r-- minutes start. Their trail -:--r Idailyiowan.lib.uiowa.edu/DI/1907/di1907-10-27.pdfUniversity of...

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l'rOmpl ~trvlct

CourteoUl TrrBtmtllt

, . •


Volume 7


Heads of Middle West U ni-

IOWA CITY, IOWA, Uf\D l Y ~ OR !lNG. ocrOBER 27,1907 Number 27


-Capt. Buckner Star at • Throwing Baskets

Score Indicates That Iowa


Long Course In Hare And

Hound Race


versities Here Thursday I DU1'jng the po. t two weeks I WOlf H H G innovation in ba ketball prac- I ave ard ames

Each of Them Will Give Short ~i ce hr~s been illltuguarated by .

Eight mill's was the distance ta ken by t he cross-country squad under Captain Bob Remley yes­terday morning. The run was in the nature of a hare and hound

Drake Eleven Defeated by Score of 25 to 4

Tallc at University Assem­bly Friday Morning

Next Thur day the ulliversity pre idents of the middle west WIll gather in Iowa City to di cuss informally questions which con­front educator.

The conference will open at ten o'clock Thursday with a meet­ing in President MacLean's oalce and will continue until Frida·y night.

The weekly assemby 'A ill be held Friday morning and each pre ident will give a short speech. Ever) tudent is urged to be pre ent. everal colleges have practiced the yells of the different universitie so as to greet each pr~side nt with his own college yell.

The following program for the meeting of the pre idenls of the 'tate Universities of the Middle West ha been announced:

TtHlrsdl\Y, October 31

10:00 A. M.- Meetlrrg of the prelliderrts in the President's office in the Old Capitol.

12:30 P. M.- Luucheon at the Burkley Imperial.

2:00 P. M.- Meeting of the presidents io the President's office in the Old Capitol.

~\O \1,):00 P. M.-Reception at the home of President MacLean, to the members of the Ulli­verl1-ity Senate and their families. 'rlda" H ovem bar t

9:00 A. M.- Meeting of the presidents at the Preaident's office at the Old Capitol.

10:00 A. M.-Univeraity Convocation, ~l1ditorium of the Hall of Natural Science.

12:30 P. M.-Luncheon at the Burkely Imperial.

2:30 to 3:00 P. M.-Automobile drive. The visiting presiden ts will be the guests of the citizens of Iowa City.

3:00 P. M.- Meeting of the presidents in the IPresident's office in the Old Capitol.

6:45 P. M.-Iowa-Wisconsin football mns meeting.

8:00 P. M.-Illformal reception by the Triangle Club at the club rooms.

The Following presidents will attend thi8 tonft!rence:

Preaidel1t James B. Angell of Michi-(aa.

Prtsident Cyrus Northrup of Mlnne­lao Chancellor E. Benjamin Andrews of

Nebraska. President C. R. Van Hiae of Wiscon­

liD. President Edmund ], James of lIIi­

DOis. President William O. Thompson of

Ohio Stale University . President William L. Bryan of Indi­

aDa. President W. E. Stone of Purdue. Preaidellt Richard H. Jease of Mis-

Ooach Schroeder, con isting of Carlyle Defeats Pennsylvania-- White Plays Star Game - KIrk Put Out by the Umpire After

Touchdown and Drop-kick outdoor play on the regimental Grinnell Wins From Coe-dl'ill ground. This pracLice, ow- Yale and Harvard Win race, with the hares having ten ing to weather conditions will be discontinued in Lhe future The regular Varsity practice hours will now be Tue dILY evening at 8 o'clock and Saturday mornings ILt 9 o'clock.

minutes start. Their trail led [BY HERBERT llARWOoo l r-- G -:--r south from the armory building, Des Moint:'s, Oct. 26th- Iowa

I Harvard B9~st~;ri:~e:ld Tech- I doubled b,tck through the city defeated Drake yesterday after-nichal School 5 I and circled over the northeast D k S d'

I Yale 44, Villa Nova, 0 noon on ra e ta JUm 25 to 4

The team is takin.!!' about an In num er an manage 0 a ow brilliant defense of the blue and Princeton Freshmen 11, Cornell I hills. The hounds were fifteen in a game chantcterized by the

I Freshman 0 . b ddt f II ~ Army 30, Roche8ter, 0

ho·tr and a ha.lf's work at each atrisle 26, Pennsyl 'ania 6 the trail over the course and back white at critical stages. This Dartmouth 15, Amherst 10 h .. h practice. Work is begun with a

short goa.l pntctice in the a.r mory and then the team is taken out on the drill gr'ound for work in pass­ing. The l)utdoor work is intend­ed to develope the men in long pa. ing 'and to improve their wind and endurance. A player who seems almost tirele s in the work on the fioor tinds that his wind is not nearly in the condi­tion that he supposed when he gets out on the field. The work is of a most strenuous character and already an improvement can be noted in the accuracy vf the passing of the varsity.

The most encouraging sign in the work of the varsity is the goal throwing of CapLain Buck­ner. Buck is getting exceeding· ly proficient in the one bJj.nded attempts and seems able to put them into the basket with his

Brown 24, Williams 11 to t e star ting POll1t 10 an our alone prevented the Hawkeyes Swarthmore 12, Gettysburg 0 I and three minutes, gaining six from piling up a large score. Lehigh 6. Dickinson 6 Maine 4,Tufts 0 minutes on the hares. Drake's four points came in the Western University of Penn. 12, A' h b I I I f Ruc:kaell 0 S IS sown y t le engll 0 fir t half after a 50 yard run by Haverford 6, Ursinu 0 the run and the time it was ac- lcCoy on a forward pa s from Maryland Agricultural School 11

George Washington 0 complished in , the quad is rapid- Captain Hoffrr:an. Iowa held on University of Virginia 9, Uni- Iy improvinrr. The men are all th e fifteen ).ard line and l1agttard versitv of North Carolina, 4 b n Univers-ityof Vermont 6, Holy making a strennous effort to be booted the ball between the posts.

Cross 0 U. of Penn. Freshml.n 18, Phil- at their best physical condition Iowa's first touchdown came after

lips Andover Academy 0 by November 16, when the com- 24 minutes of close pia)', larcrely Brown Freshmen 5, Harvarc:1 b

Freshmen 0 petition run will come off. The because of two beautifully exe-St. Johns College 17, Franklin h . d' R and Marshall 11 ares In yester ay s run were . cuted forward passes from Kirk Rutgers 39, Delaware College 0 C. Puckett, Eng. '09, R. E. to White and Carberry. Kirk

Western Oao;nes Morris, L. A. '10, Frank C. Dun- went over for the score. A drop Iowa 25, Drall:e 4 ham, L. A. '08. The hounds kick b)T Kirk from the 26 )'ard Illinois 15, Wi consia 4 St. Louis 42, Creigh nO were Captain R. G. Remley, L. line shortly after left the score of Ames , Cornell , Moumoutll :10, Knox" A. '08, F. M. PowneJl, L. A, ro, 10 to 4 at the end of the half. University of Utah 17, Colorado John Lunby, Med. '10, Clark Behind beautiful interference Car-

School of Mines 0 Grinnell 10, Coe 0 Burkheimer, L. A. 'II, E. E. berry scored the Erst touchdown Colorado College 14, Denver U. 0 R' . k LA' 8 R L tham ' d I ' d East Waterloo High 0, Grinnell 01 rIC, • . 0, ay a ' of the secon ha f WIth a 15 yar

I High.18. . . L. A. 'II, L. E. Clark, L. A.'II, run after 14 minute of play. A I Iowa City High 10, Tipton High 0 'D +-_________ + J. S. Beem, L. A. 08, T. . fumbled punt and star work .by leit hand as well as with the Th I f hIll' . W· Baer, L. A. 'I I, Roy A. Redfield, Stutzman in falling on the ball e resu tot t: mOls- IS-

. t' f f Law '08, Eorl S. Browning, L . A. brought the third touchdown right. Thi ambidextrous ability on the part of the Iowa captain should prove confusing to his opponents during the coming

conslO game, 15 0 4 10 avor 0, . - L' 8 C . the former, is of great interest to II, WIl.ham Hotz" . A. 0 , ~. Seidel blocked a punt and Fritzel,

J. Junkm, L. A. II, Floyd E. b' . f C b f II Iowan gridiron supporters inas- 1'h . , LA' su StltutlOg or ar erry, e on omas, . . II. much as the two next games of the ball behind the line. The season. '

The featul'e of the practice the Old Gold eleven are with during the coming week will be these Universities. Judging from a ga.me between the Varslty and the score it indicates that the

UNIVERSITY BAND Hawkeye backs at times showed RECEIVES SHAKE-UP g rea t brilliancy of form and

_ __ gained much more ground than

the Freshmen team on Tuesday teams were not greatly un match- Civil evening. Following the Fresh- ed and gives promise of two diffi-

Organization Changed to did Pell'!! men . Kirk played a Military 'Star game for Iowa, once narrow­

ly missing a 45 yard drop kick. The ruling of umpire Graham in putting him out of the game was unfair.

men game thl! Varsity will take cult games for Iowa. on the scrubs for a work-out.

Law Department Notes

DAVENPORT ACADEMY Judge Towner has finished hiS PROCEEDINGS OUT' course in OODstituLional Law with

Articles by Professor~ Macbride,

Calvin and Shimek

Volume ten of the Proceedings of the Davenport Academy of Sciences has been received at the library. The book contains articles by several IowR. professors. "Certain Fossil Plants Remains in Iowa," is the title of a valuable article by Professor Thomas Mac­bride. Professor Samuel Calvin has an :lccount of "The Aftonian Gravels," and Professor Bohumil

the Senior Laws and gave his final examination la.st week.

On Monday some new courses in the Oollege of Law will be started. Dean Gregory will be­gin his coune in International La.w. Professor H!LYs will also begin a course in Oonflict of Laws and Professor Wilcox, one i~

Insurance, for the Senior class.

Political Science Club Meeting

Friday, Lieu tenan t Weeks took an important step when he chR.nged the character . of the band's organization. Heretofore the band has been a civil organi zfl.tion but it has been thought that it efficiency would be im­proved if its character was changed. . The ba.nd will now consist of one drum major, foul' sergeants, six cOl·porR.ls and noL less than twenty-five privR.tes. There will also be ft head m usi-ciano The officers have not been appointed but will be in the near future.

Captain White played his best game of the year. He with the three center men and Stewart played throughout.

Substitutes we r e freely used and with good effect by Coach Catlin toward the close of the game, and with a couple more minutes to play another touch­down would have been scored. Penalties inOicted on Iowa for holding and for unsucces ful for­ward pa ses were costly and spoiled the results of the work of Iowa's backfield. Drake worked

oari. Chanaellor Frank Strong of Kansas. himek discusses .• orne Iowa Preaideot James H. Baker of Colo- Plants."


Dean Gregory will entertain the Political SClence Olub at his home on Monday evening. The reader will be Profe 01' H. E. Gordon of the Public Speal{ing Department.

Under the new system the proceeds from concerts, bops and entertainments will be divid between the members of the band.

the forward pas s successfully Special Music for Men's Meeting more t han did Iowa but the

President Web ter Merrifield of ----- -North Dakota. Irving Initiate

President Frederick B. Gault of Irvina' Ins tit u te initiated Sooth Dakot1!. '!>

President David R. Boyd of :Okla- fifteen new men Friday night. ~m~ B President George E. MacLean of esides the initiation a. great Io"a. deal of other business was also

This is the fourth meeting of transacted. Mr. Rob't Remley the presidents of the group of state was elected treasurer of the N. .tate universities of the middle O. L. The ejection of the team wesl. The fir t meeting being at which will try for the champion­

ship of the univl3l'sity was post­poned until next Friday night. (Continued OD last page)

------South Dakota Club to Meet

There will be a meeting of tho South Dakota club on Monday evening at 7:30 o'clock. All South Da.kota. students a.re urged to be present in room 204 L. A.

Iowa City High School Wins

Iowa City high chool defeat­ed Tipton high school on the lat­ter's !{ridiron yesterday 10 to O.

There will be a men's meeting Hawkeyes g a in e d far more at Olose Ha.ll this afternoon at ground lhan Drake, only to lose 2:30. Be ides other special mu ic the ball on penalties. Kirk did Mis Alice Swisher will render some of the best punting ever a vocal 010 and O. H. Sleeter, a cornet solo. Three or four of the een at the Stadium, getting long mem bel'S of Lhe Y. M. O. A. will high spirals for good distances. address the gathering. The helping spirit shown on

Thirty-five cent pa)ls for the part of Iown's team was the feat­DAILY IOWAN until the close of ure of the game. Time aft I'

Ihe football season. (Continued on Last Page)



4:30 p. Ill.

el. - Unlver ity Art lub meet .t 7:30 p. m., 10 room lOS r... A.

ct .31 - olvt'raity COovocatlon at p. m. Addrt'. by Pre I­dot. of the tate Utliverli­tiea ot the Middle We t.

ct. Jl - f eeti ng of 1 h Di triet Towl Federali n of W 0 til en' I

lub In L. A. Auditorium.

November 2 oOlul eneral George Horton lectur I In New Auditorium on "The Greek. of Today." Adml aion free.

tInlver ity 0 r Wi COil In on low. 1-'leld.

ovem r 9- nl verllty of Illinoil (n low. }"ield.

No\' m\':r 12-Gov. Buchtell, of Colo­rado, Iteture In N w ·ci· ence nill.

Dr Moon Passe Away

Dr. Innl y B. Moon, a reident of [0\ ~\ Cil)' and n gradual of the tncdi'al college of Iowa V ni·

" !"sily, cia of '7 \, dit'd ye 1 r· day morning at I :30 o'do k a the re ult of • n attack of ; poplex)' \\ hich tized him lat· Friday af· ternoon.

lIe! i urvivcd bJ his wife and t\ 0 ,on., 'han, a pre ent tudt'nl in lhe niver ity, junior en ,beer, and lI erbert, of eallle, \V a h. a 190i graOlJat '.

I BUSINESS LOCALS I The young men of t. Pat­

ri k' hureh will give a card

party at 1. Brendan' haU, Tue -day evenin, t. 29.

W".·TED-A man do light work after Prenti .

tudent to hool. 4 E.

B. A. ' trub & Co.-Felt for Penn nts, Cu bion Lop and ilk for Embroidering.

FOR RE,"T - Good furnished

LosT , bet.ween Hl . Du· buque and L A. bUilding. Re­ward. Return to thjs office.

to order your winter COAL

before the price goes up and

the supply gets carce.


How about this?

You'll never be. 'or see anybody, better dressed ~:..~ ~~~4iJ:J\

than we'll do it for you with Hart. Schaffner If Marx or Hirsch Wickwire overcoats.

Here's one of the models: all wool. perfect tailoring: and we'll fit any man who comes, big little, fat. thin. These coats are made right.

Copyright 1907 by Hart Schaffner t5 Marz



Cbt Tnttrurban Rtstaurant

One door west of the Interur-ban depo is ever ready to I erve first class meals at lSc

20c and 25c. Also lunche and short orders at all hours I

$3.00 .mtal tl(k~. $1.50



(ionfectioner G~

Palmetto Chocolates Our SpeCialty All Candles Home-made

Ice Cream made in All Shapes and furnished for Parties aud Receptions


GET THE HABIT Give me your order and I

will ee that you are w.eU taken care of.

Say 61·11' Why don't you buy Files. Knives.

Foot Balls. and Pa on ' ·that kind of

junk. from : : : : :: rs s of going to Dancing Assembly at' Majestic Hall every Saturday nirbt.

c. W. THOMPSON Both Phone.

Ya.rd by C., R. 1. • P. Pa . Depot All CommerciaJlSubjecta, T e'eeraph and Civil Service. Fine Catalo, and Souvenir F fee


D 'f Bu, Drea. on Goodl, Silb, Cloaks or


till you see Yetter's Yttltr'S grand assortment.. ..

THE THOMAS Hardware Store for Everyth1D(

in this line On the Corner On the Squn

William E. Spence, D.D.S. $3 ~ Washington st.

Both Phonu

Office Houn: 8 to 12, J to 5

Dr. John Voss DENTIST

220~ E. College street

Both Phones. Iowa City, 1011

Order Your Meat FROM

H. ".GARSON Corner College and Dubuque.

Phones: Bell 93 J. C. 198

Ptoplf $ Sttam taundry Corner Iowa Avenue and Linn Street

Strictly High Grade Work ONLY Domestic and Gloss Finish

C.J.TOMS Phone, Bell C-58j J. C. 85

University Bookstore



Text Books for All College~ All School Supplies

Waterman Fountain Pens


Our Prices Always Right

iPERSO Mr. Ralph H. Maedol

il tbe city. Prote lOr Mlcbride

.t Duellport. Mr. Atherton Clark

for Denver, Colo. Mi Mdry Shearer

ill Cedar Rapldl.

Mr. Charita Riemke j day in MUlcltine.

In tin wood, low •.

Mr. Edward Ca

to .thome in

Mr. Fritz Hayes from bl, mother the

Mias Grace Alt of

MilS Cbri.tian en . da, at ber bome at

unday at her home

F. M. Theobald, (elving treatment at pilil.

/diu Helen White, will visit in the city week.


way. } OW3.

patient at the Uui ashort time.

guest of his SOll J esse Ibe University.

Judge Remley of Friday afternoon in his aon Robert.

DiIlgS~ i Mi. Gertrude

Bluff., will be a b OUle this week.

Mr. Howard Jayne visiting his brother, . the Phi PBi house.

MilS Mary Helen tbe week end at AI

Mias Helen Seerley ulning her pa rents. Seerley of Cedar FaILs.

Washed for 20 a pair, as yOU

will see by the following


Undershirts - 5c Drawers - - - - - - 5c Union Suits - _ - - 10c

Soft Shirts - _ - - - 5c Plain Shirts, starched • . 8c

Night Shirts - - 5c to 10c

Handkerchiefs - - - 2c

Sox, per pair _ - - . 2c

Towels _ _ _ - - - 2c

The above prices for work by washwoman, and we must get it by Monday evening to return the same week.

Telephone us at any hour

of the day . We will call for

your work and deliver it to

you without extra charge.

St..udent..s' Laundry and Wash Woman Agency

Room 6 Lovelace Block J. C. Phone 586

Table BOlird, Ladie and GeDt~. J. Co. Phone 3654, 224 N. Dub.

Mia Ka.therine of Iowa City is teach achool at Stuart, Iowa.

Mr. H. W~rde Ba teacbing in the Burli is visiting in Iowa

Dr. a.nd Mrs.

of Dentistry, i. contin Ttrlity Hospital for a

Mr. H. A. Meyers Moioes where he will v over Sunday, and game.

Mr. B. M. Cook retn I in Shelby yesterday

several daya with his Delta Tau Delta house.



Dubuque. J. C.I98




- - 5c _ - 5e

_ _ IOe

_ - 5c

- . 8c

Sc to lOe


_ - 2c

_ - 2c

for work

Block 86

and GeDt~.

N . .oub.

j PER SON A L I """""'''''''''''''''''".,,'''''''' DO UN D T RIP Mr. Ralph H. Macdonough is visiting , , ••• R A. T E S ...

1. the city. )if ProfellOr Macbride apent Saturday 'f VI.A

at Duenport. ,

Mr. Atherton Clark leaves tomorrow ~~L'1~~HL1~~~~ MAD E IN NE'I'V YORK CI TY The for Denver, Colo. CrC9 N .. wYo~k;

Mi Mdry Shearer spent Thursday " fine Clothes that KEEP Men Young' , ; I nte ru rb an ia Cedar Raplda.

Mr. Cbarlea Riemke is apending' Sun- R a.il Wa.y day in Muscatine.

,. ~~=.';::.~'" "",d'1"''''', B fl ART H fl BAN 1'1 fl R, S A TV f( DAY

Ti::·I::::~~~.Ts~:;~dY is enjoying a lif 'ABOVP THPM ALL '. lM OctaondbeSUrN2D~Y, 27 Mlu Kathryn Kennelly has returned Too J,_ u

from a viait to Chicago. ,

Miu Anne Panons enjoyed a visit ~HESE clothes have turned the eyes of all good dressers in their direction and won • from her mother Friday. )if \W the just admiration of thousands of young men. II

Mr. Paul Smith is speadin~ a day or T 'f.

~~~~:~~{~]~~~~~::"::'::'d:: 'OVERGOATS AND SUITS fOR '07 AND '08 : State Sanitarium MId River Park Iowa River Park Cedar Ra~ds

20c 40c 40c

. $1.00 Col" •• pi" ,,,,,d. ,oo,y. , ;

Mill Martha George i8 entetaining lif The unapproachable styles in overcoats. cravenettes and suits for '01 and '08 ber f.ther of Williamsburg. , which the College Brand people make can be seen at this store. A suit with the proper F. D. LINDSLEY, A_ent

Pi Omega will give a Hallowe'en , cut to the coat--the wide lapel and straight front--and in your choice of brown vel- , party on Wednesday evening. our checks. gray or blue. such as we show for $1 5 to $22.50 is a remarkable value.

Miu Moore of Wellman, Ia., apent


Mr. Fritz Hayes enjoyed a visit .1'. No less remarkable values are to be had in overcoats and top coats at $10 to Gh· :: Lamps Friday with Mil!! Turnipseed. lit ; from hia mother the past week. lif $40 . We carry a stock selected from the greatest clothing makers in America and if 1 n a

Mias Grace Alt of Tiffin is spending 1 you can't find satisfaction here you will be the first one yet disappointed. Beautiful Glassware undlY with Miss Hazel Sweet. ljf cravenettes. stylish and so serviceable as to be indispensable. for $1 5 to $25. lif Mlu Frances Beem spent Friday and , 'f' ~ ___

Saturday at her home in Marengo. , "7lIi.~1ii.~~7JJC//JJ'IIi.~rf.£~~wI' U T U Mill Chriatian en is spending Snn- «,

d.} at her home at Norway, Iowa. Phi Rho Sigma gave an informal lit Open OppOSite lil

dinner at their halls Friday evening. ~~ Evenings South .1'. Mis Edna Whitacre' is spending ~ Until End of lit ooday at her home in West Liberty. 'f F. M. Theobald, L. A. '10, is re­

ceiYing treatment at the U. of 1. Hos­pital.

, Eidht Campus ~

W ~ MI i Helen White, of Des Moinrs, 'f 'f

:~:~' '::~g::,~,:':~,: ':::,: I:: .""."".,,,.nnnn.,,,,,,,,,,,nn. Grinnell and Des Moines Friday and • turday.

Mi. Lillian Chri tianson is spend­ing the week end at her home ill Nor­lily, IOIVa .

Lc ter D. Mddol c, A. S. '10, is a patient at the Uuiversity Hospital for a ahort time.

Prof. Walter of Cedu Fdll was the guest of his SOil Jesse who is attending the University.

by an attack of para typhoid, is re-covering rapidly and will undoubtedly be able to leave the hospital this week.


Phi Kappa Psi gave a very pleasant informal party at the Majestic Hall Friday eveniLlg, Professor and Mrp. Raymond, Professor and Mrs. Ferson, and Mr. and Mrs. O. H. Brainerd acted as chaperones.

Dr. . A. Beatie of Creston, Iowa,

-.J. Aldous 8\ Son .. floral Greenhouse on Church and 1)odde Sts. fI rtis ts

====Store: 122 Iowa Avenue:===

Judge Remley of Anamosa spent Friday afternoon in the city visiting hi on Robert.

Mia Gertrude Read, 0 I Cou II cil Bluffa, will be a guest at the Pi Phi bOUle this week.

\Till be a guest of his sister, Miss Alice I ........ ~ .... ~ ......................... ... ~::~~a~~~~~:~~::.ft~er~~~:~I~a~~~ tr /\\\ m ~team ~aUll"r\1 i formerly a student in the College of \W. ~. .w. ;:.J ~ \J!.

E;:~:::::'"~::~-[ i HIGH GLOS!I~~:OMESTIC Mr. Howard Jay ne of} Muscatine is vi iting his brother, . Arthur Jayne, a.t the Phi Psi house.

M! a Mary Helen Letts is spending tbe week end at Albia the gue8t of

FOR RENT-Front room pleas- i 0 ~ - G h : antl,Y situated, 527 E. College. i wens U" ra am I

Mi Caroline Mabry.

Mlaa Helen Seerley has been enter­taining her pa rents, . Pres. and Mrs.

Both Phones 211-213 Iowa Avenue FOR RENT-Ful'nished front i PR.OPR.IETORS

room, 505 E. Washington street. .... ........................................... .....

Seerley of Cedar Falls.

Mi •• Katherine Switzer, L. A. '03, of Iowa City is teaching in the high

BOARD-S2.75 per week. GIve IlS a trial. Cor. Linn and Market =========================

IChool at Stuart, Iowa.


H. A. Strub & Co., Cloaks­Suits and Furs. Mr. H. W~rde Barnes, L. A. '07, now

teacbing in the Burlington high school iJ viaiting in Iowa City. Cat· pets, Ruglil, Oil cloths, Drs-

Dr. and Mra. Titzell will entertain IJeries and House furnishirJgs.

leveral out of town guests at a week H. A. Strub & Co. end party tbe last of the week.

Chaa. Pike, a student ill the College of Dentistry, ia confined to the Uni­veraity Hospital for a short time.

Mr. H. A. Meyers ha gone to Des Moioes where he will visit with friends

LOST-A mink neckpiece Fri­

day night at n 3W Science Hall uuditorium or between there u.nd

Bloomington street. Return to

9 ill. Market.

l over Sunday, and attend the Drake ROOMS FOR REN'r-From $11 game.

Mr. H. M. Cook returned to his hom. to $12. At 129 N. Capitol stl'eet, ill Shelby yesterday after spending 1 block from New Science Hall.

lemal days with hia on Hal at the ROOM FOR RENT -- Modern

Delta Tau Delta house. room for gentlemen; $10.00. Call The annual recognition service of ~t 510 E. Market.

the Y. W. C. A. will be held thi after-11000 at 4:30 at Close Hall. Mis~ Gil­christ will lead the service.

Miu Anna Parsons en tertained

FOR SALE-A No. 1 military

s uit, io first cla. s condition. Call

at 527 east College. a fe" of ber friends ThuraddY evening at tbe Pond House in honor of her LoST- Ladies witch with name motber who i. visiting her. in back. Finder please le~ve it

Miuea Flora Cooper, Edith Rigler a.t Iowan office a.nd r eceive re­alld Glen Ogden gave a very clever ward. abeet and pillow case party Friday FRS' 1 't! t'tDing at tbe Rigler home. About OR ENT- 109 e or SUI e 0 forty ruelts were present. modQrn up-to-date front rooms,

Mr. G. W. Gullagher, L. A., who ia with or without boa.rd. Phone CODfined to the Homeopathic Hospital Bell 237 Y.

Fall Suits in popular favor among good dressers. Why? Because both quality of goods and workmanship are the be3t. Our Fall ~nd Winter Suitings and Over­coatings are now ready for your inspec­tion. Many individual patterns.-1oAn early choice advised.

NOTE---Prices as low as consistent with well tailored garments.


These are three lines of merchandise mOlt largely drawn from in the selec­tion of Wedding Gifts.

For the autumnal wedding we have a personally selected array of the sea­son's best productions, exclu8ive, dis­tinctive, artistic, as you would expect to find. If there is any difference in price all

compared with what is asked for ordi­oary, inexpertly selecteo wares, your good sense will detc!rmine the reason at a glance.

We preach comparisons because we benefit by them .


Enlarsement of Our Store

Is necessitated by our



The Up-to-Date and Busy Groce/·s. 129 S. Du buq ue.

Pi' ice the Lowest for the Best Goods.


====Bigger This Year

Uniformly Good JIll Prices Moderate

~.,s All SBYSO \. ::YETTER'S Big

Store i the place forbestDryGood ,Carpets,Rugs, Kid Glove, &c., at Lowest Prices

GET THE HABIT goin~ to Dl'ncing Asstmbly

Hall ntry Saturday


ntioutd from II ~ on~)

time. th men wert~ dra~ged tor di tan e after being pparcntly

topped. n traight Cootba1110\\'

in d 172 yard, Dr a k e 61 10\\a punted I tim ,Ur k 10.

Kirk averaged 40 yard, Orakt: ki k r 31 Yi\rd •. Fon\ard pa ,lo\\'a, three Uecl'. ful. Dr, k 9, i u CuI.

Followin'i Ih · line-up: L1n,-Up

LD G LD Carberry, f.'rit t I Ie Je" II, tutllman It ' eidell 1 H tin" c Elliott rg .r rt

White re tt"lrl qb

Kn 'ltOI1. iurphy Ih Kirk, till r rh

Huard, Kirk. Ib Hammer

DRAKE Barr, Hav~D

teven., , 0041-rom

-= LEARN TO DANCE Pti.va.t~ ot dass lessons.

Majestic Hall. Phon( 492 or 514.

Fo • o- AII lowu. 1 watch lob at tb t nil of Coli gP tr t bridg or 11 ar D an

Ho ford ' by Dr. It nry Alb rt. Lo r n ob '\in am by cl~lIing a 10\ N otllc .



ntlnut-d (rom page one) -----i 'on in in 1 97 j the econd at

lllinoi in 1900; the third at Mi -ouri in 1903. 1 he onfer n e of

the pre. ident arr informal. While que.tion for di. cu, ion are ug­ge t d in ad\'ance ther' are no prep"r d paper • nd no formal pro,ram i ,dhered to. The meeting ,re not open to the public. The pre Ident .. ill, how­ever, ddre th U niver it)' on­vocation Frid y morning. The meeting i notable in that among th· pre id nt who will be in at­tendance there are thre uch di tingui ned men in univer ity wnrk • nd v t ran in the fidd of education a Pre ident Angell, Pre ideot orthrop and han d­lor An(ire\ .

Dinner for Debaters

A very 'njoyablc dinner wa given the niver ity int r ollegi­ate debater and their alternates la t night at the home of Prof.

ordon. After th repa, t d -b~ting affair. and th v a) and mean of preparing the coming debate with l1\inois and e­bra ka w 're di . cu ed.

uit. 1101\

u.t 527 ell

I <ANNOUNCEMENTS I Y. W. '. A. - The fall recognition rvice of the Y. W. C. A. will be held

'unda, afierooon at 4:30 at 10 e Hall. "11 Gilchrist will lead the er·lice.

AliT LUB - The oiver ity Art club ill meet Monday evening, ct. 28th,

at 7:30, in room 105. All member are reque' ted to be present.

AC as E. OTTO, President

POSTOI'I'ICa tudtntll who have Dot already done 10 are r que ted to leave th~ir addre e at the po t offire. on­• iderablemail is being rei urued for "ant of luflicient addre .

EMORV WaSTcoTT, Po tmutcr

Piano and Harmony Mra. Anna DilleI:' Starbuck will reo

ceive pupils in Piano and Harmony. Mr •• St rbuck may be fouod for the pr lent, at 427 Governor street. J. C. phone, 1675. -----Unitarian Church

Meeu in Unity HaU

Rev. R. S. Loring. Minister


Sunday Mornin~ at 1 1

Subject of Sermon: "Enterin~ Re1i~­

ion Throu~h the Door of Thio~. Clo.e at Hand."

Youn~ Peoplc·. Society at 'l

Plptt by Mi .. Stell. Lowman On "Thc Go.pel of Diacontent."


Preedom--Pellow.hip--Ch.racter in Re1i~ion.

OVERCOATS For Iowa. City's Conservative Dressers


---the conservative overcoat is a garment that will attract a vast number of men

who do not dress in extremes.

---it is very neat in cut, 42 to 44 inches long,

the back and skirts are loose in effect and

fall straight from the shoulders

---the shape is radical in its departure from the form-fitting garments of

the past year

---lapels are full and broad, and the sleeves come with or without cuffs. It is the

old friend in new disguise

$10 to $35 for Overcoats and Suits ---the sooner you come into our boys' depart­

ment and fix that boy of yours tOr cola

weather the better selection you're going to get. Special values, suits

and overcoats at $3.15-$5

Inox Hats Grin~n Snlrts Bruer Bro~. Bochester motnes




Should Consult Our Optician at Onco

Not only is ollr Optical Department tilt largest in flit city, but Wt

test and fit more Glasses 1111111 aft IIleot/ttr stores ill tile city (OIll/JiJltd

I SPECTltCLES ond EYE GLASSES The main points to be regarded in the purchase of these g.JOds are:

killful work, fine quality of material, correct fit and the nature of the guarantee given by the seller. All these are procurable in their highest quality here .

We Test Eyes Free

f':,.. ... __ ~

The above illustration shows a pair of those new stylish looking Rimless Spectacles, 14·k. gold filled qualitv, easy fitting, cable tem· ptes and first quality periscopic lenses. We've all kind" at all priets.


J. R. THOMAS Both Phone. Cor, Washington and Van Buren sts.


Photograph and a Square Deal CaU on LUSCOMBE 9 Dubuque St.

For Universitv of Iowa Students Shorthand Class 11 a. m.

Touch Typewriting Class 1 p. m.

At Irish's University Business College

First Cln Goo •

Reasonable Pro6ts


We : Solicit: Your: Business

Promjll :-'er\'lct

Courteou, TrtRlmtnt

............ ; ............ . ! Olvmpia!..e.!staurant i : $100 R[WARD! Ii : The Olympian Re taurant . IS undergoing important altera- II ! tions, and Landlord Constantine rejoices at the approach ! ... of their completion. I : He will inaugurate then a system of full meals at 20, 25 .. ... and 30 cents. These will include soup, meats, vegetables,

bread, butter and coffee, and dessert. These meals wiII t be first-class. He will also feature in his fine new restaur· ~ ant, feasts for banquets, wedding and dance parties, etc., ... and he will give ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS RE· .. WARD to anybody finding better service in that line than .. he gives-anywhere in Iowa.

I This Restaurant has recently added a marvelous piece .. of mechanism-a Dish Washer which clean t's 4000 di hes a. per hour, placing the Olympian in the lead of competitors. t .... _----------------_ .............. : ............ .

Volume 7

Hutchins Vtellsee

Assistant Coach Tnat Team

II l!IIelie Edlloy

MADISON, Wis think Wisconsin's trong, but I was

the offense," said ins in regard to t

"The fact that it game of the the men new to is, in my opinion, the ddeat."

A istan! Coach "I was greatly s poor offensive sity. The result was a I exp Itll down in Jargdy beeau e grt!en. The for line bucks were coacht!8 have in

Despite the I nappy little qua

kept out of the ga of weeks due to d

are still unable studenls express in their defeated

With but men in the ga mer at right end, and Stiehm at will set to work correct the fa'ults urday and rpt"rr"i1

ments of the

hoped, prove a the position. guard, broke his scrimmage Sat through the gam unable to

responsible for assures him , so aying in 1adisc

po ition on the te, day. Cunningham in the first half of last year, and to h' ited a large shan for the poor showi lin in that half. year, however, e careful training.

Y. W. C. A. Met

There will be I

less meeting of 1

this evening at 4:: Everybody is rE presellt &8 delega. Convention Ire Committee repor given .