RCCG EFA York 3rd Anniversary Magazine

Post on 25-Jul-2016

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Produced to mark the 2nd Anniversary of RCCG Everlasting Father's Arena, York


The Redeemed Christian Church of God




Isaiah 45:3











DECEMBER 2014 - ON THE EAGLE’S WING - Exodus 19:4


FEBRUARY 2015 - EXTRAORDINARY PRAISE - 2 Chronicles 20: 15-30

MARCH 2015 - I AM THAT I AM - Exodus 3: 9-15

APRIL 2015 - EMMANUEL (DIVINE PRESENCE) - Matthew 1:22-23

MAY 2015 - DIVINE ASSURANCE - Joshua 1:5, Joshua 3:7

JUNE 2015 - DIVINE LIBERTY - Isaiah 49: 24-26

As children of the most high, we are likened to the nature and life style of an Eagle, and therefore a spiritual Eagle, that has his domain/territory where common people/enemies, as the case may be, cannot easily access. I mean far above principalities and powers. Also we seek our solace in the Mother Eagle, which is our Lord Jesus Christ, for help at all times.

You can only attain or operate in a realm that amazes people all the time by abiding in Christ and having a personal relationship with Him. .....But they that do know their God, shall be strong and do exploits.

Engaging extraordinary praise to our God, gears Him to do extraordinary things for the person concerned. Such as God converting the person's battle to His own and making their adversaries to ght themselves to nish, eventually giving you rest round about.

One of the names of God that cannot be completely explained is I AM that I AM.This name works in every situation of life as it were.May the good Lord continue to be our I AM that I AM in Jesus name(Amen).

Emmanuel is interpreted God with us. The presence of God with any man has put rest to all troubles of his life. That is part of the secret of the success of uncle Moses. My earnest prayer is that, may the presence of the Lord continue to abide with us all the days of our life in Jesus name.

When a man is able to receive a promise or assurance of anything from the Lord, he should be sure that what the Lord has said cannot fail, if the man keeps his own part of the deal as God will direct. For it is impossible for God to lie, for whatever He says stands sure forever.

As a child of God, you are meant to enjoy the type of liberty that is only meant for the children, which can only be offered by the most high as a benet for His children alone. Liberty on all facet of life - Physically, Spiritually, Materially to mention but a few. May we enjoy this liberty of the good Lord in Jesus name.

The harvest obtained from obeying the Lord, will convert labour to Favour which cannot be hidden or denied. A simple obedience of Brother Peter to Jesus's instruction gave him a net breaking testimonies, that is capable of launching him into a permanent rest of abundance. May the Lord grant us the grace to always obey Him, so that all our labours will be converted to favour.

God the beginning and the ending is capable of overturning situations from one level to another, until it pleases Him, and give it to whom He desires to. If a foundation is faulty, He can overturn it to become as it was originally meant to be from the beginning of the creation. Likewise if your blessings are in the custody or in possession of anybody, God is able to overturn things as many times as possible until it gets to you.

Promotions only comes from God. To be phenomenally promoted only takes the ways of the Lord, as experienced by Joseph, that within 24 hours, God elevated him from a slave in the dungeon to becoming a prime minister(second in command in title, but rst in command in all other areas) of a very reputable country of those days.

God is the only help of the helper, this implies that He is the ultimate helper. There cannot be any successful help without the involvement of God. So I enjoined us to just look unto God to whom all help originates. Let us borrow a leaf from the Psalmist as he declares that his help comes from the Lord which made heaven and earth.

The type of inheritance in this context is the one that is specially reserved for the redeemed of the Lord. It is specically meant for the children, the heirs of God and joint heirs with Jesus. They are physical things to be enjoyed to make our living in this world a heaven on earth experience.

JULY 2015 - UNDENIABLE HARVEST - Luke 5: 1- 9

AUGUST 2015 - DIVINE OVERTURN - Ezekiel 21: 27


OCTOBER 2015 - DIVINE HELP - Psalm 121: 1-2



WE a l l know that three is the number

of Trinity (Father, Son a n d t h e H o l y Spirit),which denotes C o m p l e t i o n a n d Perfection.

As we celebrate this 3rd Anniversary, I decree a divine completion and perfection in all areas of your life in Jesus name.

This year has being tagged the year of Divine Excellence, while t h e t h e m e f o r t h e anniversary is Divine


Although I took over the pastorship of the parish just about a year ago, but I know fully well that God has been faithful over these years which the Lord has called the parish into existence from the Everlasting Father's Assembly, Leeds three years ago under Pastor Remi Adelugba, whom God has moved to Canada to greater heights.

My prayer is that as many that have contributed in any way to the progress and success of this church of God, you will not lose your reward, and will enjoy the hundred fold minimum reward as stated in the gospel of Mark 10: 29-30 in Jesus name.

God does not owe any man. So also he does not in anyway forget our labour of love Heb 6: 10.

I know many have sown in tears and when it was not convenient at all, and in various ways - finances, time, energy, perseverance, tolerance, witnessing, to mention but a few. I have good news for you - your time of unstoppable harvest has commenced in Jesus name.

Your heavenly account will be made accessible to you and you will begin to enjoy the blessings, provision, multiplication and favour of our dear Lord.

As He has said that, they that sow in tears shall reap in joy....... doubtless come again with rejoicing, bringing his sheaves with him. Psalm 126: 5 - 6.

Our prayer is that at every time God should give us the grace to always do things His own way so as to get His own result.

Some have come, served and gone while some have come and left because they could not t in, and some came, stayed and continue to serve.

The only thing I know is that regardless, the church of God will remain till His return.

Because He said I will build my church and the gate of hell will not prevail against it - Matt 16: 18.

Wherever He has called you to serve, please do serve faithfully, for that is where your allocation is deposited.

Galatians 6:9 says: And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap if we faint not.

I pray we shall not miss the calling of God upon our lives in Jesus mighty name. Remain irrevocably blessed and lifted in Jesus name. (Amen)


It Is Your Season of It Is Your Season of Divine Completion & PerfectionDivine Completion & Perfection

MINISTERIAL TEAMPastorVictorOlobaniyiDeaconessAdebisiOlobaniyi,DeaconessTinkumaEfadiaghor.MinisterYomiSanusi,MinisterJosephOgunjobi.

HEAD OF MINISTRY (HOM)DeaconessAdebisiOlobaniyi-Women,Children and Welfare.MinisterYomiSanusi-Sunday School, Choir, Youth.DeaconessTinkumaEfadiaghor-Treasury and UsheringMinisterJosephOgunjobi-Evangelism and Prayers.

HEAD OF DEPARTMENTS (HOD)MinisterYomiSanusi-SundaySchoolSisUwaSanusi-WelfareSisTayoOgunjobi-ChildrenBro.PelumiOlutayo-ChoirBro.ChibuzorKama-UsheringSis.FavourIme-Youth

EDITORIAL BOARDEditorinChief- Pastor Victor OlobaniyiEditor- Dr. Yomi Sanusi.

EditorialConsultant- M. Babajide-AlabiDesignedby:- Syllable Media Limited - 07869717613 http://www.syllablemedialimited.com

Published by: RCCG Everlasting Father’s Arena, York








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IVINE D is God related issues. Inheritance is something passed down from your parent to you. So divine inheritance is what you have inherited from God as a heir of the father

and joint - heirs with Christ. Romans 8:17a

It is the inheritance specially prepared and meant for the Children alone. Are you one of His Children? If yes, sit back comfortably and enjoy the reading. But if no, please read and carry out what the book of Romans 10: 9-10 says before continuing. May the good Lord accept your prayers in Jesus name(Amen).

“And I will give thee the treasures of darkness and hidden riches of secret places.” Treasure, according to denition, is a very valuable thing usually in the form of a store of precious possession of any kind. These include precious metals, stones or money. Riches on the other hand can be dened as material wealth, valuable or abundant resources.

The type of promises in this context are the things to make us live a heaven on earth life style. After ruminating a while on this verse, I asked God the question, why Darkness and Hidden and Secret ? And the Holy Spirit directed me to 1 Cor 2: 9. But as it is written, eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have enter into the heart of man, the things which God has prepared for them that loved Him. And it is again backed up with Romans 8 vs 19. For the earnest expectation of the creature waiteth for the manifestations of the sons of God.

The word of God is known never to fail. Isaiah 55:11 - So shall my word be that goeth forth out of my mouth: it shall not return unto me void, but it shall accomplish that which I please, and it shall prosper in the thing whereto I sent it. Psalm 138:2b ..for thou hast magnified thy word above all thy name, In view of this assurance, I strongly believe that whatever is written in the scriptures can be appropriated to your life by faith.

Specic promises most times have attached conditions that many people unfortunately handle with negligence or overlook as the case may be. For your information, this is what is hindering some of those promises coming to fruition in our lives.

God has principles, which are meant to be followed diligently and obediently for what He has said concerning us to come to pass.

For God to be responsible for you as an individual you have to be His child anyway. God loves us all, that is why He sent His only son to come and die for us on the cross of calvary. One important thing though is that He is only responsible for His children.

As Everlasting Father's Arena proceed to the fourth year, the Lord says He will give us pleasant surprises on day to day basis.He has promised us treasures of darkness and hidden riches of secret places. But I must confess to you that your being born again is pivot to you receiving these promises through faith.

God is also promising individuals, families, and His church EFA York the type of inheritance that eyes have not seen, nor ears heard, or has it enter into the heart of anybody born of a woman.

I encourage you to enlarge your receptacle and container to receive this unbelievable, eye-watering, net breaking inheritance that will launch you into a permanent rest of abundance in Jesus name.

My prayer is that when this begin to come to pass, we shall not in

anyway be left behind in Jesus name. Jehovah TOO MUCH is more than capable of doing exceeding abundantly above all we ask or can ever think or imagined according to the power(faith) that worketh in us. Ephesians 3: 20.

Sometimes, it may be necessary for God to take us through a little beginning, so as not to be puffed up when His magnicent promises start to come to pass. As He said we should not despise the days of little beginnings. Zachariah 4: 10. Though thy begining was small, yet thy latter end should greatly increase. Job 8:7.

The journey may look slow to us, or the promises slack, but one thing the bible tells me is that God is never slack concerning His promise (2 Peter 3:9a) as He makes everything beautiful in His own time.

One thing I am condent about is we will surely obtain the promise if we faint not. Lets keep abiding and marching on, listening to our commander in chief, which is Jesus Christ and without any controversy our victory is guaranteed and secured.

Isaiah 45:3

By Pastor Victor OLOBANIYI


ICTORS V cannot be discouraged (Peter, His close pal did not succeed Matt 16:22-23)

Victors cannot be overcomed because they are overcomers (Satan tried Him after the forty days fasting Matt 4: 1-11)

Victors look into the future and take the advantages of the prevailing opportunities to get there, so they cannot be stopped. (The Pharisees and Saducees tried times without number to stop Him, but all to know avail).

Victors will always know and say that it is not yet over until it is over. (John 19:30)

Victors are always focussed (He told His disciples that my meat is to do the will of Him that sent me and to nish His work Jhn4 : 34 )

The temporary breakdown of a Victor is a stepping stone to a greater comeback (on His way to the Calvary Luke 22: 42).

The downward movement of a Victor is a work process towards his upliftment to victory (Jesus went down the grave to seize the key of death and resurrected to give hope to the hopeless).

The starting point of a Victor is not as important to him as the nishing point (Jesus started in a manger but now seated at the right hand of God far above principalities and powers Mark 16:19).

Victors do not watch things happen, they make things happen.(The people took shipping looking for Jesus, Luke 6 vs 24-26).You too can be a Victor if only you submit to the case study above, which is our Lord Jesus Christ.

Characteristics ofA Victor Jesus Christ, A Case Study


By Pastor Victor OLOBANIYI


THE bible encourages handwork and been diligence in whatever one does. Proverbs 22:29 - Do you see a man skilful

in his work? He will stand before kings; he will not stand before obscure men.As a matter of fact, the bible stipulates that anyone who is not industrious must not eat (2 Thes. 3:10-11).

For even when we were with you, we would give you this command: If anyone is not willing to work, let him not eat. For we hear that some among you walk in idleness, not busy at work, but busybodies.

The same word o f God reco rd s the supernatural power or promise of God that can transform the life of His children miraculously so that they do not engage in laborious efforts before breakthrough.

God can make a believer to reap freely, years of labour of their predecessors so that one generation would have worked and another simply enter into harvest or enjoyment. It could also be out of the faithfulness of God to His covenant that God simply showers His blessings upon a particular people. What is God's covenant with you? You can provoke Him to make one today.

The Almighty God promised Abraham and his seed the land of the Canaanites and other nations as their inheritance forever. Events played that Abraham's descendants were in bondage in Egypt for over 430 years. After their freedom and 40 years wandering in the wilderness, God brought them back into the Promised Land miraculously (Joshua

And you went over the Jordan and came to Jericho, and the leaders of Jericho fought against you, and also the Amorites, the Perizzites, the Canaanites, the Hittites, the Girgashites, the Hivites, and the Jebusites. And I gave them into your hand. And I sent the hornet before you, which drove them out before you, the two kings of the Amorites; it was not by your sword or by your bow. I gave you a land on which you had not laboured and cities that you had not built, and you dwell in them. You eat the fruit of vineyards and olive orchards that you did not plant. ’

That His people will not suffer to build houses nor waste time to waiting for planting and maturing of vines, olives, orchards, etc. Any Canaanites occupying your 'land', may God chase them out.

Obededom, the Gittite was a hardworking and respectful man. At a point in his life, he became an object of circumstantial miracle. King David abruptly changed his mind and dumped the Ark of the Covenant with Obededom because Uzzah touched the Ark mistakenly and died. But alas, instead of misfortune to happen to Obededom, he began to enjoy harvests he never toiled for (2 Sam. 6:1-12).

Things meant for your misfortune will begin to bring you joy.May God turn your life around for the best in a short space of time.May those that have been looking at you with eyes of sympathy begin to see you with eyes of envy.May whosoever has impact upon your destiny take notice of you for good.

When David ran away from Saul, he was living in caves and strongholds. He and his men relied on raids on small towns and possibly travellers to eat. A time came when they appealed to Nabal - a wealthy farmer to give them some meat to eat. Nabal however rained abuses on David. It took the interception of Abigail - Nabal's wife for

David's men not to kill all the males in Nabal's compound.

Unfortunately for Nabal, he died of cardiac arrest 10 days later and everything that he had, including his pleasant wife was inherited by David (1 Sam 25:1-42).

You are reading this, you have requested for something small as a plea and it was denied. God says, I will pass the entire thing over to you.

You are longing to taste and enjoy something dearly for a long time now, God says, I will give you that thing in excess.

God promised Aaron that someone from his linage will always be a High Priest before Him forever. However, that promise was cancelled by God at the era of Eli the prophet, because his two sons were wayward (1 Sam.2:30).

Therefore the Lord, the God of Israel, declares: ‘I promised that your house and the house of your father should go in and out before me forever,’ but now the Lord declares:‘Far be it from me, for those who honour me I will honour, and those who despise me shall be lightly esteemed.

Samuel who was not a Levite became the High Priest in their stead. God started a new chapter with Samuel. All the full honour and benet of the Levite High Priest was bestowed upon Samuel. He inherited the position and honour would not have generationally come to him.

May God bestow shocking honours upon your life.God says a position is about to be made vacant around you, it's meant for you. You will obtain it in Jesus name.

Pastor Samuel OBAFAIYE is host Pastor of RCCG Everlasting Father’s Assembly, Leeds.



A Few Beauty Tipsi, H here are a few tips on health and beauty. It can be hard to look our best 24/7 but with some effort and patience we can all look our best, the truth is we are too lazy or too busy to

bother all the time with how we look and dress. We all sometimes need a little motivation to do something and today, I'm going to give you the little push you need!

� Wash your face twice daily. Even if you're super exhausted at night, try to at least take off your makeup and use a moisturizer.Brush your teeth at least twice per day. Don't brush more than that because the enamel on your teeth will start to wear. Try to oss every night, as well.

Shower once a day, at least. That doesn't mean you have to wash your hair every day, but your body should be cleaned daily.

Take care of your nails. Nails should be trimmed at least once a week; if you want, you can even try a Manicure or Pedicure.

Remove unwanted body hair regularly. Plucking eyebrows, shaving legs and armpits, and getting rid of other stray hairs doesn't have to be part of your beauty routine. If it is, though, try to do it on a consistent schedule.

Continued on Page 9


SALM P 145:3 - Great is the Lord, and greatly to be praised; and His greatness is unsearchable.

We thank the Lord for helping the RCCG, Everlasting Father’s Arena, York to see this glorious 3rd year anniversary. We pray that the Lord would continue to show His kindness towards the church and the members in Jesus name.

RCCG Everlasting Father’s Arena has been blessed beyond measure since the past three years of its existence. The Lord has shown great favour unto His church, and we rejoice in His goodness and faithfulness.I would like to congratulate the Pastor, the ministers, choir, ushers, children department, and the entire members of the church for being part of this faithful journey. I pray that the Lord would consider you worthy of double honour, and you shall inherit His kingdom in Jesus name. Colossians 1:12 says, giving thanks unto the Father, which hath made us to be partakers of the inheritance of the saints in light. Many at times, we forget where a journey begins, and the path it has taken us, but one thing is sure, we should not lose sight of where we would end up. Our destination is heaven, and every one of us would be partake in it in Jesus name.The journey to heaven is a life-long one. Therefore, God designs it that we encourage one another as we travel there in faith.

Philippians 1:6 says, being condent of this very thing, that He who has begun a good work in you will complete it until the day of Jesus Christ. This is a great reassurance that the Lord is able to let His grace abound to us as we move forward as a church and as individual. We would receive God’s speed in the journey, and our purpose would not be terminated in Jesus name. Discouragement is one thing that the enemy uses to get people to lose focus of where they are going. Therefore, as believers and as a church, the Lord will make our feet steady, we would be focussed, and we would receive the grace to end well in Jesus name.

Every journey starts at a particular point. For RCCG, EFA York, the race started in November 2012. I remember this date with passion. I recollect the fellowship events that led to it. I also know all the people God enlisted to start the journey. I am mindful of how God planned it. I would not forget the role played by our mother church in Leeds, and the huge commitment on the part of Pastor Samuel Obafaiye. All these facts are testaments of God’s favour in bringing revival to York city. God has empowered His church to be relevant in the land, and we pray that His church will continue to thrive in Jesus name. For us as members and families in the church, the race started the day we gave our life and committed to serve the Lord. It is going to be a long journey, and the nish line is heaven. Therefore, let us brace up, and let us refuel, because it can take longer than we imagine. The fuel for the journey is the faith in the unchanging God; the knowledge of God’s past dealings; the knowledge of the word of God; the desire to spread the good news; the fact that we are not distracted; being unmoved by satanic tactics, and being encouraged in the Lord.

Rom. 8:16-17: "The Spirit Himself bears witness with our spirit that we are children of God, and if children, then heirs, heirs of God and joint heirs with Christ, if indeed we suffer with Him, that we may also be gloried together.Philippians 3:12-14, Not that I have already obtained all this, or have already been made perfect, but I press on to take hold of that for which Christ Jesus took hold of me. 13Brothers, I do not consider myself yet to have taken hold of it. But one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus.

Marching Towards The ULTIMATE


By Pastor Aderemi ADELUGBA

Brethren, the expression by Paul here indicates that he must keep up the zeal and the energy. He recognizes there was need to continue in the race with great passion. Likewise, we must continue the good work, and, as we do, we would nish well, and we would arrive at the destination in Jesus name.

The ultimate destination of our journey is heaven. Many at times, we do not really understand where we are in the middle of that journey, and that is why we must check with the Lord at all times to know our specic location. In Matthew 2: 8, the wise men started their journey when they saw the star, but the scripture recorded that the star travelled far beyond they imagined, and was located where the young child was. With the invention of GPS, nowadays, we can predict how long it would take us to arrive at our intended destination. But it was not the same for the wise men, as they had to take another route to arrive back home. Many at times, people get confused about the direction they take, but the Lord will guide us in Jesus name. Nobody moves backward and get the prize, therefore, let us go forward until we get to the ultimate end.

The favourites of God can lay claim to all His inheritance. As we celebrate our third birthday, let us begin to ask God to give unto us the kingdom inheritance. In Acts 20:32, and now, brethren, I commend you to God, and to the word of his grace, which is able to build you up, and to give you an inheritance among all them which are sanctied.

Opportunity is given by God for His will to be actualized. When God gives an opportunity, it is an indication that success would come. We have received the opportunity to full purpose. It is time to begin to hold the baton rmly and press forward. We have received an opportunity to be standing with Jesus in this journey. We have the membership of heaven, and that of the RCCG, EFA York. Let us continue to be part of its success and growth. Take this anniversary as an opportunity to win souls and to serve.

On behalf of the entire Adelugbas here in Alberta, Canada, I would like to say congratulations to the entire RCCG, EFA York family. You are our rst love. You would always be on our minds. We missed everyone, and we are glad to be part of this celebration.Happy Anniversary and God bless!

Pastor Aderemi Adelugba was the founding Pastor of RCCG Everlasting Father’s Arena, York. He lives in Canada with his wife and children.


THE Lord is saying that which He will do in your life will cause the ears of men to tingle in Jesus name. He says He will make someone here laugh and everyone

that hears you laugh will laugh with you in Jesus name.

Proverbs 102:13 says 'Thou shalt arise, and have mercy upon Zion, for the time to favour her, yea the set time is come.

The Bible says in Psalm 62:11 once has God spoken and twice have we heard that all power belongs to God. From this scripture we know that God does not have to repeat Himself, but if He does it is because He loves us too much and he wants to emphasise what He has spoken. Glorious reforms and New Beginnings are alike.

The word reform means to improve by alteration, correction of error or removal of defects, put into a better form or condition or to restore to a former good state,

When we say Glorious reforms, then it means God Himself will be the one to alter, correct, remove the defects or put into better form or condition that which needs reforming in every area of our lives and in His church in Jesus name.

Malachi 3:6 'For I am The Lord, I change not, the Bible says in Hebrews 13:8 He remaineth the same yesterday, today and forever, He is the only one that has the power to reform us in every area of our lives that we need His glorious touch. Our challenges can not change God but He is the only one that can turn our challenges to testimonies.

In the Book of Luke 1:5-2, the Bible introduced a man to us, Zaharias a Priest of the Living God, he and his wife were both righteous before God, walking in all the commandments and ordinances of The Lord blameless.

The Bible said they had no child because Elisabeth his wife was barren (Brethren that is an error for the Bible makes me to understand in Exodus. 23:26 that none shall be barren in the land).

A day came, a day like no other day came, on that day it was Zachariah's lot to burn incense before The Lord in his temple.

It was Zacharias day of favour and mercy, a day that Jehovah The Miracle Worker decided to visit Zacharias and his wife like He had never done before for the root of barrenness to be uprooted in their lives, for the Bible says in Matt.15:13 every tree that my Father has not planted shall be cut down. He visited them for Glorious reforms, just like He has decided to visit you and I today, let somebody shout Alleluia. Angel Gabriel, the ministering angel sent by God on this

errand said to Zacharias, fear not, for thy prayer is heard, and thy wife Elisabeth shall bear thee a son, and thou shalt call his name John.

May The Good Lord hear and answer someone's prayer and petition in the name that is above all names Jesus.

Even the ears of Zacharias tingled when he heard what The Lord said through His messenger, for he said in verse s18 'Whereby shall I know this? For I am an old man, and my wife well stricken in years.

Even his wife Elisabeth when she eventually conceived, Jehovah The God of heaven and the earth is not a man that He should lie, when he says a thing, He does it, when he speaks a thing, He makes it good.

The Bible says Elisabeth hid herself for ve months because of the fear of what people will say about her. I perceive in my spirit that people would have said, I said it she was a witch, look at how her stomach has swollen in her old age.

May Jehovah, The Almighty God roll away your reproach among men in Jesus name.

For Zacharias and Elisabeth it was barrenness (the fruit of the womb), but for someone else it might be something else that represents a reproach that needs to taken away, may The Lord gloriously reform you in Jesus name.

For someone ng this today, The Lord says He will visit your readifoundations in Jesus name.

He says He has done it before and He will do it again in Jesus name.

For another He says I will make you my Divine excellency, I will cause you to be celebrated in the places where you have been rejected before.

For someone here today The Lord says He will give you a new song and dance, a song that you have never sang before and a dance you have never danced before.

Everlasting Fathers Arena, My prayer for you is that Jehovah will visit you for good in Jesus name. His church will be an arena of signs, wonders, miracles and testimonies, what The Lord has in stock for eyes have not seen, ears have not heard neither has it entered the heart if man, and He will do it in Jesus name.

Happy Anniversary and May The Good Lord take you from Glory to Glory in Him.

By Pastor (Mrs) Anthonia OBAFAIYE


I Will Visit You For Good

A Few Beauty TipsMake sure you have clean laundry. Fresh clothes will both look better and make you feel more attractive.

�For hair I have a few tips that will come in handy: Choose a hairstyle that suits your face shape. How you wear your hair can highlight different parts of your face, so choose a style that brings out what you like. For instance, if you have sharp cheekbones and a wide jaw, wearing your hair pulled back will make these more prominent, whereas owing layers will make a round face seem longer. You can try braiding the side of your braid for a half shaved look, do a messy ponytail, shtail braid or curl it. Heat may damage it

so try using the headband method.Don't wash your hair every day. Unless you have baby-ne hair that's thin and gets weighed down easily, consider washing your hair every other day instead. On the between day, use a boar-bristle brush to move the tiny bit of oil through your hair — it will make it look shiny and bouncy.Avoid over-styling your hair. One or two days a week, give your hair a break from blow dryers, curling irons, and straighteners. The heat can damage your hair and make it look brittle.

�Make your face look from pretty to drop dead gorgeous by these Continued on Page 10

Continued from Page 5


Here are a few tips to staying healthy :

1) EXERCISE REGULARLY: Research has shown that a sedentary lifestyle is bad for your health. Modest levels of physical activity such as moving around doing light tasks, have health benets compared to periods of inactivity. So, if you are able to, do walk to places rather than use other forms of transportation. To gain the most benet, try at least 30 minutes of physical activity on most days. Alternatively two short bursts of 15 minutes of physical activity at different times of the day are thought to be just as good.

2) WATCH YOUR WEIGHT:: If you are overweight losing weight will usually need a combination of eating less calories and engaging in more physical exercise. Something called the Body mass index is a frequently used estimation of a healthy body weight relative to how tall you are. If your weight is ideal then your BMI would likely be within the normal range of 18 to 25. To calculate your BMI divide your weight in kilograms by the

square of your height expressed in metres. In other words BMI equals Body Weight (in Kg), divided by height (in metres) multiplied by itself.

3) DO NOT SMOKE:In other words, avoid smoking or continuous passive inhalation of fumes from smoking. Smoking exposes the lungs to the hazards of irreversible lung damage that eventually lead to chronic lung disease. In addition to smoking being directly responsible for causing lung cancer and various types of other cancers, it increases the risk of heart disease and stroke. A healthy, non-smoking pair of lungs make your physical exercise more tolerable, effective and enjoyable.

4) EAT HEALTHILY. Fruit and vegetables are very important. Current recommendations in the UK are to eat at least ve portions of different vegetables and fruit each day. A portion is about a handful. A third of most meals should be starch-based foods, such as cereals, bread, potatoes, rice or pasta. Wholegrain cereals or wholemeal bread are more healthy than lower-bre foods.

Avoid consumption of excessively fatty food, such as fatty meat, cheese, full-cream milk, fried food, butter, etc. Consume two to three portions of sh per week. At least one portion should be an 'oily' sh such as herring, mackerel, sardine, kipper, pilchard, salmon, or fresh tuna. If you eat meat it is best to eat lean meat, or poultry such as chicken. Do not always fry your food. Grill or oven-bake if possible. If you do fry, frequently choose a vegetable oil such as sunower, rapeseed or olive oil.

Try not to add salt to food, and limit the consumption of already salted food. Reduce sugar in-take. It is advised that only 5% of daily calories should come from "free sugars". This roughly translates to the equivalent of 5 to 6 teaspoons (or cubes) of sugar for an average woman and 7 to 8 teaspoons (or cubes) for men.

Research suggests that a high intake of sugar-sweetened beverages is associated with higher calorie intakes and a higher risk of obesity. So, choose diet versions of soft drinks, or try sprucing up some still or sparkling water with slices of cucumber, sprigs of mint, lemon slices, or berries and crushed ice. Given that we should be limiting our intake of sugar, it makes sense to be aware of how much sugar we're eating and drinking on a daily or weekly basis. Check labels, compare brands and watch your portion size. If you really must have something sweet, be fully aware of how much you're eating, and savour the avour by eating slowly. The list is in no wise exhaustive, but represents a good start. Therefore regardless of how busy we are, it is scriptural and within divine intention for us to prosper and be in good health, and enjoy his abundant life starting now. 3 John 1.2., John 10.10.

Dr Uwa Sanusi is a General Practitioner

Staying healthy is one of the most important things we all aspire to for ourselves. It is necessary to take the right steps towards it. However as young people we might not critically consider obstacles to making healthy choices in our fast paced lifestyles; but in the long run leading a healthy life in our youth greatly influences our future health.

Four Ways To Stay Healthy In A Fast Paced Society

By Dr Uwa Sanusi


steps: Get glowing skin. In addition to washing and moisturising twice a day, avoid breakouts by keeping your hands away from your face and sleeping on clean pillowcases. Spot-treat pimples using salicylic acid or benzoyl peroxide. Or, for a quick overnight x, crush a few uncoated aspirin tablets (the plain white ones). Follow the eyes-or-lips rule. If you wear makeup, focus the drama on either your eyes or your lips — not both. If you have a great pucker and wear red lipstick to make it look amazing, skip the heavy eyeliner and eyeshadow, and do one coat of mascara. If you want to highlight your eyes, go easy on the lips with a light stain or chapstick. Blusher works well too but not over the top!

- Anonymous Xoxo

A Few Beauty TipsContinued from Page 9


Members at the Special Service with Pastor E.A. Adeboye (G.O. RCCG) in Leeds on July 19, 2015

I WAS fortunate to attend The Redeemed Christian Church of God, Everlasting Father’s Arena when I was in York for my Masters Degree. The church solidied my walk with God. I learnt a lot about my faith and I was given the guidance I needed to improve my spiritual life.

While I was in church, I served in the ushering department. It was a signicant experience for me as the church was my home away from home. I have been blessed with so many fond memories. Various dinner in Leeds (foodie like me), Pastor Remi Adelugba family last service with us, each member sent forth, youth get together, every Wednesday bible study and Sunday service was a renewed experience with God. I do miss York every day. I feel blessed to have met each and everyone. I am forever grateful to God for the experience and memories. Thank you!!!


"As I was a student at the Uni I sought a Church and a friend of mine invited me at this Church one day and I stayed. I found in this Church a family who truly love and adore our Lord.One of my best memories is when we attended a reedeemed church conference in Manchester Arena. We spent a really good time praying and worshiping God. I also remember my last Sunday at Church, it was so touching. While the Church prayed for us, I started to cried and Faith, Elorm and Sanez did the same. I was overwhelmed by emotions and the love of Church members.

I am now back in France and currently seeking a job as in-house lawyer. But I have to say that being in this Church helps me to grow in the intimicy with God and gives me friends for life. As I said to Remi once, my Sundays never be the same."


had I an awesome time with the Church. Meeting Pastor Remi Adelugba at the Fresher fair in October 2013 was one special moment I can't forget. Sometimes you think you are nice or kind until you meet people who do it better; I had such an experience with him.

Then Sister Blessings Uwa was just beautiful in handling some of the church logistics together with being the Choir Mistress. I was privileged to serve under her and took over the leadership of the choir together with Bolatito Henry-Onifade. I went on to assist Favour Ime in leading the youth department of the Church. It was really demanding for me as I had a lot to do at school too, but God granted me grace as I continually depended on Him. At the end of my studies at the University of York, I nished with a distinction in MSc. Communication Engineering. I didn't see the need to return to Nigeria immediately, so I stayed back to work with the Church. I served on the Church Administrative Board under the leadership of our vibrant and amazing Pastor Victor Olobaniyi. The Sanusis have continually been a blessing to me and my journey in the UK is incomplete without my EFA York family. After my graduation in January, I returned to Nigeria where I am presently doing music, business, and preparing to serve my country for about a year, through the mandatory National Youth service (NYSC), starting October 2015. I believe our service to God is never in vain. Even when it gets tough, really tough; remember He is God, and with Him, nothing is impossible. SelahOyomikon Jakpa (Nigeria)


AVING H a growth mind set is vital and it pushes you on to succeed.

At the same time, people still have xed mind set (which is not so good).


Growth mind-if you feel like you want to join your parish choir but you don’t think you can sing, just believe and confess you have all it takes to achieve it? you can still think/ say, ‘I can do it no matter what !’ and you keep repeating it until you reach your full potential .

Fixed mind-if you were in class examples maths class, English, university. You feel like your bad at everything and think you can’t do a challenge and you go for a lower level. That shows how much you believe in yourself and that can be as little as 1%.


So if I were you, I would challenge myself and see if I can do it. As Christians we should learn to face more stuff. No matter what situation you are in, still believe you can do anything. Just say I CAN DO IT!!!

I can do all things through Christ which strenghtheneth me. Philippians 4:13 KJV

Fixed Mind Set &GROWTH Mind Set




By David Kolade OLOBANIYI Questions1. What is the last book in the Bible? 2. What four books tell about Jesus life on Earth? 3. What is the longest book in the Bible? 4. What is the shortest book in the Bible? 5. How many books are in the Bible? Old Testament? New Testament?6. How many tribes did ancient Israel have? 7. How many disciples did Jesus choose? 8. Which New Testament book has Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount? 9. In what language was most of the Old Testament given? 10. In what language was most of the New Testament given? 11. Who was Jesus’ human mother? 12. Who was Jesus’ most famous cousin?13. What was another name for the Apostle Paul? 14. What was another name for Jacob?15. Which book in the Bible did Jesus personally wrote?

Answers1. Revelation2. Matthew, Mark, Luke, John 3. Psalms4. 3 John5. 66 total, 39 Old Testament and 27 New Testament 6. 127. 128. Matthew

9. Hebrew10. Greek11. Mary12. John the Baptist13. Saul of Tarsus14. Israel 15. None



Who Do We Company With?N Genesis 38:1-30 we are made to understand that Judah left his Ibrethren.

Genesis 38:1 KJV[1] And it came to pass at that time, that Judah went DOWN from his brethren, and turned in to a certain Adullamite, whose name was Hirah. Judah made friend with Hirah the Adullamite.

2 Corinthians 6:14 KJV[14] Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? and what communion hath light with darkness?

When ever the bible refers to someone going down, it usually means far away from God or the things of God. One sin always leads to another when your spiritual antenna is not sharp to perceive what God is saying, or those around you cannot correct your error because they don't know any better. Just take a pause and consider the friends you keep, do they fear God? Are they believers? Are they followers of Christ? That's a pointer to a lot of things in life, e.g you having good success or sorrow upon sorrow.

He went down from his brethren. From there he married a Canaanite woman, Shua by name. They had three children, two were killed because of their wickedness.

Deuteronomy 7:3-4 KJV[3] Neither shalt thou make marriages with them; thy daughter thou shalt not give unto his son, nor his daughter shalt thou take unto thy son. [4] For they will turn away thy son from following me, that they may serve other gods: so will the anger of the Lord be kindled against you, and destroy thee suddenly.

We cannot compromise our faith and think everything will be alright. As Christians we have entered into a covenant with God, it might work for another but you can not play with your salvation.

The children both died without being fruitful. Nothing to show for all his labour. Tamar the daughter in law played the harlot because of a failed promise.

Genesis 38:14-16 KJV[14] And she put her widow's garments off from her, and covered her with a vail, and wrapped herself, and sat in an open place, which is by the way to Timnath; for she saw that Shelah was grown, and she was not given unto him to wife. [15] When Judah saw her, he thought her to be an harlot; because she had covered her face. [16] And he turned unto her by the way, and said, Go to, I pray thee, let me come in unto thee; (for he knew not that she was his daughter in law.) And she said, What wilt thou give me, that thou mayest come in unto me?

Why would Judah promise and not keep it?1. He was afraid.2. He didn't want his third son to die.3. No sign he cried to God for help.His wife later died and was comforted.

Genesis 38:12 KJV[12] And in process of time the daughter of Shuah Judah's wife died; and Judah was comforted, and went up unto his sheepshearers to Timnath, he and his friend Hirah the Adullamite.

The daughter in law was able to play the harlot to Judah mainly because, his spiritual antenna was not working well and those around him - Hirah the Adullamite (unbeliever). He was with his best friend Hirah when he went in and slept with his daughter in law.

Judah wanted to throw the rst stone at Tamar when he found out she was pregnant. Those that live in glass house should not through stone.

Genesis 38:18 KJV[18] And he said, What pledge shall I give thee? And she sa id , Thy s i g n e t , a n d t h y bracelets, and thy staff that is in thine hand. And he gave it her, and came in unto her, and she conceived by him.

He blindly gave away 1. His ring - symbol of authority.2. Bracelet - symbol of wealth.3. Staff - symbol of power.

Without being sensitive enough, that the lady was asking for too much, After all, he thought, I will give a kid later.Judah committed sacrilege and slept with his daughter in law.

Genesis 38:20 KJV[20] And Judah sent the kid by the hand of his friend the Adullamite, to receive his pledge from the woman's hand: but he found her not.

It was still this same friend of his he sent to redeem the pledge with the harlot. Birds of the same feather ock together.

Genesis 38:23 KJV[23] And Judah said, Let her take it to her, lest we be shamed: behold, I sent this kid, and thou hast not found her.

Judah was content for the harlot to take all instead of repenting and seeing he has been robbed.

John 10:10 KJV[10] The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly.

Tamar had twins by his father in law. From birth the baby had a name given that was not right because he broke forth out before his brother.

Who do we company with? Who is our condant? Do they frown at evil, or are they happy to play along? Check and take stock.Whose side are you on? The Lord’s side or the devil? Chose God that you may live. Give your life to Jesus. He is a true friend, He will not lead you astray nor forsake you.

Just pray this prayers as the Lord make us free in Jesus name.

1. Every relationship in my life that God is not gloried to be severed2. Every soul tie I have with unbeliever to be broken off3. Every sin I am harbouring, and think I can't tell anyone and is holding me bound, ask God for mercy.

Who Do We Company With?By Deaconness Adebisi OLOBANIYI