Read Write Inc Phonics Parents’ meeting 16.01.14 Please turn off your mobile phone...

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Read Write Inc PhonicsParents’ meeting 16.01.14

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18/04/23 Copyright Ruth Miskin Training 1


Why Read Write Inc. Phonics?

A rapid learn to read programme so children read to learn for the rest of their lives. Tried and tested over many years

Systematic and structured

Early success in reading

Training and ongoing staff development


Who is it for?

Early years and KS1 (Four-year-olds plus)

Older children who need to ‘catch-up’ (stage not age). Therefore certain children in KS2.

Children new to English

SEN children


How does it work?

Children:Learn 44 sounds and matching letters

Learn to blend sounds to read words

Read lots of specially written books

This is decoding


How does it work?

Children:Talk a lot about what they have read to show they understand

Listen to and discuss other ideas to deepen understanding

This is comprehending

Storybooks and Get Writing Books


Children learn a simple code first


If English had a simple code spelling and reading would be much easier!


play mayk trayn cafay strayt wayt brayk

green dreem kee hee happee

light kight fligh Igh igh tigh

blow smowk flowt gow mowst

moon broot bloo groo


The complex English alphabetic code

f l m n r s v z sh th ngnk







ve zzs


b ck

d g h j p qu t w x y ch

bb ckch

dd gg ggedge

pp tt wh tch

a e i o u ay ee igh ow

ea a_eai




oo oo ar or air ir ou oy ire ear ure



are urer

ow oi

Yellow = set 1 sounds Blue = set 2 sounds Pink = set 3 sounds

Your child will come home with the sound that they have done each day, if you find it on the chart you will know which set of sounds your child is working on.



Fred helps children learn to read Fred can only talk in sounds...(Fred can only say c_a_t, he can’t say cat)

We call this Fred TalkIf children understand Fred they can blend orally.Blending is needed for reading.



Fred helps children learn to spell too!

Children convert words into sounds

They press the sounds on to their fingers...

We call this Fred Fingers


Read Write Inc - Biggest changes you will notice.

• Stage not age – children are grouped based on their reading level, on-going assessments help identify children who are making speedy progress and children who may need one to one tuition.

Home reading books – for children on the RWInc programme.

- RWInc book – this is the book that your child has worked on in lessons and is sent home approximately every third day or every fifth day. They should know this book inside out! It should not be difficult, it should be effortless as it is at their reading level. It is your child’s opportunity to review their sounds and to build confidence.

-Guided choice: a book your child has chosen. They may need your help with this book as it may not be at their level. Great opportunity to read together, to model reading and enrich vocabulary.

18/04/23 Copyright Ruth Miskin Training 15

Home readers

Group A children will only get a guided choice book as they are not ready for the RWInc books yet. (If you wish to know which group your child is in please ask their class teacher).

Group B & C children will be sent home with a ‘Red Ditty’ either in a paper book format or a photocopied sheet.

Your child’s class teacher can tell you which group your child is in.

18/04/23 Copyright Ruth Miskin Training 16

For children on the RWInc programme

• Spellings – will not be sent home for chdn in the programme as children are tested within the RWInc lessons. Some children may be sent home ‘red words’.

• Attendance is vital due to the speed of the programme.

18/04/23 Copyright Ruth Miskin Training 17

How can you help your child?

By using pure sounds, no ‘ugh’ (Youtube – Read Write Inc – pure sounds) Knowing the graphemes (letters ‘ng’ ‘igh’)


Understanding how ‘Fred’ helps with reading and spelling and by having fun with Fred Talk at home!

“What a tidy r-oo-m!”“Where’s your c-oa-t?” “Time for b-e-d!”

back, head, tum, leg, hand, foot, kneecoat, hat, scarf, zip, sock, gloverun, walk, skip, hop, fast, slow, stop, shopred, blue, green, black,knife, fork, spoon, plate, bowl, panbread, cheese, meat, soup, jam, cake



By reading your child lots of lovely stories and asking lots of questions!

Use these prompts to help you:


What is that character thinking?

What is the character saying?

What do you

think that character is

feeling now?

What is happening?

What do you think happens next?


By talking to your child as much as possible and ‘feeding’ them new and different words:

“Let’s eat our lunch now.”“Let’s munch our lunch now.”“Let’s scoff our lunch now.”“Let’s devour our lunch now!”

By enriching conversations through description:“Look at that rain. It looks like little diamonds sparkling on the window pane!”


By having a look at the parents’ information for tips and resources for supporting your child at home:

(RWI resources are published by Oxford University Press)


Fresh Start Modules: reading and writing. These are for children in Years 5 & 6 who need to catch up.

04/18/23 Copyright Ruth Miskin Literacy

Thank you...


Happy reading!