Real Analysis Test-01 - RAMANASRI IAS...

Post on 12-Jul-2020

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Real Analysis Test-01

Covered topics: Real number system as an

ordered field with least upper bound

property; Sequences, limit of a sequence,

Cauchy sequence, completeness of real line;


S H O P N O - 4 2 , 1 S T F L O O R , N E A R R A P I D F L O U R M I L L S , O L D R A J E N D E R N A G A R , N E W D E L H I C O N T A C T : 8 7 5 0 7 0 6 2 6 2 / 6 3 6 3 / 6 4 6 4

Reputed Institute for IAS, IFoS Exams Page 2

1. (i) Show that there is no rational number whose square is 2 (4 Marks)

(ii) Show that there is no rational number whose square is 8 (6 Marks)

Reputed Institute for IAS, IFoS Exams Page 3

2. Show that the set of real numbers as a complete ordered field (15 Marks)

Reputed Institute for IAS, IFoS Exams Page 4

3. Every subset of a countable set is countable (15 Marks)

Reputed Institute for IAS, IFoS Exams Page 5

Reputed Institute for IAS, IFoS Exams Page 6

4. The countable union of countable sets is countable (10 Marks)

Reputed Institute for IAS, IFoS Exams Page 7

5. The set of rational numbers is countable (15 Marks)

Reputed Institute for IAS, IFoS Exams Page 8

6. Limit of sequence, if it exist, is unique or A sequence cannot converge to more than one

point (10 Marks)

Reputed Institute for IAS, IFoS Exams Page 9

7. Show that every convergent sequence is bounded. What about converse, true or false?

Give an example? (10 Marks)

Reputed Institute for IAS, IFoS Exams Page 10

8. Show that the sequence n

f defined by 1 n

f n n n N is convergent

(10 Marks)

Reputed Institute for IAS, IFoS Exams Page 11

9. Show that 1

lim 1n


(10 Marks)

Reputed Institute for IAS, IFoS Exams Page 12

10. limn

f l limn

f l but the converse is not true (15 Marks)

Reputed Institute for IAS, IFoS Exams Page 13

11. Show that the sequence n

f where 1 1 1

1 ...3 5 2 1



is not a Cauchy sequence. Is

it convergent (10 Marks)