Rational federal symposium mobile development in government

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A Mobile Development in Government, Rational Federal Symposium briefing given at the IBM Institute of Electronic Government in Washington, DC on April 25, 2012.


© 2012 IBM Corporation

Rational Federal SymposiumMobile Development in GovernmentBest Practices for Smarter “Citizenware”

April 25, 2012

Roger Snook IBM Software, RationalWorldwide Enablement Leader, Offering, Strategy, Delivery (OSD) Team, +1.703.943.1170, RCSnook@us.ibm.com

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Enabling Product and Service Innovation | Rational


Mobile is a significant component of the evolution of computing





74% of developers are planning to extend enterprise apps to mobile devices in the next 12 months

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Mobile Computing has many platforms and applications Mobile Devices extending the reach of existing information through standards

96% of 18- to 29-year-olds own a cell phone

Existing Infrastructure

Network StandardsNetwork Standards


Trucks / Vehicles

Custom Devices

Web/App Servers

Traditional IT Systems


Internet (HTTP)

Radio / GPS


Gov2Gov, Gov2BizGov2Gov, Gov2Biz

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New mobile platforms mean new savingsBusiness Savings Examples

Reduce branch operational costs. Bankrate.com

Reducing customer traffic at branches means fewer tellers and keeping fewer branches open. (FDIC $2M/branch) ($avings: new market invest.)

Reduce fleet costs 1) Smarter routes, less miles/fuel (33-50%)2) Hybrid engines, lower fuel costs (60%)

Government Benefits, Citizen Benefits

Increased Citizen Access to Public Information

Reduced Citizen and Worker Risk, Officer Safety

Increased Government Productivity

USDA Food Safety “Ask Karen”, a guide to expert knowledge on handling and storing food safely and preventing food poisoning. On your mobile phone access m.askkaren.gov

My TSA provides real-time airport conditions http://apps.tsa.dhs.gov/mytsa

FBI’s ATF and U.S. Marshals Service have a joint program to give their agents rapid access to all mission-critical data in any location using commercial mobile technology.

“We need more agencies to make their services available to an increasingly mobile nation.“

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So how do we Deliver these mobile apps?Best Practices have evolved but still embrace “C-I-O”

Connecting process and information

Connecting process and informationSoftware and data


Unifying teamsProjects, and

organizational cultures

Unifying teamsProjects, and

organizational cultures


Simplifying governancePlans, scope,

and measures

Simplifying governancePlans, scope,

and measures

•Realized benefits:•••Improved quality and time•-•to•-•market•••Reduced risk and cost•••Tighter alignment to business priorities

(People) (Process) (Tools)Optimize

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“Collaborate” Best Practices Mobile software requires new mobile skills to collaborate with existing staff

Unifying teamsUnifying teams Projects, and organizational cultures


•Challenges:•••Mobile Apps typically extending enterprise reach•••Information changes force mobile app changes•••Testing “transactions” are more than mobile


Planning Requirements Development Testing




Planning Requirements Development TestingPlanning Requirements Development TestingPlanningPlanning RequirementsRequirements DevelopmentDevelopment TestingTesting




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Building a mobile IT application is more than just writing the code

Specific challenges in building mobile apps:

• Imperatives from line of business (programs) & customers (citizens)

• Fragmentation of technology and platforms

• Urgent time-to-market, rapid pace of innovation

How do you align business and development to deliver apps that delight users?

How do you gain control of your development process and accelerate time to delivery?

How do you coordinate changes across mobile and enterprise teams?

Singapore Land Transport Authority

– Integrated mobile fare payments reduced costs

Sprint Nextel

– Cut review times by 50%

– Saved $10,000 in project costs

Edelia, France

– Fewer personnel, lower operational costs, cheaper consumer rates with energy consumption monitoring and mobile management solution

IBM Events Team integrates iPhone, Android, Blackberry teams with web team for GrandSlam Events.

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Mobile Device Implementations


–Browser-based apps

• Smaller, but similar approach to building “traditional” web –data & app come from the SERVER

mobile.hertz.com vs www.hertz.com

–Hybrid “browser” apps

• browser + phone “smarts”i.e. camera, geolocation

–Native apps

• Apple store, Android Market, Blackberry AppWorld

HTML/JavaScript (running on WebSphere/OSS)

Multichannel portlets apps with RAD

HTML/JavaScript, Java (native services), running on Worklight/PhoneGap* (more on this later)

Apple iOS, C/Objective-C, Android/Blackberry: JavaIDE: Xcode, iOS SDK IDE: Eclipse*

Other Considerations: UI Specifics & Brief Tour

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“Integrate” Best Practice is about process improvementMost CIOs want business process improvement – even with software delivery!

Connecting process and information

Connecting process and informationSoftware and data


•Realized benefits:•••Improved quality and time•-•to•-•market•••Reduced risk and cost•••Tighter alignment to business priorities


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Practice Continuous Process Improvement

Software Change & Configuration Management


Process Components

Build & DeployManagement



Design Standards Management

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Practice Continuous Process Improvement

Planning & Requirements Management



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ost t

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Traditional Software Development MethodsPoor upstream quality yields rework25 – 30 % delivery time in testing (IBM Study)Compressed schedules make it worse

Traditional Software Development MethodsPoor upstream quality yields rework25 – 30 % delivery time in testing (IBM Study)Compressed schedules make it worse

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Practice Continuous Process Improvement

Quality Management

Requirements Types also drive Test Types



Test Types Reliability test

Business function/rule test

User interface test

Application performance test

Volume test

Stress test

System performance test

Installation test

Configuration test

© 2012 IBM CorporationApril 12, 2023

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IBM and Business Partner Internal Use Only

Test Requirement 1Test Requirement 1






Software Builds and Test CyclesSoftware Builds and Test Cycles

HiddenHiddenBug Bug






Test Requirement 2Test Requirement 2

Test Requirement 3Test Requirement 3

UnknownUnknown UnknownUnknown

When you don't run every test case during a new

test cycle, new problems go undetected.

(You can’t assume that if it passes once, that it will always pass in the future.)

Without Regression Testing - Hidden Bugs can go undetected

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“Optimize” Best Practice puts tools to work for YOUImplementing YOUR process

Simplifying governancePlans, scope,

and measures

Simplifying governancePlans, scope,

and measures

•Realized benefits:•••Improved quality and time•-•to•-•market•••Reduced risk and cost•••Tighter alignment to business priorities


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Collaborative Lifecycle Management for Mobile Apps

Software Change & Configuration Management

Rational Team Concert


Rational Quality Manager

Rational solution components

Build & DeployManagement


Rational Team Concert

Rational Requirements Composer

On-device testing (partner) Application Development


Design Standards Management

Rational Software Architect Design Manager

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“Faster, Better, Cheaper Apps”Collaborative Lifecycle Management for IT

RationalTeam Concert

Any plan, any process,any platform




RationalQuality Manager

Integrated team environment for planning, source control, change management and project management

Central test “hub” for planning, workflow

control, test execution and quality metrics

Capture, define, collaborate around

and manage change to requirements.

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Faster, Better, Cheaper Apps - Quality/Test Automation

RationalQuality Manager

Rational Performance


Rational Functional


Validate application performs to spec under high loads

Verify correct behavior of the application before being deployed to users

Benefit: Lower costs, shorten test cycles and improve quality through automation

Rational Service Tester

Verify behavior of a service before being consumed by applications

Competitor automation toolsBusiness Partner toolsHome-grown tools

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Addressing mobile testing challenges using RQM, Green Hat & “DeviceClouds”

Middle Tier ServerClient Tier Devices Back-end Data & Services

Testing Challenges1. The number of different mobile devices

2. Middle tier and backend set up

3. Accessing physical devices/networks for testing

Solutions1. Use test-coverage optimization from RQM

2. Isolate the other tiers of the app using Green Hat and concentrate on the mobile device code

3. Rent the majority of your mobile test devices from the cloud using Rational and Business Partners, such as DeviceAnywhere

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Collaborative Design ManagementEnhance cross-team collaboration on software and design standards (SOA, REST)

Central Design HubEnterprise-wide design storage for search, review,

analysis, and reuse

Links design elements to lifecycle artifacts

Navigate and visualize relationships

Stakeholder Collaboration

Automated design reviews at all stages of development

Intuitive extended team web client for broader access to designs

Document Generation and ReportingCreate documents directly from the development


Draw from information and assets linked through OSLC

IBM CollaborativeDesign Management

Rational Software Architect

Design ManagerDesign Reviewer


Engineer Developer



“The ability to review and comment on models from the Web client encourages feedback from a wide array of stakeholders... leading to

faster consensus and improved quality of solution designs.”

– Lars Tufvesson, Sellegi

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Rational takes a two-pronged approach to help customers deliver mobile applications successfully

1. Rational CLM helps customers manage your development lifecycle:

2. Mobile specific-capabilities help customers accelerate your development and test:

Design Code Security



Traceability acrossthe development lifecycle

Open platform for integrated development lifecycle

Traceability of development activity across entire project lifecycle

Real-time planning that is consistently accurate and up-to-date

Tightly integrated with mobile code development capabilities

Centralized code sharing and distributed mobile app build

Integrate and manage full range of mobile testing tools and techniques

Code construction tool using web-based technology to write multi-platform applications

Distributed builds of mobile applications On-device functional testing of mobile applications

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Worklight StudioAn extensible environment with maximum code reuse and per-device optimization

Worklight ServerUnified notifications, runtime skinning, version management, security features, integration and delivery

Worklight Runtime ComponentsExtensive libraries and client APIs that expose and interface with native device functionality and the Worklight server

Worklight ConsoleA web-based console for real-time analytics and control of your mobile apps and infrastructure

Worklight is a Mobile Application Platform (aka MAP or MEAP)

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RTC – Worklight Build Engine Integrationprovides a controlled build environment for mobile apps – both native and hybrid

Team Concert Client

Build SCM

sourceexecutables, logfiles

Team repository

of apps






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IBM delivers a comprehensive end-to-end mobile solution for the enterprise

Worklight complements Rational’s capabilities to help our customers bulid mobile applications that:– Run on multiple mobile devices

– Connect to enterprise back-end applications and information systems

– Fulfills fast time-to-market requirements and can be rapidly updated with new releases

– Deliver high quality user experience

IBM is a leader in the mobile enterprise space

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New: Mobile Application Development track at Innovate 2012

Register for the Mobile track!Register for the Mobile track!

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Roger Snook IBM Software, RationalWorldwide Enablement Leader, Offering, Strategy, Delivery (OSD) Team, +1.703.943.1170, RCSnook@us.ibm.com

© 2012 IBM Corporation26

Enabling Product and Service Innovation | Rational

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