Reaching out for startups

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Getting Started Online

8 Ways to Reach Out

1. Find where people are on line:

* Influencers in your field

1. Find where people are on line:

* Influencers in your field

* Customers

1. Find where people are on line:

* Influencers in your field

* Customers

* Collaborators

1. Find where people are on line:

Dig deep

* LinkedIn *Facebook

1. Find where people are on line:

Dig deep

* LinkedIn *Facebook *Twellow

1. Find where people are on line:

Dig deep

* LinkedIn *Facebook *Twellow

* Search ‘how to find influencers’

2. Think

What is VALUE to those people?

2. Think

What is VALUE to those people?

Hint: They won’t all be the same.

3. How can you provide that

value to them?

3. How can you provide that

value to them?

Hint: Record your thinking. You’re going to need it.

4. The way you are providing value is the basis of your

“reach out".


“Your clients will find this article useful. You are welcome to

share it…”


“Your clients will find this article useful. You are welcome to share it…”

Put a lot of thought and care into this content.


“Your clients will find this article useful. You are welcome to share it…”

But insist on YOUR name with YOUR links.

5. This might not be instant, but the

relationship is what counts.

Build that relationship first.

6. Think Visual

Instagram and Pinterest might surprise you.

6. Think Visual

Instagram and Pinterest might surprise you.

Look for images to share even if you’re not a ‘visual’ business.

7. You’re unique. Who me?

Yes, you. So match your

uniqueness to a niche and NICHE DOWN.

8. Questions are great to get communication


Are they?

REACHING OUT FOR STARTUPS The points recapped:

1. Find where people are online. 2. Decide what is value for those people.

3. Make content that delivers value. 4. This is the basis of your reach-out.

REACHING OUT FOR STARTUPS The points recapped:

5. Don’t be hasty. Build the relationship. 6. Content might be visual.

7. Niche down based on your uniqueness. 8. Ask questions.

Good luck!

Do you have reach-out

* Tips * Experiences * Questions

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Hint: We’ll all be reaching out! Comment and Share.