Reasons to get a hamster

Post on 25-May-2015

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Cause by just asking, they don't take me serious enough.



Inexpensive to BuyLarge pet stores stock a variety of hamsters that cost $15 to $20. Sometimes, if a female hamster has a litter of pups unexpectedly, pet shops will allow you to adopt a young hamster at no cost.

Inexpensive to FeedCanned cat and dog food can bloat your grocery bill, but a two-pound bag of hamster mix will barely make a dent in your budget. You can feed your hamster for a month or longer on less than $10. One small sack contains enough seeds, grain and protein pellets to keep your hamster's bowl full for weeks.

Easy to WaterHamsters learn as babies to drink from a water bottle that hangs on the side of the cage. Just fill this bottle with fresh water every third day and your hamster will do the rest. On a hot day, you'll never need to worry that you forgot to refill her water bowl.

Small HabitatYou don't need a huge yard or a nearby park for your tiny pal to romp in. You won't need a roomy crate or doghouse, either. Hamster habitats come in many sizes and you can buy one that fits your living space. Make sure your pet has space to explore and climb. Some plastic habitats have movable tubes that can be attached to extend the habitat's space.

IndependentThe more you handle your hamster, the friendlier she will be. However, she doesn't need company to keep herself entertained. In fact, since she is nocturnal, her most active time will be when you are asleep. She will be perfectly happy left on her own while she eats, drinks, nests, hoards, cleans, gnaws, and runs, runs, runs on her wheel.

Fun to WatchHamsters are speedy, curious and energetic, and offer tons of entertainment. You can sit beside the cage, and watch your hamster at work and play as she burrows and climbs. Outside the cage, she will explore the environment and use you as a jungle gym, scrambling up your arms and crawling over your legs

ExerciseHamsters are always on the move and will keep themselves in shape without a coach. You never again need to feel guilty because you didn't have time to take your pet on a walk. As long as your hammie has a wheel, she can run for miles without going anywhere.

SizeHamsters are known as pocket pets, and are small enough for a child to carry with ease. Their size makes them portable enough to accompany you wherever you go. Make sure to keep your hamster secure when you carry her. If you drop her while you stand or walk, she could break a leg. Keep a good hold on her. Hamsters are excellent escape artists.

GroomingYou don't have to struggle to get this pet into the bath or pay expensive grooming fees. Like a cat, your little friend will take care of her own grooming needs, and will keep her fur clean and fluffy. If you see her lick her paws and run them over her face, you know she is washing up for dinner.

Advantages: • I’ll have something else to do other than Chatango.• Teach responsibility.• Fun.• Low maintenance.

©Karlova30. November. 2013