Question 1 (1) FINAAAL

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  • 8/9/2019 Question 1 (1) FINAAAL


    Question 1Thriller Evaluation

    By Jessica Doran

  • 8/9/2019 Question 1 (1) FINAAAL


    Location• We specifcally used one location or our thriller

    opening. This added to the eeling o claustrophobiaand being held captive !hich !e intended to useor our concept upon do"estic abuse. Because theopening doesn#t escape ro" the confned space othe base"ent it suggests you !ill never leave. $nthe opening scene the "an is trapped and so thecra"ped yet isolated location essentially gives youhis point o vie!. %s &aria travels ro" either sideo the roo" the ca"era sho!s you 'ust ho! s"allthe space is and conveys closeness bet!een thepair. (ot in the sense o a relationship or riendshipho!ever it suggests that &aria revenge is personalsi"ilarly to ho! the Bride goes to Bill#s house in)*ill Bill# the enclosed space o the roo" suggeststhat her revenge is "ore personal. The abuse ouranti+hero has su,ered she then !ants the "an toeel too thereore or the location to be in an openspace $ eel !ould have suggested her sho!ing"ore o a "ercy or hi" as opposed to her trappinghi". $nstead the claustrophobic space o the cellarenhanced her e"po!er"ent over hi" !hen hecannot escape. %dditionally !ith the cellar beingbelo! the surace o the ground it oreshado!s thethriller#s ele"ent o the un-no!n and the idea thatthe abuse and danger is done !here others cannotfnd it or see it. This appeal#s to the thriller genre asa !ay o suggesting the unspo-en and corrupthappenings !ithin a society.

  • 8/9/2019 Question 1 (1) FINAAAL


    Location• We used a vintage styled house in order or our

    cellar location to have an authentic style to it. This

    connoted our sophisticated intentions o "a-ing aclassic thriller that appealed to an adult targetaudience. We created the generic conventions o anoir thriller by using an old !ooden interiorcreating a si"ilar location to that o in )nce /pona Ti"e in %"erica#. The opening scene !here Eveis a"bushed the "ise en scene is authenticrepresenting a 102#s set and a claustrophobictightly spaced roo". Though our thriller is notspecifcally set to be retro the si"ilar concept ohaving an enclosed yet vintage roo" places the

    audience out o their co"ort 3one. nce again itappeals to the generic conventions o a thrillerlocation as so"ething old abandoned and alone.

  • 8/9/2019 Question 1 (1) FINAAAL


    Lighting•  4or the "a'ority o our fl" !e ocussed on using

    chiaroscuro lighting in order to suggest the generic

    conventions o the noir genre. This !ould enable our fl" to"a-e an inter+ te5tual lin- ro" the very beginning o theopening to the ele"ents o suspicion and the un-no!n in!hich !e intend to use throughout our fl". 4il"s such as)6sycho# or )The Third &an# !ho tend to use the ai" ousing chiaroscuro lighting in order to "a-e their sceneaesthetically pleasing. $t creates the e,ect odisillusion"ent and suggests an eerie nature to the i"age.&oreover by using single -ey lighting the scene is able tobe intensifed as opposed to a "ore naturalistic choice. $tdoes this as it reinorces the trapped eeling and conveysthe da3ed "ysterious at"osphere in !hich the openingintends to conor" to. Bright or naturalistic !ould have not!or-ed or our opening. $t suggests less o the un-no!n and"ore o a psychotic or e5posed eel. $nstead our ai" !as tocreate an enclosed trapped at"osphere. This type olighting is also used in )&ildred 6ierce# creating the idea obeing !atched over and an enig"atic eel o the un-no!n.


  • 8/9/2019 Question 1 (1) FINAAAL


    Lighting• When !e fnally inor" the audience that &aria has stabbed

    the "an !e decided to continue !ith "a-ing the i"age intoso"ething o the un-no!n. This "eant !hilst !e !ere hintingto the audience !hat had happened !e could still "a-e itsee" suspicious. 7ence !e used a silhouette o &aria !ipingblood o, the -nie to "a-e her still see" li-e the characterull o suspicion. 8i"ilarly in )6sycho# 7itchcoc- uses asilhouette o (or"an Bates !hen he is about to "urder&arion 9rane. 4or the sa"e purpose as ho! !e havesilhouetted &aria 7itchcoc- uses the shado!y fgure to

    suggest the un-no!n or both the audience and &arion.&oreover by reerencing the hidden thoughts: sinistere5pression o the "urderer !e reinorce a predatoryat"osphere. $t suggests &aria as bloodthirsty and enhancesthe thriller genre as so"ething savage though her reasoningor !hy she has co""itted the cri"e is so "uch "ore indepth.

  • 8/9/2019 Question 1 (1) FINAAAL


    8ound• $n order to conor" to the sinister representation o the thriller genre the soundtrac

    thriller beca"e integral. $ chose to use the "usic )%va &aria# by 8chubert to both co"our anti+hero#s character but to also create the binary opposite o innocence to corru!ith the peaceul soundtrac- against a perilous situation. This enhanced the sense osincerity and insanity !e !anted &aria to "aintain as a character throughout the op7er thought process has al"ost been tainted by the abuse she has aced ro" )The &the contrast bet!een the operatic soundtrac- and severe situation developed theseconnotations perectly.

    •   $n addition to this the operatic soundtrac- creates an inter+te5tual lin- bet!een ou6eter Jac-sons )7eavenly 9reatures#. Where he creates eelings o insanity along !itchildli-e vulnerability !ith a very peaceul soundtrac- !e intended to do the sa"e t8ho!ing &aria#s vulnerability through this only enhances the act she is gaining reve!as never a "urderer beore )The &an# abused her. &oreover once again reinorcinele"ent o corruption that "a-es &aria so thirsty or revenge.

    •  $n the "o"ent !here &aria -ic-s the light out diegetic sound beca"e a -ey use o"aintaining the eerie nature o the fl". When the )%va &aria# soundtrac- turns o, t

    beco"es silence all apart ro" the sound o &aria#s ootsteps and the torch being s!on. This !as deliberate in order to develop the realis" o the opening. Where previouhad al!ays been a soundtrac- no! the diegetic sound suggests that there really is nelse around and the one in po!er is &aria because all you can hear is her ootsteps creating the noise.

  • 8/9/2019 Question 1 (1) FINAAAL


    • To then contrast this sinister representation !hen &aria leaves the building leaving T&an to rott a heavy "etal:roc- soundtrac- plays. $t;s an e5cellent sound that gave ourfl" the Tarantino:David Lynch type tough !ac-iness that !e have tried to conor" to.8i"ilar to that o the sound trac- at the end o the title se

  • 8/9/2019 Question 1 (1) FINAAAL


    (arrative• )Death at (o.C# does not ollo! a linear narrative. $nstead !e relied on the ele"e

    ashbac-s !ith the purpose o creating the suspense and "a-ing our audience !an-no! !hy they !ere there and essentially !ant to !atch the fl". The ashbac-s rthe situation so that &aria is the victi"F "oreover it "a-es the audience thin- that

    "otive in the present situation "ay be revenge and suggests the "oti o the fl". Bat this it then beco"es a pri"e !ay o attracting our specifc target audience.

    • To add to this our ashbac- has been included as a reerence to Tarantino#s )*ill Bas an inter te5tual lin- in order to connote the the"e o revenge to !hich our fl" ion. We have ta-en ashbac- scene o Bill !iping the blood o, the Bride#s ace to suthat previous sense o control The &an had over &aria to !hich she co"pletely taro" hi" !hen she gains her revenge. The !iping o blood is a close inti"ate scenintended to suggest the true disco"ort and control o the at"osphere !hich givesthe "otive to gain her revenge. 4urther"ore the ashbac- sets the scene or revenplacing the audience in a unco"ortable at"osphere that conor"s to the thriller g

  • 8/9/2019 Question 1 (1) FINAAAL


    Thriller 9onventions•  % basic !ay in !hich !e created conventions o

    a thriller opening !as by sho!ing the title othe fl" in bet!een the "ove"ent o a shot.This !as one !ay in !hich specifcally in thecase o our fl" )Death at (o. C# !e couldprolong the ti"e in !hich the audience didn#t-no! !ho the other person is in the roo" G)The &an#. 4or e5a"pleF $ placed the title inbet!een the shot o &aria and The &an#s eetand !hen you see &aria#s ace. The title itselcreated conventions o a thriller !ith its short

    and enig"atic eel. $t creates the idea o therebeing a "urder case or an investigation !hichis the hal the ai" as it reinorces the act thatno one -no!s !here &aria has hidden The&an the case is to be solved by the audiencebecause the opening only gives the" snippetso !hat has gone on prior to the attac- + !iththe ashbac-s.

  • 8/9/2019 Question 1 (1) FINAAAL


    Thriller 9onventions

     The use o blac- and !hite colouration to signiya ashbac- !as also another convention o fl"language. $t e"phasises that the scene is separatero" the present and suggests it#s in the past !itha blac- and !hite colour to sy"bolise it#solder:past loo-.

    • ur opening is also very si"ilar to that o !ithinthe %"erican version o )The Hirl !ith the Dragon

    Tattoo#. % fl" also based upon revenge it opensthe fl" !ith nothing but "usic "oulded i"agesblurring into ne and the titles ading onto thescreen. This is an ele"ent !e have used in ouro!n thriller opening in order to create the sensethat it is an opening it is to create enig"a andsuspense and not e5plain the !hole plot at once.