Radiation therapy for lung cancer

Post on 23-Jan-2018

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Radiation Therapy for lung



Radiation Therapy

• Radiation therapy is the high-energy rays that are used to kill cancer cells.

• Chest radiation can sometimes be given after chemotherapy has been completed called sequential therapy, particularly in people who have very large tumors or who are very sick when they are initially diagnosed with the cancer.

• The radiation therapy (http://lungcancersymptomsx.com/beating-lung-cancer-with-proper-treatment-methods.html)helps so many patients to get rid off from the cancer.

Breathing Test

• The breathing test has been taken for the treatment before the radiation therapy has been planned.

• The breathing tests measure how much air you can breathe in and out.

• They also test about how much exercise you can do before you get breathless.

Types of Radiation therapy

• There two types of radiation therapy are involved in this treatment here are 2 main types of radiation therapy:

• External beam radiation therapy

• Brachytherapy (internal radiation therapy)

External Radiotherapy

• The radiotherapy for lung cancer can be given as a external treatment.

• The Treatment has been given depends on your cancer cell type.

• You may have 20 to 36 treatments to cure the lung cancer.

• There will be one treatment in each day will be conducted to control the cancer cells.

Internal Radiation Therapy

• This is also called brachytherapy or endobronchial therapy. You have the treatment during a bronchoscopy.

• The radiation source is inside a narrow tube that the doctor puts inside your airway for a few minutes.

• Doctors use this type of treatment to shrink a tumour that is blocking or pressing on your airway and making breathing difficult for you.

Planning the treatment and ink marks

• Before you begin the treatment the radiotherapy should be planned carefully.

• This means working out how much radiation you need to treat the cancer and exactly where you need it.

• Once the treatment(http://www.slideshare.net/danielvhenny/lung-cancer-stage-3-symptoms-and-treatment-methodologies) has planned your radiotherapy, they may put ink marks on your skin to make sure they treat exactly the same area every day.

• They may also make pin point sized tattoo marks in these areas.

End of treatment

• Once your radiation treatments have been completed, or a day or two before your last treatment, you will have a final visit with your physician.

• During this visit, your doctor will perform an examination and discuss follow-up care.

• To know more facts about lung cancer treatment visit http://lungcancersymptomsx.com/