QuickStart Guide for Ab bott Latvia Employees Concur Expensecte.abbott.com/Concur Expense quick...

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QuickStart Guide for Abbott Latvia Employees Concur Expense


Content: Welcome to Concur....................................................................................................................................................3 Section 1: Log on to Concur Expense ........................................................................................................................3 Section 2: Use My Concur .........................................................................................................................................4 Section 3: Update Your Profile ..................................................................................................................................6 Section 4: Create New Expense Report......................................................................................................................9 General instructions for entering Expenses:.............................................................................................................12 Section 5: Create New Authorization request ..........................................................................................................21 Section 6: Prepare AMEX Report ............................................................................................................................24 The main things: .......................................................................................................................................................26


Welcome to Concur

Concur Expense integrates expense reporting. This comprehensive Web-based service provides all of the tools users need to create and submit expense reports. Managers use the service to review and approve expense reports. Back-office employees use the service to produce audit reports, ensure compliance, and deliver business intelligence to help your company reduce its costs.

Section 1: Log on to Concur Expense

How to… Additional Information

1. Log on to Concur Expense using this link



Use your UPIcode@abbott as user name and password welcome first time when you log-in.

Your password is case sensitive.

If you are not sure how to log on, check with ABT Latvia Expense administrator (Eva Vevere, Anda Lazdane)


Section 2: Use My Concur

1. Explore the Company Info section. There is link to interactive Concur Training Site.

2. Locate the Active Work section.

3. View the Available Company Card Charges section if you are AMEX Card User.

4. View the Approval Queue section. This section appears only if you are Approver.

How to… Additional Information

Use the Active Work section. This section provides links to create a new expense report or view your existing reports. It also lists your unsubmitted expense reports.

Explore the Approval Queue section.

This section lists the expense reports awaiting your review and approval.

This section appears on My Concur only if you are an Expense approver and if you have received at least one report for approval.

You can move the panes around the My Concur page to better meet your needs. Click the top bar of a pane and drag it to a new position on the page.



Section 3: Update Your Profile

1. Go to Profile tab.


2. Set Other Settings section.

1) Set Regional settings and Language.


2) Register your car:

4) Set favorite attendees:


Section 4: Create New Expense Report

In the Active Work section of My Concur, click New Expense Report:

• create only one monthly report for domestic expenses

• create one expense report for each foreign business travel

• link the report with approved Authorization request by selecting ‘Add’ on Authorization menu and selecting proper request

1)Frequency of Expense Reporting:

There are three types of expense reports: foreign and domestic travel expense reports and AMEX Expense Reports.

Open one (1) new expense report for all domestic travel expense in current month

(Naming it: Year.Month. Domestic e.g. 2010.12. Domestic)

and new expense report for every foreign business travel

(Naming it: Year.Month.Date. Country Code e.g. 2010.12.20-21 LT)

For every foreign business travel your need approved Authorization Request (former Travel Form). Approved Authorization request will be added to Foreign Expense Report and it will let you enter Per-Diems. Naming for Authorizations request must be the same as for related Foreign Report (Naming it: Year.Month.Date. Country Code e.g. 2010.12.20-21 LT)

AMEX Expense Reports must be prepared once per month after Card Account Statement is received from American Express.

All amounts should be entered manually in EUR currency as per statement and calculated at fixed rate 0,702804 to LVL.





For Abbott Latvia Employees are available following Expense Types:


General instructions for entering Expenses:

• Choose appropriate Expense Type

• Complete all fields which appear on screen

• Payment Type indicates

- if this expense paid by you ‘Out of Pocket’;

- Purchase with Statoil and ALD cards ‘Company Paid;

- paid by AMEX Card ‘Corp. Card AMEX LV’

• Put by hand numbers (e.g. 1, 2, 3…) on original receipts and use those no. as Invoice No

• In the field ‘Amount’ always type total amount of receipt ( including VAT)

• After you submit electronic expense , as soon as possible forward original receipts and other backup documents to Accountants ( Eva Vevere & Anda Lazdane) Please print cover pages of Expense Report and Company Car Mileage report

• Entertainment Expense Approval forms are integrated in three Expense Types: Meals with 3rd Party (Non Abbott) below LVL 60,- per person ; Entertainment - Abbogtt (Abbott); Gifts

• Please DO NOT USE Expense Type “Misc. Promotional Expense”. Promotional Expenses (e.g. Congress registrations for Customers, Promotional materials printing) should be pre-approved through “Promotional Expenses System”

If there are some promo expenses which are pre-approved put to “Misc T&E Relaited” and mark that these expenses need to reclassified to Promo Expenses.


Description of Expense Types:

Meal with 3rd Party (Non-Abbott)

In this Expense Type can be entered Entertainment expenses related to Customers (Business guests). Mandatory requirement is to add Attendees. Cost per person will be calculated and you can check hospitality limits.

Use this expense: - Meals in the restaurants - Round tables - Other representation

Add attendees (Always add yourself as attendee in this Expense Type)

You and other Abbott employee

Other attendees:


Business Guest Title for Doctors and other medical staff use “Other”

Cellular/Mobile phone:

Internet Access

Company Car Maintenance


Company Car Mileage:

Employees who are using company car should enter Business KM for each day. You can do it once per week, e.g. every Friday you can enter your business km for previous 5 days. NOTE: private km should not be entered. You can adjust Starting Odometer at the beginning of the next week.


First day

Second day

Company Car Repair:


Company Car Wash:

Other Company Car Expenses:


Entertainment-Abbott (Abbott staff):

Only Abbott employees are participants for this expense (e.g. flowers for colleague)



This Expense Type can be used only for Business Gifts for Customers. Please add Customer details to this expense.

Congresses Registration Fees



First you enter all data from hotel invoice


Then click button Enter check-in date and number of nights and Room Rate in original currency.

Fill in only the boxes that are marked with red.

Then click on and Save.

If you will forget to Itemize hotel invoice system will remind you to do it.

LV Per Diems:

For each business travel day Per Diems should be entered with new Transaction Date. In drop down menu ‘Per Diem Rate’ are listed all daily allowance rate as per Latvian legislation.

Please choose you destination country and type in City. Describe Business Purpose and type Amount.

IMPORTANT: system will not let you to submit Expense Report with Per Diems if there is not assigned Authorization request. System will create Exception (error message).


Msc T&E Relaited expenses:

Use this expense type for other expenses related to business trip or other business activity.

Stationery & Supplies:

Car Rental:


You do not need to enter this expense type.



If you are using company Statoil card, please choose Payment Type = Company Paid


Business purpose – where and with who are meeting.

Transportation Tickets & Taxi:

Misc. Promotional Expense:

Please DO NOT USE this expense type!

If there are some promo expenses which are pre-approved put to “Misc T&E Relaited” and mark that these expenses need to reclassified to Promo Expenses.

Promotional expenses always should be reported to Promo Cost Centre 235500 for AI, ANI, EPD and AV. And for ADD Promo expenses should be reported to Cost Centre 235F00.


Section 5: Business Travel

Before every business trip you need to fill and submit “Authorization Request” and receive approval from manager.

Click on New Authorization Request.

This will be your electronic Travel form. Please complete all requested information.

Authorizations Request Name should give information to your Manager, for example:

2012.05.16-17 LT/ Vilnius S&OP

When all fields are completed click

Then enter approximate expenses and per-diems associated with this trip and click Submit button.




Put the total amount of the expense.


Expense Category – “Other” include all these expenses. Explain this sum in the box “Purpose”.

Your Manager will receive Auto notification from Concur and will review and approve your Authorization request.

When manager has approved request you will see this icon.

You car start new report from Authorized Request tab or Add Authorized Request to New report.


Section 6: Prepare AMEX Report

AMEX report should be prepared 1 time per month. When you will receive Card Account Statement from American Express, go to Concur Expense system and start New Expense Report.

Name report as e.g. “2010.12. AMEX”.

Choose appropriate Expense Types and type in EUR amounts.

For calculation to Local Currency please use fixed exchange rate 0,702804.

Payment type use “Corp Card AMEX LV”

When electronic report is complete, press button and forward to Accountant original receipts + AMEX Statement.


Description of buttons:

Attendees: Indicates that an expense entry has associated attendees.

Approve: Approve the expense report for processing.

Comments: Indicates that an expense entry has comments associated with it.

Create Expense Report From Trip: Creates an expense report from a completed trip.

Delete Report: Deletes the current expense report.

Details: Provides options to view details of the expense report such as the report header, allocations, and audit trail.

Exceptions: Indicates that an expense entry has an exception associated with it.

Multiply: Reverses the exchange rate when working with foreign out of pocket transactions.

New Attendee: Add a never before used attendee to an expense report.

New Expense: Create an out of pocket expense entry.

New Expense Report: Create a new expense report.

Next: After creating the expense report header go to the next step in the process.

Personal: Indicates that an expense entry was marked as personal.

Print: Print the fax cover page or detail report for the current expense report.

Save & Itemize: Save the current expense entry and being the itemization process.

Send Back to Employee: Allows the approver to send the expense report back for corrections.

Submit Report: Submit the expense report for approval.

Print reports

1) Expense report – “ABT LV Detailed Report”

2) Car mileage report - “ABT LV Car Mileage Detail Report”


The main things

Svarīgākās lietas: 1) Nosaukums: gads.mēn. Domestic (piem.2011.03. Domestic) 2) Ārzemju cekus vada tajā valūtā, kas norādīta cekā. Valūtas kursu - ceka dienas Latvijas Bankas valūtas kurss (Latvijas Bankas mājas lapa http://www.bank.lv) 3)Business entertainment izdevumiem – vienmēr jāraksta mērķis (ja seminārs vai apaļais galds, tad jānorāda arī produkts) un pie attendees jaliek sevi klāt 4) Stāvvietu izdevumiem vienmēr jāraksta mērķis – uz kādu slimnīcu vai pie kāda ārsta ir iets 5) Ja maksāts ar Statoil un ALD karti vai mazgāta automašīna SIA Aga un partneri – payment type vienmēr jāliek „Company Paid” 6) Katra mēneša sākuma jānoraksta reālais odometra rādītājs automāšīnā un jāliek kā sākuma atlikums pirmajā mēneša darba dienā. Starpība starp iepriekšējā mēneša beigu atlikumu un nākošā mēneša sākuma atlikumu ir privātie km, kas var būt un tos nav jamēģina pierakstīt klāt biznesa km. 7) Jāskatās nopirktā un izlietotā benzīna summas pa mēnesi 8)Attendees vienu reizi ievada un pēc tam meklēt ar Favorites un tikai pievieno 9) Pirms katra komandējuma ir jātaisa “Authorization Request” 10) AMEX atskaites čekus jāvada no AMEX konta izraksta EUR summā un maksāšas veids jānorāda “Corp Card Amex LV”