Readme 2200 TapeStation Software ·...

Post on 08-Oct-2020

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----------------------------------------------------------------------------- README – Agilent 2200 TapeStation Software -----------------------------------------------------------------------------  


1. Introduction 1.1 New features of A.01.03 release 1.2 New features of A.01.02 release

2. System Configuration 2.1 System Requirements 2.1.1 PC Hardware Requirements 2.1.2 Operating System Requirements

2.2 Software Configuration 3. Software Installation and Setup

3.1 Installation Instructions 3.2 Uninstall Instructions 3.3 Downgrade Instructions

4. Getting Started 4.1 Connecting your 2200 TapeStation

5. Getting Help

5.1 Using Online Help 5.2 Getting Support

6. Known Problems or Limitations  


----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 Introduction ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- This document provides last minute information, and installation advice corresponding to the Agilent 2200 TapeStation - 2200 TapeStation Software. 1.1 New features with A.01.03

A.01.03 release provides improved software stability over the previous A.01.02 release and adds enhancements including the following,

• Supports genomic DNA ScreenTape System • Saveable comparison file • Enhancements in data export – now offers XML and improved CSV export

1.2 New features with A.01.02 A.01.02 release provides improved software stability over the previous A.01.01 release and adds enhancements to reporting and data comparison functions. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2 System configuration -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

2.1 System Requirements

2.1.1 PC Hardware (minimum requirements)

The Agilent 2200 TapeStation Controller Software is only supported on bundled PC’s provided by Agilent Technologies with the 2200 TapeStation System. Laptop configurations only support one connected 2200 TapeStation instrument at a time. TapeStation instruments must be connected to USB 2.0 ports. Connection to USB 3.0 ports is not supported. The Agilent 2200 TapeStation Analysis Software minimum requirements are as follows:

Processor: 1.8 GHz 32-bit (x86)

Memory: 2 GHz Ports: 2 USB ports

Display: Resolution of 1024*768 pixels Hard disk: 80 GByte

2.1.2 Operating System requirements The Agilent 2200 TapeStation Controller and Analysis Software has been tested to run on • Microsoft © Windows XP SP3 32 bit with English (US) language settings • Microsoft © Windows 7 Professional 32 bit and 64 bit with English (US)

language settings

The reporting function in 2200 TapeStation Software requires Microsoft word viewer as a minimum, to be able to view and print reports. All laptops supplied by Agilent Technologies will have this pre-installed. In order to create PDF reports while Word 2007 is installed, the word PDF add in must be installed. This can be found in the Microsoft download center by searching for ‘2007 office word add-in, save as pdf or XPS’. This is not required when using Word 2010. 2200 TapeStation Analysis software does not currently support .Net 4.5 while running on 32 bit operating systems. This does not affect Agilent bundled laptops. Please see section 6, ‘Known Problems or Limitations’ for more details.

2.2 Software Configuration

Regional options must be set to English (US). ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3 Software Installation and Setup -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

3.1 Installation Instructions

The 2200 TapeStation Software installation program “Setup.exe” is a Microsoft Windows application. You must have Windows XP or Windows 7 installed prior to installing 2200 TapeStation Software. To install 2200 TapeStation Software, perform the following steps: IMPORTANT: Ensure that the TapeStation instrument is not connected to the laptop for installation.

1. Start Windows, if you have not already done so. 2. Before installing please make sure you have the appropriate rights to install

the software on your computer. You need to have an account with administrative rights to successfully install all needed components.

3. Insert the installation CD into your CD ROM drive. 4. Close all running programs, including all instances of the Agilent 2200

TapeStation software.

5. Select the installer icon TapeStation Software Setup. 6. Follow the instructions given by the setup wizard for correct installation of

the product. 7. If a windows security message appears, select yes, to allow the program to

make changes on the computer.

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14. If your operating system is 32 bit, a.NET framework update (KB2468871V2) may be required. Install .NET Framework update by selecting next on the following pop up.

15. When the .NET licence agreement pops up, click I accept the terms of the

licence agreement, then click next.

16. Once the .NET installation is complete, and the following message appears, select Restart Now.

17. When the laptop is re-started the installer window will pop up again.

18. Click install. 19. When the TapeStation controller licence agreement pops up, click I accept

the terms of the licence agreement, then click install.


  20. If a windows security message appears, select install.

21. Please note – if during installation you are prompted to install ‘Imaging

Development System IDS’, this must be installed for full controller software functionality. Click “Install”.

22. Once the controller software has been successfully installed, click finish. The 2200 TapeStation analysis software will automatically begin installing.

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3.2 Uninstall Instructions If after installing Agilent 2200 TapeStation Software, you find it necessary to remove the software from your computer, perform the following steps:

Uninstall instructions for Windows XP: a. Run the Windows Control Panel. b. Open the ‘Add/Remove Programs’ applet from Control Panel. c. Select 2200 TapeStation Analysis Software from the list of applications that can be uninstalled by Windows. d. Click on the Add/Remove button to uninstall Agilent 2200 TapeStation Software. e. Select 2200 TapeStation Controller Software from the list of applications that can be uninstalled by Windows. f. Click on the Add/Remove button to uninstall Agilent 2200 TapeStation Software. Uninstall instructions for Windows 7: a. Run the Windows Control Panel. b. Open the ‘Programs and Features’ applet from Control Panel. c. Select 2200 TapeStation Analysis Software from the list of applications that can be uninstalled by Windows. d. Click on the Uninstall button to uninstall Agilent 2200 TapeStation Software. e. Select 2200 TapeStation Controller Software from the list of applications that can be uninstalled by Windows. f. Click on the Uninstall button to uninstall Agilent 2200 TapeStation Software. 3.3 Downgrade Instructions

Note: Files made in A.01.03 (acquired new data or saved data files of previous versions after modification) may not open, or may lose some functionality when then opened in older versions of the software. In order to run the older and the newer version of the software in parallel, you may need to install them onto separate PCs. In order to return to a previous version of 2200 TapeStation Software, perform the following steps: a. Un-install the existing 2200 TapeStation Software revision as instructed in section 3.2 b. Reboot the system when instructed. c. Install the older 2200 TapeStation Software revision.

----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4 Getting Started ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4.1 Connecting your 2200 TapeStation

Start working with your system after the following steps:

a. Turn on the laptop. Have 2200 TapeStation Software (controller and analysis) installed (section 3.1) but not open. b. Physically connect the 2200 TapeStation and the laptop using the supplied USB cable.

Note: USB 3.0 connection is not supported and may result in connectivity problems and loss of data. Only connect your TapeStation instrument via a USB 2.0 port!

c. Turn on the 2200 TapeStation.

A ‘Found new hardware’ pop up may appear when the instrument is connected, this may happen multiple times, if different USB ports are used.

d. When asked if Windows can connect to windows updates select ‘No, not this time’.

e. Next Select ‘Install the Software automatically’.

f. If a pop up appears stating that the software has not passed windows logo testing, select ‘Continue anyway.’

g. Press ‘Finish’.

----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5 Getting Help -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

5.1 Using Online Help

Agilent 2200 TapeStation Analysis software’s online Help system is compatible with the Windows Help subsystems. The Agilent 2200 TapeStation Software Help file contains all of the information you'll need to operate your Agilent 2200 Software and should be used in conjunction with the system User manual which describes everything you need to operate your 2200 TapeStation. To access the Online Help, press F1, or by click on the question mark on any 2200 TapeStation Software Screen. Help can also be accessed from the Agilent 2200 TapeStation Software file menu, by selecting ‘Help’.

5.2 Getting Support Agilent Technologies is committed to providing a reliable, high-quality product that is easy to use. Documentation: In your "Site and Safety Manual" which comes with the instrument, you will find help on system installation and Agilent 2200 TapeStation hardware specifications. For more in depth Agilent 2200 TapeStation system information, refer to the user manual supplied electronically with your TapeStation software CD package and available online through Customer Support Team: However, if you have any problem installing or using the Agilent 2200 TapeStation, we want to know about it and help you. Please contact your local Agilent Technologies Customer Care Center to get support on Agilent 2200 TapeStation questions (for details please visit the following web page: Agilent Technologies also provides electronic support through the World Wide Web. World Wide Web:

In any communication with the Agilent 2200 TapeStation support team regarding a problem with the Agilent 2200 TapeStation system, please clearly state the following:

a. The product name and version number. b. Your name, address, e-mail address and telephone number. c. Your hardware and software configuration. In the TapeStation Analysis

software, go to File, Run properties to get this diagnostic information. d. The serial number of your instrument. e. A description of the problem, and what you were trying to do when the problem occurred. This can be supplemented using the error file logs which are accessible in the 2200 TapeStation software file menu, under help. By clicking on export error logs, a log file can be generated and saved.

----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6. Known Problems or Limitations ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- • Installation – The following error message may appear when running Microsoft

XP. Please select ‘Continue Anyway’. The Controller application has been fully tested under windows XP and has been shown to be safe.

• Do not use other USB devices whilst using the 2200 TapeStation. It is strongly recommended that no other USB devices are plugged into the laptop while the 2200 TapeStation is running. The imaging module in the TapeStation is a high resolution device that can utilise the entire bandwidth of the USB link whilst imaging. Use of other USB devices at the same time can cause timing issues with the imaging module that causes the acquisition of data to fail. This problem does not arise if third party USB devices are not in use on the 2200 TapeStation whilst it is running.

• Always make sure that the TapeStation instrument is connected to a USB 2.0 port on the TapeStation Laptop. USB 3.0 connectivity is not supported and may result in loss of data.

• Agilent Technologies recommend that users do not download additional software

applications onto laptops containing the 2200 TapeStation instrument controller software.

• All users should be given local admin rights to the 2200 TapeStation laptop to ensure its correct running.

• Agilent Technologies recommend that Regional options must be set to English (US).

• Avoid switching users under Windows. Instead either use a single account for

the analysis or always log off after running the 2200 TapeStation. • 2200 TapeStation Controller software. If during a run, any of the disabled

menu bars on the controller software window are clicked on, progress of the current run will pause. The run can be resumed at any time by clicking elsewhere on the controller interface, however results may be compromised after long periods of inactivity.

• 2200 TapeStation Analysis software - some visual bugs have been identified under

XP, and under Windows 7 32 bit edition. Examples are: o Incomplete signal traces in the Online Plot or Data Analysis or on reports o Boxes drawn around peaks in reports or in the Online Plot o Background colours accumulating in windows when they are moved o Invisible fields or buttons in dialog boxes o Baselines continuing to move after manual integration o Missing or incomplete ‘snapshots’


If you experience visual issues of any kind with the software try the following fix: Go to the application directory (C:\Program Files (x86)\Agilent\2200 TapeStation Analysis Software). Execute the shortcut named ‘Set Software Rendering’ then restart all open instances of the software. If required, the shortcut ‘Set Hardware Rendering’ reverts this change.

• 2200 TapeStation Analysis Software - Agilent Technologies recommend that where

possible reporting should be conducted on a computer with Microsoft Office installed. This is to avoid any potential display issues.

• 2200 TapeStation Analysis Software – If the software is shut down with the ribbon in collapsed mode (achieved by double clicking on any ribbon tab), then the ribbon may appear larger than normal on restarting the software. To resolve this, restart the software while the ribbon is in normal (not collapsed) mode.

• 2200 TapeStation Analysis software does not currently support .Net 4.5 while running on 32 bit operating systems. This does not affect Agilent bundled laptops. If the software reports that you are running .Net 4.5 on a 32 bit operating system, please re-run the installer, which will un-install .Net 4.5, replacing it with .Net 4.0.

• 2200 TapeStation Analysis Software demo files – Demo files are installed to

the documents folder belonging to the installing user. On shared computers, other users will not have access to these files.

----------------------------------------------------------------------------- © Copyright 2012 Agilent Technologies, Inc. Use, reproduction, and distribution are subject to approval of Agilent Technologies. Microsoft, Windows, Windows XP, Windows Vista and Windows 7 are U.S. registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- The End of Readme -----------------------------------------------------------------------------