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MASS INTENTIONS SATURDAY August 13, 2016 4:00 PM (A) Jennie Hahn/ Joe & Jean Nock 4:30 PM (SN) Marie Stuckel/ Sue & Tom Henshaw John Ganiel III/ Jenny, Carol, Eliz. & Melissa Calogero Messina/ Branciforti Family Baby Liam Scull/ Rich & Lisa Garbutt Daniel Mercanto/ Earl & Rosemary Gabriel & Family Helen Hughes/ Lisa & Rich Garbutt SUNDAY August 14, 2016 8:30 AM (A) Bill Gabriel/ Family Jennie Hahn/ Bill & Lisa Dillon Patsy Pagliuco/ Nick & Joanne Russo Charles Doyle/ Marie LaPelusa Lorraine Kolb/ Irene Dingman Mary Ann Gatto/ Don, Barbara & Randy Tobias 8:45 AM (SN) George Dudo/ Bob & Judy Guerrieri 10:30 AM (SN) Maria Vargas/ Angel & Alicia Vargas Kathia Cruz/ Parents Hipolito Reyes/ Irma Rivera y Hijos Asuncion Avila/ Family

Special intentions of Maritsa Torres/ Husband and Son Manuel 11:00 AM (A) Patsy Pagliuco/ AnnaMarie & Jim Mahieu 12:45 PM (A) Mass in Creole (Haitian Community) MONDAY August 15, 2016 (Feast of the Assumption 7:00 AM (SN) People of the Parish 8:00 AM (A) George Dudo/ Julie & Hank Tingle 6:00 PM (A) George Dudo/ Staff TUESDAY August 16, 2016 8:00 AM (A) Lorraine Kolb/ Annette Shorosky 12:15 PM (A) Lorraine Kolb/ John & Kay Connelly 6:30 PM (SN) People of the Parish WEDNESDAY August 17, 2016 7:00 AM (SN) Costa Family 8:00 AM (A) James Herman-Pica/ Wendy, Dylan & Kyle THURSDAY August 18, 2016 8:00 AM (A) George Dudo/ Knights of Columbus #6432 12:15 PM (A) Luz Velazquez & Norma Alonso/ Blake Family FRIDAY August 19, 2016 7:00 AM (SN) Sick of our parish 8:00 AM (A) Theresa Maguire/ Skudalski Family SATURDAY August 20, 2016 4:00 PM (A) Special intentions of Scott Iwicki and Alissa Brand/ Nancy McKeown-Brand 4:30 PM (SN) John Ganiel III/ Jean Casciano Katelyn Elwell/ Richard & Antonette Senese Lorraine Haines/ Mary Emma & Henry Sartorio Helen Hughes/ Mary Lou & Charles Breitzman Grayce McConville/ Jeff & Mary Butterhof SUNDAY August 21, 2016 8:30 AM (A) Amiohu Eigbe/ Eigbe Family Fernand E. Allgeyer/ Wife and family Mary Ann Gatto/ Evelyn Franzen & Val Frick Stephen LaRoche/ Evelyn Franzen & Val Frick Pasquale Pagliuco/ Deborah & Bruce Linick Mary Ann Gatto/ Shawn & Theresa Mildren 8:45 AM (SN) Katlelyn Elwell/ Marie Johns & Family 10:30 AM (SN) Hipolito Reyes/ Irma Rivera y Hijos 11:00 AM (A) Louisa LaFregola/ Marie Saad 12:45 PM (A) Mass in Creole (Haitian Community)

READINGS FOR SUNDAY, AUGUST 21, 2016 ISAIAH 66:18-21 HEBREWS 12:5-7,11-13 GOSPEL: LUKE 13:22-30

Pray For Our Sick Let us remember the sick of our community that they may

receive healing of body, soul and spirit Andy Mahieu, Tom Iannaccio, Melvin Manning, Margaret Butler, Caroline McClure, Carmen Ramirez, Jessica Weeks George Link, Abel Pencheff, Joseph Banger, Carlos Rivera, Emil Cypra, Joanne Gazo, Joseph LoPiccolo, Luke Thomas Colluzzi, Dorothy Young, Roy Havelin, Sharon Armhold, Brennan Camp, Betty Ann Rundio, Ronald Clarke, Esther Frontuto, Judy Medrano, Ronnie Garbutt Jr, Mary Emma Sartorio, John Guerra, Jim Colaianni, Marcia Ireland, Blaise Verret, Nick DeMatteo, Peter Perry, Maria Grecia Loracle, Maria & Charles Conrad, Donald & Patricia Venice, Nancy, Teddy and Arnie Cunningham, Donald Sandberg, Irene Dingman, Emma Diegelman, Joseph Husta, Cecelia LeFevre, Leo Gaudette, Lillian Smith, Betty Zakopcsan, Debbie D’Olio, Sylvia DiIanni, Gerry Campbell, Marilyn Ann Kahill, Jay Darcey, Flo Pagliuco, Keith Steffler, Holly Taggart, Jackie Bauman, Jack Guenther, Rene Doan, Tom Jordan, Jr., Christine Logan, Margie Spataro, Gabe Ingegneri, Carmen Pencheff, Mary Merline & John McCarthy.

COMMUNION SERVICE – Every Saturday at 8:00 am, St. Nicholas Church. All are welcomed. ALTAR & ROSARY SOCIETY – Meets on the 2nd Tuesday of the month at 7:00 pm, St. Nicholas Church Grotto to pray the rosary for the summer months. Please bring a lawn chair. CAP CLASSES – The schedule can be found on the Diocesan website: www.camdendiocese.org if you would like to attend a class or call 856-583-6165. ADORATION OF THE MOST BLESSED SACRAMENT is held weekly on Wednesdays (A) from 8:30 am ending with Benediction at 6:00 pm. If you would like to volunteer, please call the parish office. CHARISMATIC PRAYER GROUPS – Meets every week at two locations. Monday’s at 7:30 pm, St. Nicholas Rectory and Wednesdays at 7:15 pm, Assumption’s Church Narthex. MONTHLY ROSARY - We invite everyone to come to our first Friday of the month Rosary at 7:00 pm, Assumption site Chapel Next rosary will be September 2, 2016.

ALTAR LINENS: St. Nicholas Church August – Mary Emma Sartorio


(ST. NICHOLAS CHURCH) In memory of Doris Bauman

Requested by: Her Mom

Pastor’s Corner

“Bear much fruit and…Be my Disciple!

Be my Disciple and…Bear much fruit!” So let’s review (once again) the teaching of the Church concerning Holy Days of Obligation. In the Universal Church there are 10 solemnities that have been assigned as Holy Days of Obligation; however, each Conference of Bishops (a geographical grouping of dioceses/Bishops) can add or subtract from this number. In 1991 the USCCB (United States Conference of Catholic Bishops) chose 6 Days of Obligation: January 1, the solemnity of Mary, Mother of God; Thursday of the Sixth Week of Easter, the solemnity of the Ascension; August 15, the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary; November 1, the solemnity of All Saints; December 8, the solemnity of the Immaculate Conception and December 25, the solemnity of the Nativity of Our Lord Jesus Christ. But the Conference also stated that, “Whenever January 1, the solemnity of Mary, Mother of God, or August 15, the solemnity of the Assumption, or November 1, the solemnity of All Saints, falls on a Saturday or on a Monday, the precept to attend Mass is abrogated” – meaning that these celebrations remain Holy Days but without the obligation to attend Mass. So, Monday – being the Solemnity of the Assumption – is a Holy Day but without the obligation to attend Mass. Still, many people desire to make the effort to ‘go to Mass’ (and participate in Mass) on this day. Therefore, in addition to the 7:00 AM Mass at our St. Nicholas Church and the 8:00 AM Mass at our Church of the Assumption we will have a 6:00 PM Mass at our Church of the Assumption. The Assumption is a gift to us. God wanted to show us that like Jesus, new life – Eternal Life – will be given to those who follow His will. Mary is the perfect role model of Discipleship for us! In her Assumption we find hope. Hope that like her, by having a relationship with Jesus Christ and living according to the teaching He left us in the Catholic Church, we too shall share in the Glory of her Son.

Peace, Fr. Nick

Do you feel the calling to help at church?

Extraordinary Ministers of Communion, Readers/Lectors, Altar Servers, Cantors, Ushers and Greeters are ministries we are always looking for help. If you have the desire to be a part of any of the above, please call the parish office. There will be training for Extraordinary Ministers of Communion and Reader/Lectors here at OLPH Parish on September 10th. For further information call the parish office.

Parish Festival Info. DATE: SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 18TH PLACE: ST. NICHOLAS CHURCH GROUNDS 525 ST. LOUIS AVENUE EGG HARBOR, NJ 08215 TIME: 1 PM - 4:00 PM MENU: PLENTY OF FOOD NEED: Volunteers to help it be a great day!


Things we need • Sternos • Aluminum Pans – full and half • Lettuce, sliced tomatoes, sliced onions • Cheese • Cans of soda • Capri Sun or juice boxes • Powered lemonade mix or ice tea mix • Coffee both regular and decaf, Tea • 7 & 9 oz cold cups, coffee cups • Dessert plates , large plates, napkins, • Salad Bowls • “mini Moos” (individual dairy creamers) • Jars of Salsa

How you can Help out

If you can help us out with any of the above, please complete the slip below and drop in the offertory basket or bring to the parish office. A member of the committee will be calling you as to where the drop off will be. All items are due by September 1st. We appreciate and thank you for any help you can give us. NAME: ______________________________________________ EMAIL: ______________________________________________ PHONE: _____________________________________________ ITEM OR TASK: _______________________________________ ____________________________________________________

Anuncios Para La Comunidad Hispana

Spanish Community News

BIENVENIDOS a todos de parte del Párroco Nick Dudo, Rev. Vincent Orum, AJ, Rev. Armando Rodríguez Montoya y todos los miembros de la Parroquia de Nuestra Señora del Perpetuo Socorro – OLPH. Iglesia San Nicolás. Gracias por su presencia.

NOTICIAS IMPORTANTES: Rectoría: (609) 652-0008

-Favor de hacer cheques a “Our Lady of Perpetual Help” o simplemente: OLPH.

1. ATENCION: Todas las intenciones de misa serán aceptadas por

una ofrenda mínima de $15.00 por cada tarjeta. Se pueden echar en la colecta con la información y dinero. Ponerle “Mass Card – Misa Hispana” afuera del sobre. Cheques a nombre de OLPH. Para más información llamen a la rectoría: 652-0008. Recuerden de notar si es para difunto, enfermo, o cumpleaños, NO se permitirán peticiones el mismo día de las misas. Esto lleva todo un proceso. Para las misas de los Domingos y Martes, si tiene alguna intención, favor de enviarla por lo menos 3 semanas de anticipación, para que pueda salir en el boletín. Por favor escriba su numero de teléfono por si acaso necesitan comunicarse con ustedes. Gracias


las reuniones serán, el tercer martes de mes después de la misa para ambos. Por favor traten de asistir a estas reuniones son bien instructivas. Necesitamos que todos asistan! Si NO pueden leer los días que están asignados o participar en la eucaristía, favor de ver a Yolanda! Es bien importante que todos tengamos comunicación!

3. HORA SANTA: Se celebra en el primer martes de mes después de

la misa. 4. BAUTISMO: Todo aquel que este interesado en bautizar,

tendremos las clases de catequesis para padres y padrinos el segundo martes de cada mes, comenzando a las 5:30pm y terminando con la Santa misa

5. FESTIVAL: Necesitamos voluntarios para el festival, que se

celebrara en Septiembre 18, 2016. Las reuniones son el primer martes o miércoles de mes a las 7pm en la cafetería. Si estas interesado/a en pertenecer al comité, por favor vea a, Yolanda López o Denise Chávez.

Collections JULY 31, 2016

2016 - $15,448.29 2015 - $16,381.63

Building Loan – 2016 = $2,933.00

Mission Cooperative – 2015 - $3,865.74


SANTOS DE AGOSTO (SEGUNDA PARTE) Continuando con la presentación de nuestros santos de Agosto:

El día 11 celebramos a Santa Clara de Asís, seguidora de Cristo por el camino de la pobreza. Ella se inspiró en Francisco (San Francisco de Asís) para la realización de su vocación. Correspondió a ella fundar la rama femenina del franciscanismo, siendo también ella misma quien escribió la regla para la vida religiosa de las hermanas. Clara comprendió que el modo de vida pobre testimoniado por el joven Francisco era el que a ella le señalaba el Señor.

San Maximiliano Kolbe se celebra el día 14. Era un sacerdote franciscano asesinado por los nazis en los campos de concentración Auschwitz durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial. Devoto del Inmaculado Corazón de María y acérrimo combatiente contra el modernismo y los peligros que acechaban a la Iglesia en su tiempo (siglo XX). A fines de julio de 1941 se fugó un preso del campo de concentración de Auschwitz y dieron la alarma. Como escarmiento, los oficiales nazis darían muerte a diez prisioneros señalados al azar. Entre ellos sería matado un hombre que murmuraba lastimosamente por sus hijos y su esposa. Entonces el padre Maximiliano Kolbe, afectado por una tuberculosis desde bastante antes, estaba cerca y lo oyó. Enseguida, dio un paso adelante y le dijo al coronel: «Yo soy un sacerdote católico polaco, estoy ya viejo. Quiero ocupar el puesto de ese hombre que tiene esposa e hijos». El oficial nazi, aceptó su ofrecimiento y Maximiliano Kolbe, que tenía entonces 47 años, fue puesto, junto con otros nueve prisioneros, en ayuno obligado para que muriera. Pero como logró sobrevivir sin comer durante tres semanas, y los oficiales necesitaban de más celdas, Kolbe y tres de sus compañeros fueron asesinados administrándoles una inyección mortal. Después quemaron los cuerpos hasta consumirse.

El 19 de Agosto celebramos a San Juan Eudes, sacerdote que fundó la orden de Nuestra Señora de la Caridad, destinada a recibir prostitutas en albergues o refugios, que después se expandieron por todo el mundo. Creó una sociedad de sacerdotes consagrados a la formación de seminaristas y de predicaciones populares: La Congregación de Jesús y María llamados familiarmente padres eudistas.

El 27 de Agosto celebramos a Santa Mónica, madre de San Agustín de Hipona (en el Norte de África). Y, un día después, el 28 de Agosto, celebramos a San Agustín, hijo de Santa Mónica. Padre y Doctor de la Iglesia; el máximo pensador del cristianismo del primer milenio; considerado como uno de los más grandes genios de la humanidad. Dedicó gran parte de su vida a escribir sobre filosofía y teología, siendo "Confesiones" y "La ciudad de Dios" sus obras más destacadas.

Monday is the

Feast of the Assumption and not a holy day of obligation this year.

MASSES will be 7:00 am (SN),

8:00 am and 6:00 pm (A).

LANCASTER BUS TRIP - Merry Christmas! Join us on our Parish Christmas bus trip on Tuesday December 27th to see 'Winter Wonderland' at the American Music Theatre in Lancaster, PA. Cost for this great time is $99 for adults, $82 for teens age 13-17, and $68 for children age 3-12 and includes show, bus, tour of The National Christmas Center, dinner at Miller's Smorgasbord and all tips. This makes a great family Christmas present! For reservations contact Joe Picardi at 652-0008 Ext. 205 or email at admin@olphparish-nj.org. Do not delay, last years’ trip was a sell-out.

RELIGIOUS EDUCATION NEWS! The Religious Education Office is now taking registrations for the weekly and Monthly Family sessions starting in the fall. Registrations may be downloaded from the parish web site or obtained from the Religious Education Office during normal office hours. Please call us with any questions at 609-652-0008 extension 207 or 208.

STEPHEN MINISTRY is a system through which members of our Parish were trained and organized to help provide one on one confidential Christian care to members of our Parish and community who are experiencing stresses in life. On August 14th at 11:00am at Assumption Church and at 8:45am on August 21st at St. Nicholas Church, we will be commissioning our first Stephen Ministers. These ministers are: Oneida Broughton, Robert Broughton, John Ferry, Margaret Jean Garbarino, Nancy W. Hicks, Nancy McKeown-Brand, Kitty McMahan, Rich McMahan, Jeanne Picardi, Joseph Picardi, Joanne Russo, Don J. Shannon, and Kathy Shannon. Our Parish extends our congratulations and prayers to them. 'Bear one another's burden, and so you will fulfill the law of Christ' (Galatians 6:4).

ST VINCENT DE PAUL SOCIETY NEWS AND HELP - Thank you very much for your generous donations of food to the SVDP food pantry. Due to the overwhelming need of donations we are requesting some help in filling the pantry with certain needs. We need canned vegetables, soup, beans, mac & cheese, rice and crackers are presently needed. Please drop your items off in the back of the church or to the parish office. Thanking you in advance for your help.

ARE YOU GOING TO STOCKTON, ROWAN OR RUTGERS-CAMDEN? If so, check our bulletin board in the back of the church for information concerning their Catholic Campus Ministry or go to our website for the flyer put out by the Catholic Ministry.

DOMINICAN COLLEGE – An information session interested in Undergraduate and Graduate Degrees is scheduled for Wednesday, August 10, 2016. Further information got to: http://www.dc.edu.


Starting Thursday, September 8, 2016, the Church Ministry Institute of Camden (CMIC) is happy to launch a series of courses on basic theology at Our Lady of Perpetual Help in Galloway. The first course will be “Old Testament.” Subsequent courses, taught by a variety of Masters level instructors, will include Scripture, Morality, Ministry Skills, Catholic

Social Teaching, Lay Ministry, Church History, Eucharist, and much more. These courses are excellent for adults seeking to learn about their faith as well as for catechists and parish ministers seeking certificates. There are no tests or term papers – only great information! Each course runs six Thursdays from 6:30 pm to 9:00 pm and will be held in the Media Center at the Assumption Regional Catholic School. Cost per course is $60 – or $250 pre-paid for five courses. Catechists or for those who will are willing to volunteer as a catechist the parish will contribute half of the tuition of $30.00. After completion of one level (5 courses) tuition paid by the participant will be reimbursed. For more information and to register, contact JoLynn Krempecki, Director of Lay Ministry Formation, at 856-583-2905 or email JoLynn.Krempecki@camdendiocese.org OR Nancy Riddell at our parish office, 609-652-0008, ext 208.



WASHINGTON DC Our Lady of Perpetual is running a bus trip to the Basilica, Washington DC and would like to invite parishioners here and our nearby parishes to join us. The trip is Saturday, October 1st and the cost is $40 per person. The theme for this pilgrimage is Mary, Mother of Mercy. Bus will leave the Assumption Church parking lot (Galloway) at 6:30 am. To learn more go to our website OLPHparish-nj.org. You can also call the parish office at 609-652-0008, SHOPPING PASSES TO BOSCOV’S 25% Off. The Society of St. Vincent de Paul is selling these passes for $5. The "Friends Helping Friends" Shopping Pass can be used at any Boscov's location in NJ, PA, or MD. 100% of the proceeds will come back to SVDP to help in our mission work. Passes can be purchased through Judy Ferriero at 609-742-4141 (pick-up or delivery is available), through the parish office or at our Parish Festival on Sunday, September 18th. Thank you for your continue support of SVDP Society. We could not be doing the work we do without your help.

August 2016 WWINNERS


Alexandra Fumando Aug 1 #423 $30

Sue Quick Aug 2 #510 $30

Eigbe Aug 3 #547 $30

George Dudo Aug 4 #631 $30

Marie Carraro Aug 5 #051 $30

Charles Wimberg Aug 6 #013 $30

Charles Guerrieri Aug 7 #539 $30

Lupe Bernicker Aug 8 #108 $30

Conrad Shows Aug 9 #618 $30

Joann Norton Aug 10 #191 $30

Laurie Guerrieri Aug 11 #533 $30

Michael McGloin Aug 12 #264 $30

Jim McGuigan Aug 13 #640 $30

Brian & Ashley Peterson Aug 14 #472 $30

Joan Batten Aug 15 #508 $50

Warren Bader Aug 16 #634 $30

James & Theresa Doyle Aug 17 #018 $30

Nancy Ring Aug 18 #152 $30

Matt Pino Aug 19 #426 $30

Joan Batten Aug 20 #508 $30

Robert Luke Aug 21 #450 $30

Henry Rundio Aug 22 #261 $30

Kevin Lombardi Aug 23 #569 $30

Linda Shea Aug 24 #535 $30

Derek Puhalski Aug 25 #319 $30

Donald Wida Aug 26 #048 $30

Jennifer & Marc Jourdan Aug 27 #458 $30

Wendy Guenther Aug 28 #605 $30

Eric Doyle Aug 29 #021 $30

Alberto Serota Aug 30 #513 $30

Kevin Hundertmark Aug 31 #009 $100

THERE IS NO SOCIAL SUNDAY THIS MONTH OR NEXT. We hope to see you when we start up again in October….Don’t forget to join us at the Festival on September 18th from 1-4:00 pm

My Rock *

When I got angry with you, You looked the other way.

When I felt teary, You changed the color of my day.

A lonely night, Then the phone rang.

You’d gotten a great job, My heart truly sang.

I see your kids

Grow up safe and strong. Because of you,

They know right from wrong. You’re big in size bigger in heart.

I recall days ago, But where do I start?

You loved your shepherds,

You hated school. You were gentle at times,

but never a fool. I recall our movies

and eating out. We were best friends,

There’s really no doubt. We read each other

Like an old book; A joke, a smile

sometimes just a look.

Your love of God, Hunting and Harleys, too

All through my life, My rock has always been….You!

*For Erik

Peggy Rann



Augustinian Apostolate Fr. Michael P. Sullivan, OSA, will be visiting OLPH parish for a four-night event, beginning October 22. Reflect on and reconnect with your faith with the help of this healing retreat focusing on the power of the spirit, forgiveness, commitment, and community. More details coming soon…