Question pro survey Results

Post on 18-Oct-2014

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I used question pro and had put different types of questions to get feedback from my target demographic. The reason behind this was because I need to get research to create our group trailer. So we could feature things our target

demographic liked in our trailer and what they liked from past horror movies. I asked 48 people. 28 people where

males and 20 where female

Question pro survey Results



Gender of participants


Out of the 48 participants who took part in the survey, 58% of them where male and 48% where female. This shows that the product we have to create (a horror magazine, trailer and movie poster). The main audiences and gender we will be targeting will be the males but we also have to create a product which caters to both genders as the percentage of the females was very high as well. The mise en scene and mode of address will be created and presented for both genders.

Gender of participants




I Know What You Did Last Summer


The Cabin in the Woods


The Collection

Jason X

The Slash

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Participants favourite slasher films

The highest favoured slasher movie were Saw and Halloween. This shows us as a group we have to make intertextual references to these two films. This would mean that our audience will be already excited and this would mean that our film will generate success. We would have to uselots of gore and blood which both of this films have.

Participants favourite slasher films

The most frequent ways in which slasher films are






The most frequent ways in which slasher films are consumed

The target demographic for horror films is males and females between the age of 15-30, that’s who they are targeted at. in this question we asked via which form of media do people consume slasher movies. We found that they where all close but the most popular option, at 27%, said download. TV and DVD where close after with 25% of the votes. And with 23% of the votes was cinema.

This result show that internet downloads are maybe taking over the old ways of consuming media which could mean that cinema is dying out. This could bring the cinema industry to struggle because people are downloading it illegally. The reason for this is because young teens want to see films which are too old for them so forces them to watch it illegally.

On your own With a group0


Audience preference

As cinema came last in the consumption preferences question, with the outcome being that most people consume horror films by download, we thought it was important to ask our audience whether viewing horror films was usually a shared experiences or something they did individually.

The outcome of this was that most of the audience watch horror films as a shared experiences. 41/48 of the audience watched as a shared experiences . And 7/48 watched alone. As the outcome of the question was that most of the people preferred to watch it as a shared experiences, this shows that the cinema industry still has hope..

Audience preference




When participants consume slasher/horror films

Weekly Monthly Yealry

From the results we have collected it is clear that weekly and yearly consumptions of the horror genre were the most popular. The lowest response was weekly which only had 11% out of the 48 participates we had asked. Second was monthly with 43% of the votes and with the highest rate of votes was yearly. So the out come of this was that as the times gets higher the votes get higher.

When participants consume slasher/horror films

chainsaw machette garden shears





20 19



Preferred weapon in a slasher film

This question helped me a lot due to the fact that the weapon which is preferred would be used in our trailer. The reason why this question was asked is because the weapon is an important and iconic sign of a slasher film.

We asked which weapon they find the most scary. The results were chainsaw had the most votes - 19 out of the 40 participants. This was closely followed by an axe with 14 of the votes. Garden shears and knife both had 6 of the votes and with 3 of the votes was machete.

As my film is a low budget British independent movie, the funds are not there to buy the weapons which where most popular also it would be dangerous to have a real axe or chainsaw in the woods and people would get scared and might call the police. Therefore, I would have to use a different object - either a fake weapon or a knife which is very easy to get.

Preferred weapon in a slasher film







Preferred slasher locations

Thinking of the location of a slasher film is very important as it sets the mise en scene which is the key aspect of a slasher film. This would show if you have followed a conventional locations for a horror film or you have subverted from it.

After asking this question the results where 23 of the 40 respondents said the woods. This shows that people liked to follow the conventional location of a horror film. The reason being that it sets an atmosphere which is seen as scary and helps to convey tension. Another reason why the woods are used is because the trees are symbolic to life depending on the season of the shoot. As we will being shooting in winter it’s perfect for the slasher genre do to the fact that the trees have no leaves it represents lifeless

Preferred slasher locations

What are you most likely to expect in a slasher film?

What are you most likely to expect in a slasher film?"A killer and someone who survives at the end"


"Death and gore"

"Everyone dies but the brunette"

"Female protagonist"

"Teenage victims"

"Black male dies first"

"Unexpected twists"

"Lots of screaming and running""Set in the woods at night with loads of teenagers drinking or having a party and then someone gets murdered""Killer sometimes knows the victims as they have harmed a family member in the past"

"Killer normally disfigured""The villain isn't shown at the beginning of the film and makes you guess who it is throughout the film"

This question helped me to find out what my target audience like and enjoy about slasher films. The results of this question could be applied to my trailer and, therefore, appeal to my audience by giving them what they want.

The results show that the audience have a good understanding of the codes and conventions they expect in the horror genre and this helps us to target them .

What do you enjoy most about slasher films?

"The adrenaline it gives you and the funny reactions"

"Rising tension"

"Makes you jump"

"pretty women"

"The shock"

"Fun to watch with friends"

"The blood and gore"

"Throught out the film you are guessing who the villain is"

"The feeling it gives you after you've watched it"

"When you think it's over and then villain jumps out""When it is all calm and then suddenly the villain kills one of the teenagers"

Knowing which social media websites are used the most helps me to target certain areas when planning and distributing my media product. This will be on a multi-media platform which would enable me to market my media in a wide way. Due to the fact that I'm not a major studio company. Horizontal and vertical integration would not be possible for me. I would have to use a slow burn release, prompting it on social media websites and get my media product spread through Twitter, Facebook and YouTube as these are some of the main social media websites.

What do you enjoy most about slasher films?

Audience profile