Post on 08-Jan-2016

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QUIZ SHOW!. McKayla Twist. CATEGORIES. FINISH!. Random for 100. What is the most popular type of cheese? If your answer is Mozzarella , you are correct!. THANKS FOR PLAYING ON. THE QUIZ SHOW!. Random for 200. What is the deadliest animal in the world? - PowerPoint PPT Presentation



CATEGORIESMusicSports MoviesRandom100100100100200200200200300300300300400400400400500500500500FINISH!What is the most popular sport in the world?

If your answer is soccer, you are correct!

Sports for 100Who is the most popular actor?

If your answer is Brad Pitt, you are correct!Movies for 100What is the most popular type of cheese?

If your answer is Mozzarella, you are correct!Random for 100What is the most popular type of music?If your answer is rock or country, you are correct!Music for 200What sport involves a birdie?

If your answer is badminton, you are correct!Sports for 200What is the most popular movie of 2012?

If your answer is The Hobbit, you are correct!Movies for 200What is the deadliest animal in the world?

If your answer is mosquito, you are correct!Random for 200Who is the most popular music artist so far of 2013?

If your answer is Lorde, you are correct!MUSIC FOR 300What is the most dangerous sport in the world?

If your answer is horseback riding, you are correct!Sports for 300Who is the actor that plays Draco Malfoy in the movie Harry Potter?

If your answer is Tom Felton, you are correct!Movies for 300 Is it legal for a man to marry his widows sister?

If you said no, because he would be dead, then you are correct!Random for 300Music for 400What is the most popular musical instrument?If your answer is the piano, you are correct!Which athlete has been to the most Olympics?

If your answer is Ian Millar, you are correct!Sports for 400What is the best horror movie?

If your answer is Cabin in the Woods, you are correct! Movies for 400

Julies mom has four daughters; April, May, June What is the fourth daughters name?

If your answer is Julie, you are correct!Random for 400Who is considered the best guitarist of all time?

If your answer is Jimi Hendrix, you are correct!Music for 500What is the largest sports stadium in the world?

If your answer is Rungnado May Day Stadium, you are correct!Sports for 500What is the best kids movie?

If your answer is Oz the Great and Powerful, you are correct!Movies for 500THANKS FOR PLAYING ONTHE QUIZ SHOW!