Reading - Caedmon Primary School€¦ · 5. ladys home near amelot. What do these words mean? 6....

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Caedmon Primary School


Progression in Reading Comprehension

This document provides example questions to be used when

planning reading comprehension lessons, including the ‘Caedmon

Challenge’ questions.

Analysis of Key Stage 1 Reading Test 2016

Assessment KS1 SATS Paper 1

KS1 SATS Paper 2

1a Vocabulary Draw on knowledge of vocabulary to understand texts.

1. The boat hit the rocks with a great crunch. This means that it made... (4 multiple choice options). 1 mark.

2. Find and copy one word that shows knights were very good fighters. 1 mark.

3. ‘My neck hides in a scarf’ What does this mean? (4 multiple choice options). 1 mark.

1. Find and copy one word from the top of page 4 that means well known. 1 mark.

2. Look at the paragraph beginning ‘The greedy man began to climb the vine...’ Find and copy one word that means the same as ‘sparkle’. 1 mark.

Other example questions (not from SATS papers): 1. How do you know that she likes animals? Can you find some words that tell us this? 2. What do you think the word “contraption” means?

1b Identify and Explain Key Aspects Identify and explain key aspects of fiction and non-fiction texts, such as characters, events, titles and information.

1. Why was William cross with Bella? 1 mark. 2. Why did the boat hit the rocks? 1 mark. 3. Where did Bella take William’s message? 1 mark. 4. At the end of the story, Bella was happy. Why? 1 mark. 5. Who did most castles belong to? (4 multiple choice

options). 1 mark. 6. Who did knights protect the land from? 1 mark. 7. When did the servants start work? 1 mark. 8. Tick to show what jesters and servants did in the castle.

The first one has been done for you. (Table listing 5 tasks e.g. gardening. 2 columns – Jesters & Servants to tick). 1 mark.

9. Why were some castles surrounded by a moat? 1 mark. 10. Give two things that people made inside the castle walls.

1 mark. 11. What are three types of weather in this poem? 1 mark. 12. What two animals does the child wear on her hands? 1


1. The Little Princess reminds Tony Ross of someone. Who is it? 1 mark.

2. Tick True or False for each statement about the Little Princess. (Table listing 4 statements e.g. She always does as she is told... 2 columns – True & False to tick). 2 marks.

3. What job did Tony Ross want to do before he became a writer and illustrator? 1 mark.

4. Complete the table with the names of the writers and the characters they write about. (Table with 2 columns: Character & Writer to complete – with space for 3 characters altogether. 2 characters and 1 of the writers have already been filled in. The children have to complete the rest of the table). 2 marks.

5. Why does Tony Ross like to illustrate his own books more than books by other people? 1 mark.

6. There are two men in the story. Which man is kind and which man is greedy? Kind_________ Greedy_______ provided for children to write on the lines. 1 mark.

7. Where were the two neighbours walking at the beginning of the story? (4 multiple choice options). 1 mark.

8. Why was the farmer surprised when he opened up the first pumpkin? 1 mark.

9. What made the greedy man feel sick? (4 multiple choice options). 1 mark.

10. The greedy man’s first surprise was that there was no gold or silver on the moon. On page 11, what was the second big surprise for the greedy man? 1 mark.

Other example questions (not from SATS papers): 1. Make a list of the different games to play at the fair. 2. What did Bella win in the raffle? 3. Scaredy says that he is afraid of the unknown. What might he be afraid of? (Picture from the book showing a wood, river etc). 4. Why did the boy think Plop was a Catherine Wheel? 5. Why did Mr Barn Owl say, “That must have been quite a landing!” when he and Plop are watching the Catherine-wheel? 6. Why did Mrs Barn Owl tell Plop to go and ask the old lady about the dark? 7. How did she explain to Plop that the dark is kind? 8. How else did she describe the dark? 9. What did the Boy Scout think that Plop was? 10. How did he wake his mother up? 11. What did she ask him to do? 12. Why did Plop’s mother say that she would not recommend Plop eating a hedgehog? 13. What is a telescope used for? 14. Read up to the part where the sister does not want to go into the tunnel. What might she be thinking? 15. How does Rose describe the tunnel? 16. Look at the page where Rose finds her brother has turned into stone. 17. What happened to the brother in the clearing? 18. Look at the end pages where the ball and the book are together. Look at how the ball and the book have been pictured throughout the

story. Why are they together now?

1c Sequence Events Identify and explain the sequence of events in texts.

1. Number the sentences below from 1 to 4 to show the order they happened in the story. The first one has been done for you. 1 mark.

1. Look at the whole story. Number the sentences 1 to 5 to show the order that they happen in the story. The first one has been done for you. 1 mark.

1d 1. When Bella was learning to fly she... (4 multiple choice 1. The farmer let the bird go when its wing had healed because... (4

Inference Make inferences from the text.

options). 1 mark. 2. What made castles smelly places? 1 mark. 3. Find and copy two words that show that the coat is

warm. 1 mark. 4. How is the child in the poem like a parcel? 1 mark.

multiple choice options). 1 mark. 2. The greedy man searched for a wounded bird. Why did he do this?

1 mark. 3. Why did the greedy man take a slingshot with him on the third day?

(4 multiple choice options). 1 mark. 4. Give two things the greedy man does that tell you he could not wait

for the seed to grow. 2 marks. 5. Why did the greedy man start clapping his hands in delight? 1 mark.

Other example questions (not from SATS papers): 1. Why do you think Dave was quiet at tea time? 2. Why do you think Dave didn’t like the big yellow teddy? 3. Why do you think Bella gave the big yellow teddy to the girl? 1. Warning, Scaredy Squirrel insists everyone washes their hands with antibacterial soap before reading this book. What does this tell us

about Scaredy? 2. Look at the things in Scaredy’s emergency kit. Can you explain why he might need each one? (Pictures showing things in the kit). 3. How do you think Plop’s mother felt? 4. Why do you think Plops’ mother wanted to help him? 5. Why did the boy tell Plop that dark was exciting? 6. Do you think the fireworks will make Plop Like the dark? 7. Why did she say “Dark is restful – unlike a little owl I know.” 8. What do you think she means? 9. Why did the Boy Scout say that dark is fun? 10. Why do you think Plop keeps asking “What’s next?”? 11. The young lady called Plop a night bird. Why did he look at his toes when she reminds him? 12. How do you know that Plop was very excited about the stars? 13. The cat did not call Plop anything when he landed. Why do you think this happened? 14. What do you think Plop was thinking as he learned to fly? 15. Why is Rose so nervous about the tunnel while Jack was not? 16. Look at the end of the story where the brother and sister are looking at each other. What is Rose thinking? What is Jack thinking? 17. How has the experience of the tunnel changed how Rose and Jack feel about each other?

1e Predict Predict what might happen on the basis of what has been read so far.

No questions in the SAT test.

No questions in the SAT test.

Other example questions (not from SATS papers): 1. Can you make some predictions about the story? What do you think is going to happen? 2. What might happen next? 3. Do you think Dave will get Dogger back? 4. What might Plop do next? 5. How do you think Jack and Rose will behave when they get up in the morning? Will they still fight and argue? Will they do more


Analysis of Key Stage 2 Reading Test 2016

Assessment Questions from KS2 SAT Paper

2a Vocabulary Give / explain the meaning of words in context.

1. Look at the paragraph beginning: Glancing nervously... Find and copy one word meaning ‘relatives from long ago’. 1 mark. 2. ‘The struggle had been between two rival families...’ Which word most closely matches the meaning of the word rival? Tick one. (4

multiple choice options). 1 mark. 3. Look at the paragraph beginning: Oliver rowed... Find and copy one word that suggests that the summer afternoon was quiet. 1 mark 4. Circle the correct option to complete each sentence below. The text begins with Martine going out for a ride on her giraffe... (4

multiple choice options e.g. ‘early in the morning’ ‘at midday’). 1mark 5. Look at the paragraph beginning: For thousands of years... What does the word spat suggest about how the island of Mauritius was

formed? 1 mark 6. Find and copy one word from page 10 that tells you that some of the animals on Mauritius were only found there. 1 mark 7. Look at the paragraph beginning: One of the victims... What does the word invaders suggest about the humans arriving on Mauritius?

1 mark 8. The mud flats would have formed a freshwater oasis in an otherwise parched environment. Give the meaning of the word parched in

this sentence. 1 mark. 9. Look at the paragraph beginning: Then, in 2005... Find and copy one word or group of words that shows that scientists were not sure

what happened to most of the animals during the drought on Mauritius. 1 mark 10. What does rehabilitate the image of the dodo mean? (4 multiple choice options). Tick one. 1 mark

Other example questions (not from SATS papers): 1. Gretel calls their new home ‘Out-With’ (page 24). Why do you think John Boyne chooses to have Gretel call the place this? What does

the name suggest to you? 2. Gretel has a few titles, such as ‘The Hopeless Case’ and ‘Trouble From Day One’ (page 21). Why do you think John Boyne has Bruno call

her this? 3. Read the extract from page 37. How is John Boyne showing that the camp is dangerous? Find any words or phrases that suggest

danger. 4. The poem begins with a description of the place where the lady lives. Find the words or phrases used by the poet to describe the 5. lady’s home near Camelot. What do these words mean? 6. What do the names the children are given when they are crowned mean? King Peter the Magnificent? Queen Susan the Gentle? King

Edmund the Just? Queen Lucy the Valiant? 7. What does the reader know about the Nightingale? Can you capture her character in three well-chosen adjectives?

2b Retrieval Retrieve and record information / identify key details from fiction and non-fiction.

1. Write down three things that you are told about the oak tree on the island. 3 marks 2. Which of these drawings best represents the monument? Tick one. (4 multiple choice options- pictures of the monument). 1 mark 3. What did he have to do in order to read the inscription? 1 mark 4. What was revealed at the end of the story? Tick one. (4 multiple choice options). 1 mark 5. Using information from the text, tick one box in each row to show whether each statement is true of false. (Table with 4 statements. 2

columns ‘True’ and ‘False’ to tick). 1mark. 6. Martine rode her giraffe... (4 multiple choice options e.g. ‘slowly’ ‘speedily’). 1 mark 7. Everything was fine on that day until... (4 multiple choice options e.g. ‘her grandmother saw her’ ‘they came across lions’). 1 mark 8. At the end of the text, Martine... (4 multiple choice options e.g. ‘went back home unharmed’ ‘cried all the way home’). 1 mark 9. What were Martine’s grandmother’s rules about riding a giraffe? Tick two. (5 multiple choice options). 1 mark 10. What helped Martine to get safely on Jemmy’s back after the warthog’s attack? 1 mark 11. Give two reasons whey Mauritius was a paradise for animals before humans arrived. 1 mark. 12. Look at the paragraph beginning: One of the victims... to the bottom of page 10. Give two reasons why the dodo became extinct after

humans arrived. 1 mark 13. Why were artists’ drawings from the time of the dodo not always accurate? 1 mark

Other example questions (not from SATS papers): 1. How old is Bruno? 2. Where does he live and with whom? 3. What are Mother’s plans and hopes for the future? 4. Can you write down all the things she sees in her mirror? 5. What two things did Lucy notice after it seemed that hours had gone by? 6. What reasons does Ruskin give for Corky’s death? 7. How does Ruskin react when he finds out that Corky is dead? 8. What do people feel about the Iron Man? How do you know? Can you find evidence from the text to support your ideas? 9. Why do the farmers want to trap him?

NEW in KS2 2c Summarise Summarise main ideas from more than one paragraph.

1. Below are some summaries of different paragraphs from this text. Number them 1 – 6 to show the order in which they appear in this text. The first one is done for you. 1 mark

2d Inference Make inferences from the text / explain and justify inferences with evidence from the text.

1. Look at page 4. How can you tell that Maria was keen to get to the island? 1 mark 2. Look at the paragraph beginning: The tiny island... to the paragraph ending: ...were cut into it. What impressions of the island do you

get from these two paragraphs? 2 marks 3. Look at the paragraph beginning: Maria led Oliver... Why did Oliver find it difficult to read the inscription on the monument? 1 mark 4. Look at the first paragraph, beginning: Dawn was casting... How do you know that Martine wanted to keep this ride a secret? 1 mark 5. What evidence is there of Martine being stubborn in the way she behaved with her grandmother? Give two points. 2 marks 6. What evidence is there of Martine being determined when she met the warthogs? 1 mark. 7. ...milled around in bewilderment (page 8). Explain what this description suggests about the baby warthogs. 2 marks 8. What evidence in the text is there that warthogs can be dangerous? Give two examples. 2 marks 9. The warthog mother made grunts of triumph (page 8). Why was she triumphant? 1 mark 10. In what ways might Martine’s character appeal to many readers? Explain fully, referring to the text in your answer. 3 marks 11. Curious and unafraid, the animals of Mauritius offered themselves up for slaughter... (page 10). Why were the dodos curious and

unafraid? 1 mark 12. According to the text, how did the discovery of the dodos’ bones help to change the image of the dodo? 1 mark

Other example questions (not from SATS papers): 1. Why have Bruno’s family suddenly moved house? 2. What does father’s job appear to be? 3. How does Bruno feel about moving away? Explain your answer using evidence from the text. 4. What is Mother’s attitude to her children’s life at Out-With? How can you tell? 5. What does Shmuel’s shiver suggest about Kotler’s treatment of him? 6. Who is imprisoned on Shalott? How do you know? 7. How do you know that nobody has ever seen the person in the tower? 8. Why does the Lady of Shalott never look out of the window? Find some evidence from the poem to explain this. 9. Why do you think the mirror cracked? 10. What do you think about Lucy’s decision to enter the wood alone – was it safe, brave, foolish? Explain your ideas. 11. Why do you think it took Lucy so long to understand the danger she was in? 12. Why do you think Mr. Tumnus decides not to turn Lucy over to the White Witch? 13. What do you think about her behaviour toward Mr. Tumnus after she had realised what he had planned to do? 14. Why do you think the queen changed from being angry and threatening to being kind? 15. Why do you think the queen seemed not to mind Edmund’s forgetting to be as he answered her questions? 16. Why do you think Edmund’s opinion of the queen changed as he spent more time with her? 17. The writer does not tell the reader why Corky received his medal. Have you any ideas about how Corky may have won the medal? 18. What do people feel about the Iron Man? How do you know? Can you find evidence from the text to support your ideas?

2e Predict Predict what might happen from details stated and implied.

1. Do you think that Martine will change her behaviour on future giraffe rides? Tick one. (yes/no/maybe). Explain your choice fully, using evidence from the text. 3 marks.

Other example questions (not from SATS papers): 1. What clues can we find in the book to help us predict what is going to happen next? 2. Find some clues about what is going to happen next from Chapter 18. 3. Do you think Edmund will betray his brother and sisters and turn them over to the White Witch? Give reasons for your thinking.

NEW in KS2 2f Identify / explain how information / narrative content is related and contributes to meaning as a whole.

1. Draw lines to match each part of the story with the correct quotation from the text. (4 things to match e.g. ‘setting’ matches ‘Dawn was casting spun-gold threads’; ‘action’ matches ‘In the instant before her body parted company’) 1 mark.

NEW in KS2 2g Choice of Words and Phrases Identify / explain how meaning is enhanced through choice of words and phrases.

1. ...they crossed the glassy surface of the lake. Give two impressions this gives you of the water. 2 marks

Other example questions (not from SATS papers):

1. The writer describes the house as ‘hollow’ and says ‘it might collapse around their ears’ (page 26). What impression does this give of ‘Out-With’, and why do you think John Boyne uses this particular description?

2. Read the extract from page 37How is John Boyne showing that the camp is dangerous? Find any words or phrases that suggest danger. 3. Think about the closing words of Chapter 18.“All in all it seemed like a very sensible plan and a good way to say goodbye.”What do they

suggest? Is the choice of language effective? Why? 4. Can you explain how the poet builds up a sense of mystery? Explain how the words that you have chosen enhance the meaning 5. What do you think the statement that Aslan isn’t safe, but good means? 6. “A thing can be good and terrible at the same time.”What do you think this means? 7. Why is the Professor “remarkable”? 8. How does the space-being behave at the beginning of the chapter? What words does the writer use to describe his attitude?

NEW in KS2 2h Make comparisons within the text.

No questions in the SAT test.

Other example questions (not from SATS papers): 1. Think about the characters of The Lady of Shalott and Sir Lancelot. Can you compare and contrast the two characters? 2. Which character do you think would best fit the following description? Give reasons. Can you find evidence for your ideas? The peace

maker; The trouble maker; The sensitive one; The curious one. 3. Use the table to compare Lucy and Edmund so far in the story.

Caedmon Challenge



Key Stage One

Exploring illustrations

1. How do you know by looking at the illustrations that the story in not

taking place today?

General Questions about the Book

1. What makes a special brother/ sister (friend)?


Create your own pages for ‘Dear Zoo’ book using two mammals / amphibians

/ fish etc (teacher to specify) of your choice.

First Choice Second Choice

I wrote to the zoo to send me a pet They sent me a___________________ It was too______________________ I sent it back

I wrote to the zoo to send me a pet They sent me a___________________ It was too______________________ I sent it back


How would you look after a dog/cat (teacher to choose an animal)? What special things do you need to think about? Name five things you should do make sure your dog/cat etc is happy and healthy.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.


Do you understand what a timetable is? Look at Scaredy Squirrel’s timetable. Now make up one to show your school day.

Your timetable:

8am: 10am: 12.00: 4pm: 8pm:

Why is this timetable different on Saturday and Sunday?

Why would Scaredy’s timetable be mostly the same every day in summer?

Why would Scaredy’s timetable be different in summer compared to winter?


Sunny uses postcards to let his family know how he is getting on. Today we use email and texting more than postcards. What are the advantages of using emails or texting?

Are there any disadvantages?


Sunny is homesick when he visits certain places around the world. How would you let your parents know if you were homesick if you went to visit someone without them?


What are the advantages and disadvantages of having just one cuddly toy?

Advantages Disadvantages

Finding a number of Facts and/or Information

1. Use the text to carry out research. What are the things that squirrels

should be afraid of?

Understanding Characters

1. In which way has Emily Gravett tried to portray the meerkats as

humans? Show three examples.

2. Think of three things you would say to Elmer at the beginning of the

story to make him feel better.


Think of three questions you would ask Scaredy Squirrel if you met him. 1. 2. 3.


Think of at least two ways Elmer tried to make his friends laugh.

Think of at least two ways you try to make your friends laugh.


What are the advantages and disadvantages of being like Elmer? (Think of at least two each.)

Advantages Disadvantages

Story Settings

1. Why would a nut tree be an ideal habitat for a squirrel?

2. What does a meerkat’s habitat look like? Choose a different animal and

describe its habitat.


Why should or shouldn’t Scaredy leave the nut tree? Scaredy should leave the nut tree because…….

Scaredy should not leave the nut tree because…….

Caedmon Challenge



Key Stage Two

Exploring illustrations

1. By looking at the illustrations, what clues are there to tell you that this

story was not set in 2016? (At least three must be given.)

2. Looking at the illustration, what clues are there that Badger is very old?

(Write down three things.)

General Questions about the Book

1. Why do you think this book is one of the most fondly remembered

books by adults when they think of books they enjoyed when they were

children? Give two ideas.

Finding a number of Facts and/or Information

1. Write down three things you have learnt about pheasants after reading

this book.

2. What were the main problems Danny encountered whilst looking for his

Dad in the woods?

3. Dad was on board a ship during the war. There are many references to

this from the time he went away to the time it was torpedoed. What do

we learn about Dad’s time in the war by piecing together the extracts in

the book which mention his experiences as a sailor?

Understanding Characters

1. Read again the chapter about Victor Hazel.

Write five powerful sentences that would describe his character.

2. Fox broke the bad news to the rest of the animals by reading Badger’s

note. This said ‘Gone down the Long Tunnel. Bye, Badger.’ Write

another note that Badger could have left for his friends.


Contrast the characters: Grandmother and Uncle Frederick.

Grandmother Uncle Frederick


How would you defend Danny’s decision to drive to the woods?

Why he should have driven the car.

Why he should not have driven the car.


Which character do you think would best fit the following description? Write one sentence about them to capture their character.

A roaring snob * A marvellous story-teller

A loathsome bully * A tall magician


Victor Hazel

Danny’s Dad

Captain Lancaster


Which one of the main characters do you think would best fit the following description? Write one sentence about them to capture their character.

Grown up for his age * Caring and thoughtful

Bad-tempered and unkind * Very dependent on her brother






Is there a chance that Grandmother may already be dead and Lilly is remembering her story? Reasons to support the idea that Grandmother may be dead.

Reasons to support the idea that Grandmother is very much alive.

Story Settings

1. Find four phrases or sentences that tell you that the story was set during

the war.





How does the fact that the story is set in wartime impact on the book?

2. How does this book help you to better understand the plight of

rainforests? Compose a letter to the minister in charge of the

environment to make a case for saving the rainforests.

3. How has the author created a very strong case for world leaders to


4. What are your thoughts when the last tree is chopped down? Capture

them in these speech bubbles.

Considering the Author or Illustrator

1. If you could arrange to have had an interview with the author, what

questions would you prepare to ask him about this book? Think of five.


If you could meet the author, is there anything you would want to ask him and is there some part of the book you’d ask him to rewrite? Questions for the author. What would you like him to re-


3. What can you find out about the author? Do you admire his/her work?

Qualify your answer.

4. What can you find out about the illustrator? Do you admire his/her

work? Qualify your answer.

Finding differences, posing questions:

1. The book creates a picture of Danny living in a rural part of our country.

What stands out to tell you that Danny does live in the country rather

than a town?


Read again the chapter relating to Danny’s encounter with Captain Lancaster. What are the main differences between schools then and now?

Danny’s School Your School


How has the book helped you to understand more about life at home for children during the war?

What I have learnt about children’s life during the war.

Questions I still have about children’s life during the war.


1. There are many sayings in the book that are unique to the period of time

or to the area the story was set. Here are some of them. What do you

think is meant by the following sayings?

‘We kids took it in our stride’

‘Anything Nan said was gospel’

‘His voice was thick with feeling’

‘Nan ruled the house with a rod of iron’

Find at least one more unusual saying.

Caedmon Challenge



Key Stage Two

Exploring illustrations

1. Look at the two illustrations above / on pages __ and __. What is this

telling you about what happened to Rose?

2. In this book the illustrations make at least as big an impact as the words.

How has the author used illustrations to help you to understand so

much more about what is going on?

General questions about the book

1. The war camp and the fence become very big features in this book.

Read ‘The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas’ and draw some similarities

between this book and that. What are the thoughts you are left with?

Why is it difficult to comprehend what happened to those people?

Why do sad books like this need to be written?


What did James discover from reading his Aunt’s diary?

The idea of keeping a diary has been overtaken by keeping a ‘blog’. Which would you keep and what are the main differences?

Considering the Author or Illustrator


If you could meet the author, is there anything you would want to ask her and is there some part of the book you’d ask her to rewrite? Questions for the author. What would you like her to re-


Story Settings

1. Before reading Chapter 1, look at the introduction about children living

apart from their parents. What have you already learnt about how

unfair life was for black people compared with white people in South


2. In Chapter 6, as the children try to board the ‘wrong’ bus, what do we

learn about discrimination in South Africa at this time? (Specify three

things outlined in the text that let you know how bad the discrimination


3. Reflecting on the book, which techniques and strategies has the author

used to help you feel sympathy with the black South Africans in different


Reflect on being a black child in South Africa at this time; on being a

black worker; on being a freedom fighter; on being a mother having to

work away from home.

4. Reflect on school life in relation to what you have read in this book.

What are the main differences between Tyke’s time at school and your

time at school?

5. In the first chapter, the author makes you aware that there is something

strange about the house. Find at least three things that are set out in

this chapter to make you aware of the presence of something unusual.


The story is set in South Africa at the time of apartheid. By following Naledi and Tiro’s journey we find out a great deal about what life was like for black people in South Africa at this time. Under each of the headings below, show why life was so unfair for black people.

School life for black children:

Travelling by bus:


Working for white people:

Treatment by the police:

Understanding Characters

1. What strategy/ies has the author used to build the relationship between Mr.

Tom and William? Don’t forget he didn’t want William in the first place and in

the end he desperately wanted to keep him.

2. In addition to the police, the white farmers were equally not trusted by

black South Africans. In Chapter 3, we learn a great deal about the

relationship between white farmers and black South Africans.

How would you describe the way black South Africans were treated by the

white farmers?

3. Throughout the book, the relationship between black South Africans and the

police is an important feature. Look carefully at the song older children sang:

‘Beware that policeman, he’ll want to see your ‘pass’

‘He’ll say it’s not in order. That day may be your last!’

What do we learn about why there is little trust between the police and black

South Africans?


Although Naledi and Tiro make it to Jo-burg, what do you think their mother’s reaction would have been if she knew they were making the journey? (List positive and negative reactions.) Positive reactions to them making the journey.

Negative reactions to them making the journey.


As the relationship develops between Mister Tom and William, there is a difference in both of their personalities. Write down at least two main changes in both. Mister Tom William

1. 1. 2. 2.

3. 3.


Did Rose do the right thing when she started to feed the children? Reasons why she should have fed the children.

Reasons why she should not have fed the children.

1. 1.

2. 2.

3. 3.


What the advantages and disadvantages for Tyke having a friend like Danny? Advantages Disadvantages


After reading the first chapter what can you say about the characteristics of James and his sister Helen?

James Helen

How has the author ensured that you are more sympathetic towards James?


Why do you feel that Thomas Kempe is particularly angry about chemists or pharmacists?

Thomas is not too fond of the way James is being taught either. Explain why.


1. One of the prominent features running right through the novel is Tom’s

peculiar sayings. He has a very specific dialect. What do these sayings


‘I ent got all day’

‘Ere’s an ole scarf of mine’

‘Stop shilly-shallying and tell me about the boy’

Find at least one more unusual saying.


There are some very interesting sayings by individuals throughout the book. For example:

In Chapter 3, Danny quotes his gran saying, ‘You might as well be hung for sheep as a lamb.’ In Chapter 4, Pitthead remarked, ‘Think of them cheeses on the ground. Puts you off.’

Do you know any such sayings that you hear from a member of your family or from older people in general?


Towards the end of Chapter 2, Tyke says, ‘Life, all clear and bright again, stretched before me like the first page of an exercise book with a whole new set of felt pens to use in it.’ Why does he say this at this time and what does he mean by it?

Why did he say it?

What does it mean?

How would you have phrased this, taking your lead from the way Tyke has expressed it?


Why did Mrs Somers’s words, ‘Get down at once, Theodora Tiler, you naughty, disobedient girl!’ fill Tyke with black rage?

Why is this central to the whole story?


The book contains several messages written in an old fashioned style of English. The following extracts are two of them: ‘I lyke not this quill.’ ‘Doe not thinke I am so dull of Witte that I may be thus trycked twyce.’ Find another couple of examples in the book. Work out what they mean and then try and create your own ‘old-world’ sayings.