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Post on 03-Dec-2015

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43 A year changes you a lot.

Actions always prove why words mean nothing.

Years, lovers, glasses of wine. These are things that must never be counted.

I have a theory that every time you make an important choice, the part of you left behind continues the other life you could have had.

Whatever comes, let it come. What stays, let it stay. What goes, let it go.

Damaged people are dangerous. They know they can survive.

Music always helps, no matter what you’re going through.

Some changes happen deep down inside of you. And the truth is, only you know about them. Maybe that’s the way it’s supposed to be.

I am always the one who loves more, that’s my thing.

- We can’t be friends but we can’t be more than friends either. - My guess is that we’re just meant to exist.

Hvala mu za nejavljanja, za svaku neodgovorenu poruku, za sve ružne riječi, hvala mu što je pokazao kakav je zaista i uništio sve iluzije koje sam imala o njemu. A najviše mu hvala što me je otjerao od sebe, kako je bilo, mislila sam da nikada neće proći.

[ 25.07.2015. ] I am like her. I could not stop smiling the last time we were together. Not only because I knew that what I was doing was driving him crazy but for the pure, sheer happiness of simply being with him after months and months. I like, perhaps even love that smile on my face. 

If it were up to me, we would already be in a relationship, an amazing one. We simply fit together, when we first kissed and everytime afterwards it just feels right, we feel right, our kisses lead us. 

But life is strange, people are strange, circumstances are strange. When two people fit together like that you would think they are bound to be in a real relationship. And the truth is, life and most of all, love does not work like that. These sorts of relationships are not permanent, they are temporary. 

You bump into each other after a couple of months and at the end of the evening eventually end up together. It just happens. Every once in a while. And that just keeps on draging for months on end, years even. Whatever it is is never fully comprehended and resolved. Simply two people who obviously care about each other, even if just a tiny bit, but never, not even once, gather the courage to let it develop into an amazing romantic relationship.

[ 07.07.2015.] We will always be something more, our relationship will always be unresolved – I finished my second year of college and came back home for the summer on Friday.On Saturday, I went out with my friend and her two other friends… We talked and one of His friends entered the bar alone and came to our table as he knew one of the girls and ordered us drinks, then another, and another… I spent 10 kn (ca. 1$) and managed to get quite tipsy, but not truly drunk…

After going to other two bars, we finally went to the nightclub. As we were doing the rounds to see who is there, I bumped into Him. Visibly drunk and wanted me to meet him outside in 10, but I knew he would not be there so I stayed with my friends.

That was around 2 a.m. I danced with my friends, met some new people and had fun. At one moment around 3.30 my friend started freaking out that someone stole her bag. I gave her my phone to call someone, but stayed with other some more. When I went out to check up on her, she was screaming and, honestly acted like a real brat.

I distance myself a little and noticed Him in one of the crowds not far from where I was pacing. He was talking with some guys, and when some girls came, his friends started arguing and he was the one calming down the situation. My friend’s sister texted me to go back inside to search for the purse. There was a lot less people inside and the whole middle area was more or less empty. He saw me, told me to come with him and took me by my hand leading towards exit.

He was more than eager to be with me again, but I told him to wait since I had to talk to my friend. Which was sort of a mistake, because she yet again talked on my phone for almost 15 minutes. All the while, he was pacing back and forth, talked with some people. Once, for a change, he was the one waiting.

When we finally ended up together, he commented that it has been a long time since we were last together (last time was last weekend in January) and said something along the lines that he missed kissing me and of course I said that I did a little. I could not tell him that I missed everything more than I can even put into words.

We sort of hooked up, as we always would when we ended up together. As we were getting it on, I openly and directly told him that I am home for the whole summer and we could have something more, something more serious.

However, life is unpredictable and you never know what to expect. He said we would not be able to do anything as he is leaving for military training. I was shocked and surprised he is obligated to do so as his college requested it.

I was happy that we were finally together again, at least for the night. Even happier when he said he wants to meet the next day to which I instantly said yes. I missed his touch, his kisses, my digging my fingers through his hair. I held him for my dear life.

Funnily enough, a month or two ago, I realized that whatever I felt for him was slowly starting to lose its effect and I was more content and at peace with myself. I still do feel something for him; perhaps I will never feel anything remotely similar towards anyone else. This time, though more that glad it happened, I was not as affected as I thought I would be. We fit; we already have this pace we are both used to. We do bicker because he is as stubborn as I am.

We parted ways, and I went home. And as per usual, the next day he did not answer the text and we did not go anywhere. But, I more than anticipated that. I sent the text because I had nothing to lose and if it makes me desperate, need or what not, that is his view. He was the one who said we need to meet the next day, and mentioned quite a few things he wanted.Though I said yes, I knew it would end the way it did. This thing has been dragging on for a year now. What makes me sad is the fact that I probably will not see him at all this summer. He is gone for either 3 or even 6 months. I at least hoped he would answer and we could have had a better goodbye, a proper farewell.

We will always have this kind of relationship. Running into each other, hooking up, not seeing each other for a month or two, and then everything all over again. A never-ending circle. A circle I am just not able to end. That I do not want to end. He was, is and will be that one person that I cannot say no to, cannot shake off.

I have watched a few of my friends get treated the way he is treating me, and every single time told them to let it go, forget about him, he is not worth it. Yet, I have been in that same non-existent relationship for a year now.

Nevertheless, as self-destructive as it sounds, I still do all of this because I know that he is a good guy, nice guy. But he simply has this problem of not being able to fully commit and man up for once and give a shot and let things turn into something more. Something I am willing to get into and what could, without a doubt, change our lives and make us both happy.

I will miss not seeing him, but who knows; maybe these few months in military change his perspective. It is a long shot, but you never know what can happen. I cannot wait for him to get out of the army because he really needs to let his hair and beard grow. To me, without the two, he is simply not him.

[ 07.06.2015. ] I have come to a realization that what I felt for him could not have been love, or at least not in the form of real, true love… I did feel something for him, still sort of do. I still hold dear to my heart the moments we shared, I always will. He certainly is not someone who you can shake off easily, but eventually I did. I no longer feel miserable when I think about him; I smile, because even though he is an idiot, I cannot deny the fact that he made me happy when we were together. It has been months since we were last together, like 5 months or so. You embrace the good things as they are the only that matter in the end.

Perhaps, the fact that I talked about it all with my friends helped, or perhaps me being with, khem let’s say a couple of other guy, was the key factor that opened my eyes and I realized that I do not love him, I just care for him deeply and he will always be someone special in my life.

You get drunk; (not always, but in 70% of the cases) you kiss the wrong person. You kiss the person you just met and barely know. Perhaps you will do just about anything to distract your heart from missing someone. Moreover, you do that more than once.Ultimately, you think less and less about him and after some time, you catch yourself not thinking about him at all for days. And in that moment when that happens, you realize you are happy, you no longer feel down. Memory of him is no longer painful. Seeing his picture pop up on Facebook does stir something in you, but not as much as it used to. You see and feel that there are other fish in the sea, maybe you once thought he is the right fish for you, but after kissing a few, not entirely wrong but also not completely right frogs after him, you hopes are back and in high spirits.

Throughout it all, you learn something about yourself and grow as a person, come to terms with you emotions and learn how to control them. Love and infatuation are not the same thing, but both can make you feel miserable when unrequited. Though you never know, what might happen in the future and with whom you might end up in the end.

Trust me when I say this - never say never. I have said it more than once. Perhaps not immediately, but after some time things you never thought would happen, happen and you do things you never thought you would do.

Life is funny at times, it is unpredictable, people come and go, lovers come and go, some leave more of an impact but with some, you even have troubles remembering. Sometimes you have to repeat the same mistake to learn from it, like being with him after you strictly told yourself it last time was the last time, but in the end, you stop repeating the same mistake over and over again and learn you lessons.

I regret some decisions, not necessarily regret some people I have been with but regret the fact that it lasted for a night or two and never turned into something more. I do regret not having enough courage or simply being bold enough to do some things regardless of other peoples’ opinions. I regret not being with some people because just few days after I had a more that inviting and obvious chance with them I realized that it could have been the best thing in my life, even the greatest love of my life but I was the one who blew it and never gave it a chance.

Nevertheless, you move on, you live your life as it goes, learn how to get over such things. Sometimes, even, laugh with that same person about what could have been. It is life. You think you love someone, but in fact, you do not. It is just that feeling they gave you when you were with them that holds you captured in their little bubble. Eventually it lessen and eventually it passes completely and you are free to live your life as you want to, without anything holding you back any longer. Fuck what other people think, do whatever makes you alive and whoever you want to be with if there is a chance of it happening.

[ 08.04.2015. ] I have reached that point of pissed off and exhausted and just generally being sick of everything when I just do not even give a single fuck anymore. I should be studying for my last final from last semestr and for the exam. But what’s the point? I am not able to remember a thing. My thoughts are all over the place, I haven’t eaten properly for almost two weeks, I haven’t had a good night sleep in God knows how long, I lost almost 8 kg in a month due to all the exhaustion and stress I have been dealing with lately.

Of course, I will force myself to attend both exams and give my best shot. I need to pass; I want to finish my year in June so I have full 3 months free. But, then again, I believe my mental and physical health should be my priorities. Killing oneself for excellent grades will do no good. I’d rather have a solid C and be content than straight A’s and be on the verge of breakdown.

What I need now the most is some time to clear my head, I want to and need to be happy again, find joy in little things, in new people that have just recently entered my life. If going home every two weeks will help me, if we get to know each other better and it turns into something more, great. It would make me happy, I will know that you are who brought me back, who helped me to get over certain someone and certain things I have been through with them over the course of past 8 months.

Lately, I have been thinking and rethinking everything. Some things and people are worth it, worth the fight, but some were just mere lessons in life. They dissapear from your life as quickly as the have entered it. School is important, there is no question about it, but it is not the most important thing in life. Living fully, freely and happily is what you should aim for.

I did love you. I loved you so much I couldn’t breathe. You consumed my entire being, and thats why I let you treat me the way you did. I don’t know what you got out of destroying me time after time, but I hope you don’t put anyone else through that. I waited for you. I gave you chance after chance and I left you with every last goddamn thing I had. And you took it all without a care in the world. I tried to hang on, because I thought you were worth it. But one day I just stopped waiting. I didn’t want to hear “I miss you” anymore. Although I hope you fucking miss me. Once I would have given my last breath for you to say that. I hope you see me so fucking happy that I look like I’m about to explode, and I hope it kills you. I hope you drop to the floor and feel like the breath is being sucked out of you and you realise what you gave up. Because I gave you the world and I kept fighting long after I should have stopped. You don’t deserve that. Fuck you."

[ moj dio ] This is just perfect. Couldn’t have written it better myself. I gave you too many chances, and all I got was you using me time after time just because you knew I would give in. But honey, not any more. No fucking way. I will not and do not want to make myself feel miserable because of your mistreatment, ever again. This whole back and forth thing lasted for far too long, for months more than it should have and it is exhausting. I finally met someone new, who is good, funny, and we have many things in common. Honestly, I hope it turns into something more, something good and wonderful, because, frankly, I deserve someone who likes me from the very start, who took an interest in me the moment we officially introduced ourselves and who appreciates me for who I am as a person and not only for my looks and for other things I do.

Will you remember me in ten years? -- I truly hope you do and that you remember me as the best thing you could have had all for yourself, if not forever then for a long time. You had to be a dickhead and crawl under my skin and almost ruin me. But my dearest idiot, I am slowly moving on, you had your chances and I want you to remember me and instantly regret not giving as a real shot and taking those innumerous chances I gave you. Your loss, buddy…

It’s crazy to think that one night someone can have you going to going to sleep with a smile and the next night the same person can have you going to sleep in tears.

I can’t stop myself from liking you, or thinking about you. You are the first thing I think of when I wake up and the last thing I think of before I go to sleep. I think that is a cliché from somewhere, but it is completely true.

Sometimes it’s not the butterflies that tell you you’re in love, but the pain.

You have moments where you think you’re over it and then you have others where you cry on the bathroom floor wondering why you weren’t good enough.

Why can’t you just tell me what you feel, because the way you act is confusing me

I don’t love him. But he is here and you are not.

I like him. A lot. And that’s a huge problem.

I’m not sure what I saw in him. Whatever it was, it was an amazing façade; I’ve never been so screwed over in my life.

Ono što dopustiš, to će se i nastaviti. Jednostavno pravilo u životu. Ak daš nekom da te zajebava, zajebavat će te dokle god mu to dozvoljavaš. Na poslu. U vezi. U tunelu Tuhobić. Dokle god dopuštaš. Jednom kad prestaneš dopuštat da te zajebavaju, neki će još uvijek pokušat, ali čim ne naiđu na plodno tlo, prestat će. Drugim riječima, ako te netko u životu zajebava, nije on kreten jer to radi - ti si kreten jer to dopuštaš.

It sucks when you have someone in your heart and on your mind, but you can’t have them in your arms.

Because I didn’t just fall for you- I rolled and stumbled, kicked and screamed for you. Like the mad woman I was, I fought for you. I cried and bled from my lungs for you- all the way down. And, I have no regrets.

If any other man ever treated me like he did, it would be the one and only time. I don’t put up with the things I’ve seen a lot of my friends put up with. However, I find myself continuing to make excuses for him, like something could actually justify his actions last week. I am beginning to fear I am not so tough after all.

Postoji ta noć sa nekim kada si zaboravio cijeli svijet. A onda cijeli život nije dovoljan da je zaboraviš.

Ne znam zašto, ne znam kako, ali nije ni da me briga. Neke stvari se očito ne daju objasniti. A nekada to nije ni potrebno. Tu smo. Zajedno smo. Dobro nam je. Što nam drugo treba? … Zora je već svanula. Sunce je već na obzoru. Svako ljeto ima priču, a najbolje su one koje ne možeš nikome ispričati. 

She’s not the type of girl to wait by the phone, she won’t cry, she knows it’ll get her nowhere, she’ll laugh a lot and often, and she will live her own life. She would like you to be a part of it, but she will do just fine without you.

Možeš ti nekome posvetiti 100 statusa, 100 pjesama, al’ tko je mutav, mutav je.

Ovdje nije riječ o nekoj, nego o jednoj sasvim određenoj budali.

Znamo se od prije. I bilo je svašta, nekoliko puta. Nema natrag nama. S obzirom na sve, igrice su stvarno besmislene. Dođi i pozdravi, popričaj, jednostavno odgovori na poruku koji si sam potencirao i želio… nije to tak teško…

Previše se dobro ljubiš da bi smo se rastali

Poljubac mu je bio grub i uzbudljiv. Zaboravi sve što je znala o sebi i ovije ruke oko njegovog vrata. Nagnuvši glavu, rastvorila je usne i privila se bliže.

Nekad si sam sebi najgori neprijatelj.

Možemo mi da se pretvaramo da se ne poznajemo. Da se ne javimo jedno drugome kada se sretnemo na cesti. Ali baš to i jeste dokaz da je bilo nešto i da to nešto još uvek postoji, inače bi mogli da se ponašamo kao prema svima ostalima… Ali, nisi ti meni svi, a nisam ni ja tebi… Znam.

Nikad ne reci nikad kad smo ti i ja u pitanju

Ima nešto u čovijeku pa sam sebi u inat tjera.

Vremenom shvatiš da neki čjludi jednostavno nisu vriejdni truda

Možeš zatvoriti oči nad stvarima koje ne želiš gledati, ali ne možeš srcu reći da prestane osjećati

Nismo ti i ja stvoreni da se nemamo

Ako nisam otišla dosad, neću ni odsad… a mogla sam milion puta.

A on i ja? Mi smo nastavili po svome, onako tvrdoglavo kako smo uvijek i radili. On je jednostavno bio on, onako ponosan… A ja, ja mu ni metva ne bih priznala da sam ga voljela, da ga volim i da ga niti jedan ne može zamijeniti… Baš kao što ni jedna nije mogla mene. Ali tako smo dobro lagali, prvo sebe, pa onda jedno drugo.

Bolesno je bez okretanja proći pored osobe koja je nekad hodala uz tebe.

Da ti kažem da te volim. Zadnji put da izgovorim to.

Nekad je najbolje jednostavno stavit točku. Ma koliko boljelo. Stavit točku i krenuti dalje.

Ako si u dilemi između dvije osobe, baci novčić. Novčić neće da odluči, ali dok je još u vazduhu znaćeš na koju stranu želiš da padne.

We loved with a love that was more than love.

How is it possible to miss something you never had?

So fill your heart with what is important and be done with the rest.

Say it before you run out of time. Say it before it is too late. Say what you are feeling. Waiting is a mistake.

I hate it when you can’t stop thinking about that one person… and deep down inside you know they probably haven’t thought about you once.

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

Wanderwall – someone who you find yourself thinking about all the time, the person who you are completely infatuated with.

I like the way we feel together. We fit. I’ve never fit with anyone the way that we do.

One day you’ll kiss someone and know those are the lips you want to kiss for the rest of your life.

I am a lover without a lover. I am lovely and lonely and I belong deeply to myself.

I’m in love with him. Despite all the bad he’s done, I can’t help it. I’m in love with him.

Fall for him but never chase him, never

The things from which we try to escape, we actually, inevitably run towards

You ever feel like when you met someone, they fill this hole inside of you…and that when they’re gone you feel that space painfully vacant?

Things happen, you know? Things happen, and you can’t do anything to make them un-happen. You don’t get do-overs, you can’t roll back the clock, and the only thing you can change, and the only thing it does any good to worry about, is how you let them affect you.

I just broke up… well… I just got broken up with. I thought I was going to marry him. It’s frustrating. After being independent for so long, and going from place to place and man to man, I’ve finally come to a point where I’m ready to settle. And I can’t.

Good things fall apart so better things could fall together

I’m tired of forgiving people that aren’t sorry for hurting me.

I feel small, but so are stars from a distance.

A broken body can be made as good as new, but a broken heart can only be patched back together imperfectly. And only once it has made peace with the person who broke it.

It’s okay to close the door on people if they’re toxic” “But what if that person was also my happiness? I mean sure he makes me more miserable than I’ve ever been but he also makes me the happiest.

You are enough. Forget men whose hands have groped your hips in search for answers to questions you have never even heard of. Do not settle for people who do not appreciate you, who do not know how lucky they are. Remember it is a privilege to be loved by you, or even just be touched by you, and the warmth of another body does not define your warmth.

Ever fallen for someone so hard, a person that you shouldn’t have fallen for? You felt like they were the right one, they flirted and led you on for weeks, moths, maybe even years. You log on Facebook just to see if they are online because it’s the only person you want to talk to. When talking to them they make you feel like the happiest person ever, even though they are chatting up a dozen others as the same time. And you know all you have to do is move on, but you can’t. They begin to hurt you, but you have come all this way you just don’t want to let go. All you think about is that day when they will realize you are the one, but deep inside you know it will most likely never happen. Gotten played so hard, fallen in love when you know it was wrong from the start. You get jealous of everyone who talks to them, and everyone is a therat. You hear something you don’t want to hear about them, and even though all the facts come together and it seems to be so true, you still don’t believe it. Because this is that important to you. It’s called being played, it happens, it is shit. Can’t stop what makes you happy, even though it is what is making you hurt.

We mistake sex for romance. Guys are taught that pushing a girl against a wall is romance. Sex is easy; you can do it with anyone, yourself, with batteries. Romance is when someone you like walks into a room and they take your breath away. Romanceis when two people are dancing and they fit together perfectly. Romance is when two people are walking next to each other and all of a sudden they find themselves holding hands, and they don+t know how that happenend.

These men – they think that they can own you with their drunken stares and roughened arms, but I have circled the earth a thousand times to feed the light flowing inside your skin. Do not waste it by illuminating those who cannot even be bothered to learn your last name.

He will brush against your thigh and pretend that he didn’t, and he’ll look you in the eyes and tell you he likes them. He will take the band out of your ponytail because he likes your hair long, he will let you listen to his favourite song and it will get stuck in your head. He will kiss your lips until they are numb and he will hold your hands until they go numb too. Don’t watch the sunset with him, because you won’t be able to watch it again without missing the smell of

his cologne. Don’t make him call you by your nickname, because afterwards you won’t be able to hear it. Your heart will be heavy and so will your head but just remember you were beautiful before he said so.

You don’t want him back but you still feel a pit in your stomach when you catch a glimse of his face on a stranger. you don’t want him back but your heart still races whenever someone mentions his name. you don’t want him back but you wonder if he will ever return. you don’t want him back but you dream of what to do if he did. you don’t want him back but you wonder what if he never left. you don’t want him back but if he still wanted you, you probably, maybe, would change your mind.

She was too quiet, or she was too loud. She took things too seriously, or not seriously at all. She was too sensitive, or too cold-hearted. She hated with every fiber of her being, or loved with every piece of her heart. There was no in-between for her. It was either all or nothing. She wanted everything but settled for nothing.

The longer you dance with the devil, the longer you stay in hell.

Overthinking is the biggest cause of our unhappiness. Keep yourself occupied. Keep your mind off things that don’t help you. Be optimistic.

Don’t waste your love on somebody, who doesn’t value it.

Run from anyone you feel a magnetic pull towards. If you are drawn to someone you barely know, run. That will never end well.

I try to focus on the fact that whatever I’m feeling right now, no matter how intense and painful, is temporary.

We stop talking for a week. Then you randomly text me like nothing ever happened. You get my hopes up and lead me on. Because you know that no matter how long you ignosre, I will always be here waiting for you.

If you chase after love, you’ll catch it. If you wait for love, it’ll find you. No matter what, if it’s meant to be then it’s meant to be.

I like that she’s just been more open about her feelings, and I think that it’s also true as you grow up as a woman. you kind of try to play this hard-to-get thing and it’s freaking exhausting. You want to just be able to say, “ You know what, this is how I feel and if you can’t man up and want to be a part of it, then you don’t deserve it.” And I loved

that she’s been able to do that, and I think it’s really cool for women and young women to see that sometimes you just need to make a speech about your feelings, and it’s not crazy or weird or any of that stuff. I like those moments. 

And the rule is this: If a guy doesn’t call you, he doesn’t want to call you. Or he didn’t call because he has no interest in seeing you again. If a guy is treating you like he doesn’t give a shit, he genuinely doesn’t give a shit.

Strange, the things you remember; the people, the places. The moments in time bound in your heart forever, while others fade in the mist. I’ve always known I’d live a life different from other men. When I was a lad, I saw no path before me - I simply took a step and then another, ever forward, ever onward, rushing towards some place I knew not where. And one day I turned around and looked back and saw that each step I’d taken was a choice. To go left, to go right.To go forward or even not go at all. Every day, every man has a choice between right and wrong, between love and hate, sometimes between life and death. And the sum of those choices becomes your life. The day I realized that is the day I became a man.

Just look at life with more playful eyes. Don’t be serious. Seriousness becomes like a blindness. Don’t pretend to be a thinker, a philosopher. Just simply be a human being. The whole world is showering its joy on you in so many ways, but you are too serious, you cannot open your heart.

We ignore those who wants us, love those who hurt us and hurt those who love us.

Do you ever just miss the way someone acted when you first met?

Just because you miss the feeling they gave you, doesn’t mean you miss them.

I’m scared as hell to want you. But here I am, wanting you anyway.

I used to be nice, but nice was boring. Nice hadn’t gotten me anywhere.

I always give, only to get nothing back. But oh god, what I’d give for you to love me back.

Girls are sensitive, they overthink every little thing and they care way more than they should, but that’s what makes their love so strong

If it is till in your mind, it is still in your heart.

Nothing ever happens like you imagine it will… but then again, if you don’t imagine, nothing ever happens at all.

The best nights are usually unplanned, random and spontaneous.

You only know a part of me. I am a universe full of secrets.

We need not be afraid to touch, to feel, to show emotion. The easiest thing in the world is to be what you are, what you feel. The hardest thing to be is what other people want you to be.

When you lose a best friend, it’s worse than breaking up with a boyfriend. Because you lose more than a heart, you lose a little bit of yourself.

I guess I like things that take time and attention. More worthwhile that way.

Somewhere in the middle of ‘kiss me’ and ‘fuck out of my face you small dick fuck boy’.

Don’t choose the better guy, choose the guy that’s going to make you the better girl.

I miss seeing you. – You fucked up that privilege yourself. they miss you when they see you doin alright without them.

It’s so beautiful to kiss someone who actually means a lot to you.

There’s nothing sweeter than tasting someone’s laughter in your mouth.

You can’t live your life for other people.You’ve got to do what’s right for you,even if it hurts some people you love.

Don't cry over the past, it's gone. Don't stress about the future, it hasn't arrived. Live in the present and make the most of it.

I need substance and depth. We can laugh and have fun but when it's time to be serious I want our minds to be connected.

You get in life what you have the courage to ask for

It is amazing how quickly you start to become your true self when you stop worrying about what people think.

Everyone has a story. Everyone has gone through something that changed them.

Life is about making mistakes. If you don’t take chances, blindfolded and frightened as you are, you’re not really living, are you? Heartache makes you stronger. Misery is the stuff of good poetry.

Never be in a hurry; do everything quietly and in a calm spirit. Do not lose your inner peace for anything whatsoever, even if your whole world seems upset

I cared too much and you didn’t care enough.

Borderline trying to forget you, yet still hoping you return.

Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results

Often in life, we forget things we should remember, and remember the things we should forget

Maybe it meant something. Maybe not, in the long run, but no explanation, no mix of words or music or memories can touch that sense of knowing that you were there and alive in that corner of time and the world. Whatever it meant.

I have the deepest affection for intellectual conversations. The ability to just sit and talk. About love, about life, about anything, about everything. To sit under the moon with all the time in the world, the full-speed train that is our lives slowing to a crawl. Bound by no obligations, barred by no human limitations. To speak without regret or fear of consequence. To talk for hours and about what’s really important in life.

Observe the wonders as they occur around you. Don’t claim them. Feel the artistry moving through, and be silent.

Say “hi” first. if there’s anything I’ve learned, it’s that if you want to talk to someone, talk to them. go out on a limb. do not wait for the them to talk to you first because, odds are, they’re waiting for the same thing.

Do not pursue the past. Do not lose yourself in the future. The past no longer is. The future has not yet come. Look deeply at life as it is.

i honestly just need someone to come into my life that really genuinely cares about me and wants to sit and have long conversations about things that actually matter and wants to go on adventures late at night and wants to be there for me at my lowest points and celebrate with me at my highest points and just be the rock that keeps me going when life gets rough

Sometimes you confuse your needs. You don’t need a boyfriend. You need a black dress, white pearls and red lipstick. And a drink.

Something inside is hurting you – that’s why you need cigarettes or whiskey, or music turned so fucking loud you can’t think.

I am slowly learning that some people are not good for me, no matter how much I love them. I deserve someone who is gentle and kind, because my soul is getting tired. Realizing that I deserve something good is one of the first steps.

It this thing between us, if it's nothing, if it's infatuation, maybe sex will cure it?

I like to be left alone. But when people don't notice I'm absent, it hurts. And I know it is my own fault for becoming invisible, for isolating myself. But just once I want someone to notice, to truly notice and care.

Suddenly you’re 21 and you’re screaming along in the car to all the songs you listened to when you were sad in middle school and everything is different but everything is good.

Live, travel, adventure, bless, and don’t be sorry.

This is what I like about photographs. They’re proof that once, even if just for a heartbeat, everything was perfect.

I can't keep being your second choice. Not when you're my first.

You’ll meet two kinds of people in your life: Ones who’ll build you up and ones who’ll tear you down, but in the end, you’ll thank them both. 

Your choice, it’s simple. Her or me. And I’m sure she’s really great. … I love you. In a really, really big…pretend to like your taste in music. Let you eat the last piece of cheesecake. Hold a radio over my head outside your window. Unfortunate way that makes me hate you…love you. So pick me. Choose me. Love me.

You left me. After all the things you said and everything we did. You made it look so damn easy to leave.

The day that you stopped wanting me, was the day I started loving me.

I’d much rather be someone’s shot of whiskey than everyone’s cup of tea

Love isn’t a thinking thing, it’s a feeling thing.I feel like we met each other at a very strange pionts in our lives. I think, you were in a wrong relationship, I couldn’t sustain one if I had to, but I feel something strong, something different and I think we deserve to find out what that is.

We deserve to be as far away from each other as possible. […] We’re both disastrous, neither of us deserves love.

Then we’re perfect for each other. We’re flawed, we’re a shitshow. We’re two people full of flaws. […] Look, love is fucked up. It’s confusing and it’s terrifing and it’s painful. It sucks, but I’m looking at you right now… I wanna risk it. I know it can be a mistake, I know we could make each other miserable but if we have even the slighest chance of being that one time, I’m willing to regret you for the rest of my life.

Things I Learned in College that I Didn’t Earn a Degree For (Alternative Title: Things It Took Me Too Long to Figure Out)

1. Get rid of anybody who makes you feel like you’re hard to love. Get rid of anyone who makes it seem like they’re doing you a favor by putting up with you. They’re not. Hang on instead to the people who love you even when it’s not easy.2. Yes, you can wear leggings as pants. Yes, you can wear crop tops. Yes, you can wear tight skirts and dresses. Forget all the people who made you feel like you were too fat for those clothes.3. It’s okay to want your mommy when you’re 22 and it’s three a.m. and you don’t feel like yourself. She’ll pick up the phone.4. People love you.

5. You are capable of killing centipedes and spiders and of catching mice. The only thing that’s stopping you from being able to live alone are the pieces of clothing you own that you can’t get out of by yourself.6. Popcorn is not a meal, stop trying to make it one.7. When someone gives you a compliment, say thank you. Don’t deflect. They wouldn’t say such nice things if they weren’t genuine, because what’s in it for them? Nothing.8. Life is not a fucking competition. If you ever feel yourself doing something because you know it’s going to tear someone else down, quit doing it. Support is rarer than it should be.9. Let people like what they like and do what they do, as long as it’s not hurting anyone. Don’t like it? Cool. Now shut the fuck up because it’s not about you.10. When it comes to new people, trust your instincts. They’re almost always correct.11. Do yourself a favor and learn how you like to dress and do your makeup and hair. Do yourself up in whatever way feels best to you. It’s incredibly liberating to think you are beautiful.12. Friends aren’t needlessly cruel. They won’t point out you’re not naturally skinny like the rest of your friends, or refuse to say anything nice about you, or imply that you’re stupid. Anyone who does do those things isn’t your friend and you should get rid of them. Immediately.13. No one cares about your sex life (or impressive lack of), nor are they going to judge your worth by it. So stop using it as a measure of your self-worth.14. Quit acting like you have forever. Your window of time to do anything gets shorter every day. Make friends with that person, say that thing, eat that slice of pie before somebody else does.15. Unless you’re trying to win an argument, stop saying, “No, because…” You don’t have to justify not wanting to do something or feeling a certain way. “No” is an answer on its own.16. So is “Yes.” But always follow through.17. Be nice to people. Compliment a sweater or a scarf. Let the elderly on the train before you. Be nice to people because it feels good to not be an asshole, but also because every single one of us is going through something. Dealing with bullshit is a human experience, and sometimes all it takes is a small action to lighten someone’s burden or brighten someone’s world.18. It’s okay to feel creeped out by weird dudes. You don’t have to feel guilty about it. It’s not your fault they stare or make lewd comments. All that matters is that you stay safe.19. You can always count on your home team, no matter how far away from them you are. And as part of someone else’s home team, you always have to be prepared to go to bat for somebody else.20. The people who are still in your life even though you thought you lost them for good at some point are there for a reason. Don’t try to figure out what the reason is. Just be grateful.21. You are good at things.22. You are good.

23. It’s okay to have little indulgences. Buy the new bra, drink the third beer, spend the whole day making cookies. You deserve a break.24. There will always be opportunities. Whether or not it’s the one you’re looking for, you will never be devoid of opportunities.

6 types of love Eros a passionate physical and emotional love based on aesthetic enjoyment; stereotype of romantic love

Ludus  a love that is played as a game or sport; conquest; may have multiple partners at once

Storge an affectionate love that slowly develops from friendship, based on similarity

Pragma  love that is driven by the head, not the heart

Mania obsessive love; experience great emotional highs and lows; very possessive and often jealous lovers

Agape selfless altruistic love; spiritual

Mladost je tu Da praviš greške i učiš na njima, Da poljubiš mnogo momaka i ne zapamtiš im ime, Da ideš pijana ulicom i vrištiš: “Što mi ovo radi? Jebaću mu sve!” kad te dečko prevari, Da igraš u klubu sa drugaricama kao da vas niko ne gleda, Da poljubiš neku devojku, Da eksiraš rakije i piješ nespojivo, Da se posvađaš sa svima koje ne gotiviš, Da umesto u školi vreme provodiš u obližnjem kafiću, Da se sprijateljiš sa konobarima i taksistima, Da ležiš sa dečkom na klupi i gledaš zvezde, Da sa tim istim dečkom svakog vikenda dočekuješ svitanje, Da se ušunjaš u kuću u sedam ujutru, Da se napiješ toliko da ne znaš za sebe iako nije damski, Da prevariš dečka čisto eto da vidiš kakav je osećaj, Da budeš ona treća i rasturiš neku vezu,

Da upoznaš njegovu sadašnju devojku iako ona zna sve o tebi, Da joj se smeškaš, Da se posvađaš sa nekorektnim profesorom, Da plačeš zbog ljubavi, Da ostaviš nekog, Da neko ostavi tebe, Da se besciljno vozikaš sa drugaricama, Da se grebeš za cigare, Da se posvađaš sa drugaricama, Da se udaljiš od prijatelja iz detinjstva, Da vodiš pijane filozofske razgovore sa strancima, Da budeš sa nekim njegovim drugom, Da šaljete jedno drugom bezobrazne poruke, Da se dopisujete do ranih jutarnjih sati, Da šaljete jedno drugom najguplje stvari, jer nemate više o čemu da pričate, a ne želite da prestanete, Da piješ mnogo kafe, prevrćeš šolje i gataš sa drugaricama, Da daš pare nekoj babi da ti gleda u šolju, Da ne užinaš jer čuvaš pare za izlaske, Da te momci časte pićem, Da budeš sa nekim starijim, Da budeš sa nekim malo mlađim, Da konačno smuvaš bar jednu simpatiju iz detinjstva, Da eksperimentišeš sa šminkom, Da izlaziš po splavovima, Da znaš svaku pesmu, Da kraj reke pevaš sa drugarima uz gitaru, Da nekome kažeš šta bi mu sve radila, Da bežiš od pravih i biraš pogrešne, Da se dereš u kafani kad puste tvoju pesmu, Da ideš na svaki koncert, Mladost je tu da je se stidiš dok traje, a smeješ joj se kad prođe."