Quick Results for a Stressful World

Post on 08-Mar-2016

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Do you feel fat, sick or sleepy? Find answers to what stress can cause.





“Your body is ready to feel amazingit’s time to remove those hidden barriers.”


Through work with thousands of people, we have the opportunity to explore what the general public knows and doesn’t know about their health.

Pure ProActive CEO, Dr. Bill Ferro, loves asking people to name the three major types of stress.

Each of us is exposed to them every day and yet, less than 2% of people can name them all.



THE THREE TYPES OF STRESS..............................1

A WEB OF POOR HEALTH.....................................4

THE COMMON THREAD OF STRESS..................12

BEATING STRESS & IMBALANCES......................15

ABOUT THE AUTHORS........................................19





There are actually three types of stress. Each type leads to another, creating a dangerous downward spiral of poor health. But so many people limit their definition of stress to worry or anxiety, ignoring physical and chemical stress altogether!

The good news is that while each type of stress intensifies the others, the opposite is also true. Thus, identifying and addressing the three major types addressed in this e- book can help you lose weight, sleep better, lower your blood pressure or cholesterol, stabilize your blood sugar and give you more energy than you have had in years.


TYPE 1: MENTAL STRESS Every negative thought causes a series of reactions in the body.


• Trouble Sleeping

• Increased Abdominal Fat

• High Blood Pressure

• Depression or Anxiety

• Excessive Hunger

• “Laziness” or Fatigue

• Impaired cognitive performance

• Suppressed thyroid function

• Blood Sugar Imbalances

• Suppressed immune system

• Inflammation

• Decreased bone density

*We will discuss how mental stress also increases the risk for toxic and physical stress in Chapter 2



TYPE 2 : TOXIC STRESSIn 2010, the US Government released a statement acknowledging that endocrine disrupting toxins found in everyday products can damage the body. There are currently 84,000 chemicals used in consumer products with 700 new ones introduced each year. Chemicals are just the start. Simple sugars, harmful foods like raw soy, heavy metals and even harmful internal reactions all contribute to the toxic load on our bodies.


• Skin Conditions

• Weight Gain

• Difficulty Losing Weight

• Hair Loss

• Cancer

• Anxiety/Depression

• Digestive Issues

• Heartburn

• Headaches

• Depression


• Obsessive Compulsive Disorder

• Trouble Sleeping

• Low Energy

*We will discuss how toxic stress also increases the risk for mental and physical stress in Chapter 2


TYPE 3 : PHYSICAL STRESSPhysical stress is when your body becomes damaged due to wear or trauma. Perhaps you blew your back out from years of bad posture or lifting heavy objects. Maybe you broke a bone while playing a sport or got in a bad car accident. Physical stress usually manifests itself through pain.

• Aches & Pain


• Changes in body’s structure, movement or range of motion

• Issues with organs, limbs or other body parts

*We will discuss how physical stress also increases the risk for mental and toxic stress in Chapter 2



The 3 types of stress are pretty clear right? Every day, we are all exposed to varying amounts of mental, toxic and physical stress. Each one of these may cause harm, but they also work together and can destroy our health.

In this chapter, we focus on how the three types of stress are related. Below are a few examples of stresses’ web.





Each of these are simple, everyday products right? Well bread, water and toothpaste are a lot more damaging than they seem. Most breads contain bromide, water contains chlorine and toothpaste contains Fluoride. Each of these chemicals (from the halide family) can put toxic stress on the body, most notably, the thyroid gland. While this may not show up on clinical tests, it can manifest itself through weight gain, cold hands and feet, thinning hair, trouble focusing, low energy and more.


In an effort to lose weight, we turn to working out or go on strict diets. These cause a great deal of physical stress on the body, but do not address the thyroid issue and in turn, do not produce results.

Deteriorating health, coupled with the demoralizing effects of weight gain, brings on mental stress followed by feelings of anxiety and helplessness.This stress causes additional weight gain.

With eroding health and nowhere else to turn, individuals look to prescription medications as a means to fix their problems. Since now they have more than one problem , they get more than one pill, putting loads of toxic stress on the body and the cycle continues…



STRESS CONNECTIONS ARE EVERYWHERE.The dilemma that we just explained could have started with anything from a stressful day, to a sprained ankle and even a bottle of water from the family pantry, but the spiral doesn’t stop there. Once each type of stress is activated, they continually feed into each other, causing a person’s health to decay.

There are a vast number of ways that this can happen. The following are few really quick examples.

INTER-STRESS CONNECTION #1Mental Stress Causes Toxic & Physical Stress

You are stressed from a long day. Do you go in the fridge and make something healthy? How can you when the mental stress from work causes intense cravings for low quality foods? These salty, sugary, processed options put tremendous toxic stress on the body.

Mental stress depletes energy the body, but low quality foods don’t put it back. As a result, you are too exhausted to exercise after dinner and you curl up on the couch Meanwhile, the toxic food you just ate is turning into fat and lack of exercise puts physical stress on the body.

The stressed state that your body is in prevents you from getting a good night sleep. As the pounds increase, frustration leads to mental stress, causing the release of cortisol and more weight gain. Physical stress increases manifesting itself in the form of pain and the cycle continues….


This inter- stress relationship creates a downward spiral of bad health. Here are a few more examples of how mental stress leads to physical and toxic stress.


• Mental stress causes the release of adrenaline and cortisol, which uses up sugars within the body.

• This brings on intense cravings, causing individuals to eat poor quality,

• high sugar, processed foods with multiple additives. - toxic stress

• These foods are deficient of important nutrients that the body needs to function. - physical stress

• Depleted adrenal glands cause low energy levels and fatigue, leading to inactivity. - physical stress

• Both poor quality foods and inactivity cause weight gain, opening the individual up to various structural and disease related issues. - physical stress

• Extended periods of mental stress causes the body to produce harmful toxic reactions that reduce immune function and promote disease.- toxic stress

• Stress causes shallow breathing which leads to low oxygenation in the body, raising the risk for disease.- toxic & physical stress

• The liver needs sugar to regenerate at 3 am. Mental stress depletes sugar in the body, forcing it to secrete another form of energy, adrenaline, waking the person up.- ‐ physical stress


• Sleepless nights cause a lack of energy, imbalances in the body and more mental stress. - physical & mental stress

• Constant mental drain can lead to the use of prescription medications. - toxic stress

• Mental stress increases risk for accidents. - physical stress• Stress also inhibits digestion and leads to lower production

of HCL in the stomach, which leads to a host of health issues including disease, increased anxiety and poor bone density. – mental & physical stress

*These are just a few of infinite possibilities about how, before long, your body can be subject to a full on attack of mental/emotional, toxic and physical stress.

INTER-STRESS CONNECTION #2Toxic Stress Causes Mental & Physical Stress

The toxic stress from your simple carbs and sugar intake has created a fungal overgrowth called Candida. Candida causes constant cravings for breads, pasta, pizza and/or sweets. Unable to avoid these, you gain weight causing physical stress on your body. The excess belly fat causes lower self- ‐esteem, marital problems (low sex drive) and mental stress. Trying to avoid these foods and exercising only makes the cravings stronger, so you try toxic low calorie sweeteners which don’t work and the cycle continues…

This inter- stress relationship creates a downward spiral of bad health. Here are a few more examples of how toxic stress leads to physical and mental stress.



• Caffeine stimulates adrenaline production, taxing the adrenal glands and sending people into the mental spiral outlined earlier. - physical & mental stress

• Endocrine disrupting toxins from plastic and aluminum production alter hormone activity, causing emotional issues, mood swings, weight gain, cancer and other hazards. - mental & physical stress

• Birth control pills change a woman’s typical hormone cycle causing negative emotional responses. Some side effects include mood changes, weight gain, pain, headaches, and eye problems. - physical & mental stress

• According to WebMD estrogen/progestin therapy may contribute to breast cancer. These are the same two hormones found in birth control pills. - physical stress

• An Environmental Working Group study of 20 million drinking water tests found hundreds of toxins in American tap water. These are mostly unregulated and include everything from Fluoride to prescription medications and agriculture toxins. - mental & physical stress

• Fluoride is a halide known to cause bone, brain, thyroid gland and kidney issues. It is found in toothpaste, drinking water and other sources. 15 - physical stress

• Every day we are exposed to pesticides, prescription medications, food dyes, shampoo additives, deodorant ingredients, preservatives and many of the other 84,000 chemicals in use today.


• These chemicals build up in our tissues over time and the effects of this accumulation have never really been studied. - mental & physical stress

*These are just a few of infinite possibilities about how, before long, your body can be subject to a full on attack of mental/emo-tional, toxic and physical stress.

INTER-STRESS CONNECTION #3Physical Stress Causes Mental & Toxic Stress

A few extra pounds, put lots of physical stress on your body. Just think about carrying around a 20- pound weight all day!

As diets fail and the scale goes up, year after year, the helplessness makes you mentally stressed. Your sleep suffers and now you are too tired to cook meals, so you and your family turn to pre- ‐made, toxic foods.

The doctor adds some toxic stress with the new medications she puts you on and tells you that you need to exercise. After a few weeks of killing yourself in the gym, the physical stress causes you to develop a hairline fracture and you are unable to continue. The constant pain and feelings of defeat cause daily mental stress and the cycle continues…

This inter- stress relationship creates a downward spiral of bad health. Here are a few more examples of how physical stress leads to mental and toxic stress.



• Injury and illness (physical stress) are in the top 5 causes of mental stress. – mental stress

• Pain causes mental & emotional stress. – mental stress• Pain often makes it difficult to sleep, causing fatigue,

depression and other mental stress. – mental stress• Physical stress can lead to weight gain. - physical stress• Overweight people tend to be less confident, suffer more

discrimination and have far more sick days and medical problems than a person whose weight is within normal range.- mental stress

• Medications (prescription or over the counter) used to deal with pain and other physical stress are toxic and often dangerous.- toxic stress

• A stressed liver, from being overweight or exposure to medications, is less available to deal with the removal of fat and other toxins in the system.- toxic stress

• Physical stress causes the body to compensate for the stressed area, causing other areas to become physically stressed. - physical stress

• Stress also inhibits digestion and leads to lower production of HCL in the stomach, which leads to a host of health issues including disease, increased anxiety and poor bone density. – mental & physical stress

*These are just a few of infinite possibilities about how, before long, your body can be subject to a full on attack of mental/emotional, toxic and physical stress.


Throughout this report, you have seen a number of symptoms associated with the different types of stress. Just as each type promotes others, many of the symptoms are shared as well but one is the most common.





Skinny people suffer from the dangerous effects of stress too, but it has been our experience that every overweight person can link their problem to one or more of the three types.


After stress has caused the weight gain, it only gets worse.

Overweight individuals are bombarded with a variety of new mental stresses including low self- ‐esteem, confidence issues and a general dislike for their body. The liver, responsible for processing fat and toxins, becomes overburdened. This causes toxic exposure from everyday life to be stored rather than moved out of the body. Fat imposes a great deal of physical stress on the body, causing all kinds of joint and organ issues...and the list goes on.

As you can see, The Downward Spiral that caused you to gain the weight adds totally new dimensions of mental, toxic and physical stress. Each of these stresses leads to another, which leads to another and so on until they become heart disease, stroke, metabolic syndrome, elevated levels of bad cholesterol (LDL), lower levels of good cholesterol (HDL), type II diabetes and cancer.

Is it still surprising that 200 million Americans are overweight and suffering from such a wide range of diseases?



WHY WEIGHT LOSS FAILSWeight Loss fails because our society approaches it wrong.

Excess fat is nothing more than a symptom of stress - ‐ a message from the body that there is some underlying problem. Weight loss fails because most people go out and aimlessly exercise or try the newest fad diet instead of addressing the true cause of the weight.

Remember: It’s all about the underlying problem that is causing your cravings, low energy or sleep problems, not the bad food, laziness or insomnia that result!

Most shakes, pills, meal replacements, new diets and exercise routines, fail to address the underlying problem, resulting in failure. Not only do they cause you to fail, but they also put additional physical, chemical and mental stress on your body, causing you to gain back more than you lost.

Weight loss techniques that can add mental, toxic & physical stress to your life:• Ready to eat meals• Weight loss medications• Shakes• Weight loss supplements• Counting calories• Exercise DVDs• Running• Weight Lifting• Diets like: paleo, Atkins, low carb, low fat, slim fast, jenny craig, weight watchers, etc.


We hope you have completely new understanding about the idea of a “stressful” day.

As complicated as stress may seem, we promise that it gets even more confusing. This report touches on only a few examples, but stress’ web can have infinite twists and turns.





The point of this piece is not to confuse you. It is to show you that it is important to examine your life for stresses and symptoms of stress before it becomes a life threatening situation.

The reality is that there are only a two things you need to be doing to avoid thousands of health issues. In the following pages, we will outline these steps to empowerment and better health.


The signs of stress and the imbalances they cause are often very noticeable. The problem is that millions of people simple live with them instead of taking a proactive approach to identifying and correcting the issue in their lives.

Below are some of the symptoms that we come across most frequently.

• Symptoms of Stress and Imbalance• Weight ain• Trouble sleeping heartburn excessive hunger laziness• Cold hands and feet• Cravings for sugar or salt • Mood swings• Low energy levels• Trouble focusing pain• Anxiety• Frequent headaches difficulty losing weight hair loss• Constipation




These two actions should be done together. Once you have identified the imbalances, it is important to address them in order to balance your body.

Remember: Imbalances can prevent you from avoiding stress, so trying to simply avoid stress is not enough. Address the imbalance and eliminate the stress simultaneously if possible.

It’s almost like a child throwing a ball off the garage door. Over time, dents will form, the paint will chip and eventually the door will not work. Simply telling the child to stop throwing the ball at the garage door will not repair the damage that has already been done. At the same time, fixing the door without stopping the child from throwing the ball will have no long term benefit.

The body is the same way. It is important to take measures that address the specific issues you are experiencing, but it is equally important to begin avoiding the stresses that got you there in the first place.


A USEFUL TOOL FOR YOUR JOURNEY.There is no way to avoid stress if you don’t know where it is coming from. You need to be mindful of negative symptoms and identify potential problems before they happen.

These symptoms are often things like trouble sleeping, cravings for carbohydrates or an energy drop in the afternoon.

To help you identify these issues, we created a health survey that groups the major symptoms into imbalance categories. With this knowledge, you can really think about what stress factors may be causing the problem and take measures to correct them.

After filling out your health form, a coordinator will call you to provide feedback about your results and answer any questions that you have. They can also offer guidance for addressing these issues if you want.

Fill out the health survey here:



Thanks for reading!ABOUT THE AUTHORS: Pure ProActive provides a hands- on, custom approach to weight loss.

90% of clients lose 15 pounds or more in their first 3 weeks. Over 95% of Pure participants report some combination of weight loss, better sleep, more energy, reduced cravings, lower blood pressure and cholesterol, clear mind, increased happiness, less pain, decreased medications and more.

Pure ProActive has distilled decades of research to design a process that facilitates balance by countering damage from stress. Throughout this process habits are formed and the participant is taught how to manage each type of stress in the future. One on one coaching, whole organic foods, custom supplementation and education are utilized to provide custom, quick, lasting results.


Eat Your Way to Health

Watch the 3- ‐minute video at www.pureproactive.com 877.677.8767
