Reading comprehension 1 chapter 5 texts with thir answers

Post on 19-Feb-2017

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Visual Aids by Laurette P. Simmons Ph.D. and LeRoy F. Simmons Ph.D.

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Interview with a Young Environmentalist by Yoonhee Ha, Assistant Editor, KSTR1 Janine Licare is saving the world. She and her best friend started their own non-profit organization, Kids Saving the Rainforest in Costa Rica (KSTR). Today, the organization has many volunteers3 around the world. Here’s our interview with Janine.2 YH: Janine, when you were only nine years old, you and a friend started Kids Saving the Rainforest, KSTR. How did you become interested in the rainforest?JL: Well, we earned some money, but we didn’t know what to do with it. Then we saw something terrible: People were cutting down all the trees around us in the rainforest. That helped us decide to try to save the rainforest.3 YH: Why do you think it’s so important to save the rainforest?JL: The rainforest is a very important part of our earth. The trees are our lungs4. They help the earth breathe and stay healthy. I f the trees go away, so does the future of our planet.4 YH: How can our readers help you save rainforests?JL: They can go to the KSTR Website and learn about becoming a volunteer for the earth, for example, by buying wood from legal places and by recycling.5 YH: How many volunteers are in your organization?JL: We have over 50 volunteers around the world. We also have two volunteers working with us here in Costa Rica at the KSTR office.6 YH: Many of our readers do not know Costa Rica. Can you tell us what the country is like?JL: I t’s a very nice and peaceful place. The people are very kind and the rainforest is beautiful.7 YH: Can you tell us what you’ve learned from doing this work?JL: We now know that we have the power to change the world and make it a better place.8 YH: And what have you learned from working with people around the world?JL: I ’ve learned from them that everyone is unique6, and that we need to respect each person.



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Costa Rica9 years old


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moneythe world


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The MacArthur “Genius” Grants1

Each year, the John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation gives prizes to very ' I special people. These people are very smart and creative, so they are called

“geniuses.”2 The winners receive $500, 000. The money comes with “no strings attached.” For

example, they can spend the money on anything they want.3 People do not apply for the prizes. The foundation does not interview the people in order to choose the winners. Instead, the foundation organizes groups of nominators.

Nominators come from many different fields of study such as art, education, and science. They recommend the names of “geniuses” from their own fields. Then the

foundation chooses the winners from the recommendations.4 Here are some recent MacArthur Foundation winners:

5 Gretchen Berland is a doctor. She also is a filmmaker. She makes films about important problems in healthcare.

6 James Carpenter is a designer and an engineer. He designs buildings that use less energy and save money.

7 Katherine Gottlieb is CEO, or head, of a non-profit organization. Her organization is in Alaska. It gives excellent healthcare to poor Native Alaskans.

8 David Green helps to make healthcare products for people in developing nations, poor countries such as India and Egypt. Some of his products help

people to see and hear better.9 Aleksandar Hemon is a writer. Hemon was born in Eastern Europe. He writes

stories about ethnic conflict. 10 Tommie Lindsey teaches public speaking at a high school. Many of his students come from poor families. He helps many of

his students to attend college.11 Reginald R. Robinson is a pianist and composer. He works to save classical

ragtime music4. He also writes new ragtime music.12 Amy Smith is an engineer. She invents useful technologies for developing

nations. One of her projects is a simple machine that cleans water.



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teacher, engineer, filmmaker, designer, doctor, CEO (of a nonprofit organization), maker of health care products, writer, pianist and composer

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not having any conditionsareas of work or study

poor countries

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The winnersNominators

Gretchen BerlandHer organization

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The Most Influential People of the 20th CenturyRank, Name, Percent, Tally

Leaders and Revolutionaries, Business Leaders, Builders and Titans, Scientists and Thinkers, Heroes and Icons

important/famous/influential people of the 20th century

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769,453Heroes and Icons


Winston Churchill1.49 percent

Henry FordElvis Presley

Business Leaders, Builders and Titans

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A New College Course: What Motivates Altruism?1 Why do some people like to do good things such as helping others or saving the environment? They don’t do these things for money. This is altruism, doing things for other people and

not for oneself. Two Chico State University (California) professors

wondered, “What motivates altruism?” To answer the question, they organized a college class at the university.

2 For the class, each student chose one altruist in the community. They spent four to five hours a week shadowing, or following, their altruist. They also went to class and read books

and wrote papers on altruism.3 Shadowing was an important part of the class. One student,

Adam, followed a husband and wife. They work with many non-profit organizations in the community. Adam and the couple

went shopping with elementary school children to buy holiday gifts for poor families. Adam also had dinner with the couple

once a week and had many discussions with them about helping others. Two other students, Nicki and Ben, shadowed

the director of a homeless shelter. The students served food to homeless people and they helped the director raise money for

the shelter.

4 The students learned many things. Adam said, “In school, we think too much about our careers. This class helped us remember that

there are other important things in life. I also learned that I can help others as a career.” Another student said, “Altruists are not

necessarily special people. They are just ordinary people who do special things.” The students also learned about the motivations for

altruism. One altruist told a student: “I work for the community because the community' helped me in the past.” Another said: “I get

great satisfaction because I know that I am helping others. Recognition for my work is not important.”

5 The altruists also learned things from the students. The students’ questions made them think. They learned more about themselves

and their motivations. This helped the altruists to become even better at their work.

6 The class on altruism was not easy for the students. They spent many hours with their altruists. They also read 250 pages every

week. They read the works of great thinkers and philosophers, people such as Martin Luther King, Jr. and Emmanuel Kant, who think and

write about the meaning of ife. They wrote many papers, kept a journal, and took exams. Was it a useful class? As Adam said: “The

class was difficult, but it was worth it. I learned a lot. This experience will stay with me for the rest of my life.”

a new college course on what motivates altruism


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students participated in several activities with thealtruists while shadowing them

the altruism class was not easy for the students

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acting for other people and not for oneself


people who think and write about the meaning of life such as Martin Luther King, Jr. and Emmanuel Kant

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