Rakesh Kumar Patel Department of physical education Govt. D.B.Girls College, Raipur.

Post on 13-Jan-2016

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Rakesh Kumar Patel Department of physical education

Govt. D.B.Girls College, Raipur

Early Childhood

Pre-School age 3-5 years

Identify the general characteristics (biological development) of preschool. Discuss the developmental theories according to Erickson, Piaget and Freud for preschool. Mention needs of preschool child.Identify problems related to preschoolchild.Discuss the common health promotion of preschool child.

The combined biological, psychosocial, cognitive, spiritual, and social

achievements during the preschool period (3 -5years of age) prepare preschoolers for their most significant change in lifestyle and entrance into school.

The rate of physical growth slows and stabilizes during the preschool years.

A healthy pre-school is slender (thin), attractive and has good posture.

By the end of preschool period, the child appear to be thin and tall.

Children gain muscular coordination, which enables them to explore the physical environment.

Weight: The average weight gain during

preschool age is 2.3kg/year.

Average weight at 5 years 18.7kg. or double the weight of one year of age.

Height: Growth in height averages (6.25 to 7.5cm)per year. Average height at 5 years

110cm, or double the birth length.

Head circumference is not routinely measured at physical assessments on children over 2 years of age.

Children generally have all 20 of their deciduous teeth by 2.5 - 3 years of age. Rarely do new teeth erupt during the preschool period.

Temperature……….36.5 – 37C. Pulse Rate………… 90 -110b/min. Respiratory Rate……20c/m. Blood Pressure……... 100/60 mm


At 3 Years: Can wash hands. Can feed himself well. Build a tower of 9-10 blocks. Can go to toilet. Begins to use a scissor. Can ride a tricycle. Go up stairs. Stand on one foot for a few seconds.

At 4 Years: Can jump well, goes up and down

stairs. Can brush his teeth, lace his shoes. Can copy a square.

At 5 Years: Can use scissor well. Drew a recognizable picture of a

man. Can dress himself without

assistance. Can wash himself without wetting

his clothes. Can balance on one foot for about 8


Preoperational development(2-7 years).

Child can use language and has a memory.

Child can understand the meaning of the past, present and the future.


Less negativism. Few temper tantrums. Understand words better.At 4 Years More noisy. Emotionally fluctuated. Stormy age.


Comfortable age. Take more responsibility for his

actions. Still needs guidance from

adults. Develop personality.

The phallic stage extend from 3-7 years and child’s pleasure center on the genitalia &masturbation.


During the phallic stage, the child experienced what the Freud termed “the Oedipal conflict" marked by jealousy toward the same sex parent and love the opposite sex parent and resolved in the late of preschool period with a strong identification with the same sex parent.


Sexual Identify develops. Before answering a child question

about sex, clarify: - What the child is really asking? - What the child already thinks about

the specific subject? Answer questions about sex simply

and honestly, providing only information that the child requests, additional details can come later.

Initiative vs. guilt. The central problem of the

child’s to learn about the world and other people, if he has the ability to solve this problem, he will develop a sense of initiative, if he fails to solve this problem, he will acquire a sense of guilt.

At 3 Years The average 3 years old says 900 words. Know whether he or she is a boy or a

girl. Begins to be interest in colors. Know his family names. Speaks 3-4 words sentences. continue

The average 4 years old says 1500 words.

Tends to be selfish and impatient and aggressive.

Can name three objectives. Can repeat 4 numbers. Know how old he is. Can name one or more colors well. continue

The average 5 years old says 2100 words.

Can name 4 or more colors. Know names of days of the week and

months. Ask the meaning of words. The child needs regular interaction with

age mates to help develop social skills.

Any environmental changes may have traumatic effect on the child, the birth of sibling is a change and deprives the older child of some parent’s attention.

The child feels loss of affection. He feels also rejected and may

become jealous.continue

He usually shows his hostility to the new baby openly and directly.

He shown his hostility toward his mother in different ways

The mother should accept such temporary behavior and must discuss with him the difference between his needs and those of the infant.

Effect of birth of a sibling

Thumb sucking Enuresis. Encopresis. Selfishness. Bad language. Hurting others. Masturbation. Destructiveness.

The child commonly experiences more fear & anxiety during the preschool period than any other time.

Common causes of anxiety & fears may arise from the environment.

Fear of dark, being left alone especially at bedtime, animals, fear of physical injury, separation from his parents, loss of one parents or both, fear of pain.

Love and security. Independence. Guidance. Sex information. Learning language. Religious information/education. Play (associative play). Preschool years are the play years.