Reasons for german unification napoleon iii

Post on 03-Nov-2014

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France and Austria

Bismarck knew French leader Napoleon III from his time as Ambassador to


Bismarck persuaded Napoleon to not intervene

in the Austro-Prussian War, in exchange for more

French land.

French anger

France were surprised at how easy Prussia’s victory against Austria was; they hoped a long war would

weaken both.

The French were also angered at Prussia’s

refusal to give them land after the victory.

War with Prussia?

Bismarck believed that a war with France would allow him to unite all

German states.

Bismarck leaked to the press a French telegram asking for south German

land (as a reward for their neutrality).

Prussian provocation

Bismarck needed France to declare war to ensure

German unification.

The Spanish Candidature and Ems Telegram led Napoleon

III to declare war.

French defeat

France were defeated by the united German armies.

Bismarck heavily punished France, including taking

land such as Alsace-Lorraine and also money


Arguments for influence

An external enemy – France – was essential if

the southern German states were to unify with

the rest of Germany.

By falling into the Prussian trap, Napoleon

III helped unite all Germany.

Bismarck’s role

Bismarck was the man who engineered most French

actions, and so provoked the war.

He persuaded France to not help Austria, and then

created the situation where southern German states wanted his protection.