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■■ .qwraiiiit

VOL. 18. NO. 181. ' “ *


. 1 U 1 R JM E 8Trade on London Exchanoe

Market Bcstrioled by Desire to See Result of

. Amerioan,/Developments

Europe and A ncria vitched tach •iher'* inukBU Frld»/ tor elfccla of

' Iho Roosevelt sdd burltif pimrtm.------ud-UiUJj-whst-tJuy-dUeeTWcdi—

In nUUon to tha SrltJih pound, I , t l» iUa«rIam,dijI/if deeilned u d t

I cIoMd M i m n or 2‘i centa weaker 1 ^ UuaHmradsy. i— •

____ ln.P»rU,tiie.<lollw'itm»lnto.irM vcti• 18^triacs(8 ,0«ceiit4 io th tlrane)

up 3 ceotlmea froin the pietlous

American cosunodlly matketi' ' yone ta-tho^aiiartletitned.—Wheat- ■

sained IH to 3H eenu. Com v a t upl i i to 3N cents. Colton sent four . .poln(« higher. p i j

Blarket tm pram ( ] | | |On the etrength of these advancei .

the itock niaikel raoved upward as IIwell and cloud one to three polnu Ifbelter. V

There waa a ailgjjl drop In the Lon»

basis or the earl; dollar quotation, . , but OTca w the bullion price was tho Johr highest sbtce the sdmlnlstratlon started dealing In gold. 7

A figure Of t33i7 w u set Icf pur-

'fhursda;. 'In Derlln, tbo American dollar was

___comi»0» n Kith ju len la j.’s .raw of John3.1M nmrU I28JS eenU). ptate

Awalt D««lopoitnU' •DuslnciJ oa the London exclunge ‘

market waa restricted aa Uadera wanted to await dCT^opmcntt In the

(Continued On Page 3, CoL fl)

ifflTiiniip 1V i B S C I i i i G g— Unomployed-Textllo-WorkeF ^

ters Against DWReynoltis dutate h<

------- , Alcori-------- WIN8T0N.SALEM.-N.-C,rmjr>3•• MV-A cnidely-pUnncd plot to ex-

«“ T™ 155= i i™ 'M S h «----- tnd-helr-lo-tobacco-mimons,-un(lcr

threat Of kidnaping his pretty, 2 :? ^ w » d d wife en ^ d today lln Uw^ar-

ployed IwUIe worker! ‘Lanier was arrested as be picked

up a dummy package left by oftic- era a t a snot where two notes, sent

. to Hcynolij, directed the I10A» be placed. Mra. Nonnl* Lanier. 30, the " csll capllres wife, was taken Into cus> nT.i!l o u . i . h . , w . . M l i ' “ w t e ; , sheadquarters for questioning, but no ehargca were lodged against her.

Ofneer* said Ualer denied lor severat houn. after hls Brresi that * ho wrote the notes lo Reynolds nnd that maintained that he found the pack- went are by Bocldent. bul Uter admitted writing thegi.

Tho nrat of the notes was received p * n ' by Reynolds on October M aad a

Remolds turn^'the*mlMlws*o«r ^ to his attorney. Stratton Coyner. „ „ ;^^w ^^i|inlciKed them to B h ^ f

tlgatlon of the departni“ l o? j‘wUm 'Cfji'S T waa then -noUfled and federal offlc- ), era came here from Oharloite. ®; */ ' m e n rA re tiu T o iaw R R — •:«>*' A In colUboraUon with workera from I Ihesherlfrsofficc-.thefeileralagenS T put tho dummy package at the spot

designated tn one.of.the notes a t NAV/ .. 1 A. u . ihU morning. About fl P. M. •.

•« Ik iair.ibou i the secllon for aev-'— r«r*l—minutes—white—the—offlcna —ratj= w * ^ .h im .r» m -» T )ld li .ifp tseo he UtUw

?d'lo«d“*’Reynolds told officers he hoped

S f .!!!iulil Indicated ilie and w»

Sara Roosevelt And Cyr ■' Temporary Neighbprs

.NEW HAVEK. Conn..Not. '3 (« —friends . T ro of Amertca'a fln t litUe Isa i« I- wani t.onelhesTandaaujhterbf»pr«l(Ienl|g(»d. h

. - th e other the granddauaWfr ot a - 6 ‘

S h ^ r T “ '’" “ " •Sara Delano RoosevclU grand-

daughter of Presldint RooscTelt. la „ ataylng with her maternal gnnd- , W"'*' parenu, Dr. nnd Mrs. Hartey Cush- > ing. far oul on faihlonable Whllnty arenue. i raTciin

And a few mllcn farther down Ibe Tc L “ aame arenue is C h^ lre . the l.ome

‘.-of Cynthia»«ughtcr i r 'V ' ' - of thBlatorresldcnlCoolldge.-. -»«■ i

Neighbor* though they may be. Ci however, 'their homri-lemponry Boston, ■or Sara, and permajifnt for Cynthia one o f t

_ - w o markedly different, *lcl»n» 'i ,.Fjn»>la-«,to.llio.duplaJiouse-het of ihe J r .‘*iher~andTCothfr; 'Johrt'and'Flor* eann-he r *Mfl Trumbull Ooolidge. took la*t school • «® nier wlth.Mr; and MtJ, Nathan How It

nelghboijJT w e . a l their modest home In meet, tl

• “ * Plctnrtaque tUlaj® of Chciulre noucoel


M m- J o h n ^ ^ K e n d r i c t - J l


u atnun ljaganesi

VETERAl^-Unlted-8talt» tenalor = 5 and WJomlng-a most popular S cltlsen, whose death Friday tol- lowed lUness of }«a- than-lwo days/-<;n Photo. . -m

G l L l i S f l J

M i i S I M ilohn f. Kendrick Dies at «

77 Alter Achieving Much -For-State^n-Reolam'atlon ^

- ___thrt

.a i f f ia iD A H ^ T O a ^ o » ..a - u v

n - s hospital here Ute lodayrKo I S '

^ T h ? S i"teently returned from Washington there ho labored throughoift the ummer In behalf of the huge Cu> ^7 (er.Aleom-reclamallon project In l*tU iVyomlng, .was stricken a t his desk dete iVednesdny night. Doctors at first tem ailed his Illness cerebral hem> er c irrhnge but later rerlsed the dlag* equs losls to uremic coma.

A Democrat In- pontIu;'a"e2)M>oJr or tho lore ot It and a millionaire At n lands and cattle, Kendrick was Uatx iflfn rmiffl thft mnit nwffltrTftan Boa n -w y « n ln g .^ ::-Panlsso poUtlcS' Wen forgotten warn

i r o v » r \ l^ ta ? ^ 5 a ^ o S l lu « 5 S m e

Durlmt h li la terrtar* In the sen- te ho worked tirelessly for Casper* X*.' Jcora project, huge reclamation

'orks administration, Tlie projcct o(D» I under way now. 11 will cost j a , . later MWO-and Wyomlng-looka on-lhat -T li s -tho 'crovnlng nchlenmtnl of great :endrlcl;’s career In the senate. u a J ■eu u L J l 'x t i ms lUllUiltlne m emer ■'3'omlnir that there wax talk In dulr !%ent monlhs nf putting him In .iQie, ie renate by acclamation for h li J .-h ext term. Tho oldest man In the ^nat^, Senatnr Krndrlrk oteeri’ed h 7Bth tilrthrtay last Beptember (I.Called fl fowbo)' prointype nf ___brnhrm Lincoln, he had been In -----ubllc life In Wyoming slnco IBIO “ “ hen he wns clcflted to tlie utale mate and sen’cd two ttrm.<. Oath*ring political ..pnillst. ..lie. was ___ected governor In 1913 and filled lat position until -lOn when he enl to the senate where he haa Tved continuously sloce.


CHIOAOO, Nor. S wv-T^e proj- - -

Rd his aide. Major Chester Fordnry,. 8. M. C, Into the stratc«phere on-»elenUlJo-e*pedlUon-was*a|aln--------MtponM tonight because of unia- ' ittMe weather coodlUocis. • - -

AVAL. FLIER-KILLED t JdiERIALrCQLLISfON-^8 A T rD 7 B O o i^ :T fo T J 'W r = ’ ” J !((itcnlinrc.D.-llBn,-3cof-Many: — < lulsloaB. a naval nier, waa killed ■ day when his piano coIUded with 1 lother craft I4JM0 feet aboro f reclwilcrlake,about»mllesfrom J

■nie other plane. pUoted by Uea- ** nant c . E. Satrom, of Cornndo >aeh. California, waa not damaged Id was landed safely. Ekjtrom w « L .

lynthia Coolidge urs In Coiiiieclicut ~ i^ ------- - ■ '%■nds of the Coolldgea u y they n i lo raise their tsbe to b« "a j )d. healthy, normal child." / .iara Is a guest at Ihe-'-great yello'w / i jse. set In spacious lawns and ap- • lacbcd by a circular drlre. which . and Mrs. Cushing took thU fall.Vhlle her pirenu. Mr. and Mn. - o nes ncooevelt. hare been lourlng % rope. Bare haa been doing some rcllng of her own. Prom her / / ne a t Cambridge. Mauaehxviis, >| ■_.went to the White House for a t. and /rom there to New Haven. ^ rfr m olhen parents. Dr. and « I. Cushing, came this fall from iton, where Doctor Cuihlng w u Sfc of that city's most famous phj'- S

ana end « member of the sUff S the n a r f i r i medical ichML.lle Y* Mjhero-(o->oln the-Yale m ^ea l —

ow long Bara and Cynlhia will Ic !hbon. and whether they will ^ :t. tha faaillei h a rt not an- C0C4.



- J iS D iE f D M

mumm :l i i Bf CODE I

oUv— day

NRA Administrator, Howev- , 1 er, Casts Fresh Doubt Up- on Company's Eligibility For Federal Contracts "

fO ,lL (iA si!I l ^ r . ^ /WASinNOTON, Nor. 3 - F fuh beti

doub t,ru c u t by Hugh a Johnson ntoday upon tha cllglbUltir of the Ford tha'lining ffmrnny ffrr irfrTtr'"iT ''t '•on- hadtracta 'and new qualifications were fortnlsed within Uu }fflA organlzaUon Wuagainst the Swope plan for full busl> heanett self-gorerninent. and_ In ra^tooM 10 quallooa_at a nreu ****cdtiference. tbs recqrtry a d ^ l s - . ttratoraatd Presldtnt Rooaeveltl a - «uUecuUie order'OD contracU provided ed tthat to ba eligible biddera must iqui

<n ihlHii hy twin l i ^ i l t» m xhad teen no tucb agreement irom for Foid, Johnson aald, although "he ' apparently Is com bing wllh the 111 code In full, (rom t i l l can hear.- Ill|

N«t Awan «( AgiiMnenl l | Johnson added lhat he bad had

nothing to do a im tha prealdentlal order and did not assume to u y who . wat or w u not eUgtble, bul when ask-td-tt^^ml-hid-tgreed-fo-UM-eode------he responded, that ha knew of no such agreement,-and th a i'h s now P a i knew ol no cbanga. • .

If that tie * thould be generally < followed by offldaldon only • de- c ^ l M i a L ^ B ^ e r d e w r a L J J L _ i M ^aH orertuming tbe order *oukl ' thro* eontracu open to those who have not taken alflrmatlva action on .

- On lha-lndustrlal cootnl pU n-« t' lancedby G erardatopeof.tneoen. S , ‘ eral Electflo company, lha consumer advisory board of NRA said tn a m.u ttatement that vhenever the man- hard agtment-offoenblp graup In Indus* « tor “It granted rtUel from tha regu- -JJ. latlng influence of compeUUoft la I T l determining, prlcet and other v lul mea termt In economic bargains, tha oth- v r er partlei to tha b a r ^ m u s l b« p jJJ equally alrengthened." ■ ,^0

Ceoalden Swop* « a a Ad' At the tame time It * u atab*Uabed auiborlUUrely ihat Piesldenl Sm*tmmm aw —... -Jwi.iOTii«(t uiuni UU UiU IHflm tir plin-anrt-relatiid Jdess and ] ^ h *anu to tee *hatber Industry can o«n<

govermnenl tupervlslod must .be Prtal continued. • (hem- ; ’n»«B > uneM )« lird ta ld lt»as» ““ -I "a'cllknowtflaet ihuvery frequent­ly. when given a dominant control ... Of Indusuy, the managemenl*owner- sl»lp group.nas, failed to protecnuts l i l i ! ceasf uUy not only the Intcreslt of the « other pMles In industiy-but l(a own mteresU." » p c—Tlii-prcaldcnt was reprraented-a* greatly taterMted b various plana pQ

cmcrgcncy slags Itaa paucd, dcalro for the future chiefly lhatviolent biislnats fluctuation be pre- {? *'rented, and that persons at the bot- >lk.J(om of Iho financial scale obtaln'a the rbetter deal. Horu

How To Make 1

•4 H T ) /S tJU ? R 0 M '3 e V c 8 t MAD AT ME A»

XF I fiitlARANTE------ :---------------- a ^ M E R S COS


\ v U .

^OST.-P i i js




BwlieroiFBaiicert And Indian Found ie

In Judas Setting |JERUSALEM, NovTa body fof Joan Wlnten. desalbed as an f, American professional. danc». and i an Indian Moalem were found tn an ;l oUve grove outside the city waU to­day.

Police said they found no clues i which might lead them lo the at- sallanU u d declared they were a t a losa to account for a motive.

Tlieman vas Identified leiitaUvtiy aa Uohamed Karaman. t n Indian clvU aerrant irom M adnt. -

Tha bodlei *ere found a t ths foot » of the Mount ot Ollvea near, tbe ^ rfen r i :

betrayed Jetus v ltb tl kiss. ^Reporta of aulhorlUes tndluted

that Mlsi Wlnten and tha'Moalem had'been-kllled-48 houn ormot»-be> foro their bodies were (ound.-Mli8 W ulen lu d severe Injuries to ber head, probably tbe cause of diatfa. and Karaman bad a buUet wound In hU back.

‘ Tho Garden of a e lb s e m a ^ k ^ quiet and secluded spot, Is surround- q, ed by a wall that forma in in tn l a r m square TO paces across. I t boTonp ,

» hn enrm —for It T llh gita t devoUon aad te a l l_

I l f l S l W i '

anas._____________ ::_______________ J la

— r Or*

Capalons Near“ Close as ™ Six States, Prepare to

—Vote^oii-lilfiiior-fluestioii ««Fall

rency fast night * llh both prohl^ ^ I t U and repcausu battUng

Thlrty-three'iU tea already have roted ntlflcallon. Three a n netd> | ‘ Kl to strlks tha Eighteenth amend- sen t from the constitution.. t ' .Voting Tueadiy will be In Ohio. - 7

>ennaylvanla, Kentucky. Utah and S ? ' ^orth and South Carolina. ' the

Admlnlttrallon chieftains, ex- tlS? OTSted.conndenes that the repeal {ji!, imendment would J » ratified but S * l Ud not relax their efforti. SLl!In «t>*4ches 10 uanunaas a t^ta-

Hgh-awJ=C61umbl«^‘Poilraait«r ^ H ^ . ^ l e y , l ^ e ^ - o t th r ad- g j

•rtaldent Roosevett w u tocMng^o S S hem to suppdrt him Tuesday go'a wet p lank,—

Speaka To C l l i ^ plaW: In hU effort lo clinch repeal.

■arley will swing to Phlltdelphla d«Im

(Continued oa Pnge 2: Col. 3) fulS ■ llflei


■ _ ' I «L t.WASHINaTOK. Nov; 3 m -P ln tu i

0 ship 1000 cirloftda of apples fiom mi? i he Pacific Ncnhwesl to Drniil ^^,|u sken under consideration today by *1*;?; tie Reconitrucllon Flnancc corpora- • ir,,H Ion. I X--

e Business Pick Up Right

V o U -W O n VA N Y M O R E '^ • O , X C . TEH A L L -m e 5 Vrosr-op-------------< ------ ^'lO ^ J 'P U U S y - s j vj, ^

" —


4U -W ? II L.

i l

\ l l l

coprtgnt, UM, 8 ; Tt


LS D .=s . ' "= = = :{ MORNING. NOVEMBER 4.19

■ T — ! \ l b e r t ^ u r r a t i t — |-

:g9f*^ I I Bf V ■ ' V r / ^

HUaUBrt-of-Franeo-*bcw-Tooce covOTimrot W day a tatod Itc Ufa on a pmifiun of 'sound financea." m riw to .

Idaho Schoolhouse,. . I Walls Cracked B y ' (

Series of Quakes

-IDMio PAU3..H0. a W K A **- r i n rf n rthfj"**'** i" _O ny't Uke dUtrlct of BonnavlUe county, some W mllea soutbeut of \ here, cracked tbs va lli .9f . tb e tchoolhousa and moved gaoda cm 'the sfielves of tho (iDmmunlty rtore. •8her«l-Hany—M eppttt-ol—14al» - Falls, who mvestlgaied. today aald he could find no trace ot dtm tgs olb« . ■Vr than to Uio walls of tbe tebocil- , -lum erne-ttti'itw ihocirTO B -feit In A radius of 13-mUea lat« Tueadar ^ •n la n in im .i%uttdKrj)on>]oic^- ^

• 0.

Jlain, Snow Follow , u J Movement of Storm „

'The rapidly moving Kortbwotem a d ls tu rh a n ^ u moved south alongthe Rockies ami now extends froq _Needles to Denver. Cloaely foUoTtsg ^this lo* from the north U'ft ettonc „high, the highest preasun reported Vtn U» ilatet being 30S» inches t t ^

lT»ah. »and southern Idaho m d ino* In

lileoa. Miles City and-Tcpowttona io

splateau and aouthem Baokjr moun* el'(aln regions. ' . . to

Mlii Mln. rrre. fflhr. tTC h n e m ir ^ te - «* - i o - o i J ^ *“t'hlcila ____ 40 Jl .N rigudyHelena_____ S M Sn»«l.<n Aotrln — *•> M CIrar go MlnnnpolU a . T. ctoudr

iS S jg—S |! g tg '- mKL t iUll iz rr . 'u IS' M I'lnr toHiiiMk>city.>* Js . .«'y .A>n lH»w...... 5« •« 0 « r _sin mnd> tt M rirar

U M tlr lr en"I «'T—Ttiff.

on— ■ = 5■ — ' ■ thl

; h t A w a y


^ ffJ v ^ l f / i w J ' l / « l l v / u v

S i 1sirepan

noU,RMT££ ‘"•'tl• W f , ta™

5 A t P > L ^ ' T H. LY J “■‘I’

iflnTITTil . lownIU III 1 li '•’“n

)" I I . w nlt\ VJM


y ^

7 The Ne*'Vori itiouij«. u>*_ (C


.1938___________ •

.N W t ^ i o l M i

Intensified In Midwes

“Satan” Grouchy— Destroys Copy of Wild Animal Code

LOa ANQELES. Nov. J W -In . grouchy mood.-Satan." four-month- old t ^ tfub,

■ .lmalt'-and-«qulpment-Ti|itaU-ladus«- ti7 SUto code.' He w u a delegate from the Cali­

fornia coologlcal gardens.• -sWages'-'ranglng-Irom-M to-MOO -

a day for animals already have been : vritlen Into the code, but snlmsl I tn ln e n are at loggerheads with ! movla studloa, principal employen of tnlned animals, u to whether

^ .tnlnerasbouldbepiUd.vsgesinad* - S dlclon to those of their animals. ,

As for SaUn^he will get only U5 ' t day.

Someone carelessly left a copy ot E the w )i4 jti^ l.code In.hiT mtk..

He snatched It and tore It up. ' '

i D l l i E l E

: i i f l E I I E f l :J Young French Government i » ' Wins In Skirmish (or Pro-! J -4ram-o(-6ound’ Financ» ‘

iti..PA IU8,»w .3W V.Tlwr(«nip,T- J^ won lu 'n n t Tlelonr tonliht lo the !

ehtmber of'depolleirgalntng'i'Tota ti of confldenee In lU program of b “sound flnancta.* The vote w u M t031

% The Issues leading to a vote of E * oonfldenM today wen virtually the ^ - um e a i those which caused the re- o

cent do*nfall.ot the.cablnel of Pre- £ 1 mier Edouahl Dsladler. ' vf Advene lo preclplUUng another ^ } ministerial crisis, fearing the effects ‘ ‘ on' tbo FTtneh frane and the gold [ supply In tJ» Bank of France, ihe S } depuUet voted to give tho ne* pre- P r - g^^^hM W -toproduca.eeonomle g

I Despite the apparent slie of Ibe t ecrfrnmcnt_mi>janty.~.tiife»binet 2

r M trT ininJT oterem r'iircIcarm a: « ) jorlty In the chamber, tliere being q j mon than 300 who abilalned from n

c ^ S i 'sSd'«» ' '''**®*’''’*d?“'fonner'Pitmler Andre Tardleu. *ho J are waiting for specUlo bills from the

Manyof thedcputlttiir^lctedlo* g nlght'that despite todoy's vote tho tl gorenunenl U facing n lurd fIghU V - Tli»-premier declnred he would * SlakS-tbe llfa.of hlil minl<(r» nn ft. lutnuaj prvpoaau wlilcii he Intends It to pretent fully In. a few days.' ui

Although the first reception t^ the c mlnUletial pmgram ws* apparently p cool, Uie premier mwlo a last minute ei energetlo appeal for a chance to pre­sent specific proposals. He surprised hi h it friends wlUi the force of his fa orilory. tf

Onckcd br years of exp^lcnM as H the colonial ndmliiUlntor, M. 8ar> e\ raut today expreased the rtpetrn'of M an open and vast market In France's colonial empire. dl

"We are a nation ot a hundred w; m llllonr tw rrled proudly, sounding In a call to fell the coionlea.

______ ______________ __ S

OD D IT I^ I— o t L i f e SI

<Uy The Associated Press) ONB-TIMB-FAHM-HAKD —i


Peter Brock came from Russia lo f' earn W monthly u a K anus farm hand. Ha died today at TT yean of i ? agt,-leavlr«-#mong-o;hBr posjet- , alons.-HH-squflre- miles of-farm la h d -ln -o n e - coanly- alone, Jargall* ' acreagea.iiu)thers_----- -------------


WENATCHEE. W«»h. - Magnus ??. Dakke la tho "Paul Bunyan* of the ?*' forest service dlsUicl. Lika thegreat ,S. legendatT loeser famed for (eats of V ' strength, Bakke U credited by com- panlons with knocking a bear un- conKloia with a slick of |lre w (^ | —

camp. n


. E ^ ST. LOUIB. _n i^ ..J lack

? o rn « 7 p r M W w f o ? ^ d » e ? ? m xNational bank of Mascoutah. Bll- tv> nols. to pay hU debts, approximate- ^ ly S500.000. Two oU veils have been ■iruck on Texai Und owned by the finr tanker, his aUomey. lUrry Informed Walter Grant, referee In Wnkruptcy. loday.

HsgUt filed a petition last may uklng a five year extension In K rlilch lo pay the debts. low;



y clerk. In making up the taxbooks baci ind using ditto marks lo designate este ownshlps.Bnd.ranxes.-U allowed-to hts hargs for um e at the rate- of 10 pick ents per hundred words and fig- ly. f ires, aitomey gniefsl Roy McKlt- thoi rick ruled today.

ntiE8 0F -“n n .p “ BtrscMON “ ‘fi-------=— KT.'T'AtTL PATROWAN 5 “ 'n r . PAUL — Police Patrolman

voilam Moore had vUlona of bebg ‘ •'em, . . rol ■Briftly he rUmbered up a ladder

(Continued en Page 3, CcL <7“ of li

oy cinouLaTiowa

Sc^Follows J d Picketing Bstern States— —

Farm, Strikers Tighten Grip p j On Highways Leading to ° Markets; Congressman An- u! nounoes Military Unitsn g ______ ______ I

is l - jaa l4 io lN S 8 ^o * .-» ^ S V -7 a rm - sUlkcn. tightened 'their grip on

|i . farm-to-mufcet. highways lo five itadwettem altlea tonight.

^ gram through tha federal tdminU-! in intlon, renewed bombings Iti.WU-Itu consln, IlsUculfa In Iowa, and vl-ifa

" olence In other lUUa were report- hi J ' ed. • th“* ~TJi6'lnUnstfled-pawtlnrbroughl Ri

from Ooagrtuoian F, H. Bnoemater ali ^ a t Minneapolis, tha assertion lha t'I t fe<

may be Impoaalble to qucU demon- “ straUons- unleta farm prices are tar~ ralscd-lmmedlately:— ■*“ -------------et

In t ulegram to President Roose* pr velt ha u ld farmen were organU- tie ing military imlu under ex-servlee tn men. qu

Creunerlts Bombed. lol Peace, offlcen In the t r t t . ho*> tn

n denied knowledge of tb t etgan- '

n Creamarle* a t Knko* and > " Zacho*. Wlscotaln, * e n bombed to-1 tfa

lhaatrlk o b e stn lid ay ia g o . *1,1 . DesplU the order of Arnold GU- tel•I berts, WUconsln president of the of, Plirmen’. Holiday -association, MO feiI* hoUday and .WisconsUk milk pool be<

membOT .voted unanlmoiisly to coo- 1

^ 'Twenty miles from. tbe SUw thi City market, Vem McFarUod tn d me Ward Libby. *ere beaUo by farm 1

r* plekeu, nred-4ipoa-*lth-thotgunii Of: U- and^om d-to-ium -bte lH 'lo -the tr -H le home new OdeboH.Tielr cattle wat JU a tmloKW tn d tn tttempt made to mi >f bum tbelr truck. me

Bonlberaen Join Striks ^ . Picketing * u reporttd alto ta ^

If ftouth Dakota, tha eastern border of “ « Nebiuka ,and Minnesota. Memben !- Of thfl-'Alabtmt Dairy .League a t . . I- Birmingham today joined tbs strike, P I ' TMInt to hold their milk ualU t ^ S :r P > t e * u l n a ^ l T e c n U t o m 9 U

rt DoubtvueniressedatfaRnbead- I qutrienlonliia tbat t-parity price”.. p r c ^ being flofisldered in Wttb* ' e ly to n by Becoittty WalUcs tnd ths

‘uovtntors ot lowt. MbuieiutiinonA- .and.Boiith Dakott-tnd-Wlscontia ^ e *ould.atfectJJiaatake.,.« 7 ^ . ,*n ^ -».4He farm.strikt.offle»polBt«<t^ aU- unoMlcltUy lhat t h r r t j r t t e r e . E mand *aa for eet6 of production - *

t Ml^provlde tbs.da lred p r S u ^

B “SIrlka With Every Wkapni* • „- —F « r wos nmreiitd. tlso ih if th e 77. • gowmora mlglil be -talked out*, ofc the program which Ihej took to •*»<

Wi^ilngion after t conference hero *£i* 1 * lth farmTtprtsentitlva tbifT O k: }®"». ’Ad>'is(d ut piUU llllflfU I ‘s Ity pricc' ’program lor farm prod-1, “

ucia was wider consideration, John B Ctulmen, president of ihe Iowa P '"

ftrm crs' Holiday assocltalon nmrn- |” |

"If lilts U all Henry WalUce and I his 'brain trust.' luvo to offer (lio farmer. I propoie lo send the call to tO?, the mcmben of tlie loan PUrmen',™? Holiday n«oclntlon to swike wlthj” i Bvery weapon a t their command* Monday itinmlng."

1., W. Ilouset..n DemoeralJo can- K.” dldnlc for governor of Ibwa In 18:8, 11? wired aovcrnor Herring a l W uh- ” " Ington: • -

•'Wlij' not come home lo Iowa and Join with tlie courageous Governor Lanser iNortli. Dakota). In declar-'S lJi log ati embargo on ogrieultural ship-1 ““i , menu from Iowa? Grandstanding in


■ “few“ ]^liTCi\ND, Ore- Nov. s (m — Bright sunshine today brought an end to Ihe heaviest rain here this ,, , fall, and the weather bureau fore- cast-more clear-weather for lomor^

A total of J7 Inch of rain -fell urporllaild In'llio SMiour’a t - ' r ' . , TIodfndfn«alTp7m., today, mcit of t dimnean-nour in f la iu if deiugeV'. s i ast niglil.OUicr r-n:ts of the Plate reported Ijj

an end to the slomiy wcathtr of the L.!,. past few dnyi which brought ;aln to most scfiioiia and snow to some. .n,i ^Vhcal flrlils of etisicm Oregon were \u l\ benemtfd bytlie preclplutlon,com- munltlea there reported. j

H il lb i l l ie s a n d T o w n sm

P r iv i le g e d E lk DurMEACHAM. Ore.. Nov. 3 (/T) - lo do

Death tlmt elalmrd hundreds of his peopi broUien lu ihe recent three-day open , aeasoii. on elk In Orgeon failed lo find -Old Gfome.’ privileged 'c tt- f jf* , lien" ot the Meacham country, be- JP" ' cause he had been hidden by his many and concerned human friends.

Knosn and loved by hillbilly and _ towmmen alike. Old George roamed ^ UUurely the hllU back ot here, en- llrely unafraid of human beings, vis- lUng lliem curloaily on frequent oc- culons, A fisherman might glancc *1* ' backward and see Old George tnler- estedly gjuing.-wtth tha dignity cf hts kind, a t tha «slUng.poI«..A girl P” f“ ' picking huckleberrlea might wdden- The ly. find Old George at her side, t t Into a though he vcro wishing her luck, the m

Everybody h e n kne* and liked Uielr privileged clttien, so It waa Wllh apprehension (hat they learned Orecoa w u to have an open season Tbe on elk this year. Old George, tniil- Uundi ful of all m>n, might walk confl- roam deniiy up to some stranger and meet roamli dealhin theform oftwhlnlagpellet him.I ot lead. Tliere w u only oaa tblog that.

________ T O D fe i'a h < :^ i

W B -j§8 PA Q E S ~ S X E N T 8 . '

: S S ^s flP ilD FP L if 'P F a rm O ffic ia ls O bject t o '

'!> M id w e st E xecutives’ I"™’-

g ra m a s U n e n lo rc ia b le ,'

I ts U n fe a s ib le . and Costly

on ~ B y ROT r.'HENDBICKSON ^:ive (Aasociated Preu Staff Writer)


ro-;ne* program ealUng for price-IU- . iU-i|ng and regimeatttim ot tg r l^ «'U- i lurtl production . tnd aalu teforo '« • farm olllcUb. Then they decided 16 Tt- had been rtJecM , tnd tnaounctd

that t h n vould appeal to PresidentIht RociBTelrtomomnr-to-ovonile'ld*-------u r tides tn d put tha prognm Into ef>.-It fee ttn lO dty i.m- Their progrtn, rtpresentlnt' ■». i n modfleatloa of tbe plan they drafted. '- T tr tte rla - tUs at-Des-Matees;-------le- provldesfofflxlngpricesofbesfctt-.' “ U- tie, hogs, com, vfieat. milk tnd but-Ice terfat a t 'ptrlty tnd tha flxtng o f '

quotas for each farmer, UmlUag def- r " loitely lha tmouat he mty produce

* • tnd sell°* .d a lM Plaa tM Costly . . >

U- "SSSSto'tboSSl . '- - rbe ot tbe p ltn t t uneaforcctUs, u n « ' '00 feasible tn d too costly, it bad no*. xa been definitely nkctt& -

liz that if It t t A r o t S ^ U ifd ep S - id ment would be vUUni to employ It.

Hr - Oovcpot Olson cf 'Mlanasot t r K as Itan e r-U b o rlte . tcted t t ipokee- ■ to mkn for the delectUoB, tbs oUier ..

memben o t which *ere Govemart '

^ . .

(O onU & uedoo'F i|e3;oell) ■

E l i l lN lE S i .J — ■■ ■ ' ,

J . ;- ;P re iid e iit! f • C o n K r m e ^ j

9 W h i T T l f e n r e ^ t e S l l S ? * ^

a -WASHDfGrroi*, « o v .-3 i« 4 if te r— : 5 ttlklnf v llh Presldeat Roosmm '

letdera of striktag *t*tem Psnn-- sylvanlt ootl mtaen * e n described .-

tonlghVM-btvlag tgreed to go btcfc-;------

UI They told the presldtat that tber- feared delay In elecUoat to deter*2 mine Ihelr represenUtlvea for col- _ .. lectlve bargaining would mean un- ”

.fair clecllont. a I The president told them. In tbat ? case he would ask Senator Wagner,” chairman of the National Labor.^ board, to hold the elections a t the1 I earliest p r^ b le moment

I Tho elecUont were called for In '*,an agreement negotiated by-the

pfealdent w m r steel eomoany own- ' l e n of tha mlneif'and.tho-Unlted . '■ Mine Worken of America.Tl • . Prepare Rlatemeat , I Hugti B.. lohnum. ths recovery »

admlnUtrnlor. said Ihe miners ertt- ^ ‘.mated all Ihelr atrlken *ou1d ba• j back a t work bv next Wndncjday.• i Hfter th"lr Whlto House confer--«n«i.-th«.mlnst»-*saLtoJohn«a!B---------‘ offlof where they help'd rrepsr* * ■'.■

sfatemrnt." nmimentlnx on . Ihsir . eonference, tntenlloni to return to'

. *orfc^and-.«I*ction-arran|rmenlii.—, Johnson said Iho mln*rs. Intlud- I Ini Martin Rynn.' strike Ifsder, • _rfenrrd- thrnj'wmildn t be supervls- '

' would mn rlngcn In on them." .The miners refti-M to diieu«

I Ihelr ennference « they left John­son's office.

;| .TIio ilrtexntlon tr'< made tin of fevtn miners rtkI WHIam Hines, '

■-nr«i(Upi_nr-nntrIei TWr of-^he-^-^-^—: "United Mln"' Wflrke-»-f>f-Antrles.----- r --.- --------rea r-stffl O irem - - ____• -rrtnt;-:v . Ih*v-|ri;rt lh»v fes?ed" th - «lr-l r-'n-in*' nTTr'rs ofIhe tnlnf’ a* rlilch ih*v v.-o*ked - woiiM nmmo*" m ranM flcve’oa- r’rnt " i no'^'h'* of•(‘s?ioanv.unions •"d thus hr'M lh» nnlled Rflro . Worker Amf»lc" tn mlnlm”in .

.■frei^lh If tha ekctloni wwa rte- jlsyrd. -V

ismerSprotect During Open SeasonI lo do. and Ihe.hlUblllles and lowns^I people got together and did It.

Just before the start of the open sca.wn. the -rescue jiarty went out Into tho hills to icarch for Old George. They found him, unafnid.In a thicket,'Bnd they tifrded him genlly out to tha nearest road. , .

Down tli» hilly, winding road tliey walked, a strange procetsloo. Old- George In front llko a dnun major befora his band. hU massln aailcn ' na cUborato a hraOrlece u any drum major's, and betiind him fol­lowed tho hlUbUlles and the towna-

: people.,Thej- guided him into a btm yarl

lalo t bam, Inlo a sltlL They fnted , Ihe manager with Bay aod the grain, box with delldout ofls. and they - locked Old Geotst In for the dun- tlonofthehnatlcgsaason>-y..; / - ■

Tbe open jeasai on tlk it ovtr.UumlRda of b it brotben no longer roam tbe hlllt. But Old G eorr U roaming them, peath failed to find him. Hit boaitn friends h td K tn t» that. ,

p s ; / ; : ' . : : . '

I g H H

■ ' HW Court UphoIJs $42! OamagaJuifsnieiilJBali)

' Idato Mil Phyiloli

JO H t Dot. > '. g P « i i r S ! .”';2-Si5‘

' ae eM tad-rtm tlaed la Iht ; tbo ta bod;. » Uid tha p w iid i 1 ft t e o m cUlm w ht^ th t n p re wmt^TOheld todir to U* asOT

. iWohokl n i Uken to U» An

^2S3Si5SrrwS^mW«J®ot p><

in hSi cbnt. w h to X -n r m a in tioai n r * t a t o Uu W e n he tp ia i to Bai*'* hrpodeisil# w

“T T d lfW T o o n a ia -U itp J tn n a *»tH i i a t o p o t t i a v u r a n t d M M

-'-r -: WiO' u d a tonr « « v M t t l s h r p

. . e tnt e t U. Titb aa m


' !T ;ro r lin < «bub tbcr tiad M d tl ',*■> Btata ' banx to UQUlda;> t S S t t a ihert tlmi b tton U (aA

, • : wM dtnlid to U ianptwM court ; d w iB.opWlIllni * dedrion of U

( U m t entft acilnit them.

. . i y U i tocfbt to m la lo .pvm en

f; .’. m p M r tlS iM p n m l, tW n u '

S ^ R«Tl«vtnf tha ciM .' tha com fenad;tha bank had pltd itd ll

-7Tt%3l r w

sr S3 MSU’»Sit u«7 iSuniM-

:,.i-QI)yEBllORS APPEAL . - § — TMObSEyELT-FOR- =|=w^PPBOVAL OF PUB~ f ic a i l lM iJ m o m tO M ) '

^ ® n e a u 5 w MnlOTroittt the a*-

w Irom home urUni them to '.; , prteo.ming and aMertlns that tly

i f ira 'i tr lk e mofemeBt m i epread- p ^ tn i- - — _____ :

• f iM Srerew T aretd to 'art• ' tbat prSM b I t u i » (trodwUaa

COM ^ u i a "ittwoahle pn tll" to / tu n e n . that thit be lnoo rm ted in . an tmA.coda for afrfeanure, and

that la im tn ba aulcned qiiotu and

'■. thatilneaopenlnidu>ensiottfheta, they had been liJonn* «d M W h lih n ihw

•.; p n d u ^ eoeU u dttennlued tar ceet aecountlnt methodi, to he

- kdosKed4Mirr>tL. > .Parlt7 It the price ior product « ! •

fWent to f i n IU producer! pre- « u purchulDi poirtr.

He tald ths7 alH found that an K . m u coda «ouJd not be potilblt b««

• u u u tha iQduitTlal aet ipecincally exen)p(«d lunera trom lu Uctnilng;

■ Tlie soTcreofi then turned lo the<' pnnttloni 0} the iarm act U ut au>

— :----- UtaniedJViUacfl lo entcrjntom ir*; kttlQt am eaenu , or. io prucrlbe

ihtra and (o coatnl the markeUtis or commodlUea, nnd dewleped ihe

‘ • td tor: • ■-•-L K iliarlc ito lthe iU com m od . JU« b f DKtmbtr 3 a l jwrtljr whlcU would be t m a buihtl (ot v h » t; '

'.;7S.euiU a.buthtl (or ccrn: ilM a ■*' ' huodred Pouato'/or-jjogi; WW Set

— ^ b{«t-eaitlep?aa e«ott.A-pouM,HB; = = ^ i t ^ a a d IK tt tJiundtWLjounde

lU efiuln |'6(H inaitn 'ini5-proct| c w n ot tbne comnodlUet iMulre'

' 7" m n a to p u the (Ixed price*.' mold mean'llceaset (or paekcr».mll> Icra. tnuudcluren ot com pmd*

. ueti, m antrlei. cbMse (actorlts tnd phnta dblributUig milk.

3. ABVnlni Quolai lo each fann* rr rTpretentlsg tbe amount each aniiiri h» In nrodute and the

, amount tnclt roulJTw permiiua w______.tell. Carda would be.jlvan

uucer u d at'nlv(Q']atcmirtitnn<> en woald be aultiorlttd 'to i«U a

' « ttTcn perctQUte o( Ihelr quote.

cnmpltle check of production rtcortl 113) mada, Ir&UtJrs qu{>lu aouJd be I


S E A S O N— ------------ AT— -

S h a d o w la n------------- immERr.v

. . Idabo't Ueet Beastlfa! & n ro w

7 W EE K L Y < f» 0 r DA N C ES fo r____ i

Envptfav V w k pf U m a A a t B a o * -jo n r-lr ie o d i.- youll alwi

: bare a Barretaii Umt Jn th it bei WUirtfecatitedlJallroam.


[iLE loSSSow-KSTSS ’ii.-------- t r t a t m t B o c --------------—

Tbermomeler obawlUm t k<nAA ^ Newt were: 11 P. U , M; iM 2 9 0 nfeht « i I A, K ,'U <Utnu. .

U tb l now bcfin (allini atB alnst *- “ • _____

Bonmment w ather o b if f ltr . ' n and W dereca: the day-

ttn « t ii tnet«e preatnre ahowd 3e.lB

i d B I I S I I E limlna* . j rterani ------- -

» X . C h a l m i a n - o L S t o j L j a i l

, In v ts tlu a lln B Com mit'

.D Iso lo ses U U s t M(

WASHWOTOMp'MOT.KffMJhi M N K n u a Balehtr ot the d n e t m ariet tsm tliaU ai commltlee t r>«ww| ha wartiudrini meant to |i Jd the r e s t direeton ol e V p o n tK m ^ [UldaU uiinc 'Inaldt Intormatloa-' to tt ( a M pencDal itock traniaetloat to

a rt (O' dliadTantaceofUielrcttDptflleai ot tbe Um DubUe.

In7 ii5 o a n j hit more, Ihe n o r tenator died etldenea before

.S*Sg eooailttei th a t . Albert IL Wl«i W S * fonner chairmaa ol the Cbue i

taa ira n t lt eoapany, told hi S un ti blocks o( (took m th t u turcom pt

;w t be (m » ;»ated a dlrldend. court Q tm U e i^n ltd M le Q

d the Tltlehet tald the problem preaei [ asd ed o a n r ittffleultiet tweeuae or I

d throuih cantroL ol the itoek •« Wace fih«nffl«|

»n» «n«»*«iian made lo the coi 4JWW oKtM ehaliinaiSTI6niThlt*Ua»'

that dlrectort ol companlM lliU " X 0*H lecuritlaa on t h e . m h w " ^ poWUh traotaeUont

fg u thoee ttocka.e t % Fletcher tald b t alto w u cooii b « S arlBi lefitUUon to ttrenrthan l

te ^ U M aot b r p e m u u sr th« la « th e e ra ltnd a co m m litle n to p tito atirl B. m etlu ot propoted ttock and boi

• T h e ln m t l i a i lo n w u io r e ^ l da r ttoUl'Altar tba elwtloca Ixt M< Vorit Tueiday becauee ftrdlnand P corti the committee oountal, U nu

\ nlpi tor d k ttta atcereey there.

FffliSlliSTtfillll! X- mtrfBiiiDiciU m a............. - • •


K S «

fp ® XdaEo wtn hara one eaa p a t P I to cataiioed In I Tita ‘cunp eentcn are to b t eUt and ed br trained locial vurkerf to a

) and the iDdtrtduaU tn wotktm out the

:d«- K ”« K S “. « Iorm* la t. anphaala U belnf pUeed < Ihw heJsla# the Joblea , » a n d w 'd b r atabQite Ihemtelvta. Tn conftnctlc ' he with th# eentera win'be wort rell'

. proiram*. «frjcall9na3 eppertUBJUi^ and medical attenUoo. ' '

V w ( lu d on clalma o( (anoen npporl

c^ly____________*Shn otflcUlt aterte ll would be neceaaary “to tpeod bll

___ j m u L f J o ^ " 16 pw x h w pro<

I the unable or unwUllu to Burehaae an au* (hat would ameuaf to tUbUlta

»»;* lion whlen the dfpartmWt dfilre

S2 J T 'Jh® BOISE. Nov. a MV-Conatllullon

■Hty.ot.thejnotot.ttanipotuilon ae . p U c ln jta M -o n truck llnta am

irallcrt WM upheld today br th l IU h‘ch pnjse court b an opinion wrlttei itat; ty juitlce Olvena. Tho enllro cour M ft concurred. . .' |w A {frt af l»o Uitla»iictJso»-o . w ths'ict.w as atarted by Uw O am l iE ^ IrtsjpatftUMiand.BUwieeenpan;

o rP oc K eilo .laan i(r»fah im iu i» rec t^ o d 'to reatrtln liunittTtcati-toffl-

rauiloiier of Uw enfotwmenl, (rcn lu u collKllnt the tax.Dll' Ttia ta u t protetted were the ape f"d* clal Icfj of l l l ’ per raUd too ot and iraUen In addlUot;.to the Itcrttei

chatttd. and the tax ot 1 per cen' ea croa* rarzUco o t tnnaportatioi

'I 'h coDitjanlea.the The court ruled Ihere waa no dU

aK» c ^ n a t fSn 'f a liit p m t t oa -n tu spt- l>fo* Int hauler! o( (arm produce, noi rni» Trwta’ lt 'aiiiee ■Ith-the-conipaay'i U a (ootenUosthatlbecharcewugrcat-

erlhan the aerrtet rendrttd thnwgl

^ ' K a x l n j m o ( th f l5 ilv « P1 be I w 111 ppemioa

/ D A N c i ir t > ItnM (er IMB thanJ 11 eoiU t« ftttend' t t v rtfs lar i u m .


S a r i fikk ton t I d a h o _ _ J . DepT' 8 t«e; Taylor Berr*

I t i n T w ln 'ra llt. * t l « phoM )ts; p e n r m e - : _______^ ttooe. Slmberly, Phoni

wemi lOaberlr, Phtae Tt-W;

2 . / n ' ‘ Bd ShadewlandB n Oftlce.

«®*3ra ^ T » ^ 0 , tnd^SAT. a


T g m F A L M C A

l i i i i i i o i t

‘j? b 1 ? ■ -------- 7 "_■ I n v e j l l i i a l t a In Com 'eo

” ' W ith A llred L Clli

'■"Sin’S . A ctiv ities. M a lce sP ro g i

day.wM • - —l a l ^ LOB A lto a X S , Hot. 9 {!P>-

i-, Baro- tJlet attorney tewatl«aton t< e.iB and tnnoonced a tUlh name addei N to 39 irhcw deatfti aw tmder

TtaUfttlon tn eesneetloo with MtMtlet ot Alfred U OUne ot Q dais.

,11 81c Bonlht ato, the Inm tlci lu tald, u n . U ura Cummlnct,

n w u reported that Ollae a « I I . . J . . I P*“M her on. a trfp » 8«a WarKflt WathlnttoD. a t which place, in 1

.....b rid ee fo rw b o U atW to h a T *Move

Aiier Ollne ted her, the w u i . b l u r P dlacoww) tbe lo* of K -C h ilr . \a tu& » im d 'K ud irJnm tijta ' te. ttock u U th a t like ethers who ftturet

^ the iBfeit&rettoR. ohe h td made I to ^ > wm namlnc Ollne a t her i

latd be had teleraphed to Wit , i 2 J55 Attorney Robert Benonder. a t

aWle. to iDTOtlnte the cln» ^ . aaneu o( the reported polioo Itorlda there ■ore M ua th tw i n ld that DUtrtct AH Wlcflo. ney Earl Warren of AUmeda «J U t tr. h a t wind local offleara (or p L Dahl, tocrapha, deacrtptloni and tafon lanhat* tlim eoDOfrplns cuna-1 ^ 0 ffllS T w S s « T b ^ i i r n » iompanr eitate and Inturance bualnett Jd. Olendale. CalKomU, and a t - <

oem st 2 ^ awfiiM •O o i^ r chemlaU h e n are «ca

„ mine the .Rxhumed remalat- « W - oune’i ’arlfe and bU hretheMn-b ■ttMfU 860rot-wtiom -dled-auddeoly-t Uitlm year, tor tnoeiotpoU on. Two eU

iQie be deaciu la the laiw tJntJ lont In were thota et the Rer^E. 9 . Joi

in the Reno, Kenda, reapeetlnlr. whSe ia itA . eoapany with Cllne. OUne w a il

b e n e f i t o( tha o tatea ef-«e e t the (ow, the tn m tU a te * at


U n L I j f f ig - y p R K. WOT. 1 c i ^ wi l U lJ c iB m n u ff ly - I if iS S a M p B in o

Of John P. O'Brieni cam M op-

! |M P b ^ H. UOeardhM u in i l l i joupb V UeSee pluaitd Iste I

' ! W « A S S 3 * K

inilent win. backen ot La Ouardli ai

. T S S S u w a r r . . ^ * ”La auardU l iponicw pointed •

H. . . ' in Uadltm ^ a n cnM enrand u • t Po- c h m ta i that r te te d hl^attaaki (

McKee and Tammany. ^e(at(< In the UcXce camp the Indi to aJd pendent Demoerst^ becken we; t theU eU l ^ m r

cloth' rarter, itate and oaUonal Dem< ed on eratle chairman, and Proteiti ■n to Raymond Ueley, (om erir a powi jKtlon amons Prtaldent Rooeereltli adrb ; relief en. ,________________ -

“ ““ “ w e t s AND DRYS

SOUND APPEAL!pport* _____ .»ert«! <Conttnw<» f r t n - Page One) id W" lonlihl lo urje FennarlTanUna I

fnr tbe TWenly-tlrtt amend

« and aundir he wlU apeak (romWaab PUlfa* injfOT to dilaene e t Wab. whar w reg pmchera tn 600 pulplu will a d n

cate'derearofthB-repCTlerrUtahn >tto will rote on tftelr M U dr.

an aet EftorU are belns made by o( I and ne itfT onitr-A tiu^aaooirceaim « IU* to eel oul ihe Ohio d ry jp te Tltten f « t both the aUU «nd feden cour^ repealtra. but weU predicted the:

. wtll hold a fair tnargln. o»-ot -Tr^thTte'^jtataar-eete-lor rfpeal arrett delayed untl ipanr December-8..0f.a.Tthe-flat8t :DLcm


oecxnoKO nst losskrape< NCW YORK. MoT. 3 ( ^ - K r e i r:n on Department fltoree. Incocporated(tttea repottan tt]oao t|W .:oarorlheaU; cent m o ^ n id jd J u ly J l cwnpanfd^ir

ef 1931. Net ea1« a R m tte d ll.- W.Oll a i^na t In the ea^

. nor ___aoyu _ ...Rt«t' ■


_ ____ _ 1 5 c

S S5rfL_6c»,8c r- r^ -::____ 25c

^ ' ' 14cS- -SJ^-n::-lQ cWin Perk Cbopa.and Potmd ~ I O C


D A M itEWB, T T O iy A I M ,. )

En~SPOirPICKERS-MC£ U disturbance CHAI

n n n r c t n t u T boaiw a. UTnad ]

Iherlft lUted the th r« '

Yinresv and atuopUd to p r m l two e VUI603 jjgu i JO penooi trwn eontln

tb ^ w o rk . Ttey win ba arrali SumOTlnienW-et to r «w peace.

IIC i^ D K fiW P I i l i f M l

L l n i s s r f r a ^ w ^ - a

a S t to wat eoBTtcted of IhTOt

treated Attta. dMOgMer c l Ma n In. Kimberly, In an w ite m o ^ coSu altoaed. on the hUhwar near Ktoberty j

Auctut IS. and <wu •enteseed « f aald im e l>to«lO-year tena la tha it

S S . M 1 S . ‘Wa d iw tg fc twccnTlctkc..

g ^ — ODDITI^F-LIFE-(CopUnued Prop P a n Om >

to the third floor ot a bum ^ n r te napente to crtea

* T A tra ^ 'T le U m w u a M S m aT forfotten when lU ow aea fled ti

ipmmenl, Oincer Woore carried b«*m} lo-»ha .p a ind . ,^


mt. ' y ApLBTOW. Kw. 1 W

> ether ■ York county mounUiB. m u m 7>a mls»M attar Ueutaoa Jooai Buntlarhad Uken o tt t o i ^ .

U adat hU home (Uld. m ld a a u ^ the Mid.' a t acroH (be suf^whanna rtrer t n hSa Is the USddleton army atr d < ^ r

1 ^ 1 A rw (Uen ipotted tbe wree: a te from Uu air tbrouih the ute

T llarti, but ll w u lereral he u rtb t - ' (era tl>9 tound Uu burned tttnUj * . aad the bodlta ol th t oecupaau .

lOEB------- ^CnORIA,-B.-O5-N0TrH»>-H

Brlt^CMimbU tlnlo^t^pwn

f °~ “ aler aP ,ttL in u iiU O W d - K i* 2 S nW t- T. D. Paltullo wlU be oB i

K ---------

M- m W > BUDDY!

™ T r n ^ a g fe ’mnFmWMj.were J S a**** f iS F w w J S jmeral ___ J H $ S 1)ema>(eitor ^ ^ H W b S S S H ^ h B Ipower!drif<

A LS Alwaj-i Your Uoatj'* Worth IB QualUy Uted Cart

e) i n s Chevrolet Bedan,New Rubber, Brtra

“ to Good Upholrterlna — tie 3 « ""O- ]M! rord TiliSef Sedan,

— KdW-Ttir»r-Motop-Be--------^ conditioned. Q u a r a n -

teed ----- :-----------------W SM*hni -aM0-De8oto.a_Bed»n

drr O eLue -------------- lUOM19)0- K anuette Sedan.

’ o(> tow UUeaia_______m j .0 0■am m t - f t ud Cuui)e. -DeLu»t--------

tunlpaent. Trunk _ ^ u :s .00 »W Bulfk 4 Door Bedan

‘'*•5' A Oreat Dependable,0 ,0 family Oar (or —------ ttSO«S m IWJ P W W OeLon - - con. ■ Coupa;:8ee Thli.Gna^MT»jM

•m nnJd i« i-8edan -= 4»S j» 1N9 Perd TudoE-Bedan' HUM

ford Tador Bedan _ i :U W tsc s in s Stndebikef S Coupe m 5 «

x*t Til Cara (or Your Car

•fS Union Motor Co.y our rORD Deafer

ea> Trrln Foils, Idaho

B u y


5c a ^ _ : ... 29cScSSv..__ — 29c5c SiS'SS____ 25c5 c S » " l— 25c4cSS5^^:t___ 5c0c^5 S iS ^2 9 c:5c2.S^»T-Sl_69c! D E U V E H tEAST PHONE 1E(0

a . roA H O , M T P B D A T MOM

M f f i i S

i ® llllFflfifI“ ? " ■ P m ld e tM o o ie v e i t Ai

SjSSiuM Izes liavy Concenti} pli-H ny. On East Coast,' In S

ml(&ed — r-'WASHTKOTOH. Nor. J W

• ■ Uniced State* fleet wlU be e. trated lo the Atlantic next


Praldent Rooaerelt today a

m ind the tint Use ol defeoae b tteamlni tnm tbe Paclflo t Eatt coait atter the winter a II will return to the PaclHo i (alL- •

I t e ,*». * Tbe (Jeet, IceiprUSBg thesas asa-'ssj^ss;IbTOhm* tore they were loteUur e( BBtetiea Panama tanaL Ibe Uat tlu Id BdlUs two'torcea were tocethar In tt »-jU«a; itBac-«i--te-M arr-lBW ,- eoSlalea (ormer Preildent lloorer rev Brty iait them off'the virftoU capea. S ? ! .!? During the pait U montbi ****•*• navy hu e * p l ^ Uut the i MUX ln» fortet wu kept In the P

!fWundentood, hTwerer, io hare p a CQoaldenbla part In Uie r

T tlon o( (he (un fleet In the PiC---------- ##p«j«fr-ijffteiai»-«ereral-

hare aaaerted that tha PacUle >iu) centrallon contributed to tena ■■■ - In Amerlcan.Japaneae-TeUUo!i

rtutot Rooaerelt.aaabttntaeeretarre nary, u a return to Uie fleet't

g mtl operaUn* policy.'______ Oadar.lhlt poUey Uie fleet n

Idfii'-emBernrwaTerocetnrbe IU Inorderthattbt penonnelma; ilN come experienced In tacUca.

i n ic ntuven and knowUdw of na' UJC tlon and pUotlni olf both eooai

i & ~ S H O S rtO N E JO tH llH i: S IN TUMBLE FROM!Ipfrom - _edtoto ..HAILEY. Nor. » ~ Ror,Lai

flboabone, l«-yeiraa'

tofaUfromaearwhlliarcelel tni wllcbea' nl|ht. He luffere

^ te concuulon of Uie brain and hU ^ » u badly ailnaed.

wreck- ------------------------u« M ----------------------


COLD WINTERMENTH i t .otem* dieted we a r e . to* *J*f; __JhnT e,a .hard lonu,

= c o l £ ^ ( e f £ S Q m t i i : oSed one does th is ercry

year. We do know»__ though t h a t , it i s .= * cold every winter

> — a n d - l h a t - c o l d - j , I weather demands

m o c h , g o o d t . w a r m t lL B i t in ( t_

■ foods. We are hear-

[« (hfl{ food prfces oreE l to be hisher andR hiRher. We don't

■ think they will be M cheaper and we be* n lle?e it .good btisl* M ness fo r any one (0 H lay in plenty of » siaple foods now.

" “ PEACOCK OATSO'pound bagv dean western oati, 35c.

— i ^ ^ S O t J P -------U.00 Any r a r l e i y we

___carry of Camobeirssoaps, 8c per « n .

~ ------- SYRUP------- Maple Leaf Syrup,

_ pure cane and ma>i? " .....pie :Byrnp. 35c quartr»iwUjOO- -------- ______

SS — m a caM n irsJO Good grade of bulk r ' n t t c a r o n l in 3*

pound eeSop h a n e Q » bags, 17c.

CHEESB!— - - Kraft^s -E tk h o re - lo -— 6*ponnd loares, 72c j = 1 per'foftf.—---------------

~ --------^ U r s e solid heads,

CORNSYKUPLay {n a fopply of th is syrup before

(t th t core pnctadag tax goes Into ef*

^ fM t. lO-poond pailsv

® _ GRAPES'0 ‘ f t t a h Tfpe Tokayr^

5c per pound.

e a R S K A C C i


)B N m a, KOVEMBEB 4 , 19W

“m j — iG O M M O D ITy-PBICBS

; n 3 • MOVE U PW A RD ,

n r r T - O O U A R DECH F r l l (Coououed ptom pace (

* ^ ” MA»erleaa monetary poncy.Q J Ir^ ^ ^ . . '.

i" tra tlo n te .™ J g ^ .a - ; 1 Spring

ft moii extrwrdhury and * fenalre way ot dipetdiUnc t

I UV-'Iba Ur." Ib e UaU contended bo M caocen. EoropsabouM caw ^alaRo.

_ ttK t» V (M lU U > « to « Umoet (our chamber of Commerce wit

deaandlnc tha t Uie federal I ly author, ment return to tbe cold tti M to itu t Z baeham berloanaoiutlani :io to Uu adoptloQ-ot a rt monlhi, oUter eurreney cxperlmenU. :no in the / -

FILER ,DEPARTMENTg a responds to.hepidC d - !__f W ir S ^ - P p j3 V N o r .J - l l ie J !a e t J r ^ t Uie Partmenl reepo&ded to ao time Uie about » ; lo m u « d a r a lth t i n U» At. track owned by Trank'- O a to,—wbm fani»r.Unng north ot 7 0 a ,

rerlewM fire fm n a ahort'tn 'tha'' p tt At Ua time of Uw bU a u«

•*,. WM near Ihe W«5fI.Zueierman bouae In PUer, whers Mr. (

d e l l r e ^ poUtoea. Tbfc L 5 S S ? we»e*tlOfui*hed-«tt«'aU*hJg jro - ------------ ---


nLDi, rror. s - n l « w uto. lo o tw lo B l to M U ir U u Ii

I order to team o t the capital c l^ o d tbe Saturday. A toyal crowd,

^ « 'r « o i« n r p iu m tn rW T « n E«t I nor*

FACES Liquor cha

4m Amoe, In an autoo ^ T i r a . o m e d lato another ear ab m a t^ mUe wett of Um county boipl'

Uu bl(hway yealerday aftemo< w u arreated by Deputy Sherlf

T Oryder and will be arraltoed* on-«*char*e-*t*drlrtniHfWUJM CAR leaWd. ,

lOADWOg OF B£VBniE___ L^itKiQUT B now INCa

^ WAB»INOTONni0¥r3-W7 K **® * American ti«Uw«y aj»eUtlo:

Cfered a as totaIed'e3«,S7D can, an.tix hltfaoe of 19JW orer tbe eorreipo

week la it year.

) R -

- '^ ■ ■ p I - .1 lo — I

I H i H B I P ^ P l ^ P P V

w & W W ' 1 I

1 » - f . J I l U - i

I’ m J J L \I ----------------- ------------------

r - I ' ■' .........

!d dtkeadicao1,'i i t e i ^ G fio w

re _ _____________ —

“ PoFTouTFniKCherries,!


ft, II N u t M ei

J --------

__ -KOH A TtEATtT Doles Pin«

Unsw eet0___ J_________ . J u s t Chill a;c > --------------------- --------------

Sundried f

~ O L D D i m. C leanser

^ 3 r nn«■f ------ --------------

: . C H E EAffcd Wis

3 5 (

G R A P E F R U rSeal Sw eet

2 c . ___25» C L O R W ‘ ”

o ocIHI. ^ ^ 0


S H f f i HI T E W n iH Iy,Qo)dcnr- haHCT. Kor. bunUoi

nn Shoihani bad a aertoutSv^SS'hierWedneidiy-eftemooerilch ihetr car. drlrea by R 0. Bahi i r g a l n e k by U» Orefoa-Short

ziq,.>^.[tralncnat«m8omTcretriimUMpotitioa , — ---------41i taking id m oof. ncUiodol. IIboyliigto I

Now;..ral gorem.

N a l n c r <

j. i ' only "

an alarm ■ W T w L ------ ih» whea a . ■ . V - I aentiy, a ■ . \ J F I

e x c h a n g eCr. aentty Inlft fUmti . IJghl dam- .

I ves B ^ E W

utoou«ii • . .itbeBobe - , , r. .wd otra-1 T b poimitt} F<Qrd

ineet the'requiimexi

iilARDE ■ •'>I«™iue.Mii.oll ------- -r^ehfp jtUaiytestedaiutomobUe, „•atioata- Ford battery from a

the right battery iorlerlff Orta aed^te^

S i M o SS s

„ i ^ f f E 'A t S O H A V

* '* * ■ . . C H O P S U E Y



S H C H O W M E I N l a O . R E A I

Try This I ?3c oa I ( r e a k e - i7 e - h a y e - } iB t- r < i, P in e a p p le , O r a n g e , L e m

Pecans, Almonds, \e a t s _ . ■ ftcb

IV o H w liW - th e ^o i^ .-heartiL^ lpnpflr- fn lfwip __

R A T , m r m iPineapple Juice Rolled W ht reetencd, In 8 to 6 mi: !1 and ServA_______ tha Kiddles

I F r n i t , P e a c h e s , A p r ic o ts

WOT REX LVK«r 3 Cans

„ .1 9 c 25c 5 p

E E S E - - SWisconsin For Deep F

5C Pound 3 Pound F

[JIT CORI^■Oolden Sweet ,

J5c 2c.«.__19cc o f f k F = ^

a and W.

>5c 29c u.

irU T P detour Toad lOKetchuBi. Tba IIrll fl---wiTttiWffCWTbSTrick'aa-lJU IIU tuailf demollihed. T1» M m 1

i l S H S S SDonald. Tbe young o u s eteaped 1

unUnt nartr 0 “ ®** '

>. w»hn, WU « » tm g h t to EallM where t t •Short Line w otm diw t»drtaw d 1 b « * o # a l i i g m ^ brMen bonea.

15 P la tec r e a s e I n P r i c e '

r H A T T E R r -Ford battery is Jmilt espedally to

d&e&t floftlieFord 'car. A remark*

ieofbesttnaterlalss fine workman*

M d-aod-fuiiyguaruueecL -B uyyoup-------

n a a Ford dealer and bo sure i t la . y for your car.

I M o t o r C 5 TT M Z r i J E S E E R — - Iwin Palls




« Combination J)ffert - M c e i v e i ^ u r ^ a n d i e d — L e m o n a n d C i t r o n .

ids. Walnuts, B kdc Walnuts R F w sh Stock.-

jn rapi^ d In vcgetablo s h m e n t^

PETOJOHNWUMt witirall*tliirBniireoo1cs—6 minutes. A Breakfast O K a ddles will relish. Pk?..._ ^ O C ,

cots or Mixed F ru it

^ O ftf i> © W B E B ----- -. Whllo E is lt

5 Pound B o . _ _ 39cSNOW DRm

!cp Frying i t is Second to Nofic.

ind P a n_____ 49cPUMPKIN

DtlKrof. "

)c 2V2stoC.nl4c= ^ = = S D t J P =

cimpbell'i 7^»aaSo


- r f f l H i i E r fw m iiis-

“ Displays B eing d i th e r e d a l ’

Burley fo r S l a te a n d N a-

; llonal G range S a s l e n s

! BURLEY. HOT. 3 -an n a e r« of . C«iUooimty»WMU>ertnjproducU ' (or txMbtU to tbe Pomonk' Idibo ' product* ihow to b« sUged >t Bolu : • Norembfr 13 to 21. acconllin to Po- , monk M uter U IL Sveetwr. Aaoet;> lock] producU ll to be kn enonaout ' pjTuold 0^ number one Oem poU- I toa, which vlU h a n » prominent , nosuion In the exhlblu bulldiif.. rtrmer* bk»ln» producla (or exhibit ■ AreuKmbllngtt)emUUieH.N.Vtn I I Hook ranch, vlth U n . Van Hook Is I , eharie o( operaUou I' pieUmlnsij Micutuia Usti w ” | I- an llib le (rom Harold P. Deardorff, J

— f - p r w a t n r o n u o M a R T o r e o ^ - j « merce: a t the ottlee of B. W. Chan- ‘ er. manater ot Uu cau la PoUto I Growers' auoelaUon. asd a t the

— |-fann-home-of-Mr«.-Vai\-Hookrirest - I of Burler.

<• Two p j a w . » f r . BreeUff. Jiir#‘ b « n worked out by the Bolje eharn*

; ber of commeroe to aid O tanie »li*I Itors Jo pay expensea a t the italc• and national cosrenUons. One U

~ ? ~ th » t membet8'm*ybrin«'fBrm prod-• ucu,pouIlrr, e n s a n d th e llke, and f exthange them (or convention mon*• t j which ma; be ipent In any imti* '

• or MfTlcei. ThU money may also I* ", ' uwMn paying Inlllatlon feei to ther Imptwlve lerenU) degree. U> be con« ferrtd Norember 17.

’ ■ lU rrtrt FeiUra]• Anolher pUn devlKd U 'Uis'har- ' . Tc«t (ettlral. to be held November K.' 17 and IB, when Boise mercbanU asdI profestlonal men will donato 14000 *-

— rn ro r tn 'o n ro o a ri iirM rm rirp re n p ’ ~• lum< for Uie exhlblU of (arm prod- f■ ucU,.hDUMholdaTt,andloraUileMe , contcita and itunta. This feiUval will . be entirely teparalo fn m ttw P»-• <mona exhibits o( (irm products. Tbe' Pomona exhibits will be shown la a .

■ hiillHlnir rfgVQtri tn thl«_pi.rpcia . T » h U e leitlral exhibits will b« dU-- .played In tarlouastores. where U>ey ] will b e iudnd and prlwf awarded..

• * Prtos WUl be given for potatoes o(— r"< iin e re n rT « tn rea ro m w i5 n tta p r ^

> kins of various varleUes, cabbage and 1- other garden produrts, largest sugar i '> beet, five pounds of beans and peu.

also («m, wheat asd buley, povcr a t and g m s leed. (rtah (mlU. canned fruits. vegeUbles,. pickles, fine arts exlilblts, -bread, cakes, etc. nt

P risa will alto be given (or cov- ' . boy and co n lrl coilumea In tho pa- «r.

■ rade November IB. for U » Urgest J J " family, most dilapidated automobUe. Tt

V'' (at men's race, husband calling con- n f .test, walking race and all kinds of I

» stunt races. ladks’ roUlns pin throw -Rl, . . r . . Ing oQOtest. isost.hcalUiy boy and ,1,,

lelts. harmonle*. pie eating and ciSct **» a drinking contests. Orange cham* u r

5“; ing. nail driving, plnoehie.and bridge, m,

greased pig caifhlog. p ^ ellm b lsg , thl

- ; - R O O S E V E l ; r T O V ISIT -------- m'


‘ WASBINOTON, Nov, 3 W VPrcj- >1 ldentRooscvelt(oI(fdeI(gktlons(rom gro « Hawaii and Puerto Rico Thunday »tu

• (or-flung American outpoets next ^ ^ summer If congress adioumed In but .• time. . • n r• The voyage would probably be •««2 made nbowd Uie cruiser' Indian- T ; apolls which has. fitted up special Aal « Quarters for the president. He would D®'• so first to Ihe Island In tho AUanUe J f• Utence through Ihe Panama c a u l• and oul Into the Pacific to nawati 4 returning to California.

Mr. Rooicvelt, who is fond of the vr I sea, hat been contemplating Uie , Journey (or some time. 6• The Hawaiian delegation called a t ora• Uio Whfte House to urge the {irtsl- byI dent not to push Uie administration eve g bill ta repeal the law ttquWng ap . Chi •I polntment o( a resldent'as governor Ion, a of Itnwnll.____________ • ^ r


j i — ^7AN‘I tD - TOANSPORTATION * t Wf today or tomotror.lo Moscow by in

girl unlvenlty student. Phone 134SR. hug

f — ... .

i l , ; ^ : : ; ; : : : ^ : : ; : : : . S t a t e m e

iiz ~ ^w in Falls 1

___________ L o a n s a n d D i s c o u r

O v e r d r a f t s .................; ; C l a i m s a n d J u d g m


; ; S t o c k F e d e r a l I ? e s ( , B a n i : ....................

II U n i t e d S t a t e s

a n d - W a r r a n t s i ; ; ' ' O t l i e r B o n d s .... ; ; C a s h a n d D u e

3! f r o m B a n k s ....

; ; C a p i t a l S t o c k J:........

S u i - p l u s a n d P r o f i t

r ____ P ,e p D 3i t s ; - D e r a a n dI h — --------- --------- T i m e —



J Twin Falls Dail

a ’ ™IS , m i l ;

“ i


It .1


I- '

L: ■ B I

• l%r/yN.sMfcVj.‘l y i ^ Ik j y i s t y 6 * t r I

• 1 5 4 4 - i6 l - i c * w

I. --------------- --------------------------- I10

ilsOCIETY.J PBonir _ ____________________

i I V r D auffh tcrs o f th e Amei ' a t a b eau tifu lly a; a t th e homo o£ M ra. H . J . Wall I low ing d in n e r, l i r a . F a r ra r ad

m a tte rs o l in te re a t to th o gro• M ra. f f .H :E ld r id f f e , local rci : M rs. H . C. Jcppeaon , ’a gucat, . T h ruah a t E v e " and "W hen So:• o f th e even ing w a a .sp e n t In fo r> Mn. F a m r will go from here toH r Blackfoot, whero she will make a ,> tlm ilarrisllaU ontotheD A Rchap- [

Mr*. Wall, U r « .T . i t nobertscs, ?

. tables, coven being marked for \u s s i f f i i s s i s 's i i s i ; J

in l deoontlons for the tables. I Mr*. John McPall was alto a guest i

' ofUrt'erenlng:---------------------------y


Mrs. deorgeJVarberg presented a fi group bt her pupQs~ln an' informal oi studio rtcllal last evening honoring Q y e p « t. Jamff ^ lt« > n ib Riley,.

but were presented in plsylet ar- r nngement. Parents and (rlends at- T tended. al

puplls appearing were Prances w Aah, Muriel Tsyc. Maxine Neteen. u Dorothy Van Engelet. Loreene Pull- R er. Ulllam Uubenhelm, Marilyn j. NorUi. Arlene Porter and Anna Ruth ts Ooodlng. • _______ dj


Seasons o( the y e u suggested dee- g ontlons for tbe dinner, sponsored by the ptdellty Class, sened last - evening at Uie &(eUiodltt Episcopal Chu«h. Outsts weTt Mated a t tour long tables, and entertainment num- ^ r t j r ts e n te d by_ewh_pocp_wfre also seasonainn Iheme.'Juveniles who accompanied their parents were served at a smsller table In tbe

The shamrocks ot Erin were much In evidence a t the spring table. A huge centerpiece, a double sham- ■


TON m i s . IDAHO

RESOURCES ounts____ ____________

Igm ents........1;---------------and F ixtures________ ...

teserve.... ............... ? 4,800.00londstsandI ...:_____ :. 228,743.65

................. 489,158.40 ■

- L IA B ILraE S--------

i f i t s ' Z Z Z Z : I ' Z "md_ .;......... .5M2,586.S5,_„,T^-.— .■=-170,368:82—

. . . ' ,

^ T m K f A t t a D A IL Y ^

iIO D E L A l^ H O M E)aily News Pattern


You'll be UirllUd with UUs apron I wardrobe — boU) attracm-o styles I are Included is one pattern. One

flonnced, and one gored to ^ve you a change, aoft basdy pockets tbat are a l««n a y>r. Ot« n y cotton prinu, . perhaps you can pick up a remnant , or two for a sosg-theyll tub and wear beautifully. How pleased your dearest friend would be with such a useful girtl

Pattern 15M Is- available In lUes . small, medium and large. 6mall slie '

. tskealK yardsU lnch(abrle.5 3-4 k yards binding for A; 1 s-s yards : g (sbrie, e u yards binding for B. II- ; H lutlnted step-by4tep sewing in- ! W sttucUons tnclwted.______________,

I colas or stamps (coins pnterredl'for j■ tbU Anne Adams pattern. Write ,■ plainly name, address and style num* ■-ber.-BBSUBE^O STATE 6 IZ E < ~

■ The smartest Fall and Winter ,■ styles, tbe newest fabrics, hints on >■ harmonious coUfvrts and iewelry,■ hcrw to knit a tma^t sweaUr, gifts ■-(or-Uie-klddles.-lasfmlnnte fashion J■ flashe^Uiete are among the lu^ ' n c ln a t^ Rems In the NETT PAU


Addross’c r t e n to 'T ^ P a l l s I ^ y [ News Pattern Department J

— ^ .1 ..I \ i . .1 ____ c■ _ ..... ~ i

^ j C l u b s IIone‘32' ‘ 1

; • ■.................. .......... _ ) I

- C a H M i n i i i r R e s i n r o n H o j American R evolution, w as honor \ ly appoin ted d in n e r la s t evening Wall, Seven th A venue E ast.-F oI-■ addressed th e local c h ap tc r on g roup. I

I .reg e n t, introduced M rs.. F a r ra r , l leat, sa n g tw o aoloa, " I H ear a 1 I S ong Is Sw eet." T ho rem ainder \ i f orm ally^- _______________ j

‘ rock ot fluted light and dark green \ y crepe paper w|m grlORlng Irishmen i

nf KtraetWe. Light anil duk green \a tnam e^ d ^ the lengttj ot Uw i

* table, aod green'shamroeks'scatto J“ e d o w the cloUi, completed the set- |

Ung. A stunt by Edward Ubert. u ^i l a^..U u.otvan>grlnder.-and-D lck h

Woodlngton. tho monkey, w u pre« "sented a t Uils table. Dr. Orrln Pull- her read an original poem dedicated Jto the Fidelity Class. Amngementa k

ig Dr. and Mr*. Orrtn Puller. • ; ' 5A replica of a summer csmn'alonB h

r 'wgOT m t fmiiitu in> tf tia iiy }[■ I d ^ setting for the summer U b it kt- Twigs of evergreen added to the t t - 7

aliim ol Uie lettlng. At each cover Ies was a miniature camp. Including a ^n. u n t and a pbe Uee. Mr. and Mrs. %1- Roy Haverland and Mr. and Mn. ^■n J . J. Fleming were In charge of this ^h Uble. -nia men guesU a t the Uble, k

dressed as small bon ready for a ^llsbing trip, cntcruised tho patty k

r t ----- FOR SALE 2ABU door gUss. windshields and ^

f, . ■ • wtodew gUsa. I, N# Charge for Settlni. J5 -------- Brtojr-nnriw-saiii,-----------I■e Open fislortlay NlgbU ^

PJ«m« B MOON'S Fbeoa I I- — Palnt-B nd-Fm llB reSM t— h

drCo iffp w ~ 5

------i 439.078.93 . {------ 1,178.61 S------ 1,922.22 ' i

66,5^.75 _ .. (

. . 722,702.05 ■ }

_ J1^840_4-56 ^.......? 100,000.00 J

.... 25,448.79 ' ^

— 1;U 2.955 ;77~ '~ § $1,238,404.56 ^

'" n e w s , t w i n p a l l s , TDAHl

~ i with i preliminary marbIe>shootlEg I*- tounamenfc------------------------------- j

Autumn's‘lion i ot plenty,' spUIIng tho'fruiu and vegeUbles ol Uie bsr-1 vest seasot^ down ths center ot-Uw Uble; autumn leave* along the cloUi.

J - and rase*'of deep red and yellow s clUTsanthemums were the decon- ° Uotis used by Mr. and Mn.'Fr»nk

. OoodykoosU and Mr, and Mrs. Ben ^ E!dsr.J»e(LBeer.cau-aJoast..iuul., responses were m ade.In typically

-(ooUiall rally rowser" (aablon.A miniature Christmas trcel, brll-,

)n Uant with red. silver and ^ e n ' Icicles In a bed ot arUflelal snow; I

u smaU 6anU Clauseit peering doin ... red brick chtoneys. and lighted red „ U pen in silver holden establUhed , the Christmu moUf (or tho winter

Uble. Red berries scattered along the ’’t cIoUi, and small evergreens in shiny, Id red pans a t each cover, completed; ur the aetUng. A largo ChrlsUnas bell I a was suspended over the table. Bed

and green chei:Ule. laden wiUi iilver. cs Icicles, extended from the bell to the I M eads’of the Uble. R..K..DUIlngham,.1 “mystety nun extmordlaaij* from' rij Filer. enlerUlned a-lth alelght-of-

hand tr ick s 'u Uils group's part on ‘‘ Uie program. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Bluy*

ter and Mr. and Mn. Raymond— Orave*:.w«r«-ln-<1iarge-ot-tb»-Utiert-

,,AHalIowe'en tub at yeUow tiowen

^ snge'U pen and pumpkin, owl and or bUckcatcut-ouUdecoratedtbeUble

a t which Uie children «-ere seated.

^lONORsf'RlENl^ tt Xtn. W. P. Balmoi) «-as guest of

honor a t a pinochle party T hundsr i evening a t the home of M n. Artell '

u Kelley. MUs Susan W aten won Ihe ' „ pris* (or hlgh-score-and-MIss Lau- I ^ relUBUelIus,low.Mrs.ICelIeyservcd V a iw o-w ine tupper (oUowt&g Vu> ' g gables. Mesdames IL Po(«e, Hannsh

N e ^ . J TU m Broira^^m on ap^ .

H rb asd Busan Waten.wero-gucstft '

neUnetdnParent-TeaeherBtudy , Onwp met-yesterday attemoon Js , T Uie Uncoln building. Miss Sdlth Dy-

gert. aaslsUnt librarian, gave a dis- . cussloa on booksr and distributed

polstedllbrirU nandM n.B .P.D ur- bin. secretary, of Uie study group. ,

Exehasge of recipes and menus (or small children was followed by ages- j

‘ ^ a r a r * * a w a > a r » 5

‘ S~— O u f s f a

G r o c e r y

S .

r ■ F o r S a i

^ C O F F E E : O regon T rail,

r j FL O U R : G olden 'Special, Sol

2 SY R U P : A m aizo G olden, 1C- 4 .cnch ..........

; 4 BROW N S U G A R : S o f t, Lifi J W — 3 -lb a r fo r— ______

; I CORN F L A K E S : M iiier BnI 1^ . L arge p a c k a g e -------------

I S “ K E LLO G G *S-W nO LE W in J | J ^ ^ ^ ( ^ b £ i c l u r e t o o W 2 ^

'■ J BAK IN G PO W D ER ; Mb,Cl • J 1 pad<nge B a lte r's Coco

i 5 SW A N S DOWN C A K E FLO ; ^ 8-in Cake P la te fo r '...-J.

' S M A CA RO N I: M ade from Dt : J .■} Iba. f o r ..........................-

. J l .OXYDOL: L a rg e P a c k n p T , J . Cioz. ............................ ..

1 SA LM O N : C olum bia R iv e r]^ M b . F ia t C a n ................ .

% D A TE S: llflllitvec, n o t SuRfl------- 2 - l b - r t o r ..................... ;..J

I G R A PE S : Red T okays.t f — - < - lb a r fo r .........

S SW E E T PO T A T O E S : Yellotg _ J j j b . ^ o r . ----------

J C R A N .B E im iE 3 ,N o t Soft, J 2 q u a r ts ......................... .

5 C U R R A N T S v C lm e d , 1933 ..IS-oz.P flck 'agc----------------

SJ i-R A IS lN S :-1 9 3 8 -P iic Jc f - lf i^ r:i f o r .....................................

SH E L L E D A L M O N D S: m i 8-oz. f o r ..... - ......... ..

J SA LTED C A S H E W NUTsTJ 8-oz. fo r .......... ............... —

5 “ S n E L L E D T E C A N S n 9 3 3 TJ 8-07- f o r ......................... ......

3 CHOCOLATE PE PPE K M IN : % M b. Box ........... __________

S CHOCOLATE CO V ERED CI^ 1-lb . B o x ...............................

^ PEA N U T B U T T E R : V ernon^ 2-lb. J a r ............... ................

k MORTON’S Season ing fo r SiJ .10-01. Can ---------------------

S L E T TU C E: T ender, Cri.ip HiJ Knch ......... .............. ...............

SO A P: Big V alue U nw rapped « ------- 10- B ara- ____


^ Main Store Phone 188. Grocer

HdahrDej^ “ IF IT I S N T RIG H T, I


tlBgjenl dlscuMlon o( the' — 1 t(Hiirf6r“ Uie n«rtnMtln«Trovcin ling ber icvcsleenth will be “The Pre jst* School Child.” patterns will be_ex ^ ehanttd. — ------ ' -

Uo» p ..r . A. MEMBERS 'ANU rU / '/W DINE

»nk T»-enty*fi;-e room represenuUve P«n D( Twla Falls Junior High echoo and. wiiajwaoredat-a-pot-luck Uiiwhanr ally yesterday noon a t tho Junior hlgt

„ tchool.Mn,VeraOXeary.Mr*.Juni iril-, Klf kman. Mn. RoKoe Stevens. Mra een 'w ilun. Miss Pearl Crosaland and o«: I Earl Peck were Ihe adult commit^ )»n lee IQ T htm m ingw uadflnssedtoM n hed ftank-BoughUm and Mn. JtSm E iwr lUjrti. Mary Buckmaitcr and De« the Heppirr gave readings. Oamea were liny directed by Ann Peavey^and Loli :ted j Slereas.bell I ;led Pl.EltCES OF TRI-C m.GUESTS AT ''STVDIO" the [ i-ifdges of TO-C were honored at un, k itudio party a t tbe Elka' Hall last '<»n evrnlrg. Mr. and Mrs. R. U RoberU 'tu* andMr.andMrs.J.M.WaUacewere on pniroos o( Uie evening. Last year'i

uy* nliunnae and their eseorU; honored m e m b e n a n ^ e lr

Ploor and Uble W » l - sheddlnj

it)d hcarUi. glowing ruddUy, and spot- >ole iiitits m ined from the balcony at I the M3t end, formed tbo Ulumlna.__ ■UonJot-thtt.ballnwn. Tha itudlo.ef-

led was created by the use o( art Krerni. wicker furniture, and

of lountM covered with Oriental rugs uy and ispeslrles. Streamen of gold icll andgrren. the< club colon, decant- the ed the balcony and tbs orchestra

red An Inlermltslon daacs waa pre­mia ttr.Ud by Mary Frances Dates. Ku- ish sic tor Uie evening was pUyed by lOd Bus Vaughan's orchestra. Corsage i j r •bomjBeUwcre'preieattd'tothirtion* rta. oreea.

Throuihout Uie evening punch was sen’cd (rom two large k e ^ PuDch girls were Lois Stevens, Jeanne

j_ JlobUaon and UeUy Wegener.■g Pledgn are Mlssn Belea Beverln,

tleleaTDoIton,PraaceaWIUon,i:^ Dene Thomu, CaUierUia Ooff, Mar- lha Holmes, RuUiWlsiman, Virginia

J : Cooke. Norma Puller, EUabeUiCam- ciiHi. rig ills aiicuclKTgerindTRffe^ ;n*ry Mcnwaln.'

“ Ollleen ol Tri-0 ar«: MUs Dor- i - oUiy Cress, presldentj Miss Mary

P nnns Miller, vice president; Miss r MUlleent Eldrldge.-Ueasursr, aod

la n d irr^ r~ ^

y V a l u e s ^ ^

S a t u r d a y ^

: ________

Light Golden Color. ^

.........................l O c . ^. H E A T : ^ E ^ g ^ , g

b/Calumentwith S :ocoanut f o r _____ ^ i C J

FLOUR and ono 2 9 c 5

n Durum Wheat. S

.......Z s s c j

Sugared.___________ n g 3

- = - ................ t .......f i

ellow Jerseys.■ 0 K / » 5l

....25c ^

— , ! ! I L _ _ _ 2 5 x l . 5

I IN T P A T H E S . 2 9 c 5

j■non Brand, . 2 ^ ^

Tgusage. '

i c . \ip til W hite Bar. ^


» « ry Pliontu No. 0 S No. I ^

i f f t r S t m lT, BRING r r BACK" ^

3, NqVEJIB^ <ri9W

.n ie M ta yiobLCobke, secreUry._____vein- - p U i e r iM m b e t i - d l ' t h e t o S Pre. Mliaea- Partheaa uoliuter, Etbi

Lex.- Flnlayson. Marjorie Long.'wUm • ' Oertseh.--Uarian Lawrence, Vlrglnl

Haynca. EdlUi Clark, Catherine Gel : «tU, Mary D. SmlUi, Charlott

BOirlfcs. ^ ) o r U SUvens and Loub .Uves KrengcL:hool _____fv»on ■SWSSLBy^LBiVia-----------------high iVEDDINO TllURSpAY ^ Word h u been received Uiat Mn

Oencva. Le-fU and B>jrmer Senato mitk M. J. Swteley. both of Twin ftilli

were married Thursday. Novembe v jj, second, a t ths hodie tit Mr*. Uwli _ £ brolher.ln-Iaw; Rev. L. V. Slocuml

Kimball, Nebmka.


The m glc-0 Oroup o( Blue Bird met a t Uie homo ot Mary Fnace Dunn yestwday afternoon, flfteei

d a t memben attending. Mn. Brutey dl last reeled the sewing. RefreshmenUwer

x r u served by Mrs. Bunn. The next meet were Ing WlU be beld wlUi D on Prstt. ear's ' ' ■~^— ored LODGE ARRANGES Jielr BENEFIT CARD PARTY

dlhS Ulned a t a benefit card' part: ,pot> - :y at


I DMfl i eJOT*- - * * A L iV - « U lL lJ lX > H v

S Grocerien, Meats, News Stand, Di

*10 - i — Iu r - • .

t -BEANJJSjor- -• ____ . . .

I dates: , j :.'"^ N l l l Jy Bmll -W?"^

t T i i S 5 " c o r a t ? 5

J! d iiR cii— 'I = M l f 5 S

5 -DEVILED 8 p e a n u t I I CRACREB S ORANGE!■s ---------------------

M eatJ DID YOU L r

{ Wliole Shoulders ’^ Skinned High Gra^ r-BaconrSugar-GunJ Pure Lard, Two 4-5 Shoulder-Veal-Roik iiVeaLoc-Lamb-Ste' J k ib boiling B e e l .. “ P ork or Vea] S te ^

-R«undrSirIointoi^l^ Bacon S q u ares .....J —Bosfbn-Butts, Choi^ Pure Pork Sausagi

? -The-Process-Tajr€^ Morning—So P u t i^ Oii Every '

^ At The Foui

5 H O T L U N C

! 20 cJ E V E R Y D A Y B U T SI

I ‘E v ^ ' i p i

Ethel Uis prise (otbridge-kano: Mra. J .w .7Uma WsndsU, pinoehle, and Mra. O e ^-glnu 8Uui;^tMg&-Mlu Myrtle'Adderiul:I Gel- cbaltman; Miss Evelyn McDonald,rlotte Mn. WUliam ThletUD. Mlis Mabisculte Young. MUs Gtace Parsons and Mlu

Qlfty Pomeroy, served refreshments.

----- - TAKKS-eitAlftMANSniP---------o r NATIONAL MAGAZINE

Mrs. ' Mrs. Rose R OUgan,'Boise, for- nator mer sUU president of tbe Idsbo null, FedenUoQ of Buslneu and Profes- mber ilonal Women's Clubs, h u been ap- iCwW cbalnaaa ot the oaUocalnim^ magaxlnMcommltte6. accordlsg lo

IsformatlBo received by Miss Jean Dlnkelacker, sUt« pub^lty cbalr-

Mn. Oellns MacDonald Bow- mas, naUonal prealdent, made

laees known Blrs.aUganrappolBlmesioa ftMD Monday o( this week. TUs appolnt-

ment makes M n. OUgan a member ^ or Uia naUonal board Ot directors.

^ ^ U c a t i o n Is “independent Wo-


party In regular session a t Uie Odd Wlowi

E F IIts, Bakery, Delicatessen, Sc Dry Cleaning, AU Under 0

r : ! L . 2 5 c SUGAR

J), I T 9 c | x H E B r

” ! ^ r 2 ^ 0 A T S « L .


6 c S O A P ....

= . . _ 6 c S 0 D A ^

) MEATS -S andw lch_S i

BUTTERIRS Salted Suprem e—8 Lb s ..

ES Largo Fan cy F r u i t—Dor. —



AGAIN TODAY , iia'QBarter Young B e e r::■s Young Pork.___ _______irade Hamsiired.........................4-lb. P ackages_________

to a S t-^ v ^ ;..; ;..;^ ;..

t . . . . : ................................................

:ak _______I . ;ii^SwisrSteaka _____ ..v,:: :

Irafce.................... ........ig e or H am burger........ ....

rG ocrO inH I-H ogs-Slangl it in Your Supplies Today- y Cut in the M arket — SI

uniain Repe<( C H E ^

5 ^ ThisGlaced,

■ S U p A Y • C R IS P • Fl


....................■___________ ••

l-Fel. -Hali:Frld«y.*fiolng-wlU»-Xdtfsb^

' . r s

I MUs • ............ - , .;

FINAL RITES HELD ^ s FOR W.C.ROBINSON ■, for-Idsbo JEROMR HOT, 30-FUfltral ler-

num benw avsung^aqoaheteom - • posed o(-R«r. and Mrs. Johnson. A. Z. S u n . and U n . Jesse Sugg, Mra.'A. I. .


* ? * : OUI A. L. Pyle, Henry IM . Dowd , Purdura and R «s Updegaff. ■


V . shrines built ot stones taken (rom .____ taportantpU oea.toA brahsm U B . .\ met e ^ ^ Ufsi h a v a ^ e r ^ ta Un« illowi w la p a rt bera.- - ' • :.....

U S ;- P H O N E - I M ^ W -

», Song Shop, j | F ■ sr One Root

Morning 1 1 ^ 'Tall T ins-a For H v ~ ”

SE id iho-Lb . W LPeacick ' . , n o

8 L bs . 1 Z C

i .S p r e a i i- r 'C m i---- ( J g * -

S l a M j i r ------------- .2 5 c '^ 3 9 c T z

— :--------------- I 9 C ;■

"tment _A R im ROASTS Y? .

= = = = Z 8 c i k : - I-------------- - I 4 c ib , _----------------------------

---------------------- _ . - . 6 2 c

z :

-------------_ - . . :5 lb s .5 0 c-----------------------------l 2 r i i K ^----------------- 8 c lb-

— -........ 1 4 c ib ^ '

3 lbs. 2 5 c

lughf e r cB Mtn t d u ? ^ — lay—Special P r i c e s

-S h o p Early.

te a l SpecialTe Tara Away M u y CoitaBen '

Last Time We S«U ’

^ '™ 2 0 C D o z ^ ■ - - ^ -This Time We Hars Plenty laced, Coconut. Sugsr » . FRESH . D E L ia O U S /

f f ic M F y

j | t f f i s 2 * i ^ S 5

1 HUM. , 11^ ^

;■ I& t s j s ‘s z A i r ^ T .

' w i i w f n * " y~ ~ ~

$ 3 5 « L ' . ^ s a . % m 5 S * s s ■**

■ ^ ^ S ' j S sI 3

M jU L H T O M - - g ; U indv tU B proum ioQ caD M t^ wn

:.- ..n d ta d lb iB (b tw a U iA m n d m ts t * u U fluU T T ffp«aM .uiiow uem i(l* ® (eatUur U nlr. t«a M t n l U zti ^

. pnrldKl b r Uw mUoot! R k q tu t ma

t te l u o o * t o i ^ ! ' t i r » p MItoek U l, U u txeea pnUU US u d ^

i l I t f u Uu t r e n n U xp tjn tn * « » ta U k ild ib e U eooMTMt It ^

: - : - c u s a ( b » n ld U u tU u .n U tfi9 eb. tb« u t o ^ wlQ b* e( u v p w t »«itaa* i tn

• ' ttc*. cofpontieu wlo b t t u t i u >«*J : um tttIciip«O M vtiteitlibu(^uuU

(neUaa o( Uu(r toUl ( u ; Uwn ^ . . • ftr tqn iti n o n ib te b i MtoiUi col- »{((

lacUni dtrtdtndi o( u j kind vbat- wtll . i m M l no lon ttr t u n to i tu n

tiwir eb«)uai; Uu aem____ l» m i-tM . te-»u_MtuM_oUI>ln|i,.

'b l iB M iff ie tad e iu m w eu to fU n ..— UMBoafl. ta d U it.n tnL M iC «P li« . =±r|W ;nUnwCMnousUda.flDl)r411I ^ . A

m l t i a n u h i t i i ^ tlSODiTm ’/ \ la d h u ■ I n r i btRt w pttnleul} | ' MOKUdutobOKueitjDoUcMble I

------ » d » - lB i r - « l» a m i t« « » _ _ i_ y " 2Aj} ia iH nolHloQ of n e b l u t i ,

k lM l fCtat to M at <b0Ut A (TMt JVtia l er nlUf. T lu U n« vU tb tiuit li K

^ i n a e t U u-«dd-4olliii_M U «W g ] - tn a Wiihlniton. U n nw p t Uia ^

. J J M t n l ineeou l u , but Uu ta m v u• w« M»jMt to t

ooiM im rlib i b in i t bane. TtiU ^ h aot t« n j U ut tlx nu«( ot UT ktod Jl uavtleoae. 11 li to point out cm bo irw r U ul Uu r»nk tnd IDi oJ -T ABM laa tu p i r * » *U> P»ftt but ^ ,UtU* br n u b ttmlMlou no maUcr mm « b it Uie lc « la tooomt to Uu M - thii i n l QortmaMnt m » b i Of Uu ilw S *

~ o tU w n n iiv b k tiv lU b iM T M tiT n l j ttu ,iToup vbleb eootfoU Uw p r in u jict wnlUi ot Uu uU oo. ' ^

SmiU liTon Uu?Uullr n « l « d - “ “ Urier In proportion. choi

iKl____________I i i " i '"in.,'J , . dtel

UXOaiCAL MOITAaiBM Ao t u a i tn n l t n ' cooit home c\-e

____ tM»L2ip?pe UUlng ui war lijm - theim la « t and tan iuw ’e Uure. U ul ll ' U p tem n t new and Uim to hear ^

= = ^ « » « # w H ohol«u*-diiiraHlw.- Accordlni lo Uindrtk WUlem Van Loon th«r« U plenty ol «elt*m*<ii “ J a hnd In Europe, bui U k n t war. u

T tiw e Tho'ttlnk-UiafHiUKVIU - S ’-^^ iW -lW 'ie^ V M r-V aaJA srtlJd lj ^V.

ID inlcrrleaer, -are like thoie «ho uiea u p rrtln UutTEeBovKTcoiiU two

------ o o fJu irH e -u -ie an d on;hU.thilf « »moie llrmlV thm anrbod; tU«. t

_____do not beatve be vanU war, and thotH n n f n 6 i r - m B « n r B 8 M y - n ' ttrn turope n n u to tlth t.'

W*L‘, Uiit tnakes It tety n*»rly ^

to flsfit, either, f t cYcnaeemi poulble I< U ut m « t people la j a p u dool I. n n t te |l |t i l ,f o ra l l l t ih ir > h tr t iU I

oen t ot Ctiina. I

be eully attained. Not eo. Mo one waoti to rifht, but in erenr nail'on llti'beUeTedUiUeome other natloa nuy tujD acirtulT'e: Bo mlUtarU» ,M nUnt» and tbe p ltt or w2/ .

' dereaae cscumi Inertaeed pnpara* tlons (cr war.

T O r o a TAT’ j r tlitory d o e n t rtpw l UuU. u

~ l i iU li 'lu ll 'o l’l n t m U ^ 'p ^ e l i .Tbe pvtU el to eur tone delay la teconU acflenK tR onU onaeeount ar ite ytdlealfis If fnnay.

I t h a l o e d a c c a t i^ and i ball - n a A B rltl^ eonntrr tn WorUi

Aouiiei. eoDi&tlii( 11 looiUy led. -■rated coloclw. rvnlted.tfalntt Uu

■ BOWB iM Mt Bp l a tadtpeadni ' toem isaat 'a f tt i own. bued 00 net) tm lB U w iry prtadplM that t&e Old fTofld w u ptofouadly abocked.

& bued le n n s a t a t i l Tl|bU Dpoa


Um eoBNfll'or D u'io fenudru id la ; reM ibn tad DeelintioB tQibeld Uie

r l|M e t molnUen u t ianttnal prtadplo.

n Uiea h i4 Uu audadty to apply ti> th» iviiift of n ^ t r t n e tbe Ortit. at fit. P«tenbmi,<or d lptoatlo rtc-

, o c B lttaa .n it« m * l< n .|w rita te i- aiea ta d Uuir lueceeeott were to

: ib o d td by fueb d u r r o u i radleal- '• i«n U u t 11 w u n y tu i belote Uu I. upetart Republie w u reeocntied.''

Kow w« leem wmtDf on both tldei'• to let bn o a e i i» bnon«-

G id d in g W e ChiW i'-~ saoB T > c»o inT iN a c t t i s r

By AU«e CtarlM Bichoend ,, : u a -Bt8w r wff i tg tH g -g n » -a ir t ! whta ber e>yeir-ol<I dattgm«r.bunt ‘ ‘ tntft th t Fwin In b "* ihimwi» j ■ trolled, fr ie t - - •

Sbe.looked u U ihe bad b«n , I crylni lor bouii, aiid only wlin '

> between n b e o t a little rabbit wblth ? bad been run orer and °

Thoti|b4ho rabbit wu..not a p«t, E but a wild mini, the ahock to tbe child bad been u treat that btr eaBUoa.tttf»]!rne<lJo ma_ke her IU. I ind atiUHt aoothlni nor lynpitby ^ tud u r «»ee(.

rtaany. in topalr. Km. Brown “ eielilmed; "I know what you ouiht | *

poor buany. I hare Juit the box to ^ pot b in to."

looklnfouto/UiewlDdo»b«Uan fi bour later, abe u w Uie funeral pro* “ eetilon. compoied ef two children * ta d two dote lolennly conducting t an opreea wifon on which, eor- ertd wUb floweiti lay Uu.bW wllb , bunny^ remalni In It. The children i w m V iiaB lT ienoui, ounneTrtxa- „ w upatL'-Often'»-»bocklnf-o«ttmnei wUl caute ft nerrout reaction la a child which, Uunifb U ahov* all the e tr . , ourki of rnef and ezpreeilon ItieK la tbe t«B u of lonow.U really only «emotSonal-aboeki--------------------------

I t muit hare lome (om of outlet, aad Uio eu l r t and noet na tural U g

S S i*aiti*lTO»M^rfj(pre«J<>& ^I( Uu eautlenal e b ^ e«n be ,u

dlreel«ltnlotdU (er«ntebanmland “ t tu ehUd^ atUntlon dUtncied. Uu Z. itratn te nlaxed and Uu eae rn re- , leaied la t bealUiy way. a,

S n s b id Uu rebblt been ttu ebUd^ t« t InKCad of t etnnse anl> n a l WlU) ne penonal claim on ber atfecUon, 11 n i th t lUU hare been . well to fladeosu outlet for her r ie f ~ ba ld n oTint. > ■ "

By MAIK BAMOM ^ SSW YORK. m . i-Aftlri. th li p

ll Kew York. One o( tho tow ni ex* w eepUonally ditnlfled luUion w u pi bom to tbe-H eUl'K lteben-dlitrietiai on TenUi arenue. In hla boyhood be j w u ft member of one of Uie kid gangs dl t a tW territory, but he w u Uie only n 6B» f i ll) e t« gniluatwl tiom- Uir v booUcaa element be had rui^ wlUi li and became a reipecUble wate- ic earning cltUen.

Tbts rety reepectablllty made him - an Idol ot the youlhlut rouihnecki u Ae um cU M wtUi duriag iili td»- (t lacent period. They were amaied «, lhal one o( Uielr own kind could be Uw

nat«i,aU of whom became U iu |i,h t- “ Jicken. nim-runnen and luch. ai

Kot many oionUu ago U iuobood' K bim pil* ot bll bojhood dayi dU< corered tbat ttiU lam oui author s< CIUM u hU (arorlU bobby tbe eol< - lecUon o( rare Chinese rugs. They Y decided to help. ci

Ihelr author (rlend tremendouily. ni C\-ery Ume Uiey uck an apartment, u they p) u i orlenla] rug tn ttieplacerlt Users - U one. Uiey roll » up and carry H U up_|o Uielr literary psl’a apartment, m

refuilng Ihetr gltu: neretiheleu. he «. ll a law-abiding leUow and doeint «ani (he lllcgii loot.

Wtul lo do? What to doT S<

— IWERi; W l t i u B l i JJEET.-“ p: —A-rajstUytnj—etre e t-le -ru llo n ,>t t\rn<ie In Brookliu For a ipan ol bi tvo mild 1*0 oUier »tre<t«--.nmr|-A: letmlnjlr. iim llel to It. But a t Oie ,ni end or llie ta-o'mUfi.'both »lrteU| crocs IU Tlie lectet la Uul both o>, n- the ild« itrreif curre w gradunlly (r t t i i r tn n lm K n m p w lt f i r to - d e - T t

= p S i r l 'i w a K i W :

MESmr^iO* :

I im > u ja o i t« ju « i ) i r A A U 0 \

* r iheDlueBagleonUuipotioft'great*~ erM tfttU iaflm oetpM plelnW ui*^ ingtoirm teed.----------- -r - ' ,■n I t WU a t u t whWi b id to come. \ \j. Rooiereit and Johnion could notaee ■■ ^ Uie NRA flouud and diT DoUilng. t ! r They~eould-Tior-ener-down-DO r

beauty ihope, reitauranti and ottur i ,, petty cbltelen. meanwhile tgoorlag g ^ big b\u\aa» rlolalon. y

Ford le aymboUd o( big butlneta ,, rlolatort. From a i tr a te iM rlew* o “J polat,-bow*rer.hU4el«uioa.wuun> C

(ortunaU. He b u compiled wltb lU > . . u m u of ttie eutomMUi code, tn (aet " gone Uu code one or two belter. *

I t been unpopular In Uie p u t, TiAka a n \ " changtog. suddenly, he i become F

wmeUilng of a hero. Some Ume ago “ J. die Oetrott municipality came eut ?

wllh ft gna t fanfare tor the Blue p Eagle. Uore ncently they h id to 5

■ buy some new can. *.J, They debated wheUier to buy from i, ~ rord. wheUier to lUnd by the Blue ^J ^ u M u i i i L a s a j i M 2 » f t £

1 ' W ball Beeeae Off - - b

r. Wonder what’i become of Pilrtck * It J, Hurley, itoorer'a bandiome lecre. nI, tU 7 of n r . d^ . Just a roar.ato t»at w u collecting 8< cowboy n a u , ^ u i g about Uu c

I*. ^

^ Today Pat h u a law oftlce In hli ' T Sboreham building - blgh«panelid “ walli, mounted honu of ft T eu s lo d f i' f born steer, one or two callers. a S ^ '* a secret ambition to aucceed blind

Senator, o o n from Oklahoma. . „

l> Beal Slgnlftcuee ^

n The date of Rooaerelt'a more i« .. toward recognlxlag RumU w u aot u ' mere aoeldenU He speeded up bll gl

move because of lecnlfe&graman* Ic eelred br Uu state drMrtsieat. - tc

These reported that Uiree dtrliloos fc - ftf tw p . h«/1 t u n wit l t f l dl;.secretly along Uie lUberlan border. I<

t looked like war wlUi Bussla. . « — RA»»veirKtedlnnnMtsMty;con- “

'* Tenaitonrbegin betwecn'WIUlurOr » DulUlirsUte''depuunent-atde.-tnd ** Boris fikrlnky. unottlclal anbas. ° sador. Conlldent ot Itoeurelt's sun* port, Uie Butilsns Immediately stiff* ,V,

~ eiud'Uielr poliey'tawara-Japsn.'T*' J;Now ttU'war department b pre* T

U puiog ter m t) d«aep rooperslloft 2 I* wllh the BoTlet, It will help U trlnor I, u place o rd en 'ln UUi country for h,;t;armored cars and tanki.______ „le j nooterell feeli' Juit u strongly u p, {S did Secretary SUmion that J ipsn- u; ly ese Unperlalum U a 'tbreU t o ' t o ol

S I U^iiTthelr'meUiodV’atlae^^!• son deluged Jipus with notea. Roose* gc

m ■' ' ' ; ■■■ - = tiliK l Uie rarUtloa But at the end ot V

>T (he (wo RiUcs (he (wo (treeU em a S? enoujli 10 run Into FuUon. _ ^


I- Brenda F w b ^ sttUr ot morle actor luiph I'orbti, will ]iUy «lUi

!• tcathnlno Cornell on tour. i. -Candida.'' « u t in t pertormed at ir SouUi filileldi. ^ngliiid. In teu . tr l> ' A pteu clipping bureau In New Jc y York tiu 'a n Iron clad rule tor Its cr

cmplon*. All comio and rototra* m <J- rar»'*e«Jani-j>rthe-tJ!oa*fndj-of ei r. neaspapen they rctelTB mutt bo Ui I, u re d and sent lo children's hoi* S|la. p i i a l t ' , -------------------------- --■0 —Beene In secOBd-ilory-wlndow-on — It Union Square: QlrJ niode^ parading • t. in fur coetx Afler you watch them frlTftr»wtn>'tftfy i t c ^ lWigtomatlg - le wK’tif.irfj,—

A ttieaUr maniuee In Times i SQiiire w u turned into a political |

= ToiJttim-duflng-Uie miyoral cam- -- p*,fsn.-Ae-flftero£-II»7«*odMsts» - a MoodiiplotptikonejUgbUUifibiBa .II burr. Into a nolay rrndlllon ot ‘I TrrAWTOet'N6boilr."TJJ«>irr**3mmt,- - le ino ( M.IS I Street xen t; WUey-Posl. vlUi . )11 nhltc jaicii over ejr, auollliig In ' y j tronl ot^arind Ctnlral terminal un-:

I K S T ( ) n . \ Y ! _ ^ ^ _ •



W b u built w Uu w ry la d co^ operaUd wlUi Russia.

Result: jspan Is now suggtsttog a PacUIc pesco conference.

MoretoCnne The setiiio bank toresOgaUng

commlltee-hu. decided aot to coo- . muatlnnal prabtngJry .

JanoaiT.That w u Uie deadltoe fUed wbea

lt--refumed hewlngs-Iast montti. | C b ito a n Ktieha. and Besator j l n Couieni, leading iplrtUtm ttw.eon. mlUee. thought the work could b« wound up by then.

But u a ruult of new secret to* formaUon Uiey bare cbangtd .ttielr minds. They ptaa now te ncaU j . p. Morgan ii Co, Kuhn, Loeb f t Co., and Dillon. Read Co, put Uum i through Uie Jumps on new daU 1 CoumelPecorahuuaesrttud.'niese « new Inquiries are to be to addition ' to Uie exhauaUie airing of the New York stock <*«*!»»*• - • -

Tbla liu m with PvD R I plan te ‘ leek legtalaUon KtUng up drutio

r. cuiSs and reitn ln ti on security aad ,I t commodity eichanges.___________ ]t* »lfrry-<ie.Ecdn2 <■*. . f lu k e d ^

e. Vincent* Aslor, Moleyl magastoe | is *Todiy" la atinoCng attention to ' g, Uie caplul iUao conaldenbte com* | :0 mmtrtsald'Ouiton Borglumr.ranouirt JT sculptor: "When two gods get to* 1 j g ntfier and decide lo bare cWJdmi. I /

you expect a real producL". . . Secre* I , a tarr WaUace had a special mseUni' <

ot hli itrleulture deparUnent t o ! ■ „ Child's rejtaurant the otber day.)5 pjeia“ »ro‘rket»~trom—tb e -e titlrr j- i

irtcha...0yn»4e isebeU a Qnea* I . way. Arliona'a nR» congrtiswooun,' ti

\ Brttlah no«lUU...MTS. <Jlyn U rS ? | to Uie garate adjolntog Uu bouss. r

? while she remodeled U,Uun got U nd I '* ot Wuhlngton and morefl .back to• Ent]and....She ipeclallies In asa* L « m e n battiroomi....Capital gum* *:

chewers are blaming Uie NRA for Uu “ Incnaaed price oi Uielr loddw. Cut ^ rale drug

ot the Brato Trust hare takenaouiea In hlalorle a^orgetowa wbleh aeiU* ”d o n ih e l» n k a ot the Potomae ;

k when Wuhlngton w u only » mud- . flat...."The llrat Uilng m o s to ea . do when Uiey get a lob," p b s e ^

S. Beer t W j l ^ ^ ^ l aro 1h\ r f ! r m ’e eSuied."..‘.8ollo voice from.'Uie 1

! LIVESTOCK FEED LOANS1 fo r dhodth sections

: I

im u m .i . lo ladMduil jn » U “ . larm-operaton. w ha.ue u n ib le > _ ^

• **Lo8Mlor feed ter iarm llrestock., ^• tiiejw perty.ot any Individual fun.-. ^ " llr. win not be' in excesi of ttie _

ao5unl"ne<euary“ for-I*ea-for-»: 8 : h«dofcattle.flbofa«s,M»lieep.and ^ 8 brood sows. Ai securtiy the m n - ' Dor of Uu (arm credit admtoUlra*■ lion will require a tin t chsllel mort*. gage.on.aU.larm.llvcitock ol the d > pw lcuUr kind and class owned by]'d• the ippllcant. InUrtit i t Ute n U ; i

I * ' ■■ Ttamin to need ot UiU loan may ’ t . gettuUparUeuUntoconuetlngUie' j

field tnspicton o( the crop produc- t lion loan olflce, or lou t county t;

! 5 5 i r ' u l L . W . . S . ‘ . S J’ M ^ll admlnlitratlon, chamber-of i . commerce buUdlng. l


1 U iubletoseeaaheepw agonand !trailer to the shadow ot a truck.' ‘

f Joecpb P. lUnaen. Ball Uke City, - I crashed Into the trailer about 3). miles e u t of Twto Palla TJiea|Uy tt

I the car and trailer wrro badly (Um* da , agrt. No reflector or rear light on _se

i " W M t c n t S i n c e - I f c l f t l * r — th fr-G ovcrid

W ason DayH ,

iE**AN» a^c^O M E EARI rM E I Candy.Pepeern w tf* cre*

.F«tt. Thli Af



i ^ Z A S U

ITlTjjj M m


: fe[s n n f i

e i e w ic i i ’iS DIreclore .-Place .Operallon g And Maintenance Charges .. At $1.25 (on Next Year ^ • . .^ SHOSHONE; No. J-O pe«tlea tnd ms malalenaneeforUucomlngyearwu

s I^ r® ^ r^ ^ ^ t" b ^ i^ d ;w ^ h ? S lto by*psis w u aet at 40 c«nu to make tbelolal »12S for Uie iW< fee.

The tou l U a cenu an a ae to* ^ creaie over tlie prcaent fee whlcls

U made up otTS cents an acre main* __ ftnnnce and » cents fOT bond re-

dtmptlon.I t . Progreai ta alow on th# malUr ot

; ! T S » 5 ! f i e - { K aIn works a t Uagle traenolr, aecording “ : to a report glren a t Uie meeting. " i Coaildenble red Upe U involved to “•TUie“ aippirnK e»uryto-5«-»u:h-« ^ I loan, but the directors are hoping "• I the nrmnitemfnts can be mide so ** IhU improvement work can beund^t* Jl Uken a t the clou of Ihe 1W» Irrl* t o : giiivn acaioa . . f . I The three directors whote Urms rri-inijrerArc.-Thomp»a-ofth!sciiy.- 1* I J. W. eteri ol flJeh/leld sod TOoou 1* H. Gooding. Jr. of Bhoshone, elpert n , ' to be candidates (or reelettlon a t Uu

S r r S ^ ie Id i f * O lw « m u ^H • Norember-MrreporU Vice Preildent Id P. T. Butphen. I

Y HORSES ON ROAD CAUSE » AUTO WRECK AT ACEQUIAut . .? RUPERT. Nor. ^-Driving into ^ -ft-bend-of-Iooeo-bonet-oiHlie-roMt- f near Acequla Thursday night,

Arnold itugentobler wrecked his " csr; Mn. Hugcntobler receirtng I* minor Injuries, and one of Uu A horKb a ’ big ' roan, lutfered a « broken leg, so that a deputy shes*U iff put It oul of its mlacry.It- — A-youag.child4nAta_Hugcotab.. 10 ler'a Up e3caped4njury, Iti moth*' It er ihleldlng It wllh her body. - --------The—horee-belenged—to—Jiek -n . luipin____ ____

H e g l a r D r y F a r m e r s

J W e l c o m e F a l l S n o w

DUnLEV, Nov. s - ciuilm w - r aier, luperrUor of the lieslar road I dliuict. in B url» Thursday atter*

noon alattd tbat four Inches of snow fell in liegUr canyon and the aur*

a rounding Heglar dry-tirralng'leo- “ Uon m tho c u t end ot the county I Tuesday morning. He reporUd the . ground (oo wet Thursday morning J (or tarmcn to drill their wheat and

j?“ &ilurlLyl*Bt'^lS'reaiiieai! before tt “ would be dry. Winter wheat drlU* u-ioroperations will ila rt-a i soon u

pni»hli>-«»-ih«-»ftll /M t ptnjInitTdiif ly .tbe tnolsturc to a.depfh of four , ^ or more when the «ioW


* BORLEY, N’oTT-Burley's fire0 department w u called late Thun* y ] 'd s j ercnlng to ' s ' 2» 0[ North Normal arenue, owned by P.* . B. Poston._ which MS tawd from

J ' burned up through the roof in ae ' pUee or two. the blaio w u eon-• lined mostly to the inside ot tlie y house. I t was evidently caused by e ei^oalon of an oil stove.n. — Noiwlihsttnding.ihe Jiouse was >1 supposed to be unoccupied, al*

Uiough rented lor lu tun occupan­cy, 8hcrUtr.D.Psce,aocompany- ing the tlremen to the scene of llie

, tre, found approximately M cases1 of bame*brtwcd beer and about

JOgallona unbottled brew in crocks.. BolIJcs of beer were popping like “ flrwracken to ttie heats • •

y th t rehlcle wss shown. Mr. llsnren I. it.tM . In f»iiingj|tuntton_to the . dangers of'nighi in re l wifhoufoft- n _«rrance of the Uw to thU nutter.

0 1 L as t Showlnjc I J ilURRY! HURRY!

^ R A I l

^ M I V EA A fe a s l o f ACTION

am id th e sccnic splen* -I S ------- ( h i a j iL lh f t J Y e i ! ____t f l ------------ EXTRA-------------,L9! o u r OANQ Comedy <

• ‘■Bedtime \Yo»rlea*, ConqoHt of the Air ' Boclfr Jonta.A drntnre

-Entembed In The Tganet*

ARLY FOR CDOD SEATS cream Cones Feir AD H e UtUe1 Aftereoon *


lE H V itL E ^ ^

U P I T ^ ^



n i m i i i i M i

N f B H i“ “ = « F o o tn g h 1rPaKlion

o ar




iro- ____iRjr — ling

rns • ^ ^ 1iiy.- —Otek-Powell-and-RBby-KeeUr-fei a is .ir«nMr Brothers matlal ‘TeeUlgl

Uieatre midnight shew teatgbt.

s S — Jq 'he-T raim rive”ent





w . S S S ^ S S B S S Sal- Seese frem '■ ^ e I ta ll brlre." Or isd cot dtm t n f m wJUi Ken Mayna 'J- horse, T arun, ahowing tast Ume* i


^ • •m o 's A fn ld-of the Big w m rn R T ife a tf in s iq n n iT in M -

ii- century w u nsd^so by Uu Waller “ Dtaiey-BIlly Brmpheny cartoon “ ‘T « » * 1 3 f i r H |i“-iblclj'-epeHr=*’, ow' ihr«-(iays‘ engi|«m {nt-»f Joe-K1

Roxy theslre starting with Use Uid- . night'Prtrue tonight a t tJ. I t b not

tery often U ul i w.callsd short fe*i Jure aUnetlonU placed ahead of the

1C feature lengUi production, and Joe-K U lust following la the tooUlepi ot I

„ ' 111 the leading showmen tbrougbout I tKeunlrerse. “Three Little Pigs" Juitl

17 takeiseren and one-half minutet on I p the screen but U U a great delight' n, lo both the eye and ear. I

t " h u ereV bMnTraViIsM^ Into s»efls maierut will be shown. •The World

,e Gone Msd." Uie new Majestic Picture )y U a dramatic story of presenl dsy

u crested starraUcn and breadlines. 1. TKe-inifdrKairwrtnrbt(nr.H p of 1. Uw big investment tniiU and the f. low-down on bank failures U Uie ,0 main theme ot “The World Gone Cl MaJ," which U preienl^d by an all* ut atarcutheaded by.PatO'Brlen Uld J . nippcrled by ErcU'n BnM. Nell (0 llunlllon. Mary Brian. Louis Coi-

hem. J. Carol NaUh. Busier Phelps, Richard Tucker, John St. PollJ, Qe-

- nevs Mitchell. Wallis Clsrk. IlunUey Gordon, Max Dsridson. Jo Olrard.

i>u - ' ■■ ■ —

= ; -K ID D IE S ' SHOW THIS 1- -J0C*K-8AYS;.__________ _" I I h id our house iniuUted bei

Ihst it would rare SOr. on Uu fi- -c*n-s»To » r . if 1 pul In a itokei

■Kano"w iiieTI6tI|"w ltirrTI$lt'I wont hive to buy any coal i t i the Good Times a n Juit around ■

■ ■ AT JC KIUDIBS t 'r ^ioc=S$l

- — — --------- NOW SH

i mJ Action! Thrills! Unm.iiiccl


I , ' ■=:„Stnrtlin'fj RercIaUons' of ' Pillage In Bijf Bu.ilnws! j




REMLMBER FOLKS! Ifs AU I Prletf Where Yowr Pal



n ‘a d e " i 4 t D r D h ? n m — ^

' '

Iw Hi«(Ugbt Pwade," stirlto i *M be Otpbemn

f e ^ t - H a h o - T h e a t r e ---------

’ tJolrenal prodectlon, a (brtlUng aeUen lynard. Cecelia Parker and Ihe wmsder sea loday a t Uw Idabo Uieatre.

Lloyd Intraham, Ines Courlaey. Th» program runs Uirough next Tuesday.



s W a s m mnot H l l l j H H i M J F ■


>of H H B E n u Hottt

~ '■

, of I W B M H J i M U i l E H Mtheuie ■ M B f f l B n B S S B Q f f l l Honeall*Uld

u irird.

IS MORNING A T .IO !— 5 ^ —

1 beeatiie Uie. s a l t s n ^ inlormed me 1C fuel blU. Anoltier fellow telU me I loker. m •now-Jui(.waJitng-/ot-some.- tJirthafW JltT ttrrlheT rtherM V and- i t all. Eh whilT Now you know wliy

md Uu corner. . . . r JOE-K'S — —W. WJLT^ a ADULTS


■L-1 A rnany TOKCtir Cemedy P J —T w O U iU ^O U aE Cartoon.. M KRAZV KAT CariMn

U mrerul News b M M d Chapter 1^. 9 ICC! "THE » MU5KETEER.S"

cn Affain Suit., Mon» Tuca.!)IIT of The CENTURY!

------------e x t r a — :, SPECIAL, ] , • The World's gone m»d overl //k tha blggeit screen hit ot nil

Ume. I t i the Walter DUncyi i m BUty Symphony cartoon (anV k in T e e h n f c o J a r? -WSo'j^ Afntd of TTie Big BUck r f n Woltl’ or

“3 Little Piffs”YOU’LL SEE IT AT

iO B -irS ROXYJ SUHE?' ------------ PLUS ------------

Comedy - ' News R « t and J AnoUier EpUode In th« Ute

•( -TABZAN.'*• AND----------

U In Ftm. and We Nerer B iIn 0 « TUnBMft U Apprtelaiedt

......... : ' i ' ■■ •••

I* I t t , !


- IH E N S ra O A Y ■

E & H V 300 Oleriovi- - Q f f i B 0 ~ O l r U - l O O O ----------I th rillsen d iu r- *i

prUe»—end .i - -B i M I — iu s t J f lo ic d f c : :

■H fflf s ta r t -*JAMIS '(

~ r b m ~ —


: H POWELL'- S-BlONDEli--j ^ ^ | ^ ^ n d l6 B rtitrt

, . . m -


- . See It Now—Or N w crA ^ in In Twin Fallsfi u-

, 1 .

' C H A M I

I n t e r s e c______________ ♦ -

W eather U pse ts *

‘Dope’ in M any

College B attles |

—XrMary's-Fordtiam Game at “—: Polo Orounds Featured «

By ■ East-West Rivalry »^_And,-Reconl_Atlenilarice

— ■ di4 B r ALAN GOUW ■«^ (AiM eUwdPrtHaportiM llor) «

Vie w YORK. Nor. 5 MV-InUWC* .J ' ttOQi] (ootbiu m rftre . coae ts tnM | r

r i ! r i , « a ' S 5 £ S a. morrow, tloni wiih U» fln t wlotn .

b lu t of cold weither, _____-------n r» m 8 T fe i« iT n iu o T T O rt« w

eMury to iwwp c tf tb* (now b«(or* S ropen in* kltfcolf. W o f «(orecKt o( n in lonl|ht UirttUned p to r*JM h*roc P

t S “ cwrtst* n ^ t h f t • ftUkt. ' '

Eutem' coUese iorcci *re braccd for the «iioclc of Uie w*»o:i b l« « t inrulon. Of ths donn outiUadUis

1----- In ltrM ttlinil gtinti 6fi-t6m M fen -• ie n n will be pl»yed *ton« the

»ut«nfroDt.wttliouUl*ndlnfU«iuI of Ui8 P»r WMt. Mlddla We*t w d PIt eouth tr*lnln« Uulr blneU S u u on\ tba bom* TuafuU. In *ddlUon, IwoI eU »r«uU m outflU, H o lr^ tou tnd

■| fPtCWTtlj.j----- -H e jT C S irfT iT B to Ur8gnfli~~ T j

r T h e ji» n ta « lie fflU M u 7 l.C « l- IS I .u«T aU .le td th « b ltp u ih la * b tU l* ^ I with Pordh»m th i i promUt* W re- {*J I verberate u loudly ta 8»n m o c ^ ^! u U Will I t lh< Pote inund t. Thli

new but nevcrtheleu InUnu Eut*

L c u t crowd. CIo*e to M W apeeUt- J”I or* *re expected lo Jtm tho p u t in*I N olrtD unolW U U outofU ien*- wli ; tlon*lch»mploMhlppUlureforlW3. I I irtth ft record ot two tln lsh t bUnk* Uu k tal* tn d a tcorelcu tie thui f*r ta *ni IW four engKcmenl*. Tlie Fi|hUnc lr- opj I ~ U hhueneTerloitlhrc«lnarow «nd the ' ’ perer lv«»e been be*U n by H«yr. the----- (heir u;jpuiieiil u JiuilmDrfl' umur? CC

'OW. but lh*t KDn't'keep Edxtr (Rip) itie ' UUer. leather ptoduci.oUha Rock* Rd

— H*«lUtD,ffomMndUvithiml^ll»* tm m»n Into itve b*ttt* cl w M em i.*n um

’ Tho BotiUrs-^MbaUoD .lo Uie 2 ! tnteraectlonil melee-ftndi T u lue 'i ^ wetkened 'outfit UcUlns unbetten

- C61t*»e. TwineMee'»-Velunleen In* ytde’ tHe ntUonal c tp lu l to pUy ^ George \Yuhlngton. S

Tha eu tem eolor-betrer* #hould J«i a o th tre tn r th ln j to woriT about *0 w t v u the A n n j^ ._ E l lU b i« h ^ D.-

■“ •Oentre aa’d Teraple.Drake, adU n JJu >r» w n c ^ ^ Unbtalen.Holy ^ 1

■ b«tCiim»lslai®l,l8b6{latlen«lby U I the Purdue iletm-rolkr. 6te

UUh laradea Oreioo Ed(

In only three of Uie te tea mijor oooferenceidoUMleadlncUtnuftf*

.— w * ltt-ch im plonih lp 'puna.'T he I p«e»«t(en ta two other*. Orecon I b the PaeUlc co tit croup and Quh. __ — tf tta p te p -r t- th e TUiti j Mouutato V ;

' area, d u h a t Portland. The other •*•' two undefeated teams In the Pacir- T , lo cou t cooferen». Souihem Call* AJ

I fomia and Orepin 8Ute, enjoy *n ■■ o»*day. I

Michigan'* powerhouM. the Bit * m f aronu . f Ifure* to eUmlnat* IUI< wAs from the n inn lar MlnnKota'i B KMtUontl Quttlt.on th t buH o t c*« n u

— w n r-p e rfo rm u iM Jn W D iin e a r j r u KorthweKUm. Ohio s u ie h u the tell <dt* orer Indiana while Chleaco (Ut hope* to K orcliaflrit conference tn* day,

^W Biih-lw O oaeh-citnrSttaaitm asy —li W »t tho expenie of WUcowli, terc\ W hlIeA rU nJM .the»ulh«iteon* mot

J_itrtnoe.le4dcr,, m i -J-3>xu-U-the-far0rite-0Ttr-6euthtm nor i f >telhodlit and T exu ChrUUan the the ' choice orer Baylor. the

Alabama, deiplte aome ireakneft m attack, ipprar* capable of defeat*

■ • tout

I . H i g h ^ o o l “»

G r i d R e s u l t s aI* M or I

Bsrlrr 11. Twin riiK t-----”BbW I I . Q oc^ a, r

Ropeit M. KImbirt, 7.Jerome 7, Oakter 7 .' 18boibone47,K ltt(|im K ' JlU nttn Si, lU uItM I.

- J J S W K S t e r - — i s

. ' S - . i K 5 ? ,- Kan*#.Melba 7.. .

Kanpa 1, BoIm 6 (leph-rreib). rranCin 11. Meridian «. . S Nampa M. Baker9. terUMoDolaln lleno 0, Ifrm * <.

. B«w tn Jl, WUder W <tk). ■Mlddletoo 0, Eul* 51. S r t

' CaldwtlllS, W tbrrS. ih .tOnlario It. rayelle •. ,u v .NyaaiJ. Orefon 0, Fivltlaod R p j ^

Winooka Bids F g t ^ . Second Turf Win

m w v o n i . i n r j m - B ™ i n i I" '."•for hit aecond ttra ljh t rlctory qn the eu tem turf, Wlnook*. the Aut- ^

- u»lUn. wtu make Wl aeMod tta rt In

j^ ilr ldu 'w lth fireA m ertcannffln l*«». In a m » alx-Xurlong b ilu tlon m, » « a t Pimlico. Maryland. ' BrooJ

Fwii o | Ihe Bitrlea trailed "Win- owneiootahomoWednetdaywhenlhellre* ofO.' y « -o Id ion e t Wlndbac eimed a nlque, tl« e deebloq orer Bhetdon IL n ir* All. b i ^ f .Gold Step• aad Preitoa U. nKjue. BBSbb.ZUI&QUZi iha w

P I O X s

c t i o n a l '

Ricks and Weber Elevens Battle

To Scoreless TieREkBORO. Idaho, Nor. S U? -

Weber-* football team' ot .Otden,> UUh. held the Rlcka e ltttn to a 9 Koreltu tie here today ta a ccnteat

for the Intermountaln Junior eolleito BTld clumploothip. The field w u muddy, and thero wrr* numerous

I Uie rUlton ta tbe^ f ln t half, but the UUbni held th*1 ^ la^Ui^ lu t^ g t f tg i^ ^ ooa

J make a field roal. tha oppoiftlon ’ blocklni th* kick. Ftour of tho vU*, itor* were taken out of the game on5 K O T M H -to W * .-------------------

Both team* were -wllhln acorlng ditCaoce aereraf time* but cJwny* Ucked'the punch to puth the ball aerou.

. Blpk*. by reaton of lU vkloiy m-er , Albion after tha Idaho Teacher* and 5 tb*OBd*n l«am h*dpUyed a *cor*-

' The (ame today w u wHoetsed by ; A 4am -«»w drd«i^t»-the diM ree^ - , able wealher. ■

: Eden Team Wins

I Conference Tilt

I Players of Two High Schools I Handloapped by Wind i-An^Raln-Soaked-Fleld;

; !?'..K".!,l (8l«eUrlo_llu INevir — n io d lc a p ^ & a atront *

, wind and w it field th* Eden . RcOIWerhlihtchooIfeolbaUeJeTent , battled away here thto aftemoon on , eren le n u wllh neither team able . to puih orer a touchdown until tbe '. Ihlrt period when the local aquad . broke awar for a 40-yard nm and

IheloneU Uyoflheconferenenme. \. w lnnlnj« to o. * ■ \, Bolh elereni threatened lo icore. tho a w o d half but the alow fieldI and the atubbom retlnance of ihe

i th wn'M. the IO-yard ,l|ne. Thl* tarn* elerate*■ COTn“ G»tfJ"M}6rt'* eiertn' fiwn ”

me cellar poalUon. Coach A. J. t■ Relchen '. atgreiallon-.wlU hare t, I W b w c n t i t f l ' t

ib M ': T O i i iw r a Ji(«) ■ (0) Ii

MootwmeiT —.B-------- Uwrtnce .PultOT----------- T----------- Walera CH ard ln j-------- 0 ------------Puioor uHajue ....... .. Duller bDari* .J!---------0 — -------- Nelion 8

' CaldteU p ----------- ,Q----------^

U tllm er H Z i r Z I Z Z _ Clark aiB terena----------P------------- ju p e r a:

Score by perloda~ tlE d en ---------------------0 0 # allflUUler ----------------0 0 0 0 -0 J(

SubeUtullont: Edcn-Bodeoham* cmer. . Covington...lloUlitir: ..Van u Buren, Moienkamp, Ablei.

In Idaho Reduced, I Reports Indicate ^BOISE, N or.T 'tS^D eer hunlln* S

h u been a tough ptopoiillon thU ” ) T irn r rd th iw ! th n iiW K i jn tm ®' telling their game, reporti'to the ^ tU te game department Indicated to- ^ day. ^-LUcIlle-Balley;'-cliia~eIerkT“ «I<r S' several dUtrlct depuUealud reported ” motl of their deer-checker* *ere fat In theftme-eounlry and thereould ■'» noroffm im irite'flgiirtirnow evrrr the Informalloa they had lodluted the kill w u not u h e a ry u la tt year ^ when more than 3000 or tho animilt ‘ wrra Uken out ot tlie fotttU. -i47i8-^>«n.**a*« in mwt-parla of

Ttmber J........................ * ' ' ■■' ■- U ' A. Lchrbaj, district deputy In f touUieut Idaho, reported only 13 « deer were cheeked out of that iee« w Uon In llie fln t four d«va ol the bunt wblcli began there October

Dry wuUiec-bu ktpl tha came In . the high country and made hunting doubly dldlcult becauM of Uie nolcc or lUlklng. ,

Latonia RailEirds. Favor Sun Archer

nla^*^mou5^hiiniplon»hlp will be < run for Uie U it time lomorrow, wUh to ' tlx Of th* naUon’a betl three«yew* ei] oklt named lo compete for Um final Uil puru of 123.000 added. aC

Deciiloa lo abandon Uie ttaka at- eonter U;l* year’* ninttmc wu-annminc* *(t, ed more than a year ago became La* c „lonia felt depreulon nipping It *UU harder. I t w u U>e expretted hope ^ U»at anoUier rate, with a imaller j ,j , tUke. eonld be arranied to take lU plac«. Blnco then. iKcre h u been ^ no word of denlopment of tueh a

^ ^ m ln aU 4 n ilil --T -H’Tl trn np^alonemUslngfroniAruidoftbe twit. Regarded u the certain law *He. tbe E, R. Bradley borte tuffered a foot taJuTT a t Arlington. In hi* “ “J place, th* raUblrt* gire ftror to the 2 “ m uu Sharp* KUoer entn- of -Sun fj® archer" and -Dark W inir,* withJ»-edie-to“&m-AWjerr--------------

But, promltlng a luula lo the fin*111,-were 'C aeur's Ohc«i* of Ui* Srookmeado atable; 'pomposity,'' Uul )«ned b r W. B. Ooe: -Contraband' aar ifO.V.W hKney*iui)le.afld"TKh- t^*' :lque." owned by Ha] Price Headley. 3U1

All. wlU> Uje exception of “Treh- Si Uque." will cany l i t pooodt, with Bab ba w K lenw alKa 1 » . Pen

s t a s h e s '

, s t e a d y B a c k

“SjSjS';be ':h« a-■■■'■■

Ion m S B B O S S S m f i W j y / j


‘^ r r H ^ ' X " ^ ® r T 5 i ------------

iim H IABLHQH WILLIAUS b u plijwl 1

i d - ” “ -. : — ^

p i l " C i p ] r ^ i

§ Gooding, 12 to Qi“ ■ — ! “ ■ W est E nd E leven R e g iste rs /

55 Tw o T ouchdow ns In Non- ■

SS C o n le re rae G rid G a m e ,e d ------ — . - • — - B« ________ r r r .........n BUilL. Nov. 3 Iflpecltl lo 'Tlia i

New> - Buhl Indians regiilerrd a jI i!fTond pfrir t ''anoUwr in' the im u frame u they ^

-efflerge4-on-lha-long‘end o f a " l l >u- toOcminllnanon>confereoeag*m* !:» JieA thl* afternoon »'llh th t Good- £

Inf high achool senaton. "ce . After a loorelet* flnrt period «:rt Coach Floj'd Boirers' bo}-a opened ror upanolfensU ectrlretbatplac^U it ^er ball on Uia 3J>yard line of Uit North ea Side eleven. From'hare a completed nba pat*, one ot Uit two Uial wtr* com* -jU pleted by Uie Indian*,.Piper to -iay Kerpa conrertod the a»y*nl* and J5 t I WUUUlbWki. The Ui^rd period w u 2 rk acoreleta but agata lha l u t frame er after tereral lubetasUal gain* piper

threw another pat*, Uila on* to ■i Gannon who advanced to Uie one*-0 foot lino before he v u downed.1* CtawCotd bucked Uie bait ot« on Jl Uie next play., .

Buhl blocked four of Ua Senaton’ f g ia ta jM e Cw^^

. completed two of Uie alxpouc* tried while'Qoodln? atwmpUd four wUh

I one going good., o tn n . OOODINOi (iJ) . (0) '

W., G annon___E--------- Beurrou, Baughm aa;.__T—— —. B lit n J Wright ......... . q _____— MarUn k

’ c r a w f o r d n Z T a . Blmonlon «: Child*_______ T-------- O. JsBien 7

ohlm .. .............K-— — 0 . Jensen tj;,r Kerpa -_ ^_ i^ Q = :;;;_ ^ -aa rT y w s «

; K - = i S r = r s ; ^ „i !? ! !^ -b rt) tr io d l! ~ S: B u h l_____________0 8 0 W J , t“ O oodlng_________ 0 0 0 0 - 0 *1. subttituUons: Buhl — P a n c e , in

Mom. Watt, B«Wndo»{. Hydn. A. tn J Gannon..,Goodingi_DJwn._Reg»n. t~ , Knliht. Q u a s t .-- - . - - -

i f l S F e i r ^ i i ^ s I Conference Game I

------- foi

- Coach-earttrVQriti-Squad S , Scores 26 to 0 Triumph S:

Over Fairfield’s Eleven______________ B't' OLENNa FERRY. Nor. 3 (SpeCla) w'f I loT heN ew i)-oifnn*Fm yd*feat- m, ■ rd Ihe invading Fairfield elerta her* ti.I Uiu afternoon by a M to 0 eonnt Jn n ,

a Claw B eonference game. Tha out* kj, ' comeof lha came w u.not.ln.doubl u i

after. Uie f ln t half u Coach A. V. Cartcr'a Uds rcnped down Ute tleld rv< to *eor». P

One of Uie pluckiest fight* *»en here Uil* aeason wU aUgtd by th* q / serappyelerenunderUwdlrecUaoot p Coach Kelvin nartircU. Howerer, tb« Hir rUllor* failed lo get under way wUh UieiroUenilvopIa>‘satasyU m «darJ • GLENK8 FERRY * i

<0> . 0«> ' 111Wulfley_____ -_E_____ CampbellWUton , T _ — Crammerrhom toa------- o -------0 . , WalkerAbbott-----------c.------— R.-Alien3 r * h * IV - = ^ 0 ; ; i ; . :^ P rW ia » r - nHarriaon i ' --------Kaodtea - l iA*hmead ------- E..--------- • Duncan reglMuller----------- Q--------- M. AUeo BUiaamden _ _ H , , -^Sumner fouiOearell----------H-----------Morrow foola m J----------------------------- wuu* alet

subftituitom: Fairfield MoUer, rec< Bablcgtoo. aad ReajenJ' oianna goal

I A r m u q * . ^ ^


W A Y T (

i ^ M i e r f

J u d ' f i m m ’s T e a m

. P o i n t s f o r A r m y

Ju'd Timm'* Pennsylranltt Mill- Ury collego foothaU.leam. which try conclusion* wllh Ihe Weit Point Army cadeu In a game a t West Point on November 18. won IU game wlUi Dickinson coUege. Carlule, PennsylvanU, 13*0. last Saturday.

The Military college schedule

- - S I s iH S n S y y E S -dar. and a match with the Uni*

_venlty of DeUwar; next Saturday,

Jim Wearer and JlniKnch.boUi / ot Twin Fall*, are pUyen on lha

Mlllla^ coUega loam.

D ietricb Downs

— Riclifielil“1 3 - 0

T ouchdow ns S co red in S e c -

' ond a n d T h ird P e riods

D ecjde G am e's O utcom e

DIETRICH, Nor. 3 (Special to ITia

■ tory in conlerenco cofflpettUon her* ihU afUmoon, Uia second wta from R lc h f l^ wbta aha haded tbe rU* illng Uda Uia abort end of a U *t«4

>d score. Coach John Damail's aggre* or Ration acored In. Uia second and D ihlrd period* but boUi elereh*‘were <

- AlUiougb Uie Richfield eUrm held . ~ l h*-loc*li'-«oor*-to-but->w »-lont'

imichdowTn^CpachFryet»boy»4*u. .)td to gain the needed te rr lu n to >K on a counter. Due to s t r m wind ^

) boUi eltrens played a' conserraUr* ^gams, restortlu to itn lgh ttoo lb tU '

Uiroughout Uia game. 'DietrlcA a t on<! time reached tha t

slX'Inch Une before Uiey wer* <stopped. Blehtield h u - tiro mor« Ipme* on ber schedule while Diet* *

S rich dote* her* next flsurday wiUi dUia North Side ohamplonahlp baUle «

'■ lU O T F ^ * '” ' ' ' , DICTRICH d a (13) PB Hutflnglon — b ..... MUUrd 3

B uel--------------T _ _ R . Robertson f:- J fthnmn , :a y i ,im=-Kifkpatrlefc - ,g Surens - — • Simmon* e

5 w."LaolTnw 75 p.-C onner-;= ,Q — -KTRobtrtton fi

I c a ^ j z z ^ ; z : i ! r A W n f' R iley ............. w____ ■ Balkleld ». ^ , 8 ^ by periods: 1 2 j , « i‘3 W chfleld---------------O' 0 0 0- 0 fl“ D leWch__________ 0 6 1 (>-13 w! ^SubiUtuUons: RlchfUld-FUwll.

■ P lay to 7 -7 Tie li' _____■ Ui

i O utcom e A dds to C om plica- J

[ t io n s in C l a s s ' s , N o n - . .

I Big T en C on terence R ace J

■ o » m r . N„, 1 (,i ,0 n o !! t Ncfs) - Jerome and Oakley bUh „

» pUMleTfhe Clau A. non-Big Ten f j conference race by baitilng to a 7 to 7 tit bero this altemoon ta a gamo ^

> Uiat w u seriously hampered by ak hlgft-wind-imd cold wHWer.— *— S ; The fln t period w u scorelcts bul 10 I lha second quarter netted a touch- • ' down forUw local faoy«. CCT?h M.C. of: ' -C iinnerrT naiU M — retorted ‘ to jit ‘ straight lootbsll wlUi but one for> Jl'.> ward pus which served to put them let> in a scoring position, added tlw ex- ed' tra point and cloeed Uia half irlUi a Dii■ 7-to-O-lesd. - ------- --I

■iJenme-rttallal^-Uia4hira-pfrled t>M ’wllh a'number of forwam- h w m irs Uial'plsce^ ihTBsirinlcorlng tirfh r i tory from which Cosch W. V. OI I ' ™ aggregallon accounted for Ihelr tie score on an end run. Oakley Ihreat- ened lo icore tevital tlmea durlns U ltgamebutibeJeromt’deftnMiIrdm each IniUnce to stop the march.At one lime the locals reached tlie jf four-yard line wtUi a first down b'jt r i on the nrxt nlsy fumbled and iln ^ ^o i*r«»-.eW xicxingoyT o f d w - I ^


Bmlth^:— Z I t ----------- BuUer ^3u g g__ _— o . '■ I Bimmons gHalbut --------- C ---------- B. Hale nuiITooley______O ---------- Tolmtn twiU alvenon___ -T. ,, , Olroii sThorejon____-E .............. E. Hale p*tKing ___Q________Ilunter tU ng tr-— —H______ = Tanner ___B e ll________ l l , M c M u r r a y —DeJuUs - f — — lUrtlndale

Score by pfrtods- 1 3 3 4 - 1-

a s ; ..... — ; ; ! G [t.SubstituitorJ: Jerome — Rarer, n

Nlns, Gerald and Msguelll. Oakley— ■ Lanon. LcjU. Cranney and^ e k - 8

I d a h o l ^ a l l s B e a t s ]

B l a c k W , 2 t o O 1

-lO A N O fA W JtrldaJ^N en^-f^ - =—Idaho Fallt I'ltli achool T lgrn — regUUred a a'to-O victory over ^BUckfoot on a muddy field In tha rfourth quarter here loday, TheBUck* “foot center made a pew p s « « d an Balert Idaho Palis lackle pinned the ^receiver d o « Uek of Uia Invader* 51 g ^ Une to Tin the came by Uie mar- ^ 'v lai^A aifaoa ^

lEWS, TW m FA U 8, IDAHO,!


' 0 D E C I

h r : N D ? e i

'y B urley Wins Over

s Twin Falls Team

I By 1 9 to 7 Sconal# ■ -------- ■g - B o b c a ls-U se -A 8so r tm e n t70

O l t-T a c k le P lays, En(

J ; Huns an d Com plete EIgh

_______^Eonvard_FasBesJn_O am (

Making Rwd a nice assortment oi 0 f licklesndendrunpUnandcohi- plrtljig eight oul of lHorwatd.pass-


I ^5 'BobcaUpmhed orer Uirte touch- dowiu for a 19.10.7 rfctory over Ok Bni!ns_here yesUrday afUmo^n is

■“ •^Big-Ten coiifcieiiuo iiuw ."'-.'' ' Good use ot a hard, cold wind Uul

swept Uie ball tnd pU jm tUk* down J . the Held, helped Burliy to reglsln Da a score In the first petted, only t«

tiawCottehR.V.Jon»’ U4idolIke. TIC » i« In the aecond period whan U»y

held tbe wind advanUge. AlUiough the Bruins htd tho wind to thetr

^ backs and atUiough Uiey Uireatened liu. in Ihelhlrd period, Ihw were ^ h(ia ilifoTihe covelecTgoft^hS by

^ stubborn Bobcat rulsUnoe. ] i. Coach J. A. Brown's aggregatloo op* ^ enedanatUckUutneUedacoantCT f j. In the fourth quarter and a Bruta nd fumble aceounled IndlrecUy tor Uia

Uilrd and lu t Burley touchdown. ------- B rte rB ew S --------- :—

,u. .w juvjn inU yon-tbdJO ijan lltae . to tha Bruins advancing 15 yards be* nd forebelngitopnedandforcedtopunt [n Butley gained (he ball when Uu punt jll w u forced out Of .bound* by Uie

wind on Burley'* ^S-yard line. Rli>. he ping off eight and lO yarda a t a Ume Ta tha vUlton marched to Ui« ll.yard ir« line. A forward pasj netted aU yards •t* and iwo pUys thmugh Uu lln* pro* ,Ui duced a touchdown. A psM added Uw Ho extra point. Tli# ball remained ta

Bruins terrllotr during ths remiln* :u dcrofthequarter Wllh Twin Fallita

ppstesilon of llie pigskin on iheir own rd 3l*yard line u Ui* gun doted. Uia on fln t period. •_____________

n* ence. need 30'yanU troiind!!end*of ga the fln t pity of Ui* aecond Here..U>er8 niin»:=wfrr=Thejd7 im l P Thomaajiropped.1itdLjo.puaL.bul A Ml fumblo*poiledtb*ttadThcmu»lIp*

id tifton lo Smith netted 33 yards tnd a series of Une pUya accounted for

0 the Bruins’.acote. TJie extra p ^ t 3 w u bueked orer, Uelng Uie Jcoie.

*. The remainder of tha aecond per* Ji. lod found Iht btll deep In Ibe Bob*- cata'-lerrltOT but T ^ * Palls fslled- to.*oor8 u the-balf ended en a 7 to

• Twin Fall* Thrwleiii ' The third period wueomparatlre-

e ly eren. The Bruins pushed Uit pig­skin deep Inlo Uie Buriey Urrltory but were unable to score. Burloy took Ute oral lalo in the period on Uielr own 20*yard lino and alarUd a march

. that placed the baU on Twta Falls _ 13«rani llltf U thg Tvrlnrt >nrtM

An off tackle play nailed 11 yards I* and the ball w u bucked over orv Uie

next play. An attempted pau for Uw e extra point failed. Score. Burlty 13,

T«inPalU 7.Burley kicked off to Ihe Uine-yard

line, the btll being returned to tbo ^ I3*ytrd line from which Thomu got ‘ away wllh splendid interference toT'

J »3~yanU-fant-here, a Biultrtom blr ° stopped the adraner. Butley gaining « potseaslon on Twin Falls' 31-yard ° line. An aasortment of plays Inelud* i laC-&.a2.jrard-pau-MU«d-anoU)er

touchdown but again Uie attemptII to buck orer th# point aflW.; The Bruins threatened-ta.Ui6 lu t

Hurley's InlercepUon on their own• JNyard line. Twin FalU In tum In- 11 tereepted Uie ball and Uiegame clou-• ed with the Drulns ln .|w«Mlon of I Itie p lokln on Burley's JJ.ysrd line.- --Burley-aU«tipted-lI-p*:4** com*1 i>kUng-*lghltor.«ysmimnnin-»iF

iroo ln ljrw ln .F ill3 .a lt« inB l{ lJa 1 raasei. comptetlng alx lor 69 ysrdt. noth teams Intercepted one pau rich. Doth tesms touted > flnt downs each.i:URLEV TWIN PALffl

...............................<7)nalley ----------;_ ,E ______ welUlleUand—;____T _________Ix>nglllgftn* - ....._ ,Q _____UraoiiFerUc ............___________

’~ T ___ 1 ; Hinner^ lo re r------ r Stlm/onsathre g . flmlihPlckelt-......... . H .....MiiirtleionOruwell - H ___'Chflmti

flcoro by p e A x u T T V j «Hurley-------------------7 n 0 13-19TwlnFfcU*________ 0 7 0 0 - 7 .

SubsUUiUoQs: Hurley - Walten. , I^rUh. Eames and RedflcM.

Twta ^U*-..I5rrc«.

B l i l g ■!


i s m u

j i n b e r F o

I- J a c k B u r k e , O g d e r

D e f e n d s T i t l e 1

Q ] B o u t W i t h C a n n o i

Next Thunday night Uia America Legion presanU tha fealure fight 1

I f p Uie cun^nt scason-Uio InUnoour lata UUe maWi between Jack Burk 143, Ogden, present Ullebolder, an Kid Cannon, 149. Richfield.

I f iT im ^^ m U ln e o u n try ta mei _ . corlo fssiilon. A few monUis ago }i t n d v u pnctlcally unheard of. He ra;-------4dty-Bnd*ta*Uy*dtrpo»edT!r«n:ornfit l*nden in hU clam In hU home tow

ct Ogden, and went after Ui4 tead e n in (he sUle. At Ihst lime thet

3me « u much cofflpeUtlon for stale wel ter lauraU between Samitiy Georgi Clare T jUestrup and ennU TVrn

;it of After an elimination Georga emerg »hi* ed with Ulah'a welter erown, Jui lass- then Phil Greening of Denver ap oak* peared on Uio scene to cantest in Bttr.- urW0UhUW-d*lflU-tb-lhsl-owrt «h* and emerged Uia UUaholder after 1 ■t™ wta from Sammy Georga. By Uil 2J 5. time Burke wu'wlthoutcompetllloi

so iie challenged George, w u ac ,lhal ceptcd. and earned Uie dedalon fo town uia su ta UUe. Enceuraied, b t tadt

led Greening and won Uie taUr y jo mountain belt by a knockout

Kid Cannon meeU hU meat dlffl J**X cult foe ta Burke, and his cbtnc* t

step Into f u t company. Burke a present UnegoUaUng for a fight WlU Baby Joe Gans to be held ta Den

5 © -verrlHhe-Kl(HrteHhl»*tranrlU Burke, Uw road upward U paved f«

z _ _ — •

H ansenA ddsN ew

g - V ic to r v = to - I j s lu n t ' — ^

S High School Q rldster> l\lovi

^ - N e a r e r t o . - S o u th Sld«

S ! T itle by W inning , 2 0 -0Uw '____ta

lln* HANSEN, Nov. 3 (Special lo Th*I ta NeaD-Uansen high school grid*»wn *ters moved OM'noleh'nearer Uiiilia coveted ^outh Side CUu' B ebam*

___ plonshlpUUe when Uier defetted UiaKf^ wilting eleven Iran H a s t l io a ^ a1 of 30 too score hero Uiis afternoon ta a ter. gama Uial-wu greaUy handicappedand » f i i f l n u g i r v in d r * - ^ - V = - ^ ^l i t Pn« t1'« itwiny » l>iH Ihii I wfilhP’ eleven only attempted Uireo paaac*, ,<n« completuig two whila Euellon n - Il<): atricted Uielr fUng* lo on* aad Uiat ^ w u not completed. Using itrtighi j " foolbaUCoaebRoy SmlUiti tggregf

Uoa pushed over a touchdown tb* _ fln t period and mada good Uie try

for extra polpt The second period ^ w u seorcleu u Uia half ended wlUs■ t? a 1 loO,count^ ..-Tbe l o ^ j a g ^ ,

w u regUUred In lha fourth period for a total of a 20 to 0 acort. Coacb

ce- Van finenon's gridsUn Uireatentd ilg- to*cor* Uie second period whea thty ory recovered the ball u it w u fumbled »k by Uio local punUr on the 10*yard leir Une. But here the advinco w u balt- reh od and tho Uireat slopped.Ills HAZELTON HAKBEN-----------IflJ________________ • (» ) • „rds n .v i/'n ------ - 5BTIhe f l u r j e u ______ t :------------Haaga

S °’ B runo_______ G__________ Hall

'"5 Howard______ T _____ Ftochlich;bo Part, _________E__________ Ball5»‘ Webb _______ <5---------- Hughes

2 Freelov# ■ ■— r ...... oboat“ ; . 5 _ ,fir -nansFn rnz;T -D ~»~T =30

fiubstltuUons: Haselton - Baird, ui Hofflhost and Mendenhall; Hansen “ -C .8m lU i. Pennington. Bbobe, Pot* S ' ler. flcolt aad R e y b a a iT - ^ ------- ;

F o o t b a l l T a k e n T o o

«■ S e r i o u s l y B y F a n a ,F — J o e E r B r o w n ® 5 f i n s

LOS ANOELEfl, Nov. 3 (ffWO#" E, Brown, big-mouthed eomedUa ' I wlio w u a bss«&ali-.plsyer ta hi*. yrunger ds«.flisde a serious talk ^ today And mn abotit baiebaU but1 football;-............ '„ Speaking a l a football luncheon ,,‘5 of alumni preparatory to Ui* Xoot-

baU game Omorrow between Uie

pr Unlvenlty ol California' a t ' Los m AngeU*. Brown *uggt*Ud th a t , , h pcrhapi. football is Uken too s*r-

ioutly. . * , . 1

M ll u“!il'.*^ /!!^ l!^he u ld . ‘ <

® rrh a .result U Important today- but not so tomorrow. U'a a big

'• thins to Uie boy* on Ihe IKSd but we m Uie siAods should not permit

- ourielvM-to become too exertUed.- r -It U|e game U hard fought,

played wiUi a ttna spirit of iporU* msnship aad enUiusUsm, It ahould

■not be a matter of any lasUng eon* eem to tha specUton whe b u won or loiUr.."* •

- Bsseball men who have a*«aUi* .cemKJlsnjrllh.ibo.blg mouUi.jUr

*• ••uy tha thew uafa irm liilderand misht have gone some dUtance ta

■ : th s t profession bsd h t not turnedfrom Uie diamond to Uie s t^ p .

L i n d f i e l d ’s E l e v e n .

- — T r i m s ^ I b a n y r l S ^

ALBANY. Ore, O ct 3 (AV-Large* ly by means of aa aerial attack. Un* field college defeated Albany coUege, t IS to 0 ta a Dortbwttt confereocs t fooU>aUgaat here today. ' ;

An tat«cept<d p tn paved tba way i ta Llafleld'* t ln l touchdown ta Uia q

liD canl xM b^ aad ^ tc n a n i B uai«



o i o t b a l l C i

l e n , D e f e n d s T i t l e

Inionetlcaa . th io t

5 'Bt ta —met-i'>h*


ttiet*)wel* —


r ap-

MAXtK .ROBENBtOOU lU ftd .'■ter a - succetsiful defe&sa ot hU light

heavyweight tiUa »Ml night wheni l l to - h« eatBcd -a -dedaten-ovtrMMrer

WUker ta « rounds of fltbttaf.£ 2 1

T s S io s h o n e Scores

^ — D ocisiv^^^ctiN y

P ow erfu l T eam of L incoln

5 _____ C o u n t ) t l - C U y - ^ n q i iM »

aROGHON& NOT. ) (8p*dal to Tha News)-abotbo0« high icbooll

inufl powstul eUren m U a u e l ita eeo» j im c e am paign h e n Uils an«iw

m,1a noon. Korlng a decUtra «7*0 TietcTF oterK tagH lU .. ••

n n I7 » might« / tb* local taam l o<« O'O feast w u d lspu jw time aad agata

in today** eootetu Mo Umt w u u k m out during th* anUra gam# for la<

•ni# jurit*.trid* raaUneup*! _U a 6B06HONE ' K W O aO L

am* (47) ■ • ...... (0 )-w --MII1-U

jy » O hrtst______ T ------------ R. Hanl ^ RlWet .............<i

iK*i m iM s<airzTr,T ,,.,...,,,'Hubta ______ l a , , >W Utflchlllsr--------- Q-------- L .S a i t* rHicks .:---------- H------------- OTUSO

W a w -------— ,it . - . .^ J ^ H u g n l* lB a n n in g_____F____ Fast

.flubsututlons: 8ho*bone-Bo**i* j 2 Bcr, Mason, Burges*. Alexaader,

Jackson, J. Daniels, t Dantsl*. Al. Tord, U c(i Schwager, Sairabtta. Haddock, a n y .

^ W .H u g u le U --------web — — —

g R u p e r t T n u m p b s

Z I n E K c i t i n g G a m e

b2 T -------------------I Z H ^

w Coach E d L acey’i P ira te s

“ S c o r t F o o tb a ll V ictory

O v er K im b ir ly 'i Eleven

^ RUPERT. Nor. I (SpecUl (0 Tb* Kew*)-nupert PlraUa took Ui#

. Klmberiy eleven Into camp bet* Uiia a ium ooajty -* j0.ta 1 count la .an exciting gama detplUUi# fact U ul it

l^> wunoiaconfereneeMltlA,Atouoh* down w u registered each quarter with all htit * '1* t^lrd perlcil count* er going lo Coach Ed Laeys boyi.

Rupert opened Uie t in t period vlUi a drive down Ihe field led by W tant

. beautiful broken field n a tor 3J• yatda tha t placed tba oraV .tb.tht .

s - s s s s s s ; ;— (oUowed-Wlnn'a-40-yard gallop, but J 0# la Uits case Uio try to r extra point f a (ailed bringing tba halt Ume *cotv to ll* al3loO count PQc Kimberly csma back In 'Uia third ° ut period after receivbg Ui# klclt*off .

with one ef tha ftaest offensiv* at* » « lacks seen her# UiU * * ^ ripped “ t- U ielocalstoshrtdsoaUulrrtrerM * f le tbat wtre executd Uka clock worL ~ Ift, fVisrh J V' h)S not to be denied Uielr reward *«UMy ^ , t , , swept scre*s Uia goal for Uj»4oudi* * r. down and made good Ui* try for « • ®

tta point - ,“ Jg^ f f j s Rupert belong* W th* Big g

T*n*nd Kimberly Uu CUu A, non* ® I Dig Tea conference, todsyt gamo ^

bad no bearing on the confertnoa *H slaadlngaof dtberU*m. ‘ ?

KLMBEW.Y ______ S RUPOtT "

E: SUyS _ K - i - _

^ jrn * " ____ _ Broadhead ^

iSS”..irrS :r5 :B ™ "SBruns T — CbrUtenson

• Bellwood ,— 'T. ... ■ I Norby ; oodds-^— -..-Q ....-I* •. i-Wlna Dl

* CUibora — L. Garnet «] J fleott — M ..-H ----------N ew c«^ dl* Keegan_____ F, .... Stanley let

' ^ b y p e r i o d s - 1 a I i _ » Klmberiy ~ " ' ° 0 1 . 0 - 7 ab

-_____ 7 « 0 7-aO I. SubiUiuUont: Khnberiy - Hlg* PO0 gtnbolhinirKlw r aiiin t l eltM; Rtt« »

p e rt-C n v e n , .Long aod Abo. g j

-rti#. from AUiany'a 30-yard S 'a Uia second touchdown la tba tu td

period. A bad pass tro a C ttlff to ^ T Bsmes, Albany paater. behind W «tt

r a p R

C a m p a i g n

.^ ^ M a s e R o s e n b lo o n .

■ T itle h o ld w T ak e V e r A o t / '

K _ : f n j B ^ B o u n d - R I r ^ - S a ^

B 3 | . By KDWABO J. NEtS

m :B i M axifl Rotonbloom. c h im plan___Md. a o f tE » n [ ^ T ^ e » v y w a a f i t i ,■Mig f l i r a r ^ d c ' ; t l i « flliall(i^(^ : t ^ ; :

k v W Alker, o iiM lc in r o f t h « , w d t e m l g h t i : e n d H ilddle- '

_ w d jl iU . R6ie4bl6om ^ h is w tjr d « c la l^ .^ ' d«dglon Jn fif^M ji roundn b«*I - f(«aerow d«UB i4U d-atM J0a ~^— 9 ,ThW 8 w a.B o taod tdow M and

^ i o ^ * * t o “ o a 5 l u I i ? i t a * ^ ^ . ;m a ^ m p p e d a a d e a f t td h l t i r a y .

I* :[q Q '

al to n lg n c n w B la 'W S . 'lM ttU F M * ' booll (b n - ta u * baet'ta v ta ib a

Biddtoralghl. ebaanlnabls - frwa -

A .toop toeT yM aM otb itim d-r-.>. «>. ««. «*"?» of tba nudara l in i wai . .

R lsk e ,u d J ta a lrM a le w r (m U l•■^ « • way to a dUastieoa UtU* wlUi Max .

Sdimallfli for Um right to eh a B a n .. . , to r tb a h e a rM e t T fa c to ^ r tlu w ------

Han fWTO?ehart M dy.resttaf u B u c h u p e o lb la ln •

I £ 3 1 ^ ^

Oder, reft of Um Uma h* n i bnt • j Iow '

b £ S S S ! 6 i S 5 « w ® « u S ‘

and eut with om baad rtghU (hat Walker aarcr u r , and

» . 2^*lr ta cUaebe*,wtiia h T t W s t I It v u t lf f l t to n a t ’ .^OiM0tttM**0Ttrhasdtl|hU,an«r

n o A B e tb e rb a d U M % S in » (tt|g f r- IK . b u V E i ^ l h .

!iM l|hbo tta in lgb te lB b* iaoca* i ' ' . tb*XeiUTlUe*«er«ef«r,ateffledooa>' '

oryven ^

— —

ilaa peu$2fc-Wtik«S“ ”a llt -------- :— — n !”

» A l b i o n G r a d s S e e

^ I ^ D r e g o n E l e v e n I n

H o m e ^ n g T i l t

M -"ALH»H,-Nor.--| * ^ ^ W J th - « l f T ^ S 3 tti Jn o p E ia im T n in M . © : * * ^iMt ^ -.thU ,s« a * o n .;a -< tK n g :E a tl« m = ^ Sint Oregon Normal football elerenmeeU 0 to Uit Albion Normal Tesdien aquad

0 climax homecoming tnUriUea hero Saturday.

<rff ^ 5 « « h N. J . Jacobeon's squid wiU b t ia fair eoadlUon daipiu Iht low

0,4 o( four regulan wblcb wUl Und lo 5 5 cut down materiallr Ws power ratio

^ sessoa. S o tu OaweU, b a lfb ^ u K . oa crutcbes and Hugentobler, Rup*

eri. guard. U nuolng-a bad knee.Tha NonnalttiarU ag lineup win

Ih. *»• fciiii nm. Birrtfv- m . Rupert; tacklM, itiomas, CasUelord«

Bingham, Burley; guards. Blue, a j. Castleford, Kana. Poateno; eatter^- . se, Andanon. Rapsn; fullback, Park*.

Dtclo; halfback*, Btwto, Paul. Per*DT tins. Albion; Quartebacfc, MUler,

‘ Albloa

a L e o D i e g e l P l a y s

S S e n s a f e n a l G o l f

LOS AKOELZa Koi. I m - Leo on D le ^ o f-R m addphla,--b^ looa# a >o with a round ot atnaUeoal goir U>- nb day to ahoot a 3 M i - a to taka UM ey lead a t Uw end of 11 bolo ta Uw

Seutbem CalUomla open ebasi]don*. T jbip, .............. •. '>30 fltwUng troa pUyaad «mepUenal

S s a a M K S S ! —t m t by'a took* u RarU utftum .Lot Asnlec, cam*,i}ooalag .hoo#

3 -Wtth a S3 to coapla wttb a I t gotag k, ont for a ID, twDstiokn oaderpar. ■ b t u 't h i j d pUea v u WUUi-Banter,^ L o*A ag*l«w bodot3S-3»-7i.^ U m wet* tied ter teurUt.pUo*^ with p u -73*. Ttieaa war* OUa D utrat'

Santa Monica, Fted Uottlion. Pasv > ; * .< l a a a a a d a a M t e b u B e i t f k ;

.............. .

E p e T Q, ; ■ ' _ _ . ™ m

■ H our W ItiM M J B risk

■' R ally , B ring ing M any N et i g

v Q a l i is .o f 1 to , 3 P o ln l j jS S . . ; _____ g :

H A R K E T s I t A GLANCE ICCfDjr ah* P m i) ]

■ nU i l« 4 op. «turn. W iti. Bondi: I r w U r ; 0 .8 . lOTtm- (Dw.

I . - i g

«*eli»aii*: In tfu lir ; w*e» itollir uneHn. Uant

ig -■ whMt nurktU .' j t j s

• Bujm : Lower; leUloi br PW |

— ' - ^ W M S « r r b c t t r r * p o t - d e ^ — |J Bind. I s et

S S , s ; :; '% « » : p lm : t u roodUlaUott •» U»'

■*^iue^A 65ur»l*iar. i» * :— - a m , ItoS 8I0W.5 10 W: hlghtrr Mpp;

I B7 JOHN U COOLBy_ _• (AMoeUteO Prttt Ploinelil V ^ )

r a w VORK. HOT. ^fUntd llwrnielrti lato « riUy to-

? a « 'i? .5 S iK r « ,° !s ; g*"■ ” unUl Ihe u i t hour Ihe morlMt

- S t S ~ ‘«lUu«St>and Uu nU equlpoecU mide proc> a c n irS io u to fU w n irW iU il r« t» ia o t mheard numerou* nuaon u lo mone* ne ir:

. tanr matten. 0ns o( then h id It real I that WaiblDitoa i& b t loon » 7

; l o m e ^

^ - TOaiterer th i m ion . flntf deal-

.* t ^ l i i i S a ^• n in n e . « « 1il ledby 0 . B. B t ^ " g

«Ueh rS iIH i. * « t atnwi. -Auto-

.. ,5SHnSfSc^«lT..nnl«lPK»B! J“J,|■ • o S k S U “ iftS S M 'i 1 0 ;

± S S S S S i ioii« miiM . ■ - ____

"S“ "“ DrtltrinoTeaieota»er#‘tawTenfal ‘• m e ttme onr unit n t abore aaaa

T K ’n » » 7 S r « p " Kt : a i BW^rtee TOiB« «nU to WAT W-J

" r S j u T rtm e OeoMMB Vork T ‘ Hlfh in d e bofldi wettened; e ii Zins:

p e cj^ ln lheU .& to rem D ieo tea t- *Pot

**fKi|ht trtn ie deereaied U tt «etk . .^ -Ja ce ap a rieo a . wlth the prerloua \ weeM he eetbaek beinc « bit la ri’ CU t f f ^ i e a a ^ H w ^ neeM

" T 'S ^ j S 3 n r t f t ? M ^ ? S u i e » e S 4« lb’ before, and the comparlioD with ISU 10 to. « ia the best tn'nearl7 »m oath. horn

Dun and Sndstieet tald httltiDcy nun i bad mppearedlo trade, but thou|ht toma

' Uu UMTRineu ihould bo brief In* ducki aiffiueh a t the boUdajtieaioa whlcb setM

. ttna llr l i r a retail and wholeiala heni• boslsen a nip, li Juit ahead. Thli Itc. .


.* the CDUtant drain o( connunptloa tcorel - .-d u r tn i the l u t tw a en th i ot cur- extra " tailed eutpuU’ Anr prtcepUble- rl*e tlnU. ' ls.burloi power. 11 added, would re< <N*r

n i t 'a l n o i t tmmediittlr in a quick* cen(n- ened laduttrUl pace."' E^I

--------- NtWJf01UC-N#»,4-W)-8M-*il------ M- Ter bartlj etnd r, S lover a t M'.ie. lo j •• ___ _____________________ (er: 1

---------------------------------- ehanj— TWIN-FAaS-MARKETS-

u m t tnitcixfCiM to lie pouiuii_naW ^ “ ^ « o » u o p o u a a i _ i i ^ fiiUadtr»ti|Bi Duieain, iiMeo itcu iM BKFMdai ew. eo ts u j pouBdi— OJO BulU

- H ftiBi fom. i x patiSa U m BuI

uM iflB w um»: ......**»*» ' ■ ------------------------ » » cm

R n > ’HWT >Ulbl 4? HE'RootUn iLiirsr

____ .................................................. . S! SSn i m ______ — o umif'

I n n r^ n tJa il*c»a» ,,MOO Coi

• _____, tura-n. K Otraud. lupw ut-U tr^ clulis is‘’ur.S";,T£v?, c'-No. si: tmul rnti tnukn i i j j to tlM Omu

. rof Wa. l l toa i» t«au ItM lor na. U. July

______ - " “ ■.'g; . - " ' ' ”

■- ssssa"fs ,sss™ =4a r ;K » jSpJ

" ■ „ ° ” »u* Tlf

'■ am cioTtr _____iiato" ~ ~ O riilirikM '— ■-------

Osmb boBtr. (*o w-

....■‘•gg ^. Turaiia. ■— >»< «• DAI-

■ " ■ - ------*li£ ^

■ ■ ^ f J i a ? " ...... - " - " ‘ a

cati—b u n ^ "

, £ ^ ^ 1 1 1 1 r

S to ck M ari(e t A verages

rv . y I ,

l i f | | , j | \

i i ^ i ' i s S s sS?.ff-SiS SS K BS» .a r= 's s j|s « ‘SS . COMMODITY

PRICE LEVELKEW TOOK. Not. 3 M>-l«d*x cf ^

IS eteple comiDodltr p rim i (Dee. II. m i, equal* 100; IMfS u** y .j ,

_______________ i»>T_ „ITeeb aceU o o lh a n ________________UW

i w ' t ^ ---------- - ] l\ lI j j j bJthLt» |« ; ____________ 7W- ic s p n ^ ih k - jn j . ___

<Deeenber St. tn C u t i k t t i i l M Is cMapBliat tbe abore price ler«i Uld tbe (•Uewlm eomaodltlrt. wim tbe appreilmaU pemnUxe raise It tb t wbole index aaU m d te eacb. i n BKdi ffbeat U ««lloa 11. bofiiJ.-eted-emip-l».-ia«ar-IO,-*9al-J. «j[*Mpper S. U dn B. ’c e n «. nbber I. lUb <, cottM «. lead, a lU xr i. cocoa An t —gdlterl '

MOWEV aS INSW YORK, Nor. J (Jl - Call { » '

noner: Steadr: U per cent all da;. ^ ,Ttfflo loini: Bleidj; (0 dajri 4 t o aom

K; three, four and lire monthi H Ateh « V: Ilx monlhi Hto 1 per cenL

Prime cocimercial paper lU.B uke il' aeceplancei unehanied. diot

rOREION EXCtlANOE ^ NEW yORK. Nor. 3 MVPorelpi Cu*

aehuige: t u j : Prince demand ^ \m ; eiblcs e.oou: Uontreit In g*? ;eir York MM; New York In Mont* cbtj ta l lOOiO. ^

c o r r o N 0^.|iyiy.YOptf| Tho gun, nnni

iral cotton market plcMd ray ^ ileadr a t net adrancce of.e to S

■ _ . . . '= g adoVERNtlCNT BONDS

HEW YORK. Nor. 3 W1 - Bond en*

U M . I T S SlUl I W 7 ------------------------- lO lJl ortlIM ref. S3*41 ,10133 oiio>i t 4Ua ■ ■___ 10J.13 2 SSith 4Hi 33«U_____________IU.I S S>lh 4Ka ref. S3-U -------------- 1D3J1

TBCABtmT arMlUa 47-»3-------------------------10#i 44-M__________________104JO SSiKi 4«-M -------------------------103.H talIHl 40-U Ju n e ----------------- lOOJl iBt

« - i r ------- 10034 IntIHl <M3 March__________ lOOJO iVl!.i r m o B ■■--------- u^.iT t S

^■ ■ ■ MFTA m ■ aa*NEW YdRK, Nor. 3 WVCopper: uu .

Jteidj; elKtrolylle ipot and future *}]-So. T u : Finn; ipol and-'nearbr iKSH9.78! future »U40. Iron: Quiet; hL ienchanted. Lead: Sleadjr; ipo( New R«t ^ork MJO; E u t 8L louU I4.1S.Uno:-Barel;-itead)':-Eait ai.-Loula |{2|.ipot and future I4.U. Anllmonir: n,w3pOtW.7S. ____ . . NT

CmCAOO PBODUCK ~CUICAOO. Nor. 3 (4) - PoulCr;: fnl

[ t t to u t e ^ U f S rM T ^ ^ jSc,10 to lOHc. colored 8 to OUc; L ee ( nMra chlckeni a4c; rooilera Sc; low<rouni hen-and lorn turkera 13c, old claloma 130, No. 9, 6c; old and loun< linelucki 8 to lOHe; old and rouns odIitecM BUe; dnsMd lutkcfi, Dung No.lena and tonu 30c, old ISc, No. 3. We,3c. , er,;:

Butl«; T'

tore) 33'1 to 3<c; exlnu (83) 3Jc; mat rxtra Ilnu*(0D-Sl} 301i' to 31 3-4c; n l^ lnU.'(U-89> ItM to 19Uo: lecondi mar :N-87) 174 lo lac: lUndorda (M |nrl vnttalUed carlots 31c. itni

E isi: Receipt* 13S3; iteadjr; un> mat ihanjed.

-tOS-ANaBDfXB-PRODUCK— “ H LOS ANOELta, Nor. 3 (/T>-Dllt- "»•

er: Recelpla 139W3 poundi; un- »e. :hanged.^ ttM lJOpthinkrd.,_____________

Poulit7:H c iu s i iT r4 pound* lOc; >‘® 'rrera, other colorm Kc; rou(cn. Jarred Rock*, over 3!4 pounds 16c;ith m H e . ________________ Cl


BAN FRANCISCO, Nor. 3 - mfn B ulUfI«32cl0 33‘iC..- itofl

Butter:. B3 Kore.33c, Pt Kor4 tnm

E m ; £xltaj. la rs d '» ’.ic ;' medl- ulei ]m».3i«c: iw iiiariB 'icr::— b u

C hew : n a u or inpleu iJc.— Koiit------- rr**!

6UQAR umrNEW YORK. Nov. 3 OT} - Raw itli

>ucar «!} unchansed today and no lil<h

S fe T S S s fe y S e r rS -jrlcM for tpou, or 3J 0. bgt noUilns ,— MS llrmljr otletM below 3J}. and , )Tcn l l Uit Utter flfiire there wi* I ttry-Wlle for »l«. UnlrtrTi bring „ { auUoui pending further de«lop- '>t Wishingion. • ' —

Continued InuUrlly tn the (pot i market ltd lo long llgulditlon In (uiiirt* bui aticr ilecllnlng 6 lo 0 jip . pom u tticie-wM f ; m tlaH«lly-irtth- c lM in jp rm ito jp o ln u n e tlo w r. n,

C lo^g pricc*:’ December UIB. Januir; Ijl.M atcli IJID, May I.4I, u-. July l.4<. September l i t . D-Uid.

IKttncd KU unchansed wtlh re- fs fincn quoting 4.S0 and iccond Haoda ' ariUible i l <iS. Demand w u again of a hxnd'to-mouth character and supplied mainly through ra-ule oflertiiEL


103 ANGELES, Nor. 3 m (U B DAI-roUtaeai Good Stocltea Dar- baaka BtJO t« fl.4S: entlou? 31 to m t I d ^ o B aw U Na. 1 n o it. _


D A )-eUpplsf p<4at infonnillon forTlinndiyi .

trtra toqnltr ratbrr tlibt. haul- Jnn llfbt; Bffertan tlxbt: detnind ' Uailled! mariiK ratbrr dstt x n l aenewbat uw ttg td wltb (irsi local

f ^ C T T D OW N, a O iS X - 'n W i g - A M P - ’T c u . M B ] ncac I A BO U T W O O R .O tO I WS-RI 1 8 H S 8 P C O lW a o w / MOT V A ' RAMPAOB. y e r r n w

/ -------

■ . N E W

anpCKM- - tB; Tbe AMoeltW n g y ae»«|Kor!

:Ainid I>tw * r*T*lAIIU CliUm*™ ^ 1S% » I 11 « I1M Amctlcui O n to . nm: Ant cw * r d t r - > - :>« U i i-rm ■Am it ret 1‘awrf— . J ^*,i * PulllAm ludutor I ttl 12 li]i lUd:a ffl'i‘A "'= .S : ,S ,S ; B S K S S ,i= I! : 5, a sAotcOQO* cepjxr__H!i l ll i l«t« uimi5SS!.W »t:S,i S ! Si KK a 'ir - !s , - £ . i !it! a

'0»IWil«a-PMlH»nii'»-»^—U i M mCM*TbrabiD(----- njk « » 5 1 * 2 “ '

i S r S I Z E i l : =ii 1 ! s! S 5 “a . “ ! L - = a i ! S ! a t f f i ;

j Su a ; ffi! a ag-m— Soom riMueu ___ n i] TOIL n l i umiD irt^^vm jiit J U j U |t> u e

S!SV Jfi=:.!l! !S S: S . W b' S S S ' - S ii

ssiH S k s I sljl sii I

IffikiMon^ntui s*!t n 'k » i i

s a € f e 4 r - . « -a;ii;: i i

N T N 11 * Illia----llt« 111* AUb

frfllhc bresme grewtn bolding for terbigliee pttcei; carlMda f. • . b: eaiti CaliIrathi Hw h U -Koi 1 mwirir Wr ta 4omUc, Incladlnx open mag paeb l a 81(e« regtiUr packi erdlnary qoalUy |u n lower at cerUta pelnU; lome ipe* elil pick u blgb u Ue I t bnuchline point*; No. t 4So lo 4])iei balk ffoDlwtlgbt caih to growtni Rnueta ijng No. 1 a few aalea Sio to 70e: motlly Ke to esc: many itoeka held high, er,;No.8*7»Oto3#e.

Twig PalU-Barlfy; Wire lagaliy ^ iniuUj llihti biAIldH mbdcraUi dt*nund Mmewhat ^ g o la t : tndlng ,.5 'n ther more aetlro a t ctrUIn'point*: *” • market abeot iteadyi produeen notInrllncd .<0 «cU freely where-dig* Ka>glnc completed and *t.pplle* In p « - M«;manent itorBge; carloads t. o. b. helffash track to dealeni RBs*et* No. 1 load7Se to tSc; moitly HMe (o SSc; balk CuUeal»«l(hU«a*b-l«-CTOwenuRttuiti docNs. 1 Me lo eSc; a o t t point* COo lo atocSJe, and hauling (or food itork; » siocreiy tew point* generally t5e; track ty %tales farm pkeka eaih lo giowen: si«Ba»etrNo.-n#ctoBec. — pU


CHICAGO. Nnr. 3 (,n l»SPAI - mg. roUleet: ReeelpU i t earloidi: on aroi trark U l; total United KUln ihip* Iim! mrnti SOI ear*: RntieU strong, ether itoek Ileady! lapplles liberal de­mand and (radlnx modervtc: V. H. 0: ,\o_4-WUoewln-l»«i»d-W«ie»-fr* « ip ules SI.10; Mlnneaota. North Da- ket b U Red m r tr O bb 'i ILU t i JU S; liuu KDBth Dakota Round tTbltn pzrtly soir traded KB to U c: Nebraika Trt- ler umphi St.lT'i io t! . : i : Idabo R u . m tell Jl.Al io St.eo; few (Ine qullly U.ft liichpf, mnlly t l i i lo |U B; V. S. lo IN g J!.J l^ Jo .lL W ._____ _______ tnoi

- ------- larg

I--------------------------------------------- I l a ?


lo s A.VOELES. Nor. 3 MKU80A) wlUllffrt: n irrlpu noiie: nuolable too to I■fcitnrt a n . i ' «IU

CitDr; Receipts 300;^te#dy; (ed pariitceri t j to U.40:' plain grau steera bni13.73 10 IJJS; few coin, M.tfl; cut- Ingi


[^O T O M eA tdH C A w r re e . W^T8 WE-MKTTCR w rm « W C R liTVE SEEM HItADO PWMTY OF GOOFT

• TWIMSS.Btfl-’nUStSDlFTBRElfrJ;soweTHivi& ts p re v iu ^ M ;W «18W IM D

r~ rW &

t w in WLXS DAH.T NE

" CA50J

...........~ " 7 ^tA N K S .p ^ f A N W i


V O R K ■ |SS

■ > 1Norih Am Co ....... . )*'• tIHKorihera r.fide _ » U .I l |i » ] , er; A esiid uoiorJ — a s » > Uie

l y g i i; I isS s r !E s | i | I „s = ? ? = ; ! ! ! I i s S S E ff l i I I ; :HundiM Diino* — 21 3<}l ^ ! ,audnirt o u t> B»o *U I »V. htllf l ^ t w Oil c*{-— *{}» ” fewHttwirt w»rntf----- sj*" I f Jjl « ^BtuCfbtttr Corp — Mi 4 «»

E “S S E ”s | i “i i g

I H i M i ,1-1=iinllM __?IJi J l ' l _ E

S i M M .CVSB MaiiEtt }g“

HEW TOIUC. Kar. 3 (4>-Curb mar- S3;________»u « i

c'um 8*ft“e* JU *0CSUSS 82S2 ISS SSIJtozzy'* } l . l ! o « V « i r = = = z : j ; : s.Nilkuitl I'ovcr and U|M tt p t _ 4« , 8.

-------- ----tJUnilinl Oil or 3oi« ^

I* ; «klUnllrt t^ nd rn - lib

iPZCtAL wiRB . and — BnnnrwfiiBiniraTdnipany;-------1«»;

jS « } 3 n r t« V tn % « r- iS CBmuic rowtr tod U sht-,, ___ ____ hol<Amrrletn Ou ind Pettrlc,__— 33 vt|.OommerelU BouUinn w»n»n(j— S/I* ,nvUnlltd a u wirnntj (bid)_____ U.C e r ^ t* T riH t-8 iu in .__~_43 .0 i par Hiiunil Dueuit OU graj Auburn Aulo , , Saii- ]j,0( ............................... - '• - - - ~ sibl.

ter grades B1.2} lo l2iB; bulls 3.10. Calrcs: Recclpu IM; steady; light iq]- a04riJHBealUHS..gii4.^^^^— rnv

Bheep; Recelpla IM; ileidy; med- a lum to good UUh Umbs tO.40.


Hogs; Receipts 7000; steady with ye iurdi;^ close or ISe and ipots 30e q under early, lop tt.03 for one choice hoc load; D)Mi ules 180 to 3<0 lb. ana

CitUe: RcccIpU 5S0: short load moilong yearUngs U.CO; amaU lot^S.SS; to ioiher talcs ilaughter aleers and pouKarllQgs, Including fed ncsiems lo :M.«3 to tS.40; abOul three load.-, led liOheifers 1433; small Jots up to (}J}; sowload bM c o n U; bulk I3JS to $3; u P 'cuuer rad e s BUS to 13; bulls *3.40 P>S<do«nJ-top-VBalen_♦«_lpanol!ly^ 9^1atockera and feeder* steady; losd rfliockera »3J0; dealers luppllea fair- I " ? lytcell cleaned up.' '

Bheep: Re:cJpb WOO: lalcable sup-ply six loads rih'go lambs, mbttly -g . feeder*. Just a hindlul of nailvcs;generally asking higher prices; hold- J, ^

£ ! S S i f e “ife S ",V S lSUmbs }9; heavy feeder* t3.Ti. , si

------- lo 1CDICAGO LIVESTOCK recc

CHICAOO, Nov. 3 Ml-Ho^s: Re- g«,6 «ipt*rl4.000M »oldaTrrx jnno>, mar.. « nket *low: generally Se to IDc htsltcr IISU xaoziw inairirB rcnnrrpackm B «.7tow* ileidy to IBc Iower;-Otillc bct« nni ler grade 300 lo 370 poundi $<.;») lo•4J3; lop I4J0: 389 to 3M pounda 1U.U to B4J3; ITO 10 3C0 poundt M K10 I4J3; light llslils t« down and O i moit niA* beloar UM; packliii; tua-*, oveilargely $3~lo acilwtlght*Mi0 up»-ird:bi8 *fl£li!tt)c. day

Cattle: RccelpU lOOO; yr.trlinn pou.

cr and mUed yeatllnD Mrady to lo ijmail klUen; best lonp yfurliiig <JAilcers (S.B3; sprinkling i» |}.&o pou:v lth most lower gndes t i .60 iiovn and

wllh w e i b t ^ K l U n g ^ a i ^p u t load <00 pound ycatllns lirifcn klUlbrought B< with BOO pour.d oKcr- cUa Ingi »i.7S: «ow* iteady; ncvefsl lond* slo«



N V W /X ^ P L B F m i T.W.X I W ftg A V WMAtLV L N eo I

0AB1.B W p W HIS y ^ SS O M W WAM8. ‘OLOC-4. J -------i ' ' M

Western offering leUlng a t B3.M to cUJO; culicn 12.33 down to I1.M; 0bulb and vealen fully Ileady; ttock- tf rr fferiera aloy. t

Bheep: Recelpu 7000; ta t U5nb« astrong, lOe to 34c hlglier: beal 7B $pound nngen $7; best native* ear- t(lyi6U;fewihrowoutnailVHaround *tl.M:iheeD<teady. around 2Sc high- uer; top ccf* « : few *at« (at na- n.UiteaealLnJoW JSLfeedlnilambfi afully steady; « pound whlie-face* ate.3i with weightier kinds down- a» ird to W-7S.__________________ ^


Hogs: Recelpu 700, Includlnf 234 dl- *;recu; bidding $US on deck Ida- ”h u ; packing u w t quoted around '« 5 i dORTl. '

Caillc: RecelpU 1008; ateady; * sales moatly yearling sU en and helfen of Stocker quality U to t3M; ”

U down to U and under. „Sheep: RccelpU 1373; Ute Thun- °

day deck Nevada cko Umba <4 n pound whltefacea IS.IO with amaU' t4 irelglit benefIL *|

PORTLAND UVESTOCK 11 PORTLAim. Nov. 3 t,t1 ( U S D A) Ij

HogK Recelpu 350: ateady; good^to ctiolee Ughl welghu m o3ily |4i0: 4 « w .U g h W l g W ^ ^ - I ^ J - ^ ^ -

p l g i ^ e f a f i ^ S ^ ' - -1Cattle: Recelpla 100, ulvea'80; ”

SUady: load medium grua tteen „IO S ;/ew aedlum helfenU tof3iO | °low culUr and cutter cows B l'to VS3; coa-s upward to '13.79: few bulla t!131013.23: vealen quotable (7 down. |-8 heep;.neeelpu ISO; alow, (ew '1tales ai)ou( ateady; medium u good ‘ uooled Umb* |tSO to ISJS: alaugh- ler ewes 7Se to 11JS.


D A)-llosi; Recelpu SOQ. Including MO d t ^ t D ^ e r a l e | ^ t l r e ; ^ g ^ -

and f^w loU 173 to 3oa lb. California and Idaho butehen fS.lS, top; good 1«Hb:-ltghl-'llghU'«4i)0;-m(dltmi' ° BffiS; 3W lb. Idahoi |4iO; packing " tova ateady 383 lb. I3JS. ,

CaiUo; Recclpu 37S. Including fiO holdoren; imall supply pUln llghl-> 7 weight grau sieen dull, weak; the- stock acilvci lully steady to auong; ‘ pari-loid-copimon_88a lb. Oregon grata iicen U.50; d c s l^ o under ,, 1000 lb. gnucrs quoted B4M to poa- i, slblySSlt*ocan6BOtoS88lb.Mon- . ttn a graw heUen $3.40 to « .« : , pUlner « a ; helferUh grats cowa... 1037 to 1180 lb.M_.3S; load dairy type i;

flhcep:, Recclpu 535; aU direct; k good to choice wooled lambs 90 Ib. odown nominally quoted I 8J 0 poalbly )cabore. Ii

OMAIIaTiVESTOCK a OMAHA. Nor. 3 (A*) tU 8 D A )- a

Hogti itccelpu CjOO; unercn, llgliU and buUhcn weak W_4c lower; lOws 41

more; pracucal iop'B4M; pari load g to trnuen 14.10;, bulk IBO to 2S0 r pound avenges W.7J to B4.M: 2J0 p10 3J0 pound ttclghU WAO to M: « 110 to 180 pound average « J 0 to « ; sows I3.7S to U.2S: few light towa , up to U.40; fJ s i B2 to »3.7d! feeder ti piga B to UiO: averago coat Thun- a

andycBrllnp«low.tieady:ahaiiock e'(ull)'tteady;bulliandvealentUong. d siockcn and feeden icarce, tleady;(ed tieen, yearllng i-and-helfen -mostly « J 0 to U J5; few helfen n tSJS; beef cows $3.15 to $3.7S; few$1.40 to $3; medium bulU $3.::;t to „42.40:JoLl2.S0;.praetieiLjfiM elL i"sheep:RceelpU»00;Umbsstrong lo lOe to SOc higher: ibeep tleady; _ feeden weak; fed wooled lambs 7 U.K to $6.73; best range Iambi $dM;

MMt IftIS.M; led flipped Iambs MiO to u «.7s:-ugnt-i!W(a-fiittibieTip-io $:.73r u n n g t feedmg lamb* $4,40 to $8.10,-----


O A l-Rogj; Recclpu 3000; hold- T. oven 3S0; 33) direct: cloalng fairly ncUvc; atoiiifd“sreadym tn“ nran .' “ dayi late trade or 10 tower than tlie a « n g e ; top $< freely on 180 to 3« \ poundi; good nnd choice 140 to 100 poundi $3.S0 lo U J S; 180 pounds ; $3,73 to $4; HO to 2 » p o u n i $53(r 10 $1; 290 Io 330 pounds $3JS to 0A$; packing towa 273 to MO pounds $3.0 to 323; stock pigs good and choice 70 to 130 poundi $316

CalUe; RccelpU 700. calves 300; klUlng claues generally (teady In a cleanup tnde: itocken u d feeden slow and 'weak; ite en good and

-H E Y i'w H E re is \ nI EVEFTi'BODYr «3ME t o \\ W E HERE-StltiVG /

^ \ T GOTA , /



f LOOK- . r C a ______________

HAVtf K4- I T H A T t

H r " 'I f f l k

b choles BSO to MO poundi W to | 8^ :1; BOO to 100 pound* $440 to $6; 1100 .- to 1300 poundi $4J3 to 19,73; 1300

B $4.60; heUen good and choleo SSO- to 900 poundi $4.90 to $<; cows, lood d $2.03 to $328; common tn d medl-* um $3 to $ IU : vealen. mjlk fed,. medium to choice $3 to $8; itockAa and feeder iteers good and ctiolce,t aU welghu;$3iO'to $f:'coamra~an(l. medium, all weights. $1.75 to U.73.

Sheep: Recelpu 1000; moM native- tol»awuod40»J>lgharfteaBd.balk

$8.33; no range lambs cffered; lambs_ good and choice 90. pounds down. $8.15 to $8J 0; conimon and medl-. um 90 pound* doim $4J0 to $8.19:,1 yearling wethen. medium to choice“ 90 to iw pound* $3.78 to $5; ewea.. goodandeholceB0tol90pounda$l.7SA to $3.78: feeding Umbs. range, good,. and choice M to 78 poundi 8JS to $8.

‘ T W V a ? ® S ^ ? ™ i ! I 7 = Sbeep; Recelpu TBOO; 4700 through;

4 naUve lambs tleady; top kind* $3.90 U' to $8; asking iteady on range Umbs;

itnctly choice quoUble $8.40 to $190; aheep aieady: good and choice 110 lb. ewea $3; Iite Thursday .top fat

I lu ib a .m S i io iU e e d t f U l______

'• WOOL _____ ■

.. An oecaalonal buyer ti aeen looking'• around tn the wool market but Iff I* moat caiea the Inquiries ar* almply ^ for the purpose o(alzlng up offertngi J: for future reference. In a few'tn-* sUnce* *niill b U are being Uken

for plcelng-out stocks on hand.A Price* genenlly are reported to be “ firm. . ^

PRICES MAINTAINED IN fl BOSTON WOOL MARKET,4 - BULLETIN ANNOUNCES5 BOSTON. Nor. 3 o n - T h e Com-n w w lul TtiiU.lln ir|l1 lay nf Ihi. Tivil, market tomorrow:' . •'* "Butlnest aUll Is quiet In tbe Boi- J, ton wool market but prices are ? iteadUy malhUlned. w rth" prices

higher In the foreign primary mor- keu and exchange iterllng rising

‘‘ ileadlly against this market there would.hardlyjw.aay-lncentlve to

;* lower prlcca here In view of the Um- Ited stocks of wool available to the

'• manufacturen. Aa a matter o( fact,’• a (e« loU o( wool have been aold a t ’>■ «tteM-«ia«th«r< l( anylhing sllght-* ly In favor of the aellcr.

keU hu been the ouuundlng feature 6. of Ihe week In the worldl wool mar­ly keU. ThU haa been most noticeable

In the primary markeu but. natural­ly, has been reflected In the lecond- ary markeU. where topa Bnd yami

- are agalnat.lhe buyer.....................■» “Half to two-thirds of the llj]00,000 It pound lall T exu clip h u been moved

d greater p a rt of these wools al prices 4 nnglog from 39 to 38!> cenu. de- >0 pending upon the chancier 0! theI; wool.II T h e manufacturing potlUon 1* f* wlUiout maUrlal change, Consump- ^ tlon of u-ool at the mill* U letting

down more or leaa and the trade U

7 sUntUI movement • tn the teUlT a clothing markcU as tbe cue (or (ur-

ther otieratlont."• -Mohair U quiet but tteidr.’■* -T ht-foU o«nrQ U o“ “ OM will he '* Included In the BuUeiln;" Scoured ba»U—Texas: Fine 12 « monthi <eelected) 83-B3c; line shorl i l l2.roonths-40-toJle^Jlne^.aonths

77 to 78c.< CallfomU: Northern 72 to 73c;

middle county 73 to 7Sc; Soulhera J? 71 to 73e.'■ Oregon: Fine and f. m. iisple SO «*- ty82c;^ic<Htiid' f. m. r reccfriMmb^® 2 tJS .ta_38c;.I lna -andJL m .^ llii '• Ins 71 to73crV aiieylio .j.7 lto79c.

Territory.'icoured bails;'Monlamt and tlmlUr: Ploe staple

- cliolce 63 to BSc; half blood combing 60 to 83!: Ihree-elghthi combing 79 to 76c; quarUr blood comWng-BJ to J 2c... . ............................. I ^

Pulled: Delaine 98e to IIJU; AA D5 to BSc: fine A supen 90 to B3c; Asupen 89 lo 90c.

j There Is No Better Feed Than I<] - RLOBE A-1

a GLOBE SEED & FEED’ U4 4th Are. 80. Phone 401

r f tiT U T O 11 V HElVO,*mERE 1 ■ t A m t R i , j WHERE8 THE 0 I^P W D U C E R ^

i ^ ( r ■ ^ 3 *

B t l . f 3 |



m ^ ' C r r s a , o m c h ^: THOS6 WPS

[ t o soM eaccrf. -ALRSAOWt— J s : ’ A v e » < .

- r r r f r f ^ n : ^ ^ ■—

iliiillllElii t y i i i a c r a ,3 . — ;'& u n u s u a l 'D e a r t t i - o f - S e l l in g

; ; D u riM S e s s io n R esu lts

S ■ In U pturn ■ o t P r ic e s 1U- , \ice By JOHN P. BOCOIIAN I■ea (Assodaled Prea* Market Edlto) I

W- S u i t In an admlnlitraUoo attempt IU»ieV*mlflta\imptlwUmlton(iiffl 1

— ji m U took nil grain va lr« high«. j

h: ‘ m i upturn of prices. b « e v e r . ^ “loparcntly duo more to u n ip a i

“ ■ dearth ol aelllaj than to enthui*" i SSawbuy.^A noticeable f a ^ rw M “ 10 u)m* Buithaiinj o l December deltr- ■.“ OT i f S r & i 10 b. i o r o a « a J;

ruvfrnpff 1 account.^^^^"" . Whrat cloied (i™. IHe to 3Ho

t»nc«d.-indTm>Ttiton*-w>chaagedto Yin liljhtr. o

ju ' Trader* CDMemtJTo fi igi -mroughout mc*t of the' day. ex-n - treme coiaernllBn .en trade both tn wheat and other grains, c

A d«ld d curb on aelltng w u un- !■ •» ^ ^ b t y u to developminu likely • from mcetlngaof com belt govenwn . »llh Washington government offt*

‘ "Miny in f lc n ihowed partto to r ‘ inureii In talk that U government *

* power w u Invoked to fU a price of ^

ucu. One of the largest grain com- j, oanles here Usued n statement t h a ^ ,

^ K m n i i r T o r T w in B -T i rT S T ie ^ „ would extend from "wheat to whet- b “ itones and (rom eornmeal to cane ,c

jusar.-AnothercJieck on grain deal- t tnxs w u announcement- that Uu b

s w r s s ” “he com processing ux. ct. Com and onu priccs showed Inde- a t pendenl strengUi oalng largely lo It- proipecu that the corn processing ^

t u waiild iM modified. __ ^n r ■“Provisions 'iendcQ upgraiJe, psraS^ , ire leitng action of hog values. g

ble • OM T tiiT u * ci»M s

I f l i S k! it K i i - i i M'l S'i S 3 I^ Juir s - M. -»!» i;ts D«. W,->i l* 'i »',« ^

f f - S uD «f*«n ■ ST u u S7 >

u Mir m i o 'i su i .UH p . juir «i!! o eo;, ea

4t'i «',♦ 4«(i ,

*‘l ------ PORTLAND HAV 1“ . PORTLAND. Ore.. Nov. 3 Wl - ^

Ifiy: Quolailont unchanged. ___ 7

*“ WINNIPEP GRAIN-IJ ■mNNlPEQ. NOV. a vv> - cash )ri wheat: No. I northern 64He; No. 3 h b» nfirth^m.BtUgy-Ma-l-nnrtlMra-Mfc ~

OaU: NO. 2 white 30‘ic.ic; ------- ITO CHICAGO CASH GRAIN

CinCAOO, Nov. 3 (Jl - Wheat:» No. 3 red M 'j to M%c; No, 3 north- b i tm 'siitlug (ti ' i cf^orl-m tx td M 3-4.-Ui CamUloa-mlx*d-42e:-Nor3-ml*ed- I t 41'A_toJ?e;iNo: l-rcUow 42Uc: Wo.

,Ie • ----------- ~

^ T o F S a le P F T ra d e ! '

Egolly tn 6-room modern— l-hrarttrEart-pxTt-oMownrTood- n I locatloo,' trade for stock and

(arm rqalpment.

I Tin ittS Klilh Are. E u t I afternoon.

HE DAU&tfTERl I \ ( OH,W t),CwSO '! ,E01<1MOW« . G lM yoU R E W R G . MD'EXECirt^'JE. I'M AWnJlLY

------------- - WORRIED y^BOlTT

E M T iB C ^ V n i _____


_____ ^ ^ g a h ^ i u c y » w ^

“ I W i f e o f P r e s i d e n t --

Likes Huskies Best — O fFair-A ttractions—

l i i WASHINGTON Nov. 3 MV-Wli« . 'V Mn. Franklin D. Roosevelt liked k

best about the Chleigo world's ftlr f■ WM -the m in '

’ hu im 'dow n all

A i u i ^

heT* P«M ^on-ferenca to d a y , and It w tt high

r) Alatkan, for thoUca presldentl wlfo

^ d p '* t ly * g ra S ^ l

n il yttitiw uiiw m i m y 'exhibit*^u uai much u the artu , . coJleeUon at the InitltuU. “MarreU vKu out" w u the word the used.M.. . Mn. Rooiereit described thated huiky-drivtr u haring nhe-klnd or___ h1tm ey« Uut liwV .w .j. ntt In « Unt horizons."

'“I lovtd hli don," th e tald. ■They

^ ^ i ^ | c ? S S - ^ - u k ^ L - .If I might p it them. There wero tito only h ilf wolf that It w u all rl/h t for me to’pit."

**• ■


lon _____ffl*

T. E. Bailey and Melrln Oretky,liar engeged in builnest as potato buy--nt en under the namo ot the BUI, Q, Bailey company, auKed lu lt In the V ,u,tf .dUlrict court her« yeiterday to r « - ^

'” *. leged failure to fulfill a contract to

ic tf tw*’ t m t ^ d B ln*Ja57w ra*to-« t- be delivered In September. On ac-ane count of alleged Iota of protlU tn» !• tales of 10 carloada of 19-poundthe ban. and 18 carloada of 100-poundInd bagi ot poUloei early In tho leason,(tl- the poUto dealcn u k for $1080, to- nd- for’lnjury to their

,dc- FJIPRESS’ STATUE STOLEN- . '0 BUDAPEST M vfhleFei carried

away a bronie tUtue of the late Em-

^ a 'h m ^ ea r’B u d t ' ^ i f n S t a f ^ monument w u valued a t $1900.

i-;; 3 yellow 43 to 43>ic; new com No. 4 mUed 3S'ic; No. 3 yellow 374o to

• 30Uc; No. 4 yellow 39!1 to 30«c;' k->; No. 3 white 3$>i to 40c; old and new ••SI com mU^d ^ j.^ .l’gJl^wJOlie : No. 4

W35'ic:Na3whlt«33W33Uc,Rye:- i-L No, 1. 63^e. Barley 40 to 74c. Tim- «-5t othy><fd.{5J0W$8cwt.ciorcr8eed

$11 to $14 cut.


I futures closed: I tay 79c, DecemberJ___ 11V rn«h-ntg Tipnil WIiiMtem 7(|ic«;___

dark hard winter, 13 per cent 78c:It per cent 80>jc; io(c white 70Hc:

' — western while 70?4c; hard winter 10!jc; northern iprlng 70>4c; west.

------ em red 70«Sc.--------- — ................OaU: No. 3 while $23. .

asli ^C a^ re^lpu: Wheat 39, oaU 3 .W

i W E A RE IN T H E M.- ^ - ^ M A R K B T - F O R — - «ed- - c r ;O V E R r O R iM M - n n d - -

A LFA L FA SE E D .= If yon do not triih to teU 00 ^ loSiyl tDiriiel, we «U1 mike yoa■ a nbitantlil eith advance gtr-

Ini yoB lha opportnnliy of re-. . .e«lTtn^lh»ar«n{e-mirtwi-prie« —• tbreaxboDi Ibe year.

See Ua Before "Yoo Tnde.■n J . A. CED ERQ U IST .>i- ------- ^


' At Ihe Globe, next (o PaelRo

” TEonTTH ^ * P . 0 . Box BU ~I Twin Fallt, Idaho

■ — m m m m l


^ _ - t \ / w H f i ; t G T H E O L O , UEWHWWOWBEROP S - AtHE WORLD BEEM < .

_ . , r . ■

________ . ' tCwHcutfl ttoro

s m r a l s i t d i ^ l e t

I- ' Uit Ulter btUtTTjbn B uA tl ibol dig I her b n ta i i i B a e r V u B«(|. lA «b I tb« UsM Uw V u B srt tma$Ut

-w en itc teL Then C »»U » ih e m k “Mooar la Uw hw**- chi te p o ^ rw iD ta w IlW C jrtU a. BemU. H n. V u B s f 'f iw a»-b * p » .d e * rtb « U w B tw 2 > « a .t ^

' Hll* PU o*tae«a*dl«B .wllhtlw .

K mc, when Jtm b h U li« tn tn f ^t# w t a mnnwr • S

' tlw lu t few w ttta. Tlw McntI.MU. pUm la Uw BIh B«om li i tu a iw ep fn -b B lm p tr.A n a J lin ”i t Krt l i - -

. j m ’8 BATTLE ■"■- W l-aM BUl-htd—m d—O t n ^ im

« ■ ( •&! m not to ooiu w tta ierl - ' to H»l« p Uh ; but b« did not m n ; ^

• Wbea. Uiertfore, b* n lum td from for ' I « a l t u n u h ll ovn dufc lUldi a t u r

K utu« ktter too o'clock h i.dld aotidoo— n » x - ih s iM k ~ a i» n x s m 's s m r ^ f^

<! left It }uit ajar. '.oTiHo lighted ona « tlw candla 'iaT

vhleh Csnltaa had brouiht. Be land ,ble» out'Uia natch and atepped ejv; back, and then aad Uien a to1o« ba^

------- tpoke-a loud-ta-hli-m lndi-'T laht JLnI tte a itooes — fire vtadowi Uke aeU

, iUt»r-no one know* whan Uier a n c u

H(f w lelTiU xtaj iS*U» candrt S aoe wlUi a moat frightful raeltng Wb

. of apprebeulop. The wordi Unked btoi E lnar Van B ^ eae n td i wlUi ito: U» Blua Room. £

The ihock of Uw Uiought waa ejrci tiemandoui. If Uia encfalda v a n poa her*.he QUit h a rt brought thmn. T I f Uier veto here, Uien be bad ihot car

B w hera MaJim took Uia candle and veat up* vai

ftalxa to Uw B]ue Room. Ha vent tbe up to Uw (oQT'POit bed and threw got the candlelight upon me beadpleee mai vlUi lu carrtag of Uia Tree of « < Enovledge. He tvlited Uw bottom % ii apple oa Uw right-hand ilde; a t Uw b> t

-------- •amrUmTHrpunercia'U ia'M ileld; “ JlI t opened like a door. nU hand fell, g n '

Jlai t t^ e a , ataring. Here v tre vor Uia. emeralda-here, ta Uils aecrat he i place. Ha tried to lUr h it mind to a i i thought, but nothing mond. Tha ber)emeraldi vare ta Uw aeeret place of i

. behtad Ralph de Durgh'a ahSeld. dldi

put out a hand, took hold o( Uu gold H chata, and puUed Itfbut of tha cup< whe board. I t evung aa be had aeen It bad avtag from Sm er Van Berg'a hand gnu -< !gh l iquaxe gtien itones wlUi ahn

k pearli betwctn Uiem-“lUte a kld'i ded f •JT«B beadi." mat

half itood; half knteled a t ttw bed- poa ^de with the a n dia end burnt to_ m i

-m' he was lii full rlaw, aot oolr ol Uw Bai door, but of tha whole lengUi ot the roa< paiaage betwtea Uia door aad Uw pttl

, main eorrldor. whliT hem anw hohadianw dU iaeor- tlon

■ ' ner a moment before bad l in t you itartcd back and then camo cau- tani

------- Uouily-onTTIfl-eouldMe-UiellghW jou'panel of tbe door, aad beyond It Uw and bed head with Uw right hand pLllar, Tl and Jim half turned away, a* knee run upon^the bed^and hla len hand Juat pit>

tte hand « a In Tlew-to^ hand and j wiu what It w u holding — tbe eight tnl:

Daily Cross JV- • ACROll SolutlBn ef Yartetd Xj ls*kt(

. (. rir lib '■ r n >ilT M . . r i f ' l» . sermiBiu p ’r ' B " P r rIt. EaUc* lA lP lA M Q IPlAir IU. Dnm* lit is | a o |N [ ^ p | T l o mII. BuKUek [ m R M E y N A V

w T i b w o r

' — - - eeiiea-' y c L f l^ j^ p H

tL otStntet |P |5 |G |S B T |V [ ^ I t TreiiM •IL D(*tc« tot tt. fiwiDt

- -!:SF ^ ' r £ i ; H i m = i t : s , ' . r " f c - T Teutko* Um- k JlUtttrteU —

5n , . tl. Um2-^p.a 4. ai <9. rlcutlsu n*n»Jt. IL nroaetn ^ "

• J r 7,* “ ■ >TBilr»l» ,41. Url«a friM II. co*» bom»


i o u s - F o r t u n e

a u t U H h i i t i M t i -■

tore Ijac iMuei ________ ^

greea it«nu , ttaimed wiUi gold aad - dripptat-vllh-t>ew)i,-The-low-ca&> -

die made black ibadovi erery- where.

At Jlm 'i f ln t morement Uie m u charged him, nutchtag a t tha band which held the dialn. Ttoey came down togeUier acrou the bed. The darkneai came down toa

I Aa be feU, Jim itnuk Uw JutUai ahield vlUi h ll bead. Tlw chata v u . wrenched out if hla graip. Be bad Uw m u by the ahoulder vlUi u awkward left-hand grip ^ a bard wUt fellow vlUi a tv li t on him Uke an eeL-a* v u twltttng all Uw ttau.

H* v u a m u« dated v ltb Uw n d - denaeei and Uw blow to bU head. WlUi a violent effort ha beared

. S S d *I ierked backvanU. and vlUi a rip of

do th bo v u tm . He'BUit bare : b e e a 'u Q u id ro S T u r rH ra ix -e a t;- . for ta Uw aame moment he w >iacna Uw room aad Uirougb Uw

!'*’T I^ luS bttO ji,T w irdT b«-io tm d p I.of ruanlng feet ta Uw pauage, aad 'gaw chaee. He bad cut hli fonbead land Uw bolod n a down tato bU eyei and boUwred him. Uw mao . b a d U w ( ta n o fb lm .u d U iliU ff le T Jim vunotauffidenU rauteofhlm - T aelf to lUde Uw baoteun. Ai be came to Uw foot of Uw ita lit, be ^

wbleh kitehen vlnU TWhen be reached It, Uw vlnd v u blowing to meet him dovn Uw loag itone puiag*. T

B i dubed b li band acrou hit «yu aod n n a t top apeed down Uw pauage aad out ef Uw o p e n ^ .

The beadloni tasUnel of punult carried him a o ^ Uw yard and eut ofUiagate. Tlwn hli mind checked ^ htai/-Ho-itood tUU aBd lU tin e d ^ t w u ao ute of Juit blundering on ta ^ Uw dark. He'd got to Uilea, aod ba'd “ got to thinit- 11 Uia Uilaf w u a local man, b» vould taka aoma ilde paUi ai or cut acrou Uw garden. If he w u l i a atranger, be would pnbably ittck a: to Uie drlre. U

t Jim caught' tba aound of cnuhed grarel end began to run again. The . <«ltov-vaa.aUcklng to Uw drlTt> _

he had a ear or a motor-bike, he WUu good u gone already. Remem- bertag the v ln li 'U il 'tw lit brand u of fight Uw UUef bad put up, Jim r i didn't Uitak'be had to do vlUi a BOTlce. . ,

He had almoct nacbed Uw gale, ^ when ba itopped auddenly aod ran A' back agata p u t tbe houte akmr » •; grarel paUi whleh wound between ahrvbberiei-.Hehadtakenawdden ^ dediloo. To catch a Ughler, faiter |u m u wlUi a twenty yard ita rt and Ui Ihe'darkseti to help him offered no A a n c o .. la -a rapW-eurrey of- H * - poulbUlUea he had Men only ooe „

Bazdbutr Weit — Uw mata norUi a i road, Uw LodUngton«ad, and Uw >« paUi acRM-Uw fltldi -to Btatoa Ui whleh w u the neareit raUway ita - at tlon. I f you walked to Uw lUUan. u you took Uw field paUi, u d Uw dll- lu c e w u four mUe*. If you drore, «* jou'followed-Uie'Ledllngton-road,- m and It w u alx. ' *<

Tbe paUi along which Jtai w u hu running'eirafr out upon the'fleld tic p ith to Htaton. cutttag Uw comer, wi t f th . thlff WM maklne for Hinton bft wlUi Uie Wea of catchlns'the l u t D» tn ta ^ r e . Jim bad a reatonabla

. Al

Word Puzzle js—------dr

rtirdiy** Punt* . it. iluiib mottpo

P I E B l IOISIe I '>•

S W K . , ,

so. tw

* W ~ p O a a ' MOMS— jgH p l f l f B g W .R Umiiietu anU L B U N lT ln l worj InUl

1 m i l n , f l e■ lt.11 INIOli lg l tl. euKtdT i d B e (■ -------------1-1 ■

t . ^ X J o . M J t & o a e t------ f^**aa t r ~ "- f n * fofiowim

ef ■ w t M. Kftdov

I. m u iBppMtS I t Tnntmlllea t0f**irlj. **■

, _ t n«»ln«d_________

'l& : ilif. ■ . , lODUBIDt Bont

I . . - ------- - 4— ..

WTTM S O W lC tV A LOOK ^ COULD 'THE m ^ - K i O T E

»» K W iaA X MAV» A N ym iM O f

y ^ '- L *

la^ I m f

w. V v ^ a U f / S ^ V M B u

' S tablTEuu ScbedolaefPauenger n a ta l and

Motor Bb m Pa«lac Tbronb Twlo .« r a . r ---------

id OfiCaOff 8H0BT UNE l l EaMbODd I10 . (EffecUreJulylO,»»)w ita ta B73 learei________3:30 P. u .1- Ttata U4 le a r n ----------- »:«3 A: M.

u WMtbomd„ Trata STl le a rn _______ 10;U A. U.I Tnin-gene«T tr. ......" n t r p n cU ffE L U BBANCH

, T t a t a m i e a r a _______ 4:00 P.M.* Nettbbookd — • ." T ttta SM a rr lre i_____ 3:10 P. M. _i> ' UNION PA O m o BTAQE8It euUwBad J, Id Airtrea--------------------- 10:1T A. M. ^

fl AnlTea--------------------- 13:55 A. M. ^d U a r a --------------------- 1:J0 A. U. „

Weetbom'd' ' pi^ Arrires A. U. a “ L e a ru _______________D;W A. M. ui* A rrtrea---------------------- 6:33 p. M.

U a r ta ------------------------9:63 P. M. wl,e . NOBtn o m s STAQES 11!

JewBf, Wead«U and Qottdlnf ?;le A rrtm — ------ B:«5 A. M. ^K Learea ■— ■

OTHEB BTAOB LINZ8 ta 1- TWIN FALIS-anOSHONB tn“ Learea-----------------------11:00 A. M. ae:” Return----------:________ 8:J0P.fcl.^Ui* TWIN FALIS-WBLUe. Learea ......lfl;»0 A.'U . ,a Arrirea-----------------------T :« P . « . ‘a ------------ -

n ehanee'of tateroepUng him. He g hadn't gone aortii; j;m had tward d Uwia running foolitepa go off to Uie 0 left before he b la id f tamed b act •

e Aa ho ran. Jim wondered wheUwr ^ . toey had altered aU Uw traloi. ^

T sn in^yw ii'tfT T onfT iB irT jr^b# tl away.. Tbera uied to be a erawUog « local Uata Uiat itopped a t B ta too - ^ n Uia tvalra-tventy-flre-aad arrlred ^ . a t LedUogtoa about one. I t didn't go u any fartbCT. ^- Jlm 'kept a iteady pace aerou tha = I, fleldi. Tha farUwr h* went, UwI; mon of-a-wtld-gooae'chatedld'tbe

whole Uitag appear. Ba bad had a - a hunch, and he had fallowed It. Some- d tlmea huaehea turned out all right; r. lom eU oa Uiey let you down. Ha11 beg u to feel gloomllr certain lha t IsT M W H i l i ig to S le/dfewnflaL---------a He crowd- a lUle, aad came ta. light of Uu UghU of Htaton aUUoa.

Aa ho did w . Uu church ekKk of “ Htaton St. Margant chimed out Uw tli hour of twdra. If Uu tn ta had not been altered, he had a quarter of u hour ta h a n l 'u d a couple of bun- Ai dred rarda between him and Uie bj

The field paUi ended In a gap wlUi or poeta acrou It. Jim , emerged, til

' crosied Uw road, and began to walk tk dowa tbe taellpe .which led to '. tbe 19 itatloo. n il a long tadlne.' .. a

The dock li*d only Juit itruck Ui twelre, bul Uu trata w u coming to. dt I t m l|h t now be a ^ th lng frem the a

- a » « n :fI fC rtif rB ^ f tr (w iIr fT O i; CO but It oouldnt any longer l{* tba |oi

Re atarted to n n . and u he did Id ~ io,'iomeUilR2l)lack 'l>egu ''t^bbK ^ fo

and doim ahead of blm. I t v u u -


— - K I Q I I K ^ tsu . 'ivua MO JAKs- — W te ^ w = « » * ‘'0Ml m -*B«rrT«i


*IVE8 A FELL . eOMPiN* •


' ■ ' NI



K TS ' f H « r r - ” tlM C TH M ' B a U .k lN O « > n rHE JTTTBRS PO R FBAR SCOtj-SCTOR PROfAIVUr


- ' —


AOiraBt AdaaUnaodaeUTtaad nI. _Uwi bilai the h a to . I'■ Phacwgt

• 1__t V,

'For Sale or Trade fg~ r — I p

WniiTRADEMYHOUSBmiOTH jj arenue north for land. Mn. U . E, u

, Jennlion. ^r , A- T - - - r - Jtr other man, alto running, and pre- bi■ lumably vUb Uie un ia objects JUn a

put on all the pace he could, gained -: a llUle, and Uko u w Uw black fig- , ur« dnw away. They would bold him- a t Uie

wlckef. If Uwy beld him, he'd be v Ukely to m lu Uw train. Would they hold him? No,-he w u Uirough ,wlUi =

- a-luujd-thriitt-oui-aa-if-iw — waa- -: 4i»i!lng.».Ucket.__________________' Be w u aeroes the platform and

tato one' of Uia rear can u Uie 5 trata began to more. Jim flung him- •

. (elf agatait Uw vkket, and aav

. Uw red taU-Ught lUde otf tato. Uie dark.

H ebadahotbU boIL ' B• (Oopyjlght, 1#M. J. B. Llpptaoolt

.C o .) . ai

(To Ba Continued) 8

! HtJLBS LORE ‘■PENS10}{S''. ~

• ’ L O U B V ^ k i.^ t^ T V d t y ^ , pant c<maiUiiori'■ eoiuon'i oSlam o ' puture, and ao live aged mulei Uiat -

e n muitnoae.tlieli *’pemloni’ and ' ftad homei wlUi whoover wUl buy « I them. Tbe..oldeil.of ,Uie Tcterans

ipent U reinrpuUlng Uwnmowen -• ta a parL

j . 0I — Leflal Advertisements — '^ ----- s

- N O T IC E o rs n s u rr s S A L E - ‘i; CASE NO. in « Et I f l th e P to l r ta y to f lh B H w fn ^ "

t Zdiho, ta aod for Uie County of ^. Jw ta p a ll i . ^ " Slmpun di Company, a corpon- a

I tlon, PUInUff, a ' Ij > Mn. A. U. Selby (also known u■ Ada-Bt«limlUiS*lby) andC .0 .6ei: a i » b r ,ber builiud.Defehdanta. n

I or Sale, luued out of Uie above en- za . UU(d Court, ta tbe abore entitled ac- th ! tlon; dated Uie MlUi day of October, Ti ) 19U, whertta Uw plataUlf obtained ta

a decree agaloit the defenduti on id : Uu 30Ui day ot Oclober, 1PM. u ld |u '• deerea beln{ recorded In Judpientjc il

comminded to u il all Uiat eerUtalUi I lot. piece or parcel of land iltualtd mi

tatheCountyofTwlnPflllj,eU{eofl ;

An undlrldtd one-tlftli taterrst | 1- ■ 'L- .J-

■KS AVO 1 WHLW- - • • M 0 l l l 0 l ‘ 'n » B trp iy r= T ¥ ,~ ; '» / r e s r i S ' . f y ’ V ^ / ^ I i

i E THAr 11 HEV^-^~XTi i ^ ^ V . M A R T R V f )MK I _✓X J T y y



T ^ T l L b A ' \P A M V .O N S M > C O R W A N T S T O M K T C t L W a f A »W\ O U T - I WAMT TO 4 E E A N Y B O D Y /

AMV^ i u / y - 1 U M Jg A y g w

Sds Bar] HcIpWanted-Mals/

MEN WANTCD FOR BAWLHOH t routu ta Camaa, Blataa and

Unwin eounUu. lUUable huiUer iheuld earn 123 weekly u d Inm ate

I npldly. Write Rawlelgh Co; Dept. lD ^p .M . p e n w . C !^ .. or aw H.

J WANTED - THRODOB D n i T . lire organlaatlon work wa a n rrrailnK a new dliUlct .in South Cenlnl Idaho, headquarten Twta

' !p»Ui , Hare opening for Olitrict H Mimger aod can u u few more E. laJwmen. Muit ba local man. O ln

full delalU about yoonelf fUat UUer.- All correapondence beld ooofldenUal ~ Idaho^i m u t uioanaalTa—mtrtual »• bcnelll au’ocUUon. NaUoaal BesafU m Asm. m e, Bolie, IdalNt.....................

'' Wanted to RentX WANT, RENT <0 OR M AORSa !y Jhon i OIM/Jt ■ •Lh ' :

- ,For.Sal6= RBalJEriaiL-le 5 OR » ACRES. PHONB 3KFW.'

I - . L o s t

BROWN 8UEDECL0TOBKTVX- i ward. Return to Idaho Depaitmeat,

aiore. '

“ ffniA Y E D -O N B BALD-PAOB hoTM. oa« m an. BoUi fanoded.

Phone 380. • •

- LOST-JILACK AND WHIT* Bm D■1 _ d 2g.-iinnffn io . J e tr r^ a lL J a c t n Corcoran. 9J11, Xdeo.It ' ' [■.aA TW "^ ? y iO T T T - tiAr ^ ' d ~1irown piiha c^mlaliilhg penouali ly U reward whea returned to n u ia Hewi. .................

In and to Uie NorUieait Qoaitcr- ot lha SouUivait Quarter (NEK

Ua SouUieart Quar­ter of Uia Southweit'QuaHa'CBS'

- U 8WU) of SecUon fltUen (1«),- -Townih]p*lma(l])8ouUi,Rang«

Eighteen (18), B. B. U., and an ^ undlrldedone-flfUitateruttaawi'

PalU C u a l Company, for water '' uied upon and appurtenut to Uu

abore deacrlbed premliei together- with Uie tenementa, heredllamenta

u d appurtenancet thento belong-/ tag or In anywUe appertaining. • a rOBUO NOTICE IS REREST • GIVEN: Thatonth'eUUidayotNo-'

^mber, 19M, a t Uie hour of 3:10

- Mid day,’at the Eatt front.door of- the Court nouie of tha County of :, Twta Falli, Slale of Idaho, I win, j ta obedience to u ld Order of Sale, n lell Uie abore deicrlbed propefly to i !u tlify plalntL'l'i decree with tater-' t ;e i t thereon, togeUier with all coiti1 ' lh«» «wp]».« ,s» ,n«j, «>/.THl» fws',Uia hlgheit bidder for cub. lawful 1 money of tho United Stalea. •' .- f I Daim a t Twta FoUa. Idaho, Uili*_?«.U ay.oL Q fl?bfr.jn j,____ 'JL .

I E. P. PRATER,I Gherltf, Twta Palli County, Idaho.

/e o e o w a c i N - ^ 2 a z T ;tH c :£ A 'e E b i r^ s a ; i£

I'LL 66 * ^

r r i T H B H E RM lT 4r K N O W I [vi ) oohJ } \T l 1 n / E L T O N -G O T /S T O O D D<

M A B w e o . / o u T S l o e vi



i o o N ‘r T A B O U T - E R Y CiOODs n r e w ' r —

er V M T

X > O L - ^ _ X


^ CARItOTS, ONIONS AND P ( ^ ind toea for lale. Phone 01B7-Ji

tate P ^ S A L B - ONIONa F I R S T ept. houM e u t of lugar fadory. Pbooo H. 0U3-J}.

— 8WEBT ClDBl FROM W A a ra Of- JcnaUiana, No vonnt. Bring eon- a n tataer. 30o galloa B . T. Blake.« t o ----------------------------------- —____wta ROKIB B E A U T IE S , STAMEN riet Wta(upa.,»l mOo wwt Of SouUi lora P a r t 30e you pick. No worms. Otlf- U n flUu.


aOt applea. Free from.wormi. Kenyw Green.

= FOR BALE-APPLES, ONIONS, bead Uttuee. One and Uirw-

fourUii mS* e u t of Twta on Klm- ~ berly Road. D. B Veaburg.

ALL V A RiniES OF w i i n r a ^ = plei now readj^by boilwl cr truck

— a mUaaaait-oe Slmbarly Road,-baU M loaUt,

- 5 APPLES » O R W ESG O LfiB N , JooaUiana, W tatnpa, Ro b u , 28o

. par buihal or ton. Free from vormi. ^ Wyna Orehard, 3 mllaa v n t . lU W- wqUi. J. A. Bndlay.- ■________ •

JOKATBAM AND DEUCIOOS applet a n bow nady a t Cryatal

lOB Spilnga Orchard. FUir, Idaba For led. lala by track load or buibel lota,

• Prtoea reaioaablK-Pbom 8J», • • ■

RO U R..HtUCJaM N-W B-rURftlSH t A m deayie* t a t op eaeh toa/< of

Salomei, P ippEsandM dotoah ap-— plei. T^ them u y place. Phone

n u APPLES AU. VARIETIES, A ll.price*, 10 buibeU good cuUa tUO.

_ The home of Uw vooderful Salome,— Uu bait apple ta U u vorld for eat­er tag aod oooklag. Fargo orchard.1 K mlla north, 1 mile ve it of Fire PotaU, r - TwtaFaUt« 'I), ------------------------------------------g “ For Rent—Unfurnished

" tertoault.PbeD*ia5l. er ■ ■- —— — .

? For Salft—LivestockB t FOR SALSt^WO .m S A D .O F -A ^ to- range ewea. Good onea. See B. :W Bown. Worth Ooodlng.____________

U£ Situations Wanted‘S WANTED - POTATO PlfjKINO J r . or beet topptag, experienced. 13» JJ; eUi Ate. Eu L •'J a r ~ ~ .

r -FoundMl ---------------------------------------------

IIM E 8TRAX_JI0RfiE8*JlWMER , mayhare ^ paytag ad u d feed, ho. Write FWd Lut*. Filer.

< 5 0 1 0 ^ V w ^ ' v s r n v l /


vtsa iR j h e r m it ©p e n t T

. . i

. NOyiSMBBB ^, 1M8 .

A N T S i : 0 - B E - ' A i m E -

T l/T i* r Noftow in.'

• B A M tr p r W M14 F A C E -

Opportiilej for Rent—Fiini(shedFA- SLEEPING RO O M 0L06B IK. _ Phone W -J ,'



___ ClOM la. SU3ad North,

^ R W tCFD ^A O E BE A T . 4 tl « m '“g AT».-Wi)rth.-phwwl3W. ,

BOUSES AMD A P A R nB N n. — : HoutM for aala a t bargata prleu.

a67Sheihoiiast.5oBUtW .E6an|ar.

lyoo FDLLT F U R ir iS a E D a f a b i^ meats » t..Juitafflert..m n..and

— OaHi Booa. Fboad 45< u d m n< tpeeUrely._____________ ,

im- TBS PARK BOTBi O PF X R S tpeelal monUiljr vta ter ratea oo

varm aOnny roomi to p e r i n a ^ gueita for Uia vtater maaUAbetta*

S -. . —

i " = ^ S S = g .T !:", ! 'ZS.

m For Sail Mluenaneo’ut .W AW. r a i c ^ ^ ^

OAUKR, DSOOT DUOKB. V.' i i— Grtert, R. y . p . >, Filer. ■

Ital BSBD BKTCL& GOOD SBAR. For Bargata. Aaktv, I0« BairiaflB.

^ SHOW CABS n n s a l s — sbMr. Wartwr, Drtra-ln Martat.

f g WABHte ~ LM ^ 1 ^ ^

u i , B tB u t.


a tl, WEfflTNQHOOSE AUTOUATIG eomblnauoa_oeal and- elaetrlo

= r n a g e r i n ^ Ja,'flol9M irapaK ? meata.

1 FOR SALE-POTATO D K K in ~ . chain, 34 tach, aUghUy uaed, good

Agency, 130 Second Arenaa SooUl

FOR SALE-MBW AND. BBOOND • -** band ucka. Redoeed pricea co «• 1

to t-tach vood pipe. Lcnnbar and lln booU n ltaen . Idabo Jimk C

^ H ^ . 153 ind A n. SouUt ;H. — " = g ' ~

NATtmAL F E R U A N l^ ^ S plete, f3i0; balrtula, 38& Phone

JJ5 m . Mn. B t a m e r , t o d Are. North. ,

^ JK3BS WANTED-ANIONB KAV- * tag tafoimatlon Bani7

TwtaFaUi,8epU m bersO ,l»,eoa> t munlale i t onee wlUi Beln R«-

^ aeardi and Recorery Bunau, tlfl | B l B 9m er.L 4U £htin j)k i(,,j<p(/n(^ s sed. CaL WIU pay for taform ^on coo- e

earning bli telaUrea. a

IP I 6PEMT TM(S£E ►^DERO ■moufiW c o L U iw tCQKirr

W U - V \ m ! O J A „

_ • . y . r ~ :

r t T b \ f » h y f e ' A J i M M U i

V / l y

i i i i :ma .I^tlttlDIUI.'— BTCOBMXI

___ 0 . 0 . n u i r ^ y m O o ^ W k t t n -. '■<n s . m s i R A i w m R — i M ' . rieia. effleai U ee taaa BsUfiM, >w — - - y ; „ •

— . , . W.P1HDI0 BRS BAUAJtRXB F L O M B IN Q « ' I 00 auiiBg cH i-B tiw M aw Hmm . neat f » haai&t iw o M a ^ r f lw a i-w .

K A m U B I S BKNOTAIED AND .■ ■ in w i Liii . n u u r a i ih rM iwfu'pw^— b a m ,-lO e - lb .-W u h a d rM d rt« 3 * -^= W sU .T v t& 7 in ilC a ttre aV lH ta rr/;: ^ . S3i_^'Ara.0OBtti.l>IUiW ltW.

Z W an te (( :^ M Iio e I ta h eo u s . ’I

U R I I ....................

w A N in> «> ou> w t m m a x q ~ ’T

ntw, - ^

~ .A nia lat,iliaw |«< H M ii.O iaw i. ,,V

:4th' V A H I I t t ^ ^ A B X k i r ^ T W r - ^ ___ B *m T lW al.« l< P tA m JlB rth> •

w A m » B a i a i ; i i B H s v o u i ‘ ;

5 i n S B 5 5 r a S K 3 5 » 5 S /

1 «• B x n u LABOB S R O tn i r a m ■■ aad kaya fo rm a d a n , O rtar a l eoet,ttnk OUIfordDemwy,Uao.

— —for saie^rtoniolillM~^qw>«hapa. W M I1 c it te t , l f a .a ^

« • F o r S a le — F u f n I t i iS rtb . ___“ 3-PIBOB MOBAIR O V U B iU ffU >

Kn* tnCW AMD D 8 0 fDBNlCTRB Of R*. an ktadi Coal Bangea aa lo t u tl« m aaeo. Wa tn d a tn d boy ar aea

u d F um ltm Stora, R u o a «,

-H E A R T S T R IN G S "^ "

M i W « T C H o I n \ ^ s ^ ^ ilTHOSB INUIWS.I i , • •» a \y ,n R M ~ U — — X ----------------


. ' I ,■

4IH iFfE i E l S ! '. V s e t re ta ry .N ew ell S . W lgM ■

L is ts A ccom pllshm enls

01 G roup lo r P a s t Y ear

H li'lm y Wfd» 8 o a th -C e^ I ' Tdphn Uym«H im p ^ B t In TvU) m i l Chamber of Commerce t>re-^ durU« thB p u t ye»r. t iTwrtinuMi to Ui< KcreUr7, NtvcU 8.

the efumter co>cpeni!(d vUb sun)* hHhi«y dlitricu and «lier

r i" .n S % a . 's r . ,”LSfi

...... aUa ot contrtct In the vlclnly

2s r « j « « cnw k i : coMtnictJon work In p r ^ JJU

------m irr«rtJw -eom pIrtl(m --of-U rfl;------

pratd * u put on Uu hlffhwi; pro* I i m m for eotulrjeUonj wrrey* h»r«

- E ? S '; ,T S ‘i ? ' K :n ttn l 'c o ro tr io u th - tm rti .T * ln HOSi g g iM ^ f tr « ,lh » «

CuMlnt er the B o ^ P M k -w m n loop o( V. a M. P

M*D7 r«OA« J*tM rmnlanaetit work (Mk on u t 1m>

- w S n t w e t for JJm chtmberj^a A i^ o( 90(8 men «id t o i« i t»* oow

• ing plMrt oa ^ » L Pw«'• d iw tittoJibor.-n i# (rffle* r t the to ij .

chtmber «r oommerw h u the «xm bwdquirtwi for «n Th ■wttnp of the Hatlonil RffOTerT AeClhB"wamliyTTPort

-^^W rttrimifer of the 0 . 0 . 0 . e»mp from another-dWriet to Pwwpln® fiDrinvi In the Minidoka Killona) lu S S r t w i; an a ^ p u » h « e n t for whlcl

• the rroqp thit patt wmmer. The itlon - r j ^ b e r Merchants' bureau hat emoc

ftS S w ed t S ^ k U prcbleni for tolhi builnett houiei and h u brouahl aiiK

w L n S - q

, brldn tell and erentualljr ellmlMt* hUCc In fw U eeet wllh oul enienii to need th t local eommtmltle*. and h u b m to us placed by the chamber M ore the com nor and th* ilaU hlfhwajrds- parineAt tor action.

- v S 'a a 5 * J S S ' . H ’S p. ■ «tttt1nr the warr it hw Intem W

lltelf In henefldal leflilallw n a t­ter for thU wetlon: ll hu t eomoHed fndnitiial s r m j i . and nrorld^ I— fatvin* eontradJ for farm produeti k / and bu lneu detllnc*. (Ton

•nie tuooWwt of pobllclty h i t u,#v Iw n an Inuxirtant fonetlDn of the ^

I B i l F Sl l M i S I I K «

— ™ n .F a I l ! M an, W an te d lo r H

T ex a s , G oes W ith s 'h e r lll j “___ * , Chrl

tUf»Kenaelb U Oombt, U , veteran of

the World n r atlaUon corpa who rti wai t m n her# for aeulr eUM m«{<

------ jtanuE dO om ai.«m echan ic .le ll a ta

ieoo>mUe antomobUe trip lo Clifton, T n ai, io -clear lila i»m # ' In con- DectVm*llhanlne-ytar*old murder;

C«nba-w»-named In an Indict*.• . t ment aecuilog blm cf murder of Dr. n ,- i

' Oven Car^nter a l Cllflon. U a; 13. 1 tf . M SU. Uli forocr emplojcr, M. II.

Smith w u conrlcled of the crime ^------- and lenitrirtd-lo-M rm a W jeiL —

term In prison, from whleh be w u & rtleaied vf execuUre pardon about a xetr aga The Indictment accuilns S

. Ceobi of eomplldir In 'th e ctlnc------- wuT«nmMdTTnTtBaTlii7ioiiow=^ “

tnc Osabi'disappearance after be* ini held for a day or two. ■

Oimlnt Daek Iletv .--------- Comb* surrendered himself to po­

lice here last Saturday .ttatlng (hat he winted to go back to Tcxu and cletr hla name.

Just before tearing here, Combi aald that h t w u looking forward

..— tetdlcl jfao ju iila l

= n im n F t» -T w in ^ T S ilI i-a s ••octp*n------jwelble,------------ -------- - -- -------

, Sheriff Ptari ii, Benson, who csme here for Combs, tald trial probably win be aclKduled early In the nrxt diftrlel court Urm which- conrenes

___ next Member_5. _ __ _Urt. ‘6o»bi, a fbaner~Wiw).

»’ Texas, gitl, did not return wllh him lo T exu today, although Tcxm oI- Jleeti aud aho would be wclcome ta

____ mike Dw trto If she drMrtd.


0 . D. IDumpMn. recetrer fcr Ihe

■here yrtterday to recorcr niJ,7B plus tnterer. on account of (9H.70


- GOLD & SILVER iUeenaed By C. 8. Ooreramtnt .

—Here THIS WEEK oal;— | Small s r larga qoaBlltlea SOUli i

i------ PLATED er ntX E D (BCb aa eld •Dental Gold. Watebei. Chalcii.U agi and Brekea er DUcardro Jewelry.

Cafl AITCRNOONS a i tlie addrcM below and recdte tl>

T la tT iu irT rrw ra -ea n a t-y w borne. Qera bbU Satsrday ere- Blag. Kor. 4tlu

y O f i m and HECKKt* m tn d Ar. K. Pb«M 1K>*W

I Willie Willis |' i N r i O B m q t n u i i i I —

f i r

fore1 goeae Uify hare woman Khaol

teacbera m yonll r t n»»d *« /or mindin' atrange women before yoB

_ mm

MMHIIfS S_____ forli

baciR oss U rges I'dahoans t o “ q

— S up p o c U iU U ii-U p h iild in g ^

E duca tiona l S tan d ard sllDC

------- andA procUmallon h u been Issued by clot

Ooreoor-Or-aan - Iln a jleilgntUng aiy. Pirenl*Teacher Week Norember » to IS. lo be obierred with appropriate J. exeRlsei In each community. a d(

The four local Parenl-Teacher u * a I

lUtodatlon council will join jim lltr qi ‘j groupt throughout the stale In ob* qu> terrlng the week. . n tn

Iteallzlcs the Important* poilUcn vali which the Parent-Tcacher crganlx- etUi atlon iHlds la the community. Oor* irm emor Hou ulgea ereryone to “rally cuK to Ihe support of the Parent'TCacher tn 1 taioelallon'' and encourage them "lo work In harmony lo u lre the great* ^

beftTO^he-AmerlMii-Mople-ln-llw ^ hUtory of our cmintry,'’ lhat of 'the , w need of proper education In order to uphold our American sUndardt."

. - . dlvl

■ ■ jw i

S' moi

KALLAHO - Prlendt of Anton B. tert(Tony) Kalland, Jerome, may caUU (ortheWhltomortuarylodaybelweenlO berA. U. and I P. M„ lo view Ihe body twJranerahie»Tlce*—wllt-be-htid-el-l ttrtuo'clock Ihli afternoon a t the Whlto crtj

>n ithirgii ftf Twla ffdi

HENDRICKS - Funeral Mcvleea ST ror Oeone iJendricka will ba held tomorrow altemoon a l 2:90 o'clock a t tha Drake chapel. Inlermenl wUl be In Twin Pftlla cemetery. • A

------ - two------------------------ bee

Com Jng E venti »'■»

Klmbeily a » n g e will meet Mon- L i day ercnlng, November 0. a t tha r Chrltlltn church. All memben art tufed lo attend. ^

Tb* Joint'AmerlcanlraUon com- m«{fl wlH meet Satardty afternoon A;, at 3 o'clock a t the home of Mn. A.J. Peavey, ir„ IM Seventh arenueaortb---------------------------------------- T S = ^ . . . , chll advanced lo W. D. Arerllt. to 11- nance farming operations .during the I93t Manon. Suit il brought on *)?• a tetles of aeven promlway notei. aecured by crop and ehatlel mort- ‘Or gagct.______________________ • tprli

J d e p e n d e n t J

IndependentT hree M odem M a r l ( e ( » ^ e r

ed in T^vin-1

= ^ A T U

- BEEF -. Ptlin# Wtfl. Rolled.

I’liuiul ........ ................... -----------_ CliQliy l»Qt Roaeti._ _______■ Poiina ....... .............

Rump Roasts. - - -ro iiiid______________________SitlM etenks.

Sirloin 6!eaklruiund______ _______________Round Sleaka.

- V E A L -6hould«»IloMt.

■Pound — ___________________Leg, Loin, Rump Rout,rtAitirt______________________veal Slew.Potmd_____

F i T i n g o r B a k i n p ;

S t e w i n g : H e n s , Y c

■ W a l k e r ’s F r y i n f j ]

_ E u r e B o i 'k S a u s a g

S u g a r C u r e d S k i n !

S u g a r - C u r e d l « a r

B u y Y o i i r S u p p I

T o d a y — T h e P r t

M o )

F l i t o i a - f c i'IflSTDPni___________ ' -------- ■ - y . ^ 'CIi

L ack o f " D e p re s s io n " C lause

L ea v es C o u rt No A lte rna - „

tiv e b u t. F o reclosure.— It I

"onA l« ) 0 mortgage eontracl which

Boyd Jordan signed In August, lOU. pledging hit 40-aere farm, four and o n c 'l ^ miles louthwest of Buhl, u ^ security for repayment for the loan, . did no t eontaln a "depreMlon- * “ clause;» be » u without an effec- “ “ tIve deTeoae when the morigagor't " forecloturo lulC am o to trial In the district court h o e yealerday,

Patco.O. Carter, Boise,'attorney for the mortgage holder, John Han*

.w k -M u tual LUe iMuranco ^ * ^

moved for Judgmenl w ^ ^ e a j n c ^ IngtnmWodgrWrArBabeoekfrant:- pta ed th* moUon foUowlng aUoroeyC moi argument and. Introduction ot oral opr and documenuiry erldtnct by tbe w amortgag# bolder.-------------------- ----------

In a petUlon for tUy of toredo* II iurr, W, L. Dunn, T w b falit, at* eoa torney for Jordan, argued tbat UflT* ladi en 'a naaonabla timo to recoup bit fool fortune*, and If farm valuca come thoi back even parUally equal to what’ Uoo they were in Augutt. IWI, he will bo the able to pay olf tbe obllgatkia In tuU. tom without lots-’ to tbe m urtg^e bold* thei

Records IndlcaUd nothing had cau be«n paid on Iho'morlgag* account all tlnco 1033, and that la s u for IRO h u and 1931 had not been paid. Fore* bIo( cloeure atilt w u atarted l u t Janu* flor a n , r r

Tafcea BstlnCM Black ’ chr J. H. Bchaefcr 9«alned yulerday ^ li

a default Judgment oilortcloaur* on ber a IJOOO mortgage not* covering a ^ Tni>i-h.i«inwM nioeie tthlch w u a part pen ol ‘M n. Memo 0 , Tanner't esCale, |bw Ouy IL Shearer, «m lnlitrator. w u Jt” named u defendant In the. action. Valu* of tba properlj w u »arlou»ly « etUmil«l in reeordt In th* action at Ifom to 14000. The note, e i ^ cuted in January, IMS, w u payable ®” ' tn ”

u tcM U w m " « “ 0.™wet»'(I*lllWllRir*lnce-Augtalj'iy3ar j.,;; —Anotherdefault-Judgment-d for** clotur* w u granitd ycsUrday lo William rrlie ll on an »ieOO mortgage ji^p not* covering a lot in t u ^ ih»dlvltlon. FUer. Becorda Indicated put Jh jt tbo note w u algned in May. « , 1033, Iv 0 . 0 . Felton, now.a retldent jor b rnyw O klahom a^w lu> ,ln .Feb . i ruary, 192J, trantferred the property the to ll . J . Weaver, PUer. tub}ecl to tbe cut mor«age. and that no payment bad. tlet been made on tho principal and in - tieiterettw aadus'from April, lU 3.6ult lallfor forecloauro w u ilarted fleptem* _ ber 11. lu t . and Attbur;L. Swim, Tnto P»U i.w « appointed lu t oc* npwtier-3lrto bo‘t«el»er-or-tto*-jw>iu Hk’erty* rentaU d u r ln g ^ g period of I ^



Alleging h it wUe, the mother ot ICO Uttlo glrli, a and 9 years old. b u tk

•Hjylng lulf, nIgliLt ilnroApril I. Bernard Young ttarled tult hU

; in the district court here yesterday n . ; .lor.dl(orceirDm.Mn,.OrlCtlLVpung, lu i

married In Kearney, Nebraska, June «u)3'. \m . Raybom and Kaybom, Twin ii,.Fallt aro bU aUome>s. ,tc:

On grounda ot alleged -non-tup* oni port. Mr*. OkelV.PeltyJohn, mother con ol three children, 1 to a yean old, ctii Ku granted a decree of divorce from ot T. W. PetUJohn, following an uncon* f t i tested hearing before. Judge W, A. Babcock in the district court hero Am

children, i to l l yeart old. who re* not cenlly tu rled a new ault for divorce (er fVoin Enrl O. Scott on grounds of cro neglect and tion-tupport, .obtained tall dismissal yeiKrday ot a former Ailt mtJ for divorce whleh tho brought to tbe tatl

tprlng ot im . ________________ er/

L M e a l C o m p a i i y ’

C e n t r a l C i t y M

■Sm litB Tiyln FaH s Counlj- w ith II In-FnlUi C n u n lr . U y Tw in F a lb F

I P H B A Y - S P E C I A f c S — -

iT]— 15c -S5_______ t/\ln PftU

~ ~ 1 0 c -------- Choice uTR M rti

g _______ Rolled s T o o i^ ri

I i i ’i c .-1 2 1 4 c _______

- ]

:__:10c . a .1 5 c ^M lder.

— '.5c . 'E v H Zn g C h i c k e n s ________________

Y e a r l i n g s .......................................

g H a b b i t s ........................................

i a g e o r H a m t i u r g e r ............ ...

t i n n e d H a r a s ............. .

e a n B a c o n ^ ......................_______

p p l y o f P o r k , S m o k e d M e t

P r k c s s T a x G o e s O n P o

M o r n i n g , N o v e m b e r 6 t h .


U : : . . ; ■ . .

Royal-Family-t Array Selves

ChryBBalhenums In Orchid, Goli■--------------- > -< I r tB d r ta a d “- P (

: Holiday r

Nowlt tbe teaion ot Ibe Chryian*.er. themum. royalty of Flowerdoa. r t- mo liable and uUerly.beauUfol, whether cal It be tbe queenly pompom 6f the tb< "only on* or ber l^ d " to a plant jw variety, or whether It b* Ih* minute, tto anowflake-whlt* with be* « ij Princesj Mary Plcktord type, or tha Dainty Maid button n riety ot tucb a delicate pink that U it more a mur* mur than a color, c

Itot-houMi f l the local AkIiU, .iii OrloWllUams and 0 .8 . Randall, are alive with color tboe dayt. the ber- anc aldt of the Thanktglvlng teaton tm* exc folding tlKlr lorellnett In tubdued pla huet and itlmulatlng thadet u It Foi :tbiy wera rtrrulng fnr in PrifnUl fl5i 'court coronaUon. Mr. RandiU uff

'openlngjorthech^aanlbeniamaea* I’l” lioO A ^sy Sunday,|___Xnow.tht.ffbat*_Famlly____

If “chrysanthemum" oonnotet rac* 2 leoon coatj, "mumt- the alt* ot ml* lady'a this-year't hat, and rah-rah ^ l i football garnet, and lhal only, you , „ i should treat yourtelf to an Introdue* jn I Ucn to the entire family. Ther*ar* frin the glarilt.. the pompomi, Ih* but- chit tont. and the anemonea, and all ot II them charming. . crt,

all noKcrt. Every chirtantbemum ami h u lit own blooming dal*, and wUI adnbloom on that very date. Thut, a youtloritt can bench h it planU on rich ron ^ regulated tchedule .IhU h* h u Dre

Mr holldayt. If h* UtntpIanU them thei ehnnologlcally from poU to tbe pan

yellow; orthld, white, rlppfiig wltb' R S teauty. Boma of .tbe flowen will be anc< in full bloom, and tome wUI be )o il xeU' 'lUrtlng, but a ln y t tberv will' be will |chrysanthemumi, until the winter It h l^

®” ^The*e “K e iW * QullUea gw If you would have chryunlhcmumt "mo

linger with you for (jull* a whUe, bud thrw or four week* even. Juit mind U t Slirilie'fV irtsU tell-ymi.-Chryi*a» mat twmnmriT*itunlrpl*nt*,'to-begln off- with, and wllh proper caro can be tho kept week*. When you buy mumt. fore Ihe glanla parUcuUrly. you ahoud tual putlheiM m slnlodeepwaterutoon fetl u poulble. and keep In a cool place larjlor about three houra. . In <

The water should be changed on To the flower* every day. and a freth muiciitpiadedallyonthebottomofeach pon:ttem. Thl* It n« fi« ry because the theItem teer* «wr, slopping the clrcu- are latlon of water lo the cambium lay* den


J. C. Penny, lounder of a nation- , A vide atsoclalloiiol department tloret which beart hU name. It to vUlt ^ Twin, m u next Monday to attend an all-day Mlebration to be given la hla honor a t the local Penney store. ?“ R. p. Roblnton. minsger, announced last e v e n l y J",

will belhe gueit of hon^^^ a meet*Ing Of tho Penney company, futocl* atct irom Bulil, Durlcy, Rupert, Je r- o,», one and SliMhone stores. He U b come here Irom ilie PacUlc coitt pjj; where he went to attend the opening xqu ot the Penney companya new Ban Pranclaco unit. —

"Allhough Mr, Penney of Amerlca'a foremost merchanU and tnown^froM ^^cw^t^io^^t^u the J

RcSn*on'tald, "he llket nothing bet* t ler than to mix with the shopping < crowd* and aludy the trend of r e - ' tall butlneat. In {act he nerer tleps < into a P e n n « ttore without ftavl*- tating to » puce behind the count*. eiT|_____________ . I

y ’ s M a r k e t s

M arket, Kimberlyll the F inest Meats, R«Ih- 8 Fflnntfs. ........... T

-PO R K -. - l U c


1 4 < - ;

1 2 c -

_____________ — 2 5 e

-L A M B -_______________ _ 1 6 c

! 1 _ ---------------- 1 5 c

-------------------------------- 5 c

------------------ 1 6 c lb . ,

........................ 1 5 c lb .

.................I T ' / o c l b .

. ■ , - ' . - 3 ' b s . 2 5 c I........................1 4 c l b . I

-------------- — Ileat and Lard ■Pork Monday ■


-NEWS,-TmM F ^ . ' IDAH 0,

-pfrFIowers— i es for OvationGold. 'White and Broiue. "Play

ty Prize - - -

• ,e r. Waler beromes itagnant here . more quickly than In tome other lo- : eallUet, and It U. dmibly neccaary I that the waler be changed every 34 . hour*. Some florists recommend cut*■ ling stems under waler, this prooett

eliminating the poBslblUtles of air c bubble* colleellng on the stem boi* , tomt, causing acme plant* to wilt i while othen in Ihe *ame\-ase or con- Ulner remain upright ’ j

Ptowert benched the first of Jtine , will be ready for ThantsgJrlng UbJe j (jecoratloni. The button.'pompom, and anemone lypet lend Uiemtelvea excellently lor Uble decoraUont, plated In low bow^ or In moun^. S For ba.:ket* and larger Ttae* th* ; a lan^ are dUplayed to belter advan* *

^ ‘ '■ '^ . l ik T y w r 'c h iu r ' ■~Tou cair f lnd^htTsanlhemumt^lo >>blendwilhormalchanycolortcheme Jyou might te lk t. There are those ialU-ebronre button mumt that, p lu - Ced-ln-bras* or mttal-waU-vatex^em. Ito glow like tapen In torchleret 1 31irre ore anemones, bronze red, wllhgold pincushion cenlcrt that tug* ugetl laxuiT. There tre button mums t n butter-colored yellow; exhibition

fringe onemonet, whltet, plnka. or-

crt, you-want the Tiny Tot, the most * mndptl. tmallest chrjtanlhemum InS fftenwT Only im p i iP ln a n m ll r -amcler. It raise* a flushed face for ;admiration. lU to lor Is that of a i,young cliild'a chceka afler a hard c, romp. Tiny Tot U excellent In. aDretden Khcme of decoration, mln* .gled wllh liny blue flowen. .

One of the most exotic chrytan* *;themunu a t tbe Randall Floral com* °pany 1* the.novelty plant, developed J t^.Sldnej- A. Nelton, 5ol*e. He a ^

R S te n ^S W ^ U c a led in appear- " ance ll has -nfrtan rose petals, a P yellow pincushion center, flanged wltb copper nuUls. I t Is of the ex* J hlblllon anemone type. *

Tbe giant pompoms dont “Just grow lhat way.” iheyTe actually ■■made’ the size they are by the dlt- i' budding ot the pant. Only one bud g It allowed lo flourish lo luxuriant a maturityr«ll*olher-bud*-*r*-pl«k«l b olf-a«aoon-u.lhey-appear,and4hut - the entire itrength of the pUnt U forced to the one bloom. And even* I lually }-ou luive a bloom of exquisite y fetttvry lovellneas, tomellmc* u t large as (even and onc*half inchet r In diameter, and four tnchet deep. To be perfect, the Innermost peUl* mutt curl to hlde,lhe wnler. Pom- d poms, aa the florltl* know them, are g Ihe Mime variety u -the giant, tliat « are permitted lo bloom, miny budt jj dereloplngoniaiogletlalk.


' . IAbstract of Otte to tbe «-*ere g

farm which Twin Palb county com- «mlstloner* purpoj* converting Into a || "poor Iarm" h u been received here and Is being studied In the countyntloriiey'* office, eommltsloners jlearned when they assembled here iye*tPT(lay, after a two-day Inten’al. j,lo close the poor farm deal jj

nlete Ihe transaction loday, Includ* ‘ ing award of ccntracU lor removal ( of the hotel building at the Amaisa- mated Sugar company'* Twin Palls « plant, and csnstruetlon of a new (. foundation and basement on the poor g


Founde------- — f ea t u i

starting At 8 o’C — =------ We-AreGi

3 6 0 m e n s



W hat a {rolden oppo^ tunity for you I Sav­in g with n Wff “S"-* for these warm, 8cr\-- iccable union auiti were made to sell al MUCH hiffher prices! Snap them up — for they’re to sell

g ™ _ i n a h u r r y ! /J1-JrfrPei H TwinF


4 iM 8 8 -T 1 8 -; mnmm■7 M rs . H a t t ie A nttils, R esiden t

„ H ere M any Y ea rs , Called

% By D ea th a t H ospital24 ■ ____ _I* “ “ ' 1a M n. Matll* Inei Anthli, M. wife■Ir o faeo rge Anthb, and reddeal oft- Twin Fall* for the p u t M yean, diedlit at S;4S o'clock Friday evening a t the

M n V a t e r c r a stprlng, and bad tubmltted to an 0|>-

« eraUon a t the hospital recently.She w u bom .at Wllltpolnt, Tez*

? u , June 9, lew; Mr*. Anthlt w u a *' member ot th# Order of |he Esttem '• SUr a t Cuthlng, Oklahoma. She w u ! aUo affiliated wllh the OhrisUaa*_ chureh-ct that p t ^ . ____________------Burrlvlng relatlre*-u* her-hut-

band-andJour ehUdrtn. Robeg, la gene, Vera and Jamc* A nthls7^m it Falls; two b ro tlm , Otorge LaHue, .. OburcblU, and m w iU UUue, Eden, 3L uuLonejiliter.»r».p,.L,.BiufiaiftIL a TwlnFalls. .h The body rttU a t the white mort* [* uary. Funeral aenlcefwlU be an* u nounced later, \

U r €VITI€Sn , . ’

f Fewkts, Twin Falls, Is receiving med* 5 leal treatment a l -the Twin Falli ■d county general hospital,

*At Uoente Coanter-Bdward lAth, .. Churchill, and Mary HUl, T-wln Fallt,. obtained a marriage license a t Twin d Pall* county Rcordcr'tofliceycster* 5 <1V. .

? “ Fimlly UoroJ-Ur. U S Uft: W, A. ft Poo and famUyrtlumed Friday from A Iowa and IlUnolt where itiey visited .. rclaUvc*. They also attended the ' World't Fair while there.

[i I«ave» for P o r tla n d - MlS Mar- Jorle RoberU, who h u been the

4 guest of her uncle, R. L. Robert*, It tnd Mra. RoberU^rcltOTCd ycilcrday

U CaUed to Wltcooili -G eo rge B. I* Br>’ant and Mlu Oraco Bryant left le yesierdsy lor Ocononawoc, Wlscon* I* tin, caUed there by the death of a a rclaUve, .Mn. M.E. Feller.

^ FaUenta L eaveA m ong pstlenU 1- dismissed from tho Twin Palls county ^ general hospital In the last 34 hours ll were Qeorge Bennett, HnselioD, and K Barbara Bradley, T«1n Palls.

- Retam lo Nevada-Mr. and Mr*.■ Grant Kunkle and cliUdren. Bonnie

Jean and-Richard, lutve relumed to tiielrhome ttt Boulder City, Nevada,

• alter jpewttng scvcrdi w reu vlfltlhS'

U11 / .M t ta 'T rn M p iu i-E - 'j . -D a iy :

Buhl, underwent* a minor operation yetlerday a t the Twin Pallt county

re general Ijojpltil. O. W. Wta. TVer. I- w u admitted u a paUcnl lo mat a liutllullan }'etlerday.X ■ly PatleoU nlsm lsM d-M n. Robert « Daiarord-&na-baby-*oii:Tv.'in-FBlii: « U lba ’Andcnon, Kimberly, and "• Mary Anna Ooodwln. Hansen, have

iiCfn iiv,mlw<l trffin thr Tyincounty general ho»plui.

"I farin tile. .*’ The hotel building is to be moved 11* apiiroxlmatety one mile to Uie poor w farm *lle, approxImaiMy five mllet °r ioulheut of Twin Falls.


e r ’s D a y s:URE-N0.-2-^----------^)’Clock This Morning GoingToSell— -------



m m

e n n e y G o;I F a l l s , I d a h o '

< •

I ' . ' '

, KOVEMBER 4 ,19B8

l i - C M B f r a sirir Kunefal”Wiliflir Held Ttils« ed Afternoon for Member tal Of Local Organizations I


rUt Mrs. Anna a Branion, TJ, retl- of dent o f ^ ln J tU * many yean, died

W a t the Twin Polls county gcnetal hot- oiUu rllallastevenlngat7i30o’clock.Mn. liUj. Brinson w u a member of tbe Order ir^ of tho E ulem Star and the Twla oi^ Falls cluipwr. ^ r i c a n War Moth- Ic

_ '^'nerfouraont.C.'M.Bfwuon.TwIn S m ilt; LD .Brantoa. Monterey. CaU-

[ I foraU; John Branson. Glendale, and = ™ Z. 8. Branson, Lot Angelct. wUl ™ terve as paUbearert Ih rw of Ihe “ ton* arrived Wedneiday from C*U- ~ {ornla.ln-r«ipoiw.ta-winl.flr.tbrtr

^ aflernoon a t 3 o'clock at the Drake mortuary chapel. Rev, O. L. Clark, pu tor of tbe Presbyterian church,

lIL »m huin flfUie sOTifM.Interment wUl be In Twin Fails

rt* e«meterybesldslhegra>-eofagrand- x>- daughter.


ll* Tnrln Palls radio sUtlon next Sun­OS day afternoon beginning at 3 o'clock.

The program will Include baritone solot by Seth Woody ef the Gooding

Ih, college consen-atory; piano tolos by lit, Anabel Honman. former pupU of rln Mra. Skougaard, and three thort :r* pla)i featuring Dorotby Bdlnbor-

ough. dnmaUcitudentT>f Mr*. Mer- rUl .

l i i E i i i i i F F i i m -

TUI UODY MilsI*. _____

Member* of Twin ftU t high tchool

- y«lerdiy.*ltemocn.~Mls»jjo£nlh?E. Call prctlded u m uler ot cere*5ft monlet.'n* R. V. Jonc* lumed from athlctlci ■ » to music long enough lo direct a

band concert with Metos. Terry. Perry, TOmJIn, tVatom. PJatt, ra u r

lU and Balnbridge u muilclant. .Dale ■ iiy Wakcm followed (hit number with a us sou-uphone tolo. In wlilch he w u | nd Mstsled by. a bUck caU Loyal Perry i

talked convincingly of the value of i higher education, and then led the |

r*. faculty In yellt.lie Other numben on the faculty pro­to gram were: A trio. Miss Clarice' la, saundcra, vocal; MIm Alleen Peir*

ilol'ln; two humorout readingt, Mia

:'n Throckmorton. •,ty The high school pep band and yeil

leaden completed the program ultli a "booitft:’ tor the Bur1ey*T*ln FalU game.


i T H E G Q N S I T l

= M A R K E T

i? f let I

. S Y R U P - ; i * . ^ ^ „

j C O F F E E -C o tts u tn c r ^ f l Uc

GRAPEFRUIT, a T T- - F r e 8 h r 2 - f o r - = = ^ U C - L l

— M E A I L S EB E E F ROAST, r _ i 1 Younfirt lender, Ib .... 9 L | ]

I GROUND BEEF orNpne Q J?etter.._______ O Ibs. for

- - P O R ^ — 'I 'o u n g . ^ ^ d e r i ^ T

Not f a t . ’ 1 9 - 1 I Per pou n d _____ _ ± u K / !

I c A L V J S S L l V i i K - * ’™■ ■ Whi

_ ----------- ,--------

6 tp Gi'i lb, averase. Come ear •ga ch __________ ;______

- Y O P N G - F A N C Y F IV/i lb. aventRe. The buy of tliCome early. E ach ....................


Voura For B etter Quality, Rt Saturdays—Rul

I S O U P .C aR ip b e irs ftQ - i ] I Asst’d. 3 Cans .... ^ O C 11

I F L O U R - ^ > ^ « Special. ___________________ISdH Jim dJiasL ^

CALUMET BAK]- rBahcr'stCocoanut— ----------, FREE!

B U T T E R — Creamery,^ P a rch m en t wr

MUSICAL PROGliAM ' .- "^ANDTOYlFFERED"j-r i l A variety program of mutta and »In

Theprogramlncluded: Pl^({ue|L ■ - Kedr* Rlchln* andxJuae Andrew*;

I , l«p Hunfl- rtftllw . .fils *olo. Shirley Thompson, aceomp*

anled by Ph>-UU TUompson; n a d to t lap Marguerllo Reet: Oypsy mutlcal

number, Lolt Anderwn and Piariaa ^ Hunt, and a mutlcal aklt, T t *

JnS unBto Bowl.'’ presented by member* of the M. 1. A. club. ' , , ,

etl- WBO^rK TRUCK REFOBilD iled A milk truck Involrcd In a coUUlca' lot- on Addison avenue near Uie Wash, lira, Ingloa achool last Thursday mom« . •der ing w u not the property ot Ihe JeM win ome Cooperallte creanlery, but be* tb - longed to the Sego Milk company^

BuhIpIanf.them*nagcrof IJwJer- •to ome creamery u ld here last etenln*.

ind = i = = = = = ^ = '

£ S a v e M o j i e y - —“J- . . . . FOB y o u :■***• Many a te o e T e e U b being

® p a .1 Ih . h u tfviir ttore or fomaee crape* tbroBgb yaw tbla (K loch) ■ ptafter eefflsgt. ^


"Expect to tave *75 this year."... 'W ouJdnt teU It for twice

^ II. ^ roam now «t ____^ an even temperature." "Much S ; ■ cooler l u t tummer than our ^ neighbor’* house.- "Expect to In- get by on 314 tons Ihlt winter 1, ; inttead of 6." "H u ellmlnat- o[ ed draft*, lets chance ot

ort children.alckneaa." "Heat thi or* > boute with our kitchen er- tlove.* “Ute a lot lets CDal."

IN S U L A T E Y O U R .“ ---------- D W N T ID M E -------------------

A n i_ 1 5 ^ r b o y /in apply a thick two.lneh' blanket of flaffy. llg b tw e lg b t a i d e

In “SURETrrE INSUUTIOK," s In about'! or S h'oan time.

y CO ST IS V E R Y LOW40 Sacks e t ‘ SURCTlTi:’

Ml weight aboat 400 poundt andUy-, -<riU-lnnilaU.lh*..»tll«-»r a ____ihy? -h o u a u a lt iu i l - lU J iy -S tU f U -___re* eofU only

$ 1 4 . 5 0 .• DeUvered to Vow Roae,Ty.

i f f W IN T E R IS CO.MING— f S i C A L L U S NOW r u I Yan-rt paying for' InnUUon,, ' n y ' whether yon have It cr not,

i m . r M a l n IU m h n ! ----------'SUBETTTE" ecrte H lett,

^ I and doei a 1st beller Job, tnd ^ I It the r..»SIEST TO INSTALL .

rtfe. - I D A U O - I N S U U m O N - 'JLu« • COMPANY


! U M E R S > - ^ M - -' RoKcrson H otel

B uilding Phone 260

a i l . . . ........ .....................49c

........19c I- I L E IT U C K , • [ ^ - L E x t r a - l a r R O r ^ f o r - , J X ---------

S P E C I A L S ^ _- I Fancy , younir lean i AI I BoilinR M eat. M bs I j C

or PORK s a u s a g e ] \

^ - I IE N 5 A o u n g ^ a n c > '- 'N f t l^ —

; ...M ela s ln 2 Ibn. 24c

G - f e A P O N S : ; . --------------- -le early o r phone 260.

S S S S e l R A i B m l ^o f th e sea.son. 3 9 C


y. B e tte r Price— N ot J u s t On -B u t Ever}’ D ay! __________

e ■■


" 7I L b . 25C" ~

n’n m p p r f . p w . l b . .23c

" • 1 ^