Reconstruction & Industrialization

Post on 22-Feb-2016

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Reconstruction & Industrialization. Quick Look at What Happened. Policies were based on Lincoln’s goals He insisted on the banning of slavery His focus was to get the Southern states back into the Union He did not focus on helping former enslaved people. Reconstruction under Johnson. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation



Reconstruction & Industrialization

Quick Look at What Happened

Reconstruction under Johnson Policies were based on Lincoln’s goals

He insisted on the banning of slavery

His focus was to get the Southern states back into the Union

He did not focus on helping former enslaved people

Radical Republicans Congressman who favored using Federal power to rebuild the South and promote African-American rights

Pushed for full citizenship for freed African-Americans

Black Codes Laws that limited the freedom of formerly enslaved people

Southern states passed these laws that were similar to slave laws

A Federal Agency set up to assist former enslaved people.

Set up Schools & Hospitals for African-Americans & gave out clothes, food & fuel

Freedmen’s Bureau

13th Amendment

The amendment to the constitution that banned slavery

{ { Stated that all people

born or naturalized in the United States were citizens, had the same rights

Granted “equal protection of the laws”

This meant Southern states would have less power if they did not grant black men the vote.

14th Amendment

15th Amendment Citizens could not be

stopped from voting “on account of race, color, or previous condition of servitude

This did not apply to women or Native Americans

Gave African-American men the right to vote

Sharecropping Farmers would rent land on credit

Landowner provided tools & seed

At harvest time, farmer gave a share of the crop to the landowner as payment

Caused African-Americans to stay in poverty

CarpetbaggersWhite Northerners who rushed to the South after the war

Some accused them of seeking wealth or political power

Scalawags Definition is Scoundrels

Democrats called delegates who were Republican poor white farmers scoundrels for going along with Radical Reconstruction

Andrew Johnson Impeachment Johnson had many

disagreements with the Radical Republicans in Congress

In 1867, Congress passed a law that said the President can’t fire officials without Senate approval.

In 1868, Johnson fired his Secretary of War over disagreements over Reconstruction

So the House impeached him for breaking the law

Ku Klux Klan (KKK) Racist Terror group They were poor farmers

to former Confederate officers

Goal was to restore Democratic control of South & keep former slaves powerless

They wore robes & hoods (hid their faces)

Beat & Tortured people, burned schools, churches, and homes, lynched people

Compromise of 1877 Deal made to end Reconstruction

Republican Rutherford Hayes became President

Removal of Federal troops from South

Government would provide loans for railroad linking South and West

Democrats promised to respect African-American’s rights

Plessy vs. Ferguson In 1892, Homer Plessy (African-American) sued a railroad company arguing that segregated seating violated his 14th Amendment right to “equal protection of the laws”

Rules that “separate but equal” is legal!