Rank #1 On Google Local Search

Post on 29-Nov-2014

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How to List you Business on Google Local Business and Help Gide to Rank first place on Google Locale Search


© 2009 IM Leadership and AI & JS Enterprises. Inc. All rights reserved. 1

IM Leadership

Ranking #1 On Google

Local Search


Howie Schwartz

"The Simplest Blueprint For Raking In Up To FIVE FIGURES A Month Or

More On Virtual Auto-Pilot..."


© 2009 IM Leadership and AI & JS Enterprises. Inc. All rights reserved. 2

Legal Notice


Copyright 2009 IMLeadership.com, and AI & JS Enterprises, Inc. All rights reserved.

We are not affiliated with Google, Inc.


This report is NOT legal or accounting advice. You need to do your own due-diligence to determine if the

content of this report is right for YOUR business. No earnings claims are being made anywhere in this

report or in the marketing of this report. The publisher of this report is not liable for any damages or

losses associated with the content in this report.

In English: You are a business person, I am a business person – you need to be responsible for your

own marketing and actions online.







© 2009 IM Leadership and AI & JS Enterprises. Inc. All rights reserved. 3

Before I show you how IM Leadership members dominate the

#1 spot on Google Local . . . I wanted to give you ONE MORE

CHANCE to get in on the NEXT BIG THING -

Your final chance in 2009:

"Internet Marketing Leadership"

Simply put, I'm going to train a small hand full of people to become the RECOGNIZED EXPERTS in this exciting and BIG MONEY niche!

But as you'll soon see, this is much more than just a training course.

First, you'll be exposed to my best kept "Traffic Gushing" secrets. These are the secrets that clients will gladly fork out TOP DOLLAR for, to those who can help them.

You'll discover multiple tactics to get your clients on top of Google, and keep them there. In short, you'll become a traffic getting ninja master!

"Here's what makes you stand out light years ahead of typical consultants..."

See, most consultants and SEO experts do only one thing. They optimize ONE static website for a client to get on page one. Plus, this usually takes about three months minimum to see any results.

But you'll be offering far more value. Because the tactics you'll offer your clients will help them take over MULTIPLE page one rankings very quickly. Sometimes overnight!

Your clients at this point can't even comprehend that, but you can bet when you do this for them, you'll always be on the guest list for holiday dinners:)

And because of the confidence you gain as a coach, many people like to take time to work on side projects. But it comes more easily and naturally and the fears you had before are long gone . . .

© 2009 IM Leadership and AI & JS Enterprises. Inc. All rights reserved. 4

BRAND NEW SUCCESS STORY! Doubled my net income and reduced my work load by

about 1/3 Gil Nelson

Hi Howie, When I heard about IM leadership and your course on "Local Search", at

first I thought that the price was high and that the course was too long. Your pitch

was sooo good, and yet I still had doubts.

Well, I'm delighted. I'd take the course again, except I learned so much about a

subject that I thought I already knew, that I now have 2 very happy monthly clients,

and I'm kind of busy...

Not only are my clients sites appearing high in the Google Local Business Listings

10-box, but they are also starting to dominate the SERPs for many competitive

keywords - thanks to the Apprentice traffic system training program.

The best result for me, however, is that in just 5 months, with your IM Leadership

guidance, I've transformed my online business from having a primary emphasis on

marketing Affiliate products, which require constant promotion for a few thousand a

month, to a much simpler business plan which has now doubled my net income and

reduced my work load by about 1/3.

(I'm used to working 100 hours a week, and although I felt guilty taking a few days

off for a while, I cannot tell you the joy that I've brought back into my life because of

the time I now have to spend with my family - without losing any income! muchas


In just a short time, some of us were able to share of successes with you, as well - due

largely to your good techniques, strategies and teaching style. If I can help you in any

way, just let me know. You've helped me change my life and my business in 5 short


Thanks again guys! Best Regards, Gil Nelson

*Note: These income examples and testimonials are representative of our top active

participants in IM Leadership. Some members may make little or no money with this program.

Why? It does take effort to make money (in any system) and it just won't happen if you do not

learn and apply the system. Worse, some people never even complete the training and

therefore never see any results. These claims are not a guarantee of your income, and may not

be average of participants. Individual results will vary greatly and in accordance to your effort,

determination, hard work, and ability to follow directions. Summary: As in any training

program and with everything in life - you get out what you put in.

YES HOWIE! I want to DOMINATE Local Search with you!

OK, lets continue with the Future Of Local Search . . .

© 2009 IM Leadership and AI & JS Enterprises. Inc. All rights reserved. 5


BUSINESS: IM Leadership Style

Google Maps in is a great service, right up there with its competitors at Yahoo!®, Mapquest®

and others. However, one extra interesting twist that's going on at Google is that you can include

your business address & information that gets integrated into the Google Maps search results via

a tab near the top of the page. More notably with the appearance of Universal Search the other

year, Google started heavily displaying other items on their main web search, including these

local search results being driven by companies listed in maps.google.com...this is most

commonly referred to as the 10-pack or 10-box. ***UPDATE – as of November 2009 Google

has removed 3 of the 10 box listings to make local search even more competitive – the 10-

box is now the 7-box! Here's an example of a search for "used cars in New York"

© 2009 IM Leadership and AI & JS Enterprises. Inc. All rights reserved. 6

We're going to cover how exactly to get your, or your client's site listed below but before we

begin I want to call out a few items of interest. Very recently, and I mean very...as in April of

2009 Google started displaying local search results for NON local search queries! So it's even

more important to get in on this market as it's expanding wildly...and Google seems to be helping

this along. It's most likely that these non local search queries are pulling maps results based on

the searcher's IP address. Example being if I'm looking for 'used cars' on Google I'll likely get a

local search 10-box listing. From an organic SEO marketers perspective that's not super great

since it's pushing my listings potentially off of page one that are listed BELOW the 10-

box...however for a savvy SEO/SEM they'd have already hit this and be in that 10-box listing.

Ok so now you're ready to begin. You want to go to http://maps.google.com and then click on

the link shown below (Put your business on Google Maps)...

On this next page you'll see some nice features of this service that are great to capitalize on as

noted on the page:


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© 2009 IM Leadership and AI & JS Enterprises. Inc. All rights reserved. 8

Now before you begin you'll need a Google

Account. You'll see this on the left side of the page.

Before setting this up, if you are doing this for a

client, it's a good idea to use

theirbusinessname@gmail.com that you can hand

over to them upon delivery of your service. If you're

doing it for yourself, well then...use your own

Google or Gmail account to sign in.

For this demo I'm going to use the example of a site done for "Rental Properties in Macomb." So

prior to this I setup a Gmail account for this client rentalpropertiesmacomb@gmail.com...

After having logged in this is what you'll see. So next you want to click on that "Add new

business" button.

© 2009 IM Leadership and AI & JS Enterprises. Inc. All rights reserved. 9

After you click on the Add new business button you'll come to this page:

After you've filled out the form above then click on this Next button you see at the bottom of the


Now before you go on, let me show you how I filled out this form and call out a few things to


© 2009 IM Leadership and AI & JS Enterprises. Inc. All rights reserved. 10

For the Company/Organization it is *VERY* useful to ensure you're focused on your geo-

targeted keyword phrase. Also keep this in mind when filling out the Description box. Make sure

you work in, naturally of course, the keyword phrases/terms you want to be pulled up for when

someone does a search. This is one of the major criteria for getting pulled into the Local 7-box

on Google queries.

One other thing to note. If you are doing this for your own local search consulting business make

sure to put in your local # as it may encourage potential customers to call. However if you do not

have a local number consider getting Vonage or Skype and requesting one. Do NOT use an 800

numbers as Google prefers you have a local number.

Let's continue...

On this next page you'll notice more form fields to fill out. Most of them are pretty self

explanatory. Fill this out for your own business as applicable or get this information from your

client. MAKE SURE YOU FILL OUT EVERYTHING…add all 5 categories and as many

pictures and videos as you can.

© 2009 IM Leadership and AI & JS Enterprises. Inc. All rights reserved. 11

and more stuff below ... this is a long page to fill out but pretty easy really.


© 2009 IM Leadership and AI & JS Enterprises. Inc. All rights reserved. 12

NOTE: It's definitely a good idea to add a company image and video in this section. Anything

you can do to set your listing (or your client's listing) apart from the other businesses, the better!

© 2009 IM Leadership and AI & JS Enterprises. Inc. All rights reserved. 13

And FINALLY at the bottom of the page you see a place to add Additional Details & a Submit

button when you're all done.

This is how I filled out the form fields shown above...as you can see I opted to use a few

different categories that are all keyword appropriate for the market I'm showing here. Google

requires that you use at least 1 standard category that they give and then the other 4 can be

custom to your business.

***SECRET TIP: Make sure to test the keywords you want to use to see if the Google 7

box appears for them before finalizing your keyword choices. You will have a better chance

of appearing in the 7-box if your keywords already trigger the 7-box to show up.

© 2009 IM Leadership and AI & JS Enterprises. Inc. All rights reserved. 14

Next I filled out the hours closing at 4pm. And the different ways I'm willing to accept payments.

I added an image during this process but have yet to produce a video for mounting on youtube

and inclusion in this listing. But trust me I will. A quick easy way to get a video done is run on

over to www.animoto.com and use a few images and some bullet points to create a simple video.

Once you do that, load it up on YouTube, add it to this listing and then make SURE to social

bookmark the YouTube video to increase overall effectiveness and traction of this work.

© 2009 IM Leadership and AI & JS Enterprises. Inc. All rights reserved. 15

And finally at the bottom I decided to add some Additional Details: (User Ratings & Advertising


Then hit that Submit button and you're ALMOST done!

On the next page they need to verify you're a real business so they will either call you or mail

you a postcard with a verification code on it. For the sake of expediency I'm going to use the Call

option since the postcard can take 3 to 6 weeks!

This is what is on the left side of the screen on this final page:


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© 2009 IM Leadership and AI & JS Enterprises. Inc. All rights reserved. 17

And this is on the right side:

After you hit that Finish button, and if you selected the phone verification like I did, this is what

you'll see.


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So I then hit the "Call Me Now" button and bamm, that phone rang. :)

I just had to punch in the PIN number and the pound key and that was it.

© 2009 IM Leadership and AI & JS Enterprises. Inc. All rights reserved. 19

Now on this final page you'll see a link to Learn more about coupons....It might be a good idea,

depending on your business of course, to take advantage of yet another way to call attention to

your listing over your competitors.

If you choose to click on that link, this is what you'll be looking at:

Now guess what comes after you click that Add a coupon now button? Yup, you guessed it,

another form to fill out. For the purposes of this demo I'm going to leave it blank as what I want

to do is call up a few of the local newspapers to find out how much they're charging local

businesses for ads. Once I have that data I'll set my pricing for monthly listings on my website.

Then I can calculate the cost of the yearly fees and give the customers a coupon for like 10% off

if they pay for the year in full.

Here's a view of the form though if you were already to set one up.

© 2009 IM Leadership and AI & JS Enterprises. Inc. All rights reserved. 20

Quick Update -- Less than 24 hours later my listing is now

showing as the #1 position on Google for this search term!

Proof that this stuff works...and works fast!!!

© 2009 IM Leadership and AI & JS Enterprises. Inc. All rights reserved. 21

So while there are a few forms to fill out, this is a pretty & easy process and as you can see

VERY effective and not even 1% of what we do each day in IM LEADERSHIP!


There are hard times ahead. People are losing their jobs, and businesses are closing.

The small businesses in your home town especially are facing a very difficult time because their

customers purse string have been pulled tight. These small and mid size business owners need to find

NEW CUSTOMERS. This isn’t an option or a ‘nice to have’ – this is LIFE or DEATH. It is either acquire

new customers or GO OUT OF BUSINESS. It is that cut and dry. This is a tough world and even tougher

market. No one is getting a free ride.

© 2009 IM Leadership and AI & JS Enterprises. Inc. All rights reserved. 22

These are the times we are living now. The situation will continue or even get worse for at least one

more year (maybe more in my opinion). It’s just the way it is. We can’t control the broader market BUT

we can influence our local market and build opportunities for small business owners right now.

The good news is: the fact you are reading this tells me you are in a very privileged position. Even if you

never made a dime online or consider yourself a ‘newbie’ – the reality is that you are an EXPERT. If you

have taken any of my courses or even just watched a few of the free videos I release each week – then

you already have the resources and knowledge to PROFIT from this opportunity.

FACT: You already know 99% more about online marketing then 99% of the small business owners out


So it is time to start acting like it. Confidence begins with IM Leadership. You have the opportunity,

no the RESPONSIBILITY to become the ‘stimulus’ package in your local market, by helping businesses

acquire new customers. (and oh yeah you can make a GREAT LIVING for yourself at the same time!)

How? Read this report carefully and don’t miss one word. It will make a big difference in your life.

Because I’m going to map out what I think it is the next big “thing” in 2009 and moving into 2010! And,

it is an opportunity any Internet Marketer can take.

Yes, you too, even if you didn’t have any success online yet.

What am I talking about?

IM Leadership: PROFIT by helping local small businesses to dominate Google.

Every time I hear people talking about servicing other businesses, they seem to be focused on big

businesses; they are so focused on the AIGs or the GMs or the Banks (and those are the ones that are

failing!)… But, what about your local Dentist? Lawyer? Dry Cleaner? and the nice restaurant on main

street? Who is thinking about those small businesses that can and will go out of business if they do not

bring in MORE CUSTOMERS? Well after IM Leadership it will be YOU!

The online competition for local businesses is insanely low. You are probably spending your whole day

completing in ridiculously competitive affiliate markets. Well this will be a breath of fresh air and MUCH

EASIER THEN WHAT YOU ARE DOING TODAY! The average city has minimal competition for local

search. So, you don’t need that much ammunition to position these businesses as the authority in the

local market. And lets look back at our above ‘fact’ (YOU ARE THE EXPERT!) – So you are probably the

only person in your local market who can even take a local business and dominate the first page of

Google for them!

© 2009 IM Leadership and AI & JS Enterprises. Inc. All rights reserved. 23

You can become the stimulus package for small and mid businesses in your local market. (and this


And as you know, this is not a hobby for me. This is serious business. I am here to make money (and I

know that is why you are reading this report too!) It is not like I’m just focusing on local search to just

‘help people’. I am a capitalist, and as I mentioned, this is business. Being a capitalist, I see this as one of

the most profitable tasks a single man army can hit for 2009 and into 2010. (and it doesn’t hurt that we

are helping our local markets, while we profit!)

I’m not saying that affiliate marketing is dead or that selling information products doesn’t work. They

are still there and are profitable. But, I’m here to tell you that there is a very profitable opportunity

right “next door”. And anyone (including YOU as the EXPERT) can profit from today. And this is what

IM Leadership is all about.

Look at your life and your career. Are you happy with what you are doing and earning today? Are you

“where” you expected to be at this point in your life? The sad reality is for most people the answer is

NO. In this market, it is time to CHANGE this. You need to become an entrepreneur and focus on earning

your living online and take responsibility for your own life and family, because no on “out” there is going

to give you a break. Its time to be get serious . . .

IM Leadership Is All About YOU!

Why so many marketers are failing (are you?)

One night I couldn’t sleep, so I went over the questions and comments we received during many of the

Webinars, Ustreams, and Q&A calls that I host. So many people are stuck; so many people are failing…

Through 2009 my team conducted well over 10,000 surveys in the IM space. My team read through the

surveys and the summary was “rough”, “sad”, “depressing”:

The majority of the market has been focused on IM (Internet Marketing for more then a year and

earning either $0 per month or barely hitting $500 a month! (Of course there are exceptions for 6 and

7 figure marketers). But the majority of the group invested the past year + of their life into learning

IM and have not even earned a DIME online yet

So the first question is WHY?

And the next question – is this YOU?

We already established that you are an online marketing expert (you know MORE then 99% of the

market). So why are you not profiting from this knowledge?

© 2009 IM Leadership and AI & JS Enterprises. Inc. All rights reserved. 24


If something is not working… doing more of it, ain’t gonna help

Let me tell you a personal story. When I was a kid (5 years old) – I began my training as a classical

pianist. Yes, you are probably surprised, but I was one hell of a piano player. When I got to middle

school and went to band class, there was no piano option. So, they gave me a clarinet. And, I just

couldn’t play the damn thing. I hated it! And my next door neighbor hated it even more! (as they heard

it through the walls and I was TERRIBLE!)

I practiced and practiced and I was still terrible!

BUT I had more musical training then anyone else in my class, so why couldn’t I succeed and shine? I

should have been BETTER then everyone else in the class! BUT I was playing the wrong instrument!

One day, before class my music teacher heard me playing the piano in the corner of the room and said

“WOW you are a great piano player, why are you so awful with the clarinet?” And my only response was

its just NOT the instrument for me!

So, when you are “playing an instrument” that is just not RIGHT FOR YOU – there are only two choices.

1) You can keep doing what your doing and either FAIL MISERBLY or be mediocre (and as Seth

Godin says – mediocre is invisible and that just sucks!)

2) Or, you can CHANGE the instrument that you are playing and give yourself a chance to finally


Its that simple. I am NOT SAYING THAT YOU SHOULD QUIT. What I am saying is that maybe you need to

look at how you are applying (and trying to profit) from your efforts. For me, I had the music training,

the theory but the wrong instrument in school.

So lets apply this story to your marketing business

Maybe you are focused on affiliate marketing, or PPC to CPA offers, or creating your own information

product, or blogging

Everything that you are learning in affiliate marketing today: Web 2.0, Video Marketing, Article

Marketing, Pay Per Click, whatever it is. These are skills that you can use in another market, another

business model, or both.

Sometimes a niche that you pick doesn’t work, so you need to consider the switch to another niche. But

many times, its “how” or even “why” you are applying it - you are just playing the wrong instrument

© 2009 IM Leadership and AI & JS Enterprises. Inc. All rights reserved. 25

Maybe you have chosen (or someone gave you!) the wrong instrument to play:

Maybe PPC to CPA is not the right thing for you.

Maybe developing your own info-product is not for you.

Maybe Adsense is not right for you.

Maybe marketing biz ops is not right for you.

Maybe selling ebooks is not right for you.

Maybe selling t-shirts online as an affiliate is not right for you.

Maybe it is not even a matter of “right for you”. Maybe its just that with the resources and time that

you currently have for a specific project, its just the wrong match (for right now).

So, my goal in this report and in IM Leadership is to give you a new outlet for your marketing expertise.

It is time to stop feeling sorry for yourself.

It is time to stop jumping from niche to niche.

It is time to stop jumping from course to course.

And maybe it’s time to admit, you know what . . .

o I’m just a lousy affiliate . . .

o Or a mediocre CPA arbitrage player . . .

o Or a crappy blogger

Doesn’t that FEEL BETTER?

Take a deep breath! I am NOT telling you to quit. FAR FROM IT. I am telling you maybe its time to take

all of the knowledge and marketing expertise that you already have (as you ARE AN EXPERT!) and apply

it to a new business model . . .

And that new business model is – IM Leadership

IM Leadership

I invite you to review all of the details on IM Leadership here

© 2009 IM Leadership and AI & JS Enterprises. Inc. All rights reserved. 26

"How Do I Start Making Up To Five Figures A Month Or More With No Experience?"

First, I doubt you're a totally green newbie. Unless this is the first time you've ever gone online and read a sales letter.

But if you are new, that's totally fine. Because you'll soon discover how to virtually eliminate the learning curve and start making money very quickly!

Second, most people have bought a few marketing products before. (Or if you're like me you've bought them all:)

Some are pretty good, some flat out stink. But I'm willing to guess that you at least have some basic understanding about marketing.

I also bet you've spent countless hours and sleepless night trying to put together all the pieces of the puzzle. But then you end up getting stuck for days on what usually turns out to be minor problems.

All this makes you more qualified than you may think.

See, we all have our "Secret Language" in the IM space. PPC, SEO, Web 2.0, Social Media, etc. Try explaining this to your average Joe. They think you're Einstein if it comes to helping them get customers!

YES HOWIE! I want to DOMINATE Local Search with you!

"Getting PAYING Clients To Beat A Path To Your Door And Throw Money At You..."

Learning all these "Bleeding Edge" traffic tactics wont do you a bit of good without clients.

Well, the good news is there's more people now than ever, who'll shell out the big bucks for your services!

But you have to know where to find them.

© 2009 IM Leadership and AI & JS Enterprises. Inc. All rights reserved. 27

More importantly, you have to know how to approach them.

Once you're "certified" this will never be an issue. Because I'm gonna show you step by step exactly how to get more qualified leads ready to give you money than you could ever handle.

After completing the IM Leadership program, you will receive the "Howie Seal Of Approval"/ Certification.

Plus, you'll discover exactly what to say, when to say it, and how to say it. So you can virtually close the deal every time. (And by the way, this communication I'm talking about can be via email, phone, or any way that makes you comfortable)

"Instant Credibility..."

Getting started for many people can be a challenge.

Not because they don't have the skills...

Not because they can't find clients...

But because they don't have any credibility, social proof, and recommendations.

Think about it. If you were in the market to pay somebody $2500.00 a month to get you on Google page one, who would you choose? Somebody just starting out, or somebody who is a recognized expert in the field that you know can deliver the goods?

"You will be the recognized expert..."

Because part of your package includes a custom web page built by my team. And on that page, YOU will be positioned as the expert.

Because it will show that you have been PERSONALLY TRAINED AND CERTIFIED BY ME as the best in the business.

© 2009 IM Leadership and AI & JS Enterprises. Inc. All rights reserved. 28

You're even going to have a TESTIMONIAL FROM ME ENDORSING YOU!

THAT IS PRICELESS. Because I'm putting my reputation as the best in the traffic business on the line for you. I have NEVER done anything like this before.

You now have the all important social proof from an industry leader.

Plus, you'll even have a screen shot on your page showing that you get ranked, giving you even more credibility and proof.

But it doesn't stop there...

YES HOWIE! I want to DOMINATE Local Search with you!


This really does change lives... 3 success stories...

by Noah Lopata

Hello everyone. I've been so busy this is the first chance I've even had to look at the

forum. I wanted to share my ongoing success story, and let you know how what we

do is really changing lives.

Success story #1, ME!

I own a brick and mortar business here in the city. I actually found Howie through a

chain of events derived from the posting of Craigslist ads to get business in my door.

That was about a year ago.

Started getting a little more into it at the beginning of this year with some affiliate

marketing. Then found Howie. Started to do work on my own business (this was

before IM was released) in order to boost my sales.

My business was not doing very well, and I was thinking about selling the store. I

thought I could get a chunk out of the sale and look for something else to start. I was

serious enough about this that I had met with 2 potential buyers and starting to

develop my exit strategy.

Then my rankings started to climb. I got Google maps #1 for a key local search term.

Enough new customers started coming in that I started asking where they heard about

us. The answer was the same across the board. "The Internet" "Google" "Online",

© 2009 IM Leadership and AI & JS Enterprises. Inc. All rights reserved. 29

that's what I kept hearing.

I started pounding Google harder and gaining rankings under other search terms.

Then I noticed a few local search sites I had entered my info into started to show up.

That's when Howie released IM.

I started to dig further into the program and saw it was the same thing I was already

doing, so I must be on the right track! Signed up for IM and everything started to fall


At this point, no BS, I am getting 3-5 NEW CUSTOMERS A DAY into my shop!

Now they aren't all buyers, but they will be someday. And even in this recession, my

business has grown to equal my last years sales at this time. I was down almost 40%

at the time.

Not only am I getting new customers, but they are telling others about it as well. My

biggest source is people coming into town, entering my terms into their CELL

PHONES, and getting sent right to me. The Iphones even give them a map and

directions. This honestly saved my business.

So fast forward a couple of weeks, now thanks to Howie I realized I could do this for

other people as well! This brings me to case study #2.

Success story #2, My mother:

My mother is a seamstress and has ran her own struggling business for at least 20

years. It has brought in a little income, but nothing that was making a difference in

my parents lives.

Dad worked, and between the two of them they made enough to get by. Then it was

her birthday. I thought, what a better present than to take 5-10 hours and blast

something out for her, right? She didn't even have a site, nothing.

Slapped up a nice looking wordpress blog, added some content and pics. Well, you

would think that there is not much call for a seamstress these days, right? Wrong.

Dead wrong. In the days of Target and 10 buck imported shirts and pants, there are

still a LOT of people looking for a seamstress.

I nailed 8 out of the top 10 results for our main keyword, and I sh*t you not, she is

pulling almost 600 hits a month. According to my studies, at least 40 PERCENT of


She was hurting for business, and now she is booked up for the next 3 months and is

able to cherry pick her clients. Remember, this is FOR A SEAMSTRESS! Sorry, that

just blows my mind. This is something she has struggled with for years. I'm dead

serious, years.

Now she gets business not only from across our state, but she has done work for some

© 2009 IM Leadership and AI & JS Enterprises. Inc. All rights reserved. 30

East Coast clients, and even some custom clothing for a guy in Australia! You have

no idea the load this takes off not only her shoulders, but mine as well.

Success story #3, A friend of mine, a local bail bondsman: One of my buddies, a bail

bondsman, calls me one day. He had seen the work I was doing for the shop, and

wanted to get a campaign going for his business. He didn't clarify to me at first that

this was NEEDED not wanted, and I admit I blew him off for about a week because I

was busy.

I thought he was doing well and that it was not an emergency. He called me back

about a week later and I heard it in his voice. He has a wife and two kids, and things

were not going well. He was thinking about going back to work for someone. He was

a bit mad at me that I blew him off honestly.

So we started pounding it out. Within a few days we were ranking multiple spots for

his search terms, but we were focusing on a small suburb of our bigger city and it was

easy. He started getting calls within about a week. We hit it a bit harder and focused

on the major city keywords.

Now there are bailbond companies that have been in business here for a 100 years,

and one of them had hired a SEO company, I could tell. We have achieved 2 top 10

rankings for the major city now, and things are going well. According to him, we are

getting 2-3 calls a day which are all converting should HE CHOOSE to take them.

Notice I said "Should he choose". Being a Bail bondsman, he was being forced to

take risky clients just to make ends meet.

He has now gone from calling me almost in tears, to being able to take only the bonds

he feels comfortable in taking. That says a lot! I just went to his 5 year olds birthday

party, and he had rented a 13 foot tall, 12 foot wide water slide and a cotton candy

machine. I would say business is better!

Now I am working on a client with a carwash and no web presence, and while I was

typing this I got a call from a friend, who's friend's father run a venture capitol

company and wants to hire me! Looked at his site, and his home page title is still

"Home Page". Yea, we can help!

In short, it works. I am exited, and very grateful to Howie, his staff, and all of you out

there who are sharing this journey on the same path as I am.


*Note: These income examples and testimonials are representative of our top active

participants in IM Leadership. Some members may make little or no money with this program.

Why? It does take effort to make money (in any system) and it just won't happen if you do not

learn and apply the system. Worse, some people never even complete the training and

therefore never see any results. Theses claims are not a guarantee of your income, and may not

be average of participants. Individual results will vary greatly and in accordance to your effort,

determination, hard work, and ability to follow directions. Summary: As in any training

program and with everything in life - you get out what you put in.

© 2009 IM Leadership and AI & JS Enterprises. Inc. All rights reserved. 31

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