Radio Electronics Magazine 11 November 1980

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TVINTERFERENCE:CAUSESANDCURES $1.25NOV. 1980~ e t a l detectors-howthey diller How tobuild yourownrobot:ontpol AC power withyourcomputer Use aPIA forsimpler pP circuitsnterfacing hi-ficomponents Tipsand tricks forTTLdesignXceliteWhen you think about tools for a customizedtool kit remember these leadi ng brand namesfrom Cooper. They ensure uncompromisingquality and years of dependable service.They are designed to meet your unique ser-vice, repair and maintenance needs. So, besure you specify Cooper Tools when ordering.Anddon 't forget , customizedtool kitscontaining Cooper Tools are available fromaselected group of Cooper distributors. Don'ttake chances on tools. Ask for Cooper toolsor write for the nameof the nearest custom \Nellerkit supplier.rescenfLufkinNicholsonWeller, WissXceliteNicholsonCIRCLE58 ON FREE INFORMATION CARDfromCooperThe1bolmakei INOUSTllIlS NICHOLSON' PLUMB' WEU.ER' WlSS' XCEUTE'P.O. Box 728. North Carolina 27502A new space-ageinventionandthe sameeffectas lightningcombineto createtheworld'sfirst homeoxygenregenerationsystem.MiracleFuzzThenewEnergaireionizedoxygen generatorwill make a handsome addition to any desk.NEWINVENTIONO'JER50,00050\..0*Measurementsindicatetotal number of ionsper cubic centimeter per second at onemeter. Thesefigures may varyby plus orminus10%.Note: One unit not mentioned above pro-duced no ions andactuallyproducedozoneor several times the maximum ozone concen-tration allowed by federal governmentstandards.USEDINHOSPITALSMany hospitals are now using ionizedoxygensystemsin theiroperatingrooms andburn centers. Their units not only purify the air,but they also eliminate pollen and otherirritants.Working inaclean air environment , youthinkclearer, are more alert, and you functionbetter. TheEnergaireisactuallyaminiaturelightningmachine. Theminuteyouplugit in,energy is convertedinto ionized oxygen. Thisefficient system uses one watt of power or lessthana penny per day to operate, so you leaveit pluggedin continuously .put a large piece of paper on the wall. Within afew days notice how black the paper gets.Thatblackfilmis finite carbonparticulatematter-the same pollutants you would normallybreatheand that would pass through most airfilters . Byplacingtheunit inthecenter of aroomorawayfromawall , that samematterfalls to the ground as dust.Atripintothemountains exposes youtonature's freshly ionized oxygen. The Ener-gaireproducesthissameeffect. It will cleanyourroom of odor-causingbacteria and stale,musty , or smoky air.Ionized oxygen should not be confused withozone . Ozone has a molecular formula of 03,whereas the molecular formula for ionizedoxygenis 02 with a negatively-charged ion.DON'TBECONFUSEDAfter we announced the Energaire last year,manycompaniescameout with their own iongenerators. Wepurchasedaunit fromeachcompanyand testedthemat an independentlaboratory. The results are shown below:You need oxygen to live. You can livewithout food for 60days, without water forseven days, but without oxygen, youwon'tmake it past two minutes.That small piece of fuzz located on top of thecylinder shown above emits negatively-chargedelectrons which attach themselves tomolecules of oxygen, thus creating ionizedoxygen .You are already familiar with ionized oxygenif you've smelled the air after a thunderstorm.You feel great , revitalized, and alert. The light-ningfromthe stormaddsa small negatively-charged electron to each oxygen molecule in aprocess called ionization.SCIENTISTSDISCOVERScientists discovered that air quality canactually affectyourmoods,yourfeelingsandyoursenseof wellbeing. Air that is positivelycharged caused people to be depressed,moody and tired. Negatively-charged air madepeoplefeel good. We have all experiencedairthat is positively charged inair-conditionedbulldlnqs or in a polluted environment.Scientists looking for a way to turn positivelychargedairinto negativelychargedair devel-oped the negative iongenerator-aproductthat produces negatively charged particlesthat attachthemselves toair moleculesandthus create thesamefresh feeling yougetafter a thunderstorm.The new space-age product shown above isan ionized oxygen generator called theEnergaireair purifier . Thecopper meshfuzzontopof theunitis oneof thesecretsof thesystem.Although it hasnomovingparts, youcanactuallyfeel awindof ionizedoxygen pro-ducedfromthefuzzwhichspreadstofill anaverage-sized room in one minute.CIGARETIESMOKE TESTTo show the dramatic effect of ionizedoxygen, you can take the Energaire, blowcigarette smoke into a clear bowl, and hold thebowl invertedover the system. The smoke willvanish. The chargedoxygenparticlesappeartodissolvethesmokeparticles, precipitatingthem from the air.Inaroom, theEnergaire air purifier sur-rounds you with these oxygen ions and cleansandpurifies theair sothat evenin a smoke-filled room, you will be breathing cleaner,country-fresh air all day long.WALLTESTTake our unit and place it next to a wall. AlsoNameEnergaireOmega 700AirCareModulion"lons438,00063,00072,00075,000Price49.95245.00149.9579.95We are so impressed with the pleasanteffect of Energairethat weurgeyoutoper-sonally testit yourself in your home or office.Order one at no obligation. Put it by your desk,or in any roomwhere you spend a great deal oftime. Seeif it doesn't ridyourroomof odor-causing bacteriaandstale, mustyor smokyair . Try the smoke and paper tests mentionedin this advertisement.SLEEPFASTERAt home, use the Energaire by your bed andseehow country-freshair allows you to sleepeasier, deeper, and more relaxed.You should notice the differencewithin oneday-especially inawork environment. Butuse the Energaire for a full month. Then, if youdonot feel totallyconvinced of thepositiveeffects of ionized oxygen, return your unit for apromptand courteous refund.TheEnergaireismanufacturedby theIonFoundation, a leading ion research and devel-opment company.Service should never be required, but if it is,there's a prompt service-by-mail center asclose as your mailbox. JS&Ais America'slargestsingle source of space-age products-further assurance that your modest invest-ment iswell protected. TheEnergairemea-sures 9"high by 3"in diameter and weighs 24ounces.To order your Energaire ionized oxygengenerator, send $49.95 plus $3.00 for postageand handling (Illinois residents, please add6%sales tax) to the address shown belowor creditcard buyers may call our toll-free numberbelow. We will send your Energaire iongenerator complete with 90-day limitedwarranty on the electronics, a five-yearwarranty on the fuzz, and complete in-structions.Let space-age technology revitalize your lifewith the world's first home ionizedoxygengenerator. Order one at no obligation today.NEWLOWPRICE

OTHAT Dept.RA One JS&APlazaNorthbrook,lIl. 60062 (312) 564-7000Call TOLL-FREE 800323-6400In Illinois Call (312) 564-7000 JS&A Group, Inc.,1980zoI>-I-4.0UC)-'w>'" 1.0 wc,.....o Cl I O '"" 10 11/ 110 0 10It " ( Ill ' " 21 " 1" '" on ' 11ltH n. ooIJ XI! .. 11 M nt M on 'II '1 10 )1) 0011:14 (1 .t. JII n Uf OO (7 11 , .. 1\ It ll .e...1 1. ' Cl l2 1 5-l12I;) IM\)) U U \ HIIl " . I' OO1\ 14 (1n III: u oe on 1 . \ 4SU4815 71IUSI'"U1t.It. I>S19n "I JIBI I> 195313 151S11II>/lS"" 1l1S10""..."'.. 1J.1S311 4,..,431S"'.,13 15""1Ht.404 0I>B513151091llSU41 7445 891>555JI'"""41 4S".. .. ao411 5""i.5 l'J82&1""""u n11411>140 191,11111 III"''' 110 51141.1.3100.11.141 1.]I S4 n1\.,tADtALlUOSl ' J \' 08,18 l1f,.13 1 08 59 4 18 11) 1 08 8 'N 18 15414 1 15 9 51 18U 1 11 97 8 18 1541( l 1a 9 78 11 17813 1 011 8. 11 1 54'J: :::ra11> 1 35 11 10 14 1 0014 115 9 51 11 17 415 111 10 11 'n I II19 1 60 13 JO ' .'00'n 183 15 19 " 1 3514 1.19 0 90 11 1 1811 1.').1 11 SO '. '0011 1 18 14 80 :is 1 351) 1 90 1511 n 1 1014 11 9 90;(1 11 1.78It> 1 11 31 1t 1 0011 II I 14 t 1 1B 1 H13 190 IS H 3] 1 1P1103)Ool11 11 5t " 1 0011 1 n UBO ,. 1 351] 151 ; n 118l' 1 01; 111 0 43 101 1sn . 51] 1 91 15 95 1'113 I on 15 95 ]; 7181] 15 9S ,4 3 154(1 3 4} " .5 51 1 14574S 3101 e.l 5 II"3 191 15 013 541 13UJfJ 81"..,"'"5nsofl"'JUH'I".'""'");0 '""'''344 ..'"sn5t.lA H O"'01 11 31 I>W 81"'.. un>1 ,." 193',.".INf 510 .. 1.14 69 U 1.188.IIJl 511 .., ,," ..U,,'..l El03'"101 1 91 1131'NEll ] J< ,.... "I IJWlJn",.... "Sti ll' oU1lO3 101".81 01 131 511H'I' 101" '"9 00 "'""'"ISIW""""."' '''"' '''lao",IIP5JH5" ' '''"' ''' '''' ''' """,U'I'" "'"151 so>' 'PSJS65"'""'"l S1,SO"""',...">0,"'"151 so""",.."' OJ"'"151 SO"""''' "'""'"15TSO.....""".115' It.(l U""'"."'",, '"a ua...... ""H'n ",101'"1lPll 1 sa ..,/0 '" 1>,'"I1Pl 11' " "" "'"119 00""'"1.11 l Ol l"'"811 SOI1P111'" "'"110 00"' ''' TIP127 1."13,:xl 11000"'.'" 111' 131. . 1.31"'..l USO 1691, 50TlPllS 2.32"'..1n,5O 16% ,50 ,'"57.SO 511.SO,'"51.SO 511.SOT.. 31C. . .95 ..."'"1.)(100TIP3X 1.01,'""'"652.SO1f'6 1C. ",'"51.SO 517.SOTlf'61C... __..........ll,'"51.SO 517.50'"UI I '16 00... st-...... 'oN 11 , "" "IS 41 HIn 1 1-'" "..I . 10l)Ol1!S 111 00t il 11'1 l1!'l _ . 1M __,.,,, , .., "11 1 11 l U 4 11 0 "00

Sl . ...... U"' n l"..' """......_i1 ZERO INSERTION FORCE18Pon55 50. 24 Pln $750 " 0 P.n 5102SPROMS8502 SUPPORTCHIPS8-52OPIA.. , . 7.5O8-522MlI ll l l.a5M3O&203.. . . 9700P& 2Q3A... 1-49 00P&2OJA.I 7than 25MVResolution: 100Hz (s low gate)1.0KHz ( fastgate)7digits, 0.4" LED2.0ppm 20-40' C5VDC@ 2oo maDIGITAL MULTIMETER $99SPECI FICAnONS;DC/ AC volts: toouv to 1KV, 5rangesDC/ AC29.95119. 9514.955159.9510Megohms, DC/ ACvolts10.1%basic DCvolts4' Ccells0. 1uA to2.0Amps, 5ranges0.1ohms to 20Megohms, 6rangesPRICES:CT-50 wired, I year warrantyCT-50Kit,90day partswarrantyRA- l, recei ver adapter kitRA- l wiredandpre-program-med (sendcopyof receiverschematic)CurrentResi stance:InputimpedanceAcc uraCy:Power.TheDM-700 offersprofessionalquality performance at a hobbyist price.Features include: 26 different ranges and5 functions, allarrangedinaconvenient, easytouseformat. Measurements are displayed ona largedigit ,inchLEDreadout withautomatic decimal placement, automat icpolarity, over range Indicanon and overload pr otectionup to1250 volts on allranges, making it virtually goof-proof! The OM,700 looks great, ahandsome ,jet black, rugged ABScase withconvenientretract able tilr bail makes it anideal additiontoany shop.SP ECIFICATIONS:20Hz to 600MHz The CT-50 is a versatile lab bench count er that will measure up t0600 MHzLess than 25 mv to150 MH z with 8 digit preci sion. And. one of its best features is the Receive FrequencyLess than150mv to 600 MHz Adapter, which turns the CT-50into a digital readout for any receiver. The1.0Hz (60 MHzrange) d" 1 d . d a si 1 . th10. 0 Hz (600 MHzrange) aIS east y. o.r any rec eivera simp ee8digits 0.4"LED rece iver's VFOIS all that IS required for use. Addi ngthe rec eiver adapter In no2.0ppm 20-40' C waylimits the operationoftheCT-50, the adapter canbeconveniently110VACor 12VDC switchedon or off. TheCT-50, acounter that canwork double-duty. Display:Time bas e:Power.8DIGITS 600MHzPRI CES:DM-7oo wired, I yearwananty 599.95DM-7oo Ki t, 90 daypartswarranty . 79.95AC- I , ACada ptor 3.95BP-3, Nicadpack +ACadapter/c harge r 19.95MP-l, Probe kit 2.95AUDIOSCALERACCESSORIES COUNTERPREAMPI i') [l II K\l S So,,, fa