Question 3: What have you learned from your audience feedback?

Post on 18-Jun-2015

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Question 3

What have you learned from your audience feedback?

Evaluation By Lauren Selby

What have you learned from your audience feedback?

“Really good use of costumes + locations in the video – it really fits Florence + The Machine’s image – the circus theme is colourful, but a bit dark at the same time.The narrative’s good too: enigmatic but a bit hard to follow/understand.There’s good links between the video and cover – but maybe it ties the whole album to one track”.

“Unique and good concept.Lots of cuts made the editing more effective and timed tot he fast-paced song.Possibly add a change of location to break up the video”.

“I think the choice of outfits + location was good + fit in well with the song used. It was bright and colourful making the video memorable”.

“I really enjoyed the narrative, it’s very original. Also the costumes were very unique and works very well and the make-up is very interesting + well thought out. I really like the video and would expect the video to be a huge hit”.

We made a mindmap of everything we associated with Florence + The Machine through our research before hand of the band as well as looking at the audiences of her gigs.

What have you learned from your audience feedback?

We then conducted interviews of the target audience we had created to help with our ideas of what they would want to see in our video and if we had picked the correct song choice. We also found out about the style of genre that helped with the mise-en-scene of the video.

• 1. Why do you like Florence and the machine?• 2. Do you like any other Alternative artists?• 3.How long have you liked Florence and the machine?• 4. Favourite song and why? Do you like the video for it?• 5. Favourite music video and why?• 6. Any songs on her album that you don’t like? Why?• 7. Do you think her costumes are effective? Why?

What have you learned from your audience feedback?

From the drafts of our storyboards we got feedback from our intended audience

“It’s good. I like the concept and think it will make an interesting music video but, I think there is too many shots of your faces up close. I don’t think you need them all”.

Taking this into account, we ranged our shots from long shots to close ups. We knew we still needed close ups but we incorporated them into other shots.

What have you learned from your audience feedback?

Extreme Close Up Close Up Medium Shot

Online Feedback – YouTube

What have you learned from your audience feedback?

“like the video good interpretation of the song!who edited it at 2.37 to 3.00 fantastic edit on those 20 seconds!”

“I like the shakycam at the beginning and the fast cutting during the forest sequence. It's a good interpretation of the song.”

Although what feedback we got from YouTube was only short, it still informed us of the good points about our video. There was theme that we did a “good interpretation of the song” and it also showed us the most effective parts in terms of editing. It is useful to know this as you learn what your strengths are when using new technology (specifically Premier) and it shows that our research was correct as it appeals to our intended audience. One part that stood out to one person was the forest scenes due to the change in tempo.

Online Feedback - Facebook

What have you learned from your audience feedback?

Positive Feedback

From Facebook, we received more detailed comments than other social networks.

The main positive feedback we got was about our costumes and how effective they were. From these comments being said across all of our intended audience, it highlights that the mise-en-scene of our video fit the conventions of Florence’s music videos and it was the right ideas to choose that appealed to the target audience.

“good choice of costumes and locations” “I love the costumes, make-up, close ups”“very well thought out, the way you’ve made attention to detail, the set

colour scheme with the costumes and make-up”

What have you learned from your audience feedback?

Online Feedback - Facebook

Negative Feedback

What have you learned from your audience feedback?

Some more positive feedback we received was about our editing. Our target audience liked that we had different shots and that the editing speed up with the music. As this was one of the main parts of our editing highlights that we made the right decision when in the post-production stages of this project.

“the use of shot types were good” “I really like the part where editing speeds up with the music”“very well thought out... the different camera angles to show the facial expressions”

Online Feedback - Facebook

What have you learned from your audience feedback?

Online Feedback - Facebook

However, one point that we could improve on if we were to do this product again would be to change the settings on certain clips.

An example of this is when the ringleader is struggling to open a gate. The light in the clips changes and therefore doesn’t look as effective as what it could have been if we have taken extra time to change the levels.

“if I were to recommend anything it would be experiment with the lighting a little...”

What have you learned from your audience feedback?

Online Feedback - Facebook

Another comment we got was about the use of the piano.

Although there is no piano in Florence’s video, there was in related artist such as Avril Lavigne’s ‘Alice’ video.However, our target audience commented that it wasn’t a relevant clip to include in our video so if we repeated this project, I would of left this section out as it did not necessarily add anything to the overall effect.

“I didn’t think the piano fitted because it almost went into another performance”