Rapid application development for WordPress using AWF

Post on 27-Nov-2014

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AWF is a new framework for developing plugins for WordPress, that can also run as standalone PHP applications and Joomla! components. Presented by Tim Plummer at WordCamp Sydney, 27th September 2014.


Rapid Application Development for WordPress using AWF

Presented by Tim Plummer27/09/2014

Who is Tim Plummer?

Coordinator of JoomlaDay SydneyOct 10th-12th 2014 @ UTS HaymarketSydney.joomladay.org.au

Convenor of Sydney JUG

Author of Learning Joomla! 3 Extension Development

Why is this Joomla guy at WordCamp?

I recently started experimenting with WordPress Plugin Development

I’ve got a new framework to show you that could potentially have a big impact for WordPress Plugin developers

What if I told you that you could write a WordPress plugin that can also be used as a standalone PHP application, or Joomla component using the same codebase.

Why would a WP developer do this?

• Save yourself time• Opening your WordPress plugin to another

community of site builders who are already happy to purchase extensions

• Make it easier for your users to customise your plugin

Introducing AWF (Akeeba Web Framework)

A web application framework for single source standalone web applications, Joomla! components and WordPress plugins.

• WordPress 3.8.0 or greater• GPL• Requires PHP 5.3+

AWF for WordPress• Object Oriented programming• MVC• ACL• Template and media overrides• Namespaces• ORM

(These are things a lot of WP developers in the community dream of)

AWF for Standalone PHP

• For those 56% (approx) of websites using PHP but not using WordPress or Joomla

• Comes with it’s own user management

How does it work?

• Boot file defines dir names, registers activation hook, and adds actions

• Helper files provide wrapper to bootstrap the application

• Application folder contains AWF, and files for plugin

Who wrote AWF?

• Written by Nicholas Dionysopoulos from akeebabackup.com who also has a WordPress blog http://www.dionysopoulos.me/

• September 2014 – public release of AWF

AWF is currently in public beta. There are no documentation or examples

written just yet.

Each theme club has it’s own framework to support both WordPress & Joomla

Let’s not make the same mistake with plugins

AWF could be the standard

We can share:• Documentation • Bug fixes• Unit tests• Examples and tutorials

WordPress and Joomla developers can work together for mutual benefit!

Where do I get AWF?

• http://akeebabackup.com/download.html• https://github.com/akeeba/awf

Where can I find out more about AWF?

I’ll be talking more about AWF, and showing examples in my “Extension Developer Secrets” talk at JoomlaDay Sydney, Sat 11th October @ UTS (Haymarket)http://sydney.joomladay.org.au/program


Where can I get AWF?

• https://www.akeebabackup.com/download.html

• https://github.com/akeeba/awfTim Plummerwww.timplummer.com.au
