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Sierra Davis

3 June, 2014

Orange 2

How many films will pass the Bechdel Test

based on the three main questions??

The Bechdel Test is a simple way to gauge

the active presence of female characters in

Hollywood films and just how well rounded

and complete those roles are.


1. It has to have at least two (named)

women in it

2. Who talk to each other

3. About something besides a man

It was created by Allison Bechdel in her

comic strip Dykes to Watch Out For in


The Dark Knight District 9 Slumdog Millionaire Terminator Salvation GI Joe Shrek Watchmen Bourne Supremacy Bourne Identity Transformers Bruno Hackers Ghostbusters The Big Lebowski Wall-E Wanted Ocean’s Twelve Clerks Pirates of the Caribbean 1, 2 and 3 Austin Powers 1, 2 and 3 Men in Black Fight Club The Fifth Element The Princess Bride Hellboy 2 Milk The Wedding Singer Shawshank Redemption Reservoir Dogs

• Point Break

• Quantum of Solace 007

• Indiana Jones

• Alien 3

• Lord of the Rings 1, 2 and 3

• Ferris Bueller’s Day Off

• The Truman Show

• From Dusk till Dawn

• Trainspotting

• Mission Impossible

• Braveheart

• Toy Story

• Gladiator

• X Men

• Wolverine

• When Harry Met Sally

• Back to the Future 1, 2 and 3

• Tomb Raider

• Pulp Fiction

• Interview with the Vampire

• Seven

• Home Alone

• Up

Enough Said The Bling Ring The Counselor Wizard of Oz Expecting Before Midnight Blue is the Warmest Color Kick-Ass 2 Toy Story 3 Frances Ha Blue Jasmine Little Miss Sunshine

Toy Story 3

Wizard of Oz

Little Miss Sunshine

Summary: Andy's going to college and he never plays with his toys

and they are sad. When his mom tells him to put them in the attack,

they find themselves in a trash bag. They think he wants to throw

them away so they run away to a Daycare center. Woody leaves the

daycare center to go back to Andy. A turn out the daycare center is

actually a prison run by an evil bear. Woody finds out and helps his

friends escape. Andy finds his toys and decides instead of making

them sit in the attic forever then he will give them to this little

neighbor girl who will take care of them.

Three women: Jessie, Mrs. Poptato Head,

and Barbie.

Summary: a tale about Dorothy Gale her pet Toto. They were carried

away from their home by a strong wind to a new Land of Oz. The two

were lost and needed to get back home and in the process, they

made enemies and friends. But due to the team work and loyalty of

Dorothy Gale and her pet, their enemies got persuaded to help them

achieve their individual wishes.

Three women: Dorothy, Glenda, and the

Wicked Witch

Summary: . Little Miss Sunshine is an American family road comedy

that shatters the frame. Openly humorous and yet deeply human, the

film introduces audiences to one of the most endearingly fractured

families in recent cinema history: the Hoovers, whose trip to a beauty

pageant results not only in comic mayhem but in death,

transformation and a moving look at the surprising rewards of being

losers in a winning-crazed culture.

Two women: Olive and Sheryl (her mom)

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