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For further information, contact ISA:

1112 W. Ben White Blvd.

Austin, TX 78404

Phone: 512-480-8522



Or to take your next step, contact the UNCW Office of International Programs

Office of International Programs

118 Friday Annex

Wilmington, NC 28403

Phone: 910-962-3685




Globalization............................................................................................... p.3-4

Art and Literature....................................................................................... p.5-6

Environment................................................................................................ p.7-8

Africa............................................................................................................ p.9-10

Middle East.................................................................................................. p.11

Europe.......................................................................................................... p.12-13

Latin America.............................................................................................. p.14

Asia............................................................................................................... p.15-16

Service Learning and Internships.............................................................. p.17

International Studies Concentrations – UNCW

GLOBALIZATION University of New South Wales (Sydney, Australia)

The University of Sydney is one of the largest universities in Australia, with an enrollment of

approximately 49,000 students, including almost 11,000 international students representing 130

nationalities. The University of Sydney is grouped among the top eight universities in the country. It is

recognized by the Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations, Australia. The

University of Sydney is also AACSB accredited. Founded in 1850, is not only the oldest and most

prestigious degree-granting university in Australia, but also one of the most beautiful.

Requirements: 3.0 GPA. No language prerequisite. Must be at least sophomore standing.

Program Link: Courses with Locals in Multiple Disciplines

Selection of Globalization Courses

Managing Across Cultures (spring/fall)

The History Matrix: The Making of the Modern World (spring/fall)

Global Media: Markets, Flows and Cultures (fall)

Development in a Global Context (fall)

Aboriginal Sydney (spring/fall)

Politics of Globalisation (fall)

Global Citizens, Justice and Civil Society (spring)

Introduction to International Relations (spring)

*Courses are subject to change, based on academic decisions made by the host institution.*

Additional information on fall course listings.

Additional information on spring course listings.

Victoria University of Wellington (Wellginton, New Zealand)

Victoria University of Wellington, founded in 1897, has a strong research focus, particularly in

connection with various cultural and research centers in Wellington, including the Crown Research

Institute, the Te Papa Tongarewa Museum of New Zealand, and the New Zealand Symphony

Orchestra. Among its wide range of courses, Victoria University boasts a world-renowned performing

arts department and an internationally acclaimed business school. Victoria University prides itself on

being world class in the areas of Earthquake and Antarctic Research. The University's strengths also

run to Film and Media Studies, Political Science and International Relations, Architecture and Design,

and Earth Sciences.

Requirements: 3.0 GPA. No language prerequisite. Must be at least sophomore standing.

Program Link: Courses with Locals in Multiple Disciplines

Selection of Globalization Courses

Introduction to International Relations (spring)

Worlds of Development (spring)

Migration, Culture and Identity (spring)

International Relational: Wealth and World Affairs (spring/fall)

Ethics and International Affairs (spring)

Culture and Experience (spring/fall)

Conflict and Reconciliation (fall)

Tourism in New Zealand (fall)

*Courses are subject to change, based on academic decisions made by the host institution.*

*Internships are offered at this location.*

Additional information on fall course listings.

Additional information on spring course listings.

University of Westminster (London, England)

The University of Westminster was founded in 1838 and has been teaching international students for

over 175 years. Westminster is recognized by the Privy Council of the United Kingdom and the

Ministry of State for Universities, Science and Cities. They are also AMBA (Association of MBAs)

accredited. Today, the university accommodates approximately 22,000 students of which more than

6,000 are international students from over 160 countries.

Requirements: 2.70 GPA.

Program Link: Courses with Locals in Multiple Disciplines

Selection of Globalization Courses

Global Politics of Migration (spring)

Geopolitics (spring)

Globalization: Politics, Law and the Arts (spring/fall)

Ethics and International Relations (spring)

British Politics (fall)

Global Business Environment (spring/fall)

Working Across Cultures in a Global World (spring/fall)

Contemporary Global Issues (fall)

*Courses are subject to change, based on academic decisions made by the host institution.*

*Internships are offered at this location.*

Additional information on fall course listings.

Additional information on spring course listings.

ART AND LITERATURE American University of Rome (Rome, Italy)

As the oldest American degree-granting university in Rome, the American University of Rome (AUR)

has been combining academic attributes of U.S. higher education with historic and globally-renowned

European institutions since its foundation in 1969. The 16-to-1 faculty ratio and multicultural student

body, representing more than 30 nationalities, give students the opportunity to gain an immersive

international experience with instruction from both local and international professors. The American

University of Rome is regionally accredited by the Middle States Commission on Higher Education, an

accrediting organization recognized by the U.S. Secretary of Education and the Council for Higher

Education Accreditation, and is licensed by the Department of Education of the State of Delaware to

grant associate, bachelor, and master degrees.

Requirements: 2.50 GPA. No language prerequisite.

Program Link: Business, Communications, International Relations & Liberal Arts

Selection of Art and Literature Courses

Arts of Roman Renaissance and Baroque (spring)

Caravaggio (fall)

Picasso and His Time (fall)

Photography: Roman Scenes (spring/fall)

Masterpieces of Italian Opera (spring/fall)

Latin Readings in Literature (spring/fall)

The Mafia in Italian Society, Literature and Film (spring/fall)

*Courses are subject to change, based on academic decisions made by the host institution.*

Additional information on fall course listings.

Additional information on spring course listings.

Universidad Antonio de Nebrija (Madrid, Spain)

The Universidad Antonio de Nebrija is a private and independent university which takes its name

from the 15th century humanist who published the first grammar textbook of the Spanish language.

The University is fully accredited and recognized by the Spanish Ministry of Education (Ministerio de

Educación y Ciencia). In keeping with the effort to expand Spanish language and culture and to

promote understanding between people of many nations, the University welcomes students from all

over the world to experience modern Spain in a traditional university setting. The University aspires

to maintain the highest quality of scientific investigation and academic instruction.

Requirements: 2.50 GPA. No language prerequisite.

Program Link: Spanish Language, Liberal Arts & Business

Selection of Art and Literature Courses

European Cinema: A Reflection of European Identity (spring/fall) (taught in English)

Modern Art and Architecture in Spanish Cities (spring/fall) (taught in English)

Fundamental Aspects of Spanish Art (spring/fall) (taught in English)

Spanish Cinema and Society (spring/fall) (taught in Spanish)

*Courses are subject to change, based on academic decisions made by the host institution.*

*Internships are offered at this location.*

Additional information on fall course listings.

Additional information on spring course listings.

Kingston University (London, England)

Kingston University has a rich history dating back to the Anglo-Saxon times and is today well

recognized for the strength of the academic departments and the quality of instruction. In 1927, the

university received permanent Board of Education (now known as the UK Department of Education)

recognition. It continued to grow over the next 100 years and by 1992 received a University title and

officially became Kingston University. The university is also one of the first business schools with

triple Association of MBAs (AMBA) accreditation (MBA, Masters in International Business

Management and DBA). With about 21,000 students, it is the largest provider of higher education in

southwest London.

Requirements: 2.75 GPA.

Program Link: Courses with Locals in Multiple Disciplines

Selection of Art and Literature Courses

Revolution and Radicalism: Histories of Western Art (spring/fall)

Adaptation and Innovation: Museum and Gallery Futures (spring/fall)

Global Cinema Cultures (spring/fall)

Thinking about Film (spring/fall)

Shakespeare: Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow (spring/fall)

Twentieth to Twenty-First Century Literature (spring/fall)

Staging Histories (spring/fall)

*Courses are subject to change, based on academic decisions made by the host institution.*

*Internships are offered at this location.*

Additional information on fall course listings.

Additional information on spring course listings.

ENVIRONMENT James Cook University (Cairns, Australia)

As Queensland's second oldest university, James Cook University (JCU) is world renowned for its

research and instruction focused on the tropics. The University is surrounded by numerous

ecosystems including the Great Barrier Reef, rainforests of the Wet Tropics and more where students

are able to apply their studies within the diverse environment. James Cook University- Cairns is

recognized by the Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations, Australia. At JCU

there are hundreds of study areas for students to choose from, many offering exciting, hands-on field


Requirements: 2.50 GPA.

Program Link: Tropic Studies, Economics, Society & Culture

Selection of Environment Courses

Environmental History (fall)

Environmental Impact Assessment (fall)

The Case for Sustainability (fall)

Environmental Process and Global Change (spring)

Australian Landscape Processes and Evolution (spring)

Biodiversity of Tropical Australia (spring)

*Courses are subject to change, based on academic decisions made by the host institution.*

*Internships are offered at this location.*

Additional information on fall course listings.

Additional information on spring course listings.

University of Canterbury (Christchurch, New Zealand)

The University of Canterbury has developed an international reputation for excellence in

undergraduate and postgraduate education since its founding in 1873. The university focuses on

research, expecting all staff members to regularly publish their research in their respective fields,

assuring that students receive the best possible instruction from professors who are leading world

scholars. The University of Canterbury places particular emphasis on sustainable systems engineering,

seeking to preserve New Zealand's natural beauty while moving ahead technologically. With a

research-based teaching style and state-of-the-art facilities, the University of Canterbury has emerged

as a leader in research, particularly in the fields of natural sciences, plant and animal biology, ecology,

and geology.

Requirements: 2.80 GPA.

Program Link: Courses with Locals in Multiple Disciplines

Selection of Environment Courses

Antarctica: Life in the Cold (fall)

Biochemical and Environmental Toxicology (fall)

Global Environmental Change (fall)

Environmental Forestry (fall)

Environment, Development and Disaster (spring)

Freshwater Resources (fall)

New Zealand Biodiversity and Biosecurity (fall)

*Courses are subject to change, based on academic decisions made by the host institution.*

*Internships are offered at this location.*

Additional information on fall course listings.

Additional information on spring course listings.

Universidad Veritas (San Jose, Costa Rica)

A private university founded in 1964, the Fundação Universidade do Sul de Santa Catarina (UNISUL)

has four campuses located in the capital and the southern part of Santa Catarina with a student body

of approximately 30,000 students. The university is recognized by The Ministry of Education, Brazil

(Ministério da Educação, Brazil) and offers one of the largest distance education programs in all of

Latin America. UNISUL takes pride in being a socially responsible and technologically advanced

university, and was ranked 56th in Brazil in the 2013 Cybermetrics Lab International Ranking The

Universidad Veritas was founded in 1975 as the Collegium Veritias, a college of the Universidad

Autónoma de Centroamérica, the first private university in Costa Rica. Veritas University is now an

independent private university, fully accredited by the Costa Rican Ministry of Education and

authorized by the National Council of Private Higher Education (Consejo Nacional de Enseñanza

Superior Privada, or CONESUP). The University is renowned in Costa Rica for its design, art,

architecture and photography programs.

Requirements: 2.50 GPA. No language prerequisite.

Program Link: Spanish Language, Liberal Arts & Environmental Studies

Selection of Environment Courses

Freshwater Ecology (spring/fall)

Environmental Awareness and Sustainable Development (spring/fall)

Environmental Impact and Social Development (spring/fall)

Tropical Marine Biology (spring/fall)

Costa Rican Environmental Policy (spring/fall)

Ecotourism: The Costa Rica Case (spring/fall)

*Courses are subject to change, based on academic decisions made by the host institution.*

Service Learning placements can be added on at this site for Fall or Spring.

Additional information on fall course listings.

Additional information on spring course listings.

AFRICA ISA Meknes Study Center (Meknes, Morocco)

An Introduction to the Physical Geography of Spain, Environmental Issues and Protected Natural

Spaces Located in the modern and dynamic district of Hamria, the ISA Meknes Study center offers

excellent academics with courses taught by local, U.S. and visiting professors from Carroll College.

Local NGOs working to promote human rights, economic and social development operate out of the

same facility, which provides a unique and exciting atmosphere for our students as they attend


Requirements: 2.50 GPA.

Program Link: Language, Culture & Society

Selection of Africa Courses

Exploration of Moroccan Culture and History: From Casablanca to the Sahara (spring/fall)

Gender Studies: The Case of Morocco (spring/fall/summer)

Islamic Society and Politics (spring/fall/summer)

Peace and Conflict Resolution (spring/fall/summer)

*Courses are subject to change, based on academic decisions made by the host institution.*

Service Learning placements can be added on at this site for Fall or Spring.

Additional information on fall course listings.

Additional information on spring course listings.

University of the Western Cape (Cape Town, South Africa)

The University of The Western Cape (UWC) is a public institution that was established in 1959 for non

white students during the Apartheid era. UWC is located just 12 miles north of the city of Cape Town

in the Tygerberg suburb of Belleville. UWC is committed to excellence in teaching, learning and

research, to nurturing the cultural diversity of South Africa, and to responding in critical and creative

ways to the needs of a society in transition. Originally established by the South African Parliament for

people classified as "Colored," the UWC has a history of creative struggle against oppression,

discrimination and disadvantage. Among academic institutions it has been in the vanguard of South

Africa's historic change, playing a distinctive academic role in helping to build an equitable and

dynamic nation. UWC's key concerns with access, equity and quality in higher education arise from

extensive practical engagement in helping the historically marginalized participate fully in the life of

the nation. The University now has seven faculties and over one hundred departments that students

could select from.

Requirements: 2.50 GPA.

Program Link: Political and Social Sciences, African Studies and Health

Selection of Africa Courses

International Political Dynamics- South Africa in Comparative Context (spring/fall)

Historians and their Arguments: Selected Themes in Coastal African Histories (spring/fall)

Xhosa Language Acquisition (spring/fall)

South African Politics and the Environment (spring/fall)

Health and Population (spring/fall)

*Courses are subject to change, based on academic decisions made by the host institution.*

Service Learning placements can be added on at this site for Fall or Spring.

Additional information on fall course listings.

Additional information on spring course listings.

MIDDLE EAST University of Jordan (Amman, Jordan)

Founded in 1962, the University of Jordan (UJ) is the oldest and most prestigious university in Jordan.

The university is internationally recognized for its global outlook, progressive thinking, and the

diverse background of its students. UJ thrives as both an instructional institution and as a research

institution. This academic excellence is evident in the classrooms of the more than 1086 faculty

members who deliver quality education to 38,000 students each year.

Requirements: 2.50 GPA.

Program Link: Arabic Language and Middle Eastern Studies

Selection of Middle East Courses

Arab Israeli Conflict (spring/fall/summer)

Arab Media & Communication (spring/fall/summer)

Introduction to Islam (spring/fall/summer)

U.S. Foreign Policy in the Middle East (spring/fall/summer)

Arabic 101: Modern Standard Arabic (spring/fall/summer)

History of the Arab World (spring/fall/summer)

*Courses are subject to change, based on academic decisions made by the host institution.*

Service Learning placements can be added on at this site for Fall or Spring.

Additional information on fall course listings.

Additional information on spring course listings.

EUROPE Charles University (Prague, Czech Republic)

Founded in 1348 by Charles IV (Holy Roman Emperor and King of Bohemia), Charles University is

recognized and accredited by the Czech Republic Ministry of Education, Youth, and Sports. Charles

University's goals are to provide high-quality education, to promote research in all disciplines, and to

foster the social and cultural development with emphasis on internationalization. More than 42,000

students enroll in classes each year, including an international student population of approximately


Requirements: 2.50 GPA.

Program Link: History, Culture & Politics

Selection of European Studies Courses

History of the Czech Region and Contemporary Central Europe (spring/fall)

Enlargement of the EU - Economic Issues (spring/fall)

World War II and the New Europe (spring/fall)

Contemporary Politics in Central Europe (spring/fall)

History of Jewish Communities in Central Europe (spring/fall)

Gender Issues within the European Context: Interdisciplinary Perspectives (spring/fall)

*Courses are subject to change, based on academic decisions made by the host institution.*

Additional information on fall course listings.

Additional information on spring course listings.

University College of Dublin (Dublin, Ireland)

Ireland's largest university, University College Dublin (UCD) is a dynamic, modern university where

cutting-edge research and scholarship provide a stimulating intellectual environment and ideal

surroundings for learning and discovery. With five of Ireland's Taoisigh (Prime Ministers) among its

alumni, the university has played a key role in the history of the modern Irish State and continues to

play a leading part in shaping Ireland's future. University College Dublin is recognized by the

Department of Education and Skills, Ireland. UCD's Quinn School of Business is AACSB (Association

to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business) accredited. ISA participants studying at UCD have the

opportunity to take a wide range of courses with local and international students.

Requirements: 3.0 GPA.

Program Link: Business, Social Sciences & Humanities

Selection of European Studies Courses

EU Policy in Business (spring)

Politics of the European Union (spring)

Ireland Uncovered (spring/fall)

The European Project 1945-2012 (spring)

The Shaping of Europe 1 (fall)

Intro to Irish Studies (fall)

*Courses are subject to change, based on academic decisions made by the host institution.*

*Internships are offered at this location.*

Additional information on fall course listings.

Additional information on spring course listings.

University of Glasgow (Glasgow, Scotland)

Founded in 1451, the University of Glasgow is the second oldest university in Scotland, fourth oldest

university in the UK, a member of the prestigious Russell Group of research universities, and ranked

within the top 100 universities in the world. The University of Glasgow is also accredited by the

Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB). The university's published set of

values of integrity, credibility, openness and success propels their large student body towards

exceptional achievements outside the classroom.

Requirements: 3.0 GPA.

Program Link: Courses with Locals in Multiple Disciplines

Selection of European Studies Courses

European Politics, 1860-1914 (spring/fall)

Debates on Plague: The Black Death and the Formation of Europe (spring)

Devolving the Nation: Scotland, 1945-2004 (fall)

Reformation! Europe In The Age Of Religious War, 1517-1618 (spring/fall)

Print, Propaganda And Subversion In Europe 1630-1800 (spring/fall)

Migrant Nation: Scotland and the Modern World 1745-1979 (spring/fall)

*Courses are subject to change, based on academic decisions made by the host institution.*

Additional information on fall course listings.

Additional information on spring course listings.

LATIN AMERICA Universidad de Belgrano (Buenos Aires, Argentina)

The Universidad de Belgrano (UB) is accreditied by the National Commission of University Evaluation

and Accreditation (CoNEAU), and recognized as an institute of tertiary education by the Argentine

Ministry of Culture and Education. More than 14,000 students are enrolled in its 9 departments.

Requirements: 2.50 GPA. No language prerequisite.

Program Link: Latin American Studies

Selection of Latin America Courses

Argentine Cultural Studies (spring/fall) (Taught in Spanish)

Latin American Cultures & Civilizations (spring/fall) (Taught in English)

Tango: Gender, Nation & Identity (spring/fall) (Taught in English)

History of Latin America (spring/fall) (Taught in English)

Gender History in Latin America (spring/fall)

US- Latin American Relations (spring/fall)

*Courses are subject to change, based on academic decisions made by the host institution.*

Additional information on fall course listings.

Additional information on spring course listings.

Universidad Veritas (San Jose, Costa Rica)

A private university founded in 1964, the Fundação Universidade do Sul de Santa Catarina (UNISUL)

has four campuses located in the capital and the southern part of Santa Catarina with a student body

of approximately 30,000 students. The university is recognized by The Ministry of Education, Brazil

(Ministério da Educação, Brazil) and offers one of the largest distance education programs in all of

Latin America. UNISUL takes pride in being a socially responsible and technologically advanced

university, and was ranked 56th in Brazil in the 2013 Cybermetrics Lab International Ranking The

Universidad Veritas was founded in 1975 as the Collegium Veritias, a college of the Universidad

Autónoma de Centroamérica, the first private university in Costa Rica. Veritas University is now an

independent private university, fully accredited by the Costa Rican Ministry of Education and

authorized by the National Council of Private Higher Education (Consejo Nacional de Enseñanza

Superior Privada, or CONESUP). The University is renowned in Costa Rica for its design, art,

architecture and photography programs.

Requirements: 2.50 GPA. No language prerequisite.

Program Link: Spanish Language, Liberal Arts, & Environmental Studies

Selection of Latin America Courses

Costa Rica Colloquium: History and Culture (fall) (taught in English)

Latin American History (fall) (taught in English)

Selected Topics in Afro-Caribbean Studies (fall) (taught in English)

Cultural Photography (fall) (taught in English)

Costa Rican Tradition: Peace and Democracy (spring/fall) (taught in English)

Theory of Latin American Tropical Dance (spring/fall) (taught in English)

*Courses are subject to change, based on academic decisions made by the host institution.*

Service Learning placements can be added on at this site for Fall or Spring.

Additional information on fall course listings.

Additional information on spring course listings.

ASIA Korea University (Seoul, South Korea)

Known as the oldest higher education institution in South Korea, Korea University is one of the largest

and most selective universities in Korea. Since its establishment in 1905, Korea University provides a

top quality educational experience for its students, with a wide variety of courses taught in English in

all professional fields offered to both local and international students. KU excels in their business

courses in the Business School and is the only and first business school in the country to have acquired

both the Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB) and European Quality

Improvement System (EQUIS) accreditation.

Requirements: 2.50 GPA. Must be at least a sophomore.

Program Link: Courses with Locals in Multiple Disciplines

Selection of Asian Studies Courses

Contemporary Korea (spring/fall)

East Asian Politics (spring)

Korean Society and Culture (fall)

Studies on North Korea’s Socio-Culture (fall)

Korean Economy in a Globalized World (fall)

Comparative Studies of Asian Management Systems (spring)

*Courses are subject to change, based on academic decisions made by the host institution.*

*Internships are offered at this location.*

Additional information on fall course listings.

Additional information on spring course listings.

East China Normal University (Shanghai, China)

Established as the first national normal (teacher-training) university in China in 1951, East China

Normal University (ECNU) is one of China's key universities recognized and directly managed by the

Ministry of Educationof the People's Republic of China, as well as sponsored by the prestigious

national program "Project 211" and "Project 985". Since its inception as a teacher-training school, it has

grown into a world-class comprehensive institution with superb facilities, including many key state

laboratories and research centers. ECNU is composed of 21 schools and colleges with 56 departments

offering 76 undergraduate academic programs.

Requirements: 2.50 GPA.

Program Link: Business, Chinese Studies & Language

Selection of Asian Studies Courses

Contemporary Chinese Culture and Society (spring/fall)

Introduction to Chinese Government, Politics, and Policy (spring)

Modern Chinese History (spring/fall)

Cross-Cultural Communication (spring/fall)

Beginning Chinese Language (spring/fall)

International Affairs: Focus on China (spring/fall)

*Courses are subject to change, based on academic decisions made by the host institution.*

*Internships are offered at this location.*

Additional information on fall course listings.

Additional information on spring course listings.

University of Sydney (Sydney, Australia)

The University of Sydney is one of the largest universities in Australia, with an enrollment of

approximately 49,000 students, including almost 11,000 international students representing 130

nationalities. The University of Sydney is grouped among the top eight universities in the country. It is

recognized by the Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations, Australia. The

University of Sydney is also AACSB accredited. Founded in 1850, is not only the oldest and most

prestigious degree-granting university in Australia, but also one of the most beautiful.

Requirements: 3.0 GPA. Must have at least sophomore standing.

Program Link: Courses with Locals in Multiple Disciplines

Selection of Asian Studies Courses

The Chinese World (fall)

Introduction to Chinese Civilizations (spring)

Modern China’s Wars, 1895-1953 (spring)

Southeast Asia: Dilemmas of Development (fall)

The Ethnography of Southeast Asia (fall)

Introduction to Asian Cultures (spring)

*Courses are subject to change, based on academic decisions made by the host institution.*

*Internships are offered at this location.*

Additional information on fall course listings.

Additional information on spring course listings.

SERVICE-LEARNING AND INTERNSHIPS Your international experience requirement may also be met through an ISA Service-Learning program

or Internship. Compare the options below:


15 career fields

Participate in service activities relevant to the needs of the local community

Learn about meaningful civic engagement

4, 8, or 12 week programs

Academic credit is available

Can be added on to many of our semester abroad programs

9 locations

o Chile

o Costa Rica

o Dominican Republic

o India

o Ireland

o Jordan

o Morocco

o Peru

o South Africa


25 career fields

Focus on professional development

Develop new and advance existing skills relevant to your field of study

8 week or custom-date programs

Academic credit and financial aid available

Add on before, after, or during your semester abroad

8 locations

o Australia

o Chile

o China

o England

o Ireland

o New ZealandSouth Korea

o Spain

For questions or to start an application, contact ISA today!