Read the questions carefully! Punctuation Review Game.

Post on 16-Dec-2015

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Read the questions carefully!

Punctuation Review Game

Which of the following sentences does use punctuation correctly?a. Can you imagine the popularity the game

of chess has had over the years?b.Can you imagine; the popularity of chess

has had over the years?c.Can you imagine? The popularity the game

of chess has had over the years.d.Can you imagine, the popularity of chess

has had over the years?

Answer…a. Can you imagine the popularity the

game of chess has had over the years?

Which of the following sentences is NOT punctuated correctly?a. Can a child learn to play chess at three

years of age?b. Bobby Fischer, the first American to win

the world championship, learned the moves of chess at the age of six.

c. Many people wonder why Fischer lost his’ title in 1975.

d. He simply refused to play the Russian challenger under federation rules.

Answerc. Many people wonder why Fischer lost his’

title in 1975.

Which of the following is not punctuated correctly?a. Dear Sir or Madam:b. I understand you are looking for

interesting, mouthwatering chocolates to feature at the Oakdale Chocolate Festival to be held on May 15, 2014.

c. I authored the book “The Chocolate Lover’s Guide” and teach Chocolate 101 at Calorie College.

d. I have a few recipes that I recently exhibited at the International Festival of Chocolate that might interest you.

Answerc. I authored the book “The Chocolate

Lover’s Guide” and teach Chocolate 101 at Calorie College.

Which of the following sentences contains an error in comma usage?a. Bungee jumping has been called the human

yo-yo, the brain squasher, and the leap of faith.

b. Although bungee jumping is a recent invention the craze has already spread around the world.

c. Bungee jumping is a must-do activity for people visiting or living in places like France, Australia, and Mexico.

d. However, this sudden craze is nothing new to the people of Pentecost Island in the South Pacific.

Answerb. Although bungee jumping is a recent

invention the craze has already spread around the world.

Which of the following sentences does not contain an error in comma usage?a. Our modern hobby is their version of an

ancient tribal ritual that tests the bravery of man.

b. The men it is said leap from towers 50 to 80 feet high, attached by just enough vine for their heads to barely touch the ground.

c. No this ritual is not a make-believe story.d. In 1979 members of Oxford University’s

Dangerous Sports Club heard stories about the ritual and decided to test their own courage with a jump.

Answera. Our modern hobby is their version of an

ancient tribal ritual that tests the bravery of man.

Which of the following sentences is written correctly?a. Scottsdale Arizona, is home to the Arizona

Cowboy College.b. In 1989 Lloyd Bridwell started his own

college after watching some commercials for trade schools.

c. Bridwell offers his course up to eight times a year and accepts up to eight students per course.

d. The course which lasts a week teaches students basic cowboy skills.

AnswerC. Bridwell offers his course up to eight

times a year and accepts up to eight students per course.

Which of the following sentences would not require a semicolon?a. The pentathlete was the most admired athlete

in ancient Greece athletes in Athens and Sparta began their training at a young age.

b. Although the style and grace of an athlete were important, winning was more important athletes who took first place were regarded as heroes.

c. Historical records show that statues were built as a tribute to the winners however, these statues were destroyed.

d. Lists of Olympic winners were compiled by several writers: Hippias of Elis, the Greek philosopher Aristotle, and the Roman historian Julius Africanus.

Answerd. Lists Olympic winners were compiled by

several writers: Hippias of Elis, the Greek philosopher Aristotle, and the Roman historian Julius Africanus.

Which of the following is not punctuated correctly?a. “Hurrah!” said the man who scored the

winning goal.b. “No way!” yelled Bryan as the ball soared

over his head.c. Coach Steve clutched his head and

screamed, “What a game!”d. “Were going to Disney World!” the

players chanted as they marched off the field.

Answerd. “Were going to Disney World!” the

players chanted as they marched off the field.

Which sentence below contains an error in punctuation?a. Taking a deep breath, the jumper

prepares for the dive.b. When the jump is over, the exhilaration

remains.c. Bungee jumping by the way can be done

in groups.d. A seven-person team, for example, has

jumped in a specially designed basket.

Answerc. Bungee jumping by the way can be done

in groups.

Which of the following sentences contains an error in quotation usage?a. He told us, “The Cincinnati Red Stockings

were the first professional baseball team.”b. “You know that baseball is considered the

national pastime, don’t you”? he asked.c. Do you think anyone here knows the song

“Take Me Out to the Ball Game”?d. Baseballs used in the mid-1800s were

“dead,” which means they didn’t travel as far as those used today.

Answerb. “You know that baseball is considered the

national pastime, don’t you”? he asked.

Which of the following sentences is correct?a. “Whoever wants to know the heart and mind of

America,” one famous educator wrote, “had better learn baseball.”

b. “Most young Americans learn about this game, and they delight in stories about legendary players like Babe Ruth and Joe DiMaggio” said my teacher, Mrs. Richards.

c. “Babe Ruth once daringly pointed to center field while at bat and then smashed the next ball over the fence,” Explained Mrs. Richards.

d. “During the game,” she continued, “most stadiums play “Take Me Out to the Ballgame.””

Answera. “Whoever wants to know the heart and

mind of America,” one famous educator wrote, “had better learn baseball.”

Which of the following is not written correctly?A. One-third of all sixth graders did well on

their test.B. They are self-motivated students.C. Those students’ should be proud of their

efforts.D. The students’ efforts are commendable.

Answerc. Those students’ should be proud of their
