Question 3 evaluation

Post on 12-Jan-2015

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Question 3:What have you learned from you audience feedback?

Shannen Weller

What have you learned from you audience feedback?

• In the research and planning stages of our documentary production, we used questionnaires to find out information about our target audience and what they want to see in a television documentary about legalising cannabis. We asked males and females aged between 16 and 18 years old at our college to see their views on our media products. We also found out the main conventions that they want to see, such as expert interviews, facts, music, a voiceover, and we put as much of this as possible into our documentary. Following on from this, we decided that using questionnaires would be the most suitable way of gaining feedback from our documentary, radio trailer and magazine article.

Did you learn anything new about the legalisation of


We asked a sample of students whether they learned anything new from our documentary and every one of them said that they did and quoted what exactly for example ‘cannabis smokers can get up to 5 years in prison.’ They also said how informative our documentary was and that there was a lot of different things they learned throughout watching the documentary. We was pleased to find out that people learned a lot about cannabis after watching our documentary


What have you learned from you audience feedback?

What have you learned from you audience feedback?

Was the documentary pro-fessional?

Yes No

We then also asked if the documentary was professional and nearly all the people we asked thought it was except 3 who thought we could have added an on screen presenter or maybe done a reconstruction to break the documentary up to make it less boring to watch. We agree with this and think that if we had more time we maybe could have incorporated these in our documentary in order to make it better.

What have you learned from you audience feedback?

What did you like about the documentary?

Animated title

The facts

The interviews

Nearly all the people we asked said they liked the animated title that we done and 25% liked the fact, leaving the rest to like the interviews. Most people said they liked our animated title because it was unique and they have seen anything like it before and thought it made our documentary. Also, people told us they were constantly interested in our documentary as there was always lots of facts they learnt throughout watching it. Furthermore, our feedback showed us that our interviews were good as interesting as they gave a good point.

What have you learned from you audience feedback?

Did the music con-tribute positively?


Everyone who we asked said that the music worked really well as it was an instrumental to ‘Because I Got High’, which is a well known song, related to cannabis and they all said it worked really well for our documentary as our topic was legalising cannabis and they also said that the sound levels were good with the voice over and didn’t dominate on another.

When we asked for how they would overall rate our documentary, the majority said good with 20% and a further 75% rated it excellent. With 5% saying it was fair, we are basing this on the sound levels, as it was what let us down most in the documentary, when coming to the vox pops and interviews.

Did listening to the radio trail make you want to

watch the programme? YesNo

What have you learned from you audience feedback?

25% of the people we asked said that the radio trailer didn’t make them want to watch the documentary. Overall, my group and I thought that the radio trail wasn’t as good as it could have been as we ran out of time and it was therefore rushed. Our feedback also said that is seemed quite rushed too as there wasn’t as much detail about the documentary as there could have been. Despite this, 14 people said that they would watch the documentary after listening to the radio trail which is a positive thing.

We asked various questions about our radio trailer to find out what people though of it. I was very pleased with the results that we gained from our radio trailer feedback.


Did the radio trail sound professional?


What have you learned from you audience feedback?

Most people we asked said that our radio trail sounded professional, with only 3 people disagreeing. This was positive feedback as almost all of the people we asked said it sounded professional as we followed the conventions well and the background music was good and fitted well with the voice-over. These results were great from our feedback, as everything we had done in the radio trailer seemed to have worked and appealed to our target listener. We also asked if the order of the clips and voiceover work well together, and this was answered with 100% yes. Feedback on the trailer included “The trailer would make me want to watch, as it felt personal to me” and “The music and clips are put well together”.

What have you learned from you audience feedback?

Were the snippets from the documentary ap-

propriate? YesNo

We got 100% on this question as everyone we asked said that the snippets from the documentary that we used in our radio trail were appropriate and having watched the documentary too they felt that we picked the best parts to include in our radio trail.

We then asked for an overall rating again of the radio as we did before with the television documentary, and these were the results. The feedback was very positive on the radio trailer, and I feel that we put the music together well, with suitable clips and a good voiceover. The feedback shows us that it was the right length for a trailer, and that the music and clips were balanced together nicely.

Did reading the article make you want to watch

the programme? YesNo

What have you learned from you audience feedback?

Again, most people wanted to watch the documentary when they read the article. Furthermore, they said that the layout looked very professional, however, the small spelling mistake of ‘affect’ instead of ‘effect’, was the reason that the two people said no because it wasn’t very professional and didn’t follow conventions


What have you learned from you audience feedback?

Is it aesthetically pleas-ing?


We got 100% on this question and everyone said that our house style was appropriate considering our documentary is about cannabis and we used the colour green throughout. Also, we stuck to the serif font when writing the article and used sans serif with the stand first. Everyone said that the image we used was good, however, they thought we should have has more than one image as most Radio Times TV listings have this.

• This was a result that we were very pleased with and we also gained good critical feedback from our questionnaire. We know that we need to make improvements to the article as we made a small spelling mistake and if we had a chance to do it again we would have wrote it out on Microsoft Word first, in order to make sure our spelling was perfect.

• Also, we should have wrote our article in columns as it would have been much easier and look neater, however, as we just wrote our article in text boxes it doesn't look as good as it would have by using columns.

What have you learned from you audience feedback?

What would you rate the TV listings

out of 5? 1 23 45

• Overall, I feel that throughout the whole project, our audience feedback and methods used to get this has been a vital part in creating successful projects that everyone seemed to like and ultimately appealed to some of our target audience. I have learned various things through the audience knew about our chosen topic when research and planning, right through to what improvements we could make within the final product. The majority of our feedback across the three products was very good and highlighted that we have created professional, eye catching products, the constructive criticism and answers that highlighted our flaws can only benefit me in the future when creating similar products and i can then adapt the processes used in these task to many others in the media industry.

What have you learned from you audience feedback?