R C A p ace were chi dre˜ fi˜d their way 4, Issue 5.pdf · This year we have introduced the Molly...

Post on 03-Dec-2018

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RE�ATI��SHIPS� �EAR�I�G A�D C���U�ITY � A p�ace were chi�dre� fi�d their way

An R-7 Catholic School in the traditional lands of the Ngarrindjeri people.

Dear Parents, Caregivers and Students,

It has been an amazing year for St Joseph’s School, Barmera and for all the people (students,

staff and families) within it. Our rela&onship with community has con&nued to grow and we

have developed a posi&ve school image. I know I say this a lot but it is because I deeply mean it, I

am so proud to be the principal of this amazing school.

On Wednesday night, we celebrated the End of Year Mass and Gradua&on. I am thankful to

those that were able to a-end and would encourage even more families to a-end next year.

The feedback about the night was extremely posi&ve and all students spoke well. I was highly

emo&onal through the gradua&on speeches as students shared their journeys of their &me at

the school. In all the speeches I thought there were a couple of common themes; Students have

a strong connec&on with the school, they value and appreciate the school - its resources and the

opportuni&es they have, all staff have contributed to their educa&on, acknowledge how they

have grown as a person as well as academically and that they are ready for High School.

When I reflect upon the school’s iden&ty statement “Rela&onships, Learning & Community…a

place where children find their way”, each of the nine gradua&on speeches was evidence of how

we achieve this statement.

I would like to congratulate Jasper Harding who received the BVMS Accountants $100

scholarship in mathema&cal excellence. This year we have introduced the Molly Huckel “All

Rounder Award”, Kloe Schapel is the first person to receive this and was very deserving of this

award. I would also like to congratulate Ashleigh Haigh and Gavin Centofan& who are the School

Captains for 2017…the process of selec&ng captains this year has been the hardest since I have

been here.

This term I have had the good fortune of a-ending and being part of the Year 3-5 Monarto Zoo

Camp and the Year 6/7 Mylor Adventure Camp. On both of these camps I have witnessed and

received posi&ve feedback about our students. In the five years I have been at the school, I have

a-ended all of the camps except one (though I did go aIer school, overnight and leI aIer

breakfast). Over this &me I have seen the improvement of student responsibility and behaviour.

This is reflec&ve of the new culture of the school which has been developed over the last few


During the recent Year 6/7 Adventure Camp, students encouraged and supported each other

and faced many challenging ac&vi&es. I was amazed at the confidence of our students and

realized how much they have grown and matured over the year. I always tell the students that I

have high expecta&ons of them, because if I set the bar low, they will never strive to be their

best. I oIen find, no ma-er how high I set the bar, students always at least meet it and even go

beyond it.

Each day the staff are on camp with your child, we understand the privilege we have been

granted to be totally responsible for your child, your greatest giI. On the camp, we are not only

Religious Iden ty + Mission

So you also must be ready, because the Son of Man will come at an hour when you do not expect him.

Ma-hew 24: 44

The prepara&on and wait for the arrival of a baby is a very exci&ng, precious and nerve wrecking &me. As

a new mother one thinks “Once the baby has arrived it will all be fine.” Li-le do they know that the arrival

of the baby is only just the beginning. My house, over the years, has filled with lots of stuff. Every once in

a while we rent a skip and declu-er, get rid of all the things we don’t use or have no need for. I find this to

be very refreshing. However, something that I can’t get rid of are all those boxes that I have single handily

filled with worries about my child. They fill my rooms to the ceiling. They are neatly stored away but every

so oIen an old box pops open with old worries rolling out doing their job all over again. New worry boxes

seem to arrive at my doorstep all the &me. As every new mother I also thought that my worries about my

baby would diminish aIer the arrival and I also thought those boxes could be thrown out, but the contrary

is true, as my child grows so do my worry boxes.

I imagine that Mary would have had very similar worries about the arrival of her baby. Is my baby healthy?

Will I be able to provide him with the best? Am I capable of looking aIer a new life? My baby will depend

on me with his life, can I be depended upon? Will I be a good mother and keep my baby alive? Will I love

my baby? Will I love my baby right?

As we have arrived in the first season of the Church year, Advent, we have begun the wait and the

prepara&on to get ready to celebrate the birth of Jesus. The word advent means “coming”. Ligh&ng the

candles on the advent wreath symbolises the coming of light (Jesus) into the world.

The first candle lit on the Advent wreath is the candle of Hope. As we light the first candle we keep in

Term Dates

For 2017 Term 1

30 Jan - 13 April

Term 2

1 May - 7 July

Term 3

24 July - 29 Sept

Term 4

16 Oct - 15 Dec

your child’s teacher but on those days we are also their pseudo parent. Though it can be hard or worrying

for parents, it is important for you to know, your child is well cared for.

Last week we have had the Year 3-7 students par&cipate in the Swimming and Water Safety Program at

the Berri pool. Despite the coolish water, students again have been impressive with their behaviour and

responsibility. I truly believe that we all have the capacity to be “good” and “successful” but it doesn’t just

happen for all students. Some&mes people think that most small schools have “well behaved” students.

To be honest, I would say this is a myth. Our students are “well behaved” because of the work of the staff

and students and the high expecta&ons we place upon them.

At last week’s Carol Night, it was great to have such a good turn out. I always love having opportuni&es to

gather together and share a meal. The school providing the meal, is our way of saying thank you to

families for their support of the school and the partnership we have engaged in. I was also impressed to

see the new families to our school (for next year starts) also join us for the evening.

I hope all families have had the opportunity to reflect upon their child’s report with them. As a school we

set the expecta&on bar high for each child as we want them to be the best they can be. As I went through

the reports before distribu&on, many students have achieved their best.

I s&ll can’t believe we are at the end of another year. I can’t express how thankful I am for the

contribu&ons of the staff, students and families throughout the year. I would like to thank the School

Board for their support over their year. As the result of these partnerships, our school has become so


I would like to farewell Stephen Heuzenroeder, who will be returning to Adelaide for his contribu&ons to

the school. We also say farewell to Cobie Drogemuller who will be teaching full &me at Our Lady of the

River in 2017. Both of these staff will be missed. I hope you have had the opportunity to meet Mr Ma-

Min who is the new Primary Years Teacher. I am looking forward to Ma- joining the staff team next year

as he already has shown that rela&onship, boundaries and expecta&ons are important to him.

I wish you a safe and Merry Christmas and good luck to the Year 7 students that will be in High School

next year.

Take care, God bless and I look forward to seeing you in the new year!

Mr Lee Abela

From the Principal con nued . . .

RE�ATI��SHIPS� �EAR�I�G A�D C���U�ITY � A p�ace were chi�dre� fi�d their way

RE�ATI��SHIPS� �EAR�I�G A�D C���U�ITY � A p�ace were chi�dre� fi�d their way

Student Learning and Wellbeing - 67’s at Mylor Adventure Camp

RE�ATI��SHIPS� �EAR�I�G A�D C���U�ITY � A p�ace were chi�dre� fi�d their way

Religious Iden ty and Mission con nued . . .

mind those families for whom this prepara&on &me might not be a joyous &me. We keep in mind those

who are drowning in their worry boxes.

The second candle we have lit on the advent wreath is the candle of Peace. As we light this second candle

we ask God for forgiveness for all those &mes we have not shown mercy to others. By being unkind we

might have added a box of unnecessary worries to their already overflowing pile. Let us remember to use

kind words and help others so we can all live in peace.

The third candle we have lit on the advent wreath is the candle for Joy. As we light this candle we try to

see joy in the dreams and hopes of others. By helping others we might clear out some worry boxes and

bring joy to the sick, the lonely, the homebound and the poor.

The fourth candle we will light this coming Sunday, is the candle of Love. We are all part of one global

human family. As we show our love with small gestures we can all seek to build a be-er world. May we

love one another as God loves us. No ma-er how big or how many our worry boxes, we can liI the

weight for others by showing and sharing our love.

On Christmas Day we light the fiIh candle. This candle symbolises Christ.

I would like to take the opportunity to thank you for being part of St Joseph’s School Barmera this year. It

has been wonderful to have you journey with us as we have learned, acted and prayed for a more just

and fair world - a world full of hope, peace, joy, and love. A world where worries can be liIed, even if it is

only for a short &me.

Can he see me now?

Or does he look past me?

I think I should move on,

But something tells me to wait.

It's my heart.

He will show his love to me.

As I sit alone in the darkness...


Wishing you all a blessed Christmas filled with hope, peace, joy, love and light.

Nanda de Winter

Student Learning and Wellbeing - Christmas Eve Family Mass

Christmas Eve Children’s Mass will be celebrated at St Francis Xavier’s church on Saturday 24th December

beginning at 8.00 pm. If your family will be joining us and your children would like to be part of the

celebra&on please contact Louise Stavrou 0417 827 634.

Student Learning and Wellbeing - End of Year Mass and Gradua on

RE�ATI��SHIPS� �EAR�I�G A�D C���U�ITY � A p�ace were chi�dre� fi�d their way

Student Learning and Wellbeing - A Night of Carols

RE�ATI��SHIPS� �EAR�I�G A�D C���U�ITY � A p�ace were chi�dre� fi�d their way

Student Learning and Wellbeing - Community




School begins

Monday 30/1

Student Learning and Wellbeing - Years 3 to 7 Swimming Lessons

Student Learning and Wellbeing - Year 7 Day @ La tude