Ready to learn isd hr

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Ready To Learn Independent School DistrictDepartment of Human Resources

Priscilla Dawn JohnsonEDUL 7023: Dr. Douglas HermondMay 8, 2010

Mission Statement for Ready To LearnDepartment of Human Resources

WE will sustain high academic achievement of all Ready to Learn students by recruiting, selecting, retaining, and supporting a diverse and highly talented staff. WE will train and educate our staff to be fluent in technical trends, cultural responsiveness, and excellent gatekeepers for the opportunities WE open for our students. WE are the voice for all staff, the developers of many, purposed to serve our students, who are Ready To Learn.

HR Strategic Goals

Provide the best available staff for student achievement and staff development Train a diverse workforce fully engaged with students Develop student teachers and ensure their success Provide teachers the opportunities to lead in our supporting departments Provide training for teachers who instruct the Substitute Academy Implement individual development action plans for teachers Encourage parent and community participation through quarterly newsletters,

parent conferences each semester, and maintaining a dynamic website

Organizational Structure

Organizational Structure

Departments Supporting Student Learning

Power and Authority StructureProfessional Bureaucracy with Shared Decision Making

CompensationPerformance-Pay for Teachers

The Center for Teaching Quality: TeacherSolutions℠ Model

A TeacherSolutions report by 18 of the nation’s best Teachers: Center for teaching Quality, 2006

CompensationPerformance-Pay for Teachers

A Professional Compensation Framework, Designed for a Competitive Metropolis

Base salary range (negotiable)

Career Salary Supplements

Student Learning

Knowledge & Skills

Market Needs

Leadership Base and Career Pay

Novice $30,000-$45, 000

Up to 5% Up to 5% Up to $5,000

Not ready for role &


Up to $55,000

Advanced $46,000-$55,000

Up to 10% Up to 10% Up to $10,000

Up to 10% Up to $85,000

Expert $56,000-$70,000

Up to 15% Up to 15% Up to $15,000

Up to 15% Up to $130,000

We gratify certain needs, called MOTIVATORS:

• Achievement• Recognition• Work itself• Responsibility• Advancement

Yet, we also recognize fulfillment of hygiene needs:

• Relations• Supervision• Policy & administration

working conditions, and salaries

• Personal life

Rewarding & Motivating our Teachers


How We Motivate Our Teachers

How We Reward Our Teachers

Technical Core of our SchoolFocus: Cognitive & Constructivism

Our learning culture is based on cognitive development and social constructivism:

We believe:

We teach:

Technical Core of our SchoolFocus- - -> Cognitive & Constructivism

Technical Core of our SchoolHow we Teach Students to Learn

• Cognitive ApproachInformation processingKeep student’s

attentionOrganization skillsPractice techniquesVerbally empower

students to learn • Learning Tactics

– Note taking– Mnemonics– Visual aids

• Social ConstructivismSocial interactionCultural toolsActivities to shape

development• Cultural tools

– Math instruments– Computers/internet– Symbolic tools

– Maps, signs, and codes

Technical Core of our SchoolTeaching Strategies

Motivating Students“It only takes a spark to get a fire going, and soon all those around warm up to its glowing…”

1st day: Teachers tell of their passion for learning

Observe students and make records of all learning styles

Create supportive relationships with students through

encouragement, attention, & feedback

Create an atmosphere where students want to work

hard for someone

Provide standards and structure

Let them know what they have to do to succeed

Relate assignments to real life (bring current event

articles to class)

Vary delivery of instruction

Use visual aids (technology, internet, social


Reward success with verbal praise and trinkets

Help students build their character by focusing on

1 character trait/week

Teach goal setting by having students write down

3 goals/week

Teach accountability, were goals met?

Have students answer the “big” question 3 x’s per

week: “did I do my best?”

Incorporate team building exercise to teach

importance of helping others

Research Questions1. Does the teacher-student relationship have an influence on student

motivation to learn?

1. Does shared decision making have and adverse impact on teacher job performance?

1. Does the “pay for performance” model have an impact on student achievement?

1. What is the correlation among well-trained substitute teachers and student performance?

ReferencesAmes, R. and Ames, C. (nd). Nine ways to motivate your students. Journal of Educational Psychology. Retrieved May 5, 2010 from

Cambridge Public School (2009). Goals for 2008-2009. Retrieved April 30, 2010 from

Center for Teaching Quality (2007). Designing a system that students deserve: A TeacherSolutions Report. Retrieved May 7, 2010 from

Craven, H. (nd). Lighting the learning fire. Retrieved May 5, 2010 from

Hoy, W. & Miskel, C. (2008). Educational Administration: Theory, research, and practice (8 th ed.). New York, NY: McGraw-Hill.

Hopkins, G. (2008). 25 ways to motivate teachers. Education World. Retrieved April 30, 2010 from

Kostelecky, K., & Hoskinson, M. (2005). A "NOVEL" approach to motivating students. Education, 125(3), 438-442. Retrieved from Professional Development Collection database.

Murphy, E. (1997). Characteristics of constructivist learning and teaching. Retrieved April 20, 2010 from

NDT Resource Center (2010). Teaching with the constructivist learning theory. Retrieved April 30, 2010
