Quotes from Networking: Naked & Unafraid!

Post on 14-Jul-2015

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from the book


The richest people in the world look for and build networks, everyone else looksfor work.  ~ Robert Kiyosaki   KathrynWheat.com


Only those who will risk

going too far can possibly

find out how far

one can go. ~T.S. Eliot


Networking is simply starting aconversation with no destination in mind.~ Kathryn Crawford Wheat


You can’t become who you need to be by remaining who you are.~ Kathryn Crawford Wheat


Because true belonging only happens when we present our authentic, imperfect selves to the world, our sense of belonging can never be greater than our level of self-acceptance.~ Brene Brown


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A brand is no longer what we tell the customer it is – it is what wetell each other it is.~ Scott Cook


Your business card is a vital part of your

networking tool kit, as it provides an

early snapshot of you as an individual.

~ Jon Visaisouk

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The number-one fear in life is public speaking,and the number-two fear is death.

This means that if you go to a funeral,you’re better off in the casket

than giving the eulogy.~ Jerry Seinfeld


Great men are seldom over-scrupulousin the arrangement of their attire.~ Charles Dickens


Humor results when society

says you can’t scratch

certain things in public,

but they itch in public.~ Tom Walsh

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The mark of a good conversationalist is not that you can talk a lot. The mark is that you can get others to talk a lot. Thus, good schmoozers are good listeners, not good talkers.~ Guy Kawasaki


You need to bring something to the campfire.You need to thrive in the service to others. And you need to add new royalty to your kingdom at every turn.Access is the new aloofness. Inclusion is the new exclusivity.~ Chris Brogan KathrynWheat.com


The secret of getting ahead is getting started.~ Mark Twain

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Nothing is a waste of time if you use the experience wisely.~Rodin

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Manners are a sensitive awarenessof the feelings of others. If you have that awareness,you have good manners,no matter what fork you use.~ Emily Post

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My belief is that during

conversations, it’s not

so much what you say;

it’s how you say it that

matters. What’s being

heard is secondary to

what’s being seen, as

body language leads

the discussion and

dictates the mood.

~ Jarod Kintz

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Don’t act like a gunslinger whipping your card out of your pocket as you approach someone ready to fire.~ Kathryn Crawford Wheat


Most of the successful people I’ve known are the ones who do more listening than talking.~ Bernard M. Baruch



You gotta know when to hold ‘em, know when to fold ‘em, know when to walk away, know when to run.~Kenny Rogers


The impression you make on people through your handshake influences how they feel about you.

~ Todd Smith

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Every survival kit should include a sense of humor.~ Author Unknown


You are what you do, not what

you say you’ll do.~ C. G. Jung


Find someone new to meet and help. Have ZERO agenda on how this helps you. Just make them better in some way. Seek nothing in return.~ Chris Brogan


Networking is marketing. Marketing

yourself, marketing

your uniqueness,

marketing what you

stand for.~ Christine Comaford-Lynch


The money is in the list.

~ Ronald Earl Wilsher


Every company is its own TV

station, magazine, and

newspaper.~ Jay Baer


A life spent making mistakes is not only more honorable, but

more useful than a life spent doing nothing.

~ George Bernard Shaw


Whatever you can do,or dream you can,begin it.~ Johann Wolfgang von Goeth

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