Questionnaire Results - Primary Research€¦ · Questionnaire Results - Primary Research Units 4,...

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Questionnaire Results - Primary Research

Units 4, 5, 24 & 31Millie West, Nikon Ahamed, Lauren Rosenfeld, Benjamin Karrass & Benjamin Goldstone

Purpose of Research

The questionnaire has been conducted to carry out primary research into audiences to find out

their opinions and preferences, so that our final product can satisfy their needs.We went out to the

local areas of Redbridge and asked people to complete our questionnaire with several questions

involved, such as what their favourite documentaries were. We then collected all the opinions and

collated them into pie charts and bar graphs so that we can cater our social action project to the

specific requirements of the audience.

This presentation shows all the collected datas through the questionnaire which has been chosen

as a method of primary research as it is one of the easiest way to collect primary quantitative data

that can be worked into graph which are visually easier to figure out and calculate.

This research shows what our target audience in Redbridge is, as well as what they might not like

and how much time they spend and money on watching documentaries.

Methods and Techniques

We have decided to create a questionnaire mainly as it involves the gathering of

quantitative data, which means that information and statistics that we will get will

be quick and easy to analyse and collect. A questionnaire also gave us the

possibility to target different potential audiences which may be interested on what

we will be producing as we found different type of people from different ages to

still show an interest in what our documentary will be about. The questionnaire

also, as said before will allow us to interact better with the audience directly and in

addition to that, doing this type of research means that we’ve gathered primary

data that is reliable, up to date and less time consuming compared to other type of

research therefore we have been efficient both time and money wise.

Audience Profiles (age - gender)

Our results show that our main target audience should

include viewers that range from an age of 16 to 35 who

are going to have a balanced mix of males and females

and this might be the case due to the fact that teenagers

and young adults get enjoyment from watching them.

They also might be more interested in this type of media

product as they tend to have disposable income that they

can spend which gives them a wider range of things they

may be able to watch.

Audience Profiles - Part 2We also asked potential audiences what town in Redbridge they

lived in and their ethnicity. Out of 51 people, who partook in the

questionnaire, the majority of people were from either Barkingside

or Hainault, at 20.8% each. The second most popular towns were

Clayhall and Ilford, at 14.6% each. This shows us that we should

be focusing our social action project mainly at Barkingside and

Hainault, and slightly towards Clayhall and Ilford areas, as

audiences are all around Redbridge and we need to be inclusive

of them. Another question asked was what ethnicity people were.

The majority of people were White British at 52%, second most

common was Black British at 18%, and followed by Asian British

at 14%. This tells us that we need to be diverse in our video, with

different actors and people to interview, in order to appeal to

more people.

Audience Profiles - Part 3

Other information based on our audience profiles include their

employment status and how long our audience have lived in

Redbridge. Our Evidence shows us that most of our audience work

full time and the least popular audience are part time students, this

shows that most people who live in Redbridge are able to get jobs

and have an education. Out of 51 people everyone has an

employment status whether it be a part time job or a full time student.

Both unemployed and part time had the same results of 10. Overall

from this evidence it shows that the majority of our audience in

Redbridge are people who have full time jobs. Documentary

audiences vary so we need to be inclusive of all employment

statuses with the main one of full time workers in mind. When asking

how long the participants lived in Redbridge i found out that the

majority was around 15-18 years, from this evidence it shows us that

our audience have witnessed a change in their area.

Audience Profiles - Part 4

Another question asked to the public was if they feel safe within the borough of

Redbridge. The results were split almost evenly, with 47.1% saying “No”, and

52.9% saying “Yes”. Therefore, through our social action project, we can learn why

people don't feel safe in the borough, and tackle the reasons so that people feel

safer. For instance, we can set up crime watches, and persuade more people to

volunteer to help out the community. With these new ideas in place, we can make

the local area a safer place and make the locals feel safer.

Audience Profile - Part 5 (M. West)We asked our participants if they had been a victim of crime. Fortunately, we

found that only 35.3% of those asked had been a victim. This equates to a little

more than one in three people. This evidence does show that the crime is both

prevalent and present in Redbridge, and we need to do all we can to try and

prevent it and decrease that number of people who have been a victim.

After asking if our participants knew of any victim support networks, a

staggering 78.4% of those asked couldn't name any. This reveals a huge

issue. If a member of the public were to be in a situation where they needed

victim support for either themselves or someone that they know, it is worrying

to think that they would not know any networks of whom could provide the

victim with the support or help that they may need or require. This means that

it is essential that in our project we make it explicitly clear what victim support

networks are out there for those who may be in need of them in present

circumstances or those to come.More on the victim support networks

mentioned by participants who took part in

our questionnaire, can be found at the

bottom of Slide 15: Open Ended Question


Media Consumption Habits - Part 1

Based on our results, our target audience who likes documentaries tends to watch

them weekly or monthly, which suggests that our target audience does not have as

much time to spend on watching documentaries and that it may be a hobby used as

a time killer more than a passion. Also there are very few people who watch

documentaries daily and this may be due to the fact that getting to know a lot of

information from these type of programmes can get overwhelming meaning it may be

more suitable to watch them less often so that more information can be gathered and


Media Consumption Habits - Part 2Also based on our questionnaire, our audience likes watching

documentaries alone and this may be due to the fact that they can

consume the information better if they are not being distracted by

friends or other people around them when watching. The second most

chosen option is with a family and this may be because some of them

feel like documentaries are a good opportunity to reunite with the family

at some point in the day. Especially as documentaries are created to

entertain by giving key information on nature or else based on the topic

which can reach out and involve many different people from different

ages. This also allowed us to see who the secondary audience was who

watch documentaries. 31 people consume their documentaries alone

but 2nd was with family with 11 people. This shows us that when

watching documentaries there isn't a wide secondary audience.

Media Consumption Habits - Part 3

Documentaries are consumed in many ways, including

watching them on TV or on a DVD. The majority of the people

we questioned answered TV as their favourite way to

consume a documentary, with 22 people out of 50 watching

their documentaries on TV. The least popular way of

consumption was DVD, with only 1 person watching their

documentaries on them. This shows us for our project we

might broadcast it on TV as a wider audience would view our

project. Quite a lot of people consume documentaries by

online streaming as they can access it easy just as watching it

on TV.

Personal Preferences - Part 1

Audiences were also asked what their favourite documentary programmes were

from a list of five, these were BBC Panorama, Channel 4 Dispatches, ITV

Exposure, ITV Investigator and Channel 5 Undercover. The majority of people at

44.2% stated BBC Panorama as their favourite, Channel 4 Dispatches as their

second favourite at 21.2% and audiences third favourite was ITV investigator with

17.3%. Therefore, with this information, we will watch several programmes of

Panorama and Dispatches as these were audience's favourites, and take features

of them to put into our own project.

Personal Preferences - Part 2

In a documentary there are many ways people enjoy watching

it, this may include the storyline or the sound and music used.

From our questionnaire results it shows us that the majority of

people we asked enjoy the storyline of a documentary with 31

people. The least enjoyable part of a documentary according

to our stats is sound and music with only 3. We also asked

people what would their ideal length of a documentary be, our

results show that most people do enjoy watching

documentaries that are an hour or longer, 24 people prefer

this but both 30 minutes and 15 minutes or less got a similar

result of 15 and 12. These results show that when we create

our project we should aim to make it lengthy, however we will

also stick to our brief and make it around 10 minutes long.

Open Ended Question Results: (M West)Why, Who, Affected and Talent

We asked why people enjoy documentaries, and some of the results we gathered included that they were:

“Real life, Interesting, Exciting, Informative, (“Learn new things”) Educational, Important, Fun and Entertaining.”

We also asked our participants that if they or someone they knew had been a victim of crime and what type

of crime were they subject to. Responses included: “Mugging, Physical and Verbal Assault, Bullying, Robbery, Burglary and Theft.” (including vehicle theft)

A similar question involving Anti-Social Behaviour was asked. Responses regarding whether the participant

or someone they knew had been affected by such a crime included: “Rowdy behaviour, Littering, Bullying and Physical abuse after muggings.”

Moreover, one way in which we tried to discover talent was through asking participants if they knew anyone

who would be willing to be interviewed or take part in our project concerning Anti- Social Behaviour.

Nominees included “Jessica Persell, Adam Smith, Dani Sivan, Harry Shinnet and Molly Leckerman”

Open Ended Question Results: (M West)Tackling Crime, Crime Responses, Victim Support Networks

We asked the public what ideas they had to tackling crime. The answers they gave included: “Increasing the amount of education, regarding crime, from a young age, including; specialised school programmes (including the consequences of crime); CCTV in crime hotspots; Increase the number of police on the streets; Teach people to become more proactive and not be bystanders; Encourage people to report crime.” Moreover,

other responses included “Increasing security; Encouraging people to use non-violent language; Treat people the way that they should be treated and equally as well as use harsher punishments on crimes committed.” It was also suggested that there could be an increase in the amount of funding for youth centres. This can keep youth off of the streets as well as offering them further education outside of the classroom. 20

years ago there were a significantly larger number of youth centres stationed across Redbridge than today. These after school and evening youth

centres helped to ensure that youths were off of the street and instead inside in a safe environment, socialising, and doing what kids do! At these times,

crime rates were quite low. Over recent years the number of youth centres have gradually decreased. This means that more youths have been on the

streets, from the early hours of the afternoon until the late hours of the evening. (These are the times in recent years young society members would have

been in youth centres.) As a result of the lack of centres and the increase of people on the street, we have seen a dramatic rise in crime statistics.

We asked our participants what they would do if they saw a crime being committed. The responses gathered included: “Call the police; Run away; Take a picture; Take a video; Walk away; Shout or scream; Report it; Contact help; Try and stop it or get involved.” This shows a range of

different responses, which could relate to whether people, who live in Redbridge, feel safe or not and how this would transpire into how they would react

to witnessing a crime (i.e. whether to walk away and stay silent, report it in silence or get involved). Those who feel more safe may feel more inclined to

be proactive, whereas those who do not, may as a result, become a bystander.

Finally, we asked if people were aware of any victim support networks. Although there were few confirmations, some of the responses we gathered

included: “Police Victim Support, (General) Therapy Groups, Criminal Injury Compensation,, and”


Based on our data gathered, we will be mainly aiming our social action project

towards a young audience composed of teenagers and young adults who live in

Ilford, Barkingside, Hainault and other areas of Redbridge. Although our primary

audience will be teenagers, our secondary audience will be an older audience of

30-40 year olds who are in full time employment. We will also not aim our video

towards one specific gender or ethnicity, as several different people are potential

victims of crime. Majority of audiences have also lived within Redbridge for more

than 15 years, which means we have to do our research on Redbridge in the past

to ensure to the audience that we have created a professional production.


Overall, our questionnaire gave us a good insight and advice on what we should

do on our project to fit our customer needs and preferences. Therefore, with this

information we will tailor our video to suit our target audience, which may increase

our chances of success. Creating a product that includes audience needs will

allow it to appeal more to our audience. This can include the length of the

documentary or the area our documentary is based in. Depending on how long

our documentary is, it will allow us to see if it’s short enough to be produced as a

short film before a movie in the cinema or as an advent on TV to expand on our

audience. As a few people's answers included knowing someone who has been a

victim of crime, this tells us that if we create a video about preventing crimes, it

can be targeted to a wide audience.

The Proposal - Part 1 (M West)

We propose to create an 8 to 10 minute production, regarding the dramatic increase and rise

of crime. Our production does not technically have an age limit because we are trying to target

all residents of Redbridge, but we are trying to educate specific groups that may be affected.

From our results, as a group, we have concluded that our primary target audience for our

production will be 16 to 24-year-olds, specifically males, as they are more likely to be involved

in Anti Social Behaviour. Our secondary audience will be 40+ year-olds who will be the

parents, guardians, family members or friends of the primary audience. Our production has no

age limit as the increase in crime can affect anyone and everyone. We have decided that our

chosen topic can be related to by all members of the community, and will be aimed at both

genders. This will give us the chance to get the best publicity possible. The larger the

audience span, the more chance we have for a large number of people who will hopefully be

speaking about it, recommending to and sharing it with other people.

The Proposal - Part 2

The favourite consumption method shown in our results that we gathered was

television. Although we had to choose online streaming. Therefore this will be our

chosen method of distribution. As previously mentioned, our target audience are

full time students who have low disposable income and so therefore, we will then

release our production for under £10, in order to ensure a large potential

audience. Results are shown that audiences watch documentaries weekly. As our

target audience is students we thought it was a good idea to release the whole

production during the half term as this will help us see audiences to watch

documentaries with friends as this was one of our method of consumption.

Another method of consumption was to watch documentaries with our family

which did not get as many votes but you can watch documentaries anytime with

family it doesn't have to be in the half term.

The Proposal - Part 3

The prefered length of documentaries was 30 mins. We found that people prefer

watching documentaries that were BBC panorama and channel 4 dispatches.

Which means we should include ideas from documentaries on these channels. In

our questionnaire one of our questions previously were have you been a victim of

crime and we were surprised of how many yes we got which means we will focus

mainly on the subject of victim of crime and making sure people get a clear

understanding of the importance of crime and how easy it is. We need to make

sure that our audience receive a clear understanding of crime as its starting to

happen a lot more that it did.