Reality Bites: Chapter Three

Post on 01-Nov-2014

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Reality Bites: An OWBC

Chapter Three: Tightly Knit Clique

We return to the family to find the heir, Ben Mirror, tending his garden. See, I want to get the Quad Pod done this generation, so I need a plantsim.

Luckily, Ben is happy to chill with his garden.

Before the rebuild, I did have pictures of Ben and Meadow Thayer spending their teen years together. So I figured they can spend their adult years together.

They're a sweet couple.

See? Sweet couple.

I missed Ben's actual transformation, so you get a picture of Ben as a plantsim! Hooray!

“Hey, this plant is having a good day!”

With no reason to wait, Ben immediately spawns up his Quad Pod.

Prepare for chaos!

I can't tell which one is which in these pictures, but there are three girls and a boy in the quad – Bluebell, Birch, Ivy and Violet.

I figured the only way to tell the quads apart was to dress them differently.

This is Violet, throwing up on Ben.

This is Bluebell, continuing the tradition of dancing toddlers.

The boy just in the left of the picture is Birch. I don't have a picture of Ivy, for some reason, except the birthday party that comes later.

This picture really sets the scene for the toddler years of the pod. They spent time hugging the cat, or dancing to the music. Not a lot to report, really.

You can see Ivy in this picture, just about.

But anyway, the gypsy lady showed up. At first I thought she was going to take something, because she looked really angry when she started messing about with the bag.

But it was just a genie lamp! Hooray!

I thought it was going to be difficult to get the genie lamp.

Then the gypsy tried to sneak away. She wasn't very sneaky.

“Behold! I am the genie of the- Ouch! The wall is hurting my arm!”

I don't think that's a good sign for any wishes he tries to grant...

“I wish for a shiny sports car and all my kids to be happy.”

“How about lifelong happiness instead? That way, you're happy forever, and I don't have to waste time ordering sports cars and cheering up your kids.”

“You're a lazy genie, aren't you?”

“Yes. I mean, no. Look, do you want the lifelong happiness or not?”

“I'll take it.”

Soon, it was time for the quads to share one last hug before growing up and heading off, into the world of vampires and slacker careers.

Yes, I know they grew up quickly, but there's only so many pictures of dancing, playing in the toilet, and hugging the cat you can take before you go insane.

All the family are there for the birthday of the pod, including Bea's new boyfriend, her room mate, Brandon Jones.

I only have three controllable adults, so Violet has to wait for her siblings to grow up before she can be brought to the cake.

But most of the family members I invited will give her attention.

I can't tell which of the quad this is.

It only gets worse for the party guests.

I can't tell the girls apart, but I can tell you that Birch is middle right.

One of them has already gone insane.

I think this is either Violet or Bluebell. But don't quote me on that.

Birch rolled family, Ivy rolled fortune, Violet rolled romance and Bluebell also rolled family.

Now I can tell them apart! Left to right, they are Bluebell, Birch, Ivy and Violet.

The Quad Pod, now living in their own house to make room for generation two, start to look menacing on community lots.

No one messes with the Quad Pod.

We'll check in on them later. Back to the main house, for now.

We return to the Mirror household, to find Ben working out, just as Meadow shows up.

I think it's weird but sweet how they're both wearing ballet outfits.

Ben then proposes in the kitchen, of all places, and Meadow moves in.

Plus she brought a significant amount of stuff with her! Even her own gnome! Too bad we still have Jerome.

The Mirrors sold the lot and built an extension onto the house.

The couple got married in the kitchen minutes after proposal, because a massive white wedding takes effort.

They immediately got started on the next generation.

Life continues as normal for the Mirrors for a while.

Ben takes to sunbathing in order to fully enjoy the sunshine.

Meadow turns out to be the mayor, but still enjoys simple activities, such as meditating in the desert while pregnant.

And being pregnant without pregnancy meshes on her clothes.

Life was good and peaceful. Only it was about to get chaotic and messy again.

“Uh oh...this hurts more than everyone said it would...”

Meet Logan, our “L” baby.

Life was still kind of peaceful for a short while, until Logan's birthday, when it became apparent Meadow was expecting another child.

And I'm only telling you both of those things because I lost the pictures.

So to make up for the lack of birthday pictures, enjoy some adorable Logan spam!

Getting distracted while learning to talk from Elijah.

And peek-a-boo with Meadow.

I'll end the spam here, but let it be known I adore Logan

I'm guessing it's a tradition now to have at least one of the children in the street.

“Everyone stop doing stuff! Baby time!”

This is Peter, our bad apple of generation two.

“Who's ready for their joint birthday with their younger brother?”

Yeah, I know. Time flies when you're forgetting to take pictures.

So. Birthday time. Again!

Peter is adorable and looks a lot like Meadow.

Dancing toddler tradition!

Logan is a cutie. And he grew up in the dragon outfit! He's keeping it!

“Hi! I'm Logan! I'm still adorable!”

I love the dragon outfits.

Birch drops by to visit his brothers, only to find them asking some rather interesting questions.

Speaking of the Quad Pod, I think it's time to check in on them.

Four slacker career rewards. It was total hell bringing the four of them to the top of the career, so I don't have any pictures of the skill-building, friend-making and breakdowns.

I'll admit that I now feel insane for choosing the Quad Pod challenge, but meh. It was fun.

“Why are we still vampires?” Birch questioned, “I want to be a plantsim again and find a girlfriend.”

“I want to stay a vampire,” Bluebell disagreed, “It's fun going 'bleh' at people!”

“Well, Birch, you can still be part of the quad, but you'll be the only non-vampire...”

Birch just smiled at her, and called the gypsy for a cure.

While the gypsy matchmaker was there, Birch got himself a date, too.

His date was Cara, a vacation native, and the pair of them have three bolts, which is nice.

They're a really sweet couple.

Nevermind the fact she looks a lot like the woman Birch's father married.

Cara then proceeded to begin infecting my hood with the hula dance.

“Look, Cara! I can do it!”

That's it for this chapter of the OWBC! I'll leave you with a picture of the Quad Pod.

Come back next time for cousins, the third (and hopefully final) pregnancy of the generation, more spam of Logan, spam of Peter, and other stuff from the insane family in the desert!

Thanks for Reading!