Reconciliation Action Plan for the years 2017 – 2018€¦ · and appreciation of Aboriginal and...

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Reconciliation Action Plan2017-2018

INNOVATEReconciliation Action

Plan for the years2017 – 2018

Meaning of RAP artwork � Red centre represents our RAP. � Three smaller red circle represent the RAP’s

actions including Relationships, Respect and Opportunities.

� Large blue outer circles represents Gowrie NSW and partner organisations – relationships & connectedness, the white representing the growth.

� Coloured dots represents the people contributing to the development of this Reconciliation Action Plan.

� Blue and red colours represent Gowrie NSW.

Artist ProfileMichelle Hamilton is a Wiradjuri woman, her artwork is representative of her Aboriginality, her connection to country, her people and culture. Michelle has been working in early and middle childhood for over 25 years and now works with Gowrie NSW. Michelle is passionate about early childhood education for Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander children and families, championing equal opportunities of education.

Reconciliation Action Plan2017-2018

Acknowledgement of CountryGowrie NSW acknowledges Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples as the traditional custodians of all lands on which we come together.

We recognise Aboriginal and Torres Straight Islander cultures as enduring, living cultures and pay our respects to Elders, past and present.

Reconciliation Action Plan2017-2018

Our vision for ReconciliationGowrie NSW’s vision for reconciliation is for an Australia that respects and celebrates Australia’s First peoples and cultures in order to create an equitable and just society. Gowrie NSW acknowledges that in order to achieve this vision, we need to acknowledge past injustices and move forward together.

Gowrie NSW is strongly committed to reconciliation and recognises the special place that Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples hold within Australia and acknowledges that they are the First people of the land we share today.

Gowrie NSW is committed to working collaboratively with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities through authentic and meaningful dialogue and through building stronger partnerships based on mutual trust and respect.

Gowrie NSW is committed to bringing about positive social change and working towards a better Australia through our relationships that we build with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities and by having an awareness and understanding of better outcomes for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.

Gowrie NSW has a proud history of social responsibility and social inclusion over its 75 plus years and Gowrie NSW will continue building on this rich history by being a leader in education and care programs and championing the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures and diversity.

Gowrie NSW will lead in the practice of inclusion throughout education and care and professional learning by:

� Modelling and embedding inclusive practice in all that we do. � Building authentic and meaningful partnerships. � Increasing participation of children and families to address inequalities and work towards closing the gap in education. � Increasing community participation. � Increasing workforce participation, including traineeships. � Create pathways for learning - for children, families and educators.

Gowrie NSW VisionContributing to a sustainable society through being at the forefront

of early and middle childhood education and care to

empower and support children, families and professional educators.

Reconciliation Action Plan2017-2018

Our BusinessGowrie NSW has a vision to be at the forefront of early and middle childhood education and to empower and support children, families and professional educators. Gowrie NSW employs 125 staff with three identifying as Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander.

Gowrie NSW contributes to an enduring and sustainable society through a focus on early and middle childhood education and care.

A leader in early childhood for 75 years, Gowrie NSW provides diverse education and care, family support and professional development services.

Gowrie NSW creates happy, safe and nurturing experiences for children through quality education and care centres including: � Early education and care centres within Sydney. � Early education and care centres in regional NSW. � Outside school hours and vacation care centres in Sydney. � Specialist crèches that provide child care for newly arrived migrants undertaking AMEP English classes at partner

institutions in the Illawarra and Hunter regions, under the Adult Migrant English Program. � Professional Learning and Consultancy across NSW. � Parent & Family Support across NSW. � Inclusion support including Specialist Equipment Library and Indigenous Cultural Hub across NSW and ACT.

Gowrie NSW also provides professional development and consultancy services to the early and middle childhood sector, information and referral services for families and early childhood professionals, and consultancy services to corporate organisations to help them meet the child care needs of their employees.

Gowrie NSW receives federal funding to deliver the Inclusion Support Programme. Within this we have developed Yarnin Circles as a way of supporting educators across NSW/ACT in developing their knowledge and understanding of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples and culture.


Reconciliation Action Plan2017-2018

Our RAPGowrie NSW is developing our first RAP to demonstrate action and embed our commitment to reconciliation. We believe that reconciliation is an important step towards creating a more inclusive and respectful community, that ensures rights and responsibilities are extended equitably to all of its members. Our RAP was developed in consultation with staff and external stakeholders. A RAP Working Group (RAPWG) comprised of representatives from across all levels of the organisation have guided the process. Our development journey was supported by a RAP Relationships and Advisory Group comprised of experienced and well-respected members of the local Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community.

Our RAP was developed by our RAP Working Group, made up of seven members, including one First Australian with the help from William Beale from Yaama Indigenous Personnel. The RAP will be championed by Aunty Millie Ingram – Aboriginal Elder, and long time supporter of Gowrie NSW and champion of early and middle childhood.

Our RAP was developed by our RAP Working Group made up of: � Lynne Harwood, Chief Executive Officer. � Michelle Hamilton, Manager Indigenous Cultural Hub. � Rose Todd, Executive Director of Programs. � Mel Carmont, Contract Manager of Inclusion Support. � Tara Dunbar, Indigenous Cultural Hub Officer. � Jan Faulkner, Manager Professional Learning. � Suzi Scott, Compliance and Practice Manager, Early Education and Care.

Our RAP will have Sub-Groups responsible for parts of our RAP. These Sub-Groups will be chaired by a member of the RAPWG.

With our RAPWG overseeing all of the Sub-Groups: � RAPWG Family, Community & Education Sub-Group. � RAPWG Events Sub-Group. � RAPWG Employment & Training Sub-Group. � RAPWG Procurement & Business Sub-Group. � RAPWG Reporting Sub-Group. � RAPWG Engagement Sub-Group.

RelationshipsGowrie NSW is dedicated to further develop and promote a culturally appropriate understanding of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, throughout the education and care sector.

Gowrie NSW is highly motivated and devoted to enhancing and expanding our program focus areas to ensure our clients are providing a holistic and inclusive approach to the education and understanding of our Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities whether practicing in urban, rural or remote areas.

Focus area: Partnerships, Consultation, Education and Mutual Learning.

Reconciliation Action Plan2017-2018

Action Deliverable Timeline

1 Gowrie NSW RAP Working Group (RAPWG) actively monitors RAP development and implementation of actions, tracking progress and reporting.

� RAPWG oversees the development, endorsement and launch of the RAP.

� Ensure Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples are represented on the RAPWG.

� Meet at least quarterly to monitor and report on RAP implementation.

� Establish Terms of Reference for the RAPWG. � Develop and distribute an expression of interest to join the RAPWG to

key Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples within our sphere of influence.

� Establish an external RAP Relationships and Advisory Group to provide cultural advice and guidance.

Feb 2017Feb 2017

Jan, Apr, Jul, Oct 2017, 2018Jan 2017Jan 2017

Feb 2017

Responsibility: RAPWG Chair, RAPWG & Family, Community & Education Sub-Group Chair.

2 Gowrie NSW will celebrate and participate in National Reconciliation Week (NRW) by providing opportunities to build and maintain relationships between Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples and other Australians.

� Gowrie NSW will organise at least one internal event for NRW each year.

� Register our NRW event via Reconciliation Australia’s NRW website. � Support an external NRW event. � Ensure our RAPWG participates in an external event to recognise

and celebrate NRW. � Extend an invitation to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples

to share their reconciliation experiences or stories. � Encourage staff to participate in external events to recognise and

celebrate NRW. � Download Reconciliation Australia’s NRW resources and circulate to


27 May 2017 - 3 June 2017 annually

Responsibility: RAPWG & Engagement Sub-Group Chair, Engagement Sub-Group & Family, Community & Education Sub-Group Chair.

Reconciliation Action Plan2017-2018

Action Deliverable Timeline

3 Gowrie NSW will develop and maintain mutually beneficial relationships with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, communities and organisations to support positive outcomes.

� Develop and implement an engagement plan to work with our Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander stakeholders.

� Meet with local Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander organisations to develop guiding principles for future engagement.

� Develop joint ventures, partnerships, pro bono support or secondment and community capacity opportunities.

June 2017

June 2017

June 2017

Responsibility: RAPWG Events Sub-Group & Family, Community & Education Sub-Group Chair.

4 Gowrie NSW will raise internal and external awareness of our RAP to promote reconciliation across our business and sector.

� Implement and review a strategy to communicate our RAP to all internal and external stakeholders.

� Promote reconciliation through ongoing active engagement with all stakeholders.

� Include RAP updates on the staff meeting agenda. � Communicate RAP progress to internal and external stakeholders

through the Gowrie NSW newsletter, and social media platforms. � Encourage Gowries in other states to develop a RAP through Gowrie


Feb 2017

Feb 2017

Mar 2017Mar 2017

Mar 2017

Responsibility: RAPWG & Events Sub-Group Chair.

RespectGowrie NSW recognises that Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples are the first Australian peoples, and through this Reconciliation Action Plan our organisation will verify, uphold and apply Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultural protocols such as Welcome to Country or Acknowledgment of Country. Gowrie NSW is devoted to a holistic approach to respect of all cultures.

Focus area: Protocols, Cultural Understanding.

Reconciliation Action Plan2017-2018

Action Deliverable Timeline

5 Gowrie NSW will engage employees in cultural learning opportunities to increase understanding and appreciation of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures, histories and achievements.

� Develop and implement a cultural awareness training strategy for Gowrie NSW staff which defines cultural learning needs of employees in all areas of our business and considers various ways cultural learning can be provided (online, face to face workshops or cultural immersion).

� Investigate opportunities to work with local Traditional Owners and/or Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander consultants to develop cultural awareness training.

� Provide opportunities for RAPWG members, RAP champions, and other key leadership staff to participate in cultural training.

� Identify cultural learning requirements specific to our staff’s training needs.

� Include an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultural learning component in induction procedure for new staff.

Mar 2017

Dec 2017

Dec 2017

Mar 2017

July 2017

Responsibility: RAPWG Chair, Family, Community & Education Sub-Group Chair.

6 Engage employees in understanding the significance of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultural protocols, such as Welcome to Country and Acknowledgement of Country, to ensure there is a shared meaning.

� Develop, implement and communicate a cultural protocol document for Welcome to Country and Acknowledgement of Country.

� Develop a list of key contacts for organising a Welcome to Country and maintaining respectful partnerships.

� Invite a Traditional Owner to provide a Welcome to Country to at least one significant event.

� Include Acknowledgement of Country at the commencement of important external and external meetings.

� Invite Traditional Owners into our office to explain the significance of Welcome to Country and Acknowledgement of Country.

� Organise and display an Acknowledgment of Country plaque in our office/s or on our office building.

Feb 2017

Feb 2017

June 2017

Feb 2017

June 2017

June 2017

Responsibility: RAPWG Chair, Events Sub-Group Chair.

Reconciliation Action Plan2017-2018

Action Deliverable Timeline

7 Provide opportunities for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander staff to engage with their culture and communities by celebrating NAIDOC Week.

� Review HR policies and procedures to ensure there are no barriers to staff participating in NAIDOC Week.

� Provide opportunities for all Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander staff and children from Gowrie NSW services to participate with their cultures and communities during NAIDOC Week.

� Provide opportunities for all staff to participate in NAIDOC Week activities.

� Hold an internal or external NAIDOC Week event in consultation with local Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander stakeholders .

� Support an external NAIDOC Week community event.

July annually

Responsibility: Procurement & Business Sub-Group Chair, Events Sub-Group Chair, RAPWG & Family, Community & Education Sub-Group Chair, Employment & Training Sub-Group Chair.

8 Gowrie NSW will celebrate Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander dates of significance.

� Seek to hold an event for National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children’s day.

� Give access to staff to attend activities for National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children’s day .

� Encourage staff to attend events for National Sorry Day. � Identify events to go into our calendars and share throughout the

year, including background information of the event.

4 August annually4 August annually26 May annuallyApril 2017

Responsibility: Events Sub-Group & Family, Community & Education Sub-Group Chair, RAPWG Chair, RAPWG & Events Sub-Group Chair.

Reconciliation Action Plan2017-2018

Action Deliverable Timeline

9 Engage Early and Middle Childhood Education and Care centres (EMCEC) in ongoing cultural learning to increase understanding and appreciation of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures histories and achievements.

� Provide cultural learning opportunities for mainstream early and middle education and care centres.

� Explore opportunities to incorporate Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultural learning into Gowrie NSW’s education and care centres.

� Provide resources to early and middle childhood education and care centres to encourage community wide implementation of Acknowledgement and Welcome to Country protocols.

� Facilitate Yarnin Circle workshops to support cultural learning of teachers and educators.

� Encourage Gowrie NSW ECEC to develop a RAP using the Narragunnawali: Reconciliation in Schools and Early Learning online RAP builder.

� Encourage EMCEC centres outside Gowrie NSW to develop a RAP using the Narragunnawali: Reconciliation in Schools and Early

Sept 2017

Sept 2017

Sept 2017

Sept 2017

Sept 2017

Sept 2017

Responsibility: Family, Community & Education Sub-Group Chair.

Reconciliation Action Plan2017-2018

Action Deliverable Timeline

10 Create a culturally safe and welcoming environment for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander staff and visitors on Gowrie NSW sites.

� Develop and display an Acknowledgement of Country plaque at Gowrie NSW sites.

� Include an Acknowledgement of Country statement in staff email signatures and on the Gowrie NSW website.

� Commission Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander artwork for Gowrie NSW’s head office.

� Include an Acknowledgement of Country statement in Gowrie NSW publications including Gowrie NSW newsletter’s and Education and Care Centre Handbooks.

� Conduct an audit of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander artwork and resources to ensure they display the appropriate acknowledgement.

� Develop culturally respectful materials and resources. � Establish an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander events calendar

and make it available on the NSW/ACT Inclusion Agency website with a link to Gowrie NSW website.

July 2017

July 2017

July 2017

July 2017

July 2017

July 2017July 2017

Responsibility: RAPWG Chair.

OpportunitiesGowrie NSW is committed to building a culturally diverse and inclusive workforce by identifying opportunities with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander People for building respect towards a better Australia.

Focus area: Networking, Professional Learning and Employment.

Reconciliation Action Plan2017-2018

Action Deliverable Timeline

11 Investigate opportunities to improve and increase Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander employment outcomes within our workplace.

� Develop and implement an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander employment and retention strategy.

� Engage with existing Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander staff to consult on employment strategies, including professional development.

� Advertise all vacancies in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander media.

� Collect information on our current Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander employees to inform future employment opportunities.

� Review HR and recruitment procedures and policies to ensure there are no barriers to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander employees and future applicants participating in our workplace.

� Develop the charitable status around Gowrie NSW equity of access. � Review possibilities for work experience programs for students. � Review opportunities for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander

trainees at Gowrie NSW.

June 2017

Mar 2017

Mar 2017

Feb 2017

Mar 2017

Dec 2017June 2017Oct 2017

Responsibility: Employment & Training Sub-Group Chair Employment & Training Sub-Group Chair.

12 Investigate opportunities to incorporate Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander supplier diversity within our organisation.

� Review procurement policies and procedures to identify barriers to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander businesses to supply our organisation with goods and services.

� Develop and communicate to staff a list of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander businesses that can be used to procure goods and services.

� Develop one commercial relationship with an Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander owned business.

� Investigate Supply Nation membership.

June 2017

June 2017

Mar 2017

Jul 2018

Responsibility: Employment & Training Sub-Group Chair.

Tracking progress and reportingGowrie NSW is committed to adhering to Reconciliation Australia’s reporting requirements of the RAP program. As well we are committed to providing annual reporting to produce a public and more broader reflection on our RAP.

Reconciliation Action Plan2017-2018

Action Deliverable Timeline

13 Report RAP achievements, challenges and learnings to Reconciliation Australia.

� Complete and submit the RAP Impact Measurement Questionnaire to Reconciliation Australia annually.

� Investigate participating in the RAP Barometer. � Meet quarterly to review RAP.

30 Sept, annuallyJuly 2018Jan, Apr, Jul, Oct 2017, 2018

Responsibility: Reporting Sub-Group & RAPWG Chair.

14 Report RAP achievements, challenges and learnings internally and externally.

� Publically report our RAP achievements, challenges and learnings. Sept 2017, 2018 annually

Responsibility: RAPWG Chair.

15 Review, refresh and update RAP.

� Liaise with Reconciliation Australia to develop a new RAP based on learnings, challenges and achievements.

� Send draft RAP to Reconciliation Australia for formal feedback and endorsement.

Oct 2018

Dec 2018

Responsibility: RAPWG Chair.

Contact details:Name: Michelle HamiltonPosition: Indigenous Cultural Hub ManagerPhone: (02) 8571 9749Email:

Level 1, Unit 1, 5-9 Ricketty Street Mascot, NSW 2020 PO Box 6385, Alexandria, NSW 2015 02 8571 970002 8571 9790 57 001 894 659



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