Recent Hawaii legislative invitations

Post on 27-Dec-2014

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Hawaii legislators work long hours. The job really is tough and the responsibilities great. And they receive large numbers of invitations to attend parties, fundraisers, thank-you parties, and other events throughout the year and especially during the legislative session. That's exactly when bills come up that could affect the organizations who invite them.It's why Hawaii has a long-standing gift law. That law is currently under attack. Legislators are pushing to blow the lid off of gifts, meals, junkets, even overseas trips and boondoggles of all sorts.This is a quick assembly of some invitations that Hawaii legislators received recently. They are still coming in. Many (most? all?) are perfectly legitimate, but they illustrate that entertaining lawmakers is big business even now.Imagine if a wide-variety of companies and organizations find that limits have been removed. That would be the beginning of whoesale bribery and corruption in Hawaii politics. The bill is SB671, and at this writing is before the House Judiciary committee.
