RealityBites - Citizenship and British Values · REALiTYBiTES ThinkingFaithNetwork Citizenship and...

Post on 20-Jul-2020

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Citizenship and British ValuesRealityBites offers lectures and conferences focusing oncitizenship education and, in particular,

A key feature of these conferences is to nurture students’ abilitiesto ask good questions in the context of spiritual, moral, social andcultural development (SMSC) and so to help them becomeresponsible and mature citizens who understand British values.

ContactMark 294 4809

Mafia Stories, British Values and the Problem of Evil90 minute conference Key Stages 4/5

Students are invited to think critically about responsiblecitizenship, as they explore true stories of Mafia gangsters, as wellas the inspiring people who have resisted the ‘brotherhood’. Theconference connects these Mafia stories to the promotion ofBritish values by focusing upon the ‘rule of law’. It then exploresfive different ways of understanding evil and criminality that areseldom probed and analysed, looking at Buddhist, Hindu, PaganMaterialist, and Christian perspectives on evil and suffering.

This unique conference promotes the spiritual, moral, social andcultural development of pupils in the context of both citizenshipand British values.

Celebrity Culture, Trafficking and ResponsibleCitizenship90 minute conference Key Stages 4/5

Students engage in critical thinking by starting from a valuesystem they are familiar with: celebrity culture. Lifting the lid onthe quirks and wonders of this modern-day cult helps youngpeople to understand the hugely influential mindsets ofconsumerism (I shop therefore I am) and materialism (everythingis just physical), and how these beliefs impact such issues as thedignity of life and human trafficking.

Stories of people who are resisting this mindset activate curiosityin pupils and introduce religious and secular views on ethicalbusiness, citizenship and social responsibility.

Lottery Winners, Money and Religious Faith90 minute conference Key Stages 4/5

Students are invited to think critically about the responsible andirresponsible ways in which people use their money. They hearthe heart-warming story of Sheelah Ryan, who won $55 million in1988 and used her jackpot in an imaginative and responsible waywhich contributed greatly to her community. This is contrastedwith the story of William ‘Bud’ Post who won $16 million in thesame year but ended up a sad and bankrupt man, the target of ahit-man hire by his brother to kill William and his sixth wife. Howis faith present in all these stories of money madness? How wouldstudents respond if they were to win the lottery?

This conference explores issues of economic stewardship both interms of citizenship and spiritual, moral, social and culturaldevelopment.

Responsible Citizens and Spiritual Development45 minute lecture

Students explore the lives of citizens who have modelledresponsible activity by transforming the lives of factory workers,disabled employees, homeless people, vulnerable children andrefugees. Their stories are inspiring and thought-provoking andnurture the spiritual, moral, social andcultural development of students.

Each 90 minute conference is £200 plus travel costs, or schoolscan take all three for just £500. The 45 minute lecture is £100.

ContactMark 294 4809

The PresenterMark Roques (BA MPhil PGCE): teacher, author & storyteller

For eleven years Mark taught Philosophy and Religious Studies atPrior Park College, Bath. As Director of RealityBites since 2005, hehas developed a rich range of resources for teachers and is apopular speaker at educational conferences in the UK,Netherlands, South Korea, Spain, Australia and New Zealand.

Mark is the author of three books, including the ReligiousEducation textbook , and hisinnovative approach has led him to appear on television(Channel 4) and radio.