Rassys Elite Team Intro

Post on 31-Oct-2014

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I’m Jane

And I’d like you to meet the Rassy’s Elite Women’s Tri Team

First, let’s meet Chris.

Chris has friends.

And Chris is very nice.

Plus, she wins a lot.

This is Herman


But Herman’s not on our team.

He’s not strong enough.

Next, let’s meet Mackenzie

Mackenzie has a degree in exercise physiology.

And she is working on her Master’s.

And she gives her prize money to charity.

Mackenzie is very serious and studious.

And she is fast.

2007 Hy-Vee


And Hy-Vee 2008?

Sub 2:10


This is Lisa.

Lisa had the fastest women’s running split at Hy Vee.

And Lisa was the 2006 Des Moines half-marathon


With a time of 1:21:19

Meet Amy.

Amy is strong too, and is a great swimmer.

Plus, Amy is very social and likes to party.

In fact, her trip to watch Jan in Kona was so much fun….

…she’s already signed up for Ironman Florida 2008.

Meet Jan.

(Although you probably already know Jan.)

Jan does Kona.

This year, she placed 8th in her age group at Kona.

And Jan is a nonstop training machine.

And what we really like about Jan…

Is that Jan is very friendly.

And we LOVE her for it.


What do we all have in common?

We all love Greg Rasmussen!

And we all owe a big thanks to DQ

Thanks DQ


And of course the rest of Rassy’s professional staff

We are also members of Des Moines Triathlon Club

And we’ve got some racing plans for 2008.

See you at the races.