Qumran, Israel - Bible Scholars - Historical and Archaeological Travel Study Tour

Post on 01-Jul-2015

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Qumran, Israel - a visual study of this significant historical and archaeological site. 40 photos of the area where the Dead Sea Scrolls were found.


As we continue our visual study of thesignificant historical and archeological

sites in Israel, we travel to


From the top of

the tower, we

look back west

toward the


escarpment and

Cave 13. In

ancient times, a

water aqua duct

was built to

channel water

from runoff from

rains in the Judean mountains into a water channel that

brought water into the ritual immersion baths and the cisterns

at Qumran. The water channel can be seen along the edge of

the road running west towards Cave 13.

We hope you have enjoyed your trip through

QumranFor more information on our historical and

archeological study program to Israel, contact us atinfo@biblescholars.org


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