Reconstruction of Intima and Adventitia Models into a...

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Research ArticleReconstruction of Intima and Adventitia Models intoa State Undeformed by a Catheter by Using CT IVUS andBiplane X-Ray Angiogram Images

Jinwon Son and Young Choi

School of Mechanical Engineering Chung-Ang University 221 Heukseok-dong Dongjak-gu Seoul 156-756 Republic of Korea

Correspondence should be addressed to Young Choi yychoicauackr

Received 28 October 2016 Accepted 6 December 2016 Published 5 January 2017

Academic Editor Xiaopeng Zhao

Copyright copy 2017 J Son and Y Choi This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution Licensewhich permits unrestricted use distribution and reproduction in any medium provided the original work is properly cited

The number of studies on blood flow analysis using fluid-structure interaction (FSI) analysis is increasingThough a 3D blood vesselmodel that includes intima and adventitia is required for FSI analysis there are difficulties in generating it using only one type ofmedical imaging In this paper we propose a 3D modeling method for accurate FSI analysis An intravascular ultrasound (IVUS)image is used with biplane X-ray angiogram images to calculate the position and orientation of the blood vessel However theseimages show that the blood vessel is deformed by the catheter inserted into the blood vessel for IVUS imaging To eliminate suchdeformation a CT image was added and the twomodels were registered First a 3Dmodel of the undeformed intima was generatedusing a CT image In the second stage a model of intima and adventitia deformed by the catheter was generated by combining theIVUS image and the X-ray angiogram images A 3D model of intima and adventitia with the deformation caused by insertion ofthe catheter eliminated was generated by matching these 3D blood vessel models in different states In addition a 3D blood vesselmodel including bifurcation was generated using the proposed method

1 Introduction

Thanks to the advances in computing and analysis tech-niques studies on circulatory diseases using CFD (compu-tational fluid dynamics) analysis are now using FSI (fluid-structure interaction) analysis that can take into account themovement of blood vessel walls [1ndash4] As opposed to CFDanalysis that requires only a 3D model of intima a 3D modelcontaining information about the blood vessel thickness isrequired to analyze the blood flow inside the blood vesseland the forces applied to the blood vessel wall using FSIanalysis [5ndash9] However there are difficulties in generatinga 3D model of blood vessel that includes both the intima andadventitia using only a single type of medical image owingto the characteristics of the imaging techniques To achievethis many studies have proposed 3D modeling methods ofblood vessels that include intima and adventitia by combiningdifferent imaging techniques or by making assumptionsThe representative imaging techniques used for such blood

vessel modeling methods are CT (computed tomography)and IVUS (intravascular ultrasound)

Though the shape of a blood vessel intima can be easilyobtained using a CT image no information can be obtainedabout the blood vessel adventitia In addition owing to thelow accuracy of CT images the blood vessel intima modelgenerated using a CT image will have an uneven surfaceAntiga has proposed a method of calculating the centerlineof the blood vessel model to resolve the problem of the bloodvessel model generated using such a CT image [10 11] A3D blood vessel model generated using a CT image wasautomatically corrected using the centerline of the 3D bloodvessel model and a 3D blood vessel model that includes theintima and adventitia was generated with the assumption thatthe thickness of a blood vessel wall is proportional to theinner diameter

An IVUS image is an image that shows the cross sectionof a blood vessel by inserting a microminiaturized ultrasonicinstrument into the blood vessel As an IVUS image is

HindawiComputational and Mathematical Methods in MedicineVolume 2017 Article ID 9807617 13 pageshttpsdoiorg10115520179807617

2 Computational and Mathematical Methods in Medicine

(a) (b)

Figure 1 (a) Shape of blood vessel before catheter insertion (b) Shape of blood vessel after catheter insertion [19]

taken around a blood vessel a lot more detailed informationabout the blood vessel can be obtained than that with aCT image In addition because an ultrasonic wave is usedit has the advantage that the information about the bloodvessel adventitia can also be obtained However an IVUSimage only shows the cross section of a blood vessel withoutshowing the position and direction at which the IVUS imageis taken Whale has proposed a sequential triangulationmethod that calculates the position and orientation of anIVUS image using biplane X-ray angiogram images [12ndash17] The 3D path along which IVUS images were takenwas generated using biplane X-ray angiogram images andthe positions and orientations of these IVUS images werecalculated using only the geometric shape of this path

However the catheter inserted to take the IVUS imageheavily deforms the blood vessel as shown in Figure 1Accordingly the IVUS image and the biplane X-rayangiogram images taken with the catheter inserted show theinformation about the blood vessel deformed by the catheterinsertion In addition the blood vessel model generated bycombining these images will also be in a deformed state

The initial state of the blood vessel has a great effect onthe analysis result of the blood vessel model Accordinglyin this study we propose a 3D modeling method of intimaand adventitia with the deformation caused by insertion of acatheter eliminated for accurate FSI analysis

2 Overview

Figure 2 shows the overall flow of the 3D blood vesselmodeling method proposed in this study

This method can be largely divided into three stagesFirst a 3D model of the undeformed intima is generated

using a CT image CT images only require a contrast mediumto be administered and thus do not have any deformationcaused by insertion of a catheter

Then a 3D intima and adventitia model in a statedeformed by a catheter is generated by combining IVUS and

CT image

Undeformedintimal model


of intima

Deformedintimaladventitial model


of intima of adventitia


of intima of adventitia


IVUS image 3D catheter path

X-ray angiogram image

Cross section Cross section Cross section

Cross section Cross section

Undeformed 3D blood vessel model

Figure 2 Overview of the proposed blood vessel modelingmethod

biplane X-ray angiogram images As explained earlier IVUSimages and biplane X-ray angiogram images show informa-tion about the blood vessel in a state deformed by insertionof a catheter

The last stage involves converting the 3D model of thedeformed intima and adventitia into a 3D model of theundeformed intima and adventitia through registration

The last stage involves converting the 3D model of thedeformed intima and adventitia into a 3D model of theundeformed intima and adventitia through registration Forthis the cross sections of the 3D models are extracted andregistered First as the intimae exist in different states thedeformed intima is registered with the undeformed intima

Computational and Mathematical Methods in Medicine 3

An artificial blood vessel model IVUS image

CT image

angiogram imagesBiplane X-ray

(a) (b)

Figure 3 (a) Blood vessel replica (b) CT IVUS and biplane X-ray angiogram images of the replica

The cross sections of the undeformed intima and adventitiaare calculated by applying the registration result to the crosssection of the deformed adventitia

A blood vessel replica was produced as shown inFigure 3(a) to facilitate acquisition of the medical imagesrequired for the method proposed in this paper A siliconetube was used as the replica blood vessel and gelatin was usedto fix it and to enable it to be deformed when a catheter wasinserted Figure 3(b) shows the CT IVUS and biplane X-rayimages taken using the blood vessel replica

3 Reconstruction of UndeformedIntima Model

ACT image can be obtained without inserting a catheter intothe blood vessel by administering a contrastmediumand thusshows the undeformed shape of the blood vessel Howeveras it only shows the contrast medium passing through theblood vessel no information about the adventitia of the bloodvessel can be acquired Accordingly we intended to utilizethe overall shape of the blood vessel without the catheter-induced deformation by using such characteristics of CTimages For this a 3D intimamodel with no catheter-induceddeformation was generated using the CT image of the bloodvessel replica

A CT image consists of voxel data produced by stackingtomograms of a human body To generate a 3D blood vesselmodel a process of extracting the polygon data correspond-ing to the blood vessel from the voxel data is required Togenerate the polygon data of the blood vessel from the voxeldata the isosurfaces that have the same intensity value asthat of the section corresponding to the blood vessel were

Figure 4 Generated 3D undeformed intima model of replica

extracted from each tomogram A polygon model of theblood vessel was generated by stacking these isosurfaces andapproximating the NURB surfaces Figure 4 shows the 3Dmodel of the undeformed intima generated using the CTimage of the blood vessel replica

4 Reconstruction of Deformed Intima andAdventitia Model

41 Extraction of the Blood Vessel Intima and Adventitia CrossSections in a Deformed State An IVUS image shows theinside of a blood vessel in greater detail than a CT image asit is obtained by imaging the inside of the blood vessel withan ultrasonic device inserted into the blood vessel Moreoverit provides information about the shape of the blood vesseladventitia Figure 5 shows the cross sections of blood vesselintima and adventitia extracted from an IVUS image

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Figure 5 IVUS image of blood vessel

Figure 6 Segmented intima and adventitia contours from IVUSimage

As an IVUS image does not include color values but haspoints with gray scale values there are difficulties in automat-ically extracting the areas corresponding to the intima andthe adventitia of a blood vessel Accordingly in this studywe checked the IVUS image and manually segmented thesections corresponding to the intima and adventitia of theblood vessel respectively as shown in Figure 6

42 Restoration of 3D Catheter Path Though an IVUS imagecontains information about cross section of a blood vesselthe position and orientation at which the image was acquiredare unknown Accordingly to generate a 3D blood vesselmodel using the cross sections of the blood vessel intima andadventitia extracted earlier from an IVUS image the positionand orientation where the IVUS image has been actuallytaken should be conjectured using other medical imaging

techniques For this biplane X-ray angiogram images wereused in this study

When taking IVUS images the path along which theIVUS images are to be taken is secured by inserting acatheter in advance to place an IVUS ultrasonic device at theplace where the imaging is to be started When the IVUSultrasonic device arrives at the desired position it followsthe catheter and acquires images of the blood vessel crosssections with the path of the IVUS images matching the pathof the catheter To obtain the catheter path X-ray angiogramswere taken from different directions immediately before theIVUS ultrasonic device was pulled back to take images The3D catheter path was generated as shown in Figure 7 usingthe two 2D catheter paths extracted from the biplane X-rayangiogram images

43 Calculation of IVUS Image Position and OrientationWhen IVUS images are acquired the IVUS ultrasonic devicemoves out of the catheter at a constant speed using the IVUSpullback device Accordingly if the 3D catheter path restoredusing the biplane X-ray angiogram images is divided intoas many parts as the number of the IVUS images using thesame interval the positions where the IVUS images havebeen acquired can be easily calculated However as the IVUSultrasonic device rotates around the catheter when it travelsaround a bent blood vessel the IVUS image acquired at thistime is in a rotated state

Whale has proposed the sequential triangulation methodthat can determine the twist angles of IVUS images usingthe characteristics of such IVUS images With this methodthe orientations of IVUS images were calculated using onlythe geometric shape of the catheter restored in 3D A 3Dcatheter path was divided into small pieces assuming that itis comprised of innumerable joints and links The positionsand orientations of IVUS images were determined as shownin Figure 8 using the 3 consecutive points on the 3D pathdivided into smaller pieces The orientation of each IVUS

Computational and Mathematical Methods in Medicine 5

(a) (b)

Figure 7 (a) Biplane X-ray angiogram images of IVUS catheter (b) Restored IVUS catheter path in 3D space

Frame 0 Frame 1 Frame 2 Frame 3Frame 4










Figure 8 Sequential triangulation method [15]

image is determined by the plane made of the 3 consecutivepoints existing on the catheter P is the position of each pointand S which is the position of an IVUS image is the centerof the two points as shown in the following [12ndash17]

S119894 = (P119894 + P119894+1)2

S119894+1 = (P119894+1 + P119894+2)2 (1)

Also the tangent vector t at P is calculated as follows

t119894 = P119894+1 minus P119894t119894+1 = P119894+2 minus P119894+1


The normal vector n which is each of the 119910-axis direc-tions of the 2D IVUS images was calculated by calcu-

lating the outer products of the two neighboring tangentvectors t

n = t119894 times t119894+1 (3)

Through such a method the position and orientationwhere an IVUS image was taken were determined fromthe 3D path of the catheter Figure 9(a) shows the result ofapplying the position and orientation calculated using thesequential triangulation method to the cross sections of theblood vessel intima and adventitia extracted from a 2D IVUSimage and Figure 9(b) shows the polygon model generatedusing the points in 3D space As these models were generatedby combining the IVUS and biplane X-ray angiogram imagestaken in a state deformed by a catheter they are the bloodvessel intima and adventitia models deformed by insertion ofa catheter

5 Computation of Undeformed Intima andAdventitia Model by Registration

In this chapter we intend to compute a 3D intima andadventitia model without the catheter-induced deformationTo achieve this the 3D model of deformed intima andadventitia generated by combining the IVUS and biplane X-ray angiogram imageswas registeredwith the 3Dmodel of theundeformed intima generated using aCT image As these two3D models do not only exist on different coordinate systemsbut also have different scales there are difficulties in directlyregistering these 3D models Accordingly in this study we

6 Computational and Mathematical Methods in Medicine

Contoursof intima 3D catheter path

Deformed intima model

Deformed adventitia model

(a) (b)

Figure 9 (a) A series of deformed intima cross sections (b) A polygon model of deformed intima and adventitia model

propose a method of determining the corresponding relationbetween the two 3D blood vessel models to extract the crosssections at the corresponding positions and matching them

51 Calculation of Centerline and Extraction of Cross SectionTo define a plane required for extraction of 2D cross sectionsfrom the 3D blood vessel intimamodel in a tube form one 3Dpoint and normal vector are required For this the centerlinethat could well express the shape of the blood vessel shouldbe calculated

In the study carried out by Luca the centerline existingbetween twopointswithin amodel in a tube formwas definedto be the line farthermost from the boundary Accordinglythe centerline of an object Ω existing in a 3D space can beexpressed as the pathC = C(s) between two points P1 and P2which minimizes

Ecenterline (C) = intL=Cminus1(P1)

0=Cminus1(P0)F (C (s)) 119889119904 (4)

For this the Delaunay triangulation of the object Ω wascalculated throughwhich themaximum spheres inscribed inthe blood vessel model were calculated The centerline of the3D blood vessel model was extracted using the center pointsof these spheres

52 Correspondence Definition between 3D Blood Vessel Mod-els and Extraction of Cross Sections To register two bloodvessel models in different states correspondence between thetwomodels should be defined first For this the centerlines ofthe two intima models calculated earlier were used Becausethe CT IVUS and biplane X-ray angiogram images wereall obtained by imaging the same section of the bloodvessel replica the 3D blood vessel models generated earliermodel the same section of the blood vessel though they arein different states Accordingly the corresponding relation

between these two intima models was defined by dividingthe center curves of these two intima models into the samenumber of lines using the same interval and the crosssections of the 3D models were extracted at the definedpositions

53 Registering between Cross Sections in Different States Inthis study we intend to generate a 3D intima and adven-titia model from which the catheter-induced deformationis removed through registration Accordingly we attemptedto convert the cross sections of the deformed intima andadventitia extracted earlier into the cross sections of theundeformed intima and adventitia For this the cross sectionsof the deformed intima and adventitia were registered withthe cross sections of the undeformed intima

Registration is the calculation of the coordinate transfor-mation that can minimize the distance between two pointsets Accordingly registration in this study is to calculate thetranslation (119909 119910) rotation (120579) and scale (119904) that minimizesthe distance between the two point sets (X target point cloudY source point cloud) which compose the 2D blood vesselcross sections In this study the coordinate transformationmatrix T0 that minimizes the distance between the two pointsets X and Y was calculated using the optimization methodafter setting these 4 elements as the variables In additionto make a result linear to the rotation value of the previousframe when registering cross sections the value closest to therotation value 120579 of the previous frame was calculated

T0 = min (sum dist (XY1015840)) (5)

whereY1015840 = T (119909 119910 120579 119904)Y (6)

To achieve this the multiminimizer function of theGNU Scientific Library was used [18] Figure 10 shows theregistration result of the two intima cross sections

Computational and Mathematical Methods in Medicine 7

Deformed intima


Undeformed intima

Figure 10 Registration between undeformed and deformed intima contours using the proposed method

1 7 13 19 25 31 37 43 49 55 61 67 73 79 85 91 97 103



































Frame number

Rotation angle







60y = minus3E minus 09x5 + 2E minus 06x4 minus 00005x3 + 00344x2 + 07059x minus 10207

Figure 11 Trend line of rotation angle result

The 119909 119910 120579 and 119904 calculated through the registrationbetween intima cross sections are the values at which thedeformed intima cross section changes to the undeformedintima cross section Accordingly the calculated 119909 119910 120579 and 119904were equally applied to change the deformed adventitia crosssection to the undeformed adventitia cross section Figure 11shows the rotation values of all the cross sections registeredusing the optimization method To more linearly transformsuch rotation values the trend linewas calculated using all therotation values and the rotation value of each cross sectionwas corrected to the trend line value

54 Generation of an Undeformed Intima and AdventitiaModel The cross sections of the undeformed intima andadventitia were calculated through a process similar to thatabove To finally generate a model in an undeformed stateusing such cross sections the cross sections should be locatedat the proper positions and in proper orientation For thisthe centerline extracted from the 3D model of the intimanot deformed by a catheter which was generated from a CTimage was used A 3D blood vessel polygon model whichincluded the intima and adventitia as shown in Figure 12was generated by placing the calculated cross sections ofthe undeformed intima and adventitia on the undeformedcenterline

6 Bifurcated Blood Vessel Model

In fact human blood vessels are not comprised of singleblood vessels but a combination of blood vessels with many

Figure 12 Generated 3D blood vessel model including intima andadventitia

branches Accordingly to actually model the blood vessel ofa patient not a single blood vessel model but a 3D bloodvessel model that includes branches should be generatedAccordingly a 3D blood vessel model including branches notdeformed by a catheter was generated using the proposedblood vessel modeling method in this chapter For this ablood vessel replica including branches was produced asshown in Figure 13 Different from the case of a single bloodvessel this replicawas produced by creating a 3Dmodel usingthe CT images of an actual patient and producing a moldusing a 3D printer A blood vessel replica of the desired formwas produced by injecting silicon into this mold For thisreplica gelatin was again used to fix the blood vessel tube

The CT IVUS and biplane X-ray angiogram images weretaken using the produced blood vessel replica as per the caseof a single blood vessel As the replica includes branches theIVUS images and the X-ray angiogram images of each bloodvessel branch were taken Figure 14 shows themedical imagestaken using the blood vessel replica

61 Generation of a 3D Intima Model Including Branches NotDeformed by a Catheter and Extraction of Cross Sections In

8 Computational and Mathematical Methods in Medicine

Figure 13 Replica of blood vessel


X-ray angiogram

Figure 14 CT biplane X-ray angiogram and IVUS images of replica

the case of the blood vessel that includes branches a 3Dmodel of the intima not deformed by a catheter was alsogenerated using the CT image as per the single blood vesselFigure 15 shows the 3D model of the intima not deformed bya catheter which was generated using a CT image

To extract the cross sections of the 3D intima models thecenterline of each branch was calculated using a 3D Voronoidiagram Figure 16 shows the centerline of each branch andthe cross sections extracted using them

62 Generation of a 3DModel of the Intima andAdventitia NotDeformed by aCatheterThat Includes Branches and Extractionof Cross Sections To generate a blood vessel model thatincludes branches the IVUS images of all the blood vesselbranches should be taken to obtain data about the intimaand adventitia of each blood vessel branch In addition tocalculate the position and orientation of the IVUS imageof each branch when the IVUS image of each blood vesselbranch is taken the inserted catheter should be photographedfrom different directions Accordingly as the blood vesselreplica used in this study had two blood vessel branches 2

(a) (b)

Figure 15 (a) Bifurcated artificial blood vesselmodel (b)Generatedundeformed 3D intima model

Computational and Mathematical Methods in Medicine 9

(a) (b) (c)

Figure 16 (a) Undeformed intima model (b) Centerlines of each branch (c) Extracted cross sections using each centerline

Reconstructed catheter path



Biplane X-ray angiogram images

Figure 17 Reconstructed 3D catheter path of each branch

sets of biplane X-ray angiogram images were acquired byphotographing the catheter inserted into each blood vesselbranch twice from different directions which were used togenerate two 3D paths of the catheter as shown in Figure 17

In addition to acquire the detailed shape of the bloodvessel the two sets of IVUS images obtained by imaging eachblood vessel branch were used In the case that branches areincluded as in the case of the CT images the IVUS images

also show the sections where the blood vessel is bifurcatedas shown in Figure 18 When the cross sections in the IVUSimages were registered with the cross sections extracted fromthe CT images the cross sections of the relevant intimaand adventitia were all extracted from the IVUS imagesso that the branched sections can be accurately matchedFurthermore evenwhen the shapes of the blood vessel intimaand adventitia on the other side are not perfectly obtained

10 Computational and Mathematical Methods in Medicine

Figure 18 Segmented intima and adventitia contours from IVUS image at bifurcation

Reconstructedcatheter path IVUS image Deformed

adventitia modelDeformed

intima model



Figure 19 Reconstructed deformed 3D intima and adventitia models of each branch

the shapes of the intima and adventitia were extracted byoverlapping them as shown in Figure 18

A 3D model of the intima and adventitia not deformedby the catheter inserted was generated as shown in Figure 19by applying the result of the sequential triangulation method

using each 3D catheter path to each cross section of the intimaand adventitia extracted from the IVUS images

63 Computation of a 3D Model of the Intima and AdventitiaIncluding Branches with the Deformation Caused by the

Computational and Mathematical Methods in Medicine 11

Registered deformed intima contour

Undeformed intima contour

Figure 20 Comparison undeformed intima contourwith registereddeformed intima contour

Catheter Eliminated through Registration In the case of ablood vessel that includes bifurcation a 3D model of intimaand adventitia deformed by a catheter is generated in theform of a single blood vessel for each branch and thecross sections are also found to be similar to the case ofa single blood vessel Accordingly to carry out registra-tion using these cross sections the intima cross sectionsextracted from each branch in the undeformed intimamodelwhich had been generated through the CT images earlierwere used directly The cross sections of the undeformedintima and adventitia were calculated by registering the crosssections of the deformed intima and adventitia with thecross sections of the undeformed intima that included thesebranch points Figure 20 shows the result of registrationbetween the cross sections of the undeformed and deformedintima at a branch point It can be seen that even whenbranch points are included cross sections can be properlymatched using the proposed registration method in thisstudy

The rotation values of the registered cross sections werecorrected to enable the rotation variations of the cross sec-tions to be linear using the trend line equations of the rotationvalues of the cross sections when all the cross sectionsof the right and left blood vessel branches are registeredAfter transforming the cross sections of the intima andadventitia in a deformed state into the cross sections of theintima and adventitia in an undeformed state through such aregistration process all the cross sections were placed on thecenterline extracted from the 3D model in an undeformedstate as shown in Figure 21(a) A model of the intima andthe adventitia that included a branch point was generated asshown in Figure 21(b) using all the points corresponding tothe left and right blood vessel branches which were used togenerate a 3D blood vessel model that included intima andadventitia

7 Conclusion and Discussion

In this paper we have proposed a method for generating a3D model of intima and adventitia for accurate FSI analysis

that eliminates the deformation caused by insertion of acatheterThemethod of combining IVUS images and biplaneX-ray angiogram images is widely used for generation of 3Dblood vessel models and generates a 3D model of the intimaand adventitia that is deformed by the inserted catheter Toeliminate such deformation a 3Dmodel of the intimawithoutcatheter-induced deformation was additionally generatedfrom CT images and these two models were registered toeliminate the catheter-induced deformation

In the registration the 3D models were not directly reg-istered but the cross sections of each model were registeredThe cross sections of the deformed intima were registeredwith the cross sections of the undeformed intima and thecross sections of the undeformed adventitia were convertedby applying the registration result to the cross sections of thedeformed adventitia A 3D blood vessel model that includedthe undeformed intima and adventitia was finally generatedby placing the cross sections of the undeformed intima andadventitia calculated through such a process on the centerlineextracted from the undeformed intima model

The method of modeling a 3D blood vessel proposedin this study has various limitations To determine theposition and direction of the intima and adventitia crosssections extracted from IVUS images these cross sectionswere registered with the cross sections of the intima extractedfrom CT images The values of movement (119909 119910) rotation(120579) and scale (119904) calculated through the registration betweenthe two intima cross sections were equally applied to thecross sections of the adventitia extracted from IVUS imagesHowever such a method calculates an ideal result withoutconsidering the material properties of the blood vessel In thecase of an actual blood vessel the intima and the adventitiawill not equally deform because of the material propertiesof the blood vessel wall In addition for a patient withatherosclerosis the blood vessel wall will not be isotropicowing to the plague existing on the blood vessel wallAccordingly the intima and adventitia model calculatedusing the method proposed in this study contains sucherrors

Another limitation is that it is difficult to accuratelyevaluate the accuracy of the blood vessel model generatedthrough the proposed method This is because the onlymedical image through which the information about bloodvessel adventitia can be obtained is IVUS image

If OCT (Optical Coherence Tomography) that can pho-tograph lumenmore clearly than IVUS is used to further thisstudy more accurate information about blood vessel intimacan be obtained However as OCT uses light there are dif-ficulties in obtaining accurate information about adventitiaunlike IVUS that uses ultrasound Accordingly more precise3D blood vessel models are expected to be generated by usingOCT to obtain intima data and IVUS to obtain adventitiadata

Competing Interests

The authors declare that there is no conflict of interestsregarding the publication of this paper

12 Computational and Mathematical Methods in Medicine

(a) (b) (c)

Figure 21 (a) Intima and adventitia point sets placed on undeformed centerline (b) Computed undeformed intima and adventitia model(c) Three-dimensional blood vessel model including intima and adventitia


This research was supported by Basic Science ResearchProgram through the National Research Foundation ofKorea (NRF) funded by the Ministry of Science ICT andFuture Planning (NRF-2012R1A2A2A01047366 and NRF-2015R1D1A1A01060486)


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Disease Markers

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BioMed Research International

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Oxidative Medicine and Cellular Longevity

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PPAR Research

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Computational and Mathematical Methods in Medicine

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Diabetes ResearchJournal of

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Research and TreatmentAIDS

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Gastroenterology Research and Practice

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Parkinsonrsquos Disease

Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine

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2 Computational and Mathematical Methods in Medicine

(a) (b)

Figure 1 (a) Shape of blood vessel before catheter insertion (b) Shape of blood vessel after catheter insertion [19]

taken around a blood vessel a lot more detailed informationabout the blood vessel can be obtained than that with aCT image In addition because an ultrasonic wave is usedit has the advantage that the information about the bloodvessel adventitia can also be obtained However an IVUSimage only shows the cross section of a blood vessel withoutshowing the position and direction at which the IVUS imageis taken Whale has proposed a sequential triangulationmethod that calculates the position and orientation of anIVUS image using biplane X-ray angiogram images [12ndash17] The 3D path along which IVUS images were takenwas generated using biplane X-ray angiogram images andthe positions and orientations of these IVUS images werecalculated using only the geometric shape of this path

However the catheter inserted to take the IVUS imageheavily deforms the blood vessel as shown in Figure 1Accordingly the IVUS image and the biplane X-rayangiogram images taken with the catheter inserted show theinformation about the blood vessel deformed by the catheterinsertion In addition the blood vessel model generated bycombining these images will also be in a deformed state

The initial state of the blood vessel has a great effect onthe analysis result of the blood vessel model Accordinglyin this study we propose a 3D modeling method of intimaand adventitia with the deformation caused by insertion of acatheter eliminated for accurate FSI analysis

2 Overview

Figure 2 shows the overall flow of the 3D blood vesselmodeling method proposed in this study

This method can be largely divided into three stagesFirst a 3D model of the undeformed intima is generated

using a CT image CT images only require a contrast mediumto be administered and thus do not have any deformationcaused by insertion of a catheter

Then a 3D intima and adventitia model in a statedeformed by a catheter is generated by combining IVUS and

CT image

Undeformedintimal model


of intima

Deformedintimaladventitial model


of intima of adventitia


of intima of adventitia


IVUS image 3D catheter path

X-ray angiogram image

Cross section Cross section Cross section

Cross section Cross section

Undeformed 3D blood vessel model

Figure 2 Overview of the proposed blood vessel modelingmethod

biplane X-ray angiogram images As explained earlier IVUSimages and biplane X-ray angiogram images show informa-tion about the blood vessel in a state deformed by insertionof a catheter

The last stage involves converting the 3D model of thedeformed intima and adventitia into a 3D model of theundeformed intima and adventitia through registration

The last stage involves converting the 3D model of thedeformed intima and adventitia into a 3D model of theundeformed intima and adventitia through registration Forthis the cross sections of the 3D models are extracted andregistered First as the intimae exist in different states thedeformed intima is registered with the undeformed intima

Computational and Mathematical Methods in Medicine 3

An artificial blood vessel model IVUS image

CT image

angiogram imagesBiplane X-ray

(a) (b)

Figure 3 (a) Blood vessel replica (b) CT IVUS and biplane X-ray angiogram images of the replica

The cross sections of the undeformed intima and adventitiaare calculated by applying the registration result to the crosssection of the deformed adventitia

A blood vessel replica was produced as shown inFigure 3(a) to facilitate acquisition of the medical imagesrequired for the method proposed in this paper A siliconetube was used as the replica blood vessel and gelatin was usedto fix it and to enable it to be deformed when a catheter wasinserted Figure 3(b) shows the CT IVUS and biplane X-rayimages taken using the blood vessel replica

3 Reconstruction of UndeformedIntima Model

ACT image can be obtained without inserting a catheter intothe blood vessel by administering a contrastmediumand thusshows the undeformed shape of the blood vessel Howeveras it only shows the contrast medium passing through theblood vessel no information about the adventitia of the bloodvessel can be acquired Accordingly we intended to utilizethe overall shape of the blood vessel without the catheter-induced deformation by using such characteristics of CTimages For this a 3D intimamodel with no catheter-induceddeformation was generated using the CT image of the bloodvessel replica

A CT image consists of voxel data produced by stackingtomograms of a human body To generate a 3D blood vesselmodel a process of extracting the polygon data correspond-ing to the blood vessel from the voxel data is required Togenerate the polygon data of the blood vessel from the voxeldata the isosurfaces that have the same intensity value asthat of the section corresponding to the blood vessel were

Figure 4 Generated 3D undeformed intima model of replica

extracted from each tomogram A polygon model of theblood vessel was generated by stacking these isosurfaces andapproximating the NURB surfaces Figure 4 shows the 3Dmodel of the undeformed intima generated using the CTimage of the blood vessel replica

4 Reconstruction of Deformed Intima andAdventitia Model

41 Extraction of the Blood Vessel Intima and Adventitia CrossSections in a Deformed State An IVUS image shows theinside of a blood vessel in greater detail than a CT image asit is obtained by imaging the inside of the blood vessel withan ultrasonic device inserted into the blood vessel Moreoverit provides information about the shape of the blood vesseladventitia Figure 5 shows the cross sections of blood vesselintima and adventitia extracted from an IVUS image

4 Computational and Mathematical Methods in Medicine




Figure 5 IVUS image of blood vessel

Figure 6 Segmented intima and adventitia contours from IVUSimage

As an IVUS image does not include color values but haspoints with gray scale values there are difficulties in automat-ically extracting the areas corresponding to the intima andthe adventitia of a blood vessel Accordingly in this studywe checked the IVUS image and manually segmented thesections corresponding to the intima and adventitia of theblood vessel respectively as shown in Figure 6

42 Restoration of 3D Catheter Path Though an IVUS imagecontains information about cross section of a blood vesselthe position and orientation at which the image was acquiredare unknown Accordingly to generate a 3D blood vesselmodel using the cross sections of the blood vessel intima andadventitia extracted earlier from an IVUS image the positionand orientation where the IVUS image has been actuallytaken should be conjectured using other medical imaging

techniques For this biplane X-ray angiogram images wereused in this study

When taking IVUS images the path along which theIVUS images are to be taken is secured by inserting acatheter in advance to place an IVUS ultrasonic device at theplace where the imaging is to be started When the IVUSultrasonic device arrives at the desired position it followsthe catheter and acquires images of the blood vessel crosssections with the path of the IVUS images matching the pathof the catheter To obtain the catheter path X-ray angiogramswere taken from different directions immediately before theIVUS ultrasonic device was pulled back to take images The3D catheter path was generated as shown in Figure 7 usingthe two 2D catheter paths extracted from the biplane X-rayangiogram images

43 Calculation of IVUS Image Position and OrientationWhen IVUS images are acquired the IVUS ultrasonic devicemoves out of the catheter at a constant speed using the IVUSpullback device Accordingly if the 3D catheter path restoredusing the biplane X-ray angiogram images is divided intoas many parts as the number of the IVUS images using thesame interval the positions where the IVUS images havebeen acquired can be easily calculated However as the IVUSultrasonic device rotates around the catheter when it travelsaround a bent blood vessel the IVUS image acquired at thistime is in a rotated state

Whale has proposed the sequential triangulation methodthat can determine the twist angles of IVUS images usingthe characteristics of such IVUS images With this methodthe orientations of IVUS images were calculated using onlythe geometric shape of the catheter restored in 3D A 3Dcatheter path was divided into small pieces assuming that itis comprised of innumerable joints and links The positionsand orientations of IVUS images were determined as shownin Figure 8 using the 3 consecutive points on the 3D pathdivided into smaller pieces The orientation of each IVUS

Computational and Mathematical Methods in Medicine 5

(a) (b)

Figure 7 (a) Biplane X-ray angiogram images of IVUS catheter (b) Restored IVUS catheter path in 3D space

Frame 0 Frame 1 Frame 2 Frame 3Frame 4










Figure 8 Sequential triangulation method [15]

image is determined by the plane made of the 3 consecutivepoints existing on the catheter P is the position of each pointand S which is the position of an IVUS image is the centerof the two points as shown in the following [12ndash17]

S119894 = (P119894 + P119894+1)2

S119894+1 = (P119894+1 + P119894+2)2 (1)

Also the tangent vector t at P is calculated as follows

t119894 = P119894+1 minus P119894t119894+1 = P119894+2 minus P119894+1


The normal vector n which is each of the 119910-axis direc-tions of the 2D IVUS images was calculated by calcu-

lating the outer products of the two neighboring tangentvectors t

n = t119894 times t119894+1 (3)

Through such a method the position and orientationwhere an IVUS image was taken were determined fromthe 3D path of the catheter Figure 9(a) shows the result ofapplying the position and orientation calculated using thesequential triangulation method to the cross sections of theblood vessel intima and adventitia extracted from a 2D IVUSimage and Figure 9(b) shows the polygon model generatedusing the points in 3D space As these models were generatedby combining the IVUS and biplane X-ray angiogram imagestaken in a state deformed by a catheter they are the bloodvessel intima and adventitia models deformed by insertion ofa catheter

5 Computation of Undeformed Intima andAdventitia Model by Registration

In this chapter we intend to compute a 3D intima andadventitia model without the catheter-induced deformationTo achieve this the 3D model of deformed intima andadventitia generated by combining the IVUS and biplane X-ray angiogram imageswas registeredwith the 3Dmodel of theundeformed intima generated using aCT image As these two3D models do not only exist on different coordinate systemsbut also have different scales there are difficulties in directlyregistering these 3D models Accordingly in this study we

6 Computational and Mathematical Methods in Medicine

Contoursof intima 3D catheter path

Deformed intima model

Deformed adventitia model

(a) (b)

Figure 9 (a) A series of deformed intima cross sections (b) A polygon model of deformed intima and adventitia model

propose a method of determining the corresponding relationbetween the two 3D blood vessel models to extract the crosssections at the corresponding positions and matching them

51 Calculation of Centerline and Extraction of Cross SectionTo define a plane required for extraction of 2D cross sectionsfrom the 3D blood vessel intimamodel in a tube form one 3Dpoint and normal vector are required For this the centerlinethat could well express the shape of the blood vessel shouldbe calculated

In the study carried out by Luca the centerline existingbetween twopointswithin amodel in a tube formwas definedto be the line farthermost from the boundary Accordinglythe centerline of an object Ω existing in a 3D space can beexpressed as the pathC = C(s) between two points P1 and P2which minimizes

Ecenterline (C) = intL=Cminus1(P1)

0=Cminus1(P0)F (C (s)) 119889119904 (4)

For this the Delaunay triangulation of the object Ω wascalculated throughwhich themaximum spheres inscribed inthe blood vessel model were calculated The centerline of the3D blood vessel model was extracted using the center pointsof these spheres

52 Correspondence Definition between 3D Blood Vessel Mod-els and Extraction of Cross Sections To register two bloodvessel models in different states correspondence between thetwomodels should be defined first For this the centerlines ofthe two intima models calculated earlier were used Becausethe CT IVUS and biplane X-ray angiogram images wereall obtained by imaging the same section of the bloodvessel replica the 3D blood vessel models generated earliermodel the same section of the blood vessel though they arein different states Accordingly the corresponding relation

between these two intima models was defined by dividingthe center curves of these two intima models into the samenumber of lines using the same interval and the crosssections of the 3D models were extracted at the definedpositions

53 Registering between Cross Sections in Different States Inthis study we intend to generate a 3D intima and adven-titia model from which the catheter-induced deformationis removed through registration Accordingly we attemptedto convert the cross sections of the deformed intima andadventitia extracted earlier into the cross sections of theundeformed intima and adventitia For this the cross sectionsof the deformed intima and adventitia were registered withthe cross sections of the undeformed intima

Registration is the calculation of the coordinate transfor-mation that can minimize the distance between two pointsets Accordingly registration in this study is to calculate thetranslation (119909 119910) rotation (120579) and scale (119904) that minimizesthe distance between the two point sets (X target point cloudY source point cloud) which compose the 2D blood vesselcross sections In this study the coordinate transformationmatrix T0 that minimizes the distance between the two pointsets X and Y was calculated using the optimization methodafter setting these 4 elements as the variables In additionto make a result linear to the rotation value of the previousframe when registering cross sections the value closest to therotation value 120579 of the previous frame was calculated

T0 = min (sum dist (XY1015840)) (5)

whereY1015840 = T (119909 119910 120579 119904)Y (6)

To achieve this the multiminimizer function of theGNU Scientific Library was used [18] Figure 10 shows theregistration result of the two intima cross sections

Computational and Mathematical Methods in Medicine 7

Deformed intima


Undeformed intima

Figure 10 Registration between undeformed and deformed intima contours using the proposed method

1 7 13 19 25 31 37 43 49 55 61 67 73 79 85 91 97 103



































Frame number

Rotation angle







60y = minus3E minus 09x5 + 2E minus 06x4 minus 00005x3 + 00344x2 + 07059x minus 10207

Figure 11 Trend line of rotation angle result

The 119909 119910 120579 and 119904 calculated through the registrationbetween intima cross sections are the values at which thedeformed intima cross section changes to the undeformedintima cross section Accordingly the calculated 119909 119910 120579 and 119904were equally applied to change the deformed adventitia crosssection to the undeformed adventitia cross section Figure 11shows the rotation values of all the cross sections registeredusing the optimization method To more linearly transformsuch rotation values the trend linewas calculated using all therotation values and the rotation value of each cross sectionwas corrected to the trend line value

54 Generation of an Undeformed Intima and AdventitiaModel The cross sections of the undeformed intima andadventitia were calculated through a process similar to thatabove To finally generate a model in an undeformed stateusing such cross sections the cross sections should be locatedat the proper positions and in proper orientation For thisthe centerline extracted from the 3D model of the intimanot deformed by a catheter which was generated from a CTimage was used A 3D blood vessel polygon model whichincluded the intima and adventitia as shown in Figure 12was generated by placing the calculated cross sections ofthe undeformed intima and adventitia on the undeformedcenterline

6 Bifurcated Blood Vessel Model

In fact human blood vessels are not comprised of singleblood vessels but a combination of blood vessels with many

Figure 12 Generated 3D blood vessel model including intima andadventitia

branches Accordingly to actually model the blood vessel ofa patient not a single blood vessel model but a 3D bloodvessel model that includes branches should be generatedAccordingly a 3D blood vessel model including branches notdeformed by a catheter was generated using the proposedblood vessel modeling method in this chapter For this ablood vessel replica including branches was produced asshown in Figure 13 Different from the case of a single bloodvessel this replicawas produced by creating a 3Dmodel usingthe CT images of an actual patient and producing a moldusing a 3D printer A blood vessel replica of the desired formwas produced by injecting silicon into this mold For thisreplica gelatin was again used to fix the blood vessel tube

The CT IVUS and biplane X-ray angiogram images weretaken using the produced blood vessel replica as per the caseof a single blood vessel As the replica includes branches theIVUS images and the X-ray angiogram images of each bloodvessel branch were taken Figure 14 shows themedical imagestaken using the blood vessel replica

61 Generation of a 3D Intima Model Including Branches NotDeformed by a Catheter and Extraction of Cross Sections In

8 Computational and Mathematical Methods in Medicine

Figure 13 Replica of blood vessel


X-ray angiogram

Figure 14 CT biplane X-ray angiogram and IVUS images of replica

the case of the blood vessel that includes branches a 3Dmodel of the intima not deformed by a catheter was alsogenerated using the CT image as per the single blood vesselFigure 15 shows the 3D model of the intima not deformed bya catheter which was generated using a CT image

To extract the cross sections of the 3D intima models thecenterline of each branch was calculated using a 3D Voronoidiagram Figure 16 shows the centerline of each branch andthe cross sections extracted using them

62 Generation of a 3DModel of the Intima andAdventitia NotDeformed by aCatheterThat Includes Branches and Extractionof Cross Sections To generate a blood vessel model thatincludes branches the IVUS images of all the blood vesselbranches should be taken to obtain data about the intimaand adventitia of each blood vessel branch In addition tocalculate the position and orientation of the IVUS imageof each branch when the IVUS image of each blood vesselbranch is taken the inserted catheter should be photographedfrom different directions Accordingly as the blood vesselreplica used in this study had two blood vessel branches 2

(a) (b)

Figure 15 (a) Bifurcated artificial blood vesselmodel (b)Generatedundeformed 3D intima model

Computational and Mathematical Methods in Medicine 9

(a) (b) (c)

Figure 16 (a) Undeformed intima model (b) Centerlines of each branch (c) Extracted cross sections using each centerline

Reconstructed catheter path



Biplane X-ray angiogram images

Figure 17 Reconstructed 3D catheter path of each branch

sets of biplane X-ray angiogram images were acquired byphotographing the catheter inserted into each blood vesselbranch twice from different directions which were used togenerate two 3D paths of the catheter as shown in Figure 17

In addition to acquire the detailed shape of the bloodvessel the two sets of IVUS images obtained by imaging eachblood vessel branch were used In the case that branches areincluded as in the case of the CT images the IVUS images

also show the sections where the blood vessel is bifurcatedas shown in Figure 18 When the cross sections in the IVUSimages were registered with the cross sections extracted fromthe CT images the cross sections of the relevant intimaand adventitia were all extracted from the IVUS imagesso that the branched sections can be accurately matchedFurthermore evenwhen the shapes of the blood vessel intimaand adventitia on the other side are not perfectly obtained

10 Computational and Mathematical Methods in Medicine

Figure 18 Segmented intima and adventitia contours from IVUS image at bifurcation

Reconstructedcatheter path IVUS image Deformed

adventitia modelDeformed

intima model



Figure 19 Reconstructed deformed 3D intima and adventitia models of each branch

the shapes of the intima and adventitia were extracted byoverlapping them as shown in Figure 18

A 3D model of the intima and adventitia not deformedby the catheter inserted was generated as shown in Figure 19by applying the result of the sequential triangulation method

using each 3D catheter path to each cross section of the intimaand adventitia extracted from the IVUS images

63 Computation of a 3D Model of the Intima and AdventitiaIncluding Branches with the Deformation Caused by the

Computational and Mathematical Methods in Medicine 11

Registered deformed intima contour

Undeformed intima contour

Figure 20 Comparison undeformed intima contourwith registereddeformed intima contour

Catheter Eliminated through Registration In the case of ablood vessel that includes bifurcation a 3D model of intimaand adventitia deformed by a catheter is generated in theform of a single blood vessel for each branch and thecross sections are also found to be similar to the case ofa single blood vessel Accordingly to carry out registra-tion using these cross sections the intima cross sectionsextracted from each branch in the undeformed intimamodelwhich had been generated through the CT images earlierwere used directly The cross sections of the undeformedintima and adventitia were calculated by registering the crosssections of the deformed intima and adventitia with thecross sections of the undeformed intima that included thesebranch points Figure 20 shows the result of registrationbetween the cross sections of the undeformed and deformedintima at a branch point It can be seen that even whenbranch points are included cross sections can be properlymatched using the proposed registration method in thisstudy

The rotation values of the registered cross sections werecorrected to enable the rotation variations of the cross sec-tions to be linear using the trend line equations of the rotationvalues of the cross sections when all the cross sectionsof the right and left blood vessel branches are registeredAfter transforming the cross sections of the intima andadventitia in a deformed state into the cross sections of theintima and adventitia in an undeformed state through such aregistration process all the cross sections were placed on thecenterline extracted from the 3D model in an undeformedstate as shown in Figure 21(a) A model of the intima andthe adventitia that included a branch point was generated asshown in Figure 21(b) using all the points corresponding tothe left and right blood vessel branches which were used togenerate a 3D blood vessel model that included intima andadventitia

7 Conclusion and Discussion

In this paper we have proposed a method for generating a3D model of intima and adventitia for accurate FSI analysis

that eliminates the deformation caused by insertion of acatheterThemethod of combining IVUS images and biplaneX-ray angiogram images is widely used for generation of 3Dblood vessel models and generates a 3D model of the intimaand adventitia that is deformed by the inserted catheter Toeliminate such deformation a 3Dmodel of the intimawithoutcatheter-induced deformation was additionally generatedfrom CT images and these two models were registered toeliminate the catheter-induced deformation

In the registration the 3D models were not directly reg-istered but the cross sections of each model were registeredThe cross sections of the deformed intima were registeredwith the cross sections of the undeformed intima and thecross sections of the undeformed adventitia were convertedby applying the registration result to the cross sections of thedeformed adventitia A 3D blood vessel model that includedthe undeformed intima and adventitia was finally generatedby placing the cross sections of the undeformed intima andadventitia calculated through such a process on the centerlineextracted from the undeformed intima model

The method of modeling a 3D blood vessel proposedin this study has various limitations To determine theposition and direction of the intima and adventitia crosssections extracted from IVUS images these cross sectionswere registered with the cross sections of the intima extractedfrom CT images The values of movement (119909 119910) rotation(120579) and scale (119904) calculated through the registration betweenthe two intima cross sections were equally applied to thecross sections of the adventitia extracted from IVUS imagesHowever such a method calculates an ideal result withoutconsidering the material properties of the blood vessel In thecase of an actual blood vessel the intima and the adventitiawill not equally deform because of the material propertiesof the blood vessel wall In addition for a patient withatherosclerosis the blood vessel wall will not be isotropicowing to the plague existing on the blood vessel wallAccordingly the intima and adventitia model calculatedusing the method proposed in this study contains sucherrors

Another limitation is that it is difficult to accuratelyevaluate the accuracy of the blood vessel model generatedthrough the proposed method This is because the onlymedical image through which the information about bloodvessel adventitia can be obtained is IVUS image

If OCT (Optical Coherence Tomography) that can pho-tograph lumenmore clearly than IVUS is used to further thisstudy more accurate information about blood vessel intimacan be obtained However as OCT uses light there are dif-ficulties in obtaining accurate information about adventitiaunlike IVUS that uses ultrasound Accordingly more precise3D blood vessel models are expected to be generated by usingOCT to obtain intima data and IVUS to obtain adventitiadata

Competing Interests

The authors declare that there is no conflict of interestsregarding the publication of this paper

12 Computational and Mathematical Methods in Medicine

(a) (b) (c)

Figure 21 (a) Intima and adventitia point sets placed on undeformed centerline (b) Computed undeformed intima and adventitia model(c) Three-dimensional blood vessel model including intima and adventitia


This research was supported by Basic Science ResearchProgram through the National Research Foundation ofKorea (NRF) funded by the Ministry of Science ICT andFuture Planning (NRF-2012R1A2A2A01047366 and NRF-2015R1D1A1A01060486)


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Computational and Mathematical Methods in Medicine 3

An artificial blood vessel model IVUS image

CT image

angiogram imagesBiplane X-ray

(a) (b)

Figure 3 (a) Blood vessel replica (b) CT IVUS and biplane X-ray angiogram images of the replica

The cross sections of the undeformed intima and adventitiaare calculated by applying the registration result to the crosssection of the deformed adventitia

A blood vessel replica was produced as shown inFigure 3(a) to facilitate acquisition of the medical imagesrequired for the method proposed in this paper A siliconetube was used as the replica blood vessel and gelatin was usedto fix it and to enable it to be deformed when a catheter wasinserted Figure 3(b) shows the CT IVUS and biplane X-rayimages taken using the blood vessel replica

3 Reconstruction of UndeformedIntima Model

ACT image can be obtained without inserting a catheter intothe blood vessel by administering a contrastmediumand thusshows the undeformed shape of the blood vessel Howeveras it only shows the contrast medium passing through theblood vessel no information about the adventitia of the bloodvessel can be acquired Accordingly we intended to utilizethe overall shape of the blood vessel without the catheter-induced deformation by using such characteristics of CTimages For this a 3D intimamodel with no catheter-induceddeformation was generated using the CT image of the bloodvessel replica

A CT image consists of voxel data produced by stackingtomograms of a human body To generate a 3D blood vesselmodel a process of extracting the polygon data correspond-ing to the blood vessel from the voxel data is required Togenerate the polygon data of the blood vessel from the voxeldata the isosurfaces that have the same intensity value asthat of the section corresponding to the blood vessel were

Figure 4 Generated 3D undeformed intima model of replica

extracted from each tomogram A polygon model of theblood vessel was generated by stacking these isosurfaces andapproximating the NURB surfaces Figure 4 shows the 3Dmodel of the undeformed intima generated using the CTimage of the blood vessel replica

4 Reconstruction of Deformed Intima andAdventitia Model

41 Extraction of the Blood Vessel Intima and Adventitia CrossSections in a Deformed State An IVUS image shows theinside of a blood vessel in greater detail than a CT image asit is obtained by imaging the inside of the blood vessel withan ultrasonic device inserted into the blood vessel Moreoverit provides information about the shape of the blood vesseladventitia Figure 5 shows the cross sections of blood vesselintima and adventitia extracted from an IVUS image

4 Computational and Mathematical Methods in Medicine




Figure 5 IVUS image of blood vessel

Figure 6 Segmented intima and adventitia contours from IVUSimage

As an IVUS image does not include color values but haspoints with gray scale values there are difficulties in automat-ically extracting the areas corresponding to the intima andthe adventitia of a blood vessel Accordingly in this studywe checked the IVUS image and manually segmented thesections corresponding to the intima and adventitia of theblood vessel respectively as shown in Figure 6

42 Restoration of 3D Catheter Path Though an IVUS imagecontains information about cross section of a blood vesselthe position and orientation at which the image was acquiredare unknown Accordingly to generate a 3D blood vesselmodel using the cross sections of the blood vessel intima andadventitia extracted earlier from an IVUS image the positionand orientation where the IVUS image has been actuallytaken should be conjectured using other medical imaging

techniques For this biplane X-ray angiogram images wereused in this study

When taking IVUS images the path along which theIVUS images are to be taken is secured by inserting acatheter in advance to place an IVUS ultrasonic device at theplace where the imaging is to be started When the IVUSultrasonic device arrives at the desired position it followsthe catheter and acquires images of the blood vessel crosssections with the path of the IVUS images matching the pathof the catheter To obtain the catheter path X-ray angiogramswere taken from different directions immediately before theIVUS ultrasonic device was pulled back to take images The3D catheter path was generated as shown in Figure 7 usingthe two 2D catheter paths extracted from the biplane X-rayangiogram images

43 Calculation of IVUS Image Position and OrientationWhen IVUS images are acquired the IVUS ultrasonic devicemoves out of the catheter at a constant speed using the IVUSpullback device Accordingly if the 3D catheter path restoredusing the biplane X-ray angiogram images is divided intoas many parts as the number of the IVUS images using thesame interval the positions where the IVUS images havebeen acquired can be easily calculated However as the IVUSultrasonic device rotates around the catheter when it travelsaround a bent blood vessel the IVUS image acquired at thistime is in a rotated state

Whale has proposed the sequential triangulation methodthat can determine the twist angles of IVUS images usingthe characteristics of such IVUS images With this methodthe orientations of IVUS images were calculated using onlythe geometric shape of the catheter restored in 3D A 3Dcatheter path was divided into small pieces assuming that itis comprised of innumerable joints and links The positionsand orientations of IVUS images were determined as shownin Figure 8 using the 3 consecutive points on the 3D pathdivided into smaller pieces The orientation of each IVUS

Computational and Mathematical Methods in Medicine 5

(a) (b)

Figure 7 (a) Biplane X-ray angiogram images of IVUS catheter (b) Restored IVUS catheter path in 3D space

Frame 0 Frame 1 Frame 2 Frame 3Frame 4










Figure 8 Sequential triangulation method [15]

image is determined by the plane made of the 3 consecutivepoints existing on the catheter P is the position of each pointand S which is the position of an IVUS image is the centerof the two points as shown in the following [12ndash17]

S119894 = (P119894 + P119894+1)2

S119894+1 = (P119894+1 + P119894+2)2 (1)

Also the tangent vector t at P is calculated as follows

t119894 = P119894+1 minus P119894t119894+1 = P119894+2 minus P119894+1


The normal vector n which is each of the 119910-axis direc-tions of the 2D IVUS images was calculated by calcu-

lating the outer products of the two neighboring tangentvectors t

n = t119894 times t119894+1 (3)

Through such a method the position and orientationwhere an IVUS image was taken were determined fromthe 3D path of the catheter Figure 9(a) shows the result ofapplying the position and orientation calculated using thesequential triangulation method to the cross sections of theblood vessel intima and adventitia extracted from a 2D IVUSimage and Figure 9(b) shows the polygon model generatedusing the points in 3D space As these models were generatedby combining the IVUS and biplane X-ray angiogram imagestaken in a state deformed by a catheter they are the bloodvessel intima and adventitia models deformed by insertion ofa catheter

5 Computation of Undeformed Intima andAdventitia Model by Registration

In this chapter we intend to compute a 3D intima andadventitia model without the catheter-induced deformationTo achieve this the 3D model of deformed intima andadventitia generated by combining the IVUS and biplane X-ray angiogram imageswas registeredwith the 3Dmodel of theundeformed intima generated using aCT image As these two3D models do not only exist on different coordinate systemsbut also have different scales there are difficulties in directlyregistering these 3D models Accordingly in this study we

6 Computational and Mathematical Methods in Medicine

Contoursof intima 3D catheter path

Deformed intima model

Deformed adventitia model

(a) (b)

Figure 9 (a) A series of deformed intima cross sections (b) A polygon model of deformed intima and adventitia model

propose a method of determining the corresponding relationbetween the two 3D blood vessel models to extract the crosssections at the corresponding positions and matching them

51 Calculation of Centerline and Extraction of Cross SectionTo define a plane required for extraction of 2D cross sectionsfrom the 3D blood vessel intimamodel in a tube form one 3Dpoint and normal vector are required For this the centerlinethat could well express the shape of the blood vessel shouldbe calculated

In the study carried out by Luca the centerline existingbetween twopointswithin amodel in a tube formwas definedto be the line farthermost from the boundary Accordinglythe centerline of an object Ω existing in a 3D space can beexpressed as the pathC = C(s) between two points P1 and P2which minimizes

Ecenterline (C) = intL=Cminus1(P1)

0=Cminus1(P0)F (C (s)) 119889119904 (4)

For this the Delaunay triangulation of the object Ω wascalculated throughwhich themaximum spheres inscribed inthe blood vessel model were calculated The centerline of the3D blood vessel model was extracted using the center pointsof these spheres

52 Correspondence Definition between 3D Blood Vessel Mod-els and Extraction of Cross Sections To register two bloodvessel models in different states correspondence between thetwomodels should be defined first For this the centerlines ofthe two intima models calculated earlier were used Becausethe CT IVUS and biplane X-ray angiogram images wereall obtained by imaging the same section of the bloodvessel replica the 3D blood vessel models generated earliermodel the same section of the blood vessel though they arein different states Accordingly the corresponding relation

between these two intima models was defined by dividingthe center curves of these two intima models into the samenumber of lines using the same interval and the crosssections of the 3D models were extracted at the definedpositions

53 Registering between Cross Sections in Different States Inthis study we intend to generate a 3D intima and adven-titia model from which the catheter-induced deformationis removed through registration Accordingly we attemptedto convert the cross sections of the deformed intima andadventitia extracted earlier into the cross sections of theundeformed intima and adventitia For this the cross sectionsof the deformed intima and adventitia were registered withthe cross sections of the undeformed intima

Registration is the calculation of the coordinate transfor-mation that can minimize the distance between two pointsets Accordingly registration in this study is to calculate thetranslation (119909 119910) rotation (120579) and scale (119904) that minimizesthe distance between the two point sets (X target point cloudY source point cloud) which compose the 2D blood vesselcross sections In this study the coordinate transformationmatrix T0 that minimizes the distance between the two pointsets X and Y was calculated using the optimization methodafter setting these 4 elements as the variables In additionto make a result linear to the rotation value of the previousframe when registering cross sections the value closest to therotation value 120579 of the previous frame was calculated

T0 = min (sum dist (XY1015840)) (5)

whereY1015840 = T (119909 119910 120579 119904)Y (6)

To achieve this the multiminimizer function of theGNU Scientific Library was used [18] Figure 10 shows theregistration result of the two intima cross sections

Computational and Mathematical Methods in Medicine 7

Deformed intima


Undeformed intima

Figure 10 Registration between undeformed and deformed intima contours using the proposed method

1 7 13 19 25 31 37 43 49 55 61 67 73 79 85 91 97 103



































Frame number

Rotation angle







60y = minus3E minus 09x5 + 2E minus 06x4 minus 00005x3 + 00344x2 + 07059x minus 10207

Figure 11 Trend line of rotation angle result

The 119909 119910 120579 and 119904 calculated through the registrationbetween intima cross sections are the values at which thedeformed intima cross section changes to the undeformedintima cross section Accordingly the calculated 119909 119910 120579 and 119904were equally applied to change the deformed adventitia crosssection to the undeformed adventitia cross section Figure 11shows the rotation values of all the cross sections registeredusing the optimization method To more linearly transformsuch rotation values the trend linewas calculated using all therotation values and the rotation value of each cross sectionwas corrected to the trend line value

54 Generation of an Undeformed Intima and AdventitiaModel The cross sections of the undeformed intima andadventitia were calculated through a process similar to thatabove To finally generate a model in an undeformed stateusing such cross sections the cross sections should be locatedat the proper positions and in proper orientation For thisthe centerline extracted from the 3D model of the intimanot deformed by a catheter which was generated from a CTimage was used A 3D blood vessel polygon model whichincluded the intima and adventitia as shown in Figure 12was generated by placing the calculated cross sections ofthe undeformed intima and adventitia on the undeformedcenterline

6 Bifurcated Blood Vessel Model

In fact human blood vessels are not comprised of singleblood vessels but a combination of blood vessels with many

Figure 12 Generated 3D blood vessel model including intima andadventitia

branches Accordingly to actually model the blood vessel ofa patient not a single blood vessel model but a 3D bloodvessel model that includes branches should be generatedAccordingly a 3D blood vessel model including branches notdeformed by a catheter was generated using the proposedblood vessel modeling method in this chapter For this ablood vessel replica including branches was produced asshown in Figure 13 Different from the case of a single bloodvessel this replicawas produced by creating a 3Dmodel usingthe CT images of an actual patient and producing a moldusing a 3D printer A blood vessel replica of the desired formwas produced by injecting silicon into this mold For thisreplica gelatin was again used to fix the blood vessel tube

The CT IVUS and biplane X-ray angiogram images weretaken using the produced blood vessel replica as per the caseof a single blood vessel As the replica includes branches theIVUS images and the X-ray angiogram images of each bloodvessel branch were taken Figure 14 shows themedical imagestaken using the blood vessel replica

61 Generation of a 3D Intima Model Including Branches NotDeformed by a Catheter and Extraction of Cross Sections In

8 Computational and Mathematical Methods in Medicine

Figure 13 Replica of blood vessel


X-ray angiogram

Figure 14 CT biplane X-ray angiogram and IVUS images of replica

the case of the blood vessel that includes branches a 3Dmodel of the intima not deformed by a catheter was alsogenerated using the CT image as per the single blood vesselFigure 15 shows the 3D model of the intima not deformed bya catheter which was generated using a CT image

To extract the cross sections of the 3D intima models thecenterline of each branch was calculated using a 3D Voronoidiagram Figure 16 shows the centerline of each branch andthe cross sections extracted using them

62 Generation of a 3DModel of the Intima andAdventitia NotDeformed by aCatheterThat Includes Branches and Extractionof Cross Sections To generate a blood vessel model thatincludes branches the IVUS images of all the blood vesselbranches should be taken to obtain data about the intimaand adventitia of each blood vessel branch In addition tocalculate the position and orientation of the IVUS imageof each branch when the IVUS image of each blood vesselbranch is taken the inserted catheter should be photographedfrom different directions Accordingly as the blood vesselreplica used in this study had two blood vessel branches 2

(a) (b)

Figure 15 (a) Bifurcated artificial blood vesselmodel (b)Generatedundeformed 3D intima model

Computational and Mathematical Methods in Medicine 9

(a) (b) (c)

Figure 16 (a) Undeformed intima model (b) Centerlines of each branch (c) Extracted cross sections using each centerline

Reconstructed catheter path



Biplane X-ray angiogram images

Figure 17 Reconstructed 3D catheter path of each branch

sets of biplane X-ray angiogram images were acquired byphotographing the catheter inserted into each blood vesselbranch twice from different directions which were used togenerate two 3D paths of the catheter as shown in Figure 17

In addition to acquire the detailed shape of the bloodvessel the two sets of IVUS images obtained by imaging eachblood vessel branch were used In the case that branches areincluded as in the case of the CT images the IVUS images

also show the sections where the blood vessel is bifurcatedas shown in Figure 18 When the cross sections in the IVUSimages were registered with the cross sections extracted fromthe CT images the cross sections of the relevant intimaand adventitia were all extracted from the IVUS imagesso that the branched sections can be accurately matchedFurthermore evenwhen the shapes of the blood vessel intimaand adventitia on the other side are not perfectly obtained

10 Computational and Mathematical Methods in Medicine

Figure 18 Segmented intima and adventitia contours from IVUS image at bifurcation

Reconstructedcatheter path IVUS image Deformed

adventitia modelDeformed

intima model



Figure 19 Reconstructed deformed 3D intima and adventitia models of each branch

the shapes of the intima and adventitia were extracted byoverlapping them as shown in Figure 18

A 3D model of the intima and adventitia not deformedby the catheter inserted was generated as shown in Figure 19by applying the result of the sequential triangulation method

using each 3D catheter path to each cross section of the intimaand adventitia extracted from the IVUS images

63 Computation of a 3D Model of the Intima and AdventitiaIncluding Branches with the Deformation Caused by the

Computational and Mathematical Methods in Medicine 11

Registered deformed intima contour

Undeformed intima contour

Figure 20 Comparison undeformed intima contourwith registereddeformed intima contour

Catheter Eliminated through Registration In the case of ablood vessel that includes bifurcation a 3D model of intimaand adventitia deformed by a catheter is generated in theform of a single blood vessel for each branch and thecross sections are also found to be similar to the case ofa single blood vessel Accordingly to carry out registra-tion using these cross sections the intima cross sectionsextracted from each branch in the undeformed intimamodelwhich had been generated through the CT images earlierwere used directly The cross sections of the undeformedintima and adventitia were calculated by registering the crosssections of the deformed intima and adventitia with thecross sections of the undeformed intima that included thesebranch points Figure 20 shows the result of registrationbetween the cross sections of the undeformed and deformedintima at a branch point It can be seen that even whenbranch points are included cross sections can be properlymatched using the proposed registration method in thisstudy

The rotation values of the registered cross sections werecorrected to enable the rotation variations of the cross sec-tions to be linear using the trend line equations of the rotationvalues of the cross sections when all the cross sectionsof the right and left blood vessel branches are registeredAfter transforming the cross sections of the intima andadventitia in a deformed state into the cross sections of theintima and adventitia in an undeformed state through such aregistration process all the cross sections were placed on thecenterline extracted from the 3D model in an undeformedstate as shown in Figure 21(a) A model of the intima andthe adventitia that included a branch point was generated asshown in Figure 21(b) using all the points corresponding tothe left and right blood vessel branches which were used togenerate a 3D blood vessel model that included intima andadventitia

7 Conclusion and Discussion

In this paper we have proposed a method for generating a3D model of intima and adventitia for accurate FSI analysis

that eliminates the deformation caused by insertion of acatheterThemethod of combining IVUS images and biplaneX-ray angiogram images is widely used for generation of 3Dblood vessel models and generates a 3D model of the intimaand adventitia that is deformed by the inserted catheter Toeliminate such deformation a 3Dmodel of the intimawithoutcatheter-induced deformation was additionally generatedfrom CT images and these two models were registered toeliminate the catheter-induced deformation

In the registration the 3D models were not directly reg-istered but the cross sections of each model were registeredThe cross sections of the deformed intima were registeredwith the cross sections of the undeformed intima and thecross sections of the undeformed adventitia were convertedby applying the registration result to the cross sections of thedeformed adventitia A 3D blood vessel model that includedthe undeformed intima and adventitia was finally generatedby placing the cross sections of the undeformed intima andadventitia calculated through such a process on the centerlineextracted from the undeformed intima model

The method of modeling a 3D blood vessel proposedin this study has various limitations To determine theposition and direction of the intima and adventitia crosssections extracted from IVUS images these cross sectionswere registered with the cross sections of the intima extractedfrom CT images The values of movement (119909 119910) rotation(120579) and scale (119904) calculated through the registration betweenthe two intima cross sections were equally applied to thecross sections of the adventitia extracted from IVUS imagesHowever such a method calculates an ideal result withoutconsidering the material properties of the blood vessel In thecase of an actual blood vessel the intima and the adventitiawill not equally deform because of the material propertiesof the blood vessel wall In addition for a patient withatherosclerosis the blood vessel wall will not be isotropicowing to the plague existing on the blood vessel wallAccordingly the intima and adventitia model calculatedusing the method proposed in this study contains sucherrors

Another limitation is that it is difficult to accuratelyevaluate the accuracy of the blood vessel model generatedthrough the proposed method This is because the onlymedical image through which the information about bloodvessel adventitia can be obtained is IVUS image

If OCT (Optical Coherence Tomography) that can pho-tograph lumenmore clearly than IVUS is used to further thisstudy more accurate information about blood vessel intimacan be obtained However as OCT uses light there are dif-ficulties in obtaining accurate information about adventitiaunlike IVUS that uses ultrasound Accordingly more precise3D blood vessel models are expected to be generated by usingOCT to obtain intima data and IVUS to obtain adventitiadata

Competing Interests

The authors declare that there is no conflict of interestsregarding the publication of this paper

12 Computational and Mathematical Methods in Medicine

(a) (b) (c)

Figure 21 (a) Intima and adventitia point sets placed on undeformed centerline (b) Computed undeformed intima and adventitia model(c) Three-dimensional blood vessel model including intima and adventitia


This research was supported by Basic Science ResearchProgram through the National Research Foundation ofKorea (NRF) funded by the Ministry of Science ICT andFuture Planning (NRF-2012R1A2A2A01047366 and NRF-2015R1D1A1A01060486)


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[10] L Antiga Patient-SpecificModeling of Geometry and Blood Flowin Large Arteries Politecnico di Milano Milan Italy 2002

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4 Computational and Mathematical Methods in Medicine




Figure 5 IVUS image of blood vessel

Figure 6 Segmented intima and adventitia contours from IVUSimage

As an IVUS image does not include color values but haspoints with gray scale values there are difficulties in automat-ically extracting the areas corresponding to the intima andthe adventitia of a blood vessel Accordingly in this studywe checked the IVUS image and manually segmented thesections corresponding to the intima and adventitia of theblood vessel respectively as shown in Figure 6

42 Restoration of 3D Catheter Path Though an IVUS imagecontains information about cross section of a blood vesselthe position and orientation at which the image was acquiredare unknown Accordingly to generate a 3D blood vesselmodel using the cross sections of the blood vessel intima andadventitia extracted earlier from an IVUS image the positionand orientation where the IVUS image has been actuallytaken should be conjectured using other medical imaging

techniques For this biplane X-ray angiogram images wereused in this study

When taking IVUS images the path along which theIVUS images are to be taken is secured by inserting acatheter in advance to place an IVUS ultrasonic device at theplace where the imaging is to be started When the IVUSultrasonic device arrives at the desired position it followsthe catheter and acquires images of the blood vessel crosssections with the path of the IVUS images matching the pathof the catheter To obtain the catheter path X-ray angiogramswere taken from different directions immediately before theIVUS ultrasonic device was pulled back to take images The3D catheter path was generated as shown in Figure 7 usingthe two 2D catheter paths extracted from the biplane X-rayangiogram images

43 Calculation of IVUS Image Position and OrientationWhen IVUS images are acquired the IVUS ultrasonic devicemoves out of the catheter at a constant speed using the IVUSpullback device Accordingly if the 3D catheter path restoredusing the biplane X-ray angiogram images is divided intoas many parts as the number of the IVUS images using thesame interval the positions where the IVUS images havebeen acquired can be easily calculated However as the IVUSultrasonic device rotates around the catheter when it travelsaround a bent blood vessel the IVUS image acquired at thistime is in a rotated state

Whale has proposed the sequential triangulation methodthat can determine the twist angles of IVUS images usingthe characteristics of such IVUS images With this methodthe orientations of IVUS images were calculated using onlythe geometric shape of the catheter restored in 3D A 3Dcatheter path was divided into small pieces assuming that itis comprised of innumerable joints and links The positionsand orientations of IVUS images were determined as shownin Figure 8 using the 3 consecutive points on the 3D pathdivided into smaller pieces The orientation of each IVUS

Computational and Mathematical Methods in Medicine 5

(a) (b)

Figure 7 (a) Biplane X-ray angiogram images of IVUS catheter (b) Restored IVUS catheter path in 3D space

Frame 0 Frame 1 Frame 2 Frame 3Frame 4










Figure 8 Sequential triangulation method [15]

image is determined by the plane made of the 3 consecutivepoints existing on the catheter P is the position of each pointand S which is the position of an IVUS image is the centerof the two points as shown in the following [12ndash17]

S119894 = (P119894 + P119894+1)2

S119894+1 = (P119894+1 + P119894+2)2 (1)

Also the tangent vector t at P is calculated as follows

t119894 = P119894+1 minus P119894t119894+1 = P119894+2 minus P119894+1


The normal vector n which is each of the 119910-axis direc-tions of the 2D IVUS images was calculated by calcu-

lating the outer products of the two neighboring tangentvectors t

n = t119894 times t119894+1 (3)

Through such a method the position and orientationwhere an IVUS image was taken were determined fromthe 3D path of the catheter Figure 9(a) shows the result ofapplying the position and orientation calculated using thesequential triangulation method to the cross sections of theblood vessel intima and adventitia extracted from a 2D IVUSimage and Figure 9(b) shows the polygon model generatedusing the points in 3D space As these models were generatedby combining the IVUS and biplane X-ray angiogram imagestaken in a state deformed by a catheter they are the bloodvessel intima and adventitia models deformed by insertion ofa catheter

5 Computation of Undeformed Intima andAdventitia Model by Registration

In this chapter we intend to compute a 3D intima andadventitia model without the catheter-induced deformationTo achieve this the 3D model of deformed intima andadventitia generated by combining the IVUS and biplane X-ray angiogram imageswas registeredwith the 3Dmodel of theundeformed intima generated using aCT image As these two3D models do not only exist on different coordinate systemsbut also have different scales there are difficulties in directlyregistering these 3D models Accordingly in this study we

6 Computational and Mathematical Methods in Medicine

Contoursof intima 3D catheter path

Deformed intima model

Deformed adventitia model

(a) (b)

Figure 9 (a) A series of deformed intima cross sections (b) A polygon model of deformed intima and adventitia model

propose a method of determining the corresponding relationbetween the two 3D blood vessel models to extract the crosssections at the corresponding positions and matching them

51 Calculation of Centerline and Extraction of Cross SectionTo define a plane required for extraction of 2D cross sectionsfrom the 3D blood vessel intimamodel in a tube form one 3Dpoint and normal vector are required For this the centerlinethat could well express the shape of the blood vessel shouldbe calculated

In the study carried out by Luca the centerline existingbetween twopointswithin amodel in a tube formwas definedto be the line farthermost from the boundary Accordinglythe centerline of an object Ω existing in a 3D space can beexpressed as the pathC = C(s) between two points P1 and P2which minimizes

Ecenterline (C) = intL=Cminus1(P1)

0=Cminus1(P0)F (C (s)) 119889119904 (4)

For this the Delaunay triangulation of the object Ω wascalculated throughwhich themaximum spheres inscribed inthe blood vessel model were calculated The centerline of the3D blood vessel model was extracted using the center pointsof these spheres

52 Correspondence Definition between 3D Blood Vessel Mod-els and Extraction of Cross Sections To register two bloodvessel models in different states correspondence between thetwomodels should be defined first For this the centerlines ofthe two intima models calculated earlier were used Becausethe CT IVUS and biplane X-ray angiogram images wereall obtained by imaging the same section of the bloodvessel replica the 3D blood vessel models generated earliermodel the same section of the blood vessel though they arein different states Accordingly the corresponding relation

between these two intima models was defined by dividingthe center curves of these two intima models into the samenumber of lines using the same interval and the crosssections of the 3D models were extracted at the definedpositions

53 Registering between Cross Sections in Different States Inthis study we intend to generate a 3D intima and adven-titia model from which the catheter-induced deformationis removed through registration Accordingly we attemptedto convert the cross sections of the deformed intima andadventitia extracted earlier into the cross sections of theundeformed intima and adventitia For this the cross sectionsof the deformed intima and adventitia were registered withthe cross sections of the undeformed intima

Registration is the calculation of the coordinate transfor-mation that can minimize the distance between two pointsets Accordingly registration in this study is to calculate thetranslation (119909 119910) rotation (120579) and scale (119904) that minimizesthe distance between the two point sets (X target point cloudY source point cloud) which compose the 2D blood vesselcross sections In this study the coordinate transformationmatrix T0 that minimizes the distance between the two pointsets X and Y was calculated using the optimization methodafter setting these 4 elements as the variables In additionto make a result linear to the rotation value of the previousframe when registering cross sections the value closest to therotation value 120579 of the previous frame was calculated

T0 = min (sum dist (XY1015840)) (5)

whereY1015840 = T (119909 119910 120579 119904)Y (6)

To achieve this the multiminimizer function of theGNU Scientific Library was used [18] Figure 10 shows theregistration result of the two intima cross sections

Computational and Mathematical Methods in Medicine 7

Deformed intima


Undeformed intima

Figure 10 Registration between undeformed and deformed intima contours using the proposed method

1 7 13 19 25 31 37 43 49 55 61 67 73 79 85 91 97 103



































Frame number

Rotation angle







60y = minus3E minus 09x5 + 2E minus 06x4 minus 00005x3 + 00344x2 + 07059x minus 10207

Figure 11 Trend line of rotation angle result

The 119909 119910 120579 and 119904 calculated through the registrationbetween intima cross sections are the values at which thedeformed intima cross section changes to the undeformedintima cross section Accordingly the calculated 119909 119910 120579 and 119904were equally applied to change the deformed adventitia crosssection to the undeformed adventitia cross section Figure 11shows the rotation values of all the cross sections registeredusing the optimization method To more linearly transformsuch rotation values the trend linewas calculated using all therotation values and the rotation value of each cross sectionwas corrected to the trend line value

54 Generation of an Undeformed Intima and AdventitiaModel The cross sections of the undeformed intima andadventitia were calculated through a process similar to thatabove To finally generate a model in an undeformed stateusing such cross sections the cross sections should be locatedat the proper positions and in proper orientation For thisthe centerline extracted from the 3D model of the intimanot deformed by a catheter which was generated from a CTimage was used A 3D blood vessel polygon model whichincluded the intima and adventitia as shown in Figure 12was generated by placing the calculated cross sections ofthe undeformed intima and adventitia on the undeformedcenterline

6 Bifurcated Blood Vessel Model

In fact human blood vessels are not comprised of singleblood vessels but a combination of blood vessels with many

Figure 12 Generated 3D blood vessel model including intima andadventitia

branches Accordingly to actually model the blood vessel ofa patient not a single blood vessel model but a 3D bloodvessel model that includes branches should be generatedAccordingly a 3D blood vessel model including branches notdeformed by a catheter was generated using the proposedblood vessel modeling method in this chapter For this ablood vessel replica including branches was produced asshown in Figure 13 Different from the case of a single bloodvessel this replicawas produced by creating a 3Dmodel usingthe CT images of an actual patient and producing a moldusing a 3D printer A blood vessel replica of the desired formwas produced by injecting silicon into this mold For thisreplica gelatin was again used to fix the blood vessel tube

The CT IVUS and biplane X-ray angiogram images weretaken using the produced blood vessel replica as per the caseof a single blood vessel As the replica includes branches theIVUS images and the X-ray angiogram images of each bloodvessel branch were taken Figure 14 shows themedical imagestaken using the blood vessel replica

61 Generation of a 3D Intima Model Including Branches NotDeformed by a Catheter and Extraction of Cross Sections In

8 Computational and Mathematical Methods in Medicine

Figure 13 Replica of blood vessel


X-ray angiogram

Figure 14 CT biplane X-ray angiogram and IVUS images of replica

the case of the blood vessel that includes branches a 3Dmodel of the intima not deformed by a catheter was alsogenerated using the CT image as per the single blood vesselFigure 15 shows the 3D model of the intima not deformed bya catheter which was generated using a CT image

To extract the cross sections of the 3D intima models thecenterline of each branch was calculated using a 3D Voronoidiagram Figure 16 shows the centerline of each branch andthe cross sections extracted using them

62 Generation of a 3DModel of the Intima andAdventitia NotDeformed by aCatheterThat Includes Branches and Extractionof Cross Sections To generate a blood vessel model thatincludes branches the IVUS images of all the blood vesselbranches should be taken to obtain data about the intimaand adventitia of each blood vessel branch In addition tocalculate the position and orientation of the IVUS imageof each branch when the IVUS image of each blood vesselbranch is taken the inserted catheter should be photographedfrom different directions Accordingly as the blood vesselreplica used in this study had two blood vessel branches 2

(a) (b)

Figure 15 (a) Bifurcated artificial blood vesselmodel (b)Generatedundeformed 3D intima model

Computational and Mathematical Methods in Medicine 9

(a) (b) (c)

Figure 16 (a) Undeformed intima model (b) Centerlines of each branch (c) Extracted cross sections using each centerline

Reconstructed catheter path



Biplane X-ray angiogram images

Figure 17 Reconstructed 3D catheter path of each branch

sets of biplane X-ray angiogram images were acquired byphotographing the catheter inserted into each blood vesselbranch twice from different directions which were used togenerate two 3D paths of the catheter as shown in Figure 17

In addition to acquire the detailed shape of the bloodvessel the two sets of IVUS images obtained by imaging eachblood vessel branch were used In the case that branches areincluded as in the case of the CT images the IVUS images

also show the sections where the blood vessel is bifurcatedas shown in Figure 18 When the cross sections in the IVUSimages were registered with the cross sections extracted fromthe CT images the cross sections of the relevant intimaand adventitia were all extracted from the IVUS imagesso that the branched sections can be accurately matchedFurthermore evenwhen the shapes of the blood vessel intimaand adventitia on the other side are not perfectly obtained

10 Computational and Mathematical Methods in Medicine

Figure 18 Segmented intima and adventitia contours from IVUS image at bifurcation

Reconstructedcatheter path IVUS image Deformed

adventitia modelDeformed

intima model



Figure 19 Reconstructed deformed 3D intima and adventitia models of each branch

the shapes of the intima and adventitia were extracted byoverlapping them as shown in Figure 18

A 3D model of the intima and adventitia not deformedby the catheter inserted was generated as shown in Figure 19by applying the result of the sequential triangulation method

using each 3D catheter path to each cross section of the intimaand adventitia extracted from the IVUS images

63 Computation of a 3D Model of the Intima and AdventitiaIncluding Branches with the Deformation Caused by the

Computational and Mathematical Methods in Medicine 11

Registered deformed intima contour

Undeformed intima contour

Figure 20 Comparison undeformed intima contourwith registereddeformed intima contour

Catheter Eliminated through Registration In the case of ablood vessel that includes bifurcation a 3D model of intimaand adventitia deformed by a catheter is generated in theform of a single blood vessel for each branch and thecross sections are also found to be similar to the case ofa single blood vessel Accordingly to carry out registra-tion using these cross sections the intima cross sectionsextracted from each branch in the undeformed intimamodelwhich had been generated through the CT images earlierwere used directly The cross sections of the undeformedintima and adventitia were calculated by registering the crosssections of the deformed intima and adventitia with thecross sections of the undeformed intima that included thesebranch points Figure 20 shows the result of registrationbetween the cross sections of the undeformed and deformedintima at a branch point It can be seen that even whenbranch points are included cross sections can be properlymatched using the proposed registration method in thisstudy

The rotation values of the registered cross sections werecorrected to enable the rotation variations of the cross sec-tions to be linear using the trend line equations of the rotationvalues of the cross sections when all the cross sectionsof the right and left blood vessel branches are registeredAfter transforming the cross sections of the intima andadventitia in a deformed state into the cross sections of theintima and adventitia in an undeformed state through such aregistration process all the cross sections were placed on thecenterline extracted from the 3D model in an undeformedstate as shown in Figure 21(a) A model of the intima andthe adventitia that included a branch point was generated asshown in Figure 21(b) using all the points corresponding tothe left and right blood vessel branches which were used togenerate a 3D blood vessel model that included intima andadventitia

7 Conclusion and Discussion

In this paper we have proposed a method for generating a3D model of intima and adventitia for accurate FSI analysis

that eliminates the deformation caused by insertion of acatheterThemethod of combining IVUS images and biplaneX-ray angiogram images is widely used for generation of 3Dblood vessel models and generates a 3D model of the intimaand adventitia that is deformed by the inserted catheter Toeliminate such deformation a 3Dmodel of the intimawithoutcatheter-induced deformation was additionally generatedfrom CT images and these two models were registered toeliminate the catheter-induced deformation

In the registration the 3D models were not directly reg-istered but the cross sections of each model were registeredThe cross sections of the deformed intima were registeredwith the cross sections of the undeformed intima and thecross sections of the undeformed adventitia were convertedby applying the registration result to the cross sections of thedeformed adventitia A 3D blood vessel model that includedthe undeformed intima and adventitia was finally generatedby placing the cross sections of the undeformed intima andadventitia calculated through such a process on the centerlineextracted from the undeformed intima model

The method of modeling a 3D blood vessel proposedin this study has various limitations To determine theposition and direction of the intima and adventitia crosssections extracted from IVUS images these cross sectionswere registered with the cross sections of the intima extractedfrom CT images The values of movement (119909 119910) rotation(120579) and scale (119904) calculated through the registration betweenthe two intima cross sections were equally applied to thecross sections of the adventitia extracted from IVUS imagesHowever such a method calculates an ideal result withoutconsidering the material properties of the blood vessel In thecase of an actual blood vessel the intima and the adventitiawill not equally deform because of the material propertiesof the blood vessel wall In addition for a patient withatherosclerosis the blood vessel wall will not be isotropicowing to the plague existing on the blood vessel wallAccordingly the intima and adventitia model calculatedusing the method proposed in this study contains sucherrors

Another limitation is that it is difficult to accuratelyevaluate the accuracy of the blood vessel model generatedthrough the proposed method This is because the onlymedical image through which the information about bloodvessel adventitia can be obtained is IVUS image

If OCT (Optical Coherence Tomography) that can pho-tograph lumenmore clearly than IVUS is used to further thisstudy more accurate information about blood vessel intimacan be obtained However as OCT uses light there are dif-ficulties in obtaining accurate information about adventitiaunlike IVUS that uses ultrasound Accordingly more precise3D blood vessel models are expected to be generated by usingOCT to obtain intima data and IVUS to obtain adventitiadata

Competing Interests

The authors declare that there is no conflict of interestsregarding the publication of this paper

12 Computational and Mathematical Methods in Medicine

(a) (b) (c)

Figure 21 (a) Intima and adventitia point sets placed on undeformed centerline (b) Computed undeformed intima and adventitia model(c) Three-dimensional blood vessel model including intima and adventitia


This research was supported by Basic Science ResearchProgram through the National Research Foundation ofKorea (NRF) funded by the Ministry of Science ICT andFuture Planning (NRF-2012R1A2A2A01047366 and NRF-2015R1D1A1A01060486)


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[7] Y Qian J L Liu K Itatani K Miyaji and M Umezu ldquoCom-putational hemodynamic analysis in congenital heart diseasesimulation of the Norwood procedurerdquo Annals of BiomedicalEngineering vol 38 no 7 pp 2302ndash2313 2010

[8] K M Tse P Chiu H P Lee and P Ho ldquoInvestigation of hemo-dynamics in the development of dissecting aneurysm withinpatient-specific dissecting aneurismal aortas using computa-tional fluid dynamics (CFD) simulationsrdquo Journal of Biome-chanics vol 44 no 5 pp 827ndash836 2011

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[10] L Antiga Patient-SpecificModeling of Geometry and Blood Flowin Large Arteries Politecnico di Milano Milan Italy 2002

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[16] A Wahle ldquoGeometrically correct 3-D reconstruction of intra-vascular ultrasound images by fusionwith biplane angiography-methods and validationrdquo IEEE Transactions on Medical Imag-ing vol 18 no 8 pp 686ndash699 1999

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Computational and Mathematical Methods in Medicine 5

(a) (b)

Figure 7 (a) Biplane X-ray angiogram images of IVUS catheter (b) Restored IVUS catheter path in 3D space

Frame 0 Frame 1 Frame 2 Frame 3Frame 4










Figure 8 Sequential triangulation method [15]

image is determined by the plane made of the 3 consecutivepoints existing on the catheter P is the position of each pointand S which is the position of an IVUS image is the centerof the two points as shown in the following [12ndash17]

S119894 = (P119894 + P119894+1)2

S119894+1 = (P119894+1 + P119894+2)2 (1)

Also the tangent vector t at P is calculated as follows

t119894 = P119894+1 minus P119894t119894+1 = P119894+2 minus P119894+1


The normal vector n which is each of the 119910-axis direc-tions of the 2D IVUS images was calculated by calcu-

lating the outer products of the two neighboring tangentvectors t

n = t119894 times t119894+1 (3)

Through such a method the position and orientationwhere an IVUS image was taken were determined fromthe 3D path of the catheter Figure 9(a) shows the result ofapplying the position and orientation calculated using thesequential triangulation method to the cross sections of theblood vessel intima and adventitia extracted from a 2D IVUSimage and Figure 9(b) shows the polygon model generatedusing the points in 3D space As these models were generatedby combining the IVUS and biplane X-ray angiogram imagestaken in a state deformed by a catheter they are the bloodvessel intima and adventitia models deformed by insertion ofa catheter

5 Computation of Undeformed Intima andAdventitia Model by Registration

In this chapter we intend to compute a 3D intima andadventitia model without the catheter-induced deformationTo achieve this the 3D model of deformed intima andadventitia generated by combining the IVUS and biplane X-ray angiogram imageswas registeredwith the 3Dmodel of theundeformed intima generated using aCT image As these two3D models do not only exist on different coordinate systemsbut also have different scales there are difficulties in directlyregistering these 3D models Accordingly in this study we

6 Computational and Mathematical Methods in Medicine

Contoursof intima 3D catheter path

Deformed intima model

Deformed adventitia model

(a) (b)

Figure 9 (a) A series of deformed intima cross sections (b) A polygon model of deformed intima and adventitia model

propose a method of determining the corresponding relationbetween the two 3D blood vessel models to extract the crosssections at the corresponding positions and matching them

51 Calculation of Centerline and Extraction of Cross SectionTo define a plane required for extraction of 2D cross sectionsfrom the 3D blood vessel intimamodel in a tube form one 3Dpoint and normal vector are required For this the centerlinethat could well express the shape of the blood vessel shouldbe calculated

In the study carried out by Luca the centerline existingbetween twopointswithin amodel in a tube formwas definedto be the line farthermost from the boundary Accordinglythe centerline of an object Ω existing in a 3D space can beexpressed as the pathC = C(s) between two points P1 and P2which minimizes

Ecenterline (C) = intL=Cminus1(P1)

0=Cminus1(P0)F (C (s)) 119889119904 (4)

For this the Delaunay triangulation of the object Ω wascalculated throughwhich themaximum spheres inscribed inthe blood vessel model were calculated The centerline of the3D blood vessel model was extracted using the center pointsof these spheres

52 Correspondence Definition between 3D Blood Vessel Mod-els and Extraction of Cross Sections To register two bloodvessel models in different states correspondence between thetwomodels should be defined first For this the centerlines ofthe two intima models calculated earlier were used Becausethe CT IVUS and biplane X-ray angiogram images wereall obtained by imaging the same section of the bloodvessel replica the 3D blood vessel models generated earliermodel the same section of the blood vessel though they arein different states Accordingly the corresponding relation

between these two intima models was defined by dividingthe center curves of these two intima models into the samenumber of lines using the same interval and the crosssections of the 3D models were extracted at the definedpositions

53 Registering between Cross Sections in Different States Inthis study we intend to generate a 3D intima and adven-titia model from which the catheter-induced deformationis removed through registration Accordingly we attemptedto convert the cross sections of the deformed intima andadventitia extracted earlier into the cross sections of theundeformed intima and adventitia For this the cross sectionsof the deformed intima and adventitia were registered withthe cross sections of the undeformed intima

Registration is the calculation of the coordinate transfor-mation that can minimize the distance between two pointsets Accordingly registration in this study is to calculate thetranslation (119909 119910) rotation (120579) and scale (119904) that minimizesthe distance between the two point sets (X target point cloudY source point cloud) which compose the 2D blood vesselcross sections In this study the coordinate transformationmatrix T0 that minimizes the distance between the two pointsets X and Y was calculated using the optimization methodafter setting these 4 elements as the variables In additionto make a result linear to the rotation value of the previousframe when registering cross sections the value closest to therotation value 120579 of the previous frame was calculated

T0 = min (sum dist (XY1015840)) (5)

whereY1015840 = T (119909 119910 120579 119904)Y (6)

To achieve this the multiminimizer function of theGNU Scientific Library was used [18] Figure 10 shows theregistration result of the two intima cross sections

Computational and Mathematical Methods in Medicine 7

Deformed intima


Undeformed intima

Figure 10 Registration between undeformed and deformed intima contours using the proposed method

1 7 13 19 25 31 37 43 49 55 61 67 73 79 85 91 97 103



































Frame number

Rotation angle







60y = minus3E minus 09x5 + 2E minus 06x4 minus 00005x3 + 00344x2 + 07059x minus 10207

Figure 11 Trend line of rotation angle result

The 119909 119910 120579 and 119904 calculated through the registrationbetween intima cross sections are the values at which thedeformed intima cross section changes to the undeformedintima cross section Accordingly the calculated 119909 119910 120579 and 119904were equally applied to change the deformed adventitia crosssection to the undeformed adventitia cross section Figure 11shows the rotation values of all the cross sections registeredusing the optimization method To more linearly transformsuch rotation values the trend linewas calculated using all therotation values and the rotation value of each cross sectionwas corrected to the trend line value

54 Generation of an Undeformed Intima and AdventitiaModel The cross sections of the undeformed intima andadventitia were calculated through a process similar to thatabove To finally generate a model in an undeformed stateusing such cross sections the cross sections should be locatedat the proper positions and in proper orientation For thisthe centerline extracted from the 3D model of the intimanot deformed by a catheter which was generated from a CTimage was used A 3D blood vessel polygon model whichincluded the intima and adventitia as shown in Figure 12was generated by placing the calculated cross sections ofthe undeformed intima and adventitia on the undeformedcenterline

6 Bifurcated Blood Vessel Model

In fact human blood vessels are not comprised of singleblood vessels but a combination of blood vessels with many

Figure 12 Generated 3D blood vessel model including intima andadventitia

branches Accordingly to actually model the blood vessel ofa patient not a single blood vessel model but a 3D bloodvessel model that includes branches should be generatedAccordingly a 3D blood vessel model including branches notdeformed by a catheter was generated using the proposedblood vessel modeling method in this chapter For this ablood vessel replica including branches was produced asshown in Figure 13 Different from the case of a single bloodvessel this replicawas produced by creating a 3Dmodel usingthe CT images of an actual patient and producing a moldusing a 3D printer A blood vessel replica of the desired formwas produced by injecting silicon into this mold For thisreplica gelatin was again used to fix the blood vessel tube

The CT IVUS and biplane X-ray angiogram images weretaken using the produced blood vessel replica as per the caseof a single blood vessel As the replica includes branches theIVUS images and the X-ray angiogram images of each bloodvessel branch were taken Figure 14 shows themedical imagestaken using the blood vessel replica

61 Generation of a 3D Intima Model Including Branches NotDeformed by a Catheter and Extraction of Cross Sections In

8 Computational and Mathematical Methods in Medicine

Figure 13 Replica of blood vessel


X-ray angiogram

Figure 14 CT biplane X-ray angiogram and IVUS images of replica

the case of the blood vessel that includes branches a 3Dmodel of the intima not deformed by a catheter was alsogenerated using the CT image as per the single blood vesselFigure 15 shows the 3D model of the intima not deformed bya catheter which was generated using a CT image

To extract the cross sections of the 3D intima models thecenterline of each branch was calculated using a 3D Voronoidiagram Figure 16 shows the centerline of each branch andthe cross sections extracted using them

62 Generation of a 3DModel of the Intima andAdventitia NotDeformed by aCatheterThat Includes Branches and Extractionof Cross Sections To generate a blood vessel model thatincludes branches the IVUS images of all the blood vesselbranches should be taken to obtain data about the intimaand adventitia of each blood vessel branch In addition tocalculate the position and orientation of the IVUS imageof each branch when the IVUS image of each blood vesselbranch is taken the inserted catheter should be photographedfrom different directions Accordingly as the blood vesselreplica used in this study had two blood vessel branches 2

(a) (b)

Figure 15 (a) Bifurcated artificial blood vesselmodel (b)Generatedundeformed 3D intima model

Computational and Mathematical Methods in Medicine 9

(a) (b) (c)

Figure 16 (a) Undeformed intima model (b) Centerlines of each branch (c) Extracted cross sections using each centerline

Reconstructed catheter path



Biplane X-ray angiogram images

Figure 17 Reconstructed 3D catheter path of each branch

sets of biplane X-ray angiogram images were acquired byphotographing the catheter inserted into each blood vesselbranch twice from different directions which were used togenerate two 3D paths of the catheter as shown in Figure 17

In addition to acquire the detailed shape of the bloodvessel the two sets of IVUS images obtained by imaging eachblood vessel branch were used In the case that branches areincluded as in the case of the CT images the IVUS images

also show the sections where the blood vessel is bifurcatedas shown in Figure 18 When the cross sections in the IVUSimages were registered with the cross sections extracted fromthe CT images the cross sections of the relevant intimaand adventitia were all extracted from the IVUS imagesso that the branched sections can be accurately matchedFurthermore evenwhen the shapes of the blood vessel intimaand adventitia on the other side are not perfectly obtained

10 Computational and Mathematical Methods in Medicine

Figure 18 Segmented intima and adventitia contours from IVUS image at bifurcation

Reconstructedcatheter path IVUS image Deformed

adventitia modelDeformed

intima model



Figure 19 Reconstructed deformed 3D intima and adventitia models of each branch

the shapes of the intima and adventitia were extracted byoverlapping them as shown in Figure 18

A 3D model of the intima and adventitia not deformedby the catheter inserted was generated as shown in Figure 19by applying the result of the sequential triangulation method

using each 3D catheter path to each cross section of the intimaand adventitia extracted from the IVUS images

63 Computation of a 3D Model of the Intima and AdventitiaIncluding Branches with the Deformation Caused by the

Computational and Mathematical Methods in Medicine 11

Registered deformed intima contour

Undeformed intima contour

Figure 20 Comparison undeformed intima contourwith registereddeformed intima contour

Catheter Eliminated through Registration In the case of ablood vessel that includes bifurcation a 3D model of intimaand adventitia deformed by a catheter is generated in theform of a single blood vessel for each branch and thecross sections are also found to be similar to the case ofa single blood vessel Accordingly to carry out registra-tion using these cross sections the intima cross sectionsextracted from each branch in the undeformed intimamodelwhich had been generated through the CT images earlierwere used directly The cross sections of the undeformedintima and adventitia were calculated by registering the crosssections of the deformed intima and adventitia with thecross sections of the undeformed intima that included thesebranch points Figure 20 shows the result of registrationbetween the cross sections of the undeformed and deformedintima at a branch point It can be seen that even whenbranch points are included cross sections can be properlymatched using the proposed registration method in thisstudy

The rotation values of the registered cross sections werecorrected to enable the rotation variations of the cross sec-tions to be linear using the trend line equations of the rotationvalues of the cross sections when all the cross sectionsof the right and left blood vessel branches are registeredAfter transforming the cross sections of the intima andadventitia in a deformed state into the cross sections of theintima and adventitia in an undeformed state through such aregistration process all the cross sections were placed on thecenterline extracted from the 3D model in an undeformedstate as shown in Figure 21(a) A model of the intima andthe adventitia that included a branch point was generated asshown in Figure 21(b) using all the points corresponding tothe left and right blood vessel branches which were used togenerate a 3D blood vessel model that included intima andadventitia

7 Conclusion and Discussion

In this paper we have proposed a method for generating a3D model of intima and adventitia for accurate FSI analysis

that eliminates the deformation caused by insertion of acatheterThemethod of combining IVUS images and biplaneX-ray angiogram images is widely used for generation of 3Dblood vessel models and generates a 3D model of the intimaand adventitia that is deformed by the inserted catheter Toeliminate such deformation a 3Dmodel of the intimawithoutcatheter-induced deformation was additionally generatedfrom CT images and these two models were registered toeliminate the catheter-induced deformation

In the registration the 3D models were not directly reg-istered but the cross sections of each model were registeredThe cross sections of the deformed intima were registeredwith the cross sections of the undeformed intima and thecross sections of the undeformed adventitia were convertedby applying the registration result to the cross sections of thedeformed adventitia A 3D blood vessel model that includedthe undeformed intima and adventitia was finally generatedby placing the cross sections of the undeformed intima andadventitia calculated through such a process on the centerlineextracted from the undeformed intima model

The method of modeling a 3D blood vessel proposedin this study has various limitations To determine theposition and direction of the intima and adventitia crosssections extracted from IVUS images these cross sectionswere registered with the cross sections of the intima extractedfrom CT images The values of movement (119909 119910) rotation(120579) and scale (119904) calculated through the registration betweenthe two intima cross sections were equally applied to thecross sections of the adventitia extracted from IVUS imagesHowever such a method calculates an ideal result withoutconsidering the material properties of the blood vessel In thecase of an actual blood vessel the intima and the adventitiawill not equally deform because of the material propertiesof the blood vessel wall In addition for a patient withatherosclerosis the blood vessel wall will not be isotropicowing to the plague existing on the blood vessel wallAccordingly the intima and adventitia model calculatedusing the method proposed in this study contains sucherrors

Another limitation is that it is difficult to accuratelyevaluate the accuracy of the blood vessel model generatedthrough the proposed method This is because the onlymedical image through which the information about bloodvessel adventitia can be obtained is IVUS image

If OCT (Optical Coherence Tomography) that can pho-tograph lumenmore clearly than IVUS is used to further thisstudy more accurate information about blood vessel intimacan be obtained However as OCT uses light there are dif-ficulties in obtaining accurate information about adventitiaunlike IVUS that uses ultrasound Accordingly more precise3D blood vessel models are expected to be generated by usingOCT to obtain intima data and IVUS to obtain adventitiadata

Competing Interests

The authors declare that there is no conflict of interestsregarding the publication of this paper

12 Computational and Mathematical Methods in Medicine

(a) (b) (c)

Figure 21 (a) Intima and adventitia point sets placed on undeformed centerline (b) Computed undeformed intima and adventitia model(c) Three-dimensional blood vessel model including intima and adventitia


This research was supported by Basic Science ResearchProgram through the National Research Foundation ofKorea (NRF) funded by the Ministry of Science ICT andFuture Planning (NRF-2012R1A2A2A01047366 and NRF-2015R1D1A1A01060486)


[1] K Dumont J Vierendeels R Kaminsky G Van Nooten PVerdonck and D Bluestein ldquoComparison of the hemodynamicand thrombogenic performance of two bileaflet mechanicalheart valves using a CFDFSI modelrdquo Journal of BiomechanicalEngineering vol 129 no 4 pp 558ndash565 2007

[2] P Reymond P Crosetto S Deparis A Quarteroni and NStergiopulos ldquoPhysiological simulation of blood flow in theaorta comparison of hemodynamic indices as predicted by 3-D FSI 3-D rigid wall and 1-D modelsrdquoMedical Engineering andPhysics vol 35 no 6 pp 784ndash791 2013

[3] X Huang C Yang J Zheng et al ldquoHigher critical plaque wallstress in patients who died of coronary artery disease comparedwith those who died of other causes a 3D FSI study based on exvivo MRI of coronary plaquesrdquo Journal of Biomechanics vol 47no 2 pp 432ndash437 2014

[4] H A PakravanM S Saidi and B Firoozabadi ldquoFSI simulationof a healthy coronary bifurcation for studying the mechanicalstimuli of endothelial cells under different physiological condi-tionsrdquo Journal of Mechanics in Medicine and Biology vol 15 no5 Article ID 1550089 28 pages 2015

[5] A Valenciaa F Munoza S Arayaa R Riverab and E BravobldquoComparison between computational fluid dynamics fluidndashstructure interaction and computational structural dynamicspredictions of flow-induced wall mechanics in an anatomically

realistic cerebral aneurysm modelrdquo International Journal ofComputational Fluid Dynamics vol 23 no 9 pp 649ndash6662009

[6] J Knight S Baumuller V Kurtcuoglu et al ldquoLong-term follow-up computed tomography and computational fluid dynamicsof theCabrol procedurerdquo Journal ofThoracic andCardiovascularSurgery vol 139 no 6 pp 1602ndash1608 2010

[7] Y Qian J L Liu K Itatani K Miyaji and M Umezu ldquoCom-putational hemodynamic analysis in congenital heart diseasesimulation of the Norwood procedurerdquo Annals of BiomedicalEngineering vol 38 no 7 pp 2302ndash2313 2010

[8] K M Tse P Chiu H P Lee and P Ho ldquoInvestigation of hemo-dynamics in the development of dissecting aneurysm withinpatient-specific dissecting aneurismal aortas using computa-tional fluid dynamics (CFD) simulationsrdquo Journal of Biome-chanics vol 44 no 5 pp 827ndash836 2011

[9] W Lee H S Ryou S Kim J W Nam W S Lee and S WCho ldquoStudy of hemodynamic parameters to predict coronaryartery disease using assumed healthy arterial modelsrdquo Journalof Mechanical Science and Technology vol 29 no 3 pp 1319ndash1325 2015

[10] L Antiga Patient-SpecificModeling of Geometry and Blood Flowin Large Arteries Politecnico di Milano Milan Italy 2002

[11] L Antiga B Ene-Iordache and A Remuzzi ldquoComputationalgeometry for patient-specific reconstruction and meshing ofblood vessels fromMRandCT angiographyrdquo IEEE Transactionson Medical Imaging vol 22 no 5 pp 674ndash684 2003

[12] A Wahle H Oswald and E Fleck ldquoNew 3-D attributeddata model for archiving and interchanging of coronary vesselsystemsrdquo in Computers in Cardiology 1993

[13] A Wahle E Wellnhofer I Mugaragu H U Sauer H Oswaldand E Fleck ldquoQuantitative volume analysis of coronary vesselsystems by 3-D reconstruction from biplane angiogramsrdquo in

Computational and Mathematical Methods in Medicine 13

Proceedings of the IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium amp MedicalImaging Conference pp 1217ndash1221 November 1994

[14] A Wahle E Wellnhofer I Mugaragu H U Sauer H Oswaldand E Fleck ldquoAssessment of diffuse coronary artery disease byquantitative analysis of coronary morphology based upon 3-dreconstruction from biplane angiogramsrdquo IEEE Transactions onMedical Imaging vol 14 no 2 pp 230ndash241 1995

[15] A Wahle G P M Prause S C DeJong and M Sonka ldquo3-D fusion of biplane angiography and intravascular ultrasoundfor accurate visualization and volumetryrdquo in Medical ImageComputing and Computer-Assisted InterventionmdashMICCAI rsquo98First International Conference Cambridge MA USA October11ndash13 1998 Proceedings vol 1496 of Lecture Notes in ComputerScience pp 146ndash155 Springer Berlin Germany 1998

[16] A Wahle ldquoGeometrically correct 3-D reconstruction of intra-vascular ultrasound images by fusionwith biplane angiography-methods and validationrdquo IEEE Transactions on Medical Imag-ing vol 18 no 8 pp 686ndash699 1999

[17] A Wahle S C Mitchell M E Olszewski R M Long and MSonka ldquoAccurate visualization and quantification of coronaryvasculature by 3-D4-D fusion from biplane angiography andintravascular ultrasoundrdquo in Proceedings of the Biomonitoringand Endoscopy Technologies Proceedings of SPIE pp 144ndash155Amsterdam Netherlands July 2001

[18] B Gough GNU Scientific Library Reference Manual NetworkTheory Ltd Godalming UK 2009

[19] P Schoenhagen S E Nissen and E Murat IVUS Made EasyInforma Health Care 2005

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Parkinsonrsquos Disease

Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine

Volume 2014Hindawi Publishing Corporationhttpwwwhindawicom

6 Computational and Mathematical Methods in Medicine

Contoursof intima 3D catheter path

Deformed intima model

Deformed adventitia model

(a) (b)

Figure 9 (a) A series of deformed intima cross sections (b) A polygon model of deformed intima and adventitia model

propose a method of determining the corresponding relationbetween the two 3D blood vessel models to extract the crosssections at the corresponding positions and matching them

51 Calculation of Centerline and Extraction of Cross SectionTo define a plane required for extraction of 2D cross sectionsfrom the 3D blood vessel intimamodel in a tube form one 3Dpoint and normal vector are required For this the centerlinethat could well express the shape of the blood vessel shouldbe calculated

In the study carried out by Luca the centerline existingbetween twopointswithin amodel in a tube formwas definedto be the line farthermost from the boundary Accordinglythe centerline of an object Ω existing in a 3D space can beexpressed as the pathC = C(s) between two points P1 and P2which minimizes

Ecenterline (C) = intL=Cminus1(P1)

0=Cminus1(P0)F (C (s)) 119889119904 (4)

For this the Delaunay triangulation of the object Ω wascalculated throughwhich themaximum spheres inscribed inthe blood vessel model were calculated The centerline of the3D blood vessel model was extracted using the center pointsof these spheres

52 Correspondence Definition between 3D Blood Vessel Mod-els and Extraction of Cross Sections To register two bloodvessel models in different states correspondence between thetwomodels should be defined first For this the centerlines ofthe two intima models calculated earlier were used Becausethe CT IVUS and biplane X-ray angiogram images wereall obtained by imaging the same section of the bloodvessel replica the 3D blood vessel models generated earliermodel the same section of the blood vessel though they arein different states Accordingly the corresponding relation

between these two intima models was defined by dividingthe center curves of these two intima models into the samenumber of lines using the same interval and the crosssections of the 3D models were extracted at the definedpositions

53 Registering between Cross Sections in Different States Inthis study we intend to generate a 3D intima and adven-titia model from which the catheter-induced deformationis removed through registration Accordingly we attemptedto convert the cross sections of the deformed intima andadventitia extracted earlier into the cross sections of theundeformed intima and adventitia For this the cross sectionsof the deformed intima and adventitia were registered withthe cross sections of the undeformed intima

Registration is the calculation of the coordinate transfor-mation that can minimize the distance between two pointsets Accordingly registration in this study is to calculate thetranslation (119909 119910) rotation (120579) and scale (119904) that minimizesthe distance between the two point sets (X target point cloudY source point cloud) which compose the 2D blood vesselcross sections In this study the coordinate transformationmatrix T0 that minimizes the distance between the two pointsets X and Y was calculated using the optimization methodafter setting these 4 elements as the variables In additionto make a result linear to the rotation value of the previousframe when registering cross sections the value closest to therotation value 120579 of the previous frame was calculated

T0 = min (sum dist (XY1015840)) (5)

whereY1015840 = T (119909 119910 120579 119904)Y (6)

To achieve this the multiminimizer function of theGNU Scientific Library was used [18] Figure 10 shows theregistration result of the two intima cross sections

Computational and Mathematical Methods in Medicine 7

Deformed intima


Undeformed intima

Figure 10 Registration between undeformed and deformed intima contours using the proposed method

1 7 13 19 25 31 37 43 49 55 61 67 73 79 85 91 97 103



































Frame number

Rotation angle







60y = minus3E minus 09x5 + 2E minus 06x4 minus 00005x3 + 00344x2 + 07059x minus 10207

Figure 11 Trend line of rotation angle result

The 119909 119910 120579 and 119904 calculated through the registrationbetween intima cross sections are the values at which thedeformed intima cross section changes to the undeformedintima cross section Accordingly the calculated 119909 119910 120579 and 119904were equally applied to change the deformed adventitia crosssection to the undeformed adventitia cross section Figure 11shows the rotation values of all the cross sections registeredusing the optimization method To more linearly transformsuch rotation values the trend linewas calculated using all therotation values and the rotation value of each cross sectionwas corrected to the trend line value

54 Generation of an Undeformed Intima and AdventitiaModel The cross sections of the undeformed intima andadventitia were calculated through a process similar to thatabove To finally generate a model in an undeformed stateusing such cross sections the cross sections should be locatedat the proper positions and in proper orientation For thisthe centerline extracted from the 3D model of the intimanot deformed by a catheter which was generated from a CTimage was used A 3D blood vessel polygon model whichincluded the intima and adventitia as shown in Figure 12was generated by placing the calculated cross sections ofthe undeformed intima and adventitia on the undeformedcenterline

6 Bifurcated Blood Vessel Model

In fact human blood vessels are not comprised of singleblood vessels but a combination of blood vessels with many

Figure 12 Generated 3D blood vessel model including intima andadventitia

branches Accordingly to actually model the blood vessel ofa patient not a single blood vessel model but a 3D bloodvessel model that includes branches should be generatedAccordingly a 3D blood vessel model including branches notdeformed by a catheter was generated using the proposedblood vessel modeling method in this chapter For this ablood vessel replica including branches was produced asshown in Figure 13 Different from the case of a single bloodvessel this replicawas produced by creating a 3Dmodel usingthe CT images of an actual patient and producing a moldusing a 3D printer A blood vessel replica of the desired formwas produced by injecting silicon into this mold For thisreplica gelatin was again used to fix the blood vessel tube

The CT IVUS and biplane X-ray angiogram images weretaken using the produced blood vessel replica as per the caseof a single blood vessel As the replica includes branches theIVUS images and the X-ray angiogram images of each bloodvessel branch were taken Figure 14 shows themedical imagestaken using the blood vessel replica

61 Generation of a 3D Intima Model Including Branches NotDeformed by a Catheter and Extraction of Cross Sections In

8 Computational and Mathematical Methods in Medicine

Figure 13 Replica of blood vessel


X-ray angiogram

Figure 14 CT biplane X-ray angiogram and IVUS images of replica

the case of the blood vessel that includes branches a 3Dmodel of the intima not deformed by a catheter was alsogenerated using the CT image as per the single blood vesselFigure 15 shows the 3D model of the intima not deformed bya catheter which was generated using a CT image

To extract the cross sections of the 3D intima models thecenterline of each branch was calculated using a 3D Voronoidiagram Figure 16 shows the centerline of each branch andthe cross sections extracted using them

62 Generation of a 3DModel of the Intima andAdventitia NotDeformed by aCatheterThat Includes Branches and Extractionof Cross Sections To generate a blood vessel model thatincludes branches the IVUS images of all the blood vesselbranches should be taken to obtain data about the intimaand adventitia of each blood vessel branch In addition tocalculate the position and orientation of the IVUS imageof each branch when the IVUS image of each blood vesselbranch is taken the inserted catheter should be photographedfrom different directions Accordingly as the blood vesselreplica used in this study had two blood vessel branches 2

(a) (b)

Figure 15 (a) Bifurcated artificial blood vesselmodel (b)Generatedundeformed 3D intima model

Computational and Mathematical Methods in Medicine 9

(a) (b) (c)

Figure 16 (a) Undeformed intima model (b) Centerlines of each branch (c) Extracted cross sections using each centerline

Reconstructed catheter path



Biplane X-ray angiogram images

Figure 17 Reconstructed 3D catheter path of each branch

sets of biplane X-ray angiogram images were acquired byphotographing the catheter inserted into each blood vesselbranch twice from different directions which were used togenerate two 3D paths of the catheter as shown in Figure 17

In addition to acquire the detailed shape of the bloodvessel the two sets of IVUS images obtained by imaging eachblood vessel branch were used In the case that branches areincluded as in the case of the CT images the IVUS images

also show the sections where the blood vessel is bifurcatedas shown in Figure 18 When the cross sections in the IVUSimages were registered with the cross sections extracted fromthe CT images the cross sections of the relevant intimaand adventitia were all extracted from the IVUS imagesso that the branched sections can be accurately matchedFurthermore evenwhen the shapes of the blood vessel intimaand adventitia on the other side are not perfectly obtained

10 Computational and Mathematical Methods in Medicine

Figure 18 Segmented intima and adventitia contours from IVUS image at bifurcation

Reconstructedcatheter path IVUS image Deformed

adventitia modelDeformed

intima model



Figure 19 Reconstructed deformed 3D intima and adventitia models of each branch

the shapes of the intima and adventitia were extracted byoverlapping them as shown in Figure 18

A 3D model of the intima and adventitia not deformedby the catheter inserted was generated as shown in Figure 19by applying the result of the sequential triangulation method

using each 3D catheter path to each cross section of the intimaand adventitia extracted from the IVUS images

63 Computation of a 3D Model of the Intima and AdventitiaIncluding Branches with the Deformation Caused by the

Computational and Mathematical Methods in Medicine 11

Registered deformed intima contour

Undeformed intima contour

Figure 20 Comparison undeformed intima contourwith registereddeformed intima contour

Catheter Eliminated through Registration In the case of ablood vessel that includes bifurcation a 3D model of intimaand adventitia deformed by a catheter is generated in theform of a single blood vessel for each branch and thecross sections are also found to be similar to the case ofa single blood vessel Accordingly to carry out registra-tion using these cross sections the intima cross sectionsextracted from each branch in the undeformed intimamodelwhich had been generated through the CT images earlierwere used directly The cross sections of the undeformedintima and adventitia were calculated by registering the crosssections of the deformed intima and adventitia with thecross sections of the undeformed intima that included thesebranch points Figure 20 shows the result of registrationbetween the cross sections of the undeformed and deformedintima at a branch point It can be seen that even whenbranch points are included cross sections can be properlymatched using the proposed registration method in thisstudy

The rotation values of the registered cross sections werecorrected to enable the rotation variations of the cross sec-tions to be linear using the trend line equations of the rotationvalues of the cross sections when all the cross sectionsof the right and left blood vessel branches are registeredAfter transforming the cross sections of the intima andadventitia in a deformed state into the cross sections of theintima and adventitia in an undeformed state through such aregistration process all the cross sections were placed on thecenterline extracted from the 3D model in an undeformedstate as shown in Figure 21(a) A model of the intima andthe adventitia that included a branch point was generated asshown in Figure 21(b) using all the points corresponding tothe left and right blood vessel branches which were used togenerate a 3D blood vessel model that included intima andadventitia

7 Conclusion and Discussion

In this paper we have proposed a method for generating a3D model of intima and adventitia for accurate FSI analysis

that eliminates the deformation caused by insertion of acatheterThemethod of combining IVUS images and biplaneX-ray angiogram images is widely used for generation of 3Dblood vessel models and generates a 3D model of the intimaand adventitia that is deformed by the inserted catheter Toeliminate such deformation a 3Dmodel of the intimawithoutcatheter-induced deformation was additionally generatedfrom CT images and these two models were registered toeliminate the catheter-induced deformation

In the registration the 3D models were not directly reg-istered but the cross sections of each model were registeredThe cross sections of the deformed intima were registeredwith the cross sections of the undeformed intima and thecross sections of the undeformed adventitia were convertedby applying the registration result to the cross sections of thedeformed adventitia A 3D blood vessel model that includedthe undeformed intima and adventitia was finally generatedby placing the cross sections of the undeformed intima andadventitia calculated through such a process on the centerlineextracted from the undeformed intima model

The method of modeling a 3D blood vessel proposedin this study has various limitations To determine theposition and direction of the intima and adventitia crosssections extracted from IVUS images these cross sectionswere registered with the cross sections of the intima extractedfrom CT images The values of movement (119909 119910) rotation(120579) and scale (119904) calculated through the registration betweenthe two intima cross sections were equally applied to thecross sections of the adventitia extracted from IVUS imagesHowever such a method calculates an ideal result withoutconsidering the material properties of the blood vessel In thecase of an actual blood vessel the intima and the adventitiawill not equally deform because of the material propertiesof the blood vessel wall In addition for a patient withatherosclerosis the blood vessel wall will not be isotropicowing to the plague existing on the blood vessel wallAccordingly the intima and adventitia model calculatedusing the method proposed in this study contains sucherrors

Another limitation is that it is difficult to accuratelyevaluate the accuracy of the blood vessel model generatedthrough the proposed method This is because the onlymedical image through which the information about bloodvessel adventitia can be obtained is IVUS image

If OCT (Optical Coherence Tomography) that can pho-tograph lumenmore clearly than IVUS is used to further thisstudy more accurate information about blood vessel intimacan be obtained However as OCT uses light there are dif-ficulties in obtaining accurate information about adventitiaunlike IVUS that uses ultrasound Accordingly more precise3D blood vessel models are expected to be generated by usingOCT to obtain intima data and IVUS to obtain adventitiadata

Competing Interests

The authors declare that there is no conflict of interestsregarding the publication of this paper

12 Computational and Mathematical Methods in Medicine

(a) (b) (c)

Figure 21 (a) Intima and adventitia point sets placed on undeformed centerline (b) Computed undeformed intima and adventitia model(c) Three-dimensional blood vessel model including intima and adventitia


This research was supported by Basic Science ResearchProgram through the National Research Foundation ofKorea (NRF) funded by the Ministry of Science ICT andFuture Planning (NRF-2012R1A2A2A01047366 and NRF-2015R1D1A1A01060486)


[1] K Dumont J Vierendeels R Kaminsky G Van Nooten PVerdonck and D Bluestein ldquoComparison of the hemodynamicand thrombogenic performance of two bileaflet mechanicalheart valves using a CFDFSI modelrdquo Journal of BiomechanicalEngineering vol 129 no 4 pp 558ndash565 2007

[2] P Reymond P Crosetto S Deparis A Quarteroni and NStergiopulos ldquoPhysiological simulation of blood flow in theaorta comparison of hemodynamic indices as predicted by 3-D FSI 3-D rigid wall and 1-D modelsrdquoMedical Engineering andPhysics vol 35 no 6 pp 784ndash791 2013

[3] X Huang C Yang J Zheng et al ldquoHigher critical plaque wallstress in patients who died of coronary artery disease comparedwith those who died of other causes a 3D FSI study based on exvivo MRI of coronary plaquesrdquo Journal of Biomechanics vol 47no 2 pp 432ndash437 2014

[4] H A PakravanM S Saidi and B Firoozabadi ldquoFSI simulationof a healthy coronary bifurcation for studying the mechanicalstimuli of endothelial cells under different physiological condi-tionsrdquo Journal of Mechanics in Medicine and Biology vol 15 no5 Article ID 1550089 28 pages 2015

[5] A Valenciaa F Munoza S Arayaa R Riverab and E BravobldquoComparison between computational fluid dynamics fluidndashstructure interaction and computational structural dynamicspredictions of flow-induced wall mechanics in an anatomically

realistic cerebral aneurysm modelrdquo International Journal ofComputational Fluid Dynamics vol 23 no 9 pp 649ndash6662009

[6] J Knight S Baumuller V Kurtcuoglu et al ldquoLong-term follow-up computed tomography and computational fluid dynamicsof theCabrol procedurerdquo Journal ofThoracic andCardiovascularSurgery vol 139 no 6 pp 1602ndash1608 2010

[7] Y Qian J L Liu K Itatani K Miyaji and M Umezu ldquoCom-putational hemodynamic analysis in congenital heart diseasesimulation of the Norwood procedurerdquo Annals of BiomedicalEngineering vol 38 no 7 pp 2302ndash2313 2010

[8] K M Tse P Chiu H P Lee and P Ho ldquoInvestigation of hemo-dynamics in the development of dissecting aneurysm withinpatient-specific dissecting aneurismal aortas using computa-tional fluid dynamics (CFD) simulationsrdquo Journal of Biome-chanics vol 44 no 5 pp 827ndash836 2011

[9] W Lee H S Ryou S Kim J W Nam W S Lee and S WCho ldquoStudy of hemodynamic parameters to predict coronaryartery disease using assumed healthy arterial modelsrdquo Journalof Mechanical Science and Technology vol 29 no 3 pp 1319ndash1325 2015

[10] L Antiga Patient-SpecificModeling of Geometry and Blood Flowin Large Arteries Politecnico di Milano Milan Italy 2002

[11] L Antiga B Ene-Iordache and A Remuzzi ldquoComputationalgeometry for patient-specific reconstruction and meshing ofblood vessels fromMRandCT angiographyrdquo IEEE Transactionson Medical Imaging vol 22 no 5 pp 674ndash684 2003

[12] A Wahle H Oswald and E Fleck ldquoNew 3-D attributeddata model for archiving and interchanging of coronary vesselsystemsrdquo in Computers in Cardiology 1993

[13] A Wahle E Wellnhofer I Mugaragu H U Sauer H Oswaldand E Fleck ldquoQuantitative volume analysis of coronary vesselsystems by 3-D reconstruction from biplane angiogramsrdquo in

Computational and Mathematical Methods in Medicine 13

Proceedings of the IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium amp MedicalImaging Conference pp 1217ndash1221 November 1994

[14] A Wahle E Wellnhofer I Mugaragu H U Sauer H Oswaldand E Fleck ldquoAssessment of diffuse coronary artery disease byquantitative analysis of coronary morphology based upon 3-dreconstruction from biplane angiogramsrdquo IEEE Transactions onMedical Imaging vol 14 no 2 pp 230ndash241 1995

[15] A Wahle G P M Prause S C DeJong and M Sonka ldquo3-D fusion of biplane angiography and intravascular ultrasoundfor accurate visualization and volumetryrdquo in Medical ImageComputing and Computer-Assisted InterventionmdashMICCAI rsquo98First International Conference Cambridge MA USA October11ndash13 1998 Proceedings vol 1496 of Lecture Notes in ComputerScience pp 146ndash155 Springer Berlin Germany 1998

[16] A Wahle ldquoGeometrically correct 3-D reconstruction of intra-vascular ultrasound images by fusionwith biplane angiography-methods and validationrdquo IEEE Transactions on Medical Imag-ing vol 18 no 8 pp 686ndash699 1999

[17] A Wahle S C Mitchell M E Olszewski R M Long and MSonka ldquoAccurate visualization and quantification of coronaryvasculature by 3-D4-D fusion from biplane angiography andintravascular ultrasoundrdquo in Proceedings of the Biomonitoringand Endoscopy Technologies Proceedings of SPIE pp 144ndash155Amsterdam Netherlands July 2001

[18] B Gough GNU Scientific Library Reference Manual NetworkTheory Ltd Godalming UK 2009

[19] P Schoenhagen S E Nissen and E Murat IVUS Made EasyInforma Health Care 2005

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Gastroenterology Research and Practice

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Parkinsonrsquos Disease

Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine

Volume 2014Hindawi Publishing Corporationhttpwwwhindawicom

Computational and Mathematical Methods in Medicine 7

Deformed intima


Undeformed intima

Figure 10 Registration between undeformed and deformed intima contours using the proposed method

1 7 13 19 25 31 37 43 49 55 61 67 73 79 85 91 97 103



































Frame number

Rotation angle







60y = minus3E minus 09x5 + 2E minus 06x4 minus 00005x3 + 00344x2 + 07059x minus 10207

Figure 11 Trend line of rotation angle result

The 119909 119910 120579 and 119904 calculated through the registrationbetween intima cross sections are the values at which thedeformed intima cross section changes to the undeformedintima cross section Accordingly the calculated 119909 119910 120579 and 119904were equally applied to change the deformed adventitia crosssection to the undeformed adventitia cross section Figure 11shows the rotation values of all the cross sections registeredusing the optimization method To more linearly transformsuch rotation values the trend linewas calculated using all therotation values and the rotation value of each cross sectionwas corrected to the trend line value

54 Generation of an Undeformed Intima and AdventitiaModel The cross sections of the undeformed intima andadventitia were calculated through a process similar to thatabove To finally generate a model in an undeformed stateusing such cross sections the cross sections should be locatedat the proper positions and in proper orientation For thisthe centerline extracted from the 3D model of the intimanot deformed by a catheter which was generated from a CTimage was used A 3D blood vessel polygon model whichincluded the intima and adventitia as shown in Figure 12was generated by placing the calculated cross sections ofthe undeformed intima and adventitia on the undeformedcenterline

6 Bifurcated Blood Vessel Model

In fact human blood vessels are not comprised of singleblood vessels but a combination of blood vessels with many

Figure 12 Generated 3D blood vessel model including intima andadventitia

branches Accordingly to actually model the blood vessel ofa patient not a single blood vessel model but a 3D bloodvessel model that includes branches should be generatedAccordingly a 3D blood vessel model including branches notdeformed by a catheter was generated using the proposedblood vessel modeling method in this chapter For this ablood vessel replica including branches was produced asshown in Figure 13 Different from the case of a single bloodvessel this replicawas produced by creating a 3Dmodel usingthe CT images of an actual patient and producing a moldusing a 3D printer A blood vessel replica of the desired formwas produced by injecting silicon into this mold For thisreplica gelatin was again used to fix the blood vessel tube

The CT IVUS and biplane X-ray angiogram images weretaken using the produced blood vessel replica as per the caseof a single blood vessel As the replica includes branches theIVUS images and the X-ray angiogram images of each bloodvessel branch were taken Figure 14 shows themedical imagestaken using the blood vessel replica

61 Generation of a 3D Intima Model Including Branches NotDeformed by a Catheter and Extraction of Cross Sections In

8 Computational and Mathematical Methods in Medicine

Figure 13 Replica of blood vessel


X-ray angiogram

Figure 14 CT biplane X-ray angiogram and IVUS images of replica

the case of the blood vessel that includes branches a 3Dmodel of the intima not deformed by a catheter was alsogenerated using the CT image as per the single blood vesselFigure 15 shows the 3D model of the intima not deformed bya catheter which was generated using a CT image

To extract the cross sections of the 3D intima models thecenterline of each branch was calculated using a 3D Voronoidiagram Figure 16 shows the centerline of each branch andthe cross sections extracted using them

62 Generation of a 3DModel of the Intima andAdventitia NotDeformed by aCatheterThat Includes Branches and Extractionof Cross Sections To generate a blood vessel model thatincludes branches the IVUS images of all the blood vesselbranches should be taken to obtain data about the intimaand adventitia of each blood vessel branch In addition tocalculate the position and orientation of the IVUS imageof each branch when the IVUS image of each blood vesselbranch is taken the inserted catheter should be photographedfrom different directions Accordingly as the blood vesselreplica used in this study had two blood vessel branches 2

(a) (b)

Figure 15 (a) Bifurcated artificial blood vesselmodel (b)Generatedundeformed 3D intima model

Computational and Mathematical Methods in Medicine 9

(a) (b) (c)

Figure 16 (a) Undeformed intima model (b) Centerlines of each branch (c) Extracted cross sections using each centerline

Reconstructed catheter path



Biplane X-ray angiogram images

Figure 17 Reconstructed 3D catheter path of each branch

sets of biplane X-ray angiogram images were acquired byphotographing the catheter inserted into each blood vesselbranch twice from different directions which were used togenerate two 3D paths of the catheter as shown in Figure 17

In addition to acquire the detailed shape of the bloodvessel the two sets of IVUS images obtained by imaging eachblood vessel branch were used In the case that branches areincluded as in the case of the CT images the IVUS images

also show the sections where the blood vessel is bifurcatedas shown in Figure 18 When the cross sections in the IVUSimages were registered with the cross sections extracted fromthe CT images the cross sections of the relevant intimaand adventitia were all extracted from the IVUS imagesso that the branched sections can be accurately matchedFurthermore evenwhen the shapes of the blood vessel intimaand adventitia on the other side are not perfectly obtained

10 Computational and Mathematical Methods in Medicine

Figure 18 Segmented intima and adventitia contours from IVUS image at bifurcation

Reconstructedcatheter path IVUS image Deformed

adventitia modelDeformed

intima model



Figure 19 Reconstructed deformed 3D intima and adventitia models of each branch

the shapes of the intima and adventitia were extracted byoverlapping them as shown in Figure 18

A 3D model of the intima and adventitia not deformedby the catheter inserted was generated as shown in Figure 19by applying the result of the sequential triangulation method

using each 3D catheter path to each cross section of the intimaand adventitia extracted from the IVUS images

63 Computation of a 3D Model of the Intima and AdventitiaIncluding Branches with the Deformation Caused by the

Computational and Mathematical Methods in Medicine 11

Registered deformed intima contour

Undeformed intima contour

Figure 20 Comparison undeformed intima contourwith registereddeformed intima contour

Catheter Eliminated through Registration In the case of ablood vessel that includes bifurcation a 3D model of intimaand adventitia deformed by a catheter is generated in theform of a single blood vessel for each branch and thecross sections are also found to be similar to the case ofa single blood vessel Accordingly to carry out registra-tion using these cross sections the intima cross sectionsextracted from each branch in the undeformed intimamodelwhich had been generated through the CT images earlierwere used directly The cross sections of the undeformedintima and adventitia were calculated by registering the crosssections of the deformed intima and adventitia with thecross sections of the undeformed intima that included thesebranch points Figure 20 shows the result of registrationbetween the cross sections of the undeformed and deformedintima at a branch point It can be seen that even whenbranch points are included cross sections can be properlymatched using the proposed registration method in thisstudy

The rotation values of the registered cross sections werecorrected to enable the rotation variations of the cross sec-tions to be linear using the trend line equations of the rotationvalues of the cross sections when all the cross sectionsof the right and left blood vessel branches are registeredAfter transforming the cross sections of the intima andadventitia in a deformed state into the cross sections of theintima and adventitia in an undeformed state through such aregistration process all the cross sections were placed on thecenterline extracted from the 3D model in an undeformedstate as shown in Figure 21(a) A model of the intima andthe adventitia that included a branch point was generated asshown in Figure 21(b) using all the points corresponding tothe left and right blood vessel branches which were used togenerate a 3D blood vessel model that included intima andadventitia

7 Conclusion and Discussion

In this paper we have proposed a method for generating a3D model of intima and adventitia for accurate FSI analysis

that eliminates the deformation caused by insertion of acatheterThemethod of combining IVUS images and biplaneX-ray angiogram images is widely used for generation of 3Dblood vessel models and generates a 3D model of the intimaand adventitia that is deformed by the inserted catheter Toeliminate such deformation a 3Dmodel of the intimawithoutcatheter-induced deformation was additionally generatedfrom CT images and these two models were registered toeliminate the catheter-induced deformation

In the registration the 3D models were not directly reg-istered but the cross sections of each model were registeredThe cross sections of the deformed intima were registeredwith the cross sections of the undeformed intima and thecross sections of the undeformed adventitia were convertedby applying the registration result to the cross sections of thedeformed adventitia A 3D blood vessel model that includedthe undeformed intima and adventitia was finally generatedby placing the cross sections of the undeformed intima andadventitia calculated through such a process on the centerlineextracted from the undeformed intima model

The method of modeling a 3D blood vessel proposedin this study has various limitations To determine theposition and direction of the intima and adventitia crosssections extracted from IVUS images these cross sectionswere registered with the cross sections of the intima extractedfrom CT images The values of movement (119909 119910) rotation(120579) and scale (119904) calculated through the registration betweenthe two intima cross sections were equally applied to thecross sections of the adventitia extracted from IVUS imagesHowever such a method calculates an ideal result withoutconsidering the material properties of the blood vessel In thecase of an actual blood vessel the intima and the adventitiawill not equally deform because of the material propertiesof the blood vessel wall In addition for a patient withatherosclerosis the blood vessel wall will not be isotropicowing to the plague existing on the blood vessel wallAccordingly the intima and adventitia model calculatedusing the method proposed in this study contains sucherrors

Another limitation is that it is difficult to accuratelyevaluate the accuracy of the blood vessel model generatedthrough the proposed method This is because the onlymedical image through which the information about bloodvessel adventitia can be obtained is IVUS image

If OCT (Optical Coherence Tomography) that can pho-tograph lumenmore clearly than IVUS is used to further thisstudy more accurate information about blood vessel intimacan be obtained However as OCT uses light there are dif-ficulties in obtaining accurate information about adventitiaunlike IVUS that uses ultrasound Accordingly more precise3D blood vessel models are expected to be generated by usingOCT to obtain intima data and IVUS to obtain adventitiadata

Competing Interests

The authors declare that there is no conflict of interestsregarding the publication of this paper

12 Computational and Mathematical Methods in Medicine

(a) (b) (c)

Figure 21 (a) Intima and adventitia point sets placed on undeformed centerline (b) Computed undeformed intima and adventitia model(c) Three-dimensional blood vessel model including intima and adventitia


This research was supported by Basic Science ResearchProgram through the National Research Foundation ofKorea (NRF) funded by the Ministry of Science ICT andFuture Planning (NRF-2012R1A2A2A01047366 and NRF-2015R1D1A1A01060486)


[1] K Dumont J Vierendeels R Kaminsky G Van Nooten PVerdonck and D Bluestein ldquoComparison of the hemodynamicand thrombogenic performance of two bileaflet mechanicalheart valves using a CFDFSI modelrdquo Journal of BiomechanicalEngineering vol 129 no 4 pp 558ndash565 2007

[2] P Reymond P Crosetto S Deparis A Quarteroni and NStergiopulos ldquoPhysiological simulation of blood flow in theaorta comparison of hemodynamic indices as predicted by 3-D FSI 3-D rigid wall and 1-D modelsrdquoMedical Engineering andPhysics vol 35 no 6 pp 784ndash791 2013

[3] X Huang C Yang J Zheng et al ldquoHigher critical plaque wallstress in patients who died of coronary artery disease comparedwith those who died of other causes a 3D FSI study based on exvivo MRI of coronary plaquesrdquo Journal of Biomechanics vol 47no 2 pp 432ndash437 2014

[4] H A PakravanM S Saidi and B Firoozabadi ldquoFSI simulationof a healthy coronary bifurcation for studying the mechanicalstimuli of endothelial cells under different physiological condi-tionsrdquo Journal of Mechanics in Medicine and Biology vol 15 no5 Article ID 1550089 28 pages 2015

[5] A Valenciaa F Munoza S Arayaa R Riverab and E BravobldquoComparison between computational fluid dynamics fluidndashstructure interaction and computational structural dynamicspredictions of flow-induced wall mechanics in an anatomically

realistic cerebral aneurysm modelrdquo International Journal ofComputational Fluid Dynamics vol 23 no 9 pp 649ndash6662009

[6] J Knight S Baumuller V Kurtcuoglu et al ldquoLong-term follow-up computed tomography and computational fluid dynamicsof theCabrol procedurerdquo Journal ofThoracic andCardiovascularSurgery vol 139 no 6 pp 1602ndash1608 2010

[7] Y Qian J L Liu K Itatani K Miyaji and M Umezu ldquoCom-putational hemodynamic analysis in congenital heart diseasesimulation of the Norwood procedurerdquo Annals of BiomedicalEngineering vol 38 no 7 pp 2302ndash2313 2010

[8] K M Tse P Chiu H P Lee and P Ho ldquoInvestigation of hemo-dynamics in the development of dissecting aneurysm withinpatient-specific dissecting aneurismal aortas using computa-tional fluid dynamics (CFD) simulationsrdquo Journal of Biome-chanics vol 44 no 5 pp 827ndash836 2011

[9] W Lee H S Ryou S Kim J W Nam W S Lee and S WCho ldquoStudy of hemodynamic parameters to predict coronaryartery disease using assumed healthy arterial modelsrdquo Journalof Mechanical Science and Technology vol 29 no 3 pp 1319ndash1325 2015

[10] L Antiga Patient-SpecificModeling of Geometry and Blood Flowin Large Arteries Politecnico di Milano Milan Italy 2002

[11] L Antiga B Ene-Iordache and A Remuzzi ldquoComputationalgeometry for patient-specific reconstruction and meshing ofblood vessels fromMRandCT angiographyrdquo IEEE Transactionson Medical Imaging vol 22 no 5 pp 674ndash684 2003

[12] A Wahle H Oswald and E Fleck ldquoNew 3-D attributeddata model for archiving and interchanging of coronary vesselsystemsrdquo in Computers in Cardiology 1993

[13] A Wahle E Wellnhofer I Mugaragu H U Sauer H Oswaldand E Fleck ldquoQuantitative volume analysis of coronary vesselsystems by 3-D reconstruction from biplane angiogramsrdquo in

Computational and Mathematical Methods in Medicine 13

Proceedings of the IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium amp MedicalImaging Conference pp 1217ndash1221 November 1994

[14] A Wahle E Wellnhofer I Mugaragu H U Sauer H Oswaldand E Fleck ldquoAssessment of diffuse coronary artery disease byquantitative analysis of coronary morphology based upon 3-dreconstruction from biplane angiogramsrdquo IEEE Transactions onMedical Imaging vol 14 no 2 pp 230ndash241 1995

[15] A Wahle G P M Prause S C DeJong and M Sonka ldquo3-D fusion of biplane angiography and intravascular ultrasoundfor accurate visualization and volumetryrdquo in Medical ImageComputing and Computer-Assisted InterventionmdashMICCAI rsquo98First International Conference Cambridge MA USA October11ndash13 1998 Proceedings vol 1496 of Lecture Notes in ComputerScience pp 146ndash155 Springer Berlin Germany 1998

[16] A Wahle ldquoGeometrically correct 3-D reconstruction of intra-vascular ultrasound images by fusionwith biplane angiography-methods and validationrdquo IEEE Transactions on Medical Imag-ing vol 18 no 8 pp 686ndash699 1999

[17] A Wahle S C Mitchell M E Olszewski R M Long and MSonka ldquoAccurate visualization and quantification of coronaryvasculature by 3-D4-D fusion from biplane angiography andintravascular ultrasoundrdquo in Proceedings of the Biomonitoringand Endoscopy Technologies Proceedings of SPIE pp 144ndash155Amsterdam Netherlands July 2001

[18] B Gough GNU Scientific Library Reference Manual NetworkTheory Ltd Godalming UK 2009

[19] P Schoenhagen S E Nissen and E Murat IVUS Made EasyInforma Health Care 2005

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BioMed Research International

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Oxidative Medicine and Cellular Longevity

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PPAR Research

The Scientific World JournalHindawi Publishing Corporation httpwwwhindawicom Volume 2014

Immunology ResearchHindawi Publishing Corporationhttpwwwhindawicom Volume 2014

Journal of

ObesityJournal of

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Computational and Mathematical Methods in Medicine

OphthalmologyJournal of

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Diabetes ResearchJournal of

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Hindawi Publishing Corporationhttpwwwhindawicom Volume 2014

Research and TreatmentAIDS

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Gastroenterology Research and Practice

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Parkinsonrsquos Disease

Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine

Volume 2014Hindawi Publishing Corporationhttpwwwhindawicom

8 Computational and Mathematical Methods in Medicine

Figure 13 Replica of blood vessel


X-ray angiogram

Figure 14 CT biplane X-ray angiogram and IVUS images of replica

the case of the blood vessel that includes branches a 3Dmodel of the intima not deformed by a catheter was alsogenerated using the CT image as per the single blood vesselFigure 15 shows the 3D model of the intima not deformed bya catheter which was generated using a CT image

To extract the cross sections of the 3D intima models thecenterline of each branch was calculated using a 3D Voronoidiagram Figure 16 shows the centerline of each branch andthe cross sections extracted using them

62 Generation of a 3DModel of the Intima andAdventitia NotDeformed by aCatheterThat Includes Branches and Extractionof Cross Sections To generate a blood vessel model thatincludes branches the IVUS images of all the blood vesselbranches should be taken to obtain data about the intimaand adventitia of each blood vessel branch In addition tocalculate the position and orientation of the IVUS imageof each branch when the IVUS image of each blood vesselbranch is taken the inserted catheter should be photographedfrom different directions Accordingly as the blood vesselreplica used in this study had two blood vessel branches 2

(a) (b)

Figure 15 (a) Bifurcated artificial blood vesselmodel (b)Generatedundeformed 3D intima model

Computational and Mathematical Methods in Medicine 9

(a) (b) (c)

Figure 16 (a) Undeformed intima model (b) Centerlines of each branch (c) Extracted cross sections using each centerline

Reconstructed catheter path



Biplane X-ray angiogram images

Figure 17 Reconstructed 3D catheter path of each branch

sets of biplane X-ray angiogram images were acquired byphotographing the catheter inserted into each blood vesselbranch twice from different directions which were used togenerate two 3D paths of the catheter as shown in Figure 17

In addition to acquire the detailed shape of the bloodvessel the two sets of IVUS images obtained by imaging eachblood vessel branch were used In the case that branches areincluded as in the case of the CT images the IVUS images

also show the sections where the blood vessel is bifurcatedas shown in Figure 18 When the cross sections in the IVUSimages were registered with the cross sections extracted fromthe CT images the cross sections of the relevant intimaand adventitia were all extracted from the IVUS imagesso that the branched sections can be accurately matchedFurthermore evenwhen the shapes of the blood vessel intimaand adventitia on the other side are not perfectly obtained

10 Computational and Mathematical Methods in Medicine

Figure 18 Segmented intima and adventitia contours from IVUS image at bifurcation

Reconstructedcatheter path IVUS image Deformed

adventitia modelDeformed

intima model



Figure 19 Reconstructed deformed 3D intima and adventitia models of each branch

the shapes of the intima and adventitia were extracted byoverlapping them as shown in Figure 18

A 3D model of the intima and adventitia not deformedby the catheter inserted was generated as shown in Figure 19by applying the result of the sequential triangulation method

using each 3D catheter path to each cross section of the intimaand adventitia extracted from the IVUS images

63 Computation of a 3D Model of the Intima and AdventitiaIncluding Branches with the Deformation Caused by the

Computational and Mathematical Methods in Medicine 11

Registered deformed intima contour

Undeformed intima contour

Figure 20 Comparison undeformed intima contourwith registereddeformed intima contour

Catheter Eliminated through Registration In the case of ablood vessel that includes bifurcation a 3D model of intimaand adventitia deformed by a catheter is generated in theform of a single blood vessel for each branch and thecross sections are also found to be similar to the case ofa single blood vessel Accordingly to carry out registra-tion using these cross sections the intima cross sectionsextracted from each branch in the undeformed intimamodelwhich had been generated through the CT images earlierwere used directly The cross sections of the undeformedintima and adventitia were calculated by registering the crosssections of the deformed intima and adventitia with thecross sections of the undeformed intima that included thesebranch points Figure 20 shows the result of registrationbetween the cross sections of the undeformed and deformedintima at a branch point It can be seen that even whenbranch points are included cross sections can be properlymatched using the proposed registration method in thisstudy

The rotation values of the registered cross sections werecorrected to enable the rotation variations of the cross sec-tions to be linear using the trend line equations of the rotationvalues of the cross sections when all the cross sectionsof the right and left blood vessel branches are registeredAfter transforming the cross sections of the intima andadventitia in a deformed state into the cross sections of theintima and adventitia in an undeformed state through such aregistration process all the cross sections were placed on thecenterline extracted from the 3D model in an undeformedstate as shown in Figure 21(a) A model of the intima andthe adventitia that included a branch point was generated asshown in Figure 21(b) using all the points corresponding tothe left and right blood vessel branches which were used togenerate a 3D blood vessel model that included intima andadventitia

7 Conclusion and Discussion

In this paper we have proposed a method for generating a3D model of intima and adventitia for accurate FSI analysis

that eliminates the deformation caused by insertion of acatheterThemethod of combining IVUS images and biplaneX-ray angiogram images is widely used for generation of 3Dblood vessel models and generates a 3D model of the intimaand adventitia that is deformed by the inserted catheter Toeliminate such deformation a 3Dmodel of the intimawithoutcatheter-induced deformation was additionally generatedfrom CT images and these two models were registered toeliminate the catheter-induced deformation

In the registration the 3D models were not directly reg-istered but the cross sections of each model were registeredThe cross sections of the deformed intima were registeredwith the cross sections of the undeformed intima and thecross sections of the undeformed adventitia were convertedby applying the registration result to the cross sections of thedeformed adventitia A 3D blood vessel model that includedthe undeformed intima and adventitia was finally generatedby placing the cross sections of the undeformed intima andadventitia calculated through such a process on the centerlineextracted from the undeformed intima model

The method of modeling a 3D blood vessel proposedin this study has various limitations To determine theposition and direction of the intima and adventitia crosssections extracted from IVUS images these cross sectionswere registered with the cross sections of the intima extractedfrom CT images The values of movement (119909 119910) rotation(120579) and scale (119904) calculated through the registration betweenthe two intima cross sections were equally applied to thecross sections of the adventitia extracted from IVUS imagesHowever such a method calculates an ideal result withoutconsidering the material properties of the blood vessel In thecase of an actual blood vessel the intima and the adventitiawill not equally deform because of the material propertiesof the blood vessel wall In addition for a patient withatherosclerosis the blood vessel wall will not be isotropicowing to the plague existing on the blood vessel wallAccordingly the intima and adventitia model calculatedusing the method proposed in this study contains sucherrors

Another limitation is that it is difficult to accuratelyevaluate the accuracy of the blood vessel model generatedthrough the proposed method This is because the onlymedical image through which the information about bloodvessel adventitia can be obtained is IVUS image

If OCT (Optical Coherence Tomography) that can pho-tograph lumenmore clearly than IVUS is used to further thisstudy more accurate information about blood vessel intimacan be obtained However as OCT uses light there are dif-ficulties in obtaining accurate information about adventitiaunlike IVUS that uses ultrasound Accordingly more precise3D blood vessel models are expected to be generated by usingOCT to obtain intima data and IVUS to obtain adventitiadata

Competing Interests

The authors declare that there is no conflict of interestsregarding the publication of this paper

12 Computational and Mathematical Methods in Medicine

(a) (b) (c)

Figure 21 (a) Intima and adventitia point sets placed on undeformed centerline (b) Computed undeformed intima and adventitia model(c) Three-dimensional blood vessel model including intima and adventitia


This research was supported by Basic Science ResearchProgram through the National Research Foundation ofKorea (NRF) funded by the Ministry of Science ICT andFuture Planning (NRF-2012R1A2A2A01047366 and NRF-2015R1D1A1A01060486)


[1] K Dumont J Vierendeels R Kaminsky G Van Nooten PVerdonck and D Bluestein ldquoComparison of the hemodynamicand thrombogenic performance of two bileaflet mechanicalheart valves using a CFDFSI modelrdquo Journal of BiomechanicalEngineering vol 129 no 4 pp 558ndash565 2007

[2] P Reymond P Crosetto S Deparis A Quarteroni and NStergiopulos ldquoPhysiological simulation of blood flow in theaorta comparison of hemodynamic indices as predicted by 3-D FSI 3-D rigid wall and 1-D modelsrdquoMedical Engineering andPhysics vol 35 no 6 pp 784ndash791 2013

[3] X Huang C Yang J Zheng et al ldquoHigher critical plaque wallstress in patients who died of coronary artery disease comparedwith those who died of other causes a 3D FSI study based on exvivo MRI of coronary plaquesrdquo Journal of Biomechanics vol 47no 2 pp 432ndash437 2014

[4] H A PakravanM S Saidi and B Firoozabadi ldquoFSI simulationof a healthy coronary bifurcation for studying the mechanicalstimuli of endothelial cells under different physiological condi-tionsrdquo Journal of Mechanics in Medicine and Biology vol 15 no5 Article ID 1550089 28 pages 2015

[5] A Valenciaa F Munoza S Arayaa R Riverab and E BravobldquoComparison between computational fluid dynamics fluidndashstructure interaction and computational structural dynamicspredictions of flow-induced wall mechanics in an anatomically

realistic cerebral aneurysm modelrdquo International Journal ofComputational Fluid Dynamics vol 23 no 9 pp 649ndash6662009

[6] J Knight S Baumuller V Kurtcuoglu et al ldquoLong-term follow-up computed tomography and computational fluid dynamicsof theCabrol procedurerdquo Journal ofThoracic andCardiovascularSurgery vol 139 no 6 pp 1602ndash1608 2010

[7] Y Qian J L Liu K Itatani K Miyaji and M Umezu ldquoCom-putational hemodynamic analysis in congenital heart diseasesimulation of the Norwood procedurerdquo Annals of BiomedicalEngineering vol 38 no 7 pp 2302ndash2313 2010

[8] K M Tse P Chiu H P Lee and P Ho ldquoInvestigation of hemo-dynamics in the development of dissecting aneurysm withinpatient-specific dissecting aneurismal aortas using computa-tional fluid dynamics (CFD) simulationsrdquo Journal of Biome-chanics vol 44 no 5 pp 827ndash836 2011

[9] W Lee H S Ryou S Kim J W Nam W S Lee and S WCho ldquoStudy of hemodynamic parameters to predict coronaryartery disease using assumed healthy arterial modelsrdquo Journalof Mechanical Science and Technology vol 29 no 3 pp 1319ndash1325 2015

[10] L Antiga Patient-SpecificModeling of Geometry and Blood Flowin Large Arteries Politecnico di Milano Milan Italy 2002

[11] L Antiga B Ene-Iordache and A Remuzzi ldquoComputationalgeometry for patient-specific reconstruction and meshing ofblood vessels fromMRandCT angiographyrdquo IEEE Transactionson Medical Imaging vol 22 no 5 pp 674ndash684 2003

[12] A Wahle H Oswald and E Fleck ldquoNew 3-D attributeddata model for archiving and interchanging of coronary vesselsystemsrdquo in Computers in Cardiology 1993

[13] A Wahle E Wellnhofer I Mugaragu H U Sauer H Oswaldand E Fleck ldquoQuantitative volume analysis of coronary vesselsystems by 3-D reconstruction from biplane angiogramsrdquo in

Computational and Mathematical Methods in Medicine 13

Proceedings of the IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium amp MedicalImaging Conference pp 1217ndash1221 November 1994

[14] A Wahle E Wellnhofer I Mugaragu H U Sauer H Oswaldand E Fleck ldquoAssessment of diffuse coronary artery disease byquantitative analysis of coronary morphology based upon 3-dreconstruction from biplane angiogramsrdquo IEEE Transactions onMedical Imaging vol 14 no 2 pp 230ndash241 1995

[15] A Wahle G P M Prause S C DeJong and M Sonka ldquo3-D fusion of biplane angiography and intravascular ultrasoundfor accurate visualization and volumetryrdquo in Medical ImageComputing and Computer-Assisted InterventionmdashMICCAI rsquo98First International Conference Cambridge MA USA October11ndash13 1998 Proceedings vol 1496 of Lecture Notes in ComputerScience pp 146ndash155 Springer Berlin Germany 1998

[16] A Wahle ldquoGeometrically correct 3-D reconstruction of intra-vascular ultrasound images by fusionwith biplane angiography-methods and validationrdquo IEEE Transactions on Medical Imag-ing vol 18 no 8 pp 686ndash699 1999

[17] A Wahle S C Mitchell M E Olszewski R M Long and MSonka ldquoAccurate visualization and quantification of coronaryvasculature by 3-D4-D fusion from biplane angiography andintravascular ultrasoundrdquo in Proceedings of the Biomonitoringand Endoscopy Technologies Proceedings of SPIE pp 144ndash155Amsterdam Netherlands July 2001

[18] B Gough GNU Scientific Library Reference Manual NetworkTheory Ltd Godalming UK 2009

[19] P Schoenhagen S E Nissen and E Murat IVUS Made EasyInforma Health Care 2005

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Disease Markers

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BioMed Research International

OncologyJournal of

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Oxidative Medicine and Cellular Longevity

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PPAR Research

The Scientific World JournalHindawi Publishing Corporation httpwwwhindawicom Volume 2014

Immunology ResearchHindawi Publishing Corporationhttpwwwhindawicom Volume 2014

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Computational and Mathematical Methods in Medicine

OphthalmologyJournal of

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Diabetes ResearchJournal of

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Research and TreatmentAIDS

Hindawi Publishing Corporationhttpwwwhindawicom Volume 2014

Gastroenterology Research and Practice

Hindawi Publishing Corporationhttpwwwhindawicom Volume 2014

Parkinsonrsquos Disease

Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine

Volume 2014Hindawi Publishing Corporationhttpwwwhindawicom

Computational and Mathematical Methods in Medicine 9

(a) (b) (c)

Figure 16 (a) Undeformed intima model (b) Centerlines of each branch (c) Extracted cross sections using each centerline

Reconstructed catheter path



Biplane X-ray angiogram images

Figure 17 Reconstructed 3D catheter path of each branch

sets of biplane X-ray angiogram images were acquired byphotographing the catheter inserted into each blood vesselbranch twice from different directions which were used togenerate two 3D paths of the catheter as shown in Figure 17

In addition to acquire the detailed shape of the bloodvessel the two sets of IVUS images obtained by imaging eachblood vessel branch were used In the case that branches areincluded as in the case of the CT images the IVUS images

also show the sections where the blood vessel is bifurcatedas shown in Figure 18 When the cross sections in the IVUSimages were registered with the cross sections extracted fromthe CT images the cross sections of the relevant intimaand adventitia were all extracted from the IVUS imagesso that the branched sections can be accurately matchedFurthermore evenwhen the shapes of the blood vessel intimaand adventitia on the other side are not perfectly obtained

10 Computational and Mathematical Methods in Medicine

Figure 18 Segmented intima and adventitia contours from IVUS image at bifurcation

Reconstructedcatheter path IVUS image Deformed

adventitia modelDeformed

intima model



Figure 19 Reconstructed deformed 3D intima and adventitia models of each branch

the shapes of the intima and adventitia were extracted byoverlapping them as shown in Figure 18

A 3D model of the intima and adventitia not deformedby the catheter inserted was generated as shown in Figure 19by applying the result of the sequential triangulation method

using each 3D catheter path to each cross section of the intimaand adventitia extracted from the IVUS images

63 Computation of a 3D Model of the Intima and AdventitiaIncluding Branches with the Deformation Caused by the

Computational and Mathematical Methods in Medicine 11

Registered deformed intima contour

Undeformed intima contour

Figure 20 Comparison undeformed intima contourwith registereddeformed intima contour

Catheter Eliminated through Registration In the case of ablood vessel that includes bifurcation a 3D model of intimaand adventitia deformed by a catheter is generated in theform of a single blood vessel for each branch and thecross sections are also found to be similar to the case ofa single blood vessel Accordingly to carry out registra-tion using these cross sections the intima cross sectionsextracted from each branch in the undeformed intimamodelwhich had been generated through the CT images earlierwere used directly The cross sections of the undeformedintima and adventitia were calculated by registering the crosssections of the deformed intima and adventitia with thecross sections of the undeformed intima that included thesebranch points Figure 20 shows the result of registrationbetween the cross sections of the undeformed and deformedintima at a branch point It can be seen that even whenbranch points are included cross sections can be properlymatched using the proposed registration method in thisstudy

The rotation values of the registered cross sections werecorrected to enable the rotation variations of the cross sec-tions to be linear using the trend line equations of the rotationvalues of the cross sections when all the cross sectionsof the right and left blood vessel branches are registeredAfter transforming the cross sections of the intima andadventitia in a deformed state into the cross sections of theintima and adventitia in an undeformed state through such aregistration process all the cross sections were placed on thecenterline extracted from the 3D model in an undeformedstate as shown in Figure 21(a) A model of the intima andthe adventitia that included a branch point was generated asshown in Figure 21(b) using all the points corresponding tothe left and right blood vessel branches which were used togenerate a 3D blood vessel model that included intima andadventitia

7 Conclusion and Discussion

In this paper we have proposed a method for generating a3D model of intima and adventitia for accurate FSI analysis

that eliminates the deformation caused by insertion of acatheterThemethod of combining IVUS images and biplaneX-ray angiogram images is widely used for generation of 3Dblood vessel models and generates a 3D model of the intimaand adventitia that is deformed by the inserted catheter Toeliminate such deformation a 3Dmodel of the intimawithoutcatheter-induced deformation was additionally generatedfrom CT images and these two models were registered toeliminate the catheter-induced deformation

In the registration the 3D models were not directly reg-istered but the cross sections of each model were registeredThe cross sections of the deformed intima were registeredwith the cross sections of the undeformed intima and thecross sections of the undeformed adventitia were convertedby applying the registration result to the cross sections of thedeformed adventitia A 3D blood vessel model that includedthe undeformed intima and adventitia was finally generatedby placing the cross sections of the undeformed intima andadventitia calculated through such a process on the centerlineextracted from the undeformed intima model

The method of modeling a 3D blood vessel proposedin this study has various limitations To determine theposition and direction of the intima and adventitia crosssections extracted from IVUS images these cross sectionswere registered with the cross sections of the intima extractedfrom CT images The values of movement (119909 119910) rotation(120579) and scale (119904) calculated through the registration betweenthe two intima cross sections were equally applied to thecross sections of the adventitia extracted from IVUS imagesHowever such a method calculates an ideal result withoutconsidering the material properties of the blood vessel In thecase of an actual blood vessel the intima and the adventitiawill not equally deform because of the material propertiesof the blood vessel wall In addition for a patient withatherosclerosis the blood vessel wall will not be isotropicowing to the plague existing on the blood vessel wallAccordingly the intima and adventitia model calculatedusing the method proposed in this study contains sucherrors

Another limitation is that it is difficult to accuratelyevaluate the accuracy of the blood vessel model generatedthrough the proposed method This is because the onlymedical image through which the information about bloodvessel adventitia can be obtained is IVUS image

If OCT (Optical Coherence Tomography) that can pho-tograph lumenmore clearly than IVUS is used to further thisstudy more accurate information about blood vessel intimacan be obtained However as OCT uses light there are dif-ficulties in obtaining accurate information about adventitiaunlike IVUS that uses ultrasound Accordingly more precise3D blood vessel models are expected to be generated by usingOCT to obtain intima data and IVUS to obtain adventitiadata

Competing Interests

The authors declare that there is no conflict of interestsregarding the publication of this paper

12 Computational and Mathematical Methods in Medicine

(a) (b) (c)

Figure 21 (a) Intima and adventitia point sets placed on undeformed centerline (b) Computed undeformed intima and adventitia model(c) Three-dimensional blood vessel model including intima and adventitia


This research was supported by Basic Science ResearchProgram through the National Research Foundation ofKorea (NRF) funded by the Ministry of Science ICT andFuture Planning (NRF-2012R1A2A2A01047366 and NRF-2015R1D1A1A01060486)


[1] K Dumont J Vierendeels R Kaminsky G Van Nooten PVerdonck and D Bluestein ldquoComparison of the hemodynamicand thrombogenic performance of two bileaflet mechanicalheart valves using a CFDFSI modelrdquo Journal of BiomechanicalEngineering vol 129 no 4 pp 558ndash565 2007

[2] P Reymond P Crosetto S Deparis A Quarteroni and NStergiopulos ldquoPhysiological simulation of blood flow in theaorta comparison of hemodynamic indices as predicted by 3-D FSI 3-D rigid wall and 1-D modelsrdquoMedical Engineering andPhysics vol 35 no 6 pp 784ndash791 2013

[3] X Huang C Yang J Zheng et al ldquoHigher critical plaque wallstress in patients who died of coronary artery disease comparedwith those who died of other causes a 3D FSI study based on exvivo MRI of coronary plaquesrdquo Journal of Biomechanics vol 47no 2 pp 432ndash437 2014

[4] H A PakravanM S Saidi and B Firoozabadi ldquoFSI simulationof a healthy coronary bifurcation for studying the mechanicalstimuli of endothelial cells under different physiological condi-tionsrdquo Journal of Mechanics in Medicine and Biology vol 15 no5 Article ID 1550089 28 pages 2015

[5] A Valenciaa F Munoza S Arayaa R Riverab and E BravobldquoComparison between computational fluid dynamics fluidndashstructure interaction and computational structural dynamicspredictions of flow-induced wall mechanics in an anatomically

realistic cerebral aneurysm modelrdquo International Journal ofComputational Fluid Dynamics vol 23 no 9 pp 649ndash6662009

[6] J Knight S Baumuller V Kurtcuoglu et al ldquoLong-term follow-up computed tomography and computational fluid dynamicsof theCabrol procedurerdquo Journal ofThoracic andCardiovascularSurgery vol 139 no 6 pp 1602ndash1608 2010

[7] Y Qian J L Liu K Itatani K Miyaji and M Umezu ldquoCom-putational hemodynamic analysis in congenital heart diseasesimulation of the Norwood procedurerdquo Annals of BiomedicalEngineering vol 38 no 7 pp 2302ndash2313 2010

[8] K M Tse P Chiu H P Lee and P Ho ldquoInvestigation of hemo-dynamics in the development of dissecting aneurysm withinpatient-specific dissecting aneurismal aortas using computa-tional fluid dynamics (CFD) simulationsrdquo Journal of Biome-chanics vol 44 no 5 pp 827ndash836 2011

[9] W Lee H S Ryou S Kim J W Nam W S Lee and S WCho ldquoStudy of hemodynamic parameters to predict coronaryartery disease using assumed healthy arterial modelsrdquo Journalof Mechanical Science and Technology vol 29 no 3 pp 1319ndash1325 2015

[10] L Antiga Patient-SpecificModeling of Geometry and Blood Flowin Large Arteries Politecnico di Milano Milan Italy 2002

[11] L Antiga B Ene-Iordache and A Remuzzi ldquoComputationalgeometry for patient-specific reconstruction and meshing ofblood vessels fromMRandCT angiographyrdquo IEEE Transactionson Medical Imaging vol 22 no 5 pp 674ndash684 2003

[12] A Wahle H Oswald and E Fleck ldquoNew 3-D attributeddata model for archiving and interchanging of coronary vesselsystemsrdquo in Computers in Cardiology 1993

[13] A Wahle E Wellnhofer I Mugaragu H U Sauer H Oswaldand E Fleck ldquoQuantitative volume analysis of coronary vesselsystems by 3-D reconstruction from biplane angiogramsrdquo in

Computational and Mathematical Methods in Medicine 13

Proceedings of the IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium amp MedicalImaging Conference pp 1217ndash1221 November 1994

[14] A Wahle E Wellnhofer I Mugaragu H U Sauer H Oswaldand E Fleck ldquoAssessment of diffuse coronary artery disease byquantitative analysis of coronary morphology based upon 3-dreconstruction from biplane angiogramsrdquo IEEE Transactions onMedical Imaging vol 14 no 2 pp 230ndash241 1995

[15] A Wahle G P M Prause S C DeJong and M Sonka ldquo3-D fusion of biplane angiography and intravascular ultrasoundfor accurate visualization and volumetryrdquo in Medical ImageComputing and Computer-Assisted InterventionmdashMICCAI rsquo98First International Conference Cambridge MA USA October11ndash13 1998 Proceedings vol 1496 of Lecture Notes in ComputerScience pp 146ndash155 Springer Berlin Germany 1998

[16] A Wahle ldquoGeometrically correct 3-D reconstruction of intra-vascular ultrasound images by fusionwith biplane angiography-methods and validationrdquo IEEE Transactions on Medical Imag-ing vol 18 no 8 pp 686ndash699 1999

[17] A Wahle S C Mitchell M E Olszewski R M Long and MSonka ldquoAccurate visualization and quantification of coronaryvasculature by 3-D4-D fusion from biplane angiography andintravascular ultrasoundrdquo in Proceedings of the Biomonitoringand Endoscopy Technologies Proceedings of SPIE pp 144ndash155Amsterdam Netherlands July 2001

[18] B Gough GNU Scientific Library Reference Manual NetworkTheory Ltd Godalming UK 2009

[19] P Schoenhagen S E Nissen and E Murat IVUS Made EasyInforma Health Care 2005

Submit your manuscripts athttpswwwhindawicom

Stem CellsInternational

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Hindawi Publishing Corporationhttpwwwhindawicom Volume 2014



Hindawi Publishing Corporationhttpwwwhindawicom Volume 2014

Behavioural Neurology

EndocrinologyInternational Journal of

Hindawi Publishing Corporationhttpwwwhindawicom Volume 2014

Hindawi Publishing Corporationhttpwwwhindawicom Volume 2014

Disease Markers

Hindawi Publishing Corporationhttpwwwhindawicom Volume 2014

BioMed Research International

OncologyJournal of

Hindawi Publishing Corporationhttpwwwhindawicom Volume 2014

Hindawi Publishing Corporationhttpwwwhindawicom Volume 2014

Oxidative Medicine and Cellular Longevity

Hindawi Publishing Corporationhttpwwwhindawicom Volume 2014

PPAR Research

The Scientific World JournalHindawi Publishing Corporation httpwwwhindawicom Volume 2014

Immunology ResearchHindawi Publishing Corporationhttpwwwhindawicom Volume 2014

Journal of

ObesityJournal of

Hindawi Publishing Corporationhttpwwwhindawicom Volume 2014

Hindawi Publishing Corporationhttpwwwhindawicom Volume 2014

Computational and Mathematical Methods in Medicine

OphthalmologyJournal of

Hindawi Publishing Corporationhttpwwwhindawicom Volume 2014

Diabetes ResearchJournal of

Hindawi Publishing Corporationhttpwwwhindawicom Volume 2014

Hindawi Publishing Corporationhttpwwwhindawicom Volume 2014

Research and TreatmentAIDS

Hindawi Publishing Corporationhttpwwwhindawicom Volume 2014

Gastroenterology Research and Practice

Hindawi Publishing Corporationhttpwwwhindawicom Volume 2014

Parkinsonrsquos Disease

Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine

Volume 2014Hindawi Publishing Corporationhttpwwwhindawicom

10 Computational and Mathematical Methods in Medicine

Figure 18 Segmented intima and adventitia contours from IVUS image at bifurcation

Reconstructedcatheter path IVUS image Deformed

adventitia modelDeformed

intima model



Figure 19 Reconstructed deformed 3D intima and adventitia models of each branch

the shapes of the intima and adventitia were extracted byoverlapping them as shown in Figure 18

A 3D model of the intima and adventitia not deformedby the catheter inserted was generated as shown in Figure 19by applying the result of the sequential triangulation method

using each 3D catheter path to each cross section of the intimaand adventitia extracted from the IVUS images

63 Computation of a 3D Model of the Intima and AdventitiaIncluding Branches with the Deformation Caused by the

Computational and Mathematical Methods in Medicine 11

Registered deformed intima contour

Undeformed intima contour

Figure 20 Comparison undeformed intima contourwith registereddeformed intima contour

Catheter Eliminated through Registration In the case of ablood vessel that includes bifurcation a 3D model of intimaand adventitia deformed by a catheter is generated in theform of a single blood vessel for each branch and thecross sections are also found to be similar to the case ofa single blood vessel Accordingly to carry out registra-tion using these cross sections the intima cross sectionsextracted from each branch in the undeformed intimamodelwhich had been generated through the CT images earlierwere used directly The cross sections of the undeformedintima and adventitia were calculated by registering the crosssections of the deformed intima and adventitia with thecross sections of the undeformed intima that included thesebranch points Figure 20 shows the result of registrationbetween the cross sections of the undeformed and deformedintima at a branch point It can be seen that even whenbranch points are included cross sections can be properlymatched using the proposed registration method in thisstudy

The rotation values of the registered cross sections werecorrected to enable the rotation variations of the cross sec-tions to be linear using the trend line equations of the rotationvalues of the cross sections when all the cross sectionsof the right and left blood vessel branches are registeredAfter transforming the cross sections of the intima andadventitia in a deformed state into the cross sections of theintima and adventitia in an undeformed state through such aregistration process all the cross sections were placed on thecenterline extracted from the 3D model in an undeformedstate as shown in Figure 21(a) A model of the intima andthe adventitia that included a branch point was generated asshown in Figure 21(b) using all the points corresponding tothe left and right blood vessel branches which were used togenerate a 3D blood vessel model that included intima andadventitia

7 Conclusion and Discussion

In this paper we have proposed a method for generating a3D model of intima and adventitia for accurate FSI analysis

that eliminates the deformation caused by insertion of acatheterThemethod of combining IVUS images and biplaneX-ray angiogram images is widely used for generation of 3Dblood vessel models and generates a 3D model of the intimaand adventitia that is deformed by the inserted catheter Toeliminate such deformation a 3Dmodel of the intimawithoutcatheter-induced deformation was additionally generatedfrom CT images and these two models were registered toeliminate the catheter-induced deformation

In the registration the 3D models were not directly reg-istered but the cross sections of each model were registeredThe cross sections of the deformed intima were registeredwith the cross sections of the undeformed intima and thecross sections of the undeformed adventitia were convertedby applying the registration result to the cross sections of thedeformed adventitia A 3D blood vessel model that includedthe undeformed intima and adventitia was finally generatedby placing the cross sections of the undeformed intima andadventitia calculated through such a process on the centerlineextracted from the undeformed intima model

The method of modeling a 3D blood vessel proposedin this study has various limitations To determine theposition and direction of the intima and adventitia crosssections extracted from IVUS images these cross sectionswere registered with the cross sections of the intima extractedfrom CT images The values of movement (119909 119910) rotation(120579) and scale (119904) calculated through the registration betweenthe two intima cross sections were equally applied to thecross sections of the adventitia extracted from IVUS imagesHowever such a method calculates an ideal result withoutconsidering the material properties of the blood vessel In thecase of an actual blood vessel the intima and the adventitiawill not equally deform because of the material propertiesof the blood vessel wall In addition for a patient withatherosclerosis the blood vessel wall will not be isotropicowing to the plague existing on the blood vessel wallAccordingly the intima and adventitia model calculatedusing the method proposed in this study contains sucherrors

Another limitation is that it is difficult to accuratelyevaluate the accuracy of the blood vessel model generatedthrough the proposed method This is because the onlymedical image through which the information about bloodvessel adventitia can be obtained is IVUS image

If OCT (Optical Coherence Tomography) that can pho-tograph lumenmore clearly than IVUS is used to further thisstudy more accurate information about blood vessel intimacan be obtained However as OCT uses light there are dif-ficulties in obtaining accurate information about adventitiaunlike IVUS that uses ultrasound Accordingly more precise3D blood vessel models are expected to be generated by usingOCT to obtain intima data and IVUS to obtain adventitiadata

Competing Interests

The authors declare that there is no conflict of interestsregarding the publication of this paper

12 Computational and Mathematical Methods in Medicine

(a) (b) (c)

Figure 21 (a) Intima and adventitia point sets placed on undeformed centerline (b) Computed undeformed intima and adventitia model(c) Three-dimensional blood vessel model including intima and adventitia


This research was supported by Basic Science ResearchProgram through the National Research Foundation ofKorea (NRF) funded by the Ministry of Science ICT andFuture Planning (NRF-2012R1A2A2A01047366 and NRF-2015R1D1A1A01060486)


[1] K Dumont J Vierendeels R Kaminsky G Van Nooten PVerdonck and D Bluestein ldquoComparison of the hemodynamicand thrombogenic performance of two bileaflet mechanicalheart valves using a CFDFSI modelrdquo Journal of BiomechanicalEngineering vol 129 no 4 pp 558ndash565 2007

[2] P Reymond P Crosetto S Deparis A Quarteroni and NStergiopulos ldquoPhysiological simulation of blood flow in theaorta comparison of hemodynamic indices as predicted by 3-D FSI 3-D rigid wall and 1-D modelsrdquoMedical Engineering andPhysics vol 35 no 6 pp 784ndash791 2013

[3] X Huang C Yang J Zheng et al ldquoHigher critical plaque wallstress in patients who died of coronary artery disease comparedwith those who died of other causes a 3D FSI study based on exvivo MRI of coronary plaquesrdquo Journal of Biomechanics vol 47no 2 pp 432ndash437 2014

[4] H A PakravanM S Saidi and B Firoozabadi ldquoFSI simulationof a healthy coronary bifurcation for studying the mechanicalstimuli of endothelial cells under different physiological condi-tionsrdquo Journal of Mechanics in Medicine and Biology vol 15 no5 Article ID 1550089 28 pages 2015

[5] A Valenciaa F Munoza S Arayaa R Riverab and E BravobldquoComparison between computational fluid dynamics fluidndashstructure interaction and computational structural dynamicspredictions of flow-induced wall mechanics in an anatomically

realistic cerebral aneurysm modelrdquo International Journal ofComputational Fluid Dynamics vol 23 no 9 pp 649ndash6662009

[6] J Knight S Baumuller V Kurtcuoglu et al ldquoLong-term follow-up computed tomography and computational fluid dynamicsof theCabrol procedurerdquo Journal ofThoracic andCardiovascularSurgery vol 139 no 6 pp 1602ndash1608 2010

[7] Y Qian J L Liu K Itatani K Miyaji and M Umezu ldquoCom-putational hemodynamic analysis in congenital heart diseasesimulation of the Norwood procedurerdquo Annals of BiomedicalEngineering vol 38 no 7 pp 2302ndash2313 2010

[8] K M Tse P Chiu H P Lee and P Ho ldquoInvestigation of hemo-dynamics in the development of dissecting aneurysm withinpatient-specific dissecting aneurismal aortas using computa-tional fluid dynamics (CFD) simulationsrdquo Journal of Biome-chanics vol 44 no 5 pp 827ndash836 2011

[9] W Lee H S Ryou S Kim J W Nam W S Lee and S WCho ldquoStudy of hemodynamic parameters to predict coronaryartery disease using assumed healthy arterial modelsrdquo Journalof Mechanical Science and Technology vol 29 no 3 pp 1319ndash1325 2015

[10] L Antiga Patient-SpecificModeling of Geometry and Blood Flowin Large Arteries Politecnico di Milano Milan Italy 2002

[11] L Antiga B Ene-Iordache and A Remuzzi ldquoComputationalgeometry for patient-specific reconstruction and meshing ofblood vessels fromMRandCT angiographyrdquo IEEE Transactionson Medical Imaging vol 22 no 5 pp 674ndash684 2003

[12] A Wahle H Oswald and E Fleck ldquoNew 3-D attributeddata model for archiving and interchanging of coronary vesselsystemsrdquo in Computers in Cardiology 1993

[13] A Wahle E Wellnhofer I Mugaragu H U Sauer H Oswaldand E Fleck ldquoQuantitative volume analysis of coronary vesselsystems by 3-D reconstruction from biplane angiogramsrdquo in

Computational and Mathematical Methods in Medicine 13

Proceedings of the IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium amp MedicalImaging Conference pp 1217ndash1221 November 1994

[14] A Wahle E Wellnhofer I Mugaragu H U Sauer H Oswaldand E Fleck ldquoAssessment of diffuse coronary artery disease byquantitative analysis of coronary morphology based upon 3-dreconstruction from biplane angiogramsrdquo IEEE Transactions onMedical Imaging vol 14 no 2 pp 230ndash241 1995

[15] A Wahle G P M Prause S C DeJong and M Sonka ldquo3-D fusion of biplane angiography and intravascular ultrasoundfor accurate visualization and volumetryrdquo in Medical ImageComputing and Computer-Assisted InterventionmdashMICCAI rsquo98First International Conference Cambridge MA USA October11ndash13 1998 Proceedings vol 1496 of Lecture Notes in ComputerScience pp 146ndash155 Springer Berlin Germany 1998

[16] A Wahle ldquoGeometrically correct 3-D reconstruction of intra-vascular ultrasound images by fusionwith biplane angiography-methods and validationrdquo IEEE Transactions on Medical Imag-ing vol 18 no 8 pp 686ndash699 1999

[17] A Wahle S C Mitchell M E Olszewski R M Long and MSonka ldquoAccurate visualization and quantification of coronaryvasculature by 3-D4-D fusion from biplane angiography andintravascular ultrasoundrdquo in Proceedings of the Biomonitoringand Endoscopy Technologies Proceedings of SPIE pp 144ndash155Amsterdam Netherlands July 2001

[18] B Gough GNU Scientific Library Reference Manual NetworkTheory Ltd Godalming UK 2009

[19] P Schoenhagen S E Nissen and E Murat IVUS Made EasyInforma Health Care 2005

Submit your manuscripts athttpswwwhindawicom

Stem CellsInternational

Hindawi Publishing Corporationhttpwwwhindawicom Volume 2014

Hindawi Publishing Corporationhttpwwwhindawicom Volume 2014



Hindawi Publishing Corporationhttpwwwhindawicom Volume 2014

Behavioural Neurology

EndocrinologyInternational Journal of

Hindawi Publishing Corporationhttpwwwhindawicom Volume 2014

Hindawi Publishing Corporationhttpwwwhindawicom Volume 2014

Disease Markers

Hindawi Publishing Corporationhttpwwwhindawicom Volume 2014

BioMed Research International

OncologyJournal of

Hindawi Publishing Corporationhttpwwwhindawicom Volume 2014

Hindawi Publishing Corporationhttpwwwhindawicom Volume 2014

Oxidative Medicine and Cellular Longevity

Hindawi Publishing Corporationhttpwwwhindawicom Volume 2014

PPAR Research

The Scientific World JournalHindawi Publishing Corporation httpwwwhindawicom Volume 2014

Immunology ResearchHindawi Publishing Corporationhttpwwwhindawicom Volume 2014

Journal of

ObesityJournal of

Hindawi Publishing Corporationhttpwwwhindawicom Volume 2014

Hindawi Publishing Corporationhttpwwwhindawicom Volume 2014

Computational and Mathematical Methods in Medicine

OphthalmologyJournal of

Hindawi Publishing Corporationhttpwwwhindawicom Volume 2014

Diabetes ResearchJournal of

Hindawi Publishing Corporationhttpwwwhindawicom Volume 2014

Hindawi Publishing Corporationhttpwwwhindawicom Volume 2014

Research and TreatmentAIDS

Hindawi Publishing Corporationhttpwwwhindawicom Volume 2014

Gastroenterology Research and Practice

Hindawi Publishing Corporationhttpwwwhindawicom Volume 2014

Parkinsonrsquos Disease

Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine

Volume 2014Hindawi Publishing Corporationhttpwwwhindawicom

Computational and Mathematical Methods in Medicine 11

Registered deformed intima contour

Undeformed intima contour

Figure 20 Comparison undeformed intima contourwith registereddeformed intima contour

Catheter Eliminated through Registration In the case of ablood vessel that includes bifurcation a 3D model of intimaand adventitia deformed by a catheter is generated in theform of a single blood vessel for each branch and thecross sections are also found to be similar to the case ofa single blood vessel Accordingly to carry out registra-tion using these cross sections the intima cross sectionsextracted from each branch in the undeformed intimamodelwhich had been generated through the CT images earlierwere used directly The cross sections of the undeformedintima and adventitia were calculated by registering the crosssections of the deformed intima and adventitia with thecross sections of the undeformed intima that included thesebranch points Figure 20 shows the result of registrationbetween the cross sections of the undeformed and deformedintima at a branch point It can be seen that even whenbranch points are included cross sections can be properlymatched using the proposed registration method in thisstudy

The rotation values of the registered cross sections werecorrected to enable the rotation variations of the cross sec-tions to be linear using the trend line equations of the rotationvalues of the cross sections when all the cross sectionsof the right and left blood vessel branches are registeredAfter transforming the cross sections of the intima andadventitia in a deformed state into the cross sections of theintima and adventitia in an undeformed state through such aregistration process all the cross sections were placed on thecenterline extracted from the 3D model in an undeformedstate as shown in Figure 21(a) A model of the intima andthe adventitia that included a branch point was generated asshown in Figure 21(b) using all the points corresponding tothe left and right blood vessel branches which were used togenerate a 3D blood vessel model that included intima andadventitia

7 Conclusion and Discussion

In this paper we have proposed a method for generating a3D model of intima and adventitia for accurate FSI analysis

that eliminates the deformation caused by insertion of acatheterThemethod of combining IVUS images and biplaneX-ray angiogram images is widely used for generation of 3Dblood vessel models and generates a 3D model of the intimaand adventitia that is deformed by the inserted catheter Toeliminate such deformation a 3Dmodel of the intimawithoutcatheter-induced deformation was additionally generatedfrom CT images and these two models were registered toeliminate the catheter-induced deformation

In the registration the 3D models were not directly reg-istered but the cross sections of each model were registeredThe cross sections of the deformed intima were registeredwith the cross sections of the undeformed intima and thecross sections of the undeformed adventitia were convertedby applying the registration result to the cross sections of thedeformed adventitia A 3D blood vessel model that includedthe undeformed intima and adventitia was finally generatedby placing the cross sections of the undeformed intima andadventitia calculated through such a process on the centerlineextracted from the undeformed intima model

The method of modeling a 3D blood vessel proposedin this study has various limitations To determine theposition and direction of the intima and adventitia crosssections extracted from IVUS images these cross sectionswere registered with the cross sections of the intima extractedfrom CT images The values of movement (119909 119910) rotation(120579) and scale (119904) calculated through the registration betweenthe two intima cross sections were equally applied to thecross sections of the adventitia extracted from IVUS imagesHowever such a method calculates an ideal result withoutconsidering the material properties of the blood vessel In thecase of an actual blood vessel the intima and the adventitiawill not equally deform because of the material propertiesof the blood vessel wall In addition for a patient withatherosclerosis the blood vessel wall will not be isotropicowing to the plague existing on the blood vessel wallAccordingly the intima and adventitia model calculatedusing the method proposed in this study contains sucherrors

Another limitation is that it is difficult to accuratelyevaluate the accuracy of the blood vessel model generatedthrough the proposed method This is because the onlymedical image through which the information about bloodvessel adventitia can be obtained is IVUS image

If OCT (Optical Coherence Tomography) that can pho-tograph lumenmore clearly than IVUS is used to further thisstudy more accurate information about blood vessel intimacan be obtained However as OCT uses light there are dif-ficulties in obtaining accurate information about adventitiaunlike IVUS that uses ultrasound Accordingly more precise3D blood vessel models are expected to be generated by usingOCT to obtain intima data and IVUS to obtain adventitiadata

Competing Interests

The authors declare that there is no conflict of interestsregarding the publication of this paper

12 Computational and Mathematical Methods in Medicine

(a) (b) (c)

Figure 21 (a) Intima and adventitia point sets placed on undeformed centerline (b) Computed undeformed intima and adventitia model(c) Three-dimensional blood vessel model including intima and adventitia


This research was supported by Basic Science ResearchProgram through the National Research Foundation ofKorea (NRF) funded by the Ministry of Science ICT andFuture Planning (NRF-2012R1A2A2A01047366 and NRF-2015R1D1A1A01060486)


[1] K Dumont J Vierendeels R Kaminsky G Van Nooten PVerdonck and D Bluestein ldquoComparison of the hemodynamicand thrombogenic performance of two bileaflet mechanicalheart valves using a CFDFSI modelrdquo Journal of BiomechanicalEngineering vol 129 no 4 pp 558ndash565 2007

[2] P Reymond P Crosetto S Deparis A Quarteroni and NStergiopulos ldquoPhysiological simulation of blood flow in theaorta comparison of hemodynamic indices as predicted by 3-D FSI 3-D rigid wall and 1-D modelsrdquoMedical Engineering andPhysics vol 35 no 6 pp 784ndash791 2013

[3] X Huang C Yang J Zheng et al ldquoHigher critical plaque wallstress in patients who died of coronary artery disease comparedwith those who died of other causes a 3D FSI study based on exvivo MRI of coronary plaquesrdquo Journal of Biomechanics vol 47no 2 pp 432ndash437 2014

[4] H A PakravanM S Saidi and B Firoozabadi ldquoFSI simulationof a healthy coronary bifurcation for studying the mechanicalstimuli of endothelial cells under different physiological condi-tionsrdquo Journal of Mechanics in Medicine and Biology vol 15 no5 Article ID 1550089 28 pages 2015

[5] A Valenciaa F Munoza S Arayaa R Riverab and E BravobldquoComparison between computational fluid dynamics fluidndashstructure interaction and computational structural dynamicspredictions of flow-induced wall mechanics in an anatomically

realistic cerebral aneurysm modelrdquo International Journal ofComputational Fluid Dynamics vol 23 no 9 pp 649ndash6662009

[6] J Knight S Baumuller V Kurtcuoglu et al ldquoLong-term follow-up computed tomography and computational fluid dynamicsof theCabrol procedurerdquo Journal ofThoracic andCardiovascularSurgery vol 139 no 6 pp 1602ndash1608 2010

[7] Y Qian J L Liu K Itatani K Miyaji and M Umezu ldquoCom-putational hemodynamic analysis in congenital heart diseasesimulation of the Norwood procedurerdquo Annals of BiomedicalEngineering vol 38 no 7 pp 2302ndash2313 2010

[8] K M Tse P Chiu H P Lee and P Ho ldquoInvestigation of hemo-dynamics in the development of dissecting aneurysm withinpatient-specific dissecting aneurismal aortas using computa-tional fluid dynamics (CFD) simulationsrdquo Journal of Biome-chanics vol 44 no 5 pp 827ndash836 2011

[9] W Lee H S Ryou S Kim J W Nam W S Lee and S WCho ldquoStudy of hemodynamic parameters to predict coronaryartery disease using assumed healthy arterial modelsrdquo Journalof Mechanical Science and Technology vol 29 no 3 pp 1319ndash1325 2015

[10] L Antiga Patient-SpecificModeling of Geometry and Blood Flowin Large Arteries Politecnico di Milano Milan Italy 2002

[11] L Antiga B Ene-Iordache and A Remuzzi ldquoComputationalgeometry for patient-specific reconstruction and meshing ofblood vessels fromMRandCT angiographyrdquo IEEE Transactionson Medical Imaging vol 22 no 5 pp 674ndash684 2003

[12] A Wahle H Oswald and E Fleck ldquoNew 3-D attributeddata model for archiving and interchanging of coronary vesselsystemsrdquo in Computers in Cardiology 1993

[13] A Wahle E Wellnhofer I Mugaragu H U Sauer H Oswaldand E Fleck ldquoQuantitative volume analysis of coronary vesselsystems by 3-D reconstruction from biplane angiogramsrdquo in

Computational and Mathematical Methods in Medicine 13

Proceedings of the IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium amp MedicalImaging Conference pp 1217ndash1221 November 1994

[14] A Wahle E Wellnhofer I Mugaragu H U Sauer H Oswaldand E Fleck ldquoAssessment of diffuse coronary artery disease byquantitative analysis of coronary morphology based upon 3-dreconstruction from biplane angiogramsrdquo IEEE Transactions onMedical Imaging vol 14 no 2 pp 230ndash241 1995

[15] A Wahle G P M Prause S C DeJong and M Sonka ldquo3-D fusion of biplane angiography and intravascular ultrasoundfor accurate visualization and volumetryrdquo in Medical ImageComputing and Computer-Assisted InterventionmdashMICCAI rsquo98First International Conference Cambridge MA USA October11ndash13 1998 Proceedings vol 1496 of Lecture Notes in ComputerScience pp 146ndash155 Springer Berlin Germany 1998

[16] A Wahle ldquoGeometrically correct 3-D reconstruction of intra-vascular ultrasound images by fusionwith biplane angiography-methods and validationrdquo IEEE Transactions on Medical Imag-ing vol 18 no 8 pp 686ndash699 1999

[17] A Wahle S C Mitchell M E Olszewski R M Long and MSonka ldquoAccurate visualization and quantification of coronaryvasculature by 3-D4-D fusion from biplane angiography andintravascular ultrasoundrdquo in Proceedings of the Biomonitoringand Endoscopy Technologies Proceedings of SPIE pp 144ndash155Amsterdam Netherlands July 2001

[18] B Gough GNU Scientific Library Reference Manual NetworkTheory Ltd Godalming UK 2009

[19] P Schoenhagen S E Nissen and E Murat IVUS Made EasyInforma Health Care 2005

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Behavioural Neurology

EndocrinologyInternational Journal of

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BioMed Research International

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Oxidative Medicine and Cellular Longevity

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The Scientific World JournalHindawi Publishing Corporation httpwwwhindawicom Volume 2014

Immunology ResearchHindawi Publishing Corporationhttpwwwhindawicom Volume 2014

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Computational and Mathematical Methods in Medicine

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Diabetes ResearchJournal of

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Hindawi Publishing Corporationhttpwwwhindawicom Volume 2014

Research and TreatmentAIDS

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Gastroenterology Research and Practice

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Parkinsonrsquos Disease

Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine

Volume 2014Hindawi Publishing Corporationhttpwwwhindawicom

12 Computational and Mathematical Methods in Medicine

(a) (b) (c)

Figure 21 (a) Intima and adventitia point sets placed on undeformed centerline (b) Computed undeformed intima and adventitia model(c) Three-dimensional blood vessel model including intima and adventitia


This research was supported by Basic Science ResearchProgram through the National Research Foundation ofKorea (NRF) funded by the Ministry of Science ICT andFuture Planning (NRF-2012R1A2A2A01047366 and NRF-2015R1D1A1A01060486)


[1] K Dumont J Vierendeels R Kaminsky G Van Nooten PVerdonck and D Bluestein ldquoComparison of the hemodynamicand thrombogenic performance of two bileaflet mechanicalheart valves using a CFDFSI modelrdquo Journal of BiomechanicalEngineering vol 129 no 4 pp 558ndash565 2007

[2] P Reymond P Crosetto S Deparis A Quarteroni and NStergiopulos ldquoPhysiological simulation of blood flow in theaorta comparison of hemodynamic indices as predicted by 3-D FSI 3-D rigid wall and 1-D modelsrdquoMedical Engineering andPhysics vol 35 no 6 pp 784ndash791 2013

[3] X Huang C Yang J Zheng et al ldquoHigher critical plaque wallstress in patients who died of coronary artery disease comparedwith those who died of other causes a 3D FSI study based on exvivo MRI of coronary plaquesrdquo Journal of Biomechanics vol 47no 2 pp 432ndash437 2014

[4] H A PakravanM S Saidi and B Firoozabadi ldquoFSI simulationof a healthy coronary bifurcation for studying the mechanicalstimuli of endothelial cells under different physiological condi-tionsrdquo Journal of Mechanics in Medicine and Biology vol 15 no5 Article ID 1550089 28 pages 2015

[5] A Valenciaa F Munoza S Arayaa R Riverab and E BravobldquoComparison between computational fluid dynamics fluidndashstructure interaction and computational structural dynamicspredictions of flow-induced wall mechanics in an anatomically

realistic cerebral aneurysm modelrdquo International Journal ofComputational Fluid Dynamics vol 23 no 9 pp 649ndash6662009

[6] J Knight S Baumuller V Kurtcuoglu et al ldquoLong-term follow-up computed tomography and computational fluid dynamicsof theCabrol procedurerdquo Journal ofThoracic andCardiovascularSurgery vol 139 no 6 pp 1602ndash1608 2010

[7] Y Qian J L Liu K Itatani K Miyaji and M Umezu ldquoCom-putational hemodynamic analysis in congenital heart diseasesimulation of the Norwood procedurerdquo Annals of BiomedicalEngineering vol 38 no 7 pp 2302ndash2313 2010

[8] K M Tse P Chiu H P Lee and P Ho ldquoInvestigation of hemo-dynamics in the development of dissecting aneurysm withinpatient-specific dissecting aneurismal aortas using computa-tional fluid dynamics (CFD) simulationsrdquo Journal of Biome-chanics vol 44 no 5 pp 827ndash836 2011

[9] W Lee H S Ryou S Kim J W Nam W S Lee and S WCho ldquoStudy of hemodynamic parameters to predict coronaryartery disease using assumed healthy arterial modelsrdquo Journalof Mechanical Science and Technology vol 29 no 3 pp 1319ndash1325 2015

[10] L Antiga Patient-SpecificModeling of Geometry and Blood Flowin Large Arteries Politecnico di Milano Milan Italy 2002

[11] L Antiga B Ene-Iordache and A Remuzzi ldquoComputationalgeometry for patient-specific reconstruction and meshing ofblood vessels fromMRandCT angiographyrdquo IEEE Transactionson Medical Imaging vol 22 no 5 pp 674ndash684 2003

[12] A Wahle H Oswald and E Fleck ldquoNew 3-D attributeddata model for archiving and interchanging of coronary vesselsystemsrdquo in Computers in Cardiology 1993

[13] A Wahle E Wellnhofer I Mugaragu H U Sauer H Oswaldand E Fleck ldquoQuantitative volume analysis of coronary vesselsystems by 3-D reconstruction from biplane angiogramsrdquo in

Computational and Mathematical Methods in Medicine 13

Proceedings of the IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium amp MedicalImaging Conference pp 1217ndash1221 November 1994

[14] A Wahle E Wellnhofer I Mugaragu H U Sauer H Oswaldand E Fleck ldquoAssessment of diffuse coronary artery disease byquantitative analysis of coronary morphology based upon 3-dreconstruction from biplane angiogramsrdquo IEEE Transactions onMedical Imaging vol 14 no 2 pp 230ndash241 1995

[15] A Wahle G P M Prause S C DeJong and M Sonka ldquo3-D fusion of biplane angiography and intravascular ultrasoundfor accurate visualization and volumetryrdquo in Medical ImageComputing and Computer-Assisted InterventionmdashMICCAI rsquo98First International Conference Cambridge MA USA October11ndash13 1998 Proceedings vol 1496 of Lecture Notes in ComputerScience pp 146ndash155 Springer Berlin Germany 1998

[16] A Wahle ldquoGeometrically correct 3-D reconstruction of intra-vascular ultrasound images by fusionwith biplane angiography-methods and validationrdquo IEEE Transactions on Medical Imag-ing vol 18 no 8 pp 686ndash699 1999

[17] A Wahle S C Mitchell M E Olszewski R M Long and MSonka ldquoAccurate visualization and quantification of coronaryvasculature by 3-D4-D fusion from biplane angiography andintravascular ultrasoundrdquo in Proceedings of the Biomonitoringand Endoscopy Technologies Proceedings of SPIE pp 144ndash155Amsterdam Netherlands July 2001

[18] B Gough GNU Scientific Library Reference Manual NetworkTheory Ltd Godalming UK 2009

[19] P Schoenhagen S E Nissen and E Murat IVUS Made EasyInforma Health Care 2005

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Parkinsonrsquos Disease

Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine

Volume 2014Hindawi Publishing Corporationhttpwwwhindawicom

Computational and Mathematical Methods in Medicine 13

Proceedings of the IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium amp MedicalImaging Conference pp 1217ndash1221 November 1994

[14] A Wahle E Wellnhofer I Mugaragu H U Sauer H Oswaldand E Fleck ldquoAssessment of diffuse coronary artery disease byquantitative analysis of coronary morphology based upon 3-dreconstruction from biplane angiogramsrdquo IEEE Transactions onMedical Imaging vol 14 no 2 pp 230ndash241 1995

[15] A Wahle G P M Prause S C DeJong and M Sonka ldquo3-D fusion of biplane angiography and intravascular ultrasoundfor accurate visualization and volumetryrdquo in Medical ImageComputing and Computer-Assisted InterventionmdashMICCAI rsquo98First International Conference Cambridge MA USA October11ndash13 1998 Proceedings vol 1496 of Lecture Notes in ComputerScience pp 146ndash155 Springer Berlin Germany 1998

[16] A Wahle ldquoGeometrically correct 3-D reconstruction of intra-vascular ultrasound images by fusionwith biplane angiography-methods and validationrdquo IEEE Transactions on Medical Imag-ing vol 18 no 8 pp 686ndash699 1999

[17] A Wahle S C Mitchell M E Olszewski R M Long and MSonka ldquoAccurate visualization and quantification of coronaryvasculature by 3-D4-D fusion from biplane angiography andintravascular ultrasoundrdquo in Proceedings of the Biomonitoringand Endoscopy Technologies Proceedings of SPIE pp 144ndash155Amsterdam Netherlands July 2001

[18] B Gough GNU Scientific Library Reference Manual NetworkTheory Ltd Godalming UK 2009

[19] P Schoenhagen S E Nissen and E Murat IVUS Made EasyInforma Health Care 2005

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Gastroenterology Research and Practice

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Parkinsonrsquos Disease

Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine

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