Recent Update on Stem Cells Making a Difference in One’s Life

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  • 7/31/2019 Recent Update on Stem Cells Making a Difference in Ones Life


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    Recent Update on Stem

    Cells Making a Difference

    in Ones Life
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    Table of ContentsPage 3

    Stem Cell Treatment Continues to Shed Light on Parkinsons Disease

    Page 5

    Different Cell Types for Stem Cell Therapy

    Page 7

    Exploring the Benefits of Stem Cell Transplant

    Page 9

    Stem Cell Treatments for Cosmetic Purposes

    Page 10

    The Problem with Stem Cell Financing
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    Stem Cell Treatment

    Continues to Shed Light

    on Parkinsons Disease

    Nobody still truly knows what truly causes Parkinsons Disease (PD) or what

    triggers the deterioration and eventual death of the dopamine-generating

    cells located in a region of the midbrain that manifest through lack of

    movement control. This is one of the mysteries of the medical world that

    needs to be solved in order to determine effective preventive measures.

    Numerous researches have been made about the possible causes of the

    degenerative disorder but these studies have not been as successful as

    those created to come up with the cure. For now, there are maintenance

    drugs to help people suffering from PD to go about their daily lives in a less

    painful way; these maintenance drugs control the motor-impairments of

    the body as well as aid in sleep. No real cure has

    been set for PD just yet because of the different

    medical protocols, but the latest research on stem

    cell treatment are providing a really hopeful and

    positive future for those who have been waiting a

    long time for a cure for this disease.

    Stem cell treatment is strongly being advocated by

    Parkinsons Disease-stricken Michael J. Fox. The

    Hollywood actor, who has been suffering fromParkinsonism since 1991, is one of the key figures in

    the advancement of promising studies that would lead to the best

    treatment for the disorder. One of these treatments showing great

    potential includes the very controversial, embryonic stem cell treatment
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    which is making use of fresh stem cells from a live embryo for


    So how would stem cell treatmentwork for Parkinsons Disease? The stem

    cells show great potential in creating healthy cells that will take over the

    degenerating ones, reverse the effect of the disorder, and nurse the body

    back to health. Though other types of stem cell treatments also show

    impressive potential in curing Parksinsons Disease, the fresh cells from an

    embryo have the ability to proliferate at the healthiest rate. The problem

    with this, however, is that deriving these fresh stem cells requires the

    destruction of the blastocyst and this would instantly kill the embryo. As

    effective in theory as this treatment seems, there are moral, philosophical,and religious issues to be addressed.

    Parkinsons Disease usually has a late onset;

    embryonic stem cells have the most versatility and are

    the best for taking over dead cells. Researches

    continue in coming up with great alternatives to

    embryonic stem cells for the effective treatment of

    Parkinsons disease. Adult stem cells are actually

    being projected to be a viable option. A type of adult

    stem cell derived from the bone marrow that gives

    rise to blood cells called hematopoietic stem cells appear to have the ability

    to transform into a wider variety of tissue types and not just blood cells, as

    was discovered by research from Northwestern University. Deriving adult

    stem cells for treatment does not pose the same risks as deriving

    embryonic stem cells. This is an exciting discovery that is being explored

    further and is expected to contribute greatly to the development of the

    cure for the disease.
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    Different Cell Types for

    Stem Cell Therapy

    There are different types of stem cells used for different applications. A lot

    of people nowadays typically just think of the embryonic stem cells that

    moral groups are fighting hard to not be used for any medical treatment.

    Stem cells are derived from different sources.

    Totipotent stem cells (TSC), sometimes called the omnipotent stem cells,

    are the most potent among all cell types. They can create different

    organisms as well as more totipotent stem cells and they can become any

    type of cell over time. In a way, theyre the beginning form of all cell types

    and its truest form is the unified sperm and egg cell which is the fertilized

    egg or the embryonic cell.

    Pluripotent stem cells fall under TSC but

    the main difference is that they cannot give

    rise to all tissue types or an entire

    organism. Embryonic stem cells (ESC) which

    are considered to be the most versatile for

    medical applications are the perfect

    example of pluripotent stem cells. ESC is

    derived from the destruction of the blastocyst which automatically kills the

    embryo (hence all moral debates about its use). Pluripotent cells can also

    be derived from the placenta which in its initial stage is called the

    trophoblast. The stem cells from the placenta also hold a lot of potential in

    cell generation and this has actually been prompting a lot of mothers to

    preserve their placenta because these extra-embryonic stem cells can be

    used to help treat possible medical conditions that their children can

    develop as they get older.
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    Adult stem cells are popularly used forstem cell therapy. As an example, TV

    personality Suzanne Somers used her own to grow new breasts after she

    had a lumpectomy and radiation because of her breast cancer. Adult stem

    cells are part of the multipotent cell population and they come in differentcell types as well.

    Recent research show that hematopoetic stem cells (which are adult stem

    cells found in the bone marrow) hold more potential than previously

    discovered and can be used for treating cancer, Parkinsons disease, and

    Alzheimers. As more research is being

    conducted in exploring the medical

    potential of these adult stem cells,theyre becoming more and more viable

    as alternatives to pluripotent stem cells.

    Orthopaedicstem cell therapymakes use

    of a type of adult stem cell called the

    Mesenchymal stem cell (MSC). These

    versatile, multipotent stem cells have

    the potential to differentiate to both

    bone and cartilage which instantly

    means that it can adapt to the specific

    purpose its being integrated for. MSC

    can be found in different parts of the body and its reported to have the

    ability to regenerate even non-mesenchymal lineages like the cardiac

    lineage, the neural, skin, and tissues.
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    Exploring the Benefits of

    Stem Cell Transplant

    One of the most important advancements in the medical world is the

    discovery of the healing potential of stem cells.Stem cell transplant(SCT) is

    commonly associated with the treatment for cancers such as leukaemia; it

    involves transplanting fresh blood cells so the bone marrow can heal up

    quickly and begin producing healthy blood cells. It is also an ideal

    procedure for regenerative purposes. The amazing results from this

    procedure, however, are prompting more researchers to fully explore howstem cell transplant can work to address other medical problems as well.

    Compared to an organ transplant, the risks are fewer for stem cell

    transplant. Stem cells can differentiate into varying types of specialized

    cells, making them easier to be accommodated by the rest of the body.

    Though there are still issues with

    compatibility, the rate of rejection is

    fairly lower which makes survival afterthe transplant higher. Its important to

    point out that this statistic takes an

    even more favorable turn when the

    stem cells collected are not from a

    donor, but from the patient himself.

    These stem cells can be collected from

    different parts of the body.

    In the case of TV personality Suzanne Somers, she got stem cells from her

    stomach and preserved them for the reconstruction of her breasts, which

    she lost after her mastectomy. Somers claims that not only was the

    transplant a healthier initiative, but it also created more natural-looking
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    breasts. Her procedure is an experimental one, but given her healthy state,

    a lot of women whove had a mastectomy are considering it for their

    reconstructive surgery. Stem cell storage is already available in some

    hospitals and there are already a good number of women whove beenpreserving their placenta in stem cell storages just to be prepared for

    possible medical concerns that may occur late in life.

    Aside from this, SCT may be

    paired with other medical

    treatments like chemotherapy.

    This can be a tricky combination,

    but under carefully-studiedconditions, it can bring really

    positive results and a quicker

    recovery time.

    Recent studies also show that

    stem cell transplantis an effective treatment for lupus which is one of those

    medical conditions that, for the time being, has no real cure just yet. Lupus

    patients showed great improvement with regards to the management of

    their pains, lesions healed completely, and refractory hypertension became

    controllable. Such positive developments after the SCT had never been

    witnessed with other treatments prescribed for people suffering from lupus

    which is why a lot of patients are looking into this procedure to be able to

    live a more normal life despite the condition.
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    Stem Cell Treatments for

    Cosmetic Purposes

    When people think about stem cell treatments (SCT), most get the idea that

    its a method reserved only for life-threatening diseases like cancer, type 1

    diabetes, ascending paralysis, and even lupus. However, because of the

    amazing regenerative ability of stem cells, stem cell treatments are also

    used for cosmetic purposes.

    Former Threes Companystar and seventies bombshell Suzanne Somers is

    one of the biggest advocates of stem cell research. The actress, who

    capitalized greatly on her bosomy figure for her roles, had a lumpectomy

    and radiation which altered the appearance of her breasts. A couple of

    years later, she underwent reconstructive surgery to get her breasts back to

    their original healthy condition by using stem cells from a fleshy part of her

    body. The stem cells were transplanted into her breast and they grew to the

    proportions Somers originally had.

    Stem cell treatments used to enable hair

    to grow back have been successful as well.

    Hair follicles have epidermal stem cells so

    baldness can be cured by reactivating the

    stem cells present in the scalp and hair

    would be produced once more.

    Missing teeth can be regrown, again with the help of stem cells, and thisdoes not include excessive drinking of milk and calcium supplements which

    may create growth in areas except the gums. Experiments conducted with

    mice allowed scientists at Kings College London to cultivate a complete

    tooth in mice with the help of stem cells. The success of this experiment
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    made these scientists claim that the same process can be used for humans.

    This has not been tested on humans and so far, most people still prefer a

    quicker and economical way of dealing with the loss of teeth and that is by

    getting dentures. This is basically just to prove that it can be done andshould there be people who would want to grow a new set of teeth, stem

    cell treatmentsare available for the purpose.

    Stem cells are also used for skin grafting

    procedures. Fresh epidermal stem cells lessen

    scarring, making SCT ideal for people who

    have suffered from second-degree burns. A lot

    of beauty products nowadays suggest thatthey make use of stem cells to treat skin

    problems but the truth is, creams, lotions, and

    other skin emollients do not really contain stem cells. What they have are

    stimulants to trigger the activation of the present stem cells in the body to

    regenerate skin. These stem cell beauty products are actually misleading

    but this just proves thatstem cell treatmentsare all the rage nowadays and

    they provide people the hope that they need to help improve and enhancetheir appearance.

    The Problem with Stem

    Cell Financing

    Medical treatments always take out a large chunk from peoples finances.

    Theres always that medical insurance that most people have but the

    coverage of the insurance policies often imposes limitations; experimental

    treatments always fail to be included in these insurance policies.
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    Stem cell treatments are not widely available in the U.S. just yet and most of

    the procedures that involved the incorporation of stem cells have only been

    carried out by experimental medical organizations. Most medical facilities

    are have not yet integrated stem cell treatments into the services they offer.

    With all the encouraging reports about

    the success of medical procedures that

    make use of stem cells, a lot of people

    suffering from degenerative diseases are

    considering them for their treatments.

    Stem cell treatment is not cheap, though,

    and the procedures are still greatly tiedwith research to further explore the amazing potential of using stem cells in

    the medical world, so understandably, treatment costs a lot.

    Certain medical facilities provide stem cell financing to their patients but

    they need to qualify for the program. The facilities are often linked with

    organizations that support stem cell research so financial back-up is not

    easily given and if the patient does not have other people to help him meet

    the requirements for qualification, there are credit officers who will

    thoroughly go through all the presented documents. The process for

    qualification is often stringent and it takes a long time. Preparing the right

    documents to back the financial assistance program being applied for can

    be truly time-consuming. The amount of time just to submit all the

    necessary paperwork can contribute greatly to the patients deteriorating


    A patient may look around for other financial backers aside from the ones

    linked with the facility where he will be getting his treatment. A lot of

    pharmaceutical companies are open to providing financial assistance to

    patients that may shed light on their research efforts about the treatment.
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    This would require a lot of research

    work on the part of the patient because

    there are still certain conditions to be

    addressed with regards to this financingsystem. Looking at private stem cell

    research groups is also a good thing to

    do and would entail more research work

    as well.

    Stem cell financing is not at all easy, which is why even if a lot of people

    want to use stem cell treatments for their illness, they opt to go for the

    conventional methods whose results may not be as great but are morefinancially manageable. Everybodys hoping that one day, stem cell

    treatments will be as readily available in the U.S. as they are in China. For

    the time being, however, Americans will just have to make sure that they

    have the means to cover their medical needs.