R Y West Pensacola District SOCIETY 2017 -2018 ANNUAL … Reports-Combined.pdfMy favorite thing is...

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  • Personal Instruction

    W O M E N ’ S

    H O M E


    O V E R S E A S

    M I S S I O N A R Y

    SOCIETY West Pensacola District

    2017-2018 ANNUAL REPORT

    District Officers

    Ecumenical Affiliate Officers

  • West Pensacola District Women’s Home and Overseas Missionary Society

    District Officers

    Mrs. Georgia M. Philpot, West District President

    Rev. Monique Turner, YAMS Coordinator

    Ms Tasha McGeachy, Secretary of Youth

    Mrs. Rosemary Clarke, Superintendent of BUDS

    Mrs. Barbara Knight, Secretary of Supply

    Ms. Jennifer Green, Life Members Chairman


  • To the Right Reverend Seth O. Lartey, Presiding Prelate of the Alabama, Florida Episcopal Dis-trict; Mrs. Jacqueline Williams-Lartey, Missionary Supervisor; Reverend Dr. Clarence H. Little, Presiding Elder Emeritus; Reverend John L. Philpot, Sr., Presiding Elder of the West Pensacola District; Reverend Anthony R. Scott, Host Presiding Elder of the East Pensacola District, Rever-end Dr. Malone Smith, Presiding Elder of the Tallahassee District, Reverend Ray S. White, Host Pastor of the East Pensacola District; Pastors, Ministers, Local Preachers, Conference and Dis-trict Officers, Delegates, Members and Friends of the 149th Session of the Florida Annual Con-ference. Greetings in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus the Christ “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” Philippians 4:13 NKJV The Women’s Home and Overseas Missionary Society 2015-2019 Quadrennial Theme: “The Great Commission - A Global Out-reach: Personal Calling, Personal Transformation, Personal Instruction and Personal Commitment” As President of the West Pensacola District WH&OM Society, I submit this report with a humble spirit that is filled with love, pride and joy. I give God all of the glory and all the praise for what He has done and what He continues to do in the lives of His people. Through much hard work and many sacrifices we have remained steadfast and unmovable in our love and obedience to God. The District Officers are committed to their responsibilities as Missionaries. This conference year we have held with good attendance ten monthly meetings and four mass meetings and we have observed our Annual Days. In preparing ourselves to become good teachers of Christ; we have attended bible studies, workshops/seminars and other informative events that were held throughout the Alabama/Florida Episcopal area. With hard work and faith we have met our financial obligations at the District, Episcopal and Connectional levels. We have contributed to Global Outreach Projects; most recently to the “ Raise The Roof Campaign” in Afrancho, Ghana, West Africa. The following WH&OMS’ Departmental reports give a brief overview of our dedicated work and service:

    “Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father in heaven.” Matthew 5:16 NKJV Parent Body - Mrs. Georgia Philpot, President

    • Co-Sponsored Department’s major fundraiser, The Six Point Tea. This year’s event was focused on our six departments with each District Officer eloquently representing her department.

    • Locally, assisted with the Thanksgiving Food Drive at Talbot Chapel A.M.E. Zion Church.

    • Conducted a Study Session at our first Mass Meeting using the 2015-2019 Missionary Study Guide

    • Chaired the Annual Missionary Program for the West Pensacola District Conference.

    • Parent Body donated clothes to Escambia Chapel A.M.E. Zion Church’s Give-Away Clothes’ Closet

    • Chaired “Raise The Roof Campaign,” a Missions’ Outreach Project. Funds were donated to help complete the roofing and floors for the Janie Speaks Hospital in Afrancho, Ghana, West Africa

    YAMS - Reverend Monique Turner, Coordinator of YAMS

    • Partnered with the Department of Evangelism and the Community in sponsoring the “World HIV|AIDS Day” held at Mt. Canaan Baptist Church.

    • Sponsored the “ World AIDS’ Day” in February at Talbot Chapel A.M.E. Zion Church .

    • Sponsored “ HIV/AIDS Testing Day” held at Edwards’ Chapel A.M.E. Zion Church.

    • In observance of Founder’s Day the West and East Districts performed in an outstanding play, “Jesus Help Me Remain In You, While In The Middle Of My Mess.” The department collected email addresses from those in attendance as a way of keeping in contact and offering prayer when requested.

    • The Book Club Ministry continues to be a success. It prepares and encourages those involved to be better missionaries as they encounter everyday situations.

    • Participated in the Breast Cancer Walk.

    • Hosted a Prayer Breakfast held at Talbot Chapel A.M.E. Zion Church.

    Youth – Ms. Tasha McGeachy, Secretary of Youth

    • Ms. McGeachy also serves as Secretary of Youth at the local level, where she is actively involved in promoting youth programs and activities.

    • Partnered with Escambia Chapel’s youth in attending “Movie Nights’ Out” during the summer.

    • The Youth participated in “The Next Generation Movement,” over 100 children and youth signed the Pledge for Peace and Non-Violence.

    Mrs. Georgia Philpot

    District President


  • Buds - Mrs. Rosemary Clarke, Superintendent of Buds

    • In Celebration of Marie Clinton Day, the east and west districts presented a great play, “Blooming All For Jesus.” The play depicted the BUDS meeting Bishop George Wylie Clinton, the husband of Mrs. Marie Clinton, founder of The BUDS of Promise.

    • The BUDS sponsored a “Thanksgiving Donation Box”

    • Packed “Blessing Bags” for The Street Ministry”

    • Participated in the “Anti-Bullying Campaign”

    • Submitted Eighteen (18) subscriptions to “My Buddy Magazine”

    Supply - Mrs. Barbara Knight, Secretary of Supply

    • The department’s Annual Food Drive donated non perishable food items combined with a monetary donation to the Epps Christian Center.

    • Supported “Back –Pac Buddies” a program designed to insure that children have snacks and food over the weekends,

    • Sponsored “The 2018 Three Day Women’s Conference: “Power of the Purse. . . What Do You Carry Daily As A Christian Woman?” The Department continues to serve the sick and shut-in with cards, calls and meals.

    Life Members - Ms. Jennifer Green, Life Members Chairman

    • East and West Districts sponsored a “Spiritual Formation Program” in celebration of their founder, Mrs. Anna L. Ander-son; This program was spiritually filled with fervent prayers.

    • Ms. Green has participated in many programs and activities throughout the Florida Conference

    • The Department strives to live up to its motto, ”Each One, Make One.” For 2017-2018 the total number of Stols: five Life Members, two Honorary Life Members, three Memorial Life Members, one Overseas’ Life Member and one Life Member’s Heart for Overseas Missions.

    “I Don’t Feel No Ways Tired!”

    The West Pensacola District’s Local Presidents are:

    Church Local President Talbot Chapel Rev. Monique Turner Mt. Moriah Open St. Mark Mrs. Barbara Knight Escambia Chapel Open Greater Little Zion Mrs. Rose Pettiway

    “A charge to keep I have, a God to glorify, a never dying soul to save and fit it for the sky.”

    My Stewardship:

    • Member and Secretary of the Deaconess’ Board at Talbot Chapel AME Zion Church.

    • Regularly attends weekly Bible Study.

    • Attended the Alabama, Florida 2018 Pentecost Explosion held in Birmingham, Alabama.

    • Served as a Hostess and Server at the Annual Community Thanksgiving Dinner held at Talbot Chapel.

    • Participated in the Women’s Ministry Program , “Spiritual Cake” held at Escambia Chapel A.M.E. Zion Church.

    • Assisted with the Next Generation Movement’s Back To School Splash.

    • Attended District Conference held at Community of Hope AMEZ Church, Tallahassee Fl, Rev. Dr. Malone Smith, Pastor/Presiding Elder.

    • Attended all required Institutes held at Lomax Hannon, Greenville, AL.

    • Hold membership in both the Escambia Retired Educators and Florida Retired Educators’ Associations.

    • Hold membership in the NAACP.

    As I close this report I say, “thank you” to my husband of fifty-two years, Rev. John L. Philpot, Sr. for his love and support. I ask God to continue to bless our wonderful life together. To Presiding Elder Emeritus, Rev. Dr Clarence Little, thank you for your love and always wise advice, to the dedicated WHOMS of the West Pensacola District I say, “Thank You” for your dedi-cation to Kingdom Building.” Thank you Presiding Elder Anthony Scott, Pastors, Ministers, Local Preachers, Conference Workers and the entire Florida Conference. To our Episcopal Leaders, Bishop Seth O. Lartey and Missionary Supervisor Mrs. Jacqueline Williams-Lartey, “Thank You” for your leadership, your teachings and for the vision that you continue to have for our Episcopal Area. Most of all, I thank God for all the things He has done and continues to do in my life!

  • Dear God

    Please untie the knots that are in my mind, my heart, my life Remove the have nots, the can nots and the do nots that I have in my mind

    Erase all the will nots, the might nots that may find a home in my heart

    Release me from the could nots, would nots that obstruct my life. And most of all, Dear God,

    I ask that You remove from my mind, my heart and my life all the “am-nots.” That I’m not good enough Amen

    Author, Known to God

    The” Knots Prayer” can be found in the WHOMS’ 2015-2019 Study Guide

    Humbly Submitted,

    Mrs. Georgia M. Philpot Mrs. Georgia M. Philpot West District President WH&OM Society

    District Officers Rev. Monique Turner, YAMS Coordinator Ms. Tasha McGeachy, Secretary of Youth Mrs. Rosemary Clarke, Superintendent of BUDS Mrs. Barbara Knight, Secretary of Supply Ms. Jennifer Green, Life Members Chairman

  • To the Right Reverend Seth O. Lartey, Presiding Prelate of the Alabama-Florida Episcopal Dis-

    trict; Mrs. Jacqueline Williams-Lartey, Missionary Supervisor; Reverend Dr. Clarence H. Little,

    Presiding Elder Emeritus; Reverend John L. Philpot, Sr., Presiding Elder of the West Pensacola

    District, Reverend Anthony R. Scott, Presiding Elder of the East Pensacola District, Reverend

    Dr. Malone Smith, Presiding Elder of the Tallahassee District, Reverend Ray White, Host Pas-

    tor; Pastors, Ministers, Local Preachers, Conference and District Officers, Delegates, Members

    and Friends of the 149th Session of the Florida Annual Conference.

    Greetings in the name of our Lord and Savior, Jesus the Christ!

    “He restores my soul; He leads me in the paths of righteousness For His name’s sake.” Psalm 23:3

    Reverend Monique Turner, Coordinator of YAMS: I serve as the Coordinator of YAMS for the West Pensacola District. I

    am married to Reverend Jesse Turner. We have four children and six grandchildren. I am a member of Talbot Chapel where I

    serve as Youth Minister, local WH&OMS President, Conference and West District Director of Spiritual Formation. Also, I

    serve as a Mentor for the Next Generational Movement. I am a part of the Greater Pensacola Area Justice Ministry Clergy

    Group. This is a group where we monitor what is going on in our community and around the world to see how we can help

    those who are not being treated equal. I am active in our Christian Education Department. I am very active in my community.

    I was in the Insurance field for over 20 years; however, you can now say I am retired.

    I am a graduate of Troy State University with a Bachelor's Degree in Business Management, a Master's Degree in Public Ad-

    ministration and two years of study in Ministry of Divinity at Liberty University.

    My favorite thing is spending time with my husband, grandchildren and my 95 year old mom, going places and making memo-


    As the Coordinator of the Young Adult Missionary Society, it is with great joy and a pleasure that I submit the following report

    for the 2017-2018 Conference Year. I thank God for giving me the opportunity to serve.

    The following are the YAMS Coordinators for each church:

    Church Pastor YAMS Coordinator

    Talbot Chapel A.M.E. Zion Rev. John L. Philpot, Sr. Mrs. Ciara LaGroue

    Mt. Moriah A.M.E. Zion Rev. Floyd Walker Mrs. Shirley Rich

    St. Mark A.M.E. Zion Rev. Elisha Knight Ms. Diana Pryer

    Escambia Chapel A.M.E. Zion Rev. D. Machelle Easley Ms. Andria Clarke Capers

    Greater Little Zion A.M.E. Zion Rev. Winfred Pettiway Mrs. Rose Pettiway

    The YAMS have participated in several activities and programs. We visited the Cahaba Annual Conference and Central Ala-

    bama Annual Conference for Missionary Day. We have attended monthly Local and District Officers’ meetings, training ses-

    sions and Mass Meetings. We also attended the Ministers Laity & Youth Institute, Evangelism Convocation and Founders Day

    at Lomax-Hannon.

    HIV/AIDS – Under the leadership of Reverend Jesse Turner, the West Pensacola District partnered with the Community and

    our local Evangelism Department in participating in National HIV/AIDS Day in February at Mt. Canaan Baptist Church. The

    World Aids Day was held at Talbot Chapel in December and HIV/AIDS Testing Day in June at Edwards Chapel.

    Street Crusade-Performed witnessing and offered prayer door to door throughout the community.

    West and East District Projects

    Founder’s Day-Observance on November 12, 2018 was a great “out of the box” experience with great success. We performed

    the Skit “Jesus Help Me Remain in You While in the Middle of my Mess” written by Rev. Rita Westmore and myself. This was

    the skit we wrote that was performed at the WH&OMS Leadership Training Seminar in Knoxville TN, July

    27-29 2017. The skit was “The Great Commission – A Global Outreach: Personal Calling, Personal Trans-

    formation, Personal Instruction and Personal Commitment”. We had a packed house and the skit was very

    well received. We collected email addresses from those who attended and reached out to them thanking them

    for attending and offered prayer to anyone who needed it.

    Book Club Ministry- The Book Club Ministry which was birthed by Mrs. Ciara LaGroue, Local YAMS

    Coordinator of Talbot Chapel, went over well again this year. We met with the Book Club Ministry discuss-

    ing the book “Fervent, A Woman’s Battle Plan for Serious, Specific and Strategic Prayer. We met twice this


    Rev. Monique Turner

    Coordinator of YAMS

  • We fellowshipped prayed and discussed what we had read and learned from the book. We met once at the church and once at a

    restaurant. We learned we must pray in season and out of season. This Book Club helps us to be a better Missionary as we go

    out witnessing to others.

    Community and Service Projects

    Local involvement in the community is a must. We are reminded that we must go outside of the four walls within our church

    spreading the “Good News.” The YAMS participated in the Breast Cancer Walk. We hosted a “Prayer Breakfast” at Talbot

    Chapel for our local level. It was a success. The women and men were blessed and we got emails to follow up with those who

    attended. We also did a project to honor women who had been abused and were placed in different shelters. We received dona-

    tions from men/women of $36 dollars and purchased the Satin Hands product from Mary Kay Inc. We took this product to the

    women in shelters to let them know even though they were physically harmed by being hit they still can fill good about them-

    selves. The YAMS along with Talbot Chapel Youth Ministry and the New Generational Movement were able to purchase uni-

    forms for a few students that attend Jacqueline Harris Academy here in Pensacola, Florida. We are also partnering with the

    community to save the Historical Ella Jordan House. The community is working hard on the renovation of the Pensacola Feder-

    ation of Colored Women’s Club Home located at 423 N. “C” Street, Pensacola, Florida which was founded by Mrs. Ella L. Jor-

    dan. We were able to attend the Central Alabama and the Cahaba Annual Conferences for Missionary Day. Personal Involvements and Development

    In January during the Convocation at Lomax Hannon, I was ordained and Elder and since that time I have not been the same. I

    want to bring others to Christ. As a missionary we must go out as Matthew 28:19 says; “teach all nations, baptizing them in

    the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost.” I will continue to travel to Lomax as well as other places to

    learn more about the up building of God’s kingdom. I was blessed in April 2018 to attend the YAMS Empowerment Retreat &

    the WH&OMS Leadership Training in Black Mountain, NC. I was able to bring some of that great training back and share with

    other YAMS. Also in July, I was able to attend a little of the CED Quadrennial in Birmingham Alabama. God wants to take us

    to another level so we must be ready. Through my sickness, trials and tribulations, I believe God is up to something and I will

    continue to press to the higher calling. I will continue through the Holy Spirit to seek God’s face as I walk this Journey. Being

    ordained a Elder was a feeling I cannot described. I will continue to “Trust in the Lord with all my heart, lean not unto my own

    understanding. In all of my ways acknowledge Him and He will direct my path.”

    To Bishop Seth O. Lartey and our Missionary Supervisor, Mrs. Jacqueline I. Williams-Lartey, I thank you both for reaching out

    to me and my husband Reverend Jesse Turner for the loss of our son. We will continue to pray that the Lord will use you both

    as He directs your path. I would like to say a special thanks to Mrs. Georgia Philpot, West District President, for her wonderful

    encouragement and support. I also extend thanks to my Pastor, Reverend John L. Philpot, Sr. for his loving spirit and his great

    training. To my husband Reverend Jesse Turner who continues to pray and cover me. Lastly, I truly thank God for He is wor-

    thy to be PRAISED! To those that continue to show us the way we are thankful. YAMS Motto: “With hearts and hands we

    reach up to God for strength and directions. We reach out to love and touch others. We reach down to lift fallen humani-


    Humbly submitted,

    Reverend Monique Turner Coordinator of Young Adult Missionary Society (YAMS)

  • To the Right Reverend Seth O. Lartey, Presiding Prelate of the Alabama Florida Episco-

    pal District, Mrs. Jacqueline I. Williams-Lartey, Missionary Supervisor; Reverend Dr.

    Clarence H. Little, Presiding Elder Emeritus; Reverend John L. Philpot, Sr., Presiding

    Elder of the West Pensacola District; Reverend Anthony R. Scott, Presiding Elder of the

    East Pensacola District; Reverend Dr. Malone Smith, Presiding Elder of the Tallahassee

    District; Reverend Ray S. White, Host Pastor, Pastors, Ministers, Local Preachers, Confer-

    ence and District Officers, Delegates, Members and Friends of the 149th Session of the

    Florida Annual Conference.

    I greet you in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ!

    “O God, thou has taught me from my youth: and hitherto have I declared thy wondrous works.” Psalms 71:17

    West District Secretary of Youth Missionary Ms. Tasha McGeachy

    I am a member of Talbot Chapel AME Zion Church, where Reverend John L. Philpot, Sr. is the Pastor, and Mrs. Georgia Philpot is the First Lady and West District President of the WH&OM Society. This is my second year as the West District Secretary of Youth. As a result of my work schedule this year, my availability has been extremely limited due to working non-traditional work hours (weekends & evenings). Reverend Monique Turner graciously stepped in to ensure that the YOUTH were able to fully participate in all activities with the YAMS and BUDS activities. I am truly grateful to all of the District Officers for their support, prayers, and continued hard work to ensure our Youth missions are continually carried out and implemented. Activities the YOUTH participated in are: • Partnered with Escambia Chapel youth to attend “Movie Nights for Children. This activity was done

    once a month during the summer. • August 4, 2018, the youth attended Escambia Chapel for the “Back to School Splash” and successfully

    partnered with the New Generational Movement. Over 100 children signed the Agreement for peace and nonviolence.

    • Over 100 bags of school supplies were also given out to the youth. • Youth were taken to Sam’s Fun City for a “Back to School Bash” on August 12, 2018. With the start of school, our Youth schedules have become hectic and we are working around their sched-ules by obtaining schedules to effectively utilize time and resources to attend and support their events. Our goal is to attend and support as many events as possible. Also, we will be collecting Report Cards each semester to track students’ progress and provide additional help if needed by any student. I offer special thanks to Reverend Monique Turner, Mrs. Maxwell, Mrs. Hawk, and others for their tre-mendous support to this ministry.

    Praying for God’s continued guidance in this ministry and the needs of our Youth.

    Youth Secretaries

    Talbot Chapel Ms. Tasha McGeachy

    Mt. Moriah Ms. Mary Bloxson

    St. Mark Ms. Lorene Tripp

    Escambia Chapel Ms. Adria Capers

    Greater Little Zion Mrs. Rose Pettiway

    Ms. Tasha McGeachy

    Secretary of Youth

  • Conclusion

    I am truly thankful for this opportunity to serve and work with our Youth. I continually pray for God’s

    guidance to help me to grow, gain continued knowledge and wisdom, and the continued support of my

    Missionary Sisters. I want to especially thank Sister Rosemary Clark and Sister Barbara Knight for their

    generous help and guidance as I continue to transition into this role. I am truly grateful and looking for-

    ward to even greater things for our Youth. Help from our Youth is imperative to the continued growth and

    building of God’s Kingdom. This position is dedicated to serve and assist our youth in ways to help them

    achieve their potential on a God given level.

    Continue to pray for our Youth, and I ask for everyone’s prayers and guidance as I continue to grow in this

    blessed role.

    Respectfully submitted,

    Ms. Tasha D. McGeachy Ms. Tasha D. McGeachy , Secretary of Youth

  • To the Right Reverend Seth O. Lartey, Presiding Prelate of the Alabama Florida Epis-

    copal District; Mrs. Jacqueline I. Williams-Lartey, Missionary Supervisor, Reverend

    Dr. Clarence H. Little, Presiding Elder Emeritus, Reverend John L. Philpot, Sr., Pre-

    siding Elder of the West Pensacola District; Reverend Anthony R. Scott, Presiding

    Elder of the East Pensacola District; Reverend Dr. Malone Smith, Presiding Elder of

    the Tallahassee District; Reverend Ray S. White, Host Pastor, Pastors, Ministers, Lo-

    cal Preachers, Conference and District Officers, Delegates, Members and Friends of the

    149th Session of the Florida Annual Conference.

    “Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.” “Mathew 19:14”

    Greetings in the name of our Lord and Savior, Jesus the Christ.

    Mrs. Rosemary Clarke

    Superintendent of Buds

    I am a member of Escambia Chapel AME ZION Church, where the Reverend D. Machelle Easley is the Pastor. I ask

    leave to make the following report as the West Pensacola District Superintendent of BUDS.

    Endeavors for 2017-2018

    Supported District WH&OM Society Annual Day observances.

    Participated in the “Power of the Purse “Women’s Conference.

    Worked closely with the Christian Education Department.

    Made monetary donations to various programs and projects.

    Transported children and youth to various programs.

    Attended the Pentecost Celebration in Birmingham, Alabama.

    Became involved in the Next Generation Movement for Peace and Nonviolence.

    Episcopal / Conference / District Levels

    I have attended and participated in meetings and Workshops held at Lomax Hannon Junior College and received

    training on the Bishop’s conference calls. Recently, I attended the Community of Hope A.M.E. Zion Church’s inau-

    gural District Conference in Tallahassee, Florida, and attended all West Pensacola District Mass Meetings.

    Stewardship as Buds Superintendent

    I collaborated with the East District Superintendent of Buds, to celebrate “Mrs. Marie Clinton Day”, the Buds

    founder. This program was entitled “Blooming All for Jesus”, a play depicting a Bud of Promise meeting which in-

    troduced Bishop George Wylie Clinton, the husband of our founder.

    Other BUD Activities

    Buds “Thanksgiving Donation Box”.

    Out- of- the - box “Fifth Sunday Services”

    Served as assistant with Buds at (Dunbar Center) Lomax Junior College.

    Anti-Bulling campaign

    Packed “Blessing Bags” for street ministry

    Mrs. Rosemary Clarke


    of BUDS

  • Personal Stewardship

    As a member of Escambia Chapel AME ZION Church, I serve as a Deaconess, Superintendent of Sunday School,

    Sunday School Teacher, Church Secretary, and Director of Children Ministries.

    Buds Superintendents

    Talbot Chapel Mrs. Vonda Hawk

    Greater Mt. Moriah Ms. Mary Bloxson

    St. Mark Mrs. Barbara Knight

    Escambia Chapel Mrs. Rosemary Clarke

    Greater Little Zion Mrs. Rose Pettiway

    “I will bless the lord at all times; praise shall continually be in my mouth.” Psalms 34: 1

    This has been a year full of great experiences and I give God all the praise. Respectfully submitted

    Mrs. Rosemary Clarke Mrs. Rosemary Clarke Superintendent of BUDS

  • To the Right Reverend Seth O. Lartey , Presiding Prelate; Mrs. Jacqueline I. Williams-Lartey, Mis-sionary Supervisor; Reverend Dr. Clarence Little, Presiding Elder Emeritus; Reverend Anthony R. Scott, Host Presiding Elder, East Pensacola District; Reverend John L. Philpot, Sr., Presiding El-der, West Pensacola District; Reverend Dr. Malone Smith, Presiding Elder, Tallahassee District, Reverend Ray S. White, Host Pastor; Pastors, Ministers, Local Preachers, Conference and District Officers, Delegates, Members and Friends of the 149th Annual Session of the Florida Annual Con-ference. I greet you in the name of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ!

    “For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.” Ephesians 2:10 NJV

    It is with joy and humility that I pen this report of my labors and stewardship as the Secretary of Supply for the West Pensacola District of the Women’s Home and Overseas Missionary Society. I am reminded of a quote by Booker T. Washington . . . that tells us “success is to be measured not so much by the position that one has reached in life as by the obstacles which he has over-come.” I give God the Glory for the experience and thank Him for reminding me of who I am and who He is in my life. “LORD, my God, You have done great things: marvelous works and your thoughts toward us. There is no one who compares to you! I will try to recite your actions, even though there are too many to number”. Psalm 40:5

    Works of the Supply Department I remain committed to implementing programs and activities related to the purpose and mission of this department by promoting spiritual growth and development, soliciting assistance for the physical needs of those less fortunate and provide assistance that will encourage independence and self-sufficiency.

    Local Societies and Willing Workers Talbot Chapel AME Zion Church Mrs. Eloise Foster Mt. Moriah AME Zion Church Reverend Bettye P. Little St. Mark AME Zion Church Mrs. Barbara Knight Escambia Chapel AME Zion Church Open Greater Little Zion AME Zion Church Mrs. Dorothy Marshall

    Supply Department Programs

    • World Hunger: Annual Food Drive (benefactor EPPS Christian Center), inclusive of a 4-Week Sacrificial Offering from the Local Churches for additional needed items.

    • Mass Meetings: Attended Mass Meetings

    • Breast Cancer Walk: Served as representative for Cancer Survivors of St. Mark and made contributions for the cure.

    • HIV/AIDS: Provided monetary support for HIV/AIDS Awareness local project.

    • “Backpack Buddies”: Continued support of “Backpack Buddies” with CA Weis Elementary School where we provide snacks for students to take home over the weekend that may not have food.

    Connectional/Episcopal/Conference/District Support

    • Supported our Episcopal District, Florida Conference and the West District spiritually, financially and attended meetings and programs. This support is inclusive of traveling to Lomax-Hannon for the Convocations, Founder’s Day, Institutes,

    • Served as a Speaker for Greater Works Women’s Day Program

    • Participated in weekly scheduled Training Session with Bishop Lartey.

    Personal Stewardship Connectional Church

    • Trustee Board Episcopal District

    • Trustee Board, Director of Communications and Partners In Ministry Local Church Within my local church I serve in the following capacities:

    • President of the Deaconess Board

    • Trustee Board

    • Budget/Apportionment and Finance Committee

    • Church Secretary

    • Church School Superintendent/Teacher

    • WH&OM Society, Local President and Supply Secretary


    • National Council of Negro Women/AME Zion Affiliate Chapter

    • World Aids Day Committee

    • Juvenile Justice Coalition

    Mrs. Barbara Knight

    Secretary of Supply

  • “God is not unjust; he will not forget your work and the love you have shown him as you have helped his people and continue to help them.” Hebrew 6:10 NIV

    Service and Outreach

    • As Secretary of Supply for the West Pensacola District and my local church, I served as facilitator and host of a Women’s Re-treat: “The Power of the Purse . . . What Do You Carry Daily As A Christian Woman?” The purpose of this event was to in-vite women from surrounding churches and communities to share in worship, empowerment, instruction and fellowship while exploring God’s handiwork of unearthing Diamonds in the rough and becoming Jewels for Christ.

    • During the 148th Session of the Florida Annual Conference, I was appointed as the Episcopal Director of the Partners In Minis-try.

    • Served as a volunteer for the Pentecost Celebration held in Birmingham, Alabama.

    • Supported the Connectional Council and Christian Education Quadrennial.

    • Continue to serve as the Secretary to the Florida Conference and oversee the Florida Conference Website which serves as a communication tool most notably for our Conference, but also our Episcopal Area and Community.

    • Continue to support the cause of feeding the hungry, clothing the naked and assisting the homeless. I provide meals for the sick and shut-in members the first Sunday of each month. I visit the sick and send cards to those that may be sick, bereaved or just need an encouraging word.

    “O, Master, Let Us Continue to Walk with Thee.” As I conclude this Annual Report, I would like to thank our Episcopal Leaders, Bishop Seth O. Lartey and Missionary Supervisor, Mrs. Jacqueline I. Williams-Lartey, for the leadership and I remain excited as you continue to serve as agents of change in advanc-ing the Kingdom, Zion our Episcopal Area and Conference with a vision, mission and strategic plan as we make Disciples for Christ.”

    To my Sisters of the West District Women’s Home and Overseas Missionary Society, I say thank you for our continued circle of sisterhood and may it remain as we stay grounded to perform the work before us. To the Supply Captains of the West Pensacola District, I say thanks to each of you, for without you, this Department would not be all that it is in getting the work done. Thank you to my daughter, Lorene, and our St. Mark family, for your willingness to be “Willing Workers . . . Serving to Serve.”

    To my husband of ten wonderful years, Reverend Elisha R. Knight, I say it’s been a joy laboring with you on this journey. The road is not always easy, but with your calming spirit, we always manage to get the work done. Thank you for your continued en-couragement, support and love that assist me in not becoming weary and reminding me that “he that wait upon the Lord shall re-new their strength and not faint” and “through Christ, all things are possible.”

    A willing servant, serving,

    Mrs. Barbara A. Knight Mrs. Barbara A. Knight Secretary of Supply

  • Life Members Department

    West Pensacola District Jennifer Green, Chairman of Life Members

    September 7, 2018

    To the Rt. Reverend Dr. Seth O. Lartey, Presiding Prelate; to our Missionary Supervisor, Mrs. Jacqueline Williams - Lartey; to Presiding Elder Emeritus, Reverend

    Dr. Clarence H. Little; Presiding Elders, Reverend Anthony R. Scott of the East Pensacola District; Reverend John L. Philpot of the West Pensacola District; Reverend Dr. Malone Smith of the Tallahassee District; Host Pastor, Rev. Ray S. White; Pastors, Ministers, Conference and District Officers, Delegates, Members, and Friends of the 149th Session of the Florida Annual Conference.

    Greetings in the name of Our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ!

    As District Chairman of Life Members of the West Pensacola District, I submit the following report:

    Personal Involvement

    Talbot Chapel is a Wonderful Bible Christian Church opened in the Name of the Lord. I am proud to be a member of this "Great" Church and Congregation. I have been active and involved in the life of this church, very supportive to my Pastor, Presiding Elder, and the early morning conference/prayer calls (noon-day & night).

    During my early years in the life of this church and with the help of my parents was very instrumental in ed-ucating and training me in the way God wanted me to go. Therefore, I want to be supportive and give back to the church what it has given to me.

    I am still attending Rev. Easley's Class for course of study. In May 2018, I attended the Pentecost Explosion in Birmingham, AL and most recently, I attended the District Conference of "Community of Hope A.M.E Zi-on" Church, Tallahassee, FL, Rev. Dr. Malone Smith, Pastor and Presiding Elder.

    District Projects

    During October, the East and West District Life Members teamed up and celebrated Our Founder, Anna L. Anderson Day with A Spiritual Formation Program. All of the prayers were awesome, spiritual and spirit-filled. To God Be the Glory.

    The West District Life Members continue to water the branches for the "Tree of Hope" by paying their an-nual life member dues of $5.00. The total amount of council dues collected $200 ($140 plus an additional $60) and $10 for Anna L. Anderson Day.

    Total Life Members Stoled during 2017 Annual Conference

    2 Life Members; 2 Honorary Life Members; 2 Memorial Life Members; 1 Overseas Ma-tron; 1 Overseas Life Member for "A Heart for Overseas Missions" by Greater Little Zion A.M.E. Zion Church.

    Ms. Jennifer Green

    Chairman of

    Life members

  • Total Life Members to be Stole during Annual Conference 2018

    3 Life Members: Josie Bradley (Escambia Chapel); D'Ajah Crowe (St. Mark); Cheryl Puryear (Talbot Chapel); 1 Memorial Life Member, Mrs. Gloria Riley (St. Mark A.M.E Zion Church).

    Names of the Churches Local Life Members Chairman and dues collected

    Talbot Chapel $65.00 Sister Jennifer Green Escambia Chapel $60.00 Mt. Moriah $40.00 Mrs. Margie McCorvey St. Mark $25.00 Mrs. Barbara Knight Greater Little Zion $10.00 Mrs. Rose Pettiway

    Precious Memories All the way from heaven down, I know God's Angels continue to watch over this Life Members Department: My Beloved Mother, Mrs. Alyne Baines Green, My Beloved Aunt, Ms. Elizabeth Baines and Mrs. Juletha French, General Chairman of Life Members (1999 - 2007). These Angels are "Gone But Not Forgotten" and I will always remember them.

    The West District Life Members continue to pray and work together with other departments to sprout the "Tree of Hope" knowing that every branch represent our missionary outreach. We continue to uplift our Motto: "Each One, Make One" and most of all, we continue to "Lift Him Up" and "Throw Out the Life Line" across the dark wave to save someone from sinking and drifting away. To God Be the Glory. It is a blessing and everyday I am reminded of God's beautiful words in Jeremiah 29:11, "For I know the plans I have for you, declares the LORD, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."

    Humbly Submitted,

    Ms. Jennifer Green

    Ms. Jennifer Green District Chairman Life Members


    Mrs. Constance Carter, District President

    Ms. Patricia G. Davis, YAMS Coordinator

    Mrs. La Shay Scott, Youth Secretary

    Mrs. Michelle McKenzie, Buds Superintendent

    Ms. Shalonda Palmer, Supply Secretary

    Dr. Janesha Thomas, Life Members Chairman

  • Parent Body Department

    To the Right Reverend Seth O Lartey, Presiding Prelate of the Alabama/Florida Episcopal District, Mrs. Jacqueline I. Williams-

    Lartey, Missionary Supervisor, Connectional Officer, Mrs. Jacqueline French: To Presiding Elder Emeritus, Rev. Clarence H.

    Little: Presiding Elder of the West Pensacola District Rev. John L. Philpot: Host Presiding Elder of the East Pensacola District

    Rev. Anthony R. Scott, Host Pastor, Rev. Ray S. White: To Pastors, Ministers, Local Preachers, Conference Officers, District

    Officers, Delegates, Members and Friends.

    Greetings in The Name of our Lord and Savior Jesus The Christ

    I thank God for another opportunity to serve his people, my mission is to promote spiritual growth

    and continue to win the world for Christ.


    Observance of Annual Days

    Cancer Awareness Walks (Relay for Life, Breast)

    Distributed bag of blessings to displaced persons in the community

    Donated water to residence in Texas affected by Flooding

    Donated uniform shirts to local school in Escambia County

    Thanksgiving Turkey giveaway in the community

    Thanksgiving meal for seniors in the community

    Christmas bags for sick and shut-in

    Supported NGM youth night at the wahoo baseball game

    Supported NGM youth Life skills day in the park

    Sponsored Golden Zion-Night senior luncheon


    Director of Christian Education, Local Church

    Financial Administrator, Local 2012-2014

    Steward Board, Chairman Ministry of Kindness

    Church School Superintendent 2013-2015

    Sunday School Teacher

  • Deaconess Board, President- 2012-2014

    Deaconess Training via conference call Personal Ministry Plan and certificate received

    Daily prayer with Episcopal Leader at 5am.


    Escambia School Partnership

    Volunteer with United way 2008-2012

    Volunteer Tax Preparer for Seniors in community

    Volunteer Financial Literacy counselor in community

    The East Pensacola District Missionary Society sister hood chain has been broken. Our former President

    Mrs. Jacqueline R. French relocated to the North Carolina Conference to be with her Husband Rev.

    James French. Truly she will be missed by the Florida Conference, she served in this capacity for over

    20 years.

    A personal thank you Mrs. J. French for all your hard work and tireless efforts you contributed to this

    society. Truly you were the glue that kept us together. Our prayers are with you and your family.

    Hats off to all the Pastors, Churches, Members and lay people for their support, prayers, and financial

    contributions this conference year.

    I would like to thank my Presiding Elder Anthony R. Scott and his lovely wife Lashay Scott for their sup-

    port and prayers given to me in my new role as president.

    Thanks to my Pastor Rev. Bobby D. McKenzie and First Lady Michelle McKenzie for all their prayers and

    support during this conference year.

    A special thank you to my partner, friend and confident. My husband John A. Carter for all your en-

    couraging words, prayers and long talks.

    Respectively submitted,

    Constance Carter, President East Pensacola District Constance Carter, President East Pensacola District

  • To the Right Reverend Seth O Lartey, Presiding Prelate of the Alabama/Florida Episcopal District, Mrs. Jacqueline I. Williams-Lartey, Missionary Supervisor, Connectional Officer, Mrs. Jacqueline French: To Presiding Elder Emeritus, Rev. Clarence H. Little: To the Presiding Elder of the West Pensacola District Rev. John L. Philpot: Host Presiding Elder of the East Pensacola District Rev. Anthony R. Scott : Host Pastor, Rev. Ray S. White: To Pastors, Ministers, Local Preachers, Conference Officers, District Officers, Delegates, Members and Friends. Greetings in The Name of Our Lord and Savior Jesus the Christ Let me first begin by saying it has truly been an honor and privilege for me to have the pleasure of serving with you as our Missionary Super-visor Mrs. Lartey and to serve you as my Missionary Supervisor. Thank you once again for an opportunity to reach one and teach one. I am elated to report the highlights of my stewardship

    (DISTRICT) YAMS Program starring role in a Play with the West District YAMS Coordinator Rev Monique Turner written and produced by both she and Rev Rita Westmore . Nov 2017 World Hunger under the direction of Ms. Shalonda Palmer the WH&OMS Society East District prepared and distributed within our community Gifts Bags of Love on a very frosty Saturday morning. Dec 2017 Life Members Program- Dr. Janesha Thomas January 2018 WH&OMS Leadership Training Seminar- Camp Dorothy Walls Conference & Retreat, Black Mountain, NC Certificate of completion for Attend-ance. April 2018 EPISCOPAL Check Up Meeting , Convocation -Lomax Certificate of completion Deaconess Training done by our Bishop Seth O. Lartey, Re Consecration - Deaconess - Ministry Analysis Dr. Darryl B.Starns, Sr. , Spiritual Gifts Assessment Taken Personal Ministry Plan Purchased Wesleyan Doc-trinal Essentials - Rev Dr. Jeffery L. Tribble, Sr Jan 2018 Founders Day- Lomax, March 2018 Planning Meeting-Lomax, Connectional Council -Birmingham VOLUNTEERED Served as Hostess , Assisted with set up and preparing of elements for Communion Service, Participated in workshop titled Conflict Resolution and Management CONFERENCE Attended Connectional Lay Sunday Program Oct 2017 Present and on program for Florida Conference Ushers Program March 2018 Conference VBS June 2018 Volunteered in all capacity aka " RUNNER'' duties included assisting with attendance sheets, registration, announcements, disseminating information, time keeper, making sure everyone was where they were supposed to be under the guidance of Rev Monique Turner and Rev Machelle Easley. Words of thanks for my hard work and dedication from Rev Jeese Turner, Rev Monique Turner, and Rev Machelle Easley. Attended VBS Picnic Delegate for Springhill AME Zion Church during East Pensacola District Conference @ Isaiah Chapel AME Zion Church and Participated in the preparation for administering Holy Communion

    4 Seasons hosted by the Connectional Lay involving all churches Mrs. Barbara Knight Chairperson July 2018 LOCAL Breast Cancer Walk Oct 2018 Kidney walk April 2018 Relay for Life June 2018

  • LAY Day Program @ Springhill AME Zion by Local President Horace Gant YAMS Founders Day Program - Patricia Davis YAMS Coordinator East District Spiritual Cake Program hosted @ Escambia Chapel AME Zion -Rev Machelle Easley (ministered on the importance of the baking soda as one of the main ingredients and how we as Christians are also in the cake baking pro-cess). Isaiah Chapel Family and Friends Program Houser Memorial AME Zion Church Anniversary Celebration Springhill AME Zion 178th year Church Anniversary St. Mark AME Zion 135th Church Anniversary Mt. Moriah AME Zion Church Anniversary as a member of Springhill AME Zion I serve in the following capacities Deaconess and Deaconess Board Preacher Steward MOK WH&OMS Local President Worship Committee My personal Ministry involves caring for the sick, hospital visits, caregiver to family members, Praying, giving words of encouragement, reminding anyone, any chance I get about the goodness of God, I enjoy being apart of Bishops Divine Impartation daily 4:57 my alarm goes off ! Faithfully ,not too many I miss. Through my spiritual gifts assessment I truly understand my gift and I've been working in it for many years. It just sheds a new light when you know your purpose. Glory be to God Other Affiliations I am a member of the Order of Eastern Star a Christian based organization that takes care of orphans and widows. Its principles are based on the teachings of Jesus the Christ. It teaches love, dedication, commitment, loyalty to our sisters and brothers. My community activities include but not limited to mentoring, training, Lupus Walk, Domestic Violence, Alzheimer’s Awareness. Currently I hold a Leadership position within an subordinate chapter under the Masonic umbrella. We fellowship with one another, we support one another's causes. We sponsor back to school drives, we feed the homeless, we donate to a variety of causes (charities) within our Jurisdictions, and some outside of our jurisdiction. We visit the sick and shut in, we pray for one another, we pray together, we worship together. In closing this past year has been for me one committed to training, traveling, exchanging ideas, building relationship and learning to better equip me in my appointed role and in my daily walk with God, I look forward to see what the Lord our God has in store for me as I continue to seek His guidance. Humbly Submitted

    Ms. Patricia G. Davis Ms. Patricia G. Davis

    East District Coordinator YAMS

  • Youth Missionary Society

    To our Episcopal Leadership, Bishop Seth O. Lartey and Mrs. .Jacqueline I. Williams-Lartey, Missionary Supervisor; Host Pastor Reverend Ray S. White, Reverend Anthony R. Scott Host Presiding Elder, East Pensacola District, West Pensacola District Presiding Elder Reverend John L. Philpot ,Sr. Tallahassee Dis-trict Presiding Elder Reverend Dr. Malone Smith Reverend Dr. Clarence H. Little Presiding Elder Emeritus, Pastors, Ministers, Local Preachers, Conference Officers, District Officers, Delegates, Members and Chris-tian Friends assembled for this our 149th Session of the Florida Annual Conference. I greet you all in the name of Jesus the Christ.

    I am thankful to God for giving me this opportunity to give my report as Secretary of Youth for the East Pensacola District. I have been blessed to serve in this position this past year. I have fulfilled the mission of being a district officer by attending both district and conference meetings. We donated gift bags for loaves and fishers and to the homeless, and we supplied the Camelot Academy of Escambia with t-shirts for less fortunate students.

    This year the youth did an outstanding job producing a 70's and 80's Fashion show. It was an inspiring event that many in the community attended. A local clothing company, The Menagerie Costume Superstore, donated their inventory for the children to wear and model during the event. The youth had the opportunity to select the outfit that they wanted to model. Also during this time, God blessed me to be able to attend the Pentecost Explosion in Birmingham, Alabama.

    I am grateful to my sisters of WH&OMS on the East District for welcoming in Mrs. Constance Carter as the new President District Officer, and she have done a fine job. Under the Leadership of Presiding Elder Rev. Anthony R. Scott and President Constance Carter, as a group we will always continue to love and help one another on this Christian journey. I do praise my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, for I am thankful to Him being the head of my life. I give all the praise to God for He is worthy to be praised.

    Humbly Submitted,

    Lashay Scott, Secretary of Youth

  • YOUTH 70s and 80s Fashion Show 2018


    To the Right Reverend Seth O Lartey, Presiding Prelate of the Alabama/Florida Episcopal District, Mrs. Jacqueline I. Williams-

    Lartey, Missionary Supervisor, Connectional Officer, Mrs. Jacqueline French: To Presiding Elder Emeritus, Rev. Clarence H. Lit-

    tle: To the Presiding Elder of the West Pensacola District Rev. John L. Philpot: Host Presiding Elder of the East Pensacola District

    Rev. Anthony R. Scott : Host Pastor, Rev. Ray S. White: To Pastors, Ministers, Local Preachers, Conference Officers, District

    Officers, Delegates, Members and Friends.

    Greetings in the Name of our Lord and Savior Jesus the Christ.

    District Meetings Attended

    Closing session of District Conference

    My Stewardship and Activities during the conference Year

    The Marie L. Clinton Day was celebrated January 28, 2018 held at Houser Memorial.

    A combined effort by both Buds’ Superintendents: Mrs. M McKenzie and Mrs. R Clarke

    Observed all Annual Days

    Attended Christian Education Summer Institute

    Connectional Council/Christian Education Convention

    Submitted new and renewed subscription for “My Buddy” magazine

    Visited sick and shut-in in

    Attended Vacation Bible School

    Donated clothing and food to needy

    I thank Bishop Lartey for appointing me to this position. I thank Mrs. Lartey for all the caring, support, and


    If I am appointed another year as Buds Superintendent I pray that God will give me strength to do more for

    his kingdom. To God be the glory for all the things He has done.

    Humbly Submitted,

    Michelle McKenzie Michelle McKenzie, BUDS Superintendent

  • To the Right Reverend Bishop Seth O. Lartey, Presiding Prelate of the Alabama Florida Episcopal District; Mrs. Jacquel-

    ine I. Williams-Lartey, Missionary Supervisor; Ms. Jacqueline French, Connectional Officer, WH&OM Society; Reverend

    Dr. Clarence Little, Presiding Elder Emeritus; Reverend Anthony R. Scott, Presiding Elder of the East Pensacola District;

    Reverend John L. Philpot, Sr., Presiding Elder of the West Pensacola District; Pastors, Ministers, Local Preachers, Con-

    ference and District Officers, Delegates, Members and Friends of the 149th Annual Session of the Florida Conference. I

    greet you in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus the Christ.

    All that I have done, The service I have given, and the life I have lived, may seem so small, But when I stand before my

    God, I want to hear him say, “well done.” With excitement as the Supply Secretary for the East Pensacola District, I would like to give account for my faith and ser-

    vice during the 2017-2018 conference year.

    Celebrated Florence Randolph Day

    • Blessing Bags to the displaced

    Provided School shirts to local students

    Provided School shirts for local school students

    Provided Care Packs (female)

    Donated school supplies to 4 families in Escambia County

    Arranged a session for 3 youth of Zion to speak with Adolescent Phycologist regarding “Overcoming Adversity”

    Donated water to residents in Texas effected by Flooding

    Personal Achievement

    Awarded Community Partner of the Year

    Co –Founder of Rubies and Pearls for Girls (RP4G)

    RP4G is an organization named after a former missionary Ruby Pearl Davis Palmer. Rubies and Pearls for Girls also

    known as RP4G is an organization established to cultivate, motivate & empower young girls as they journey into woman-

    hood. We empower by providing a positive mentorship program, improving self-efficacy and leadership skills. We are cer-

    tain that we will equip young girls with the tools needed to build tomorrow's leading women. To date we have 36 active

    members and of those we have 5 active AME Zion members.

    Tyana Gray Houser Memorial AME Zion Church

    Kamryn Peyton McGee Hill Houser Memorial AME Zion Church Anaya Scott (President) Isaiah Chapel AME Zion Church

    Irionna Stallworth Houser Memorial AME Zion Church

    Joh’mat Stevens Isaiah Chapel AME Zion Church

  • Thank you to all for your support. Special Thank you to Presiding Elder Anthony Scott and First Lady Lashay Scott for your unwavering support. Thank you to my past District President, Ms. Jacqueline R. French for your leadership for the

    past 10 years. It is my prayer that you are living your “best life” in Raleigh, Carolina.

    Bless our leaders the Right Reverend Bishop Seth O. Lartey, Presiding Prelate of the Alabama Florida Episcopal District;

    Mrs. Jacqueline I. Williams-Lartey, Missionary Supervisor. Give them the grace of your spirit so they may bring us to you.

    I will continue to cultivate my faith, grow through service, and stay constant so I may feel the Saviors love. It is my desire

    to continue working to assist the missionaries’ ministry in every way that I can while I can.

    Faithfully Serving ,

    Shalonda Palmer ShaLonda Palmer, Secretary of Supply

  • Dr. Janesha Thomas

    Life Members Chairman

    Report Under Construction

    Congratulations & Prayers to you and your family on your new addition!