Rain Products Presentation

Post on 14-Apr-2017

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Soul is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.Soul helps the body to heal itself!

Combine CORE with SOUL and you have the perfect combination of antioxidants, important omegas, and good flora to keep you balanced

and healthy all the time.


There is over 3000 different chemicals, colorings and additives in our food today what we eat. An average person eats 54 kg = 120 lbs of these ingredients per year.

Our fruits and vegetables have lost 70% of their nutrient content in the last 30 years.

GMO crops/foods are everywhere!


 Free radicals are atoms that are the little "thieves" in our bodies.

They go around stealing electrons from other healthy cells causing all kinds of free radical damage.

The damage they cause (Free Radical Damage) is what leads to illness, disease,pre-mature aging, chronic fatigue, etc...


Humans could and some do live up to about 120 years of age. The cells and to which nutrients were regularly added, this is possible!

But most people only live to about 70, 80 or 90.The human body appears in designed to live up to 190 years




The Secret KillerInflammation underlines all major degenerative diseases. Inflammation is not just related to painful joints!

Inflammation is linked to Metastatic Cancer, Depression, Heart Attack, Schizophrenia and Psychosis, Multiple Sclerosis, Alzheimer’s, Parkinson, Huntington’s, and Lou Gehrig’s (ALS) Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis Disease.

Dr. Blaine Chambers

A diet rich in Omega-3, 6, polyunsaturated fatty acids and vitamin E reduced the risk of neurodegenerative disorders. Like Lou Gehrig’s Alzheimer’s disease and Parkinson’s disease.

High, good cholesterol is a protective factor in these disorders. The researchers explained that PUFA and vitamin E appeared to work synergistically.

2008 Journal of Neurology


Brain Hemorrhage

Skin Degeneration


Lung Cancer

High Blood pressure &Chronic Kidney Failure

Prostate Cancer

Colon Cancer

Skin Cancer & Melanoma

Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s

Macular Degeneration

Respiratory Problems

Coronary Heart Disease

Liver Disease

Peripheral Circulatory Problems

Rheumatoid Arthritis






Deteriorating cells can be rejuvenated if we supply proper nutrition. We can look and feel 6 – 12 years younger if we keep the body well supplied with nucleic acids.



Black Raspberry


Chardonnay Grape Seed

Black Cumin Seed

D-ribose5 Carbon


The Seeds are 20/40 Times More Potent than the Fruit Represented (Gram For Gram)

The Oils and Flours Extracted from Seeds Provide Protection for Your Cells

One Soul Serving is Equivalent of 9.3 Pounds of Fresh Berries



SOUL has 28 minerals includingthe 8 most essential ones;

Magnesium, Manganese, Iron, Chromium, Boron, Copper, Selenium, Zinc.

Essential Fatty Acids (Folic), (omega 3, 6 & 9)

Vitamin A-Beta, A-Palmitate,B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, C, E, K.

Flavonoids, Resveratrol & Enzymes!

Contains 9 of the 12 super vitamins that is necessary to consume every day with a line of high levels of diverse Antioxidants.


An extract of black cumin / nigella sativa seed oil, known as thymoquinone, can remedy one of the most virulent and difficult to treat cancers: pancreatic cancer.

Thomas Jefferson University in Philadelphia

Controls Blood Sugar & Cholesterol apart from many other diseases and is considered to be one of the

greatest healing herbs of all times!

The extract does this by blocking pancreatic cell growth, and actually enhancing the built-in cellular function that causes programmed cell death a.k.a apoptosis.

Immensely powerful seed, kills MRSA, is a bacterium responsible for several difficult-to-treat infections in humans heals the chemical weapon poisoned body, stimulates regeneration of the dying beta cells within the diabetic's pancreas, and yet too few even know it exists.


• An immuno-modulator; bringing up your immune system if needed or bringing it down if it’s over-reacting.

• 42.5% women with rheumatoid arthritis reported their symptoms improved on 500 mg per day.

• In an allergy reduced nasal congestion, runny nose, and sneezing.

• Inhibits cancer growth (colon cancer, breast cancer, prostate cancer) with no side effects.

• Shown to treat: asthma, headaches, toothaches, colds and flu, upper respiratory disorders, digestive gastrointestinal problems, hair and skin problems, diabetes, and insomnia.

• Improves micro circulation in the brain and has been shown to be good for children and the elderly fighting off Alzheimer’s. • Increases milk production in nursing mothers.

• Used topically to treat skin (and hair) conditions such as eczema, psoriasis, and boils, and also for pain relief for injuries and arthritis.

At PubMed you can find 531 studies on Nigella Sativa


Black cumin seed contains essential nutrition. There are fifteen amino acids in black cumin seed oil, including eight of the nine essential amino acids (histidine, isoleucine, leucine, lysine, methionine, phenylalanine, threonine, tryptophan, and (no valine).

Black seed oil also contains beta-carotene, ascorbic acid, quercetin, luteolin, arginine, vitamin B1, vitamin B2, vitamin B3, folic acid, calcium, iron, sodium, and potassium. The most powerful chemicals, many that fight cancer in black seed, are thymoquinone, dithymoquinone, thymohydroquinone, thymol, and beta-sistosterol.

Since 1959, more than 450 studies have shown black cumin to be• antibiotic• anti-tumor• antidiabetic• antioxidative• antihypertensive• antiatherogenetic (keeps plaque off of arteries)• anti-inflammatory• anticonvulsant• anti-histamine• antimycotic (antifungal)• antipsoriatic (effective against psoriasis)• antibacterial

6 Patents IssuedUS 6,042,834US 5,653,981US 5,482,711US 6,841,174US 6,531,164

OR EP 170995-A1


Black Raspberries demonstrate powerful cancer fighting power. Colon cancer is the third leading cause of cancer deaths. This devastating disease is on the rise as our typical diet of processed foods continues to kill. Black Raspberries Shown to Reverse Gene Damage. Study Shows a 45% Reduction in Colon Cancer Risk.

University of Illinois

Black Raspberry seed oil appeared to augment the populations of Natural Killer cells and enables the body to better fight the damage caused by free radicals and enhance the body’s ability to fight

disease and cancer.

DIABETESWell known as blood sugar herb

for diabetes and stabilize and restore insulin glucose level.

Scientists have discovered that the raspberry seed, in particular the oil from the raspberry seed, also has certain properties beneficial in lowering cholesterol, protecting against heart disease and protecting the skin from sun damage.


Major FLAVONOIDS in grape seeds!

RESVERATROL = ANTI-AGINGDepartment of Food Science and Technology University of Georgia

SOUL Has Been Hailed as One of theMost Important Anti-aging Supplements Ever Discovered

Marla Luther, John Parry, Jeffrey Moore, Jianghong Meng, Yifan Zhang, Zhihong Cheng and Liangli (Lucy) Yu

Laboratory of Nutraceutical and Food Chemistry, Department of Nutrition and Food Science, University of Maryland

Free Radical Damage directly contributes to the aging process.


• Inhibits growth of colorectal cancer cells• Protects from oxidative damage• Anti-aging benefits• Powerful antioxidant• Repairs connective tissue aids wound healing• Helps to combat macular degeneration,• Cataracts & eye strain• Aids in regulating neurotransmitters in brain barrier• Protects liver

• Relieves constipation• Prevents cell damage• Prevents plaque formation in arteries• Aids in proper blood circulation• Inhibit virus expression• Helps lower cholesterol• Lowers blood pressure• Improves skin elasticity• Block release of prostaglandin


Some of the antioxidant benefits that grape seed extract may provide includeAlzheimer’s disease, Cancer, Cardiovascular Disease, HIV, Obesity, Oral Health, Rheumatoid Arthritis


D-Ribose is a sugar naturally produced in the body out of glucose and represents an essential component of ATP (adenosine triphosphate), the compound which stores and sends energy into all the body cells.

Decades of research have shown that D-Ribose has a profound effect on heart function in patients with congestive heart failure, coronary artery disease, and cardiomyopathy (a weakened heart muscle).

Like the muscles in patients with fibromyalgia, sick hearts are energy starved. This energy deprivation gets the hearth stiff and it strains to contract and cannot completely fill with blood.

Energize Your Heart, Save Your Life, Rejuvenate Cardiac Cellular Energy Production

It is a natural substance with an anti-anxiety effect and anti-stress, non-sedative.

D-Ribose improves sleep, controls fatigue, aids in concentration, relieves pain and improves the general state of the patient.

D-ribose improves recovery times in athletes.


Omega-3 and 6 they are necessary for human health but the body can' t make them - you have to get them through food, and helps to reduce inflammation and may help lower risk of chronic diseases such as heart disease, cancer, and arthritis.

Omega-3 and 6 fatty acids are highly concentrated in the brain and appear to be important for cognitive (brain memory and performance) and behavioral function.

Infants who do not get enough omega-3 fatty acids from their mothers during pregnancy are at risk for developing vision and nerve problems.

Symptoms of omega-3 fatty acid deficiency include fatigue, poor memory, dry skin and eczemas, heart problems, mood swings or depression, and poor circulation.

Omega -9 is not considered an essential fatty acid because of our body’s ability to produce it in small amounts. However, this can only happen if the essential fatty acids omega-3 and omega-6 are present .

OMEGA 3, 6, (9)

OMEGA-3 DHA ESSENTIAL FATTY ACIDS (EFA)Omega 3 (DHA) is the most important “Essential Fat” for the brain and organs. Without it the body cannot make Glutathione that is the master antioxidant in the body.

60-70% of the brain is EFAs, without these the brain cannot function properly. There are more than 400 neurological disorders.

Lack of DHA is the main cause of Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, Dementia, Huntington’s, Chronic Headaches, Epilepsy, Seizures, Depression, ADD/ADHD, Multiple Sclerosis, Insomnia, Migraines, Stroke, Tourette Syndrome, Lou Gehrig’s Disease, even Diabetes.

National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke

Diets lacking omega 3, 6 lead to substantial disturbances in neural function!Your diet affects the brain chemicals that influence your mood and behaviour, the

thought processes and emotional reactions that ultimately create the story of your life.

Essential oils like SOUL, able to cross over the blood-brain barrier, help those with memory loss or other brain disorders, Alzheimer's, depression, ADD/ADHD, heavy metal toxicity, and more.



Source Sea Mixed Organic/Certified

Process Distillation/Deodorising Extracted/Cold Pressed Cold Pressed

Packaging Capsule Capsule/Liquid Sachet

Multi-Blend No No Yes

Omega 3, 6, 9 Omega 3 Varies Balanced

Enzymes None Yes Yes

Other Nutrients None Some Many

Antioxidants None Some Many

Toxicity Risk Mercury/Dioxin/PCB Non-Organic/GMO Risks None

Taste Large Capsule Oily Berry

Vegetarian Large Yes/No (if animal gelcap) Yes

Oxidation Risk Yes Yes No

Marine omega-3 fatty acids play a role in prostate cancer occurrence by 71%..


Reduced the oxidation (Glycosis) in LDL cholesterol

Reduced diastolic blood pressure significantly after 60 days of using the combination of black raspberry and the black cumin.

Berman Center for outcomes and Clinical Research Minneapolis

281 times stronger for reducing inflammation than Aspirin, without the side effects.

Dr. Lucy Yu, University of Maryland


$ 2.95

8 -10 Servings of Fruits 8 -10 Servings of Vegetables

2-3 Servings of Healthy FatsRaw Avocado, Walnut, Almond

Just ONE packet of SOUL

Fruits 8-10 Servings Daily $ 3.20

Vegetables 8-10 Servings Daily $ 4.10

Healthy Fats 2-3 Servings Daily $ 5.27


Daily Cost for 1 Packet of SOUL / 2oz.

SOUL = $ 2.95

What about cost?

One sachet of Soul’s Antioxidant capacity is equivalent of all these daily recommended servings of fruits, vegetables and nuts!

Using SOUL with lifestyle changes will help you to gain control of your health.

Prevention Is The Best Medicine!








Blood samples from people, who never drank SOUL.

Before and twenty minutes later.

The results were shocking to see...

Soul cleared the blood from cholesterol crystals and clearly visible the immediate effects on how beautiful red blood cells flow after drinking only one pack of Soul.

Before Drinking SOUL

Twenty Minutes After Drinking

Two Packages Of SOUL


Body’s Functioning Biological Age 38

Chronological Age 47


Body’s Functioning Biological Age 38

Chronological Age 47


Body’s Functioning Biological Age 37

Chronological Age 41


Body’s Functioning Biological Age 28

Chronological Age 47


Body’s Functioning Biological Age 39

Chronological Age 39


Body’s Functioning Biological Age 27

Chronological Age 47


From takingRAIN SOUL only for 14 days!


Skin Problem, Hormone Imbalance, Water retention. After taking Rain Soul slim down , skin become firmer, smoother and brighter, full of energy.




Retina Damage, lost her left eye sight for 6 months. Gone through 2 eye surgery, not successful. After taking 5 packets of Rain Soul, the blood clog cleared, and now she can see clearly.

Dr. Susie Kwok with a boy who couldn’t walk, brain tumor, SOUL is helped him!


After Taking 6 packets Rain Soul for 4 months,

he is recovering andstill alive,

despite to his doctors prediction!





Dow Escalante: Depression

Dow Escalante: 90 days later55 lbs lighter

Full of energy, and looking

forward to lose more weight



From a Lady in Nevada – month 1 on SOULWhen we drank the soul... for my daughter the autistic one... she became clear, her eyes were brighter.. Then she started to appear more into her environment .. I thought ok that's the way it makes you feel, then she started to be different.... she no longer stems repetitively.. she would run her fingers though her hair over and over and over and made noise as she did this, and would become louder and louder to the point we could no long hear ourselves think. this action of hers is dwindling down to almost nothing.. and also during her PMS time, she would scream and scream, no eating, no sleeping, no matter how much I did or gave her medications, never worked.... so on the SOUL she never did any of that, NOT ONE SCREAM. It came and passed.. we were shocked. Also I want to say my daughter was throwing her sponge down into the water during her bath.. and picking it back up with her toes LOL 3 times!! love this stuff!!! .... Also I want to add... I drink my Soul and the left over in the packet , I rub on my face.. Lol, yes I do. let it soak in...you should see my face amazing.

month 2 on SOULYou should rub this stuff on your face! I swear I look about early 20s, or at least in my 20s I just wanted you to know, this is my daughter second month with no screaming :) we are happy for her that she is a happier person now.

month 3 on SOULOh and by the way... my daughter is still not screaming ! for 15 years this kid has screamed .. then all the sudden stops?

6 months laterMy daughter is still doing VERY well. Sometimes I run outta Soul and I see that my mentally challenge daughter can’t go 3 days without Soul. I start to see her having behavior problems, and fits. No smiling, looking very troubled and not in tune with the environment. I would love to thank the makers of Soul for giving me my daughter back to me. She is still Autistic, but she is a Happy Autistic person! Too bad there wasn't a study on Soul/Autism. I would be very interested.

I also have to tell you something... we had a scare of a bezoar in her stomach some time ago, and with all the testing and scans, x-rays... The darn thing disappeared. I don't know if it was praying or Soul, or perhaps a bit of both.



Supports a natural enhanced elimination function. Enhanced

elimination refers to an increased rate of expulsion of an

agent from the body with the aim of decreasing the severity

and duration of clinical intoxication.

RAIN SOUL & CORE™ seed nutrition synergizes the world’s most powerful phytonutrients into one tasty, healthful seed supplement. The naturally occurring

antioxidants and enzymes in RAIN SOUL & CORE seed nutrition’s non-GMO ingredients combine to enable cells to reproduce, REJUVENATE, and adapt while

detoxifying the body of molecules that damage healthy cells.


The leaves, fruits and seeds of milk thistle have been used for centuries as a natural preparation.

Milk thistle is one of the world’s most powerful liver detoxifying agents.

The active antioxidant compound within milk thistle is the flavonoid complex called Silymarin.

This antioxidant is one of the most powerful liver detoxifying agents. It helps to boost glutathione and superoxide dismutase, which are two of the bodies master super antioxidants.

Silymarin increased glutathione content in the intestines and liver by up to 50 percent and help to protect the intestines from inflammatory damage.


Milk thistle liver detox will help you restore liver health and boost your immunity.

Cirrhosis is a complex liver disease caused mostly by years of alcohol abuse and or liver damage as a result of hepatitis B and C. Shown to help repair liver cells and restore their function to some extent.

Toxic liver damage as a result of taking certain prescription medications for extended periods of time could be alleviated by milk thistle. Milk thistle will rid liver of harmful element traces and help restore liver cell function and removes toxins from the body.

Milk thistle treatment is initiated at first signs of mushroom poisoning. Milk thistle works by creating cell membranes shield against toxins being absorbed by the liver.

Type II diabetes milk thistle treatment is shown to effectively control blood sugar levels within healthy norms.

Milk thistle can stimulate bile production necessary for proper digestion and its mild laxative properties will help establish regular waste elimination pattern.

Sufferers of seasonal, food and skin allergies have one thing in common, high levels of toxic accumulations in the liver triggering unusual immune system responses.

Acne sufferers can gain clear skin from benefits of milk thistle due to its blood cleansing abilities.


Kale is high in Vitamin A, K, C, can help protect against various cancers and from Alzheimer’s disease. It is also necessary for a wide variety of bodily functions including normal bone health and blood clotting.

Kale is a great anti-inflammatory food filled with omega-3 fatty acids, which help, fight against arthritis, asthma, autoimmune disorders and help protect against various cancers.

Kale is great for cardiovascular support. Helpful for your immune system, your metabolism and your hydration.

Kale being great detoxifiers, is considered one of the most nutritious vegetables in the world and is known as the “original superfood.”

Kale is filled with fiber, powerful antioxidants, such as carotenoids and flavonoids.

So many nutrients, vitamins, folate (Folic Acid) and magnesium, iron, calcium, sulfur.


Hundreds of studies have been conducted on black cumin which have shown that compounds from the seeds help fight health ailments. Black Cumin Seeds contain over 100 chemical compounds, including some yet to be identified.

In addition to what is believed to be the primary active ingredient, crystalline nigellone, black cumin seeds contain: thymoquinone, beta sitosterol, myristic acid, palmitic acid, palmitoleic acid, stearic acid, oleic acid, linoleic acid, linolenic acid, arachidonic acid, protein, vitamin B1, vitamin B2, vitamin B3, folic acid, calcium, iron, copper, zinc, and phosphorous.

Protection Against Heart Attack, Colon Cancer, Breast Cancer, Brain Cancer, Leukemia , Brain Damage from Lead , Oral Cancer, Epilepsy, Type 2 diabetes.

Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus (MRSA) - The deadly and antibiotic-resistant bacterial infection known commonly as MRSA responded favorably to treatment with black seed in this study from the University of Health Sciences in Lahore, Pakistan.


Chlorella is a fresh water, single-celled algae that emerged over 2 billion years ago and has

longbeen eaten in numerous Asian countries and

is a true “superfood.”

Chlorella is a nutritional powerhouse.

It is approximately 60 percent protein, providing the same quality of protein as eggs

It is also a good source of lipid-soluble vitamins, choline, essential minerals and


Chlorella is taken into your body, its natural action will bind it to lingering heavy metals, chemicals and pesticides found in your digestive tract, which is your body's pathway to your bloodstream where these harmful toxins are delivered and deposited into your body's cells.


It purifies the blood, great for immunity, alkalinity and is anti-inflammatory.

Chlorella ability to detox or bind to harmful substances and move them out of the body, such as arsenic, mercury, lead, pesticides, insecticides, cadmium, uranium, P.C.B, and radio active materials.

The toxic substance binds to the cell walls and then is escorted out. It also crosses the blood brain barrier, detoxifying heavy metals in support of healthy brain function.

Chlorella has been shown to stimulate macrophages, T-cells, and B-cells, thus increasing cancer cell destruction within the body and the ability to fight viral infections.

Rich in whole vitamins A, B1, B2, B6, B12, C, E, and minerals, magnesium, potassium, iron, calcium.

Rich source of protein (65%), containing all of the essential ones that the body can’t manufacture.

Promotes the production of healthy flora, bacteria and probiotics throughout the digestive system.It is rich in natural carotenoids, which can prevent oxidation (a contributing cause of cancer and heart disease).

Chlorella can help improve triglyceride levels. It has been reported to reduce pain associated with fibromyalgia. The high DNA and RNA content of chlorella supplies the body with are biological molecules (known as nucleic acids) for cell rejuvenation and function in encoding, transmitting and expressing genetic information.


Researchers reported that dandelion root tea didn’t seem to send the same “kill” message to healthy cells. The study concluded that dandelion root extract may prove to be a non-toxic alternative to conventional leukemia therapy.

Dandelion root extract also showed itself to be a possible cancer fighter, halting the growth of melanoma cells without inducing toxicity in non-cancerous cells – even those cells considered to be drug-resistant.


Dandelion roots, sap and leaves are powerful ways to help keep the body healthy, ranging from improving liver function to combating skin conditions. Dandelion has been used successfully across a variety of cultures, for several applications. It’s no secret that it’s an excellent way to keep the body healthy.


Dandelion is one of world’s best natural diuretic helping body shed excessive water weight and flush your kidneys of toxins.

Weight loss is among other benefits that this mighty herb can provide. Dandelion‘s weight loss secret is focused on gently stimulating bile production that facilitates improved digestion and ridding body of toxins.

Dandelion benefits gout conditions that are caused by accumulation of high levels or uric acid.

Incredibly effective in fighting major infections like pneumonia, bronchitis and even boils on the skin.

Anemia is another condition dandelion may benefits due to high density of vitamins, minerals and iron elements.

Acne could be helped by dandelion, it will help cleanse your liver and remove skin impurities.

Hypertension (high blood pressure) could be alleviated by dandelion plant that contain an important compound mannitol that is successfully used for treating high blood pressure symptoms.

Dandelion benefits vision by supplying body with essential A and B vitamins necessary for good eye sight and night vision.

Diabetes, natural compounds found in dandelion plant have been proven to normalize levels of blood sugars.


The oil from the cranberry seed contains high levels of polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fatty acids, phospholipids, phytosterols and large amounts of

antioxidants that offer a variety of health benefits.

Cranberries contain powerful nutrients called proanthocyanidins,which have been shown, through research, to help keep cert ain bacteria from sticking to the inside of the body.

Cranberries also contain high levels of antioxidants, which help combat oxidative stress caused by free radicals and are thought to help strengthen the immune system.

Urinary Tract Infections - Cranberry contains nutrients called proanthocyanidins which stop bacteria from binding to the walls of your bladder, This effectively stops the infection and makes it easy for your body to get rid of the bacteria by flushing them out via your urine.


Improve Heart Health - One of the best health benefits of cranberry juice is its ability to prevent heart disease. Cranberries contain flavonoids, which help to reduce your risk of heart problems like atherosclerosis, high blood pressure, and high cholesterol.

Cranberry can preventing plaque from forming on the walls of your arteries. Cranberries also are loaded with salicylic acid, which helps to prevent the clots that cause heart attacks and strokes.

Fight Tumors – The seed of these little berries contain antioxidant compounds called polyphenols, which can help to stop the growth and spread of carcinogens. This means that it can prevent the formation of number of types of tumor.

Improve Bone Health - Good source of calcium! Cranberry will help to strengthen your bones, teeth, and nails.

Increase Oral Health - The antibacterial help you get rid of the bacteria in your mouth. 6. Boost Immunity - Vitamin C is one of the best antioxidants to improve your immune function, and cranberry juice is LOADED with Vitamin C. Very effective at boosting your immune system, and the antibacterial properties of the fruit will help to fight off infections. Cranberry is even effective at dealing with and preventing the common cold and flu viruses.

Fight Aging - Cranberry is effective at combating the effects of aging. The nutrients can stop the degeneration of brain cells, skin cells, and even organ tissue. It can stop age-related memory loss and motor function decline, and prevent the damage done to your body by free radicals.

Peptic Ulcers are actually the result of a type of bacteria, called the H. pylori bacteria. It attacks the lining of your stomach, as well as the duodenum. Cranberry’s natural antibacterial properties will get rid of the H. pylori bacteria.

Prevent Kidney Stones as a result of too much calcium, uric acid, and oxalic acid in your urine. Cranberry contains high amounts of acids that can help to prevent the formation of these stones.


Wheat grass is composed of the young shoots of wheat before stalks form a head with grain. It contains no wheat gluten, and is considered by many natural health professionals to possess many health properties.

This is due to wheat grass’s heavy concentration of chlorophyll, vitamins, minerals, and enzymes. Clinical studies have confirmed that wheat grass juice and wheat grass extract have various health properties. Wheat grass acts as a potent antioxidant.

Boosting Immunity - Wheatgrass juice is loaded in the enzymes and the amino acids that will help to protect your body from all the harmful pathogens and carcinogens that could lead to health problems.

Cleansing the Liver – Wheatgrass is a detoxifying agent, and one of the top benefits is, the plant’s ability to flush toxins from your body. The high fiber content of the juice bonds with toxins, making it impossible for your body to absorb them and thus forces them to be eliminated. Wheatgrass is also excellent for stimulating liver function, and it can help your liver to get rid of toxins on its own.

Fighting Cancer - Wheatgrass juice was originally discovered in the search for a cure for cancer, and it has proven to be one of the most popular cancer-prevention remedies. The juice is effective at purifying the blood of toxins, chemicals, carcinogens, and free radicals.


Combating Obesity - Did you know that drinking wheatgrass is one of the best ways to prevent obesity AND promote weight loss? Wheatgrass juice stimulates your thyroid gland, one of the glands that produce the hormones your body needs in order to function.Hormonal imbalances is one of the main factors that contribute to obesity, so balancing out the levels of your various hormones is the key to dealing with excess weight! Plus, the juice is very filling, so it will suppress your appetite and stop those cravings in their tracks!

Improves Fertility - Drinking wheatgrass juice is an excellent way to enhance your sex drive and libido. Not only does the juice give you a lot of energy, but it will help to boost your circulation. Healthy blood flow to the various sexual organs increases your stamina and vitality, and will increase the production of reproductive hormones. Improving blood flow to your genitals is the key to healthy sexual activity and fertility.

Boosting Circulation, Reducing Fatigue - Wheatgrass has the ability to increase the amount of oxygen your blood can store. Loaded with iron, which is known to stimulate your body to produce more red blood cells. More red blood cells means more oxygen and nutrients can be carried by your blood, so you have better circulation all around. Improved circulation benefits your body in EVERY way! Oxygenated blood is essential for cancer prevention (cancer thrives in an environment with low oxygen levels).

Up Healing - Wheatgrass juice can speed up the healing of skin damage and wounds, and you can even use it as a topical skin treatment.

Treating Arthritis – Wheatgrass fights inflammation. Arthritis is essentially swelling around the joints, as a result of worn down joint tissue. It’s one of the best remedies to try for dealing with arthritis, and you’ll find it’s an excellent pain-reliever!


Lowers Cholesterol , Good for diabetes, Helps with weight loss, Alleviates allergies, Increased energy

Feel happier – People, who no longer feel constant pain, stabilize their ideal body weights, suffer less from allergies and get sick less often end up feeling happier and healthier. Although there is no spirulina benefit that suggests psychological effects, healthier people are always happier.

Improved Immune System – Spirulina is rich in amino acids and essential vitamins. Because so much ‘goodness’ is packed into a relatively small package, you can get many of the same benefits from the supplement that you would from a multivitamin.

Better Blood Flow – Improved blood flow helps to oxygenate the lungs, which leads to better results with every workout.

Lessens Arthritis Pain – It can alleviate pain. This includes pain originating from arthritis.

Better Protein Absorption – If you have kidney disease or nephritic syndrome, you must be very careful about your protein intake. Chlorella benefits include heightened protein absorption, which helps to put less strain on the kidneys.

Spirulina is one of the most widely studied foods on the planet. In fact, studies in the last decade alone have shown that the regular consumption of spirulina can help enhance brain function, help improve white blood cell count, stimulate antibodies, boost liver health and more. Spirulina can also help almost any nutrient deficiency due to its incomparable concentrations of vitamins and minerals.


Improves the Quality of the Blood. - Aloe Vera stops blood cells from clumping together, which is one of the main causes of strokes. Proper blood flow also ensures oxygen and nutrients can reach every organ and cell in your body. Adequate oxygen throughout the body also helps reduce the risk of heart attacks, strokes and high blood pressure.

Stabilizes Blood Sugar Level - Aloe Vera can lower blood sugar levels in people with type 2 diabetes by stabilizing blood sugar level and reducing triglycerides. For best results, drink Aloe Vera juice regularly for three months to see a significant drop in fasting blood sugar levels.

Aloe Vera supplements can help treat peripheral neuropathy (hands and feet going numb) associated with diabetes.

Reduces Heart Attacks - By enhancing your blood quality, you can significantly reduce your risk of heart attacks and strokes in future years. To improve the quality of your blood, you must consume Aloe Vera regularly.


Halts Inflammation - Aloe Vera ease inflammation of joints and reduce arthritis pain. is also considered an excellent home remedy for mild to moderate ulcerative colitis because of its anti-inflammatory properties.

Regulates Weight and Energy Level - Aloe Vera is a natural cleanser of the digestive system. Help increase your energy level and help you maintain a healthy body weight.

Cures Gum Disease - Aloe Vera is extremely helpful for your mouth and gums due to its natural antibacterial and antimicrobial properties. It also contains vitamins and minerals that promote cell growth and healing of bleeding gums and mouth ulcers.

Ends Constipation - Aloe Vera has natural fiber that aids digestion and improves bowel movements. Being a natural laxative, Aloe Vera can also be used to treat constipation.Enhances Skin Health - In addition, Aloe Vera can be used to treat sunburned skin, blisters, insect bites, allergic reactions, minor burns, inflammations and more.

Treats Acne - Aloe Vera is used in a wide variety of skin problems. Acne is a very common problem in which the sebaceous glands become more active and produce more oil.


Chlorophyll has been used traditionally to improve bad breath and other forms of body odor. More recently chlorophyll has been used to aid in the removal of various toxins via the liver and remains a key compound for improving the function of essential detoxification pathways. Supportive evidence suggests it may be used as an anti-inflammatory agent as well.

Chlorophyllin (sodium copper salt) is derived from dark green, leafy vegetables. Don’t confuse chlorophyllin with chlorophyll.


It’s an internal deodorant. It has been used to improve breath odor as well as odors from urine. Reduce the odor of bowel movements (feces). It works by preventing bacteria in the intestines from forming odor-producing substances in stools.

Chlorophyllin is intended to improve the quality of life in people who have fecal incontinence due to spinal cord injury, bowel cancer, psychotic disorder, terminal illness, or other disorders and used by people who have had a colostomy or ileostomy.

Chlorophyllin has also been used in alternative medicine as an antioxidant or anti-inflammatory aid.

Chlorophyllin is an antioxidant or anti-inflammatory aid and used to improve wound infections.

Chlorophyllin binds to mutagens twenty times better than resveratrol and thousands of times better than xanthines.

Chlorophyllin compound blocks a toxin that promotes liver cancer. Chlorophyllin helps in the prevention of the spread of cancer.

Sinisa PusicIndenpendent DistributerCroatia, Europe

Tel. +385 95 826 88 66


E-mail: sp.cile@gmail.com