number rate per 100,000 persons

number rate per 100,000 persons

number rate per 100,000 persons

Homicide (Murder) 1 0.1 1 0.4 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0

Other homicide 8 0.9 3 1.2 0 0.0 5 2.0 0 0.0

Attempted murder 5 0.6 2 0.8 0 0.0 3 1.2 0 0.0

Conspiracy to murder 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0

Manslaughter (excl. by driving and striking)

2 0.2 0 0.0 0 0.0 2 0.8 0 0.0

Manslaughter – unlawful striking causing death

0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0

Driving causing death 1 0.1 1 0.4 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0

Assault 4,293 501.7 1,082 437.7 1,055 423.2 1,291 517.8 865 787.3

Grievous assault 154 18.0 30 12.1 46 18.5 48 19.3 30 27.3

Serious assault 2,139 250.0 541 218.8 545 218.6 655 262.7 398 362.2

Serious assault (other) 501 58.5 116 46.9 131 52.6 144 57.8 110 100.1

Common assault 1,499 175.2 395 159.8 333 133.6 444 178.1 327 297.6

Sexual offences 1,412 165.0 311 125.8 427 171.3 425 170.4 249 226.6

Rape / attempted rape 476 55.6 110 44.5 125 50.1 140 56.1 101 91.9

Other sexual offences 936 109.4 201 81.3 302 121.2 285 114.3 148 134.7

Robbery 285 33.3 41 16.6 105 42.1 118 47.3 21 19.1

Armed robbery 154 18.0 22 8.9 59 23.7 62 24.9 11 10.0

Unarmed robbery 131 15.3 19 7.7 46 18.5 56 22.5 10 9.1

Other offences against the person 926 108.2 187 75.6 311 124.8 238 95.4 190 172.9

Kidnapping, abduction etc. 54 6.3 9 3.6 26 10.4 9 3.6 10 9.1

Extortion 8 0.9 2 0.8 5 2.0 1 0.4 0 0.0

Stalking 131 15.3 26 10.5 41 16.4 33 13.2 31 28.2

Life endangering acts 733 85.7 150 60.7 239 95.9 195 78.2 149 135.6

Total 6,925 809.3 1,625 657.3 1,898 761.4 2,077 833.0 1,325 1,206.0

Queensland Government Statistician’s Office

Crime report, Queensland, 2017–18 – Appendix A8

Table A6 Count and rate of reported offences against property, Brisbane Police Region, 2017–18

Police Region/District Brisbane Region North Brisbane District South Brisbane District

Offence number rate per 100,000 persons

number rate per 100,000 persons

number rate per 100,000 persons

Unlawful entry 10,744 679.4 4,485 585.4 6,259 767.9

Unlawful entry with intent – dwelling 7,013 443.5 2,736 357.1 4,277 524.7

Without violence 6,854 433.4 2,671 348.6 4,183 513.2

With violence 159 10.1 65 8.5 94 11.5

Unlawful entry with intent – shop 575 36.4 242 31.6 333 40.9

Unlawful entry with intent – other 3,156 199.6 1,507 196.7 1,649 202.3

Arson 196 12.4 75 9.8 121 14.8

Other property damage 8,646 546.8 4,326 564.6 4,320 530.0

Unlawful use of motor vehicle 3,561 225.2 1,570 204.9 1,991 244.3

Other theft (excl. unlawful entry) 36,730 2,322.7 18,831 2,457.7 17,899 2,195.8

Stealing from dwellings 2,123 134.3 1,036 135.2 1,087 133.4

Shop stealing 8,082 511.1 4,753 620.3 3,329 408.4

Vehicles (steal from/enter with intent) 8,854 559.9 3,985 520.1 4,869 597.3

Other stealing 17,671 1,117.5 9,057 1,182.1 8,614 1,056.8

Fraud 10,060 636.2 5,704 744.5 4,356 534.4

Fraud by computer 178 11.3 91 11.9 87 10.7

Fraud by cheque 29 1.8 12 1.6 17 2.1

Fraud by credit card 4,378 276.9 2,372 309.6 2,006 246.1

Identity fraud 638 40.3 222 29.0 416 51.0

Other fraud 4,837 305.9 3,007 392.5 1,830 224.5

Handling stolen goods 1,796 113.6 925 120.7 871 106.9

Possess property suspected stolen 816 51.6 455 59.4 361 44.3

Receiving stolen property 113 7.1 51 6.7 62 7.6

Possess etc. tainted property 862 54.5 418 54.6 444 54.5

Other handling stolen goods 5 0.3 1 0.1 4 0.5

Total 71,733 4,536.2 35,916 4,687.6 35,817 4,394.0

Queensland Government Statistician’s Office

Crime report, Queensland, 2017–18 – Appendix A9

Table A7 Count and rate of reported offences against property, Central Police Region, 2017–18

Police Region/District Central Region Capricornia District Mackay District Sunshine Coast District Wide Bay Burnett District

Offence number rate per 100,000 persons

number rate per 100,000 persons

number rate per 100,000 persons

number rate per 100,000 persons

number rate per 100,000 persons

Unlawful entry 6,371 619.6 1,837 820.0 1,373 797.2 1,639 442.5 1,522 581.8

Unlawful entry with intent – dwelling 3,425 333.1 1,053 470.0 723 419.8 869 234.6 780 298.1

Without violence 3,279 318.9 1,001 446.8 700 406.4 839 226.5 739 282.5

With violence 146 14.2 52 23.2 23 13.4 30 8.1 41 15.7

Unlawful entry with intent – shop 366 35.6 100 44.6 80 46.4 115 31.0 71 27.1

Unlawful entry with intent – other 2,580 250.9 684 305.3 570 330.9 655 176.8 671 256.5

Arson 262 25.5 74 33.0 69 40.1 72 19.4 47 18.0

Other property damage 7,045 685.1 2,029 905.7 1,233 715.9 2,065 557.5 1,718 656.7

Unlawful use of motor vehicle 1,912 185.9 348 155.3 496 288.0 678 183.1 390 149.1

Other theft (excl. unlawful entry) 20,274 1,971.7 4,720 2,107.0 3,710 2,154.0 7,035 1,899.3 4,809 1,838.2

Stealing from dwellings 1,882 183.0 536 239.3 367 213.1 437 118.0 542 207.2

Shop stealing 3,733 363.0 956 426.7 497 288.6 1,236 333.7 1,044 399.1

Vehicles (steal from/enter with intent) 4,667 453.9 1,043 465.6 956 555.1 1,717 463.6 951 363.5

Other stealing 9,992 971.7 2,185 975.4 1,890 1,097.3 3,645 984.1 2,272 868.5

Fraud 4,362 424.2 1,060 473.2 648 376.2 1,584 427.7 1,070 409.0

Fraud by computer 100 9.7 24 10.7 17 9.9 34 9.2 25 9.6

Fraud by cheque 12 1.2 1 0.4 2 1.2 5 1.3 4 1.5

Fraud by credit card 2,449 238.2 553 246.9 399 231.7 894 241.4 603 230.5

Identity fraud 230 22.4 43 19.2 31 18.0 112 30.2 44 16.8

Other fraud 1,571 152.8 439 196.0 199 115.5 539 145.5 394 150.6

Handling stolen goods 868 84.4 241 107.6 190 110.3 283 76.4 154 58.9

Possess property suspected stolen 359 34.9 110 49.1 69 40.1 114 30.8 66 25.2

Receiving stolen property 67 6.5 14 6.2 17 9.9 16 4.3 20 7.6

Possess etc. tainted property 432 42.0 116 51.8 102 59.2 153 41.3 61 23.3

Other handling stolen goods 10 1.0 1 0.4 2 1.2 0 0.0 7 2.7

Total 41,094 3,996.5 10,309 4,601.8 7,719 4,481.7 13,356 3,605.9 9,710 3,711.6

Queensland Government Statistician’s Office

Crime report, Queensland, 2017–18 – Appendix A10

Table A8 Count and rate of reported offences against property, Northern Police Region, 2017–18

Police Region/District Northern Region Far North District Mount Isa District Townsville District

Offence number rate per 100,000 persons

number rate per 100,000 persons

number rate per 100,000 persons

number rate per 100,000 persons

Unlawful entry 7,283 1,317.1 3,603 1,261.3 699 2,442.4 2,981 1,248.9

Unlawful entry with intent – dwelling 4,845 876.2 2,400 840.2 414 1,446.6 2,031 850.9

Without violence 4,742 857.6 2,358 825.5 401 1,401.2 1,983 830.8

With violence 103 18.6 42 14.7 13 45.4 48 20.1

Unlawful entry with intent – shop 384 69.4 178 62.3 38 132.8 168 70.4

Unlawful entry with intent – other 2,054 371.5 1,025 358.8 247 863.1 782 327.6

Arson 186 33.6 72 25.2 37 129.3 77 32.3

Other property damage 6,756 1,221.8 3,254 1,139.1 985 3,441.8 2,517 1,054.5

Unlawful use of motor vehicle 2,008 363.1 1,025 358.8 102 356.4 881 369.1

Other theft (excl. unlawful entry) 14,408 2,605.6 7,445 2,606.2 977 3,413.8 5,986 2,507.9

Stealing from dwellings 1,393 251.9 682 238.7 113 394.8 598 250.5

Shop stealing 2,966 536.4 1,539 538.7 143 499.7 1,284 537.9

Vehicles (steal from/enter with intent) 3,591 649.4 1,865 652.9 376 1,313.8 1,350 565.6

Other stealing 6,458 1,167.9 3,359 1,175.9 345 1,205.5 2,754 1,153.8

Fraud 2,341 423.4 1,214 425.0 136 475.2 991 415.2

Fraud by computer 42 7.6 26 9.1 4 14.0 12 5.0

Fraud by cheque 7 1.3 5 1.8 0 0.0 2 0.8

Fraud by credit card 1,449 262.0 779 272.7 101 352.9 569 238.4

Identity fraud 65 11.8 33 11.6 4 14.0 28 11.7

Other fraud 778 140.7 371 129.9 27 94.3 380 159.2

Handling stolen goods 766 138.5 418 146.3 101 352.9 247 103.5

Possess property suspected stolen 433 78.3 254 88.9 63 220.1 116 48.6

Receiving stolen property 54 9.8 26 9.1 12 41.9 16 6.7

Possess etc. tainted property 276 49.9 136 47.6 26 90.8 114 47.8

Other handling stolen goods 3 0.5 2 0.7 0 0.0 1 0.4

Total 33,748 6,103.1 17,031 5,961.9 3,037 10,611.8 13,680 5,731.4

Queensland Government Statistician’s Office

Crime report, Queensland, 2017–18 – Appendix A11

Table A9 Count and rate of reported offences against property, South Eastern Police Region, 2017–18

Police Region/District South Eastern Region Gold Coast District Logan District

Offence number rate per 100,000 persons

number rate per 100,000 persons

number rate per 100,000 persons

Unlawful entry 7,366 773.0 3,869 646.1 3,497 987.6

Unlawful entry with intent – dwelling 4,486 470.8 2,237 373.6 2,249 635.1

Without violence 4,336 455.0 2,171 362.5 2,165 611.4

With violence 150 15.7 66 11.0 84 23.7

Unlawful entry with intent – shop 368 38.6 218 36.4 150 42.4

Unlawful entry with intent – other 2,512 263.6 1,414 236.1 1,098 310.1

Arson 326 34.2 157 26.2 169 47.7

Other property damage 7,126 747.8 4,030 673.0 3,096 874.3

Unlawful use of motor vehicle 3,583 376.0 2,167 361.9 1,416 399.9

Other theft (excl. unlawful entry) 29,707 3,117.5 18,367 3,067.2 11,340 3,202.6

Stealing from dwellings 1,509 158.4 868 145.0 641 181.0

Shop stealing 4,263 447.4 2,577 430.4 1,686 476.1

Vehicles (steal from/enter with intent) 8,227 863.4 5,048 843.0 3,179 897.8

Other stealing 15,708 1,648.4 9,874 1,648.9 5,834 1,647.6

Fraud 6,113 641.5 3,825 638.8 2,288 646.2

Fraud by computer 145 15.2 87 14.5 58 16.4

Fraud by cheque 46 4.8 33 5.5 13 3.7

Fraud by credit card 3,015 316.4 1,906 318.3 1,109 313.2

Identity fraud 564 59.2 458 76.5 106 29.9

Other fraud 2,343 245.9 1,341 223.9 1,002 283.0

Handling stolen goods 1,386 145.4 842 140.6 544 153.6

Possess property suspected stolen 519 54.5 365 61.0 154 43.5

Receiving stolen property 75 7.9 38 6.3 37 10.4

Possess etc. tainted property 752 78.9 400 66.8 352 99.4

Other handling stolen goods 40 4.2 39 6.5 1 0.3

Total 55,607 5,835.5 33,257 5,553.8 22,350 6,311.9

Queensland Government Statistician’s Office

Crime report, Queensland, 2017–18 – Appendix A12

Table A10 Count and rate of reported offences against property, Southern Police Region, 2017–18

Police Region/District Southern Region Darling Downs District Ipswich District Moreton District South West District

Offence number rate per 100,000 persons

number rate per 100,000 persons

number rate per 100,000 persons

number rate per 100,000 persons

number rate per 100,000 persons

Unlawful entry 6,251 730.5 1,707 690.5 1,924 771.9 1,588 636.9 1,032 939.3

Unlawful entry with intent – dwelling 3,569 417.1 1,027 415.4 1,114 446.9 942 377.8 486 442.3

Without violence 3,433 401.2 1,007 407.4 1,072 430.1 906 363.3 448 407.8

With violence 136 15.9 20 8.1 42 16.8 36 14.4 38 34.6

Unlawful entry with intent – shop 285 33.3 55 22.2 71 28.5 87 34.9 72 65.5

Unlawful entry with intent – other 2,397 280.1 625 252.8 739 296.5 559 224.2 474 431.4

Arson 319 37.3 80 32.4 90 36.1 111 44.5 38 34.6

Other property damage 7,182 839.3 1,688 682.8 2,130 854.5 2,191 878.7 1,173 1,067.6

Unlawful use of motor vehicle 2,047 239.2 513 207.5 661 265.2 638 255.9 235 213.9

Other theft (excl. unlawful entry) 21,108 2,466.8 4,946 2,000.8 7,272 2,917.3 6,948 2,786.5 1,942 1,767.6

Stealing from dwellings 1,636 191.2 399 161.4 537 215.4 503 201.7 197 179.3

Shop stealing 3,786 442.4 874 353.6 1,379 553.2 1,276 511.7 257 233.9

Vehicles (steal from/enter with intent) 4,993 583.5 1,285 519.8 1,674 671.6 1,550 621.6 484 440.5

Other stealing 10,693 1,249.6 2,388 966.0 3,682 1,477.1 3,619 1,451.4 1,004 913.8

Fraud 4,418 516.3 1,234 499.2 1,283 514.7 1,294 519.0 607 552.5

Fraud by computer 116 13.6 28 11.3 32 12.8 29 11.6 27 24.6

Fraud by cheque 19 2.2 11 4.4 4 1.6 1 0.4 3 2.7

Fraud by credit card 2,299 268.7 601 243.1 624 250.3 686 275.1 388 353.1

Identity fraud 261 30.5 130 52.6 77 30.9 41 16.4 13 11.8

Other fraud 1,723 201.4 464 187.7 546 219.0 537 215.4 176 160.2

Handling stolen goods 1,136 132.8 396 160.2 310 124.4 299 119.9 131 119.2

Possess property suspected stolen 467 54.6 116 46.9 141 56.6 160 64.2 50 45.5

Receiving stolen property 81 9.5 27 10.9 15 6.0 16 6.4 23 20.9

Possess etc. tainted property 575 67.2 249 100.7 152 61.0 119 47.7 55 50.1

Other handling stolen goods 13 1.5 4 1.6 2 0.8 4 1.6 3 2.7

Total 42,461 4,962.2 10,564 4,273.4 13,670 5,484.0 13,069 5,241.3 5,158 4,694.7

Queensland Government Statistician’s Office

Crime report, Queensland, 2017–18 – Appendix A13

Table A11 Count and rate of reported other offences, Brisbane Police Region, 2017–18

Police Region/District Brisbane Region North Brisbane District South Brisbane District

Offence number rate per 100,000 persons

number rate per 100,000 persons

number rate per 100,000 persons

Drug offences 18,398 1,163.5 10,231 1,335.3 8,167 1,001.9

Trafficking drugs 125 7.9 82 10.7 43 5.3

Possess drugs 8,579 542.5 4,806 627.3 3,773 462.9

Produce drugs 213 13.5 102 13.3 111 13.6

Sell supply drugs 1,214 76.8 879 114.7 335 41.1

Other drug offences 8,267 522.8 4,362 569.3 3,905 479.1

Prostitution offences 34 2.2 12 1.6 22 2.7

Liquor offences (excl. drunkenness) 519 32.8 440 57.4 79 9.7

Gaming, racing & betting offences 1 0.1 0 0.0 1 0.1

Breach domestic violence protection order

4,073 257.6 1,982 258.7 2,091 256.5

Trespassing and vagrancy 1,503 95.0 745 97.2 758 93.0

Weapons Act offences 1,354 85.6 724 94.5 630 77.3

Good order offences 13,002 822.2 8,020 1,046.7 4,982 611.2

Disobey move-on direction 148 9.4 117 15.3 31 3.8

Resist, incite, hinder, obstruct 5,082 321.4 2,749 358.8 2,333 286.2

Fare evasion 2,457 155.4 1,320 172.3 1,137 139.5

Public nuisance 5,315 336.1 3,834 500.4 1,481 181.7

Stock related offences 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0

Traffic and related offences 7,975 504.3 3,941 514.4 4,034 494.9

Dangerous operation of a vehicle 434 27.4 167 21.8 267 32.8

Drink driving 5,447 344.5 2,797 365.0 2,650 325.1

Disqualified driving 2,090 132.2 975 127.3 1,115 136.8

Interfere with mechanism of motor vehicle

4 0.3 2 0.3 2 0.2

Miscellaneous offences 947 59.9 650 84.8 297 36.4

Total 47,806 3,023.1 26,745 3,490.6 21,061 2,583.8

Queensland Government Statistician’s Office

Crime report, Queensland, 2017–18 – Appendix A14

Table A12 Count and rate of reported other offences, Central Police Region, 2017–18

Police Region/District Central Region Capricornia District Mackay District Sunshine Coast District Wide Bay Burnett District

Offence number rate per 100,000 persons

number rate per 100,000 persons

number rate per 100,000 persons

number rate per 100,000 persons

number rate per 100,000 persons

Drug offences 15,900 1,546.3 4,457 1,989.6 2,961 1,719.2 4,552 1,229.0 3,930 1,502.2

Trafficking drugs 151 14.7 45 20.1 29 16.8 52 14.0 25 9.6

Possess drugs 6,820 663.3 1,685 752.2 1,369 794.8 2,092 564.8 1,674 639.9

Produce drugs 529 51.4 127 56.7 79 45.9 123 33.2 200 76.4

Sell supply drugs 1,026 99.8 590 263.4 73 42.4 167 45.1 196 74.9

Other drug offences 7,374 717.1 2,010 897.2 1,411 819.2 2,118 571.8 1,835 701.4

Prostitution offences 9 0.9 2 0.9 2 1.2 3 0.8 2 0.8

Liquor offences (excl. drunkenness) 670 65.2 271 121.0 73 42.4 231 62.4 95 36.3

Gaming, racing & betting offences 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0

Breach domestic violence protection order

6,505 632.6 2,369 1,057.5 1,075 624.2 1,114 300.8 1,947 744.2

Trespassing and vagrancy 1,279 124.4 366 163.4 242 140.5 425 114.7 246 94.0

Weapons Act offences 1,473 143.3 376 167.8 302 175.3 386 104.2 409 156.3

Good order offences 10,361 1,007.6 2,884 1,287.4 2,448 1,421.3 2,780 750.6 2,249 859.7

Disobey move-on direction 203 19.7 44 19.6 57 33.1 70 18.9 32 12.2

Resist, incite, hinder, obstruct 5,273 512.8 1,278 570.5 1,431 830.8 1,326 358.0 1,238 473.2

Fare evasion 300 29.2 106 47.3 37 21.5 99 26.7 58 22.2

Public nuisance 4,585 445.9 1,456 649.9 923 535.9 1,285 346.9 921 352.0

Stock related offences 35 3.4 17 7.6 11 6.4 3 0.8 4 1.5

Traffic and related offences 9,163 891.1 1,993 889.7 1,881 1,092.1 3,153 851.3 2,136 816.5

Dangerous operation of a vehicle 394 38.3 85 37.9 94 54.6 103 27.8 112 42.8

Drink driving 7,003 681.1 1,465 654.0 1,412 819.8 2,514 678.7 1,612 616.2

Disqualified driving 1,758 171.0 440 196.4 372 216.0 536 144.7 410 156.7

Interfere with mechanism of motor vehicle

8 0.8 3 1.3 3 1.7 0 0.0 2 0.8

Miscellaneous offences 592 57.6 153 68.3 135 78.4 97 26.2 207 79.1

Total 45,987 4,472.3 12,888 5,753.1 9,130 5,300.9 12,744 3,440.7 11,225 4,290.7

Queensland Government Statistician’s Office

Crime report, Queensland, 2017–18 – Appendix A15

Table A13 Count and rate of reported other offences, Northern Police Region, 2017–18

Police Region/District Northern Region Far North District Mount Isa District Townsville District

Offence number rate per 100,000 persons

number rate per 100,000 persons

number rate per 100,000 persons

number rate per 100,000 persons

Drug offences 11,618 2,101.0 5,323 1,863.4 892 3,116.8 5,403 2,263.7

Trafficking drugs 95 17.2 37 13.0 2 7.0 56 23.5

Possess drugs 5,188 938.2 2,699 944.8 335 1,170.6 2,154 902.4

Produce drugs 316 57.1 181 63.4 5 17.5 130 54.5

Sell supply drugs 637 115.2 123 43.1 39 136.3 475 199.0

Other drug offences 5,382 973.3 2,283 799.2 511 1,785.5 2,588 1,084.3

Prostitution offences 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0

Liquor offences (excl. drunkenness) 2,219 401.3 1,195 418.3 578 2,019.6 446 186.9

Gaming, racing & betting offences 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0

Breach domestic violence protection order

6,087 1,100.8 2,563 897.2 746 2,606.7 2,778 1,163.9

Trespassing and vagrancy 1,357 245.4 545 190.8 381 1,331.3 431 180.6

Weapons Act offences 1,032 186.6 467 163.5 79 276.0 486 203.6

Good order offences 11,041 1,996.7 5,219 1,827.0 1,902 6,645.9 3,920 1,642.3

Disobey move-on direction 210 38.0 107 37.5 9 31.4 94 39.4

Resist, incite, hinder, obstruct 4,338 784.5 1,903 666.2 672 2,348.1 1,763 738.6

Fare evasion 553 100.0 146 51.1 18 62.9 389 163.0

Public nuisance 5,940 1,074.2 3,063 1,072.2 1,203 4,203.5 1,674 701.3

Stock related offences 5 0.9 1 0.4 1 3.5 3 1.3

Traffic and related offences 6,867 1,241.9 4,076 1,426.9 662 2,313.1 2,129 892.0

Dangerous operation of a vehicle 325 58.8 157 55.0 27 94.3 141 59.1

Drink driving 4,951 895.4 2,918 1,021.5 502 1,754.1 1,531 641.4

Disqualified driving 1,584 286.5 999 349.7 131 457.7 454 190.2

Interfere with mechanism of motor vehicle

7 1.3 2 0.7 2 7.0 3 1.3

Miscellaneous offences 675 122.1 341 119.4 60 209.7 274 114.8

Total 40,901 7,396.7 19,730 6,906.8 5,301 18,522.7 15,870 6,649.0

Queensland Government Statistician’s Office

Crime report, Queensland, 2017–18 – Appendix A16

Table A14 Count and rate of reported other offences, South Eastern Police Region, 2017–18

Police Region/District South Eastern Region Gold Coast District Logan District

Offence number rate per 100,000 persons

number rate per 100,000 persons

number rate per 100,000 persons

Drug offences 12,807 1,344.0 7,650 1,277.5 5,157 1,456.4

Trafficking drugs 79 8.3 42 7.0 37 10.4

Possess drugs 6,175 648.0 3,815 637.1 2,360 666.5

Produce drugs 173 18.2 115 19.2 58 16.4

Sell supply drugs 436 45.8 215 35.9 221 62.4

Other drug offences 5,944 623.8 3,463 578.3 2,481 700.7

Prostitution offences 21 2.2 12 2.0 9 2.5

Liquor offences (excl. drunkenness) 219 23.0 191 31.9 28 7.9

Gaming, racing & betting offences 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0

Breach domestic violence protection order

4,612 484.0 2,268 378.7 2,344 662.0

Trespassing and vagrancy 680 71.4 377 63.0 303 85.6

Weapons Act offences 1,166 122.4 593 99.0 573 161.8

Good order offences 8,573 899.7 5,153 860.5 3,420 965.9

Disobey move-on direction 109 11.4 101 16.9 8 2.3

Resist, incite, hinder, obstruct 3,965 416.1 1,776 296.6 2,189 618.2

Fare evasion 1,162 121.9 642 107.2 520 146.9

Public nuisance 3,337 350.2 2,634 439.9 703 198.5

Stock related offences 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0

Traffic and related offences 7,697 807.7 4,589 766.3 3,108 877.7

Dangerous operation of a vehicle 309 32.4 175 29.2 134 37.8

Drink driving 5,432 570.0 3,437 574.0 1,995 563.4

Disqualified driving 1,955 205.2 977 163.2 978 276.2

Interfere with mechanism of motor vehicle

1 0.1 0 0.0 1 0.3

Miscellaneous offences 643 67.5 392 65.5 251 70.9

Total 36,418 3,821.8 21,225 3,544.5 15,193 4,290.7

Queensland Government Statistician’s Office

Crime report, Queensland, 2017–18 – Appendix A17

Table A15 Count and rate of reported other offences, Southern Police Region, 2017–18

Police Region/District Southern Region Darling Downs District Ipswich District Moreton District South West District

Offence number rate per 100,000 persons

number rate per 100,000 persons

number rate per 100,000 persons

number rate per 100,000 persons

number rate per 100,000 persons

Drug offences 20,851 2,436.7 5,225 2,113.6 5,907 2,369.7 6,053 2,427.5 3,666 3,336.7

Trafficking drugs 118 13.8 15 6.1 22 8.8 58 23.3 23 20.9

Possess drugs 6,789 793.4 2,109 853.1 1,527 612.6 2,177 873.1 976 888.3

Produce drugs 344 40.2 84 34.0 88 35.3 101 40.5 71 64.6

Sell supply drugs 4,982 582.2 311 125.8 2,449 982.5 1,146 459.6 1,076 979.3

Other drug offences 8,618 1,007.1 2,706 1,094.6 1,821 730.5 2,571 1,031.1 1,520 1,383.5

Prostitution offences 13 1.5 3 1.2 10 4.0 0 0.0 0 0.0

Liquor offences (excl. drunkenness) 1,001 117.0 588 237.9 57 22.9 63 25.3 293 266.7

Gaming, racing & betting offences 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0

Breach domestic violence protection order

5,035 588.4 1,093 442.1 1,463 586.9 1,714 687.4 765 696.3

Trespassing and vagrancy 1,317 153.9 419 169.5 355 142.4 294 117.9 249 226.6

Weapons Act offences 1,538 179.7 416 168.3 362 145.2 487 195.3 273 248.5

Good order offences 11,248 1,314.5 3,432 1,388.3 3,209 1,287.4 2,682 1,075.6 1,925 1,752.1

Disobey move-on direction 149 17.4 76 30.7 32 12.8 17 6.8 24 21.8

Resist, incite, hinder, obstruct 5,671 662.7 1,509 610.4 1,492 598.6 1,790 717.9 880 801.0

Fare evasion 920 107.5 78 31.6 711 285.2 124 49.7 7 6.4

Public nuisance 4,508 526.8 1,769 715.6 974 390.7 751 301.2 1,014 922.9

Stock related offences 25 2.9 14 5.7 3 1.2 1 0.4 7 6.4

Traffic and related offences 9,345 1,092.1 2,861 1,157.3 2,595 1,041.0 2,111 846.6 1,778 1,618.3

Dangerous operation of a vehicle 569 66.5 136 55.0 184 73.8 156 62.6 93 84.6

Drink driving 6,350 742.1 2,251 910.6 1,518 609.0 1,358 544.6 1,223 1,113.1

Disqualified driving 2,424 283.3 473 191.3 892 357.8 597 239.4 462 420.5

Interfere with mechanism of motor vehicle

2 0.2 1 0.4 1 0.4 0 0.0 0 0.0

Miscellaneous offences 659 77.0 140 56.6 143 57.4 194 77.8 182 165.7

Total 51,032 5,963.8 14,191 5,740.6 14,104 5,658.1 13,599 5,453.8 9,138 8,317.2

Queensland Government Statistician’s Office

Crime report, Queensland, 2017–18 – Appendix A18

2.2. Offences reported and cleared in 2017–18

Table A16 Count of offences against the person, Brisbane Police Region, reported and cleared in 2017–18

Police Region/District Brisbane Region North Brisbane District South Brisbane District

Reported Cleared Reported Cleared Reported Cleared

Offence number number % number number % number number %

Homicide (Murder) 9 8 88.9 3 3 100.0 6 5 83.3

Other homicide 20 19 95.0 8 8 100.0 12 11 91.7

Attempted murder 16 15 93.8 6 6 100.0 10 9 90.0

Conspiracy to murder 0 0 . . 0 0 . . 0 0 . .

Manslaughter (excl. by driving and striking)

0 0 . . 0 0 . . 0 0 . .

Manslaughter – unlawful striking causing death

0 0 . . 0 0 . . 0 0 . .

Driving causing death 4 4 100.0 2 2 100.0 2 2 100.0

Assault 4,734 3,217 68.0 2,386 1,582 66.3 2,348 1,635 69.6

Grievous assault 198 146 73.7 85 50 58.8 113 96 85.0

Serious assault 2,265 1,515 66.9 1,136 746 65.7 1,129 769 68.1

Serious assault (other) 700 525 75.0 331 255 77.0 369 270 73.2

Common assault 1,571 1,031 65.6 834 531 63.7 737 500 67.8

Sexual offences 1,259 836 66.4 623 362 58.1 636 474 74.5

Rape / attempted rape 456 333 73.0 213 134 62.9 243 199 81.9

Other sexual offences 803 503 62.6 410 228 55.6 393 275 70.0

Robbery 759 538 70.9 317 205 64.7 442 333 75.3

Armed robbery 331 229 69.2 124 77 62.1 207 152 73.4

Unarmed robbery 428 309 72.2 193 128 66.3 235 181 77.0

Other offences against the person 972 587 60.4 495 278 56.2 477 309 64.8

Kidnapping, abduction etc. 92 73 79.3 38 28 73.7 54 45 83.3

Extortion 26 19 73.1 10 6 60.0 16 13 81.2

Stalking 195 125 64.1 103 67 65.0 92 58 63.0

Life endangering acts 659 370 56.1 344 177 51.5 315 193 61.3

Total 7,753 5,205 67.1 3,832 2,438 63.6 3,921 2,767 70.6

Queensland Government Statistician’s Office

Crime report, Queensland, 2017–18 – Appendix A19

Table A17 Count of offences against the person, Central Police Region, reported and cleared in 2017–18

Police Region/District Central Region Capricornia District Mackay District Sunshine Coast District Wide Bay Burnett District

Reported Cleared Reported Cleared Reported Cleared Reported Cleared Reported Cleared

Offence number number % number number % number number % number number % number number %

Homicide (Murder) 6 6 100.0 4 4 100.0 0 0 . . 0 0 . . 2 2 100.0

Other homicide 19 19 100.0 2 2 100.0 5 5 100.0 6 6 100.0 6 6 100.0

Attempted murder 7 7 100.0 0 0 . . 2 2 100.0 2 2 100.0 3 3 100.0

Conspiracy to murder 0 0 . . 0 0 . . 0 0 . . 0 0 . . 0 0 . .

Manslaughter (excl. by driving and striking)

1 1 100.0 0 0 . . 1 1 100.0 0 0 . . 0 0 . .

Manslaughter – unlawful striking causing death

0 0 . . 0 0 . . 0 0 . . 0 0 . . 0 0 . .

Driving causing death 11 11 100.0 2 2 100.0 2 2 100.0 4 4 100.0 3 3 100.0

Assault 4,233 3,143 74.2 1,389 1,039 74.8 795 582 73.2 932 707 75.9 1,117 815 73.0

Grievous assault 153 117 76.5 39 28 71.8 32 25 78.1 40 35 87.5 42 29 69.0

Serious assault 2,096 1,519 72.5 624 460 73.7 404 293 72.5 499 365 73.1 569 401 70.5

Serious assault (other) 545 437 80.2 180 155 86.1 82 67 81.7 133 101 75.9 150 114 76.0

Common assault 1,439 1,070 74.4 546 396 72.5 277 197 71.1 260 206 79.2 356 271 76.1

Sexual offences 1,262 858 68.0 406 299 73.6 171 113 66.1 259 163 62.9 426 283 66.4

Rape / attempted rape 428 298 69.6 139 100 71.9 69 48 69.6 88 55 62.5 132 95 72.0

Other sexual offences 834 560 67.1 267 199 74.5 102 65 63.7 171 108 63.2 294 188 63.9

Robbery 243 175 72.0 60 37 61.7 38 30 78.9 75 54 72.0 70 54 77.1

Armed robbery 106 84 79.2 22 16 72.7 21 17 81.0 28 21 75.0 35 30 85.7

Unarmed robbery 137 91 66.4 38 21 55.3 17 13 76.5 47 33 70.2 35 24 68.6

Other offences against the person 909 557 61.3 267 160 59.9 152 99 65.1 272 170 62.5 218 128 58.7

Kidnapping, abduction etc. 34 32 94.1 8 8 100.0 8 8 100.0 10 9 90.0 8 7 87.5

Extortion 16 9 56.2 5 3 60.0 1 0 0.0 4 3 75.0 6 3 50.0

Stalking 120 66 55.0 40 25 62.5 23 10 43.5 36 21 58.3 21 10 47.6

Life endangering acts 739 450 60.9 214 124 57.9 120 81 67.5 222 137 61.7 183 108 59.0

Total 6,672 4,758 71.3 2,128 1,541 72.4 1,161 829 71.4 1,544 1,100 71.2 1,839 1,288 70.0

Queensland Government Statistician’s Office

Crime report, Queensland, 2017–18 – Appendix A20

Table A18 Count of offences against the person, Northern Police Region, reported and cleared in 2017–18

Police Region/District Northern Region Far North District Mount Isa District Townsville District

Reported Cleared Reported Cleared Reported Cleared Reported Cleared

Offence number number % number number % number number % number number %

Homicide (Murder) 14 10 71.4 11 8 72.7 1 1 100.0 2 1 50.0

Other homicide 6 5 83.3 4 3 75.0 1 1 100.0 1 1 100.0

Attempted murder 3 2 66.7 2 1 50.0 1 1 100.0 0 0 . .

Conspiracy to murder 0 0 . . 0 0 . . 0 0 . . 0 0 . .

Manslaughter (excl. by driving and striking)

0 0 . . 0 0 . . 0 0 . . 0 0 . .

Manslaughter – unlawful striking causing death

0 0 . . 0 0 . . 0 0 . . 0 0 . .

Driving causing death 3 3 100.0 2 2 100.0 0 0 . . 1 1 100.0

Assault 5,747 4,394 76.5 2,554 2,026 79.3 990 807 81.5 2,203 1,561 70.9

Grievous assault 239 199 83.3 102 86 84.3 60 52 86.7 77 61 79.2

Serious assault 2,593 1,947 75.1 1,140 888 77.9 413 341 82.6 1,040 718 69.0

Serious assault (other) 804 672 83.6 370 310 83.8 141 122 86.5 293 240 81.9

Common assault 2,111 1,576 74.7 942 742 78.8 376 292 77.7 793 542 68.3

Sexual offences 1,271 813 64.0 658 462 70.2 96 64 66.7 517 287 55.5

Rape / attempted rape 375 225 60.0 181 128 70.7 33 23 69.7 161 74 46.0

Other sexual offences 896 588 65.6 477 334 70.0 63 41 65.1 356 213 59.8

Robbery 227 165 72.7 85 59 69.4 14 13 92.9 128 93 72.7

Armed robbery 117 89 76.1 39 30 76.9 5 4 80.0 73 55 75.3

Unarmed robbery 110 76 69.1 46 29 63.0 9 9 100.0 55 38 69.1

Other offences against the person 789 529 67.0 301 205 68.1 140 116 82.9 348 208 59.8

Kidnapping, abduction etc. 37 28 75.7 19 14 73.7 7 7 100.0 11 7 63.6

Extortion 9 5 55.6 5 4 80.0 0 0 . . 4 1 25.0

Stalking 106 71 67.0 61 41 67.2 10 7 70.0 35 23 65.7

Life endangering acts 637 425 66.7 216 146 67.6 123 102 82.9 298 177 59.4

Total 8,054 5,916 73.5 3,613 2,763 76.5 1,242 1,002 80.7 3,199 2,151 67.2

Queensland Government Statistician’s Office

Crime report, Queensland, 2017–18 – Appendix A21

Table A19 Count of offences against the person, South Eastern Police Region, reported and cleared in 2017–18

Police Region/District South Eastern Region Gold Coast District Logan District

Reported Cleared Reported Cleared Reported Cleared

Offence number number % number number % number number %

Homicide (Murder) 8 7 87.5 7 6 85.7 1 1 100.0

Other homicide 6 4 66.7 3 2 66.7 3 2 66.7

Attempted murder 4 2 50.0 1 0 0.0 3 2 66.7

Conspiracy to murder 1 1 100.0 1 1 100.0 0 0 . .

Manslaughter (excl. by driving and striking)

0 0 . . 0 0 . . 0 0 . .

Manslaughter – unlawful striking causing death

0 0 . . 0 0 . . 0 0 . .

Driving causing death 1 1 100.0 1 1 100.0 0 0 . .

Assault 4,455 2,910 65.3 2,900 1,978 68.2 1,555 932 59.9

Grievous assault 172 127 73.8 99 78 78.8 73 49 67.1

Serious assault 2,220 1,439 64.8 1,408 953 67.7 812 486 59.9

Serious assault (other) 510 343 67.3 324 232 71.6 186 111 59.7

Common assault 1,553 1,001 64.5 1,069 715 66.9 484 286 59.1

Sexual offences 1,088 758 69.7 573 382 66.7 515 376 73.0

Rape / attempted rape 358 246 68.7 210 148 70.5 148 98 66.2

Other sexual offences 730 512 70.1 363 234 64.5 367 278 75.7

Robbery 597 390 65.3 270 165 61.1 327 225 68.8

Armed robbery 309 200 64.7 124 78 62.9 185 122 65.9

Unarmed robbery 288 190 66.0 146 87 59.6 142 103 72.5

Other offences against the person 924 537 58.1 566 319 56.4 358 218 60.9

Kidnapping, abduction etc. 84 65 77.4 42 30 71.4 42 35 83.3

Extortion 30 17 56.7 20 11 55.0 10 6 60.0

Stalking 122 78 63.9 83 51 61.4 39 27 69.2

Life endangering acts 688 377 54.8 421 227 53.9 267 150 56.2

Total 7,078 4,606 65.1 4,319 2,852 66.0 2,759 1,754 63.6

Queensland Government Statistician’s Office

Crime report, Queensland, 2017–18 – Appendix A22

Table A20 Count of offences against the person, Southern Police Region, reported and cleared in 2017–18

Police Region/District Southern Region Darling Downs District Ipswich District Moreton District South West District

Reported Cleared Reported Cleared Reported Cleared Reported Cleared Reported Cleared

Offence number number % number number % number number % number number % number number %

Homicide (Murder) 1 1 100.0 1 1 100.0 0 0 . . 0 0 . . 0 0 . .

Other homicide 8 8 100.0 3 3 100.0 0 0 . . 5 5 100.0 0 0 . .

Attempted murder 5 5 100.0 2 2 100.0 0 0 . . 3 3 100.0 0 0 . .

Conspiracy to murder 0 0 . . 0 0 . . 0 0 . . 0 0 . . 0 0 . .

Manslaughter (excl. by driving and striking)

2 2 100.0 0 0 . . 0 0 . . 2 2 100.0 0 0 . .

Manslaughter – unlawful striking causing death

0 0 . . 0 0 . . 0 0 . . 0 0 . . 0 0 . .

Driving causing death 1 1 100.0 1 1 100.0 0 0 . . 0 0 . . 0 0 . .

Assault 4,293 3,272 76.2 1,082 856 79.1 1,055 732 69.4 1,291 940 72.8 865 744 86.0

Grievous assault 154 126 81.8 30 25 83.3 46 38 82.6 48 40 83.3 30 23 76.7

Serious assault 2,139 1,592 74.4 541 417 77.1 545 366 67.2 655 471 71.9 398 338 84.9

Serious assault (other) 501 420 83.8 116 94 81.0 131 106 80.9 144 118 81.9 110 102 92.7

Common assault 1,499 1,134 75.7 395 320 81.0 333 222 66.7 444 311 70.0 327 281 85.9

Sexual offences 1,412 1,042 73.8 311 226 72.7 427 336 78.7 425 307 72.2 249 173 69.5

Rape / attempted rape 476 338 71.0 110 78 70.9 125 88 70.4 140 105 75.0 101 67 66.3

Other sexual offences 936 704 75.2 201 148 73.6 302 248 82.1 285 202 70.9 148 106 71.6

Robbery 285 242 84.9 41 37 90.2 105 92 87.6 118 95 80.5 21 18 85.7

Armed robbery 154 131 85.1 22 19 86.4 59 55 93.2 62 48 77.4 11 9 81.8

Unarmed robbery 131 111 84.7 19 18 94.7 46 37 80.4 56 47 83.9 10 9 90.0

Other offences against the person

926 659 71.2 187 123 65.8 311 220 70.7 238 159 66.8 190 157 82.6

Kidnapping, abduction etc. 54 45 83.3 9 8 88.9 26 22 84.6 9 6 66.7 10 9 90.0

Extortion 8 8 100.0 2 2 100.0 5 5 100.0 1 1 100.0 0 0 . .

Stalking 131 91 69.5 26 16 61.5 41 26 63.4 33 25 75.8 31 24 77.4

Life endangering acts 733 515 70.3 150 97 64.7 239 167 69.9 195 127 65.1 149 124 83.2

Total 6,925 5,224 75.4 1,625 1,246 76.7 1,898 1,380 72.7 2,077 1,506 72.5 1,325 1,092 82.4

Queensland Government Statistician’s Office

Crime report, Queensland, 2017–18 – Appendix A23

Table A21 Count of offences against property, Brisbane Police Region, reported and cleared in 2017–18

Police Region/District Brisbane Region North Brisbane District South Brisbane District

Reported Cleared Reported Cleared Reported Cleared

Offence number number % number number % number number %

Unlawful entry 10,744 2,380 22.2 4,485 1,135 25.3 6,259 1,245 19.9

Unlawful entry with intent – dwelling 7,013 1,582 22.6 2,736 689 25.2 4,277 893 20.9

Without violence 6,854 1,477 21.5 2,671 647 24.2 4,183 830 19.8

With violence 159 105 66.0 65 42 64.6 94 63 67.0

Unlawful entry with intent – shop 575 155 27.0 242 83 34.3 333 72 21.6

Unlawful entry with intent – other 3,156 643 20.4 1,507 363 24.1 1,649 280 17.0

Arson 196 62 31.6 75 22 29.3 121 40 33.1

Other property damage 8,646 2,223 25.7 4,326 1,162 26.9 4,320 1,061 24.6

Unlawful use of motor vehicle 3,561 1,739 48.8 1,570 805 51.3 1,991 934 46.9

Other theft (excl. unlawful entry) 36,730 13,555 36.9 18,831 7,445 39.5 17,899 6,110 34.1

Stealing from dwellings 2,123 412 19.4 1,036 205 19.8 1,087 207 19.0

Shop stealing 8,082 5,039 62.3 4,753 3,023 63.6 3,329 2,016 60.6

Vehicles (steal from/enter with intent) 8,854 1,379 15.6 3,985 683 17.1 4,869 696 14.3

Other stealing 17,671 6,725 38.1 9,057 3,534 39.0 8,614 3,191 37.0

Fraud 10,060 5,399 53.7 5,704 2,670 46.8 4,356 2,729 62.6

Fraud by computer 178 26 14.6 91 12 13.2 87 14 16.1

Fraud by cheque 29 13 44.8 12 9 75.0 17 4 23.5

Fraud by credit card 4,378 2,814 64.3 2,372 1,391 58.6 2,006 1,423 70.9

Identity fraud 638 325 50.9 222 62 27.9 416 263 63.2

Other fraud 4,837 2,221 45.9 3,007 1,196 39.8 1,830 1,025 56.0

Handling stolen goods 1,796 1,636 91.1 925 841 90.9 871 795 91.3

Possess property suspected stolen 816 751 92.0 455 419 92.1 361 332 92.0

Receiving stolen property 113 112 99.1 51 50 98.0 62 62 100.0

Possess etc. tainted property 862 769 89.2 418 371 88.8 444 398 89.6

Other handling stolen goods 5 4 80.0 1 1 100.0 4 3 75.0

Total 71,733 26,994 37.6 35,916 14,080 39.2 35,817 12,914 36.1

Queensland Government Statistician’s Office

Crime report, Queensland, 2017–18 – Appendix A24

Table A22 Count of offences against property, Central Police Region, reported and cleared in 2017–18

Police Region/District Central Region Capricornia District Mackay District Sunshine Coast District Wide Bay Burnett District

Reported Cleared Reported Cleared Reported Cleared Reported Cleared Reported Cleared

Offence number number % number number % number number % number number % number number %

Unlawful entry 6,371 1,832 28.8 1,837 615 33.5 1,373 341 24.8 1,639 415 25.3 1,522 461 30.3

Unlawful entry with intent – dwelling 3,425 966 28.2 1,053 320 30.4 723 172 23.8 869 229 26.4 780 245 31.4

Without violence 3,279 857 26.1 1,001 276 27.6 700 153 21.9 839 211 25.1 739 217 29.4

With violence 146 109 74.7 52 44 84.6 23 19 82.6 30 18 60.0 41 28 68.3

Unlawful entry with intent – shop 366 147 40.2 100 49 49.0 80 33 41.2 115 36 31.3 71 29 40.8

Unlawful entry with intent – other 2,580 719 27.9 684 246 36.0 570 136 23.9 655 150 22.9 671 187 27.9

Arson 262 58 22.1 74 20 27.0 69 11 15.9 72 19 26.4 47 8 17.0

Other property damage 7,045 2,365 33.6 2,029 817 40.3 1,233 376 30.5 2,065 578 28.0 1,718 594 34.6

Unlawful use of motor vehicle 1,912 984 51.5 348 200 57.5 496 262 52.8 678 321 47.3 390 201 51.5

Other theft (excl. unlawful entry) 20,274 7,866 38.8 4,720 1,853 39.3 3,710 1,139 30.7 7,035 2,845 40.4 4,809 2,029 42.2

Stealing from dwellings 1,882 527 28.0 536 138 25.7 367 82 22.3 437 129 29.5 542 178 32.8

Shop stealing 3,733 2,415 64.7 956 623 65.2 497 299 60.2 1,236 797 64.5 1,044 696 66.7

Vehicles (steal from/enter with intent)

4,667 926 19.8 1,043 240 23.0 956 132 13.8 1,717 328 19.1 951 226 23.8

Other stealing 9,992 3,998 40.0 2,185 852 39.0 1,890 626 33.1 3,645 1,591 43.6 2,272 929 40.9

Fraud 4,362 2,810 64.4 1,060 729 68.8 648 290 44.8 1,584 1,042 65.8 1,070 749 70.0

Fraud by computer 100 24 24.0 24 3 12.5 17 4 23.5 34 7 20.6 25 10 40.0

Fraud by cheque 12 8 66.7 1 0 0.0 2 1 50.0 5 3 60.0 4 4 100.0

Fraud by credit card 2,449 1,729 70.6 553 401 72.5 399 176 44.1 894 675 75.5 603 477 79.1

Identity fraud 230 106 46.1 43 17 39.5 31 11 35.5 112 64 57.1 44 14 31.8

Other fraud 1,571 943 60.0 439 308 70.2 199 98 49.2 539 293 54.4 394 244 61.9

Handling stolen goods 868 735 84.7 241 203 84.2 190 156 82.1 283 250 88.3 154 126 81.8

Possess property suspected stolen 359 288 80.2 110 83 75.5 69 51 73.9 114 104 91.2 66 50 75.8

Receiving stolen property 67 65 97.0 14 14 100.0 17 17 100.0 16 16 100.0 20 18 90.0

Possess etc. tainted property 432 373 86.3 116 105 90.5 102 87 85.3 153 130 85.0 61 51 83.6

Other handling stolen goods 10 9 90.0 1 1 100.0 2 1 50.0 0 0 . . 7 7 100.0

Total 41,094 16,650 40.5 10,309 4,437 43.0 7,719 2,575 33.4 13,356 5,470 41.0 9,710 4,168 42.9

Queensland Government Statistician’s Office

Crime report, Queensland, 2017–18 – Appendix A25

Table A23 Count of offences against property, Northern Police Region, reported and cleared in 2017–18

Police Region/District Northern Region Far North District Mount Isa District Townsville District

Reported Cleared Reported Cleared Reported Cleared Reported Cleared

Offence number number % number number % number number % number number %

Unlawful entry 7,283 1,995 27.4 3,603 1,197 33.2 699 262 37.5 2,981 536 18.0

Unlawful entry with intent – dwelling 4,845 1,159 23.9 2,400 698 29.1 414 135 32.6 2,031 326 16.1

Without violence 4,742 1,088 22.9 2,358 670 28.4 401 124 30.9 1,983 294 14.8

With violence 103 71 68.9 42 28 66.7 13 11 84.6 48 32 66.7

Unlawful entry with intent – shop 384 176 45.8 178 100 56.2 38 18 47.4 168 58 34.5

Unlawful entry with intent – other 2,054 660 32.1 1,025 399 38.9 247 109 44.1 782 152 19.4

Arson 186 50 26.9 72 26 36.1 37 11 29.7 77 13 16.9

Other property damage 6,756 2,760 40.9 3,254 1,466 45.1 985 487 49.4 2,517 807 32.1

Unlawful use of motor vehicle 2,008 914 45.5 1,025 502 49.0 102 58 56.9 881 354 40.2

Other theft (excl. unlawful entry) 14,408 4,989 34.6 7,445 2,677 36.0 977 381 39.0 5,986 1,931 32.3

Stealing from dwellings 1,393 337 24.2 682 164 24.0 113 36 31.9 598 137 22.9

Shop stealing 2,966 1,715 57.8 1,539 976 63.4 143 95 66.4 1,284 644 50.2

Vehicles (steal from/enter with intent) 3,591 661 18.4 1,865 403 21.6 376 101 26.9 1,350 157 11.6

Other stealing 6,458 2,276 35.2 3,359 1,134 33.8 345 149 43.2 2,754 993 36.1

Fraud 2,341 1,283 54.8 1,214 733 60.4 136 76 55.9 991 474 47.8

Fraud by computer 42 9 21.4 26 5 19.2 4 2 50.0 12 2 16.7

Fraud by cheque 7 6 85.7 5 5 100.0 0 0 . . 2 1 50.0

Fraud by credit card 1,449 862 59.5 779 500 64.2 101 61 60.4 569 301 52.9

Identity fraud 65 24 36.9 33 13 39.4 4 0 0.0 28 11 39.3

Other fraud 778 382 49.1 371 210 56.6 27 13 48.1 380 159 41.8

Handling stolen goods 766 651 85.0 418 371 88.8 101 90 89.1 247 190 76.9

Possess property suspected stolen 433 349 80.6 254 221 87.0 63 55 87.3 116 73 62.9

Receiving stolen property 54 53 98.1 26 26 100.0 12 11 91.7 16 16 100.0

Possess etc. tainted property 276 247 89.5 136 123 90.4 26 24 92.3 114 100 87.7

Other handling stolen goods 3 2 66.7 2 1 50.0 0 0 . . 1 1 100.0

Total 33,748 12,642 37.5 17,031 6,972 40.9 3,037 1,365 44.9 13,680 4,305 31.5

Queensland Government Statistician’s Office

Crime report, Queensland, 2017–18 – Appendix A26

Table A24 Count of offences against property, South Eastern Police Region, reported and cleared in 2017–18

Police Region/District South Eastern Region Gold Coast District Logan District

Reported Cleared Reported Cleared Reported Cleared

Offence number number % number number % number number %

Unlawful entry 7,366 1,423 19.3 3,869 827 21.4 3,497 596 17.0

Unlawful entry with intent – dwelling 4,486 870 19.4 2,237 472 21.1 2,249 398 17.7

Without violence 4,336 783 18.1 2,171 431 19.9 2,165 352 16.3

With violence 150 87 58.0 66 41 62.1 84 46 54.8

Unlawful entry with intent – shop 368 84 22.8 218 48 22.0 150 36 24.0

Unlawful entry with intent – other 2,512 469 18.7 1,414 307 21.7 1,098 162 14.8

Arson 326 26 8.0 157 10 6.4 169 16 9.5

Other property damage 7,126 2,006 28.2 4,030 1,235 30.6 3,096 771 24.9

Unlawful use of motor vehicle 3,583 1,412 39.4 2,167 863 39.8 1,416 549 38.8

Other theft (excl. unlawful entry) 29,707 9,243 31.1 18,367 5,885 32.0 11,340 3,358 29.6

Stealing from dwellings 1,509 330 21.9 868 183 21.1 641 147 22.9

Shop stealing 4,263 2,402 56.3 2,577 1,470 57.0 1,686 932 55.3

Vehicles (steal from/enter with intent) 8,227 971 11.8 5,048 633 12.5 3,179 338 10.6

Other stealing 15,708 5,540 35.3 9,874 3,599 36.4 5,834 1,941 33.3

Fraud 6,113 3,170 51.9 3,825 2,065 54.0 2,288 1,105 48.3

Fraud by computer 145 25 17.2 87 16 18.4 58 9 15.5

Fraud by cheque 46 18 39.1 33 12 36.4 13 6 46.2

Fraud by credit card 3,015 1,736 57.6 1,906 1,168 61.3 1,109 568 51.2

Identity fraud 564 251 44.5 458 222 48.5 106 29 27.4

Other fraud 2,343 1,140 48.7 1,341 647 48.2 1,002 493 49.2

Handling stolen goods 1,386 1,191 85.9 842 722 85.7 544 469 86.2

Possess property suspected stolen 519 433 83.4 365 313 85.8 154 120 77.9

Receiving stolen property 75 73 97.3 38 36 94.7 37 37 100.0

Possess etc. tainted property 752 660 87.8 400 349 87.2 352 311 88.4

Other handling stolen goods 40 25 62.5 39 24 61.5 1 1 100.0

Total 55,607 18,471 33.2 33,257 11,607 34.9 22,350 6,864 30.7


Queensland Government Statistician’s Office

Crime report, Queensland, 2017–18 – Appendix A27

Table A25 Count of offences against property, Southern Police Region, reported and cleared in 2017–18

Police Region/District Southern Region Darling Downs District Ipswich District Moreton District South West District

Reported Cleared Reported Cleared Reported Cleared Reported Cleared Reported Cleared

Offence number number % cent

number number % number number % number number % number number %

Unlawful entry 6,251 1,808 28.9 1,707 467 27.4 1,924 480 24.9 1,588 444 28.0 1,032 417 40.4

Unlawful entry with intent – dwelling 3,569 1,051 29.4 1,027 282 27.5 1,114 306 27.5 942 277 29.4 486 186 38.3

Without violence 3,433 937 27.3 1,007 266 26.4 1,072 270 25.2 906 250 27.6 448 151 33.7

With violence 136 114 83.8 20 16 80.0 42 36 85.7 36 27 75.0 38 35 92.1

Unlawful entry with intent – shop 285 126 44.2 55 22 40.0 71 30 42.3 87 35 40.2 72 39 54.2

Unlawful entry with intent – other 2,397 631 26.3 625 163 26.1 739 144 19.5 559 132 23.6 474 192 40.5

Arson 319 87 27.3 80 19 23.8 90 25 27.8 111 30 27.0 38 13 34.2

Other property damage 7,182 2,693 37.5 1,688 669 39.6 2,130 727 34.1 2,191 684 31.2 1,173 613 52.3

Unlawful use of motor vehicle 2,047 1,051 51.3 513 289 56.3 661 320 48.4 638 294 46.1 235 148 63.0

Other theft (excl. unlawful entry) 21,108 8,861 42.0 4,946 2,207 44.6 7,272 2,972 40.9 6,948 2,785 40.1 1,942 897 46.2

Stealing from dwellings 1,636 492 30.1 399 115 28.8 537 147 27.4 503 152 30.2 197 78 39.6

Shop stealing 3,786 2,421 63.9 874 652 74.6 1,379 835 60.6 1,276 736 57.7 257 198 77.0

Vehicles (steal from/enter with intent) 4,993 1,001 20.0 1,285 241 18.8 1,674 318 19.0 1,550 288 18.6 484 154 31.8

Other stealing 10,693 4,947 46.3 2,388 1,199 50.2 3,682 1,672 45.4 3,619 1,609 44.5 1,004 467 46.5

Fraud 4,418 2,689 60.9 1,234 892 72.3 1,283 668 52.1 1,294 766 59.2 607 363 59.8

Fraud by computer 116 23 19.8 28 5 17.9 32 5 15.6 29 11 37.9 27 2 7.4

Fraud by cheque 19 11 57.9 11 5 45.5 4 3 75.0 1 0 0.0 3 3 100.0

Fraud by credit card 2,299 1,415 61.5 601 421 70.0 624 350 56.1 686 421 61.4 388 223 57.5

Identity fraud 261 133 51.0 130 100 76.9 77 20 26.0 41 10 24.4 13 3 23.1

Other fraud 1,723 1,107 64.2 464 361 77.8 546 290 53.1 537 324 60.3 176 132 75.0

Handling stolen goods 1,136 1,006 88.6 396 358 90.4 310 275 88.7 299 261 87.3 131 112 85.5

Possess property suspected stolen 467 407 87.2 116 104 89.7 141 128 90.8 160 135 84.4 50 40 80.0

Receiving stolen property 81 76 93.8 27 27 100.0 15 12 80.0 16 14 87.5 23 23 100.0

Possess etc. tainted property 575 521 90.6 249 225 90.4 152 135 88.8 119 112 94.1 55 49 89.1

Other handling stolen goods 13 2 15.4 4 2 50.0 2 0 0.0 4 0 0.0 3 0 0.0

Total 42,461 18,195 42.9 10,564 4,901 46.4 13,670 5,467 40.0 13,069 5,264 40.3 5,158 2,563 49.7

Queensland Government Statistician’s Office

Crime report, Queensland, 2017–18 – Appendix A28

Table A26 Count of other offences, Brisbane Police Region, reported and cleared in 2017–18

Police Region/District Brisbane Region North Brisbane District South Brisbane District

Reported Cleared Reported Cleared Reported Cleared

Offence number number % number number % number number %

Drug offences 18,398 17,634 95.8 10,231 9,760 95.4 8,167 7,874 96.4

Trafficking drugs 125 122 97.6 82 82 100.0 43 40 93.0

Possess drugs 8,579 8,150 95.0 4,806 4,531 94.3 3,773 3,619 95.9

Produce drugs 213 198 93.0 102 96 94.1 111 102 91.9

Sell supply drugs 1,214 1,150 94.7 879 844 96.0 335 306 91.3

Other drug offences 8,267 8,014 96.9 4,362 4,207 96.4 3,905 3,807 97.5

Prostitution offences 34 27 79.4 12 8 66.7 22 19 86.4

Liquor offences (excl. drunkenness) 519 508 97.9 440 433 98.4 79 75 94.9

Gaming, racing & betting offences 1 0 0.0 0 0 . . 1 0 0.0

Breach domestic violence protection order

4,073 2,844 69.8 1,982 1,377 69.5 2,091 1,467 70.2

Trespassing and vagrancy 1,503 1,283 85.4 745 626 84.0 758 657 86.7

Weapons Act offences 1,354 1,283 94.8 724 683 94.3 630 600 95.2

Good order offences 13,002 11,477 88.3 8,020 7,229 90.1 4,982 4,248 85.3

Disobey move-on direction 148 148 100.0 117 117 100.0 31 31 100.0

Resist, incite, hinder, obstruct 5,082 4,165 82.0 2,749 2,271 82.6 2,333 1,894 81.2

Fare evasion 2,457 2,060 83.8 1,320 1,121 84.9 1,137 939 82.6

Public nuisance 5,315 5,104 96.0 3,834 3,720 97.0 1,481 1,384 93.5

Stock related offences 0 0 . . 0 0 . . 0 0 . .

Traffic and related offences 7,975 7,782 97.6 3,941 3,857 97.9 4,034 3,925 97.3

Dangerous operation of a vehicle 434 308 71.0 167 115 68.9 267 193 72.3

Drink driving 5,447 5,397 99.1 2,797 2,771 99.1 2,650 2,626 99.1

Disqualified driving 2,090 2,075 99.3 975 970 99.5 1,115 1,105 99.1

Interfere with mechanism of motor vehicle

4 2 50.0 2 1 50.0 2 1 50.0

Miscellaneous offences 947 774 81.7 650 520 80.0 297 254 85.5

Total 47,806 43,612 91.2 26,745 24,493 91.6 21,061 19,119 90.8

Queensland Government Statistician’s Office

Crime report, Queensland, 2017–18 – Appendix A29

Table A27 Count of other offences, Central Police Region, reported and cleared in 2017–18

Police Region/District Central Region Capricornia District Mackay District Sunshine Coast District Wide Bay Burnett District

Reported Cleared Reported Cleared Reported Cleared Reported Cleared Reported Cleared

Offence number number % number number % number number % number number % number number %

Drug offences 15,900 14,969 94.1 4,457 4,195 94.1 2,961 2,775 93.7 4,552 4,292 94.3 3,930 3,707 94.3

Trafficking drugs 151 144 95.4 45 44 97.8 29 28 96.6 52 49 94.2 25 23 92.0

Possess drugs 6,820 6,367 93.4 1,685 1,573 93.4 1,369 1,262 92.2 2,092 1,976 94.5 1,674 1,556 93.0

Produce drugs 529 490 92.6 127 114 89.8 79 74 93.7 123 114 92.7 200 188 94.0

Sell supply drugs 1,026 950 92.6 590 571 96.8 73 64 87.7 167 133 79.6 196 182 92.9

Other drug offences 7,374 7,018 95.2 2,010 1,893 94.2 1,411 1,347 95.5 2,118 2,020 95.4 1,835 1,758 95.8

Prostitution offences 9 8 88.9 2 2 100.0 2 2 100.0 3 2 66.7 2 2 100.0

Liquor offences (excl. drunkenness) 670 642 95.8 271 264 97.4 73 70 95.9 231 220 95.2 95 88 92.6

Gaming, racing & betting offences 0 0 . . 0 0 . . 0 0 . . 0 0 . . 0 0 . .

Breach domestic violence protection order

6,505 4,512 69.4 2,369 1,736 73.3 1,075 643 59.8 1,114 777 69.7 1,947 1,356 69.6

Trespassing and vagrancy 1,279 1,036 81.0 366 285 77.9 242 194 80.2 425 360 84.7 246 197 80.1

Weapons Act offences 1,473 1,343 91.2 376 346 92.0 302 279 92.4 386 354 91.7 409 364 89.0

Good order offences 10,361 9,053 87.4 2,884 2,604 90.3 2,448 2,020 82.5 2,780 2,423 87.2 2,249 2,006 89.2

Disobey move-on direction 203 202 99.5 44 44 100.0 57 57 100.0 70 69 98.6 32 32 100.0

Resist, incite, hinder, obstruct 5,273 4,284 81.2 1,278 1,124 87.9 1,431 1,053 73.6 1,326 1,062 80.1 1,238 1,045 84.4

Fare evasion 300 171 57.0 106 56 52.8 37 22 59.5 99 57 57.6 58 36 62.1

Public nuisance 4,585 4,396 95.9 1,456 1,380 94.8 923 888 96.2 1,285 1,235 96.1 921 893 97.0

Stock related offences 35 35 100.0 17 17 100.0 11 11 100.0 3 3 100.0 4 4 100.0

Traffic and related offences 9,163 8,915 97.3 1,993 1,954 98.0 1,881 1,813 96.4 3,153 3,077 97.6 2,136 2,071 97.0

Dangerous operation of a vehicle 394 268 68.0 85 59 69.4 94 64 68.1 103 68 66.0 112 77 68.8

Drink driving 7,003 6,916 98.8 1,465 1,454 99.2 1,412 1,380 97.7 2,514 2,492 99.1 1,612 1,590 98.6

Disqualified driving 1,758 1,725 98.1 440 438 99.5 372 367 98.7 536 517 96.5 410 403 98.3

Interfere with mechanism of motor vehicle

8 6 75.0 3 3 100.0 3 2 66.7 0 0 . . 2 1 50.0

Miscellaneous offences 592 492 83.1 153 130 85.0 135 113 83.7 97 75 77.3 207 174 84.1

Total 45,987 41,005 89.2 12,888 11,533 89.5 9,130 7,920 86.7 12,744 11,583 90.9 11,225 9,969 88.8

Queensland Government Statistician’s Office

Crime report, Queensland, 2017–18 – Appendix A30

Table A28 Count of other offences, Northern Police Region, reported and cleared in 2017–18

Police Region/District Northern Region Far North District Mount Isa District Townsville District

Reported Cleared Reported Cleared Reported Cleared Reported Cleared

Offence number number % number number % number number % number number %

Drug offences 11,618 10,811 93.1 5,323 4,998 93.9 892 825 92.5 5,403 4,988 92.3

Trafficking drugs 95 85 89.5 37 33 89.2 2 2 100.0 56 50 89.3

Possess drugs 5,188 4,781 92.2 2,699 2,526 93.6 335 305 91.0 2,154 1,950 90.5

Produce drugs 316 281 88.9 181 157 86.7 5 5 100.0 130 119 91.5

Sell supply drugs 637 588 92.3 123 115 93.5 39 34 87.2 475 439 92.4

Other drug offences 5,382 5,076 94.3 2,283 2,167 94.9 511 479 93.7 2,588 2,430 93.9

Prostitution offences 0 0 . . 0 0 . . 0 0 . . 0 0 . .

Liquor offences (excl. drunkenness) 2,219 2,146 96.7 1,195 1,164 97.4 578 562 97.2 446 420 94.2

Gaming, racing & betting offences 0 0 . . 0 0 . . 0 0 . . 0 0 . .

Breach domestic violence protection order

6,087 4,334 71.2 2,563 1,851 72.2 746 634 85.0 2,778 1,849 66.6

Trespassing and vagrancy 1,357 1,106 81.5 545 440 80.7 381 305 80.1 431 361 83.8

Weapons Act offences 1,032 941 91.2 467 429 91.9 79 72 91.1 486 440 90.5

Good order offences 11,041 9,683 87.7 5,219 4,712 90.3 1,902 1,840 96.7 3,920 3,131 79.9

Disobey move-on direction 210 210 100.0 107 107 100.0 9 9 100.0 94 94 100.0

Resist, incite, hinder, obstruct 4,338 3,524 81.2 1,903 1,581 83.1 672 643 95.7 1,763 1,300 73.7

Fare evasion 553 204 36.9 146 61 41.8 18 13 72.2 389 130 33.4

Public nuisance 5,940 5,745 96.7 3,063 2,963 96.7 1,203 1,175 97.7 1,674 1,607 96.0

Stock related offences 5 5 100.0 1 1 100.0 1 1 100.0 3 3 100.0

Traffic and related offences 6,867 6,672 97.2 4,076 3,995 98.0 662 649 98.0 2,129 2,028 95.3

Dangerous operation of a vehicle 325 237 72.9 157 119 75.8 27 23 85.2 141 95 67.4

Drink driving 4,951 4,872 98.4 2,918 2,889 99.0 502 495 98.6 1,531 1,488 97.2

Disqualified driving 1,584 1,559 98.4 999 985 98.6 131 130 99.2 454 444 97.8

Interfere with mechanism of motor vehicle

7 4 57.1 2 2 100.0 2 1 50.0 3 1 33.3

Miscellaneous offences 675 554 82.1 341 289 84.8 60 45 75.0 274 220 80.3

Total 40,901 36,252 88.6 19,730 17,879 90.6 5,301 4,933 93.1 15,870 13,440 84.7

Queensland Government Statistician’s Office

Crime report, Queensland, 2017–18 – Appendix A31

Table A29 Count of other offences, South Eastern Police Region, reported and cleared in 2017–18

Police Region/District South Eastern Region Gold Coast District Logan District

Reported Cleared Reported Cleared Reported Cleared

Offence number number % number number % number number %

Drug offences 12,807 12,062 94.2 7,650 7,187 93.9 5,157 4,875 94.5

Trafficking drugs 79 72 91.1 42 37 88.1 37 35 94.6

Possess drugs 6,175 5,750 93.1 3,815 3,538 92.7 2,360 2,212 93.7

Produce drugs 173 166 96.0 115 111 96.5 58 55 94.8

Sell supply drugs 436 382 87.6 215 170 79.1 221 212 95.9

Other drug offences 5,944 5,692 95.8 3,463 3,331 96.2 2,481 2,361 95.2

Prostitution offences 21 21 100.0 12 12 100.0 9 9 100.0

Liquor offences (excl. drunkenness) 219 205 93.6 191 181 94.8 28 24 85.7

Gaming, racing & betting offences 0 0 . . 0 0 . . 0 0 . .

Breach domestic violence protection order

4,612 3,023 65.5 2,268 1,611 71.0 2,344 1,412 60.2

Trespassing and vagrancy 680 536 78.8 377 307 81.4 303 229 75.6

Weapons Act offences 1,166 1,079 92.5 593 546 92.1 573 533 93.0

Good order offences 8,573 7,075 82.5 5,153 4,481 87.0 3,420 2,594 75.8

Disobey move-on direction 109 108 99.1 101 100 99.0 8 8 100.0

Resist, incite, hinder, obstruct 3,965 2,903 73.2 1,776 1,347 75.8 2,189 1,556 71.1

Fare evasion 1,162 856 73.7 642 460 71.7 520 396 76.2

Public nuisance 3,337 3,208 96.1 2,634 2,574 97.7 703 634 90.2

Stock related offences 0 0 . . 0 0 . . 0 0 . .

Traffic and related offences 7,697 7,484 97.2 4,589 4,475 97.5 3,108 3,009 96.8

Dangerous operation of a vehicle 309 188 60.8 175 110 62.9 134 78 58.2

Drink driving 5,432 5,365 98.8 3,437 3,405 99.1 1,995 1,960 98.2

Disqualified driving 1,955 1,930 98.7 977 960 98.3 978 970 99.2

Interfere with mechanism of motor vehicle

1 1 100.0 0 0 . . 1 1 100.0

Miscellaneous offences 643 540 84.0 392 320 81.6 251 220 87.6

Total 36,418 32,025 87.9 21,225 19,120 90.1 15,193 12,905 84.9

Queensland Government Statistician’s Office

Crime report, Queensland, 2017–18 – Appendix A32

Table A30 Count of other offences, Southern Police Region, reported and cleared in 2017–18

Police Region/District Southern Region Darling Downs District Ipswich District Moreton District South West District

Reported Cleared Reported Cleared Reported Cleared Reported Cleared Reported Cleared

Offence number number % number number % number number % number number % number number %

Drug offences 20,851 20,178 96.8 5,225 5,012 95.9 5,907 5,785 97.9 6,053 5,827 96.3 3,666 3,554 96.9

Trafficking drugs 118 112 94.9 15 13 86.7 22 20 90.9 58 56 96.6 23 23 100.0

Possess drugs 6,789 6,502 95.8 2,109 2,013 95.4 1,527 1,471 96.3 2,177 2,076 95.4 976 942 96.5

Produce drugs 344 319 92.7 84 78 92.9 88 80 90.9 101 92 91.1 71 69 97.2

Sell supply drugs 4,982 4,868 97.7 311 284 91.3 2,449 2,440 99.6 1,146 1,104 96.3 1,076 1,040 96.7

Other drug offences 8,618 8,377 97.2 2,706 2,624 97.0 1,821 1,774 97.4 2,571 2,499 97.2 1,520 1,480 97.4

Prostitution offences 13 12 92.3 3 3 100.0 10 9 90.0 0 0 . . 0 0 . .

Liquor offences (excl. drunkenness) 1,001 984 98.3 588 585 99.5 57 54 94.7 63 62 98.4 293 283 96.6

Gaming, racing & betting offences 0 0 . . 0 0 . . 0 0 . . 0 0 . . 0 0 . .

Breach domestic violence protection order

5,035 3,641 72.3 1,093 833 76.2 1,463 1,060 72.5 1,714 1,123 65.5 765 625 81.7

Trespassing and vagrancy 1,317 1,125 85.4 419 364 86.9 355 296 83.4 294 247 84.0 249 218 87.6

Weapons Act offences 1,538 1,426 92.7 416 385 92.5 362 345 95.3 487 449 92.2 273 247 90.5

Good order offences 11,248 9,963 88.6 3,432 3,137 91.4 3,209 2,753 85.8 2,682 2,249 83.9 1,925 1,824 94.8

Disobey move-on direction 149 148 99.3 76 75 98.7 32 32 100.0 17 17 100.0 24 24 100.0

Resist, incite, hinder, obstruct 5,671 4,670 82.3 1,509 1,274 84.4 1,492 1,144 76.7 1,790 1,452 81.1 880 800 90.9

Fare evasion 920 779 84.7 78 48 61.5 711 638 89.7 124 86 69.4 7 7 100.0

Public nuisance 4,508 4,366 96.9 1,769 1,740 98.4 974 939 96.4 751 694 92.4 1,014 993 97.9

Stock related offences 25 25 100.0 14 14 100.0 3 3 100.0 1 1 100.0 7 7 100.0

Traffic and related offences 9,345 9,108 97.5 2,861 2,802 97.9 2,595 2,533 97.6 2,111 2,038 96.5 1,778 1,735 97.6

Dangerous operation of a vehicle 569 428 75.2 136 108 79.4 184 140 76.1 156 99 63.5 93 81 87.1

Drink driving 6,350 6,271 98.8 2,251 2,223 98.8 1,518 1,508 99.3 1,358 1,347 99.2 1,223 1,193 97.5

Disqualified driving 2,424 2,408 99.3 473 470 99.4 892 885 99.2 597 592 99.2 462 461 99.8

Interfere with mechanism of motor vehicle

2 1 50.0 1 1 100.0 1 0 0.0 0 0 . . 0 0 . .

Miscellaneous offences 659 606 92.0 140 122 87.1 143 129 90.2 194 175 90.2 182 180 98.9

Total 51,032 47,068 92.2 14,191 13,257 93.4 14,104 12,967 91.9 13,599 12,171 89.5 9,138 8,673 94.9

Queensland Government Statistician’s Office

Crime report, Queensland, 2017–18 – Appendix A33

2.3. Offences cleared in 2017–18, reported previously

Table A31 Count of offences against the person, Brisbane Police Region, cleared in 2017–18, reported previously

Police Region/District Brisbane Region North Brisbane District South Brisbane District

Offence — number —

Homicide (Murder) 2 0 2

Other homicide 0 0 0

Attempted murder 0 0 0

Conspiracy to murder 0 0 0

Manslaughter (excl. by driving and striking) 0 0 0

Manslaughter – unlawful striking causing death

0 0 0

Driving causing death 0 0 0

Assault 331 199 132

Grievous assault 8 6 2

Serious assault 171 99 72

Serious assault (other) 43 30 13

Common assault 109 64 45

Sexual offences 315 166 149

Rape / attempted rape 118 51 67

Other sexual offences 197 115 82

Robbery 22 12 10

Armed robbery 12 5 7

Unarmed robbery 10 7 3

Other offences against the person 83 45 38

Kidnapping, abduction etc. 9 5 4

Extortion 1 0 1

Stalking 22 12 10

Life endangering acts 51 28 23

Total 753 422 331

Queensland Government Statistician’s Office

Crime report, Queensland, 2017–18 – Appendix A34

Table A32 Count of offences against the person, Central Police Region, cleared in 2017–18, reported previously

Police Region/District Central Region Capricornia

District Mackay District

Sunshine Coast District

Wide Bay Burnett District

Offence — number —

Homicide (Murder) 3 2 1 0 0

Other homicide 2 1 0 1 0

Attempted murder 0 0 0 0 0

Conspiracy to murder 0 0 0 0 0

Manslaughter (excl. by driving and striking) 0 0 0 0 0

Manslaughter – unlawful striking causing death

0 0 0 0 0

Driving causing death 2 1 0 1 0

Assault 374 161 43 74 96

Grievous assault 19 6 5 2 6

Serious assault 212 85 21 44 62

Serious assault (other) 28 9 4 4 11

Common assault 115 61 13 24 17

Sexual offences 281 98 13 42 128

Rape / attempted rape 93 50 6 18 19

Other sexual offences 188 48 7 24 109

Robbery 11 2 1 2 6

Armed robbery 5 0 0 0 5

Unarmed robbery 6 2 1 2 1

Other offences against the person 55 24 10 9 12

Kidnapping, abduction etc. 3 1 0 1 1

Extortion 2 1 0 1 0

Stalking 18 6 5 1 6

Life endangering acts 32 16 5 6 5

Total 726 288 68 128 242

Queensland Government Statistician’s Office

Crime report, Queensland, 2017–18 – Appendix A35

Table A33 Count of offences against the person, Northern Police Region, cleared in 2017–18, reported previously

Police Region/District Northern Region Far North District Mount Isa District Townsville


Offence — number —

Homicide (Murder) 0 0 0 0

Other homicide 2 2 0 0

Attempted murder 0 0 0 0

Conspiracy to murder 0 0 0 0

Manslaughter (excl. by driving and striking) 1 1 0 0

Manslaughter – unlawful striking causing death

0 0 0 0

Driving causing death 1 1 0 0

Assault 441 179 78 184

Grievous assault 21 10 4 7

Serious assault 244 95 38 111

Serious assault (other) 42 22 5 15

Common assault 134 52 31 51

Sexual offences 260 109 18 133

Rape / attempted rape 72 21 7 44

Other sexual offences 188 88 11 89

Robbery 10 4 0 6

Armed robbery 4 1 0 3

Unarmed robbery 6 3 0 3

Other offences against the person 66 25 4 37

Kidnapping, abduction etc. 4 1 0 3

Extortion 0 0 0 0

Stalking 20 12 1 7

Life endangering acts 42 12 3 27

Total 779 319 100 360

Queensland Government Statistician’s Office

Crime report, Queensland, 2017–18 – Appendix A36

Table A34 Count of offences against the person, South Eastern Police Region, cleared in 2017–18, reported previously

Police Region/District South Eastern Region Gold Coast District Logan District

Offence — number —

Homicide (Murder) 1 1 0

Other homicide 6 1 5

Attempted murder 0 0 0

Conspiracy to murder 0 0 0

Manslaughter (excl. by driving and striking) 0 0 0

Manslaughter – unlawful striking causing death

0 0 0

Driving causing death 6 1 5

Assault 339 204 135

Grievous assault 16 9 7

Serious assault 181 104 77

Serious assault (other) 32 19 13

Common assault 110 72 38

Sexual offences 222 97 125

Rape / attempted rape 63 24 39

Other sexual offences 159 73 86

Robbery 31 15 16

Armed robbery 14 8 6

Unarmed robbery 17 7 10

Other offences against the person 60 40 20

Kidnapping, abduction etc. 1 0 1

Extortion 4 3 1

Stalking 18 13 5

Life endangering acts 37 24 13

Total 659 358 301

Queensland Government Statistician’s Office

Crime report, Queensland, 2017–18 – Appendix A37

Table A35 Count of offences against the person, Southern Police Region, cleared in 2017–18, reported previously

Police Region/District Southern Region

Darling Downs District

Ipswich District Moreton District

South West District

Offence — number —

Homicide (Murder) 0 0 0 0 0

Other homicide 3 2 1 0 0

Attempted murder 0 0 0 0 0

Conspiracy to murder 0 0 0 0 0

Manslaughter (excl. by driving and striking) 1 0 1 0 0

Manslaughter – unlawful striking causing death

0 0 0 0 0

Driving causing death 2 2 0 0 0

Assault 377 90 115 115 57

Grievous assault 16 2 6 3 5

Serious assault 210 46 73 63 28

Serious assault (other) 32 11 7 9 5

Common assault 119 31 29 40 19

Sexual offences 339 99 112 85 43

Rape / attempted rape 79 22 19 26 12

Other sexual offences 260 77 93 59 31

Robbery 12 2 7 2 1

Armed robbery 6 2 2 2 0

Unarmed robbery 6 0 5 0 1

Other offences against the person 64 11 29 12 12

Kidnapping, abduction etc. 6 1 3 2 0

Extortion 3 1 1 0 1

Stalking 19 1 10 3 5

Life endangering acts 36 8 15 7 6

Total 795 204 264 214 113

Queensland Government Statistician’s Office

Crime report, Queensland, 2017–18 – Appendix A38

Table A36 Count of offences against property, Brisbane Police Region, cleared in 2017–18, reported previously

Police Region/District Brisbane Region North Brisbane District South Brisbane District

Offence — number —

Unlawful entry 289 138 151

Unlawful entry with intent – dwelling 145 68 77

Without violence 143 67 76

With violence 2 1 1

Unlawful entry with intent – shop 25 11 14

Unlawful entry with intent – other 119 59 60

Arson 3 2 1

Other property damage 279 141 138

Unlawful use of motor vehicle 191 84 107

Other theft (excl. unlawful entry) 1,339 710 629

Stealing from dwellings 89 44 45

Shop stealing 326 178 148

Vehicles (steal from/enter with intent) 119 57 62

Other stealing 805 431 374

Fraud 960 604 356

Fraud by computer 18 12 6

Fraud by cheque 9 5 4

Fraud by credit card 264 154 110

Identity fraud 63 39 24

Other fraud 606 394 212

Handling stolen goods 69 41 28

Possess property suspected stolen 26 14 12

Receiving stolen property 9 4 5

Possess etc. tainted property 33 22 11

Other handling stolen goods 1 1 0

Total 3,130 1,720 1,410

Queensland Government Statistician’s Office

Crime report, Queensland, 2017–18 – Appendix A39

Table A37 Count of offences against property, Central Police Region, cleared in 2017–18, reported previously

Police Region/District Central Region Capricornia

District Mackay District

Sunshine Coast District

Wide Bay Burnett District

Offence — number —

Unlawful entry 224 69 37 51 67

Unlawful entry with intent – dwelling 113 38 18 21 36

Without violence 103 33 16 21 33

With violence 10 5 2 0 3

Unlawful entry with intent – shop 14 5 2 0 7

Unlawful entry with intent – other 97 26 17 30 24

Arson 2 2 0 0 0

Other property damage 275 78 48 55 94

Unlawful use of motor vehicle 72 16 17 26 13

Other theft (excl. unlawful entry) 889 252 131 297 209

Stealing from dwellings 110 44 18 14 34

Shop stealing 169 62 20 45 42

Vehicles (steal from/enter with intent) 87 29 15 31 12

Other stealing 523 117 78 207 121

Fraud 744 344 112 151 137

Fraud by computer 8 2 3 2 1

Fraud by cheque 4 1 0 0 3

Fraud by credit card 404 190 58 68 88

Identity fraud 12 2 2 3 5

Other fraud 316 149 49 78 40

Handling stolen goods 36 14 9 7 6

Possess property suspected stolen 10 6 0 1 3

Receiving stolen property 0 0 0 0 0

Possess etc. tainted property 25 8 8 6 3

Other handling stolen goods 1 0 1 0 0

Total 2,242 775 354 587 526

Queensland Government Statistician’s Office

Crime report, Queensland, 2017–18 – Appendix A40

Table A38 Count of offences against property, Northern Police Region, cleared in 2017–18, reported previously

Police Region/District Northern Region Far North District

Mount Isa District

Townsville District

Offence — number — number

Unlawful entry 201 118 27 56

Unlawful entry with intent – dwelling 117 72 13 32

Without violence 113 70 13 30

With violence 4 2 0 2

Unlawful entry with intent – shop 13 8 0 5

Unlawful entry with intent – other 71 38 14 19

Arson 5 2 0 3

Other property damage 265 133 37 95

Unlawful use of motor vehicle 72 38 5 29

Other theft (excl. unlawful entry) 588 289 44 255

Stealing from dwellings 61 33 5 23

Shop stealing 162 81 11 70

Vehicles (steal from/enter with intent) 59 33 6 20

Other stealing 306 142 22 142

Fraud 420 176 12 232

Fraud by computer 7 0 2 5

Fraud by cheque 6 1 0 5

Fraud by credit card 222 115 3 104

Identity fraud 13 9 1 3

Other fraud 172 51 6 115

Handling stolen goods 40 24 9 7

Possess property suspected stolen 16 12 3 1

Receiving stolen property 1 1 0 0

Possess etc. tainted property 22 11 5 6

Other handling stolen goods 1 0 1 0

Total 1,591 780 134 677

Queensland Government Statistician’s Office

Crime report, Queensland, 2017–18 – Appendix A41

Table A39 Count of offences against property, South Eastern Police Region, cleared in 2017–18, reported previously

Police Region/District South Eastern Region Gold Coast District Logan District

Offence — number —

Unlawful entry 273 172 101

Unlawful entry with intent – dwelling 149 86 63

Without violence 144 83 61

With violence 5 3 2

Unlawful entry with intent – shop 11 8 3

Unlawful entry with intent – other 113 78 35

Arson 2 1 1

Other property damage 259 155 104

Unlawful use of motor vehicle 160 100 60

Other theft (excl. unlawful entry) 1,079 592 487

Stealing from dwellings 83 44 39

Shop stealing 183 91 92

Vehicles (steal from/enter with intent) 116 69 47

Other stealing 697 388 309

Fraud 835 464 371

Fraud by computer 15 11 4

Fraud by cheque 19 7 12

Fraud by credit card 241 173 68

Identity fraud 58 52 6

Other fraud 502 221 281

Handling stolen goods 45 24 21

Possess property suspected stolen 12 8 4

Receiving stolen property 7 3 4

Possess etc. tainted property 26 13 13

Other handling stolen goods 0 0 0

Total 2,653 1,508 1,145

Queensland Government Statistician’s Office

Crime report, Queensland, 2017–18 – Appendix A42

Table A40 Count of offences against property, Southern Police Region, cleared in 2017–18, reported previously

Police Region/District Southern Region

Darling Downs District

Ipswich District Moreton District

South West District

Offence — number —

Unlawful entry 270 95 67 64 44

Unlawful entry with intent – dwelling 144 46 46 37 15

Without violence 135 44 41 35 15

With violence 9 2 5 2 0

Unlawful entry with intent – shop 20 10 5 2 3

Unlawful entry with intent – other 106 39 16 25 26

Arson 13 2 6 4 1

Other property damage 345 77 151 65 52

Unlawful use of motor vehicle 114 37 35 27 15

Other theft (excl. unlawful entry) 1,032 240 376 317 99

Stealing from dwellings 111 30 51 24 6

Shop stealing 198 47 79 54 18

Vehicles (steal from/enter with intent) 118 33 35 39 11

Other stealing 605 130 211 200 64

Fraud 940 226 168 212 334

Fraud by computer 17 4 4 7 2

Fraud by cheque 17 7 5 0 5

Fraud by credit card 167 60 31 41 35

Identity fraud 32 17 7 4 4

Other fraud 707 138 121 160 288

Handling stolen goods 47 15 15 11 6

Possess property suspected stolen 14 6 2 2 4

Receiving stolen property 1 1 0 0 0

Possess etc. tainted property 30 8 12 9 1

Other handling stolen goods 2 0 1 0 1

Total 2,761 692 818 700 551

Queensland Government Statistician’s Office

Crime report, Queensland, 2017–18 – Appendix A43

Table A41 Count of other offences, Brisbane Police Region, cleared in 2017–18, reported previously

Police Region/District Brisbane Region North Brisbane

District South Brisbane


Offence — number —

Drug offences 343 148 195

Trafficking drugs 4 4 0

Possess drugs 117 59 58

Produce drugs 38 7 31

Sell supply drugs 89 30 59

Other drug offences 95 48 47

Prostitution offences 0 0 0

Liquor offences (excl. drunkenness) 8 6 2

Gaming, racing & betting offences 0 0 0

Breach domestic violence protection order 200 112 88

Trespassing and vagrancy 44 23 21

Weapons Act offences 27 18 9

Unlawful possession of concealed firearm 0 0 0

Unlawful possession of firearm – other 5 2 3

Bomb possession and/or use of 0 0 0

Possession and/or use other weapons; restricted items

12 8 4

Weapons Act offences – other 10 8 2

Good order offences 304 169 135

Disobey move-on direction 0 0 0

Resist, incite, hinder, obstruct 203 106 97

Fare evasion 43 23 20

Public nuisance 58 40 18

Stock related offences 0 0 0

Traffic and related offences 110 45 65

Dangerous operation of a vehicle 27 11 16

Drink driving 67 24 43

Disqualified driving 16 10 6

Interfere with mechanism of motor vehicle 0 0 0

Miscellaneous offences 133 109 24

Total 1,169 630 539

Queensland Government Statistician’s Office

Crime report, Queensland, 2017–18 – Appendix A44

Table A42 Count of other offences, Central Police Region, cleared in 2017–18, reported previously

Police Region/District Central Region Capricornia

District Mackay District

Sunshine Coast District

Wide Bay Burnett District

Offence — number —

Drug offences 341 79 57 72 133

Trafficking drugs 8 1 0 0 7

Possess drugs 138 31 23 32 52

Produce drugs 20 5 3 5 7

Sell supply drugs 44 12 5 6 21

Other drug offences 131 30 26 29 46

Prostitution offences 1 0 1 0 0

Liquor offences (excl. drunkenness) 6 1 2 1 2

Gaming, racing & betting offences 0 0 0 0 0

Breach domestic violence protection order 248 86 30 51 81

Trespassing and vagrancy 54 19 15 11 9

Weapons Act offences 34 8 4 7 15

Unlawful possession of concealed firearm 1 0 0 0 1

Unlawful possession of firearm – other 8 0 0 2 6

Bomb possession and/or use of 0 0 0 0 0

Possession and/or use other weapons; restricted items

7 3 1 1 2

Weapons Act offences – other 18 5 3 4 6

Good order offences 318 105 51 91 71

Disobey move-on direction 0 0 0 0 0

Resist, incite, hinder, obstruct 220 59 39 67 55

Fare evasion 28 14 2 11 1

Public nuisance 70 32 10 13 15

Stock related offences 0 0 0 0 0

Traffic and related offences 109 34 24 22 29

Dangerous operation of a vehicle 22 5 4 8 5

Drink driving 73 24 19 8 22

Disqualified driving 14 5 1 6 2

Interfere with mechanism of motor vehicle 0 0 0 0 0

Miscellaneous offences 60 9 9 12 30

Total 1,171 341 193 267 370

Queensland Government Statistician’s Office

Crime report, Queensland, 2017–18 – Appendix A45

Table A43 Count of other offences, Northern Police Region, cleared in 2017–18, reported previously

Police Region/District Northern Region Far North District Mount Isa District Townsville


Offence — number —

Drug offences 295 80 22 193

Trafficking drugs 3 0 1 2

Possess drugs 110 46 10 54

Produce drugs 3 0 0 3

Sell supply drugs 66 5 0 61

Other drug offences 113 29 11 73

Prostitution offences 0 0 0 0

Liquor offences (excl. drunkenness) 13 8 1 4

Gaming, racing & betting offences 0 0 0 0

Breach domestic violence protection order 278 101 20 157

Trespassing and vagrancy 50 14 20 16

Weapons Act offences 25 12 3 10

Unlawful possession of concealed firearm 0 0 0 0

Unlawful possession of firearm – other 2 2 0 0

Bomb possession and/or use of 1 1 0 0

Possession and/or use other weapons; restricted items

10 4 3 3

Weapons Act offences – other 12 5 0 7

Good order offences 276 120 40 116

Disobey move-on direction 1 0 0 1

Resist, incite, hinder, obstruct 155 62 21 72

Fare evasion 31 10 1 20

Public nuisance 89 48 18 23

Stock related offences 0 0 0 0

Traffic and related offences 121 69 6 46

Dangerous operation of a vehicle 18 7 1 10

Drink driving 87 54 4 29

Disqualified driving 16 8 1 7

Interfere with mechanism of motor vehicle 0 0 0 0

Miscellaneous offences 77 23 19 35

Total 1,135 427 131 577

Queensland Government Statistician’s Office

Crime report, Queensland, 2017–18 – Appendix A46

Table A44 Count of other offences, South Eastern Police Region, cleared in 2017–18, reported previously

Police Region/District South Eastern

Region Gold Coast District Logan District

Offence — number —

Drug offences 191 107 84

Trafficking drugs 4 3 1

Possess drugs 69 39 30

Produce drugs 9 5 4

Sell supply drugs 21 11 10

Other drug offences 88 49 39

Prostitution offences 0 0 0

Liquor offences (excl. drunkenness) 2 2 0

Gaming, racing & betting offences 0 0 0

Breach domestic violence protection order 237 123 114

Trespassing and vagrancy 36 12 24

Weapons Act offences 29 14 15

Unlawful possession of concealed firearm 3 1 2

Unlawful possession of firearm – other 7 4 3

Bomb possession and/or use of 0 0 0

Possession and/or use other weapons; restricted items

8 4 4

Weapons Act offences – other 11 5 6

Good order offences 268 112 156

Disobey move-on direction 0 0 0

Resist, incite, hinder, obstruct 208 85 123

Fare evasion 25 11 14

Public nuisance 35 16 19

Stock related offences 0 0 0

Traffic and related offences 86 44 42

Dangerous operation of a vehicle 12 7 5

Drink driving 55 26 29

Disqualified driving 18 11 7

Interfere with mechanism of motor vehicle 1 0 1

Miscellaneous offences 54 37 17

Total 903 451 452

Queensland Government Statistician’s Office

Crime report, Queensland, 2017–18 – Appendix A47

Table A45 Count of other offences, Southern Police Region, cleared in 2017–18, reported previously

Police Region/District Southern Region

Darling Downs District

Ipswich District Moreton District

South West District

Offence — number —

Drug offences 247 69 76 50 52

Trafficking drugs 2 0 1 1 0

Possess drugs 76 22 22 18 14

Produce drugs 10 4 3 3 0

Sell supply drugs 56 13 27 11 5

Other drug offences 103 30 23 17 33

Prostitution offences 0 0 0 0 0

Liquor offences (excl. drunkenness) 12 4 0 2 6

Gaming, racing & betting offences 0 0 0 0 0

Breach domestic violence protection order 218 38 84 69 27

Trespassing and vagrancy 55 21 16 10 8

Weapons Act offences 32 15 1 5 11

Unlawful possession of concealed firearm 2 2 0 0 0

Unlawful possession of firearm – other 8 3 0 1 4

Bomb possession and/or use of 0 0 0 0 0

Possession and/or use other weapons; restricted items

5 1 0 2 2

Weapons Act offences – other 17 9 1 2 5

Good order offences 476 119 173 73 111

Disobey move-on direction 0 0 0 0 0

Resist, incite, hinder, obstruct 372 91 153 56 72

Fare evasion 24 11 5 8 0

Public nuisance 80 17 15 9 39

Stock related offences 4 0 0 0 4

Traffic and related offences 133 53 27 22 31

Dangerous operation of a vehicle 23 7 6 7 3

Drink driving 88 38 13 9 28

Disqualified driving 21 7 8 6 0

Interfere with mechanism of motor vehicle 1 1 0 0 0

Miscellaneous offences 77 13 22 20 22

Total 1,254 332 399 251 272

Queensland Government Statistician’s Office

Crime report, Queensland, 2017–18 – Appendix A48

3.0 Regional comparisons The graphs in this section display changes in the rate of selected offences per 100,000 estimated resident population (ERP), from 2016–17 to 2017–18, for Queensland and the five Queensland Police Service regions: Brisbane, Central, Northern, South Eastern and Southern.

Expressing offences in terms of rate per 100,000 persons enables the crime level of a region to be compared with itself over time and with the crime level of other regions.

Population growth can lead to a rise in numbers of offences, and therefore simple counts cannot and should not be used to gauge the true level of crime in a region. However, it is important to note that transient population groups such as tourists are not factored into the ERP. This would have particular impact on high tourism areas where crime rates may be overestimated.

Offence data by region are expressed as rate per 100,000 estimated resident population. Transient population groups

such as tourists are not factored into the ERP.

When comparing rates in different figures,

please be aware that scales used

vary from graph to graph.

Queensland Government Statistician’s Office

Crime report, Queensland, 2017–18 – Appendix A49

3.1. Selected offences against the person

Please note the following:

• Rates are presented per 100,000 estimated resident population.

• Although offence rate has been rounded to one decimal place, the actual rate was used to calculate the absolute rate change between the two periods.

• Any of the tables in this section may include some offences where the region in which the offence occurred cannot be identified. Such offences have been included in the Queensland totals only, and therefore region statistics may not always sum to Queensland totals.

Figure A2 Offences against the person – all offences, by police region

Queensland Government Statistician’s Office

Crime report, Queensland, 2017–18 – Appendix A50

Figure A3 Homicide (murder)(a), by police region

(a) This is a low–volume offence type and, as such, may be subject to fluctuations across time and geographical areas.

Figure A4 Other homicide offences(a)(b), by police region

(a) This is a low–volume offence type and, as such, may be subject to fluctuations across time and geographical areas. (b) Attempted murder; conspiracy to murder; manslaughter (incl. by driving or striking).

Queensland Government Statistician’s Office

Crime report, Queensland, 2017–18 – Appendix A51

Figure A5 Assault – all, by police region

Figure A6 Grievous assault(a), by police region

(a) Assault resulting in grievous bodily harm.

Queensland Government Statistician’s Office

Crime report, Queensland, 2017–18 – Appendix A52

Figure A7 Serious assault(a), by police region

(a) Assault resulting in injury (excluding grievous bodily harm).

Figure A8 Serious assault (other)(a), by police region

(a) Serious assault not resulting in injury.

Queensland Government Statistician’s Office

Crime report, Queensland, 2017–18 – Appendix A53

Figure A9 Common assault, by police region

Figure A10 Sexual offences – all, by police region

Queensland Government Statistician’s Office

Crime report, Queensland, 2017–18 – Appendix A54

Figure A11 Rape and attempted rape, by police region

Figure A12 Other sexual offences(a), by police region

(a) Sexual offences other than rape/attempted rape.

Queensland Government Statistician’s Office

Crime report, Queensland, 2017–18 – Appendix A55

Figure A13 Robbery – all, by police region

Figure A14 Armed robbery, by police region

Queensland Government Statistician’s Office

Crime report, Queensland, 2017–18 – Appendix A56

Figure A15 Unarmed robbery, by police region

Figure A16 Other offences against the person – all(a), by police region

(a) Kidnapping and abduction; extortion; stalking; life endangering acts.

Queensland Government Statistician’s Office

Crime report, Queensland, 2017–18 – Appendix A57

Figure A17 Kidnapping and abduction etc., by police region

Figure A18 Extortion, by police region

Queensland Government Statistician’s Office

Crime report, Queensland, 2017–18 – Appendix A58

Figure A19 Stalking, by police region

Figure A20 Life endangering acts(a), by police region

(a) Includes ill treatment of child; bomb threat; strangulation in a domestic setting; driving causing grievous bodily harm; endanger lives on transport; and other life endangering acts.

Queensland Government Statistician’s Office

Crime report, Queensland, 2017–18 – Appendix A59

3.2. Selected offences against property

Figure A21 Offences against property – all offences, by police region

Figure A22 Unlawful entry – all, by police region

Queensland Government Statistician’s Office

Crime report, Queensland, 2017–18 – Appendix A60

Figure A23 Unlawful entry with intent – dwelling, by police region

Figure A24 Unlawful entry with intent – shop, by police region

Queensland Government Statistician’s Office

Crime report, Queensland, 2017–18 – Appendix A61

Figure A25 Unlawful entry with intent – other, by police region

Figure A26 Arson, by police region

Queensland Government Statistician’s Office

Crime report, Queensland, 2017–18 – Appendix A62

Figure A27 Other property damage(a), by police region

(a) Includes graffiti; unlawful damage to property; wilfully kill, maim, wound animals.

Figure A28 Unlawful use of motor vehicle, by police region

Queensland Government Statistician’s Office

Crime report, Queensland, 2017–18 – Appendix A63

Figure A29 Other theft (excl. unlawful entry), by police region

Figure A30 Fraud, by police region

Queensland Government Statistician’s Office

Crime report, Queensland, 2017–18 – Appendix A64

Figure A31 Handling stolen goods, by police region

Queensland Government Statistician’s Office

Crime report, Queensland, 2017–18 – Appendix A65

3.3. Selected other offences

Figure A32 Other offences – all offences, by police region

Figure A33 Drug offences, by police region

Queensland Government Statistician’s Office

Crime report, Queensland, 2017–18 – Appendix A66

Figure A34 Liquor offences (excl. drunkenness), by police region

Figure A35 Breach of domestic violence protection order, by police region

Queensland Government Statistician’s Office

Crime report, Queensland, 2017–18 – Appendix A67

Figure A36 Trespassing and vagrancy, by police region

Figure A37 Weapons Act offences, by police region

Queensland Government Statistician’s Office

Crime report, Queensland, 2017–18 – Appendix A68

Figure A38 Good order offences(a), by police region

(a) Disobey move-on direction; resist, incite, hinder, obstruct; fare evasion; public nuisance.

Figure A39 Traffic and related offences, by police region

Queensland Government Statistician’s Office

Crime report, Queensland, 2017–18 – Appendix A69

4.0 Offenders by age and sex, by police region This section presents statistics about offenders proceeded against by police, by Queensland Police Region.

An offender is any person aged 10 years or over who, through the clearance of an offence, is deemed to be responsible for committing that offence.

In this report, offender statistics refer to the number of offences cleared or solved through an action against an offender. They do not represent a count of unique offenders, nor do they equate to the number of offences cleared. An individual may be recorded as an offender multiple times, if they were proceeded against for multiple offence types within the same incident or multiple times within the reference period.

The reference date used to generate statistics for the year under review is the date an action commenced against an offender, regardless of when the offence occurred. As such, offenders proceeded against in the reference year, for matters reported in the same or in previous years, will be included in this report.

Figures in the following tables do not represent a count of unique

offenders, as an individual may be recorded as an offender once or

multiple times in the reporting period.

Offender’s age is reported as at date police action was commenced against them, not at date offence

occurred. Be aware that, in some instances, the time difference may be considerable.

To protect the anonymity of individuals, offender tables have been subjected to

confidentialisation where cell values range between 1 and 3. Cells with a value of zero

remain unaltered. (See Explanatory notes on p.94 of

main report for more detail.)

Queensland Government Statistician’s Office

Crime report, Queensland, 2017–18 – Appendix A70

4.1. Offences against the person

Table A46 Offenders by age and sex(a), offences against the person, Brisbane Police Region, 2017–18

Brisbane Police Region

Child offenders 10–17 yrs

18-24 yrs 25–29 yrs 30–39 yrs 40–49 yrs 50–59 yrs 60+ yrs

Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female

Offence — number —

Homicide (Murder) ≤ 3 0 ≤ 3 ≤ 3 0 0 5 ≤ 3 ≤ 3 ≤ 3 0 0 0 0

Other homicide(b) 0 0 ≤ 3 0 6 ≤ 3 5 ≤ 3 ≤ 3 0 0 0 ≤ 3 ≤ 3

Assault 369 240 461 147 285 100 433 152 292 90 137 40 44 14

Grievous assault 13 4 43 5 24 ≤ 3 37 9 7 ≤ 3 9 ≤ 3 ≤ 3 0

Serious assault 187 117 237 68 147 43 205 60 149 36 72 11 19 ≤ 3

Serious assault (other) 68 42 63 22 34 18 64 28 45 22 21 9 11 5

Common assault 101 77 118 52 80 37 127 55 91 30 35 18 12 7

Sexual offences 86 7 61 4 55 0 109 ≤ 3 102 ≤ 3 57 0 82 ≤ 3

Rape and attempted rape 26 0 20 0 24 0 29 0 40 0 15 0 21 0

Other sexual offences 60 7 41 4 31 0 80 ≤ 3 62 ≤ 3 42 0 61 ≤ 3

Robbery 266 113 133 19 60 23 59 7 18 6 6 0 0 0

Armed robbery 89 25 61 7 32 12 39 ≤ 3 10 ≤ 3 ≤ 3 0 0 0

Unarmed robbery 177 88 72 12 28 11 20 5 8 4 4 0 0 0

Other offences against the person 50 4 92 14 88 9 139 28 82 17 34 ≤ 3 9 6

Kidnapping, abduction etc. 12 0 19 ≤ 3 17 ≤ 3 23 ≤ 3 11 ≤ 3 ≤ 3 0 ≤ 3 0

Extortion ≤ 3 0 10 0 ≤ 3 ≤ 3 5 ≤ 3 ≤ 3 ≤ 3 ≤ 3 0 0 0

Stalking 5 ≤ 3 16 ≤ 3 12 0 24 6 24 ≤ 3 11 ≤ 3 5 6

Life endangering acts 31 ≤ 3 47 10 57 5 87 18 45 11 19 0 ≤ 3 0

Total 773 364 751 186 494 134 750 193 498 117 234 42 137 24

(a) Excludes 3 offenders whose sex was not identified. (b) Attempted murder; conspiracy to murder; manslaughter (incl. by driving and/or striking).

Queensland Government Statistician’s Office

Crime report, Queensland, 2017–18 – Appendix A71

Table A47 Offenders by age and sex(a), offences against the person, Central Police Region, 2017–18

Central Police Region

Child offenders 10–17 yrs

18-24 yrs 25–29 yrs 30–39 yrs 40–49 yrs 50–59 yrs 60+ yrs

Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female

Offence — number —

Homicide (Murder) 0 0 0 0 ≤ 3 ≤ 3 ≤ 3 0 0 ≤ 3 ≤ 3 ≤ 3 ≤ 3 0

Other homicide(b) ≤ 3 0 5 0 ≤ 3 ≤ 3 5 ≤ 3 ≤ 3 ≤ 3 ≤ 3 0 0 0

Assault 353 279 419 134 273 76 410 123 305 81 138 30 82 14

Grievous assault 9 ≤ 3 31 4 23 ≤ 3 24 8 12 5 6 0 ≤ 3 ≤ 3

Serious assault 173 124 243 59 146 33 235 49 151 26 63 8 31 ≤ 3

Serious assault (other) 56 31 46 21 37 11 52 14 42 14 19 6 16 ≤ 3

Common assault 115 122 99 50 67 30 99 52 100 36 50 16 33 8

Sexual offences 84 12 63 ≤ 3 44 ≤ 3 67 4 115 ≤ 3 72 0 79 ≤ 3

Rape and attempted rape 19 ≤ 3 18 0 13 0 27 ≤ 3 37 0 9 0 22 0

Other sexual offences 65 10 45 ≤ 3 31 ≤ 3 40 ≤ 3 78 ≤ 3 63 0 57 ≤ 3

Robbery 83 20 45 ≤ 3 23 4 15 6 6 4 4 ≤ 3 0 0

Armed robbery 42 8 23 ≤ 3 17 ≤ 3 7 ≤ 3 ≤ 3 ≤ 3 ≤ 3 0 0 0

Unarmed robbery 41 12 22 0 6 ≤ 3 8 4 4 ≤ 3 ≤ 3 ≤ 3 0 0

Other offences against the person 40 23 79 15 56 7 117 21 83 17 26 4 20 0

Kidnapping, abduction etc. ≤ 3 ≤ 3 12 0 0 0 6 ≤ 3 10 4 ≤ 3 0 0 0

Extortion 0 0 0 0 ≤ 3 0 ≤ 3 0 ≤ 3 ≤ 3 ≤ 3 0 ≤ 3 0

Stalking 0 4 ≤ 3 0 4 ≤ 3 13 ≤ 3 14 6 5 ≤ 3 5 0

Life endangering acts 38 17 65 15 50 5 96 17 57 5 17 ≤ 3 13 0

Total 562 334 611 153 400 93 616 156 511 108 244 38 183 16

(a) Excludes 1 offender whose sex was not identified. (b) Attempted murder; conspiracy to murder; manslaughter (incl. by driving and/or striking).

Queensland Government Statistician’s Office

Crime report, Queensland, 2017–18 – Appendix A72

Table A48 Offenders by age and sex(a), offences against the person, Northern Police Region, 2017–18

Northern Police Region

Child offenders 10–17 yrs

18-24 yrs 25–29 yrs 30–39 yrs 40–49 yrs 50–59 yrs 60+ yrs

Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female

Offence — number —

Homicide (Murder) 0 ≤ 3 ≤ 3 0 4 0 ≤ 3 0 ≤ 3 0 0 0 ≤ 3 0

Other homicide(b) 0 ≤ 3 ≤ 3 ≤ 3 0 0 ≤ 3 0 ≤ 3 0 0 0 0 0

Assault 472 275 621 229 425 167 585 268 394 152 170 52 47 16

Grievous assault 21 9 35 12 23 13 30 14 18 9 12 ≤ 3 0 0

Serious assault 158 98 322 104 232 69 304 90 181 56 66 16 18 4

Serious assault (other) 112 42 85 31 53 16 64 41 58 25 21 8 10 ≤ 3

Common assault 181 126 179 82 117 69 187 123 137 62 71 26 19 10

Sexual offences 124 12 88 ≤ 3 30 ≤ 3 90 0 64 0 54 0 54 0

Rape and attempted rape 28 ≤ 3 28 0 10 0 28 0 22 0 15 0 11 0

Other sexual offences 96 10 60 ≤ 3 20 ≤ 3 62 0 42 0 39 0 43 0

Robbery 74 19 44 4 18 ≤ 3 11 ≤ 3 8 4 ≤ 3 0 0 0

Armed robbery 49 ≤ 3 31 ≤ 3 7 ≤ 3 6 0 4 ≤ 3 0 0 0 0

Unarmed robbery 25 17 13 ≤ 3 11 0 5 ≤ 3 4 ≤ 3 ≤ 3 0 0 0

Other offences against the person 35 4 79 19 78 21 97 40 68 9 19 8 10 0

Kidnapping, abduction etc. ≤ 3 0 6 0 8 0 6 ≤ 3 5 ≤ 3 0 ≤ 3 0 0

Extortion ≤ 3 0 ≤ 3 0 ≤ 3 0 ≤ 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Stalking 4 ≤ 3 5 ≤ 3 10 ≤ 3 18 ≤ 3 5 ≤ 3 5 ≤ 3 4 0

Life endangering acts 27 ≤ 3 66 17 58 19 71 36 58 5 14 4 6 0

Total 705 314 836 256 555 192 787 310 538 165 245 60 113 16

(a) Excludes 1 offender whose sex was not identified. (b) Attempted murder; conspiracy to murder; manslaughter (incl. by driving and/or striking).

Queensland Government Statistician’s Office

Crime report, Queensland, 2017–18 – Appendix A73

Table A49 Offenders by age and sex(a), offences against the person, South Eastern Police Region, 2017–18

South Eastern Police Region

Child offenders 10–17 yrs

18-24 yrs 25–29 yrs 30–39 yrs 40–49 yrs 50–59 yrs 60+ yrs

Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female

Offence — number —

Homicide (Murder) 0 0 ≤ 3 0 0 0 ≤ 3 ≤ 3 ≤ 3 ≤ 3 ≤ 3 ≤ 3 0 0

Other homicide(b) 0 0 ≤ 3 0 ≤ 3 0 ≤ 3 0 ≤ 3 0 ≤ 3 0 ≤ 3 0

Assault 280 168 313 94 220 81 401 94 268 70 105 27 52 6

Grievous assault 14 ≤ 3 25 4 17 ≤ 3 27 4 15 4 7 ≤ 3 ≤ 3 0

Serious assault 130 94 173 34 130 41 215 48 135 32 47 10 27 ≤ 3

Serious assault (other) 48 16 40 13 18 9 44 12 26 11 10 9 7 ≤ 3

Common assault 88 56 75 43 55 29 115 30 92 23 41 6 16 ≤ 3

Sexual offences 73 14 51 ≤ 3 51 0 82 ≤ 3 65 ≤ 3 31 0 51 0

Rape and attempted rape 18 ≤ 3 13 0 11 0 24 0 17 0 4 0 11 0

Other sexual offences 55 12 38 ≤ 3 40 0 58 ≤ 3 48 ≤ 3 27 0 40 0

Robbery 177 53 91 11 34 10 37 4 13 ≤ 3 4 ≤ 3 0 0

Armed robbery 78 12 50 5 20 8 22 ≤ 3 9 0 ≤ 3 ≤ 3 0 0

Unarmed robbery 99 41 41 6 14 ≤ 3 15 ≤ 3 4 ≤ 3 ≤ 3 0 0 0

Other offences against the person 44 9 64 17 57 11 140 17 80 9 27 4 9 0

Kidnapping, abduction etc. 4 0 14 4 5 ≤ 3 20 0 7 ≤ 3 0 0 0 0

Extortion ≤ 3 0 ≤ 3 ≤ 3 ≤ 3 0 9 ≤ 3 5 ≤ 3 0 0 0 0

Stalking ≤ 3 0 ≤ 3 5 6 ≤ 3 20 ≤ 3 16 0 11 0 4 0

Life endangering acts 36 9 46 6 44 7 91 13 52 5 16 4 5 0

Total 574 244 523 124 364 102 664 119 430 85 171 35 114 6

(a) Excludes 4 offenders whose sex was not identified. (b) Attempted murder; conspiracy to murder; manslaughter (incl. by driving and/or striking).

Queensland Government Statistician’s Office

Crime report, Queensland, 2017–18 – Appendix A74

Table A50 Offenders by age and sex(a), offences against the person, Southern Police Region, 2017–18

Southern Police Region

Child offenders 10–17 yrs

18-24 yrs 25–29 yrs 30–39 yrs 40–49 yrs 50–59 yrs 60+ yrs

Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female

Offence — number —

Homicide (Murder) 0 0 ≤ 3 0 ≤ 3 5 ≤ 3 ≤ 3 0 0 0 0 0 0

Other homicide(b) 0 0 ≤ 3 ≤ 3 ≤ 3 ≤ 3 ≤ 3 0 ≤ 3 0 ≤ 3 ≤ 3 0 ≤ 3

Assault 412 242 412 147 280 80 502 179 318 119 94 40 66 21

Grievous assault 15 5 22 13 22 ≤ 3 30 6 18 4 ≤ 3 ≤ 3 ≤ 3 ≤ 3

Serious assault 176 106 239 51 168 39 264 84 169 57 53 7 25 6

Serious assault (other) 61 38 49 14 33 10 52 15 34 16 9 8 12 ≤ 3

Common assault 160 93 102 69 57 29 156 74 97 42 30 23 27 11

Sexual offences 115 10 91 5 48 ≤ 3 101 7 86 6 57 0 67 ≤ 3

Rape and attempted rape 24 0 33 0 17 0 36 0 26 ≤ 3 16 0 13 0

Other sexual offences 91 10 58 5 31 ≤ 3 65 7 60 4 41 0 54 ≤ 3

Robbery 83 22 56 13 40 6 49 6 10 8 4 0 ≤ 3 ≤ 3

Armed robbery 39 5 30 11 31 4 30 ≤ 3 8 8 ≤ 3 0 ≤ 3 ≤ 3

Unarmed robbery 44 17 26 ≤ 3 9 ≤ 3 19 4 ≤ 3 0 ≤ 3 0 0 0

Other offences against the person 80 22 124 21 73 11 145 24 70 18 18 8 9 4

Kidnapping, abduction etc. 5 ≤ 3 14 ≤ 3 7 ≤ 3 10 4 8 ≤ 3 0 ≤ 3 ≤ 3 ≤ 3

Extortion ≤ 3 0 ≤ 3 ≤ 3 ≤ 3 0 ≤ 3 ≤ 3 ≤ 3 0 0 ≤ 3 0 0

Stalking 6 8 13 4 10 ≤ 3 15 ≤ 3 11 7 6 ≤ 3 5 0

Life endangering acts 67 12 95 13 54 7 118 16 49 9 12 ≤ 3 ≤ 3 ≤ 3

Total 690 296 687 188 445 106 801 218 486 151 175 50 144 31

(a) Excludes 1 offender whose sex was not identified. (b) Attempted murder; conspiracy to murder; manslaughter (incl. by driving and/or striking).

Queensland Government Statistician’s Office

Crime report, Queensland, 2017–18 – Appendix A75

4.2. Offences against property

Table A51 Offenders by age and sex(a), offences against property, Brisbane Police Region, 2017–18

Brisbane Police Region

Child offenders 10–17 yrs

18-24 yrs 25–29 yrs 30–39 yrs 40–49 yrs 50–59 yrs 60+ yrs

Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female

Offence — number —

Unlawful entry 868 122 520 82 239 54 700 104 313 65 83 6 4 ≤ 3

Unlawful entry with intent – dwelling 632 90 415 65 141 33 369 70 167 30 16 ≤ 3 ≤ 3 ≤ 3

Without violence 615 88 382 63 123 31 339 64 158 30 14 ≤ 3 ≤ 3 ≤ 3

With violence 17 ≤ 3 33 ≤ 3 18 ≤ 3 30 6 9 0 ≤ 3 0 0 0

Unlawful entry with intent – shop 44 7 21 ≤ 3 19 4 72 ≤ 3 22 ≤ 3 7 ≤ 3 0 0

Unlawful entry with intent – other 192 25 84 15 79 17 259 32 124 33 60 ≤ 3 ≤ 3 0

Arson 14 7 11 ≤ 3 7 ≤ 3 7 4 5 ≤ 3 ≤ 3 0 0 ≤ 3

Other property damage 567 150 446 60 233 37 335 53 156 36 56 6 23 ≤ 3

Unlawful use of motor vehicle 490 124 456 129 222 66 372 76 103 29 20 ≤ 3 4 ≤ 3

Other theft (excl. unlawful entry) 1,882 1,189 1,363 746 883 475 2,023 965 886 503 206 144 97 57

Stealing from dwellings 33 8 35 13 27 12 51 23 27 16 7 ≤ 3 ≤ 3 0

Shop stealing 958 973 554 522 367 288 767 641 338 328 101 101 51 52

Vehicles (steal from/enter with intent) 498 56 283 52 138 32 332 40 112 35 18 4 ≤ 3 0

Other stealing 393 152 491 159 351 143 873 261 409 124 80 37 42 5

Fraud 324 106 606 178 511 132 782 345 404 170 111 38 30 11

Fraud by computer ≤ 3 ≤ 3 ≤ 3 0 0 ≤ 3 ≤ 3 6 6 ≤ 3 0 ≤ 3 ≤ 3 0

Fraud by cheque ≤ 3 0 ≤ 3 0 ≤ 3 ≤ 3 ≤ 3 ≤ 3 5 ≤ 3 4 0 0 0

Fraud by credit card 291 96 362 91 219 83 525 148 206 92 41 13 7 0

Identity fraud ≤ 3 0 11 12 23 ≤ 3 17 45 8 5 5 ≤ 3 0 ≤ 3

Other fraud 27 8 229 75 267 43 236 144 179 69 61 21 21 9

Handling stolen goods 204 80 189 69 134 57 394 181 261 60 37 17 14 ≤ 3

Possess property suspected stolen 109 41 72 28 73 25 178 70 110 34 17 6 8 ≤ 3

Receiving stolen property 13 5 11 10 8 ≤ 3 32 22 10 ≤ 3 ≤ 3 0 ≤ 3 0

Possess etc. tainted property 82 34 106 31 53 28 182 87 139 24 18 11 4 0

Other handling stolen goods 0 0 0 0 0 ≤ 3 ≤ 3 ≤ 3 ≤ 3 0 0 0 0 0

Total 4,349 1,778 3,591 1,266 2,229 823 4,613 1,728 2,128 865 515 213 172 78

(a) Excludes 12 offenders whose sex was not identified.

Queensland Government Statistician’s Office

Crime report, Queensland, 2017–18 – Appendix A76

Table A52 Offenders by age and sex(a), offences against property, Central Police Region, 2017–18

Central Police Region

Child offenders 10–17 yrs

18-24 yrs 25–29 yrs 30–39 yrs 40–49 yrs 50–59 yrs 60+ yrs

Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female

Offence — number —

Unlawful entry 1,018 185 375 51 201 41 432 46 114 18 39 11 11 ≤ 3

Unlawful entry with intent – dwelling 418 65 203 31 108 33 193 25 59 7 16 9 4 ≤ 3

Without violence 401 63 170 24 96 29 164 19 49 5 11 7 ≤ 3 ≤ 3

With violence 17 ≤ 3 33 7 12 4 29 6 10 ≤ 3 5 ≤ 3 ≤ 3 0

Unlawful entry with intent – shop 102 32 29 6 14 ≤ 3 48 4 10 ≤ 3 4 0 0 0

Unlawful entry with intent – other 498 88 143 14 79 6 191 17 45 9 19 ≤ 3 7 0

Arson 25 6 7 ≤ 3 6 0 10 ≤ 3 ≤ 3 ≤ 3 ≤ 3 ≤ 3 ≤ 3 0

Other property damage 681 195 434 89 210 41 317 65 138 33 53 13 22 4

Unlawful use of motor vehicle 358 92 181 50 124 34 165 37 32 ≤ 3 7 ≤ 3 ≤ 3 ≤ 3

Other theft (excl. unlawful entry) 1,316 598 821 346 529 320 964 554 430 164 119 108 59 38

Stealing from dwellings 93 23 49 13 25 8 49 16 14 5 0 ≤ 3 ≤ 3 0

Shop stealing 430 424 274 211 177 189 362 340 191 117 47 77 24 33

Vehicles (steal from/enter with intent) 362 52 178 25 102 17 152 21 35 ≤ 3 9 ≤ 3 ≤ 3 0

Other stealing 431 99 320 97 225 106 401 177 190 40 63 27 31 5

Fraud 295 157 330 195 293 114 424 257 160 77 50 56 16 15

Fraud by computer ≤ 3 ≤ 3 ≤ 3 0 ≤ 3 ≤ 3 ≤ 3 ≤ 3 0 ≤ 3 ≤ 3 0 ≤ 3 0

Fraud by cheque 0 0 0 0 ≤ 3 0 ≤ 3 ≤ 3 ≤ 3 0 ≤ 3 0 0 0

Fraud by credit card 263 136 258 144 194 61 254 144 97 34 9 45 4 0

Identity fraud 4 ≤ 3 0 0 ≤ 3 ≤ 3 ≤ 3 9 ≤ 3 ≤ 3 5 0 0 ≤ 3

Other fraud 26 17 70 51 93 49 164 100 59 39 32 11 10 13

Handling stolen goods 137 41 94 40 76 49 163 39 59 25 16 4 9 4

Possess property suspected stolen 64 14 37 16 30 18 61 16 21 7 7 ≤ 3 ≤ 3 ≤ 3

Receiving stolen property 13 ≤ 3 7 5 5 5 17 4 6 0 0 0 0 0

Possess etc. tainted property 60 25 48 19 39 26 81 19 30 18 9 ≤ 3 7 ≤ 3

Other handling stolen goods 0 0 ≤ 3 0 ≤ 3 0 4 0 ≤ 3 0 0 0 0 0

Total 3,830 1,274 2,242 773 1,439 599 2,475 1,000 935 321 286 196 121 65

(a) Excludes 4 offenders whose sex was not identified.

Queensland Government Statistician’s Office

Crime report, Queensland, 2017–18 – Appendix A77

Table A53 Offenders by age and sex(a), offences against property, Northern Police Region, 2017–18

Northern Police Region

Child offenders 10–17 yrs

18-24 yrs 25–29 yrs 30–39 yrs 40–49 yrs 50–59 yrs 60+ yrs

Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female

Offence — number —

Unlawful entry 2,282 374 459 53 150 22 131 31 61 13 14 ≤ 3 0 4

Unlawful entry with intent – dwelling 1,131 149 293 32 66 14 71 17 27 11 12 ≤ 3 0 ≤ 3

Without violence 1,121 145 274 28 51 12 58 15 21 9 10 0 0 ≤ 3

With violence 10 4 19 4 15 ≤ 3 13 ≤ 3 6 ≤ 3 ≤ 3 ≤ 3 0 0

Unlawful entry with intent – shop 224 33 46 5 17 ≤ 3 13 ≤ 3 6 ≤ 3 0 0 0 0

Unlawful entry with intent – other 927 192 120 16 67 6 47 12 28 0 ≤ 3 0 0 ≤ 3

Arson 24 7 ≤ 3 ≤ 3 ≤ 3 0 10 0 4 0 ≤ 3 0 ≤ 3 0

Other property damage 1,161 335 416 92 230 53 305 72 156 52 27 24 10 0

Unlawful use of motor vehicle 796 153 254 61 66 24 72 24 16 5 ≤ 3 0 ≤ 3 0

Other theft (excl. unlawful entry) 1,742 602 618 191 294 177 605 235 262 144 54 52 21 23

Stealing from dwellings 116 23 48 5 9 4 23 11 13 7 ≤ 3 4 0 0

Shop stealing 432 395 230 110 107 126 259 154 140 81 25 26 14 15

Vehicles (steal from/enter with intent) 541 41 134 26 44 ≤ 3 77 9 30 8 5 ≤ 3 ≤ 3 0

Other stealing 653 143 206 50 134 45 246 61 79 48 22 20 5 8

Fraud 135 118 145 72 87 88 213 111 65 69 22 32 6 6

Fraud by computer ≤ 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Fraud by cheque 0 0 ≤ 3 0 ≤ 3 0 0 ≤ 3 0 0 ≤ 3 ≤ 3 0 ≤ 3

Fraud by credit card 121 114 110 46 38 60 136 68 17 41 6 17 0 ≤ 3

Identity fraud 0 0 ≤ 3 ≤ 3 5 ≤ 3 6 4 ≤ 3 0 0 0 0 0

Other fraud 12 4 31 24 42 26 71 37 46 28 14 13 6 ≤ 3

Handling stolen goods 242 70 67 25 66 22 80 33 42 12 10 ≤ 3 4 4

Possess property suspected stolen 120 35 34 13 38 11 48 16 25 8 ≤ 3 ≤ 3 ≤ 3 ≤ 3

Receiving stolen property 22 7 7 ≤ 3 6 ≤ 3 4 ≤ 3 ≤ 3 0 ≤ 3 0 0 0

Possess etc. tainted property 100 28 26 10 22 9 26 15 13 4 6 0 ≤ 3 0

Other handling stolen goods 0 0 0 0 0 0 ≤ 3 0 ≤ 3 0 0 0 0 ≤ 3

Total 6,382 1,659 1,961 496 895 386 1,416 506 606 295 131 112 45 37

(a) Excludes 4 offenders whose sex was not identified.

Queensland Government Statistician’s Office

Crime report, Queensland, 2017–18 – Appendix A78

Table A54 Offenders by age and sex(a), offences against property, South Eastern Police Region, 2017–18

South Eastern Police Region

Child offenders 10–17 yrs

18-24 yrs 25–29 yrs 30–39 yrs 40–49 yrs 50–59 yrs 60+ yrs

Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female

Offence — number —

Unlawful entry 458 92 294 53 225 72 406 117 153 20 78 6 4 ≤ 3

Unlawful entry with intent – dwelling 295 57 217 40 124 56 203 65 78 13 12 4 ≤ 3 ≤ 3

Without violence 283 55 197 38 111 54 174 63 70 11 10 4 ≤ 3 ≤ 3

With violence 12 ≤ 3 20 ≤ 3 13 ≤ 3 29 ≤ 3 8 ≤ 3 ≤ 3 0 0 0

Unlawful entry with intent – shop 36 6 18 0 13 ≤ 3 28 8 11 ≤ 3 0 0 0 0

Unlawful entry with intent – other 127 29 59 13 88 14 175 44 64 5 66 ≤ 3 ≤ 3 0

Arson 18 ≤ 3 6 ≤ 3 ≤ 3 0 ≤ 3 0 0 ≤ 3 0 0 0 0

Other property damage 480 104 361 49 182 29 259 50 156 37 53 11 10 ≤ 3

Unlawful use of motor vehicle 339 109 285 87 222 46 271 67 85 15 18 0 5 0

Other theft (excl. unlawful entry) 805 430 844 417 801 328 1,263 620 492 286 171 68 41 37

Stealing from dwellings 29 14 20 8 22 13 30 11 12 5 ≤ 3 ≤ 3 ≤ 3 0

Shop stealing 336 298 225 210 183 156 356 319 154 181 76 43 22 29

Vehicles (steal from/enter with intent) 198 36 197 50 188 28 216 55 69 13 17 ≤ 3 ≤ 3 0

Other stealing 242 82 402 149 408 131 661 235 257 87 76 21 15 8

Fraud 223 86 315 132 309 149 485 261 260 101 111 37 18 7

Fraud by computer ≤ 3 0 ≤ 3 ≤ 3 ≤ 3 5 5 ≤ 3 ≤ 3 ≤ 3 ≤ 3 ≤ 3 ≤ 3 0

Fraud by cheque 0 0 0 ≤ 3 4 ≤ 3 0 ≤ 3 8 ≤ 3 6 ≤ 3 0 0

Fraud by credit card 208 77 165 93 166 67 239 83 73 58 34 5 ≤ 3 0

Identity fraud ≤ 3 ≤ 3 6 ≤ 3 15 4 22 17 12 ≤ 3 5 ≤ 3 0 0

Other fraud 11 7 142 33 122 71 219 157 165 37 64 26 14 7

Handling stolen goods 138 45 164 66 134 53 277 133 105 36 33 6 9 ≤ 3

Possess property suspected stolen 67 20 48 26 49 20 94 45 37 16 8 ≤ 3 ≤ 3 0

Receiving stolen property 9 ≤ 3 12 8 4 4 22 9 ≤ 3 0 5 ≤ 3 ≤ 3 0

Possess etc. tainted property 57 21 102 30 76 29 159 77 64 18 18 ≤ 3 5 ≤ 3

Other handling stolen goods 5 ≤ 3 ≤ 3 ≤ 3 5 0 ≤ 3 ≤ 3 ≤ 3 ≤ 3 ≤ 3 0 0 0

Total 2,461 868 2,269 806 1,875 677 2,963 1,248 1,251 497 464 128 87 50

(a) Excludes 8 offenders whose sex was not identified.

Queensland Government Statistician’s Office

Crime report, Queensland, 2017–18 – Appendix A79

Table A55 Offenders by age and sex(a), offences against property, Southern Police Region, 2017–18

Southern Police Region

Child offenders 10–17 yrs

18-24 yrs 25–29 yrs 30–39 yrs 40–49 yrs 50–59 yrs 60+ yrs

Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female

Offence — number —

Unlawful entry 1,210 190 385 64 232 47 379 77 117 25 14 4 6 ≤ 3

Unlawful entry with intent – dwelling 485 79 223 39 128 37 217 57 72 17 6 ≤ 3 4 ≤ 3

Without violence 469 77 199 32 105 29 185 51 54 12 4 0 ≤ 3 0

With violence 16 ≤ 3 24 7 23 8 32 6 18 5 ≤ 3 ≤ 3 ≤ 3 ≤ 3

Unlawful entry with intent – shop 148 24 31 ≤ 3 19 ≤ 3 19 ≤ 3 12 ≤ 3 0 ≤ 3 0 0

Unlawful entry with intent – other 577 87 131 23 85 8 143 18 33 6 8 0 ≤ 3 0

Arson 39 10 18 ≤ 3 9 ≤ 3 10 ≤ 3 8 0 ≤ 3 ≤ 3 0 ≤ 3

Other property damage 903 257 681 95 236 31 329 74 177 42 32 8 21 4

Unlawful use of motor vehicle 614 115 240 49 148 37 134 42 47 10 16 ≤ 3 ≤ 3 ≤ 3

Other theft (excl. unlawful entry) 1,516 591 1,080 405 714 358 1,465 817 442 279 131 79 56 27

Stealing from dwellings 78 25 55 16 27 13 61 19 20 12 0 7 0 ≤ 3

Shop stealing 532 368 293 211 202 173 350 332 146 143 48 41 29 11

Vehicles (steal from/enter with intent) 362 41 264 36 123 20 169 46 37 7 12 ≤ 3 4 ≤ 3

Other stealing 544 157 468 142 362 152 885 420 239 117 71 29 23 12

Fraud 221 77 305 95 252 106 411 259 159 99 69 66 12 4

Fraud by computer 5 0 ≤ 3 ≤ 3 ≤ 3 ≤ 3 ≤ 3 ≤ 3 ≤ 3 ≤ 3 0 ≤ 3 0 ≤ 3

Fraud by cheque 0 0 ≤ 3 ≤ 3 ≤ 3 ≤ 3 ≤ 3 0 ≤ 3 ≤ 3 ≤ 3 5 ≤ 3 0

Fraud by credit card 182 55 189 36 121 52 234 136 84 36 20 38 0 0

Identity fraud 0 ≤ 3 ≤ 3 0 4 ≤ 3 10 10 ≤ 3 4 16 4 ≤ 3 0

Other fraud 34 20 110 55 123 48 163 111 69 55 31 17 8 ≤ 3

Handling stolen goods 173 58 131 51 94 39 217 78 72 28 22 4 7 ≤ 3

Possess property suspected stolen 75 26 58 17 42 17 93 31 27 8 6 ≤ 3 0 0

Receiving stolen property 19 12 8 ≤ 3 8 ≤ 3 12 5 7 ≤ 3 ≤ 3 0 0 0

Possess etc. tainted property 79 20 63 32 42 20 110 40 38 18 14 ≤ 3 7 ≤ 3

Other handling stolen goods 0 0 ≤ 3 0 ≤ 3 0 ≤ 3 ≤ 3 0 0 0 0 0 0

Total 4,676 1,298 2,840 761 1,685 620 2,945 1,349 1,022 483 286 165 104 43

(a) Excludes 5 offenders whose sex was not identified.

Queensland Government Statistician’s Office

Crime report, Queensland, 2017–18 – Appendix A80

4.3. Other offences

Table A56 Offenders by age and sex(a), other offences, Brisbane Police Region, 2017–18

Brisbane Police Region

Child offenders 10–17 yrs

18-24 yrs 25–29 yrs 30–39 yrs 40–49 yrs 50–59 yrs 60+ yrs

Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female

Offence — number —

Drug offences 1,147 296 3,694 1,188 1,961 752 3,307 1,238 2,035 655 535 122 125 30

Trafficking drugs ≤ 3 0 39 9 13 10 22 9 12 ≤ 3 ≤ 3 ≤ 3 ≤ 3 ≤ 3

Possess drugs 562 138 1,925 559 968 326 1,541 520 937 303 241 57 54 13

Produce drugs 5 ≤ 3 36 7 39 ≤ 3 46 7 34 6 20 4 10 ≤ 3

Sell supply drugs 56 9 189 38 56 26 160 31 28 12 12 ≤ 3 ≤ 3 ≤ 3

Other drug offences 522 147 1,505 575 885 388 1,538 671 1,024 332 260 57 57 11

Prostitution offences 0 0 0 4 0 ≤ 3 ≤ 3 4 ≤ 3 6 0 6 0 ≤ 3

Liquor offences (excl. drunkenness) 27 13 172 21 64 10 99 13 48 16 15 6 4 ≤ 3

Gaming, racing & betting offences 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Breach domestic violence protection order

36 ≤ 3 438 95 393 72 893 143 576 85 157 28 58 4

Trespassing and vagrancy 444 87 181 56 117 30 202 73 167 62 47 8 10 4

Weapons Act offences 130 26 197 50 170 33 338 65 194 20 52 5 10 ≤ 3

Good order offences 999 495 3,011 706 1,340 349 2,081 625 1,135 340 308 105 120 8

Disobey move-on direction 12 ≤ 3 52 6 16 ≤ 3 34 6 9 ≤ 3 ≤ 3 ≤ 3 ≤ 3 ≤ 3

Resist, incite, hinder, obstruct 256 90 931 291 465 176 831 337 464 171 111 33 27 ≤ 3

Fare evasion 344 256 495 159 205 58 346 89 124 41 20 10 9 ≤ 3

Public nuisance 387 147 1,533 250 654 113 870 193 538 126 175 60 82 ≤ 3

Stock related offences 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Traffic and related offences 71 11 1,511 378 1,114 309 1,749 514 1,138 321 450 107 158 40

Dangerous operation of a vehicle 16 ≤ 3 112 8 62 10 65 13 25 4 9 0 5 ≤ 3

Drink driving 44 7 998 234 731 202 1,216 355 823 255 339 87 125 36

Disqualified driving 11 ≤ 3 399 136 319 97 468 146 290 62 102 20 28 ≤ 3

Interfere with mechanism of motor vehicle

0 0 ≤ 3 0 ≤ 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Miscellaneous offences 99 49 95 12 90 8 151 32 94 17 43 19 43 9

Total 2,953 979 9,299 2,510 5,249 1,565 8,822 2,707 5,389 1,522 1,607 406 528 101

(a) Excludes 44 offenders whose sex was not identified.

Queensland Government Statistician’s Office

Crime report, Queensland, 2017–18 – Appendix A81

Table A57 Offenders by age and sex(a), other offences, Central Police Region, 2017–18

Central Police Region

Child offenders 10–17 yrs

18-24 yrs 25–29 yrs 30–39 yrs 40–49 yrs 50–59 yrs 60+ yrs

Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female

Offence — number —

Drug offences 1,153 375 2,732 969 1,697 669 2,688 1,009 1,493 588 658 216 177 32

Trafficking drugs 8 ≤ 3 29 ≤ 3 25 5 31 9 11 ≤ 3 7 4 ≤ 3 0

Possess drugs 527 156 1,267 414 767 265 1,165 417 642 262 279 90 78 15

Produce drugs 17 ≤ 3 56 12 36 12 106 21 96 21 80 10 29 5

Sell supply drugs 64 17 96 32 49 22 74 38 43 15 16 15 5 ≤ 3

Other drug offences 537 198 1,284 509 820 365 1,312 524 701 288 276 97 63 10

Prostitution offences 0 0 0 0 0 ≤ 3 0 ≤ 3 0 ≤ 3 0 ≤ 3 0 0

Liquor offences (excl. drunkenness) 59 16 164 47 80 18 100 18 59 24 23 14 7 6

Gaming, racing & betting offences 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Breach domestic violence protection order

28 13 649 187 572 118 1,195 210 686 159 215 33 82 4

Trespassing and vagrancy 405 143 203 58 91 26 148 42 70 23 45 26 18 10

Weapons Act offences 137 20 205 49 218 44 318 53 142 21 59 12 52 ≤ 3

Good order offences 595 260 2,272 525 1,173 363 1,629 522 861 317 289 122 135 34

Disobey move-on direction 16 4 70 10 37 ≤ 3 30 5 15 7 ≤ 3 0 5 ≤ 3

Resist, incite, hinder, obstruct 242 119 926 302 552 225 807 294 429 175 112 54 41 14

Fare evasion 31 20 24 7 10 11 22 12 8 5 ≤ 3 5 0 ≤ 3

Public nuisance 306 117 1,252 206 574 125 770 211 409 130 173 63 89 16

Stock related offences 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 ≤ 3 6 ≤ 3 4 ≤ 3 14 ≤ 3

Traffic and related offences 115 25 1,555 422 1,200 370 1,948 640 1,290 443 538 157 256 62

Dangerous operation of a vehicle 25 ≤ 3 64 13 36 6 65 15 25 6 16 ≤ 3 9 ≤ 3

Drink driving 80 19 1,154 305 920 263 1,470 497 1,038 378 453 141 216 55

Disqualified driving 10 ≤ 3 335 104 242 101 413 128 225 59 69 14 29 5

Interfere with mechanism of motor vehicle

0 ≤ 3 ≤ 3 0 ≤ 3 0 0 0 ≤ 3 0 0 0 ≤ 3 0

Miscellaneous offences 82 71 75 0 41 5 62 ≤ 3 34 ≤ 3 29 6 34 ≤ 3

Total 2,574 923 7,855 2,257 5,072 1,615 8,092 2,500 4,641 1,581 1,860 590 775 154

(a) Excludes 14 offenders whose sex was not identified.

Queensland Government Statistician’s Office

Crime report, Queensland, 2017–18 – Appendix A82

Table A58 Offenders by age and sex(a), other offences, Northern Police Region, 2017–18

Northern Police Region

Child offenders 10–17 yrs

18-24 yrs 25–29 yrs 30–39 yrs 40–49 yrs 50–59 yrs 60+ yrs

Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female

Offence — number —

Drug offences 793 233 1,789 586 1,186 511 1,963 826 1,244 468 558 133 138 18

Trafficking drugs 4 ≤ 3 17 ≤ 3 12 4 19 6 12 ≤ 3 ≤ 3 ≤ 3 0 0

Possess drugs 375 113 881 250 542 221 878 347 575 210 251 67 66 8

Produce drugs 11 ≤ 3 35 ≤ 3 22 6 62 14 43 15 57 5 11 0

Sell supply drugs 23 7 52 18 30 9 48 23 35 10 12 ≤ 3 4 ≤ 3

Other drug offences 380 109 804 314 580 271 956 436 579 231 236 57 57 8

Prostitution offences 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Liquor offences (excl. drunkenness) 40 25 314 132 212 101 338 183 311 150 160 71 60 25

Gaming, racing & betting offences 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Breach domestic violence protection order

68 19 804 119 713 148 1,265 160 670 138 169 25 23 4

Trespassing and vagrancy 583 174 149 37 80 24 145 56 75 42 58 24 20 6

Weapons Act offences 98 23 144 34 134 26 215 56 98 28 51 8 29 ≤ 3

Good order offences 760 310 2,037 648 1,087 396 1,494 772 1,001 423 426 193 116 26

Disobey move-on direction 4 ≤ 3 34 ≤ 3 31 0 32 18 37 13 19 11 5 ≤ 3

Resist, incite, hinder, obstruct 419 112 753 216 465 136 539 271 311 130 116 51 20 ≤ 3

Fare evasion 12 17 25 15 14 10 27 25 11 8 6 ≤ 3 ≤ 3 ≤ 3

Public nuisance 325 179 1,225 415 577 250 896 458 642 272 285 129 89 20

Stock related offences ≤ 3 0 0 0 ≤ 3 0 0 0 ≤ 3 0 ≤ 3 0 ≤ 3 0

Traffic and related offences 102 12 1,167 294 922 287 1,428 501 999 295 425 123 202 29

Dangerous operation of a vehicle 40 4 63 9 46 5 48 7 10 6 8 ≤ 3 5 0

Drink driving 48 6 802 187 647 198 1,037 365 769 238 356 98 175 27

Disqualified driving 12 ≤ 3 300 98 227 84 343 129 220 51 61 23 22 ≤ 3

Interfere with mechanism of motor vehicle

≤ 3 0 ≤ 3 0 ≤ 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Miscellaneous offences 72 23 82 ≤ 3 58 ≤ 3 55 5 63 ≤ 3 27 ≤ 3 31 ≤ 3

Total 2,518 819 6,486 1,852 4,394 1,495 6,903 2,559 4,463 1,546 1,876 579 621 112

(a) Excludes 14 offenders whose sex was not identified.

Queensland Government Statistician’s Office

Crime report, Queensland, 2017–18 – Appendix A83

Table A59 Offenders by age and sex(a), other offences, South Eastern Police Region, 2017–18

South Eastern Police Region

Child offenders 10–17 yrs

18-24 yrs 25–29 yrs 30–39 yrs 40–49 yrs 50–59 yrs 60+ yrs

Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female

Offence — number —

Drug offences 947 319 2,313 718 1,347 567 2,360 1,016 1,226 530 348 75 75 21

Trafficking drugs ≤ 3 ≤ 3 17 ≤ 3 11 5 23 4 ≤ 3 ≤ 3 ≤ 3 ≤ 3 ≤ 3 ≤ 3

Possess drugs 478 140 1,167 347 665 267 1,107 449 583 239 172 37 33 11

Produce drugs 4 ≤ 3 26 8 18 4 40 6 28 10 15 ≤ 3 9 0

Sell supply drugs 22 19 75 15 21 7 32 8 18 8 ≤ 3 ≤ 3 ≤ 3 0

Other drug offences 441 156 1,028 346 632 284 1,158 549 595 271 157 32 29 8

Prostitution offences 0 0 0 0 0 ≤ 3 ≤ 3 4 0 7 0 ≤ 3 0 0

Liquor offences (excl. drunkenness) 19 7 46 11 26 6 32 8 22 6 9 5 6 0

Gaming, racing & betting offences 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Breach domestic violence protection order

17 20 371 86 467 82 996 149 663 117 155 31 38 8

Trespassing and vagrancy 195 42 111 24 42 15 93 22 68 8 25 ≤ 3 5 0

Weapons Act offences 114 24 202 36 153 30 286 35 130 21 30 ≤ 3 15 ≤ 3

Good order offences 705 290 2,094 431 840 261 1,187 319 599 208 205 38 32 6

Disobey move-on direction 12 ≤ 3 48 4 10 ≤ 3 18 ≤ 3 6 ≤ 3 ≤ 3 0 0 0

Resist, incite, hinder, obstruct 202 75 730 194 334 166 565 207 286 119 75 15 10 ≤ 3

Fare evasion 253 153 161 75 65 23 88 25 41 14 8 0 0 ≤ 3

Public nuisance 238 60 1,155 158 431 70 516 85 266 73 120 23 22 ≤ 3

Stock related offences 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Traffic and related offences 85 16 1,278 343 1,064 344 1,762 538 1,008 389 380 124 190 37

Dangerous operation of a vehicle 30 0 50 9 25 6 42 5 17 5 5 ≤ 3 ≤ 3 ≤ 3

Drink driving 39 12 853 210 728 232 1,255 399 772 305 317 109 154 30

Disqualified driving 16 4 375 124 309 106 465 134 219 79 58 13 34 5

Interfere with mechanism of motor vehicle

0 0 0 0 ≤ 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Miscellaneous offences 83 67 36 6 39 4 80 4 45 7 32 9 43 28

Total 2,165 785 6,451 1,655 3,978 1,311 6,798 2,095 3,761 1,293 1,184 288 404 102

(a) Excludes 19 offenders whose sex was not identified.

Queensland Government Statistician’s Office

Crime report, Queensland, 2017–18 – Appendix A84

Table A60 Offenders by age and sex(a), other offences, Southern Police Region, 2017–18

Southern Police Region

Child offenders 10–17 yrs

18-24 yrs 25–29 yrs 30–39 yrs 40–49 yrs 50–59 yrs 60+ yrs

Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female

Offence — number —

Drug offences 971 275 2,867 1,093 1,815 794 3,164 1,366 1,595 704 557 217 146 36

Trafficking drugs 0 0 19 6 15 13 26 9 13 ≤ 3 ≤ 3 ≤ 3 ≤ 3 0

Possess drugs 428 102 1,232 439 743 301 1,292 490 681 284 244 93 57 14

Produce drugs 4 7 50 5 29 6 85 22 50 12 26 7 22 0

Sell supply drugs 46 11 99 43 74 25 96 56 35 23 16 6 4 ≤ 3

Other drug offences 493 155 1,467 600 954 449 1,665 789 816 383 269 109 61 20

Prostitution offences 0 0 0 ≤ 3 0 ≤ 3 ≤ 3 ≤ 3 0 ≤ 3 0 ≤ 3 0 0

Liquor offences (excl. drunkenness) 73 28 302 90 127 24 127 39 79 34 25 5 6 ≤ 3

Gaming, racing & betting offences 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Breach domestic violence protection order

19 7 605 129 568 98 1,163 196 582 101 187 32 49 5

Trespassing and vagrancy 436 115 240 38 95 30 154 38 96 33 31 8 12 ≤ 3

Weapons Act offences 122 15 281 36 213 39 336 61 156 14 61 ≤ 3 63 7

Good order offences 1,037 495 2,526 643 1,181 385 1,641 649 859 317 227 92 87 17

Disobey move-on direction 16 5 57 5 23 0 22 9 7 ≤ 3 ≤ 3 0 0 0

Resist, incite, hinder, obstruct 403 139 1,036 321 552 222 885 379 420 184 90 46 33 7

Fare evasion 201 172 154 58 90 35 107 40 25 4 7 ≤ 3 ≤ 3 ≤ 3

Public nuisance 417 179 1,279 259 516 128 627 221 407 127 128 44 52 8

Stock related offences 0 0 ≤ 3 0 0 ≤ 3 ≤ 3 ≤ 3 8 ≤ 3 6 0 7 0

Traffic and related offences 152 24 1,692 437 1,258 381 2,113 682 1,269 372 506 128 168 44

Dangerous operation of a vehicle 77 6 125 17 69 10 69 17 24 10 9 ≤ 3 4 ≤ 3

Drink driving 56 16 1,084 272 800 240 1,489 461 969 290 407 99 141 33

Disqualified driving 19 ≤ 3 481 148 389 131 555 204 276 72 90 27 23 9

Interfere with mechanism of motor vehicle

0 0 ≤ 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Miscellaneous offences 88 53 66 ≤ 3 34 4 89 5 51 ≤ 3 35 ≤ 3 38 0

Total 2,898 1,012 8,581 2,470 5,291 1,759 8,791 3,040 4,695 1,581 1,635 488 576 113

(a) Excludes 20 offenders whose sex was not identified.

Queensland Government Statistician’s Office

Crime report, Queensland, 2017–18 – Appendix A85

5.0 Victims of offences against the person, by police region

This section presents statistics about victims of offences against the person, by Queensland Police Region.

In this report, victim statistics relate only to victims of offences against the person, reported to or detected by police within the reporting period. For most offences against the person ‘the victim’ is an individual person. Offences where the victim was an organisation have not been included in this report.

The statistics are compiled on the basis of one victim per counted offence type within a single report to police, and do not represent a count of unique victims. A person may be counted multiple times if they were the victim of multiple offences belonging to different offence types within a single incident, or reported multiple times during the reference period. They would be counted once for each most serious offence per offence type.

The reference date for the year under review is the date an offence was reported to/detected by police, regardless of when the offence occurred. In some instances, particularly with homicide and sexual offences, there may be a large time difference between when the offence occurred and the report/detection date.

To protect the anonymity of individuals, offender tables have been subjected to

confidentialisation where cell values range between 1 and 3. Cells with a value of zero

remain unaltered. (See Explanatory notes on p.94 of

main report for more detail.)

Figures in the following tables do not represent a count of unique victims, as an individual may be

recorded as a victim once or multiple times in the reporting


Victim’s age is reported as at date offence was reported to / detected by police, not at date offence

occurred. Be aware that, in some instances, the time difference may be considerable.

Queensland Government Statistician’s Office

Crime report, Queensland, 2017–18 – Appendix A86

5.1. Age and sex

Table A61 Reported victims(a) of offences against the person, Brisbane Police Region, 2017–18

Brisbane Police Region 0–14 yrs 15–19 yrs 20–24 yrs 25–29 yrs 30–39 yrs 40–49 yrs 50–59 yrs 60+ yrs

Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female

Offence — number —

Homicide (Murder) 0 0 0 0 ≤ 3 0 0 0 5 0 ≤ 3 0 0 0 ≤ 3 0

Other homicide(b) ≤ 3 0 0 0 ≤ 3 ≤ 3 ≤ 3 ≤ 3 ≤ 3 ≤ 3 ≤ 3 0 0 ≤ 3 ≤ 3 0

Assault 201 180 275 220 392 243 408 212 670 357 575 282 328 146 165 80

Grievous assault ≤ 3 ≤ 3 17 6 24 6 35 6 31 4 39 6 13 ≤ 3 6 ≤ 3

Serious assault 115 87 162 127 211 135 197 94 266 171 244 126 145 76 71 34

Serious assault (other) 10 5 12 7 35 22 51 33 112 56 114 39 51 26 86 44

Common assault 74 86 84 80 122 80 125 79 261 126 178 111 119 42 ≤ 3 0

Sexual offences 60 228 16 210 15 140 12 105 37 109 22 70 11 30 5 16

Rape and attempted rape 8 38 4 100 4 73 5 44 14 44 9 29 5 12 0 5

Other sexual offences 52 190 12 110 11 67 7 61 23 65 13 41 6 18 5 11

Robbery 51 26 99 28 87 29 47 15 67 23 32 29 28 10 15 21

Armed robbery 10 5 26 9 43 8 20 7 29 6 18 12 17 ≤ 3 7 7

Unarmed robbery 41 21 73 19 44 21 27 8 38 17 14 17 11 8 8 14

Other offences against the person 40 37 29 55 32 89 33 56 47 92 29 71 34 27 27 15

Kidnapping, abduction etc. 6 ≤ 3 6 12 4 17 8 4 6 10 ≤ 3 10 ≤ 3 0 0 0

Extortion ≤ 3 0 ≤ 3 ≤ 3 ≤ 3 ≤ 3 ≤ 3 0 4 ≤ 3 ≤ 3 ≤ 3 ≤ 3 ≤ 3 ≤ 3 0

Stalking ≤ 3 5 5 16 7 25 4 22 8 32 9 20 6 11 12 10

Life endangering acts 30 30 16 25 19 45 19 30 29 48 16 39 24 14 13 5

Total 354 471 419 513 530 503 502 390 828 583 662 452 401 215 216 132

(a) Excludes 16 victims whose age and/or sex were not identified. (b) Attempted murder; conspiracy to murder; manslaughter (incl. by driving and/or striking).

Queensland Government Statistician’s Office

Crime report, Queensland, 2017–18 – Appendix A87

Table A62 Reported victims(a) of offences against the person, Central Police Region, 2017–18

Central Police Region 0–14 yrs 15–19 yrs 20–24 yrs 25–29 yrs 30–39 yrs 40–49 yrs 50–59 yrs 60+ yrs

Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female

Offence — number —

Homicide (Murder) 0 0 0 0 ≤ 3 0 0 0 0 0 ≤ 3 0 ≤ 3 ≤ 3 0 0

Other homicide(b) ≤ 3 0 ≤ 3 ≤ 3 ≤ 3 0 0 0 ≤ 3 ≤ 3 ≤ 3 ≤ 3 4 ≤ 3 0 ≤ 3

Assault 299 245 254 277 255 209 261 223 487 339 410 299 268 169 170 73

Grievous assault ≤ 3 ≤ 3 14 4 15 5 18 4 35 7 25 7 9 ≤ 3 5 ≤ 3

Serious assault 147 108 148 145 147 103 103 120 198 190 188 159 142 80 86 30

Serious assault (other) 16 11 13 14 21 15 49 27 92 24 62 28 38 17 77 41

Common assault 134 124 79 114 72 86 91 72 162 118 135 105 79 70 ≤ 3 0

Sexual offences 84 366 26 257 9 85 ≤ 3 59 4 81 10 47 7 29 4 14

Rape and attempted rape 14 76 ≤ 3 115 5 43 0 27 ≤ 3 45 5 21 ≤ 3 18 ≤ 3 5

Other sexual offences 70 290 24 142 4 42 ≤ 3 32 ≤ 3 36 5 26 5 11 ≤ 3 9

Robbery 18 4 35 7 11 4 9 8 22 12 18 7 11 7 12 7

Armed robbery 5 0 14 ≤ 3 7 ≤ 3 ≤ 3 ≤ 3 10 ≤ 3 9 ≤ 3 6 5 4 ≤ 3

Unarmed robbery 13 4 21 5 4 ≤ 3 7 6 12 10 9 5 5 ≤ 3 8 5

Other offences against the person 39 68 24 45 22 42 19 45 30 75 40 52 34 35 21 14

Kidnapping, abduction etc. ≤ 3 4 ≤ 3 5 ≤ 3 ≤ 3 ≤ 3 ≤ 3 ≤ 3 6 ≤ 3 4 0 0 ≤ 3 ≤ 3

Extortion 0 0 ≤ 3 0 ≤ 3 0 0 ≤ 3 ≤ 3 0 ≤ 3 0 ≤ 3 6 ≤ 3 0

Stalking ≤ 3 4 4 9 ≤ 3 9 ≤ 3 17 6 17 ≤ 3 20 8 12 ≤ 3 5

Life endangering acts 35 60 16 31 16 31 15 24 20 52 34 28 24 17 15 7

Total 442 683 341 588 301 340 291 335 545 509 482 407 326 244 207 110

(a) Excludes 17 victims whose age and/or sex were not identified. (b) Attempted murder; conspiracy to murder; manslaughter (incl. by driving and/or striking).

Queensland Government Statistician’s Office

Crime report, Queensland, 2017–18 – Appendix A88

Table A63 Reported victims(a) of offences against the person, Northern Police Region, 2017–18

Northern Police Region 0–14 yrs 15–19 yrs 20–24 yrs 25–29 yrs 30–39 yrs 40–49 yrs 50–59 yrs 60+ yrs

Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female

Offence — number —

Homicide (Murder) 0 0 0 0 ≤ 3 0 0 0 ≤ 3 ≤ 3 ≤ 3 ≤ 3 ≤ 3 0 0 ≤ 3

Other homicide(b) 0 0 0 0 ≤ 3 0 ≤ 3 0 ≤ 3 0 ≤ 3 ≤ 3 0 0 ≤ 3 0

Assault 421 429 245 440 299 425 414 427 518 559 438 412 289 202 139 87

Grievous assault 5 5 19 9 19 18 22 12 40 20 32 11 14 9 4 ≤ 3

Serious assault 170 187 125 265 112 227 145 205 193 283 176 207 136 68 62 31

Serious assault (other) 24 14 23 18 54 40 95 50 116 68 70 43 48 20 71 50

Common assault 222 223 78 148 114 140 152 160 169 188 160 151 91 105 ≤ 3 4

Sexual offences 115 347 24 224 4 74 4 58 11 82 14 54 ≤ 3 21 ≤ 3 7

Rape and attempted rape 27 60 ≤ 3 80 ≤ 3 37 ≤ 3 32 5 44 4 32 0 13 0 ≤ 3

Other sexual offences 88 287 22 144 ≤ 3 37 ≤ 3 26 6 38 10 22 ≤ 3 8 ≤ 3 5

Robbery 21 ≤ 3 26 11 15 9 13 6 18 13 12 4 10 9 9 11

Armed robbery 5 0 15 5 11 ≤ 3 8 4 12 6 8 ≤ 3 6 ≤ 3 4 ≤ 3

Unarmed robbery 16 ≤ 3 11 6 4 7 5 ≤ 3 6 7 4 ≤ 3 4 7 5 9

Other offences against the person 52 66 17 35 14 47 12 43 16 70 23 46 28 24 10 11

Kidnapping, abduction etc. ≤ 3 7 ≤ 3 6 0 6 ≤ 3 ≤ 3 0 6 ≤ 3 ≤ 3 ≤ 3 ≤ 3 0 0

Extortion 0 ≤ 3 0 ≤ 3 ≤ 3 0 ≤ 3 0 ≤ 3 0 ≤ 3 ≤ 3 0 0 0 ≤ 3

Stalking 0 ≤ 3 ≤ 3 10 ≤ 3 13 0 14 ≤ 3 21 5 13 5 9 5 4

Life endangering acts 50 55 13 17 10 28 8 27 12 43 14 29 21 13 5 5

Total 609 844 312 710 336 555 445 534 567 726 491 520 331 256 162 118

(a) Excludes 13 victims whose age and/or sex were not identified. (b) Attempted murder; conspiracy to murder; manslaughter (incl. by driving and/or striking).

Queensland Government Statistician’s Office

Crime report, Queensland, 2017–18 – Appendix A89

Table A64 Reported victims(a) of offences against the person, South Eastern Police Region, 2017–18

South Eastern Police Region 0–14 yrs 15–19 yrs 20–24 yrs 25–29 yrs 30–39 yrs 40–49 yrs 50–59 yrs 60+ yrs

Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female

Offence — number —

Homicide (Murder) 0 0 0 0 0 0 ≤ 3 0 0 ≤ 3 ≤ 3 0 ≤ 3 ≤ 3 0 0

Other homicide(b) 0 0 0 0 0 0 ≤ 3 0 ≤ 3 ≤ 3 ≤ 3 0 0 0 0 0

Assault 294 210 201 230 253 268 277 288 435 478 393 408 232 182 179 121

Grievous assault 5 ≤ 3 15 ≤ 3 20 ≤ 3 27 5 34 9 25 6 9 ≤ 3 8 ≤ 3

Serious assault 146 104 115 114 139 125 130 137 208 254 198 201 127 89 84 48

Serious assault (other) 14 10 15 9 27 26 40 21 52 30 37 41 25 20 85 62

Common assault 129 94 56 105 67 115 80 125 141 185 133 160 71 71 ≤ 3 9

Sexual offences 52 286 16 203 8 81 6 63 13 66 9 51 4 21 0 12

Rape and attempted rape 12 52 5 85 ≤ 3 46 4 31 8 41 4 27 ≤ 3 11 0 5

Other sexual offences 40 234 11 118 6 35 ≤ 3 32 5 25 5 24 ≤ 3 10 0 7

Robbery 33 15 98 29 62 27 39 14 51 21 30 20 19 14 17 4

Armed robbery 10 ≤ 3 41 12 37 11 21 5 22 13 15 11 13 6 9 ≤ 3

Unarmed robbery 23 13 57 17 25 16 18 9 29 8 15 9 6 8 8 ≤ 3

Other offences against the person 38 39 21 37 24 58 29 58 38 117 35 78 22 27 28 14

Kidnapping, abduction etc. 6 ≤ 3 ≤ 3 9 ≤ 3 9 6 7 ≤ 3 25 ≤ 3 5 ≤ 3 ≤ 3 ≤ 3 ≤ 3

Extortion 0 ≤ 3 ≤ 3 ≤ 3 ≤ 3 ≤ 3 ≤ 3 ≤ 3 5 ≤ 3 ≤ 3 0 ≤ 3 ≤ 3 ≤ 3 ≤ 3

Stalking ≤ 3 6 ≤ 3 4 0 13 ≤ 3 13 ≤ 3 31 5 25 4 5 6 ≤ 3

Life endangering acts 30 29 15 22 20 34 19 36 29 59 26 48 14 18 18 8

Total 417 550 336 499 347 434 355 423 539 686 471 557 279 246 224 151

(a) Excludes 19 victims whose age and/or sex were not identified. (b) Attempted murder; conspiracy to murder; manslaughter (incl. by driving and/or striking).

Queensland Government Statistician’s Office

Crime report, Queensland, 2017–18 – Appendix A90

Table A65 Reported victims(a) of offences against the person, Southern Police Region, 2017–18

Southern Police Region 0–14 yrs 15–19 yrs 20–24 yrs 25–29 yrs 30–39 yrs 40–49 yrs 50–59 yrs 60+ yrs

Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female

Offence — number —

Homicide (Murder) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ≤ 3 0 0 0 0 0 0

Other homicide(b) 0 0 0 0 ≤ 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 ≤ 3 ≤ 3 0 ≤ 3 ≤ 3

Assault 490 305 226 327 221 240 248 236 401 380 331 305 201 158 147 72

Grievous assault 10 8 11 5 11 ≤ 3 20 ≤ 3 21 11 24 4 11 ≤ 3 12 0

Serious assault 249 142 135 171 133 139 98 125 163 202 150 160 97 81 68 23

Serious assault (other) 13 6 12 17 21 16 45 19 74 42 49 33 32 14 65 45

Common assault 218 149 68 134 56 83 85 90 143 125 108 108 61 61 ≤ 3 4

Sexual offences 104 343 40 255 10 79 4 31 8 77 18 52 12 21 4 12

Rape and attempted rape 23 82 10 100 0 45 ≤ 3 17 4 53 6 27 0 9 ≤ 3 4

Other sexual offences 81 261 30 155 10 34 ≤ 3 14 4 24 12 25 12 12 ≤ 3 8

Robbery 21 6 33 17 24 9 15 12 21 15 17 7 11 9 10 4

Armed robbery 9 ≤ 3 13 4 11 4 8 6 14 13 7 5 4 5 8 ≤ 3

Unarmed robbery 12 4 20 13 13 5 7 6 7 ≤ 3 10 ≤ 3 7 4 ≤ 3 ≤ 3

Other offences against the person 32 60 20 57 17 45 26 44 33 84 31 55 21 29 19 10

Kidnapping, abduction etc. ≤ 3 4 ≤ 3 5 4 8 5 6 ≤ 3 6 ≤ 3 ≤ 3 0 ≤ 3 ≤ 3 0

Extortion ≤ 3 ≤ 3 0 ≤ 3 0 0 0 0 ≤ 3 ≤ 3 0 ≤ 3 0 0 ≤ 3 0

Stalking ≤ 3 7 ≤ 3 15 ≤ 3 7 6 17 ≤ 3 21 6 25 4 6 ≤ 3 5

Life endangering acts 26 47 16 35 11 30 15 21 27 55 23 26 17 21 13 5

Total 647 714 319 656 274 373 293 323 463 558 397 421 247 217 182 100

(a) Excludes 6 victims whose age and/or sex were not identified. (b) Attempted murder; conspiracy to murder; manslaughter (incl. by driving and/or striking).

Queensland Government Statistician’s Office

Crime report, Queensland, 2017–18 – Appendix A91

5.2. Relationship of offender to victim

Please note: This table counts number of victims, rather than offenders or relationships. Victims of all offences against the person are included, regardless of the cleared/solved status of the offence. Relationship is recorded at time offence was reported, and relationship classifications used are derived from those used by the ABS in Recorded crime – Victims, Australia (ABS 4510.0)

Table A66 Victims of offences against the person by sex(a) and offender’s relationship to victim, Brisbane Police Region, 2017–18

Brisbane Police Region

Offender is known to victim

Offender is not known to victim

Offender–victim relationship

unknown Not stated Total(a) Family or domestic

Non-family member Partner Ex-partner Parent

Other family member

Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female

Offence — number —

Homicide (Murder) ≤ 3 0 0 0 0 0 ≤ 3 0 ≤ 3 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 10 0

Other homicide(b) 0 ≤ 3 0 ≤ 3 0 0 ≤ 3 ≤ 3 0 ≤ 3 ≤ 3 ≤ 3 8 ≤ 3 ≤ 3 0 14 12

Assault 39 246 12 23 59 58 68 99 763 522 1,633 600 258 100 186 71 3,018 1,719

Grievous assault 9 9 ≤ 3 ≤ 3 ≤ 3 ≤ 3 ≤ 3 ≤ 3 51 4 57 8 33 7 11 0 167 34

Serious assault 15 186 4 13 39 35 35 51 367 233 755 260 125 49 72 23 1,412 850

Serious assault (other) ≤ 3 5 ≤ 3 ≤ 3 ≤ 3 ≤ 3 5 12 124 80 265 106 37 11 36 13 473 231

Common assault 13 46 4 6 16 19 26 34 221 205 556 226 63 33 67 35 966 604

Sexual offences 4 40 0 8 10 103 13 80 77 345 43 232 15 74 17 29 179 911

Rape and attempted rape ≤ 3 35 0 6 0 36 6 23 23 146 12 69 ≤ 3 26 4 5 49 346

Other sexual offences ≤ 3 5 0 ≤ 3 10 67 7 57 54 199 31 163 13 48 13 24 130 565

Robbery 0 4 0 ≤ 3 ≤ 3 0 ≤ 3 ≤ 3 41 9 245 108 110 52 29 10 429 187

Armed robbery 0 ≤ 3 0 0 0 0 ≤ 3 0 18 ≤ 3 97 33 46 22 8 0 171 59

Unarmed robbery 0 ≤ 3 0 ≤ 3 ≤ 3 0 0 ≤ 3 23 7 148 75 64 30 21 10 258 128

Other offences against the person

≤ 3 70 4 15 20 17 4 6 53 85 52 43 38 43 103 162 276 441

Kidnapping, abduction etc. 0 11 0 4 ≤ 3 0 ≤ 3 4 9 11 6 8 8 12 8 5 35 55

Extortion 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 4 ≤ 3 ≤ 3 4 ≤ 3 6 ≤ 3 17 10

Stalking 0 12 ≤ 3 9 0 0 ≤ 3 0 15 50 15 23 5 16 17 31 56 141

Life endangering acts ≤ 3 47 ≤ 3 ≤ 3 18 17 0 ≤ 3 24 20 29 10 21 13 72 124 168 235

Total 47 362 16 50 91 178 91 189 936 963 1,975 985 433 271 337 272 3,926 3,270

(a) Excludes 11 victims whose sex was not identified. (b) Conspiracy to murder; manslaughter (incl. by driving and/or striking).

Queensland Government Statistician’s Office

Crime report, Queensland, 2017–18 – Appendix A92

Table A67 Victims of offences against the person by sex(a) and offender’s relationship to victim, Central Police Region, 2017–18

Central Police Region

Offender is known to victim

Offender is not known to victim

Offender–victim relationship

unknown Not stated Total(a) Family or domestic

Non-family member Partner Ex-partner Parent

Other family member

Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female

Offence — number —

Homicide (Murder) ≤ 3 0 0 0 0 0 ≤ 3 ≤ 3 ≤ 3 0 0 0 ≤ 3 0 0 0 8 ≤ 3

Other homicide(b) ≤ 3 ≤ 3 0 0 ≤ 3 0 0 0 ≤ 3 0 ≤ 3 4 4 ≤ 3 0 0 12 8

Assault 42 348 21 46 91 98 130 160 742 564 1,089 449 151 107 142 62 2,408 1,834

Grievous assault 11 12 ≤ 3 ≤ 3 0 0 9 ≤ 3 35 10 45 ≤ 3 21 4 ≤ 3 0 125 32

Serious assault 17 257 8 28 58 51 72 83 366 254 522 193 75 45 41 24 1,159 935

Serious assault (other) ≤ 3 6 ≤ 3 ≤ 3 0 4 17 18 104 68 183 56 21 13 40 11 369 178

Common assault 12 73 9 14 33 43 32 57 237 232 339 198 34 45 59 27 755 689

Sexual offences 4 60 0 10 15 134 28 148 78 365 12 138 7 61 7 22 151 938

Rape and attempted rape ≤ 3 33 0 8 ≤ 3 33 8 56 20 153 ≤ 3 40 ≤ 3 26 0 ≤ 3 36 351

Other sexual offences ≤ 3 27 0 ≤ 3 13 101 20 92 58 212 10 98 5 35 7 20 115 587

Robbery 0 ≤ 3 0 ≤ 3 0 0 0 ≤ 3 33 8 60 19 39 20 4 4 136 57

Armed robbery 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 14 ≤ 3 26 7 15 6 ≤ 3 ≤ 3 57 17

Unarmed robbery 0 ≤ 3 0 ≤ 3 0 0 0 ≤ 3 19 6 34 12 24 14 ≤ 3 ≤ 3 79 40

Other offences against the person

0 64 4 21 25 35 ≤ 3 6 53 69 34 26 27 37 75 119 220 377

Kidnapping, abduction etc. 0 6 0 ≤ 3 ≤ 3 ≤ 3 0 0 5 8 ≤ 3 6 ≤ 3 ≤ 3 0 ≤ 3 11 28

Extortion 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ≤ 3 ≤ 3 ≤ 3 0 ≤ 3 ≤ 3 4 ≤ 3 10 6

Stalking 0 6 ≤ 3 13 0 0 0 0 12 29 ≤ 3 10 ≤ 3 11 6 24 24 93

Life endangering acts 0 52 ≤ 3 6 23 33 ≤ 3 6 34 30 28 10 21 22 65 91 175 250

Total 50 476 25 79 133 267 162 318 910 1,006 1,197 636 230 227 228 207 2,935 3,216

(a) Excludes 6 victims whose sex was not identified. (b) Conspiracy to murder; manslaughter (incl. by driving and/or striking).

Queensland Government Statistician’s Office

Crime report, Queensland, 2017–18 – Appendix A93

Table A68 Victims of offences against the person by sex(a) and offender’s relationship to victim, Northern Police Region, 2017–18

Northern Police Region

Offender is known to victim

Offender is not known to victim

Offender–victim relationship

unknown Not stated Total(a) Family or domestic

Non-family member Partner Ex-partner Parent

Other family member

Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female

Offence — number —

Homicide (Murder) 0 ≤ 3 0 0 0 0 ≤ 3 0 ≤ 3 0 0 0 ≤ 3 ≤ 3 ≤ 3 0 8 4

Other homicide(b) ≤ 3 0 0 0 0 0 ≤ 3 0 ≤ 3 0 0 0 ≤ 3 ≤ 3 0 0 8 ≤ 3

Assault 101 772 17 79 193 220 205 336 818 765 1,065 553 208 162 156 97 2,763 2,984

Grievous assault 37 38 0 ≤ 3 ≤ 3 ≤ 3 18 10 38 23 33 4 23 7 4 ≤ 3 155 88

Serious assault 41 541 7 39 78 94 101 155 339 345 398 183 100 90 55 26 1,119 1,473

Serious assault (other) 7 24 ≤ 3 5 10 7 16 34 153 80 250 108 27 18 37 27 502 303

Common assault 16 169 8 33 103 117 70 137 288 317 384 258 58 47 60 42 987 1,120

Sexual offences ≤ 3 67 0 9 15 64 40 138 70 286 18 160 21 122 13 21 179 867

Rape and attempted rape 0 42 0 7 4 15 11 48 19 105 6 43 ≤ 3 32 ≤ 3 9 44 301

Other sexual offences ≤ 3 25 0 ≤ 3 11 49 29 90 51 181 12 117 19 90 11 12 135 566

Robbery 0 ≤ 3 0 ≤ 3 0 ≤ 3 4 ≤ 3 22 4 61 33 31 18 6 5 124 68

Armed robbery 0 0 0 0 0 0 ≤ 3 ≤ 3 9 ≤ 3 37 12 18 7 ≤ 3 0 68 23

Unarmed robbery 0 ≤ 3 0 ≤ 3 0 ≤ 3 ≤ 3 0 13 ≤ 3 24 21 13 11 4 5 56 45

Other offences against the person

≤ 3 76 ≤ 3 19 40 49 13 16 35 50 19 28 19 33 41 70 171 341

Kidnapping, abduction etc. 0 16 0 ≤ 3 0 0 ≤ 3 ≤ 3 ≤ 3 ≤ 3 ≤ 3 ≤ 3 0 7 ≤ 3 ≤ 3 8 33

Extortion 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ≤ 3 ≤ 3 0 0 0 0 ≤ 3 ≤ 3 4 4

Stalking 0 6 ≤ 3 10 0 0 ≤ 3 ≤ 3 9 26 ≤ 3 15 ≤ 3 8 6 20 23 87

Life endangering acts ≤ 3 54 0 7 40 49 9 12 22 20 15 11 17 18 31 46 136 217

Total 107 919 19 109 248 335 266 492 949 1,105 1,163 774 283 339 218 193 3,253 4,266

(a) Excludes 7 victims whose sex was not identified. (b) Conspiracy to murder; manslaughter (incl. by driving and/or striking).

Queensland Government Statistician’s Office

Crime report, Queensland, 2017–18 – Appendix A94

Table A69 Victims of offences against the person by sex(a) and offender’s relationship to victim, South Eastern Police Region, 2017–18

South Eastern Police Region

Offender is known to victim

Offender is not known to victim

Offender–victim relationship

unknown Not stated Total(a) Family or domestic

Non-family member Partner Ex-partner Parent

Other family member

Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female

Offence — number —

Homicide (Murder) ≤ 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ≤ 3 0 ≤ 3 ≤ 3 ≤ 3 ≤ 3 8 4

Other homicide(b) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ≤ 3 0 0 0 ≤ 3 ≤ 3 0 0 4 ≤ 3

Assault 151 742 35 83 133 135 167 188 562 405 884 414 211 155 125 63 2,268 2,185

Grievous assault 7 7 ≤ 3 0 0 ≤ 3 13 4 44 9 34 6 42 ≤ 3 ≤ 3 0 144 30

Serious assault 74 402 15 52 71 70 82 89 289 190 469 186 98 68 49 15 1,147 1,072

Serious assault (other) 15 36 ≤ 3 6 9 7 16 27 74 54 133 57 27 19 20 13 296 219

Common assault 55 297 16 25 53 56 56 68 155 152 248 165 44 66 54 35 681 864

Sexual offences ≤ 3 71 0 8 16 84 20 104 43 274 17 161 11 52 4 31 113 785

Rape and attempted rape 0 44 0 6 6 17 11 31 9 115 6 56 4 23 ≤ 3 7 38 299

Other sexual offences ≤ 3 27 0 ≤ 3 10 67 9 73 34 159 11 105 7 29 ≤ 3 24 75 486

Robbery 0 5 0 ≤ 3 0 0 0 ≤ 3 43 29 194 62 90 35 22 12 349 147

Armed robbery 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 19 11 98 34 44 15 7 4 168 64

Unarmed robbery 0 5 0 ≤ 3 0 0 0 ≤ 3 24 18 96 28 46 20 15 8 181 83

Other offences against the person

0 88 4 30 19 16 11 7 40 47 45 34 34 40 87 159 240 421

Kidnapping, abduction etc. 0 20 0 7 0 ≤ 3 ≤ 3 ≤ 3 ≤ 3 5 10 7 8 10 ≤ 3 6 24 59

Extortion 0 0 0 0 0 0 ≤ 3 0 5 ≤ 3 ≤ 3 0 ≤ 3 ≤ 3 10 5 21 9

Stalking 0 11 ≤ 3 12 0 0 0 0 4 22 5 11 ≤ 3 11 9 32 22 99

Life endangering acts 0 57 ≤ 3 11 19 14 7 5 29 18 28 16 22 17 66 116 173 254

Total 155 906 39 123 168 235 198 301 690 755 1,142 671 350 286 240 267 2,982 3,544

(a) Excludes 13 victims whose sex was not identified. (b) Conspiracy to murder; manslaughter (incl. by driving and/or striking).

Queensland Government Statistician’s Office

Crime report, Queensland, 2017–18 – Appendix A95

Table A70 Victims of offences against the person by sex(a) and offender’s relationship to victim, Southern Police Region, 2017–18

Southern Police Region

Offender is known to victim

Offender is not known to victim

Offender–victim relationship

unknown Not stated Total(a) Family or domestic

Non-family member Partner Ex-partner Parent

Other family member

Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female

Offence — number —

Homicide (Murder) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ≤ 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ≤ 3

Other homicide(b) 0 ≤ 3 0 0 0 0 ≤ 3 0 ≤ 3 0 ≤ 3 ≤ 3 ≤ 3 ≤ 3 0 0 8 6

Assault 64 445 19 52 202 193 150 208 748 547 804 410 176 120 106 50 2,269 2,025

Grievous assault 9 11 0 ≤ 3 ≤ 3 5 11 ≤ 3 32 9 36 ≤ 3 26 5 4 0 120 36

Serious assault 37 302 10 31 101 94 79 119 378 243 362 172 85 59 41 23 1,093 1,043

Serious assault (other) 7 16 ≤ 3 ≤ 3 5 7 17 20 110 54 133 69 25 16 13 8 312 192

Common assault 11 116 7 17 94 87 43 67 228 241 273 167 40 40 48 19 744 754

Sexual offences 6 65 0 6 26 141 43 150 77 321 16 100 14 50 21 37 203 870

Rape and attempted rape 0 46 0 6 4 52 15 50 21 122 4 38 ≤ 3 16 ≤ 3 7 48 337

Other sexual offences 6 19 0 0 22 89 28 100 56 199 12 62 12 34 19 30 155 533

Robbery ≤ 3 4 0 4 0 ≤ 3 ≤ 3 4 36 17 55 35 48 14 12 ≤ 3 155 82

Armed robbery 0 ≤ 3 0 ≤ 3 0 0 0 ≤ 3 17 9 26 17 26 7 5 ≤ 3 74 41

Unarmed robbery ≤ 3 ≤ 3 0 ≤ 3 0 ≤ 3 ≤ 3 ≤ 3 19 8 29 18 22 7 7 0 81 41

Other offences against the person

4 61 4 19 17 28 7 9 52 58 38 38 25 39 55 132 202 384

Kidnapping, abduction etc. ≤ 3 16 0 ≤ 3 ≤ 3 ≤ 3 0 0 12 5 ≤ 3 5 ≤ 3 ≤ 3 ≤ 3 ≤ 3 22 34

Extortion 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ≤ 3 0 0 ≤ 3 0 ≤ 3 ≤ 3 ≤ 3 4 6

Stalking 0 4 ≤ 3 12 0 0 0 ≤ 3 13 31 ≤ 3 14 ≤ 3 10 8 31 27 104

Life endangering acts ≤ 3 41 ≤ 3 5 15 26 7 7 25 22 34 17 21 25 43 97 149 240

Total 76 577 23 81 245 364 204 371 915 945 915 585 265 225 194 221 2,837 3,369

(a) Excludes 3 victims whose sex was not identified. (b) Conspiracy to murder; manslaughter (incl. by driving and/or striking).